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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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everywhere without precipitation 22-25° above zero, in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, well, we can say synoptically perfect weather, 22-25° without precipitation, on the coasts of the seas a little cooler, in places +17 +20, well, in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow the air temperature will fluctuate between 22-24° heat, no precipitation is expected, there will be a lot of sun, what about the next pre-easter days? on saturday, well, i wouldn't say that it's colder, but the air temperature will drop by a few degrees, but in general it will be warm, on easter sunday, at night everywhere without precipitation on easter night and day of may 5, in the west to the north in the central regions and kharkiv region , short-term rains and thunderstorms will pass in places, in the southern part of ukraine, in donetsk region and luhansk region, there will be no precipitation on easter, but for now everywhere in ukraine tomorrow will be dry and sunny. weather. good evening, we are from
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ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. it was bright. ukrainian intelligence is satisfied with the results of the drone strike on the ryazan refinery. how serious a danger is the total destruction of russian oil refining for putin. telegram as a threat to national security, the platform created by the russians has a significant impact on the information space of ukraine, as evidenced by the blocking of ukrainian intelligence chatbots and how to secure state communications. a month of important events. in may, the five-year term of zelenskyi's presidency will expire and the new legislation on mobilization will come into effect. how will this affect society and the democrats? in
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ukraine. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, about the war and about our victory. gur destroys russian refinery, telegram as a national security threat. what other challenges will ukraine face in the next month. that's all about it. we will talk for the next hour, the guests of today's studio will be sbu general viktor yagun, doctor of political sciences maksym rozumny and my journalist colleague roman tsimbalyuk. the second part of our program will feature political experts vitaliy kulyk and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our long conversation, i suggest you watch a video of an attempted assault by russians in chasovoy yar district. the russian btr-82 is bright. drones as part of the 92nd
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separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's see.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine! friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you the following: do you see a threat to democracy in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you if you have your own opinion about this, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, bring an expensive smartphone. or phone and vote if you see a threat to democracy in ukraine (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with me today by us good evening, so, mr. maksym,
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the month of may has begun, a rather difficult month for the ukrainian state and for ukrainian politics, obviously, because also for ukrainian society, because... on may 4 , the law on eligibility and ineligibility in the armed forces of ukraine enters into force. on may 18, the law on mobilization will enter into force, the order of mobilization in ukraine is changing, strengthening, and may 20 is the 5th anniversary of the inauguration of president zelensky, how will all these three events affect and will they affect ukrainian society, considering. in addition to the fact that there were quite high-profile steps taken regarding mobilization, regarding the termination of consular services for ukrainians who are conscripted, and we saw this sharp reaction from those people who are abroad, and obviously we
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will still see a sharp reaction parts of ukrainian society that will line up at the tcc in order to update their data or pass... so these events are obviously very socially resonant and politically significant, but it seems to me that the peak of publicity, well, for example, around those new mobilization measures, we have mostly already passed and the culmination was this statement and decision, the statement of minister kuleba and the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs on... the termination of consular service for men of draft age. let me explain my opinion: there is a lot of evidence, well, in any case, it is written about in social networks, that ukrainian men, when the authorities actually
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moved from words to action, uh, mass-moved to the territorial recruitment centers, and it turned out that that these centers... are not ready to receive such a large number of applicants can you update your data about your status, your location and so on, eh, that is, it means that most likely nothing revolutionary and nothing very new will happen on may 18, that is, most likely this date is just not very good for me noticed, and once again we will, so to speak, return to this topic, when finally the departments responsible for this issue, including the ministry of foreign affairs and the military department responsible for mobilization, will finally adopt by-laws, regulating
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documents that will clarify many things in this area, and nothing will start on may 18, i think that nothing special ... will happen on may 20, when it will actually be 5 years since the inauguration of the current president zelenskyi, ukrainian society, i think he is very calm about this date and completely understands the situation in which we are, and the external environment, apparently, will also stimulate some tangible movements and... and disturbances or a change of attitude, well, not counting the russian federation , there will be another show, another scandal, another statement, but somehow it doesn’t affect us very much, and when the russians talk about zelensky’s illegitimacy, it will always be possible to respond
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adequately or, let’s say, symmetrically, and say that vladimir putin is also not a legitimate president, he cannot to be called the president, because he was elected in the territories that are temporarily occupied. in ukraine by russian troops, and this is also a topic, let's say, for a counterattack of such a propaganda counterattack of the ukrainian state, but when we talk about all these decisions that in one way or another affect people's rights, people's freedom, the question always arises, where is the border, where there is a need to introduce some... here are radical changes and restrictions, and that phase, which we call the transition there to authoritarianism or to the concentration of power in one hand, whether ukraine is not threatened by this after 2019, when, in principle, monopolies
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are already in the same hands, or do you observe trends that indicate that democracy, which has always been in ukraine... the main an element of building an independent state, that this democracy has something threatens, it is meant not from the outside, but from some internal events. and well, the last phrase about the russian reflections on our situation, it is very funny to actually see, so to speak, to be able to say that here is a person who has been in power for 5 years, and that is all, it is already a threat to democracy, when in russia itself a person has been in power for 25 years, and no one seems to be bothered by it, as far as, well, in this we differ very much from russia, and... answering the question, and i saw this question to the audience as well, whether there is a threat to democracy
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today day. obviously, democracy is such a way of governing, which is always under threat from one side or another, but i think that today this threat is not so much from authoritarian tendencies, that is, from the lack of political competition or the lack of alternatives. opinions in society or some kind of pressure on a different opinion in society, rather we have a threat to democracy from the side of its effectiveness, that is , from the side of the effectiveness of power institutions that were created according to democratic mechanisms and procedures, there is a big, big so to speak the danger of being disappointed in democracy, he said so, because certain internal contradictions,
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conflicts, i would even say, are growing in ukrainian society, the government cannot do anything about it, it does not effectively manage many spheres of public life, as well as moods in society , that is , if you want to return to the previous question about mobilization laws, and the publicity surrounding this issue... we see, well, critically ineffective communication between the authorities and the people, and this is also a kind of threat to democracy. communication is not only that the government hears, and obviously what it says, that is, communication is perceived differently here , that is, we hear you calmly, we hear, we will do everything, yes, it does not work that way with society, and it does not work that way with the outside world, and now we all live in anticipation of a global summit. of peace, which is to be held in switzerland in mid-june, and here the issue
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is also rather, let’s say, delicate, because the world understands, and the world obviously can talk not only about zelenskyi’s peace formula, the peace formula for ukraine, and obviously this formula can be expanded, in your opinion, should the ukrainian authorities offer a peace formula not only... for ukraine, but also for the whole world, since we are talking about the threat from the russian federation to the entire planet earth. well, here, for the sake of justice, i should still say a good word about the ukrainian government, since this very initiative, the ukrainian peace formula, was a good move in the geopolitical confrontation that is unfolding around this war, around the situation in... ukraine, around of ours, our confrontation with russia, it must be admitted, it was
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it is right and good that it is, because today the efforts of more than one country are concentrated around this ukrainian initiative and the attention of the whole world is focused on it, yes, of course, if we proposed something realistic not only for... restoring our sovereignty over the occupied territories and bringing the aggressor to justice, but also for the new world order, it would be even better, so far such realistic proposals, models of the future arrangement of the world, ukraine, probably for objective reasons, we too fixated on our problems and on our pain and on our... states, so far we have not proposed this, and it seems that this is not a function now of the party that suffers from
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external aggression, but in the future, of course, this should be it would be, so to speak, to focus and make an effort, because for ukraine this is a chance, it is an opportunity to enter the top league of world politics, well, of course, if there is progress in achieving our goals in this war. well, and especially in those conditions when this peace or the peace agreement that was reached after the second world war, it destroyed russian. it is clear that the formula for peace and/or the formula for how to coexist after february 24, 2022 will be discussed in one way or another, because it is clear that in this history ukraine is one of the main countries that participates in the protection
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of the world order and in order to claim a place in the new ar'. architecture of european and world security. one more question, mr. maksym, which will be asked literally in a few months, in two months in july at the anniversary summit of nato. it is clear that ukraine is waiting for an invitation from the north atlantic alliance stoltenberg came to kyiv two days ago, talked with zelenskyi, after which the ukrainian president said that it was obvious that ukraine would become a member of the north. of the north atlantic alliance only after the end of the war. in your opinion, can we expect any surprise from nato, and that this invitation or signal to the world will be given despite everything at the washington summit? well
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, in general, the period that awaits us, may-june, it is so promising in the sense of world-scale events, in fact this the peace forum that ukraine initiated and many countries supported, actually the event supported, er, is happening simultaneously with a similar attempt to consolidate a certain position and er, maybe even putting forward certain proposals from the other side, that is, we know that... vladimir putin is going to go to beijing, and maybe there will be some statements and some position will be defined, which by july, so to speak, well, if not radically change, then at least clarify the geopolitical situation
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and the confrontation between these two camps, as far as it is acute, as far as it is without... a way out or vice versa, we will see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel, and well, a lot depends on china's position, whether it will agree to reduce this tension little by little and force russia to avoid further escalation, it will depend on what we 'll see in july, but it'll be more about, i think, the atmosphere maybe'. nato summit, most of our partners are very moderate, very respectable, democracies that don't like surprises and that act very carefully, we got all the signals that there will be no invitation, and that we have to prepare for such a protracted
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struggle virtually alone, but with the support of our for... partners for the near future , this model is working, and that only the intensity of the confrontation can change , intensity of the conflict. in yesterday's evening address , president zelensky emphasized the importance of the fastest possible delivery of american long-range weapons, which will allow us to repel the enemy on all fronts, let's listen to zelensky. we really count on promptness. supply from united states, this is a supply that should be felt in the destroyed logistics of the occupier, in their fear of being based anywhere in the occupied territory, as well as in our strength, in the strength that should show itself in the pokrovsky direction, and in kurakhiv, siver, lyman,
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kupian , in the south of the country, everywhere where russia is pressing and where we have it. squeeze out and also wherever there may be new blows, shock threats. mr. maksym, considering the fact that the americans made a decision on large aid to ukraine, the british also made a fairly large, large contribution to the defense sphere of ukraine, by announcing 500 million pounds of aid, does this mean that the world after all... has finally decided to show putin that there will be no russian victory in ukraine, and they will never allow it. the only question that remains open is what to do with putin's russia? i think that these
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decisions really, they testify to the determination of our western partners and that they have an approximate, but quite clear idea, actually, what they want as an intermediate result of this war, i would say that... actually the mention of long-range weapons shows that we are preparing to stop the russian offensive, we are preparing, together with the western allies supporting us in this, we are preparing to deprive them of the opportunity to expand the zone of occupation, let's see what russia is doing, russia openly declares this , creates a sanitary zone. in the regions of ukraine adjacent to their territory, i.e. these attacks on sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, we somehow
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monitor the media political discourse of the russians, so to speak, but they openly call it the creation of a sanitary zone, i.e. it is possible to say that a sanitary zone is being created on both sides, we are also creating in the rear of the enemy, well, they are actually creating such a zone in our body, and this means a direct path to freezing the conflict, when the parties will not be able to radically change something. i think that this model of freezing the conflict, generally accepted by the west, by our western allies, as basic, they no longer mention the counteroffensive of the ukrainian armed forces, and wait until the moment when putin stops or is forced to stop. for various reasons and then move on to the real thing this freezing of the conflict, but for russia this will not be the end of the matter, since
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the economic pressure and internal problems in the russian federation itself will mean the beginning, the beginning of a new stage of the west's war against russia, which i, in which i believe and... i think will be quite successful. thank you, mr. maksym, for the conversation, it was maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. sign up please visit our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you see a threat to democracy in ukraine? yes, no, if you have your own id. if you have a special opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, call the numbers if you see a threat to democracy in ukraine 0800-211-381,
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no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, please vote, at the end of the program we will here are the results of this vote. we will be in touch later viktor yagun, major general of the reserve sbu, former deputy head of the sbu, mr. general. i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good health. mr. general, first of all i wanted to ask you about the information that was in the press today about counter-intelligence activities of the sbu in the center of kyiv. the sbu reported that it is conducting planned counter-intelligence measures in the territory of the shevchenkiv district in the center of kyiv, among the main locations are sofiyska and mykhailivska squares and the surrounding area, as reported by the sbu. the purpose of the activities - inspection and strengthening of anti-sabotage protection of important state facilities and places of mass gathering of people. what, what does that mean? this means that there is a threat, or
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remains a threat, of penetration of russian saboteurs into the center of kyiv, and in this way the sbu demonstrates, publicly demonstrates, that they are ready to stop such activities. in fact, they undergo training in the necessary. it is necessary to keep oneself constantly in tension, because if there is a rotation and people go to the front, someone from the front, it is necessary to check and coordinate its actions between different bodies, to determine who is responsible for what, how it is carried out, this is one goal of all that was happening, and the second, maybe some special investigators or special conceross measures are being carried out, which they simply... do not want to announce, and under their cover were carried out these events, especially since this is the territory on which, as a rule, some government events are held with
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participation. foreign foreign guests, that is why the state security department and the security service and the national police were also connected there, so i think that this is all within the framework of our legislation and at the same time checked how people react to the strengthening of such measures by our special services. mr. general, a married couple of russian spies were kidnapped in the czech republic, mykola and olena shapushnikov were helping russian intelligence. federation to organize explosions at ammunition warehouses in the czech republic and bulgaria, as well as to poison the bulgarian deer gunsmith omelyan gebrev. on the eve of the great war in ukraine, a series of explosions took place at warehouses in military units in vichna, balaklia, kalynivka, and svatovo. frankly speaking, i do not remember any conclusions about what actually happened there, maybe i missed it, maybe not...
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there was this information, or it was, there was a russian sabotage, or it was some, some sloppiness on the part of the ukrainian military, that is, in your opinion, were these explosions at these warehouses accidental, well, considering the fact that we see that in western europe they clearly said that russian saboteurs blew up warehouses with ammunition. well, who can believe that coincidence can repeat itself with such frequency? it is clear that something was behind it. the only thing is that a lot of the versions that were rejected include a corruption component, an alleged attempt, an attempt to hide some thefts there, and frankly some things related to
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sloppiness there, with lawlessness. ness, but in the end they still came to the conclusion that, in different ways , some subversive mechanisms were involved, and this led to the loss of ukraine by ukraine of significant stocks of ammunition, which, as you can see, we currently lack so much . one more thing, mr. general, that happened recently is this blocking... by telegram, the telegram platform of ukrainian chatbots for data transmission, in particular evorogh. for half a day, the telegram platform blocked a number of official chatbots that opposed russian military aggression, including the main intelligence bot, this was reported by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, and as budanov's department noted, this happened in violation
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of the rules and public statements. which telegram management publicly declared, despite our bot blocking your personal data safe, however, be warned that the enemy creates bots with similar names, do not send any personal data to them. later it became known that, after all , telegram resumed the work of official ukrainian bots that helped in the fight against the aggression of the russian federation, but questions remained that... before the work of this platform in the information field of ukraine, this platform is quite influential in ukraine, many ukrainians use it, and apparently russians also use this platform, in what way can ukraine make this the platform was not used by the russian occupiers, our enemies, to spread disinformation, as well as to collect information from ukrainians during shelling. or
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when transmitting information about the movement of the armed forces of ukraine? ukraine should give up telegram, this is the only way, i don't believe in telegram, which is controlled by the fsb, which was created and is headed by a former member of the special services of the russian federation, you see, that's all, i don't know, some kind of phantom, we drove ourselves into trap and we cannot get out of it, so we just have to stop to use telegram, there have already been many verified cases when, at the request of the fsb , one or another of her things were blocked, when at some point the fsb interfered with telegram, when it became clear that...


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