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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alochol with care and respect for the liver and bile. premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. well, in the meantime, the higher anti-corruption court released former people's deputy maksym mykytas, who was under house arrest, and was released on bail in the amount of uah 908,400. well, they obliged the ex-deputy to wear an electronic bracelet. it is noted that investigative judge vaks partially satisfied the request of the sap prosecutor and changed the preventive measure ex. the heads of one of the capital's construction companies, well and the amount of the cash bail is quite modest, well , information will come, so to speak, then we will inform you, remind you, then i remind you, nikitas was detained on october 18 last year, he was accused of trying to bribe the mayor of dnipro, mr. filatov, yes, well on october 20, the higher anti-corruption court chose a preventive measure for him with... the alternative of
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bail in the amount of uah 260 million, that's the story, well, by the way, i'll remind you that the pechersk court today removed the electronic bracelet from the mouth of mercedes metropolitan pavel, who was once the abbot of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, he will continue to appear at the request of the court, but his electronic bracelet was removed from him, this is the information, but we will not talk about it now, yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv is already in touch with us. and mr. yevgeny, we welcome you to our atelier, we are glad to see you, and we want to ask you about the current situation in kharkiv, this morning the enemy again attacked the residential area, please share with we have information as of now, yes, i congratulate you, today the enemy that hit kharkiv was hit in two districts, holodony and kyiv, and in broad daylight. almost where
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there were people, unfortunately, there are at least two dead and six injured, they have now been given all the necessary help, and volunteer organizations are involved in closing the contours of the buildings and windows that were affected around, and which buildings are these, that is, they are residential buildings , where people lived, is it some kind of infrastructure, and there was infrastructure, there was a stadium, there were competitions, well that's training. a pendulum nearby, and on the territory, what was in the center was the arrival, and on its territory this arrival and the houses of the explosive waves that were located nearby, in some places the fence was saved and the readings did not fall out, but in some places yes, and private houses and people's cars were damaged, so as far as we understand, mr. yevgeny, that the enemy hit with guided air bombs, so everything is true, how close? the enemy
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is flying up, in general, what do you hear about the enemy's use of aircraft to strike kharkov? well, everyone we know that they strike from their territory, because it is dangerous for them to fly into our territory, and they are afraid of this, so they fly as close as possible to the borders, and from there they launch missiles, deploy and go again either to the launch lines again, or to refuel or to take some more weapons, here. therefore, from their territory to ours, but due to the fact that kharkiv is so close to the demarcation line, to the borders, of course such weapons arrive, moreover, they are modernizing their cabins and fabs, they, unfortunately, can to fly to kharkiv, and if we are talking about today's morning shelling, then ukrzaliznytsia says that it was some of their facilities, and a railway worker was killed, one woman, a railway worker, was injured, or is it, if you know, of course, if ... this is not
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secret information, whether it is some station, or it is, or it is some other object of the railway, and whether it is some important object, or, well, that is , i ask so carefully that nothing is superfluous. it was in the holodohirsk district, there was a railway nearby, but i wasn't there, i can't to comment, i was near the arrival in the center, and there was of course just a stadium, and next to it there was a hit, mr. yevgeny, if we talk about the preparation of kharkiv for some extreme scenarios, i understand, well, we heard assurances from the officials, we heard assurances from volunteer structures that certain fortifications are being built and so on and so forth, maybe... you have some other separate vision of what is being done, what is not being done, and if something is not being done, why is it not being done and what would you like opinion, first of all should be done now? i can to be responsible for ourselves, for the volunteer sector with the people we communicate with, part of the military with whom we communicate, everyone
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understands what can happen, that the enemy is planning some large-scale counter-offensive actions, possibly in different directions, the volunteers and the military are ready for this and... in their own way, they own this operational situation, the volunteers are ready to help, they are ready to stand up for the humanitarian defense or help the military defense of kharkiv, and everyone understands that this can happen, everyone is planning, everyone is there to keep the stations there. power supply, generators, purchase fuel, because it is possible that the enemy is already hitting the critical infrastructure and there may be such a situation again. that the whole of kharkiv may be cut off, that is why we are preparing as much as possible and planning such unbreakable points in our volunteer hubs and in some of our fashion houses, either for our volunteers, or for people who are affected and can contact us and we will help them
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old points of infamy, that's how we all work, as far as i know, we communicate very fruitful with the state emergency service, all points that worked in the state emergency service, they work because we... we are aware, yes. mr. yevgeny, i understand that this is a little bit not your parish, so to speak, but i would like to ask if you know anything now, yes, from your circles with whom you communicate about the situation at the front in kharkiv oblast, because the other day it became it is known that the russians have advanced in the settlement of kislivka, and there are certain fears that the enemy may now try to push through in the direction of kharkiv, do you know any information from ours of the military, which is currently happening right on the contact line in the kharkiv region, and from what i can tell you, what the guys entrusted me to tell you, is that there is such a possibility, there is such a threat, the enemy has always wanted to capture the khargs, or somehow surround him , or
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make it so that there is some dividing line, some gray zone, but this is only in their plans, in fact we see that the guys are motivated and charged. of course, the situation at the front is very difficult, and it is very necessary to help the military and provide everything, what is necessary, because the state is one thing, but we, as a public society, as people, as ukrainians, must support them, that is why the boys always need our help, and of course, kharkiv - this should be on the agenda, it needs to be helped, and all units located in the kharkiv direction need any help, although they may have supplies. but there is provision, but still they need our support of public society, if they know that there are people behind them, there are places, there are people who are ready, they, they are behind we are ready to fight, and we are ready to support them, then this will be even more motivation for the boys. mr. yevgeny, look, i would like
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to ask you about the mood of kharkiv residents, so we understand that may and june can be extremely difficult, and we also understand that on... moods can be, so to speak, different, so how do you do you feel the moral and psychological atmosphere among ordinary residents of kharkiv? and the atmosphere is completely, well, so to speak, calm, everyone understands the situation that can happen, but there is no panic, there is just such a cold mind, and planning their affairs, maybe somewhere, if there is a certain type of people who is ready to leave or somehow move, they plan their own. people who are going to protect and stay here and help, they plan their affairs in this regard, and if they are ordinary citizens, then they follow the news and of course worry, but everyone stays in place, kharkiv is working, business is working, many people and there are even traffic jams and
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nowhere to repack, but that's how kharkiv is already trying to live its life, for now the situation has not changed. we will see how it changes. thank you, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv, was on our air. we thank him for his volunteer work, and thank you for tuning into our airwaves for... i would be ready to inform you about the situation in the city. by the way, i want to remind you that you can see the most important statements of our guests on our air on our youtube channel. we make separate such clips from our broadcast so that you can see the main news on our youtube channel when you will have this opportunity, because we understand that not everyone manages to be constantly in the information flow every day, and therefore in order for you to be informed as usual. you can go to our youtube, there you can watch our
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how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict from' every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger information day of
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espresso tv channel. in rospal. well, there is information about russian strikes with guided aerial bombs on kharkiv. one person died, nine people were injured. this was reported by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg sinigubov. a 24-year-old man who worked at the enterprise died. he was at work when the russians carried out an airstrike, and died as a result of a shrapnel wound. among the nine wounded , three women and one 42-year-old man were hospitalized in medical institutions, all from with explosive injuries, six people received help on the spot, the vast majority of them had an acute stress reaction. the first hit was recorded in the kyiv district, on the territory of the garage cooperative and in the administrative building nearby. more than 40 garages were gutted,
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three cars were taken, six more were damaged. the second strike was carried out in the kholodnohirsky district of kharkiv as a result. which damaged two civilian buildings. in the meantime, we are adding oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia to etr. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. press, glory to ukraine. greetings gerovyslav. well, the desertion rate among russians is increasing. according to the central intelligence agency, about 12,000 deserters escaped from the eighth combined arms army of the armed forces of the russian federation, which is involved in the fighting in eastern ukraine. approximately 10,000 of them were mobilized and another 200 contract soldiers, have you in any way studied the mood of the russian military in general, is there a certain change in the dynamics of how they feel about sending them to the front, in a word, which trends and what they actually do not like, or
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somehow analyzed the factors that force them to resort to this, well, the russians themselves. we cannot study the russian military in any country, it is a closed group to which only the military and sociologists can have access. we investigated more interestingly, we investigated the moods of russian society and could separately look at the moods of potential mobilisers, that is, russian men aged 18-30, who, according to the updated legislation, can be mobilized and sent to the front. during the draft, then they will simply be voluntarily forced to sign the contract and or in any case during partial mobilization, that is , the mood of the russians, of the russian society in general and of this particular cohort of russians, they are very clear, and they
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tend to strengthen, to reject the second a possible... wave of mobilization, to which russia is in principle going with 60% at the beginning of the 23rd year rejecting the actual possible mobilization of the second wave, among this cohort at 6:30 p.m. 71% were against the second wave of mobilization, and on at the beginning of the 24th year, we reached 72%, 74% among everything. of ukraine and russia and 84% among potential mobilisers of russian men aged 18-30, i.e. 84% of these russians are against mass mobilization. look at the dynamics, for example, if we talk about the corresponding mood among russian potential mobilisers, how much it falls, this is their readiness to fight against
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ukraine, and in general, speaking, i don't know about the level of danger there. for the kremlin, that is , it is possible there, they can be passive evaders, and they can be active, i i don’t know, i don’t know, by potential participants of certain protest movements, which means, according to the dynamics, i will repeat, 60 to percent of rejection among the entire population to 74% in 23 years and the beginning of the 24th dynamic, among potential mobilizers from 70% rejection to 84% do not accept the kremlin and the danger to it, the kremlin is now forced to balance between these three. by large whales, this is actually the economy and the ability to maintain such a standard of living, this is the necessity of maintaining a war and conducting an intensive, very
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intense war, and the third is social political stability and balance between different social strata, and it is clear that a complete balance cannot be achieved under such conditions, something has to be sacrificed, at the moment they are trying to balance... economic incentives, now we are talking about a huge amount of additional payments , not only there 20,200 thousand at the time of signing the contract, but also all kinds of regional, even municipal and even additional payments from some enterprises so that a person goes and signs a contract, but nevertheless this balance, it cannot be constantly observed, because, i repeat, the war is very intense, there are a lot of losses and it is stretched out in time, well no... we understood until which, until which period, respectively, one way or another, until batog, that is, before mass forced mobilization, the kremlin will still have to resort. mr. oleksandr,
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look, there are interesting statistics for ukraine, and i would like you, if you have the opportunity, to respond to what is happening in the russian federation now, i mean to analyze the attitude of the youth and the attitude of the older generation, for example, the sociological group conducted the rating. research among ukrainians, and they follow such a trend that young people still have different, let's say , views than older people, well , just a few indicators, i will quote: for example, half of young people and 65% of older people believe in victory, only a third of young people, 37% and 52% of older people believe that ukraine will cross the border in 1991, every third young person. a man for freezing the war and ending it along the current front line, among the older generation only 12 for this option, that is, we see that among the youth and among the older generation there are different, there is a different number
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of those, let's say, people who believe in certain scenarios, so is there a certain dynamic in the russian federation and a certain, you know, big gap between what what do young people think about this so-called svo and how do... young people see the development of events and how do the older generation of russians react to it? indeed , among all socio-demographic groups, we also analyzed differences by the level of wealth, by the level of education, by the level of the region, type settlement, it is the age differences that are the most blatant, the most dramatic, the most significant, indeed among the older generation of 55-60 years and older and... among the youth of 18-30 years, assessments of this war are very often diametrically opposed. for example, if we also take the attitude to mobilization, then
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if among the youth 84% are against the second wave of mobilization, then among the older generation, 60 years old and older, and a relative majority, there are more than 50% for the second wave of mobilization, the main criterion is that ... the older generation will not go into the trenches, but the youth will, and a dramatic difference between our youth and russian youth, in that if they do not leave, the war will end, if our youth do not leave, well, it will end with a slightly different result, therefore the existential character of this war for our country and the imperial the nature of this war for russia, it dictates different attitudes, even among the same age groups. look, mr. alexander, we understand that the key task of russian imperial propaganda now is to convince its
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own population that they must die in distant, well, relatively speaking, if we are talking about some buryatia, in distant ukraine, yes, and accordingly, the key task is to sell the right messages, if you evaluate, for example, how it works. russian propaganda, how effective it is in its own idea of ​​selling a war against ukraine, do you see a rise, fall and in general, could this situation change in the near future, if , for example, they moved to the idea of ​​a large -scale mobilization? first of all, russian propaganda and its power is not what it is absolutely... grows from nothing. russian propaganda is rooted in russian public consciousness, in deep-rooted features of this consciousness. and on... stereotypes,
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self-understandings that are rooted. putin is not an alien who flew in, he is the flesh of the flesh of this, this social consciousness, he is not its opposition, there is such a beautiful russia of the future, and the evil putin does not allow it to blossom, he is a logical reflection of all this, in this and the problem for you and me is that we can continue to live with it with... physical elimination or simply death or simply the removal of putin from power, this social consciousness, its features are not going anywhere, this is the tragedy of our situation, this is a marathon for our and the next generation at least, in this global confrontation, existential confrontation. as for russian propaganda, nevertheless, the unprovokedness of this war and the non-existent nature of this war for russian society, the same
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buryat or there for... the russian commoner, it leads to the fact that the russians even pas, even from the point of view of passive support war, and very slowly, but it is changing, i don’t want to give anyone rosy hopes here, but i am saying what we have recorded during a year and a half of our sociological observations, that is , not keeping up with russian propaganda according to reality, such a dramatic difference, i mean, what is happening at the front, regarding the subjectivity of ukraine. it leads to the fact that even the nuclear electorate, even z-patriots, they feel dissonance and frustration due to the mismatch between these promises, this propaganda and reality on the ground, in other words, propaganda there are limits of any kind, first of all time limits, and precisely here the question of time and the question of ukrainian stability, russian propaganda cannot be effective, well, for example, there
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for three or four years... just saying about kyiv in three days, but exciting another village, i'm not saying it's good, i'm not saying, again, i don't want anyone to accuse me of trying to sell some regional image here, but we're recording such changes, at a very high price, very dear, paid for with the human lives of ukrainians, but... any propaganda has its limits. thank you mr. oleksandr, you have an extremely interesting, interesting and fruitful conversation. oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia. an extremely qualified expert who possesses an extremely large volume of information. well, we heard a few signals, right? well, marta, we understand that russians are best sobered, so to speak, by the amount
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of blood they shed. and they may become more, because from november 1, they will also be screwed and well, at least that is how they announce the sending of electronic summons and even limit departure from the country, and this will surely affect young russians, who now do not have such a restriction, who can travel and actually enjoy life, well, the russian authorities will somehow also work with this category of citizens, we will watch.. . that russian propaganda does not keep up with its lies, or rather does not have time to indoctrinate the average russian with these lies, that is, they may hate ukrainians, but the question is whether they are ready to die from the heart, so to speak. in ukrainian chernozems, most likely not, well, there is a certain sociological dynamic, so dear tv viewers, you
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can always find this conversation on youtube and... listen to it, well, marko, as of today, as far as i understand, we already have that's all, yes, we are already finishing work for today, but tomorrow at the same time we will appear in this studio, so be with espresso, well, our colleagues will continue to inform you, take care of yourself, all the best. greetings, i am anna yavomelnyk and this is news. a five-year-old girl is in an extremely serious condition, reported the first deputy of the odesa regional district of the military administration about the condition of the victims of the russian missile strike. a total of 32 people were injured, 23
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are still in the hospital. according to the office of the prosecutor general of moscow.


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