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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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veterans of the armed forces will get jobs, i think this is the right direction for the state to move. mr. pavle, i can't help but ask you about a story related to automated control systems. we know about nettle, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the use of artillery there, shortens the cycle of decision-making on the use of certain means of impression. we know that there are operational-level and strategic-level systems that significantly increase application efficiency. brigades and even other higher groups level, i mean the jingle system, and now we have a history of actually ordering this system on a fairly limited basis, even though actually the officers who have worked on this system say that it really does significantly increase effectiveness on the battlefield, that you in this regard, do you think in which direction we are moving with our automation, i... it is somehow
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difficult to comment, the general comment is this: we have a contract, it must be fulfilled, because the military needs a control system, automated control of troops. it is my a short reply, then, well, it's difficult, because you have to operate with numbers, values, and that. if anyone has other developments for specific tools, either in air defense or in artillery control, please. offer them, we are ready to consider them, regarding troop management, there is an existing system, it needs to be filled with people, technology, further improvement, most importantly, it needs more and more kits, in order to ensure a proper troop management system, unfortunately, this is not is happening due to the internal conflicts of the ministry of defense and the general staff, i think that these conflicts... will be
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resolved in the near future, and we will move on to filling the concept of an automated system of military management with content. and finally, i would like to ask about whether there is progress with the staffing of your unit with qualified engineers, because this is like a litmus test for me, whether there really are any positive changes between the desire of the military to serve in a specific part and the mechanisms, whether there are such mechanisms escorting a person to the part where he wants to serve. well, my experience is negative, but, well, probably some units have contacts with direct contacts at the horizontal level, and they can use them. currently , there is no such legally established procedure regarding the possibility of direct involvement of people with certain professional, professional training in civilian life. unfortunately,. today
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, mobilization is practiced, which as the first stage sends a person to basic military training, and after that there is a distribution, into which no the mid-level or operational-tactical level intervenes, that is , the brigade commanders cannot influence this distribution, because the distribution is carried out by the main personnel department. mr. pavle, thank you for your explanations. for your service, for your work, i hope that we will continue to discuss the current problems of the life of our army with you. let me remind you that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy commander of the battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. these were the main military results of this era, and more international ones more economic news on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much, it was serhii zgreyts,
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the director of the defense express agency, and the host of the military summaries of the day column, we talked, and thank you for a lot of important and interesting information. well, now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv and the kharkiv region, about the city and the region, which are constantly under enemy fire, unfortunately, the enemy hit both the city and the region, and this day, and about the consequences of hostile, vile, terrorist attacks, let's talk with... the deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, good day, i am glad to see and hear, well , today the enemy struck again both in kharkiv and in kharkiv oblast, unfortunately, there are casualties, various, different settlements are named, where they arrived, then cabs, then some other means of defeat, if possible, a general picture as of the evening at 6:34 p.m., how that day passed and the most important consequences. i know that, unfortunately, there are
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people killed and wounded by enemy attacks. yes, today there were strikes in kharkiv and in the region and in the first half of the day, that is, until lunch. er , it was shelled again, er, mala danylivka, that is, i apologize, er, and the city, shevchenkivski, kyiv districts, as well as settlements in the region, and it is in the region that there are casualties, at least three civilians died as of now this is what was officially reported, and if we talk about eh, if we talk about the situation in the energy sector, i know that there again, again... the schedules are being adjusted, the blackout in kharkiv, is it possible, well, there again perhaps not knowing some secrets that are not worth talking about talk about whether it is somehow possible to normalize, stabilize, fix something that the enemy, that the enemy attacked and bring the situation to a more or less normal state with
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the supply, first of all, of electricity, well , look, if we talk about how it is today kharkiv residents live, the situation is more or less the same in general. there is a problem with the electricity supply, somewhere on average there is no light for up to three hours a day, so eh, that’s why her schedules are usually clarified, schedules are adjusted, today there is a message from the regional military administration regarding adjusting the schedules and introducing additional, let's say, hours for turning off the lights, but in general, kharkiv residents are... with electricity, spend most of the day there and have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of civilization, well, if we talk in general about life in in the city, we understand, well, not only in the city, if we talk about the region, but let's now concentrate first on the regional center, and here are these constant enemy attacks, how do they affect the fact that people
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leave, maybe someone returns, or are the townspeople adequately provided with shelters, is it possible that the construction work is going on or? setting up new shelters, because we understand that something that flies in very often either gives very little time for a person to be able to more or less protect himself, or sometimes does not leave such an opportunity at all. well, look, shelter is a problem, of course, there are not enough of them, it’s 100%, well, the biggest shelter is probably our subway, but you perfectly understand that not always and not everyone has the opportunity to go underground, if ... an air alarm occurs, especially since the time interval between arrivals and air alarms is very short, and sometimes even the arrival of an air alarm can occur, so the majority of kharkiv residents perceive air alarms as
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part of the landscape, let's say, part of life , er, and perhaps a bit fatalistic about these things, unfortunately, or? not unfortunately, but that's the way it is, well, in principle, you and all of ukraine are probably aware that we have built a metro school, an underground school, that children are educated in the underground, but again, this is only a part of our schoolchildren who study underground, the majority are still forced to receive educational services in an online format, ugh, well, actually, the enemy hit zolochiv, if we talk about communities, the zolochiv community, which suffers from enemy attacks , which... communities are now in the biggest problems and, well, connected, first of all, of course, with the fact that the enemy is attacking them in the humanitarian sphere, in the communal sphere, in the security sphere, in the sphere, well, of course, providing assistance to people, i i mean medical care, social care, and
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again, the question of evacuation is whether it is still relevant, whether the evacuation of people from these or other settlements continues at will, and whether people express such wishes. this happens permanently in our country, it is a constant process of evacuation, partial evacuation of the population from the most dangerous communities, but for more than a month now, we have practically no relatively safe places in the kharkiv region, when the russians started using these modernized aerial bombs and again aviation from the end of march to the city works, unfortunately. this is what happens, as for the communities that suffer the most in our country, well, in fact, all communities, as i said, are in the risk zone, but, most often , this situation has not changed since the fall of 2022, the most frequent russians hit the communities , which are
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on the border and are actually on the front lines, i.e. this is the kupyan community, this is the vovchan community, which every day ... even until march-april, when the retreat, well, the intensification of shelling of the city of kharkiv and the region began, they were under daily fire. and it was already perceived as such routine, apparently in the news, and it never became, shall we say, a sensation. is it still going on in the city, well, on the one hand , there is some kind of information attack, on the other hand , an ordinary human discussion, and sometimes on the border with panic, sometimes just on the border with anxiety, the question of a possible attack of the enemy on kharkiv itself, and at one time degree... this question was raised very, raised very high, as now with this, has actually this peak
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of intimidation and anxiety passed and the city continues to live, at least a difficult life, well, but without daily, now the enemy will go to kharkiv, uh, information attacks of the enemy, they intensified simultaneously with genetic attacks, that is, with the intensification of shelling, since the end of march, and... the number of information attacks on kharkiv, it has increased many times, almost every day since there were some new introductions and all the mechanisms the russians use in order to intimidate citizens, and to spread panic, to spread and raise the level of anxiety, and spam mailings in sms, and in various messengers, and some messages in anonymous telegram channels, and various fakes about the evacuation of the authorities there. authorities and so on, and this is literally, well, almost every day thrown into
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the information space, and the people of kharkiv to this, well, actually speaking, in order to speak with some confidence about the influence on the mood in the city or about the reaction of the people of kharkiv to this, it is necessary to have a certain sociology, but we can see because the monitoring of social networks gives a distorted, slightly distorted understanding of what is happening, because it is visible. er , the activation of bots, the activation of trolls who scribble comments on everyone on social networks that kharkiv is being rented out, drained, abandoned, fled and so on, if we look at the streets of the city, we will see a huge number of people, a huge number of cars, that is, the city is alive, the city is working, regarding the general general level of anxiety, it is possible in in conversations, i hear certain such moods with people, more precisely, some... anxious thoughts, but such panicky moods and
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the desire to run somewhere out of sight, well , at least not me, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, take care, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council about enemy attacks on kharkiv and kharkiv, that, unfortunately, people died as a result of this vile terrorist attack, these are vile terrorist attacks, which, unfortunately, are repeated almost every day in kharkiv, there in the kharkiv region, we talked with serhiy zhokov, well, now we will talk.. . on political and not only domestic political topics, but also foreign political topics, which of course are directly related to ukraine, in fact, there is little that is happening in the world that is somehow not related to the war that russia has unleashed against our country. state oleksiy gran, professor of kyiv-miglyan political science at the kyiv-miglyan academy, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, and also the scientific director of the teminitiativy fund, even. and first of all, first of all, i would like
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to congratulate you, mr. oleksiy, on the fact that the british ambassador martin garis presented you with the british empire medal, we will even show now if, if we haven't already, we will now show a photo report from this events, but there are none yet, well, let’s show, i would like to be told a little more, for what merits, what kind of medal it is, well because it is important to understand actually, well... come on, let's be brief, yes, because we don't have much time, there are many questions, thank you for the congratulations, so this medal that charles the third gave me, yes, that is, this medal, so say, it was mediated from the hands of the king, so it is really, if a great honor, it is written there, for what, it is written that for the contribution to the strengthening of the ukrainian-british strategic partner, that is, by and large, it is an assessment of this... great analytical work that was done democratic initiatives fund, yes, because we
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prepared a lot of different analytical ones materials on the eve of the war, after it started, well, we hope that there is not a small contribution, but that britain supports us, so once again it is a joint work dem initiative, but thanks for the congratulations, of course, and well, we will discuss a few topics, we will definitely make it to the most important ones, of course we will also... we will talk about the social survey that was conducted by the democratic initiative fund, it sounds so complicated, maybe, but in fact very interesting topics were raised, socio-politicalcracy. populism, mobilization, and here too it is very important to understand that there are people in ukraine who are convinced that authoritarianism can be the best way to ensure order in our country, by the way, this is 19%, 42% of respondents believe that only democracy and the rule of law can ensure order, and 23% believe that
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it is possible to combine democratic and authoritarian practices, it is us... there are such people, how representative was this survey, what is the error, because these numbers that i just announced, in fact, they are not that they are alarming, whether it is due to the war or this is a desire, again, of a strong year, in what cause, please, let's calm down first and say that all is not lost, yes, because look, actually, when we talk about a strong hand, that doesn't necessarily mean... that it's an authoritarian, authoritarian leader, yes i mean degaul and thatcher and reagan they were all strong leaders yes they concentrated power in their hands but they had to follow democratic procedures yes and when you quoted 19% that
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was exactly the question that all power and responsibility should be taken by a strong leader and his political power. so , the persons i mentioned, they took this responsibility upon themselves, and therefore i would not equate it, that is, directly with authoritarianism, although we ourselves wrote about it in a press release, this, let's say, could be the basis for certain authoritarian tendencies, but i think it is indicative that 42% say that only democracy, supremacy, rights and an independent judiciary, yes, and for a strong leader and his political power - it is 19%, so... this is not a bad result actually, and we put the question was once asked already after the beginning of the lashes the question once already after the start of the war was quite a problem. do you think that democracy is better, or can some even individual measures be authoritarian. and then the ratio was 64 to 14.
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yes, that is, these indicators would be envied by, say, and... and western society as well, that is, ukrainians actually continue to believe in democracy, in the same, in the same poll , we asked, asked questions, and if the goal is justification means, then it is possible to break the law for the sake of achieving a good goal, and the ukrainians said no, that's why, that's why, again in general, i think that... these results are not bad, well, 2,000 respondents were surveyed, the theoretical error is 2.3, they are so standard, yes, although we know that sociology during the war, well, it is very difficult to calculate all this correctly, and unexpected, unexpected factors can intervene, but again, if we see, that is, we have to
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analyze the trends, the trends do not show that ukrainians are ready to go under... under a dictatorship, let's say, no, here, by the way, there is also an important question, which, well, i do not know, nor is it difficult to say, whether it shows that the people have left from the soviet type of thinking and life, because we actually have a lot of people in ukraine who do not and have never lived in the soviet union, but the division of opinions regarding who should provide a person with an adequate standard of living, well, again, here is the question of what you will now explain what a proper standard of living is, and citizens should equally provide... the state and the citizens themselves their standard of living is more than half of 52%, well, this is actually normal, this is the practice of such democratic socialisms as, say, in sweden, say there in other countries, where the state and everything, but there are laws and rules that work, so the rich pay more, who is there, well, that is, there is its own order,
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yes, why does it work for all citizens, then the state is obliged to ensure an adequate standard of living for everyone citizens and and so on and do it, well, it should depend on him so on and so forth and everything should be done by someone himself, but 21% of people who think in a completely modern such format believe that you yourself are the creator of your own happiness, sulai, suafort fortune, everyone is the maker of their own fortunes, latin expression, everyone is the smith of his own happiness, please. well, look, here in these figures that you cited is alarming, it is only this figure of 22%, which says that the state should provide everything, to be honest, i already thought that ... there are still no such people, this is 1/5, because this is exactly what paternalism is, this is what comes from the soviet union, and of course, such views,
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they, they are not really positive, they are really dangerous, but yes, about the same number of people adhere to libertarian approaches, yes, so that it is completely up to the citizen to decide himself, which also obviously won't suit everyone, yes, it's about... initiative about own energy, relying on yourself, but we know that life circumstances can be different, yes, that's why i think that the majority of ukrainians, they had this figure of 52%, that if they wanted the citizens themselves, and still the state would help them, you are absolutely right that they do it, by the way, it is not only scandinavian socialism there, the so-called, it is practically all of western europe in... to a lesser extent the usa, to a greater extent canada, but where very where there are also social packages, well yes, you pache, you pache, you know, now many ukrainians
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have gone abroad and let’s say, even i have acquaintances in germany who say that there are people who, well, constantly live on some payments, social benefits, don't work at all, they're fine, well, they're not, they don't grab stars from the sky, but they're fine, and why do i think, and why can't it be like that in ukraine, it's true, gdp, in germany is more, i'm here more. before we go to the question of mobilization, a very important topic, and i would like you to say that these are really educated people the negative experience of the last elections, i am not talking specifically about president zelensky, i am talking about many people who accidentally got into power, and the degree of agreement with the statement that our country should be run by people from the people, and not by representatives of the ruling elite, well, as if the elite is not the people, and another topic similar to it, often the opinion of ordinary people is more important than the opinion of professional and that, professional experts, here and there it is about management, simple, ordinary people, or the ruling elite, fully agree with what should only 15% of the people are in charge, that is, the people
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understood, probably after seeing the people in the verkhovna rada, who do not know anything at all, that this is a kind of management, vasyl, well, if we were to count only numbers there, well numbers, yes in the answer options, it’s still more... people still believe that the country should be run by people from the people, although there is opposition to this, but when we asked, well, this is the result of our populism, actually that was what was demonstrated in 2019, but when we narrow it down and you translate it to specifics, but do you want an average citizen to represent you in politics, and not professionals? politician, and here the point of people changes, they say, well, no, after all , the majority, well, not the majority of people, relatively
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there, the majority of people, they think that no, let me be better represented by a professional politician, but the majority of those asked, they hesitate, yes , that is, again, when you ask abstractly, well, the people are better, the people will say what they want, and the political elite is all rotten in... bad and so on, there is some truth here, but in the first option populism wins, give people from the people, but when you ask specifically who you want to represent you, people change their opinion, they understand that in politics it should not be a person from the street, not some kind of wedding photographer , well, and so on, we know these characters, after all, it must be an expert, well, to be fair, then in slu. there are also good professional ones, but you know, they say, it must be a person from the people, and the person who pulls your wallet out of your bag in transport is the ruling elite, or is it a person from the people,
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and the person himself from the people can become a deputy and will not extract money from you, but extract billions from the budget, and the issue of mobilization, i will immediately cover a few points here, well, firstly, the assessment of the actions of the majority of acquaintances of conscription age who are able by the state of health, the situation military mobilization, the majority tries to avoid, i would not take this question. question, because we are asking who is in your circle of acquaintances, that is, if these people were to evaluate, yes, the evaluation can always be subjective, it is difficult to decide, but we specifically asked what you will do in in case of exacerbation or prolongation of the war, 3% of them are already serving, 7% will join if we mobilize, that is, it is another 10%. 9% say that they will join if military operations come closer to their place of residence, that is , relatively speaking, they have either gone to the front or are ready
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to go, a total of 19%. yes, it’s a lot in fact, because the next figure is that 35% will apply for military assistance, money, volunteering, work, blood donation, that’s 35%, yes, that is, the vast majority of ukrainians do not take the position of mojahat from the region, there are people which take this position, 24% say that they will try to simply survive, yes, another 5% will try to leave the country. that is, you see, there are 24 + 5 of such people, well, there are almost 29, almost 30%, but still we are talking about the fact that 55% say, no, we will not, we will help, that is, these numbers are actually, if there were 20 % we had, agree to mobilization, this means that we have such a reserve, by the way, we asked similar questions. before the start of the war,
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and ukrainians, well, the indicators were approximately, approximately the same, because there was a share of people who generally believed that russia would not attack ukraine, yes, but these percentages, they were approximately the same, that is, i cannot say that if, well, according to this, according to these data, the situation worsened sharply, well, we obviously know that we we hear, and unfortunately, we hear not only that. from publications that provide verified information, including the espressa channel, ours is our survey, we made another presentation, it showed where people get information about the war, in the first place is the telegram, the second place is the people around, with with which i communicate, and the third place is this youtube, and we know how much there is not a telegram channel in one telegram channel
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they show you how the russians are exploding spectacularly... tanks in another telegram channel show you how difficult it is for ukrainian fighters, and here, as they say, there are basically black and white, and we have literally three minutes, but i can't help but ask, briefly, the statement was from lloyd austin, the head of the pentagon, that ukraine and the united states can, ukraine and russia can start negotiations in the summer, but i watched that this news appeared in 22 and earlier, that is , this, but also this security agreement, which is being prepared sign ukraine and the united states, maybe briefly about... nothing surprising, yes, well , actually, it, it will depend on the further development of events, yes, that is, if the west gives us, will give us adequate assistance, if we can launch a successful offensive for to liberate their territories, well, this is one scenario, and the second, if it happens as it has been there for the last six months of proper assistance...
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no, there are not enough shells and the russians are trying, yes, that is, i do not rule out that in and in such a situation at some point there may be a freezing of the conflict, that is, in this or the other form, yes, that is, once again, these will not be public negotiations, but there will be some such, ah, as they say, back channel, yes, that is, through the back door, yes, some contacts are being made, well, we understand that in fact... the negotiations are going on even now, and, that is, they simply concern some technical things, there are exchanged prisoners, etc., but, unfortunately, they do not concern, say, the issues of the liberation of nuclear facilities, the general cessation of bombing, and so on, that is why this position, it is not a new approach, let him, let them give the weapons we need, here, of course, there are a lot of very unknowns, first of all, it is the election in the united states, we see that the euro...
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is changing its position, yes, but if the united states does not give us help, it will be quite difficult for us, so security, a security agreement, that means, well, in principle , everything is not bad, and what is even good is that we sign such security agreements, because the parties undertake, undertake obligations, yes, this is good, the only thing that we we have to remember, constantly remember, that this is not without... security guarantees, because the power is sometimes ours says, oh, we signed about security, it's not about security guarantees, it's about guarantees of providing security assistance, but this does not mean that someone will be there for us, someone will fight for us, or will take over and close the sky in ukraine, unfortunately, putin has intimidated enough here with nuclear blackmail, and therefore the west is trying not to raise the stake here, but
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if the west... well, it will provide us with what we need.


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