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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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in what way did they flee there, and there is a part of people who did not flee, but left early, live abroad, that they guarantee - guarantee them temporary protection, but mr. serhiy, there is another interesting mechanism, if the ukrainians do not trust, and part ukrainians do not trust the ukrainian government, zelenskyi's government, because of which, well, they see how inconsistent and destructive this government is. i think that it would be, it would be an interesting experiment, if the countries in which ukrainian men, ukrainian refugees are resettled , offered service to ukrainians on those terms countries, under the social guarantees of these countries. ukrainians could come to ukraine after that and have a contract to return to their country of residence after the end of the war. with
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which they concluded, because the ukrainian authorities themselves have brought the situation to such, well, skew, such a disproportion, to be honest, that people simply do not trust the authorities, this is the first, second, the authorities themselves have not come up with anything better than to turn the military into serfs, but if earlier the authorities had proposed some sort of multivariate system. where you could come to fight for a contract for three months and leave, then come again after some time, so that there are short contracts, annual contracts and stable contracts for high-class specialists, because there are military accounting specialties in which you have to train a person, a specialist, for two years, three years, or maybe even four years, and in this sense no offers from complex centers.
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there are none, that is, if the authorities consider their steps to mobilize, like, let's say, the involvement of an uncle with a machine gun and a shovel, then this is not the development of the armed forces, it is the development of the militia, and the armed forces are highly qualified specialists in various branches of the military, and very often these specialists have to be trained for a long time and... the ship, we are watching, we all dream when we will have f-16 aircraft, and one of the biggest problems turns out to be language training. there are a lot of questions, mr. volodymyr, of course, but here's what the government is saying today through the mouth of the vice prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna, she says that ukraine will not be forced. return men
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of conscription age from abroad, and it is only said about their accounting, that is, we see how the situation practically changes in a week, that is, from the fact that we will not issue documents and they will be forced to return, and now they say that we will not forcibly return men, well, imagine that western european states, where the majority of ukrainians will forcibly gather these people. mr. serhiy, it seems to me that the ukrainian authorities have no idea about the existence of the european charter of human rights, that is , they first say something, then they thinking is absolutely feudal, i am the boss , that is called a fool, and that is, everyone who is not the boss is all stupid, and they perceive people as stupid, unfortunately, but when some more or less educated people poke, who... in
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what there are a lot of rules, in particular the obligations of the state of ukraine regarding the free trade zone with the eu, european integration, in ukraine , in about a month and a half, the dialogue on acquiring membership in the european union will begin, and what the government has done during this time, it has done a whole set of anti-european steps, and it is clear why, because ye stolton, for example, came. to kyiv, and hinted that ukraine will be in nato, but not in the near future. and zelensky finally happily began to talk, because during his tenure ukraine will not be in nato, that's all, he, he fulfilled all his obligations, one can say, although the inconsistency and nervousness with which the ukrainian authorities approach the future prospect of membership in nato. it is simply
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terrifying to remember, at least the only visit so far to the nato summits of zelensky to vilnius, what damage this visit caused to the reputation of the state. well, mr. volodymyr, as a result , what should the state do so that the mobilization in ukraine continues and takes place in such a way that people understand that it is necessary to defend ukraine, and that it is not only a constitutional duty, but also the duty to protect oneself, one's relatives, and in the end not to end up in the occupation camp. of the russian army, what would you advise the authorities to do, because it is still communication, and this, well, as ambassador valery challey says, in principle, communication is not only when you listen, but when you also respond? sir
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serhii, communication is also when the government is predicted, the behavior of the government is predicted, in our country after somewhere, well, when the covid started. the behavior of the authorities has become completely unpredictable, one of the most important expectations of the military, who were waiting for the law on mobilization, is the upper barrier of staying in the army for 36 months. the opposition insisted on this, well, let's say, petro poroshenko fought like a lion for this thesis, but this novel did not pass in the legislation, although there are some signals that... the authorities are ready for this, and having turned people into serfs, not even providing them with additional financial incentives, very often, even what was, the opposition made a mandatory additional payment of 70 thousand for being on the front line, the government replaced it
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with a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, and let's remember how many times after february 24, ukraine... the government changed the payment rules of labor for these two and more years of war, it is simply a disaster, because of which this looping is now climbing sideways and with great distrust of the authorities, no matter how much the bank draws confidence ratings for zelensky, well, they do not believe zelensky in fact, well, let's say this way, this format of governing the country exhausted itself a long time ago, or the military cabinet... then there will be at least some confidence in the new government and ukrainians may go to the army again, you mean reformatting the very system of government under the current conditions , since there will be no elections, that is, an increase in the number of political forces that delegate their representatives and the creation
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of some kind of coalition, a political coalition, i am not saying only in the verkhovna rada, but also in the government in general, just briefly, if possible. because we still have it parliamentary-presidential republic, it must be reminded, and the most important institution in our country is the parliament, the parliament has the potential to reform the current, well, monocoalition, which does not exist, but in our country, in the last, in my opinion, 18 months, there were only four laws accept, where more than 200 votes were given by the servant of the people. only more than 200, i.e. laws were not adopted individually, so in this sense there is a good approach to reformat, create a military cabinet and renew honest relations with the military, thank you, i hope the authorities will listen of your advice, it was volodymyr tsibulko,
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a political expert, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watching us live, please subscribe to our pages. on these platforms, and now we will look at the results of our mid-term poll, we ask you this, do you support the activities of a public broadcaster independent of the government, 92% yes, 8% no, these are the results of the mid-term poll on tv, tired of heavy and bulky polls, then saws strong from unpack tv just for you. they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order right now,
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are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka, a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first... to volunteer to defend ukraine and disappeared in the vast expanses of donbas. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want
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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war. and how the world lives for two hours to stay up to date with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. hello friends, this is the verdict program,
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part two. in today's issue, we will tell you about this. mr. nobody, the european parliament, followed by the council of europe, recognized the illegitimacy of putin as the president of russia. what does the decision of the european parliament unreasonable blocking mean. the chatbots of ukrainian intelligence, security services and the ministry of digital services in telegram did not work for almost half a day. how to streamline the work of a popular platform? society is under attack. the media community calls on the authorities to stop the pressure on the independent broadcaster. is there a need for a balance of political opinion during war? that's all we'll talk about. speak for the next 45 minutes. we would like to remind you that we work not only on
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the live air of the tv channel, but also on our own platforms on youtube and facebook. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and take part in our survey, we are conducting a survey on youtube and on tv, which today sounds like this: do you support the activities of a public broadcaster independent of the government? yes, no, in everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have any wishes or your ideas or your own opinion, please write in the comments if you are sitting on the tv air. watch us on tv in front of the tv, get your hands on it smartphone and vote, if yes, then 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we have people's
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deputies of ukraine in contact. today, we have as a guest vadym galaychuk, people's deputy of ukraine. servant of the people, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on integration of ukraine with the european union, mr. vadim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, thank you for the invitation. victoria syumar, people's deputy of ukraine from the european union of solidarity, the head of the parliamentary committee on anti-corruption policy, mrs. victoria, i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast, the head of the subcommittee, only the head of the committee, after all, anastasia radzina, me. chairman of the subcommittee, well, and, well, i will hope that you will become the chairman of the committee, and in advance, and yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you , thank you for being with us today, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, since we
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are asking our tv viewers whether they support the activities of a public broadcaster independent of... from the authorities, i will ask you about this too, but in the format of a blitz poll, because we have a whole topic ahead of us, regarding the public broadcaster and regarding what's happening right now around the public, so let's start with ms. victoria, do you support the activities of an independent public broadcaster, you know, you may not have fully spoken at the beginning of the program, because i was actually the chair of the committee in the last convocation, it was committee... on issues of information policy and freedom of speech, and frankly, i was the author of the law that created independent public broadcasting in ukraine, and therefore, well, i know the nuances of what i put into it, i believe that public broadcasting in ukraine does not just have great potential, it is a critical and important
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tool for the independence of the media, for a normal pluralistic information... space and for an educated society, i think that in the course of the program we will be able to reveal it, obviously, any threats to it existence, these are threats to the existence of the entire democratic ukraine. thank you, ms. victoria, mr. vadim, what do you think, as in your vision, regarding the activity of a public broadcaster independent of the authorities, do you support this activity, or do you have any questions about... caveats and maybe related to this , in particular, that some of your female faction members are in favor of reformatting public affairs or doing something with it, or is this the position of an individual deputy, and this does not apply to the vision of the general vision of the servant of the people
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of information policy. independence of the public broadcaster is also... part of our commitments that we took within the framework of european integration, generally speaking, to the council of europe, and we fulfill them quite successfully, the situation today is primarily related, of course with russian aggression requires certain changes in the approaches used in information policy, but this in no way means that it has changed. in principle, the politician should be independent or not, and this is how the question of the public broadcaster sounded, of course, the public broadcaster must be independent. thank you, mr. vadim, and mr. yaroslav, although this is probably a rhetorical question for you, and you, as the head of the specialized committee, will obviously say so, but
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still, i will say so, it is critical for the existence of freedom. words are the backbone of democracy in ukraine, the backbone of the existence of ukraine itself. yes, but mr. yaroslav, mr. vadim and mr. and mrs. victoria, there is a people's deputy of ukraine, maryana bezugla. no matter what anyone says about the fact that she writes what she thinks, and says that we should comment. it should not be forgotten that she is the deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, and remains a deputy. head of the parliamentary committee and remains a member of the servant of the people presidential faction, although she left the party, what does she write about public broadcasting, and how does she do it? makes a series of posts in which she criticized the work of the public broadcaster and public broadcasting, accusing it of inefficient use of budget funds
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and creation of schemes for evaders. occurs the question of whether public broadcasting is worth uah 2 billion per year, what is its role as a state broadcaster, why do we have a separate public broadcaster, a separate telethon, what is their mission and who watches it, wrote bezugla. in the following post to... "i believe that one of the six state broadcasters should be made, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of information and cyber forces of ukraine." subsequently, bezugla announced the existence of a public scheme, according to which men are paid half-rates for the sake of armor, in particular, she accused the head of the supervisory board of the national nstu, svitlana to ostap, the fact that she arranged her son in this way means a lot. wrote mariana bezlugla, we remember, a people's deputy who did her best to undermine the public opinion that
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zaluzhnyi should resign, and she did it quite methodically, well, in principle, such a political torpedo that tries to make some kind of weather or , let's say this, a preview of what can be, can this be considered a preview of the authorities before the question arises about our... social reality, and that is about the fact that it is necessary to reformat and redirect money from six broadcasters for one individual or to create one broadcaster out of six and it will be a single telethon only on a single channel at the expense of state funds, i understand that this is what it is all about, mr. yaroslav, each of the aspects of ms. maryana's statements. deserves to be evaluated by, let's say, specialized committees, and a number of them, in principle , fall under a-a - at least an evaluation by our
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judicial system of spreading disinformation and - in fact, for defamation, because the son of mrs. svitlana. has nothing to do with aa social broadcaster, there is no scheme, in fact, it is very clearly visible that of those people who are booked, and the vast majority have been working for years and actually work for the formation of information security, a number of fantasies are in principle not amenable to evaluation, but what has actually already been done by the public broadcaster and in what cut these words will be evaluated, there is an appeal to the regulatory committee, to evaluate how ethical, ethical is the spread of, well, outright lies, that is
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, of a person who is actually from the official facebook account, a person who represents his own political structures, as well as appeals to the committee on freedom of speech. humanitarian and information policy committee, humanitarian and information policy committee with the participation and invitation of the european integration committee, our committee will hold a meeting already this thursday, to consider the situation, but not maryana's words, but more information that carries a more significant threat, this about the alleged attempts, according to ms. svitlana, such a conversation took place at... the council of representatives of the channels that are part of the single marathon, to throw out social media from the evening slots, i.e. from prime time, thereby reducing the actual presence of the public, and
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there may be a far-reaching plan and reduce funding, and so, accordingly, the issue of independence, the issue of fulfilling our conditions, european integration, i really hope that these are all informational torpedoes. will not be continued, but you and i will find out soon enough, because according to svitlana ostapa, the next meeting of the editors is planned, again on wednesday, and we know about the constructive role of the national council on radio broadcasting and television, olga gresemyuk, let's say, spoke from a position not only to prevent redistribution like this. that , of course, will further reduce trust in the single marathon, and we are now actively looking for mechanisms to explain that such steps should not
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be taken, that's all now... it's at the level of, let's say, meetings, negotiations, chats and the like, but this threat is much greater than the actual information messages from maryana, although they too, of course, deserve and definitely receive an assessment. the mentioned svitlana astapa, mentioned by you , commented on the initiative to take away on espresso social from the evening slot of the telethon, according to her, such. the decision may be due to the desire of the authorities to influence the editorial policy or a commercial component. let's listen to what svitlana ostapa said. perhaps there are some stop lists for other channels or something else, as the opposition often says, they are forwarded and installed, they agree on specific speakers for the marathon. we don't have such a thing, and maybe it worries
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the representatives of the authorities. that they cannot interfere in our editorial policy, and that is why we have our slot, it is the most balanced in politically, we have representatives of all political forces, parliamentary, opposition and pro-government, in power, that is, it is not just one month, it is our constant practice, mr. vadim, it is clear that what is happening around the public, as it all is happening, is being monitored by our western partners, and what was happening before got into, it became known about what got into the report of the state department of the united states of america, just as they are talking about the problems we have with access to channels, to a single telethon different political forces and different political positions, we are all witnesses of the fact that
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for the third year now, three tv channels... are deprived of air in t2, espresso is the fifth and direct, here, here, here , here, there is an attempt to redistribute something, to reformat something public, with to make public, what is behind it, well, it's not just that she's just there, she just writes every day, she's a little specialist in that, in public and information broadcasting. to really wait for some decisions or initiatives regarding the public, and how this will affect our contacts with the west partners, from whom we constantly expect help, in the absence of mrs. maryana, i think it would be wrong to discuss exactly what mrs. maryana had in mind, of course she herself, probably should have explained, clarified,
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but. .. i can only say that no such discussions were held in the faction of the servants of the people party, and these issues were not discussed, so here, let's, let's proceed from the fact that each deputy has his own point of view, has the right to express it , as for the situation in general, well, again, we have an extremely difficult situation in the information space. and it is obvious the need to regulate the information space and information policy, how effective are the methods by which it is currently being done, it can be discussed for a long time, but in my opinion no one objects to the need for military censorship, for a general state policy that would still allow us
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to control... the information space, in which, unfortunately, our enemy sometimes quite successfully attacks us, and unfortunately, we also see many examples of how from those or for other reasons, representatives of various opposition political forces, to some extent, i would say, even join in such a general campaign to discredit this policy of control, so well... well, for me, as a non-specialist in the media sphere of the media market, it is difficult to evaluate, well, there are any specific objections regarding how this work on the distribution of slots was organized, why and for what technical reasons, including whether certain channels were or were not included in the production of the product.


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