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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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of religious hatred against the hierarch of the ukrainian orthodox church luka in december 22nd, sanctions were imposed for 5 years, he was put on the list of sanctions for his connection with the aggressor state. well, in the context of the suspicion for luka, it probably makes sense to remind that just the day before the court allowed to remove the electronic bracelet from metropolitan pavlo, the abbot of the kiev-pechersk lavra of the uoc mp. he is suspected of several articles, including inciting inter-ethnic enmity and justifying and denying the armed. russia's aggression against ukraine, well in fact, as we can see, the same accusations are being made against metropolitan luka of zaporizhzhia, melitopol, who has now been charged, and the question arises as to how realistic it is to prove such accusations. in fact, the trial against pavel has been going on for a year, for luka they chose to choose a preventive measure, they have to soon, maybe today or tomorrow, but in the meantime , there is another hierarch of the uoc mp, the abbot of the holy assumption sviatohirskaya lavra in donetsk region, metropolitan arseni, in the pretrial detention center. ihor yakovenko.
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he received the suspicion just a week ago, april 24. he is suspected of spreading information about the movement and location of the armed forces. investigators claim that in september of last year , arseniy publicized information about the location of checkpoints of the defense forces in the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. he was taken into custody for 60 days, but the defense asked for house arrest. they claim that the metropolitan is sick and needs medical supervision, which cannot be provided in the conditions of the pre-trial detention center. well... in october last year , the sbu reported that 68 criminal cases had been opened since the beginning of the full-scale invasion proceedings against representatives of the uocmp, of which 14 are metropolitans of the church, in fact the leadership. against the background of these statistics, searches, suspicions, accusations, it makes sense to ask what is actually happening with the law, which provides for the ban of religious organizations with a center of influence in moscow. in october, it is a year as a result of heated arguments, threats and even prostrations in the first reading. the verkhovna rada
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approved a bill that actually starts the process of banning the ukrainian orthodox church from the moscow patriarchate, although in fact, years can pass from the adoption of the law to the actual ban, there is a very, very complicated mechanism, not about it now. nevertheless, after the vote in the first reading , a group of more than fifty people's deputies asked the speaker of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk, to send the draft law to the venice commission for examination, saying that the document violates people's rights to freedom of religion, what could be the future fate of this draft law, will ruslan stefanchuk decide to put it to a vote in in the near future, and we will talk about this further, volodymyr vyatrovych, people's deputy, european solidarity and representative of the committee on humanitarian information policy, has already joined our broadcast, good evening, good evening, today we will also talk about the metropolitans who receive suspicion, but let's start with the law, the bill, what is the fate of the bill, when it can be voted on? in fact, it could already be voted on... and at previous meetings,
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that is, everything that was necessary for the bill to be brought to the floor was included on the agenda and voted, on the part of our committee, it is done, i believe that we have finalized the bill for the second reading, made it better, made it more effective, and unfortunately, now the delay is solely due to the political position of the majority in the parliament, because until now i i don't see any steps being taken to eventually include this bill. on the agenda, in my opinion, the situation has already dragged on, we are already very late with this bill, and the cases you are talking about, when our special services or law enforcement bodies expose collaborators in the governments of this church, only confirm that this draft law should be adopted in the parliament as soon as possible. well, actually, i also decided to link all the numerous announcements of suspicions to the draft law, it seems that one is highly correlated with the other, but nevertheless we ... see that we know that after
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the vote in the first reading, more than fifty people deputies, this is a considerable number, turned to the speaker of the verkhovna rada and asked him to send the bill to examination to the venice commission, well , they say that he violates the rights of citizens, what will it matter, what impact will this appeal have, what can we expect from him? i hope it will not have any effect, because i am sorry in this only for the desire to delay the passage of this bill, i am convinced. that this draft law should be passed as soon as possible, and it is obvious that the issue we are talking about here is primarily a matter of national security, and it is in this context that we prepared this draft bill for the second reading, i am sure that, er, we will be able to convince the majority of the deputies in the parliament that this is still a matter of national security, and here, after all, the first stage, which, unfortunately, depends less on us now, is the inclusion of this project in... the agenda, i know that both
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our faction, the voice faction, and individual deputies from the servants of the people faction demand the inclusion of this bill in the agenda, but for now, i understand that the position of the leadership... parliament to delay it with this issue, to be honest, i do not understand such a position, i do not understand its need. i i actually wanted to ask you, what do you associate it with? you said at the beginning that you could have passed it and brought it to the second reading a long time ago, maybe there is some logical justification why it was not brought forward? well, you know, there were some, i won't say logical justifications, but at least attempts to justify that this topic is not sufficiently communicated, for example with american politicians, perhaps. someone will use it to curb american aid to ukraine. i understand that, unfortunately, yes, it really was a problem in that deputy diplomacy in we are scotched on both feet. unfortunately, in reality, there was no opportunity to explain to american politicians, congressmen, and senators that we are not talking about any
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persecution regarding freedom of speech, freedom of conscience in ukraine, this bill is about something else entirely, but even this reason now looks absolutely ridiculous, fictional , despite the fact that the question helped. it is decided and obvious that even such an illusory reason cannot be named as a factor, because of what, because of what the adoption of this draft law is being held back. in general, me it seems that, given the way decisions are made in this parliament, there is probably still a lack of some clear position from the highest leadership of the state, directly from the president of the country, and it is clear that until he decides on this issue, as far as i have heard publicly from his side has not yet made any statements, supporting or not supporting this draft law, this issue can hang like this, although we will obviously storm the leadership of the parliament, as we did before the first reader, actually forcing speaker stepanchuk to put this bill on the agenda in the first reading, there is such a coalition of people who
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care about this issue, in fact it includes representatives of all political forces except for the former opz, and it is obvious that we will actively join in order to demand it now. the fastest possible inclusion in the agenda and adoption of this draft law. volodymyr, i have one last question: who in the parliament is the most active follower of the uocm? well, i understand that there are deputies from the ukrainian orthodox church, most of whom are parishioners and defenders of the uocp, but they are not the only ones there. well, unfortunately, there are some deputies who belong to the monomajority servants of the people faction, there is artem dmytruk, a well-known club member of the russian orthodox church, but in fact, you know, as it was shown in... this bill in the first reading, the fears about power of this russian orthodox lobby in the ukrainian parliament, in fact their number of votes, well, no more than a few dozen in this parliament, the problem is that the absolute majority, absolute
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monomajority in this parliament, well, it indifferent to these issues, that is, she does not have any clear position, they are oriented either to the state leadership or to pressure from society, so it is obvious that... we will use questions, put pressure on these deputies from within the parliament, and it is obvious that we will appeal to the public, explaining that they should also appeal to their elected officials to pass this law as soon as possible. thank you very much, volodymyr vyatrovych, people's deputy european solidarity. we talked about the prospects of adoption bill, which in the future may lead to the banning of the uoc m. and yuriy chornomorets, professor of the department, joins our broadcast. theology of theology and religious studies of drahomanov national university, good evening, good evening, you listened to what volodymyr vyatrovych said, look, he said that from his point of view there is no clear position of the president, and that is why they say that the law is not brought to of the second
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reading, do you agree with such a statement, well, roughly speaking, it is a dialectical question, on the one hand, we will remember that... it all started, it started that at the end of november 22nd , the synod of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate adopted a very strange revocation, a statement that all collaborators are actually not collaborators, but heroes, and after that the security and defense council met, and the corresponding decision was made, i think it was on december 1, and then from... accordingly , a decision was made that this draft law was necessary, and it was very quickly developed by the new leadership of the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, submitted, and we saw that
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the first reading dragged on for a very long time, after the first reading we see a very illogical process, when numerous amendments are made to the draft law, and, let's say, the decisions of the judges and theological expertise are replaced by prescribing some numerous norms that are completely inappropriate in secular law, but simply in general it turns into some kind of document of canon law and at the end there remain those two pages that were submitted by the kabnin once, and accordingly i would, let's say, now very simply i would go back to the original text and take the amendment of the security service of ukraine, which referred to the fact that if the head of a religious organization is convicted, then the entire religious organization is accordingly removed from registration. it is forbidden, and this draft law would be voted on, this draft law is rejected,
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because it is such an expression of political will, again, if there are no votes in the parliament, then the relevant decisions can be made by a decision of the security and defense council, we are at war, and i believe that any state, even a secular, very strong secular state, well, the same the united states of america, or france, or germany. if they had a religious organization of the aggressor country on the territory, and a religious organization that preaches racism there, like modern fascism, ideas of genocide of the ukrainian people and the like, and these people do not break with this religious organization, on the contrary, they support it in every way, and ukraine in every way criticize, then accordingly these people would be evicted from ukraine in... 24 hours and the entire episcopate of the uoc, not just pavlo
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or luka there. it is possible, i will just ask a question here, because we literally have 3 minutes. look, today metropolitan luka of zaporozhye melitopolsky received suspicion. the sbu says that he is suspected of inciting religious hatred there. you can just briefly remind our audience what he is known for, what claims were made against him before, why they got to him now. metropolitan luka directly called for the fact that ukraine should join russia, that the ukrainian troops should be met with flowers, criticized all the actions of the ukrainian authorities in every possible way, that this is persecution, and right here we have nightmares, terrible trial, and metropolitan luka is one of the leaders of the generally pro-russian wing in the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, he protested against... the decision not to commemorate patriarch kirill, continues
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to commemorate him, and accordingly generally thinks of himself within the limits of what he has always been with the russian peace, it will remain with him, i believe that a person should be given such a right, he should simply be evicted to russia, it is desirable to exchange him for the people of azov, as now the metropolitan is being exchanged for a fan of a convicted person before, but it is possible even just like that present it to russia. and all the other 100 bishops of this religious organization must be evicted from ukraine, this must be one of the preventive measures today, and there is no other way than this, that we have two years of open war, a great war and a russian religious organization against us, but at the same time , but at the same time, you have such serious accusations now, well, there were rumors about this priest, but at the same time , he was charged there because he expressed his... important attitude towards the parishioners of other denominations, well, hatred towards the representatives other, other religious denominations there,
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it does not correlate, to take and talk about the actions of the local branch of the security service of ukraine, i am generally surprised that in zaporizhzhia the security service of ukraine still found determination, knowing their mood, that it is better not to touch anyone and so on, it is very strong... it depends on who is on the ground, what is done on the ground, and so on, and in principle there could be 100 accusations, at the moment there are about 20 accusations, there are, it is very few, the rest to ordinary priests, it is illogical , thank you very much for your comment, we will definitely be back to return to this topic and call you yuri chornomorets, doctor of philosophy and professor of the department of theology and religious studies of drahomanov national university. thank you very much. that's all for today, i urge
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in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time. many we will discuss important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yury, good evening, please. two hours to catch up. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's
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deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, big. olenivka is a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film investigating olenivka. curators of evil. on the air of espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. i generally think that we two things are needed. money and weapons. we
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did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. we are looking for 14-year-old victoria pushkar. i know that the girl lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the village of abrikosivka, which has been under occupation since the beginning of the povnoma. staff war. and imagine, precisely since then there is no information about the possible whereabouts of the child. it is quite possible that the girl could have been taken to russia, and maybe she still is remains somewhere in territories not controlled by ukraine. i really hope that with your help victoria pushkar will be found. if anyone has seen her or knows where
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the child may be, please call the magnoli children's hotline immediately. by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. also, information can be transmitted using the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, which also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine. for almost a year, the woman has not known anything about the fate of her daughter, i have turned everywhere i can, i am already screaming as much as i can, this is how they tied my hands and told me to swim, at the moment i am in such a situation. karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion , she went to her father and stayed with him. this
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territory was almost from the first days of the war busy, but from time to time, the woman says, she... corresponded with her daughter on social networks, but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously broke off. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and no one knows where she is now. i have already written everywhere, even here on this territory to look for a child, because i don't know where to shout, how to find a child, i can't, i am an adequate mother, for me a child is my life. the girl's mother is now also in the occupied country. territories, recently we contacted her again, the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but it is not known exactly where, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or who knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023.
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this is skaryna igorevna konevets. august 9, 2007 if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnoli children's tracing service. by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking for my beloved child. she will see, hear me, so that she will respond, i am really waiting for this. thanks to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received. thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown.
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this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view... all the photos of the missing people, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. the united states announced new sanctions to stop the russian war machine. us department of treasury and state department. introduced restrictions against almost 300 companies and individuals, both in russia and in third countries. today's actions, say the american government, are directed against the russian military-industrial base, chemical and biological weapons programs, as well as companies and individuals in third countries, including china, that help russia obtain key resources for weapons production. such support, according to the message of the us treasury department, allows russia to continue the war against ukraine and poses a significant threat. international security, treasury secretary janet yellen emphasized that the defeat of russia's military potential , combined with the approval by congress of additional funding to support kyiv, would give
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ukraine an important advantage on the battlefield. us secretary of state anthony blinken held talks with israeli leaders on wednesday as part of efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement between israel and hamas. blinken said it was time to make a deal that would allow the release of the hostages and suspend almost. month-long war in gaza. a pause in hostilities, according to the state secretary, will allow the necessary food, water and medicine to be delivered to the gas strip. the day before, blinkin said that hamas should agree to the conditions proposed by israel, calling the offer generous. however, hamas wants to get a guarantee that after the final release of all prisoners, israel will stop the offensive and completely withdraw from gaza. israel instead offers only a pause in hostilities. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu , during negotiations with... on wednesday, reiterated his determination to conduct a military operation in the city of rafah, where almost 15 million palestinians have taken refuge. hamas representatives are expected to announce their response
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to israel's proposal already on thursday. the parliament of georgia adopted the bill on the transparency of foreign influence in the second reading. if initiative will become law, it will require organizations that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register in the country as agents of foreign influence, which at... echoes similar laws in russia. the ruling georgian dream party can approve the bill in the final third reading in may. mass protests erupted against the bill in tbilisi, which ended on tuesday with an attempt to disperse the police and the use of disproportionate force and special forces. the actions of the authorities have already been condemned in the eu. my colleague with details oleksiy kovalenko. experts compare the bill on the transparency of foreign influence of the ruling party in georgia. it caused indignation of civil society inside the country and sharp criticism in the usa and the eu. mass protests are taking place against the draft law in the capital of georgia, tbilisi. 28
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on april 8, tens of thousands of protesters in the center of tbilisi went on a protest march and demanded to abandon the idea of ​​passing the law. i want to demonstrate my family's position. no to russia, our path and future is in europe, because we need a european one justice and the european order, where the system serves the people, not the other way around. meanwhile, on monday, the ruling georgian dream party organized a counter-protest. participants of the anti-protest. were transported by buses from different regions of georgia in a coordinated manner. the honorary chairman of the ruling party, billionaire bidzina ivanishvili, during one of the few public speeches, accused the west of influencing georgia and ukraine. despite the promises of the bucharest summit in 2008, georgia and ukraine were not accepted into nato and were left with nothing. all these decisions are made by the world party a war that has a decisive impact on nato and the eu, and for which georgia and ukraine are cannon
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fodder. in... in 2008, they forced georgia to go to a confrontation with russia, and in 2014 and 2022, they put ukraine in an even more difficult situation. a bipartisan group of 14 us senators sent a letter to georgian prime minister irakli kobehidze expressing concern about the pro-agent bill. the senators emphasized that they will seek to change the us policy towards georgia if the bill becomes law. it is very disturbing if... georgia, a democratic partner of the united states that has been granted eu candidate status, will promote and implement legislation that mimics the same anti-democratic tool of putin. the draft law on foreign agents does not foresee any positive changes for the population of georgia, on the contrary, it undermines their desire for european integration by targeting the european union and the usa. this is emphasized by the former commander of the us ground forces in europe, ben godges. according to him
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, the senators' letter is a rare manifestation. to criticism from american lawmakers. this is the most direct the harshest statement in american politics i've heard for some time. this means that a wide range of different benefits can be blocked or reduced. there is no guarantee that the us will always provide assistance to georgia, including funding or military support. i do not think that georgians want to return to the times when they were completely dependent on of russia in addition to the bipartisan letter from us senators, the us state department expressed deep disappointment over georgia's first reading of the foreign agents bill. criticism of the bill was also heard in the european union. on april 25, the european parliament approved a resolution on the situation in georgia in connection with the initiation of a draft law on foreign agents. in our opinion, the return of the bill on foreign
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agents. not just the actions of the georgian dream party against the will of the georgian people, but a demonstration of intentions to be closer to the russian federation than to a collective event. the protest that started in april and that we saw on sunday, where there were tens of thousands of citizens opposing this of the law, it is an instruction for all of us on how to perceive government actions that are contrary to what the people want. former us ambassador to ukraine and now senior director of the eurasia center at the atlantic council, john herbst, calls the bill a step in the wrong direction. he is convinced that the adoption of the relevant law will negatively affect the prospects of georgia's membership in the eu. this legislation may be a step in the wrong direction, and of course, american attitudes toward georgia will change if this law is passed. what exactly does this mean? it will depend on development of events, but apparently less friendly relations, less desire for cooperation. the opposition in georgia claims that the law on foreign agents is being adopted by the ruling party at the behest of
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moscow. the authors of the bill deny this. luke coffey, an expert at the hudson institute , emphasizes that even if there are no immediate consequences after the law is passed, there are long-term threats to democracy in georgia. georgia's democracy may deteriorate over time if the law is passed. we want the us-georgia relationship to continue. we want the future of georgia was in the euro-atlantic community. i believe that the best thing the georgian government can do is to listen. to the georgian people and withdraw the bill. lukofis hopes that the georgian parliament will withdraw the bill under pressure from civil society. experts agree that if the law is passed, it could mean a change in the attitude of the us and the eu towards georgia. oleksiy kovalenko, oleksiy asika, state of america, washington. when putin says
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that... russians and ukrainians are one people, he does not.


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