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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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of the supreme council have already been extended, because the elections were supposed to be held in october 23rd, but this is an absolutely logical and logical conclusion and a logical question: why, why is there no decision of the constitutional court, mr. viktor, what do you think, why the government, where in principle, there are lawyers who can break it down and say that this is how it should be done, well, we remember how kuchma at one time... drew the conclusion of the constitutional court that he can be president for two terms, well two in a row terms, and they were then given by the constitutional court the conclusion is that kuchma started one term before the adoption of the constitution, and that is , even then he can be like, yes, that is, for the third term, only the situation that was quite difficult in ukraine after the gongadz case and the tape scandal, in principle, probably ...
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kuchma was removed from the third presidential term, here, really, there was no one to say, or is it just a combination, according to which her presidential team , well, is considering the possibility that these elections can be held even during the war, but for example the next year, er, no, this the combination, uh, they very clearly control what, what, what... you can't cancel, you can't take away from the green government, it's that they conduct polls there every two weeks, well , there are focus groups once a month , they are very clearly monitoring the situation, and what is going on with the electorate, and for now they would not mind holding elections, why, because for now zelenskyi has, if not allowed, the more meritorious, he will have no competitors, yes, i.e. his only competitor at the moment is luzhny. but the further, the more they
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will see, and we can boldly predict that zelenskyi's rating will fall, then they can turn 180°, they will move from the idea of ​​holding elections here and now to the idea, well, if zelenskyi has no chance, and they understand this, then they will continue to prolong power, as yarmak has already stated, yarmak said that no, but when... the war ends, we will not be filming there for another two years, why, because ukraine must be rebuilt, that is, they have already abandoned this idea as well, that is, the green government will try to hold back, well, let's assume that, a i'm sure, yes, you know serhii that i make good predictions, i state directly that the green government will try... to stay in power
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at any cost, by any method, by any means, and we can only to consider the options, how they want to hold on, what method they will use to stay in power, yakirmak, that is, to say that no, the war is over, okay, but we will still be in power for two years, why are we in power, but to bring down everyone competitors and then win, but there is no way to give in, well... the main competitor, why, because they will test putin's method, but how about putin, and who do we know besides putin, but putin had elections, who were his competitors, and no one knows, 99% of ukrainians will not name a single one, let alone all four of putin's competitors, why there is no sense there, but there was a cleared field, navalny was killed, he was not allowed there, that’s all, they want to do the same, they want to do a fair, so that there is
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zelensky and no one else, to discredit poroshenko there, like yulia and boyko, there is no competitors, to prevent the unworthy and that's all, there is zelensky, we will all go there to vote, well, who but zelensky, no one, that is, it will be like that, well, this is their strategy, he very briefly told the strategy, yes, the strategy of our government for the next elections and it will be... but, but i i warn you, it won't be like that, because yarmak and podalyak do not understand the most important thing, that they will vote for anyone, but not for zelenskyi. oh yeah. thank you, mr. victor. another news of the day, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine created a digital person named victoria shi, who will officially comment on consular information for the media. in her congratulatory video message, the virtual spokeswoman. explained the essence of her work,
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let's listen: first of all, i will inform the public, convey operational and verified information of the consular service of the mfa of ukraine. i will. inform journalists of news about the work of consuls in protecting the rights and interests of ukrainian citizens abroad, i will also tell about the response of the ministry of foreign affairs to incidents or emergency situations abroad and inform about other important consular question. gentlemen, here is the story with this artificial intelligence and the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs, it is clear that a similar thing was done in russia, and they launched it there earlier, you could... joke, when there is no natural intelligence, artificial intelligence is taken, but what is the point the reason is that the ministry of foreign affairs lacks diplomats, there are no internationalists, good journalists, internationalists who could be spokespersons for the ministry of foreign affairs, and the question arises that our government
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is turning into some kind of hologram , or how can all this be explained , mr. vitaly, well, you won't appeal to... artificial intelligence, that it is wrong, to argue with it, or to demand empathy from it, it is artificial intelligence, accordingly , it makes no sense to demand empathy from it, it is ridiculous to criticize it, you can hate it only the idea itself, but not a hologram haitians, accordingly, well, a good strategic move, and if without humor, well , in my opinion, really... we need a human spokesperson with some position, and not especially in such a sensitive area as consular services, and not an artificial intelligence that can be boasted a certain time, because the consular office, the consular service in the context of the restrictions will
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not just have a gigantic number of requests and criticism and hate, and just a downpour of negativity, here it would be necessary... a person who would empathically approach the problem, share would cases, showed that there are such options, there are such options that the ministry of foreign affairs is moving from some kind of total ban of some kind of iron curtain, to the consideration of separate groups of cases related to people who have lived there for a long time, have a prominent residence, that their work there involves or there people left for'. reasons and cannot, due to various circumstances, return to ukraine, make these documents in the military registration, and this is still the issue, people understand, people, a person may have left legally, but he understands that if he enters kyiv again, he simply will not leave, because some circumstances will change again,
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some new resolution, by-laws will be drawn up again and the border will simply be closed for good, they will never be released at all, mr. vitaly, we have very limited time, if possible , mr.... viktor, thank you for your what do you think, what do you think of this artificial intellectual from the ministry of foreign affairs, i don’t know, but this is a real woman, you showed her, they filmed her for real, she is some popular ukrainian singer that no one knows about, but oh well, yes it is, and that is, she will now speak in her voice and speak, and they will show her, yes, i in general. procesu, about voting in action, well, for me it is madness and an opportunity for the authorities to falsify elections, it is clear, that is, if you ask me, using action for voting is falsification, we are
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saw, by the way, in moscow, when they voted for 15 seconds, sir, and that's why i'm all, i'm a supporter of artificial intelligence. but if it does not concern the electoral process. thank you. viktor boberenko and vitaly kulyk were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted a survey, asking you whether you see a threat to democracy in ukraine. let's look at the results of the television survey. 92% yes, 8% - no. i put an end to this. this is verdyk's program, conducted by serhiy rudenko. we will meet with you tomorrow at 20-0. goodbye. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on estizifin 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on phenyl 15%
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in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, it's a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, we're starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics today, you and i... two hours to learn about the war, right now we'll be about the war talk more serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now about what happened in the world will be told in more detail by yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrecher, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much lina chechenna for the information about culture news. the presenters, who became like to many... natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as distinguished guests
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studios: andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve. facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, about what a world dreams, pa norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zimaya, for the next hour and 46 minutes, i
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will talk about the most important things with you, colleagues, of course, we will talk to our guests, we will promptly inform you about that , which will take place during our ether. well, since we closed successfully yesterday with your direct help, a very important and necessary collection of uah 100,000. we believe in you, the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, in general. we have you and we are starting a new collection. we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers, day and night. so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of the damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored personnel carriers, is needed. a bus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone,
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as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is ambitious: we need uah 630,000 to buy this minibus so that the military can drive instead of walking in this difficult situation, so let's start, as they say, i believe in you and believe that we can do it with... do it quickly enough, because for this money, for this car, the most important thing is a minibus ours are waiting, our military is waiting, well , about the situation on the front line, in different directions, somewhere it is more complicated, it is actually complicated everywhere, somewhere it is simply hotter, somewhere less, but of course the enemy is moving, well, plus these constant rumors of an offensive, although the military themselves say what kind of offensive, it has already begun, it is already underway, and as for weapons, supplies, what is the point? to expect and what we have already received from our partners, serhii sgurets, director of the defense express agency and
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host of the military summaries of the day, will talk about it. sergey, glad to see you, please, good evening. good evening, greetings to you, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the next strikes on the russian refinery by our drones, whether ukraine can count on patriot systems from israel and... about our defense and technological mobilization, how it is happening now in the armed forces, what are the successes and failures, more on that in a moment. today, on the night of may 1 , another long-range attack was carried out using kamikaze drones against the russian oil refining industry. under attack got into ryazansky... oil refinery, which is located in the immediate suburbs of this city. the direct distance to this plant
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from the border of ukraine is more than 450 km. the first four explosions, according to eyewitnesses , thundered at about 2 a.m., after which a large-scale fire broke out on the territory of the enterprise, and this attack led to the impact of the primary oil processing unit at this plant. ukrainian media. with reference to their own sources , they unanimously claimed that this was a special operation of the main one intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine and i would like to remind you that this is the razyan plant, which belongs to rosna. has a declared volume of processing of petroleum products within the limits of 17 million tons per year, and it is actually one of the top plants of the russian federation, and by the way, this is not the first attack on this plant, the first was somewhere on march 13, but then it was not possible to hit
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the oil refining capacity itself, now it was possible to do it, and by the way, a number of american editions. wrote about the fact that these strikes on russian factories led to the fact that the russians had certain problems with fuel, in particular, the cost of diesel fuel increased there, the price of gasoline rose by 20 percent, and in fact, in almost nine regions of the russian federation, 13 russian factories were hit, which in principle affects flights. the military there and the economic capabilities of the russian federation, and we expect, of course, that this tactic of long-range drones will continue. and at this time, we understand that the enemy is also using missile strikes and missiles to strike at our targets, and the question of strengthening our air defense becomes extremely relevant, and against the background of this
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, the story related to what israel is shooting from is just interesting. patriot complexes on combat duty, israel has four patriot batteries there, and now a number of publications have reported that there is probably a possibility that these patriots end up in ukraine, but in israel itself , the mass media have already received comments from officials from this country, who say that these patriot systems will not be directly transferred to ukraine, and most likely the option will be implemented when the united states can buy these complexes or take them to themselves, carry out their modernization, and only then hand them over to the armed forces of ukraine. let me remind you that today there are three pet complexes in ukraine, at least three have been officially discussed,
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our diplomats and state leaders are talking about the need to get at least seven more zerks. patriot, and there are talks going on with various countries, we know that just recently the united states tried to convince greece and spain to share their complexes patriot, greece refused at a time when spain is ready to hand over not the mirrors, but part of the missiles to the patriot complexes, which is also extremely important, i will also remind you that actually... the complexes are currently the most modern equipment of the ukrainian army, they are used to shoot down enemy missiles for different purposes, and just today the main intelligence agency submitted data on how many missiles the enemy is making and what types, first of all, in this message from
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gur, what surprised me was the number of cirkon missiles being manufactured, that's right. new conditionally a hypersonic missile, and the main intelligence agency reported that the enemy has a stockpile of 40 such missiles, and the production rate is 10 missiles per month, these are quite high indicators for a new type of weaponry, and most likely it can be assumed that the conclusion is that first of all russia plans to use these missiles primarily from ground-based launchers, and then one can say: probably under a certain logic, why they want to increase the pace of production of these missiles so much. as for other samples, in fact, others are modern missiles, according to them, the winged x69 is produced in the amount of one to three units per month with a reserve of 45 units, as for other missiles, in particular, when we talk about
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caliber missiles, their reserves are 270 units with a production rate of 30-40. missiles per month, we also know that for the production of these missile weapons, the russians use the elemental base of various countries, including european countries, but recently it is the chinese elemental base that is being used more and more often, and it is precisely china that has become such an important partner for of the russian federation for the manufacture of certain types of weapons, relying on the chinese elemental base, and also china supplies the russian federation with a significant amount of machine tool equipment on which this or that weapon is manufactured. and then we... want to talk about the changes that are taking place in our defense industry today, we know that the prime minister of ukraine has announced that a significant
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amount has been allocated for the purchase of drones for the armed forces of ukraine. yesterday, prime minister shmygel openly announced that more than 15 mln hryvnias, and this is an addition to those 43 billion. hryvnias, which have already been allocated this year for the purchase of unmanned systems for various purposes, these are quite significant indicators, they are precisely managed to have the opportunity to manufacture samples of weapons, unmanned systems from fpv to long-range strike drones, and this is an extremely positive trend, but one nuance, these 15... billion hryvnias are not allocated to the budget of the ministry of defense, but are allocated primarily to the state special communications service, through which
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procurement of drones by the ministry of digital information, now there is an impression that there is such a certain competition in the manufacture and ordering of drones, the ministry of defense orders drones precisely through its agencies, using the approaches of the agencies transparently, where actually ... first of all, chinese drones of various purposes are purchased, and new developments now they are purchased through the ministry of digital, and this is probably because now the vice-prime minister is showing such a more active activity related to the introduction of technological solutions used by the armed forces of ukraine. and in general, when we talk, by the way, about the purchase of weapons for the armed forces, there is such an interesting trend that... actually this year, the needs for the purchase of weapons, if we look at the budget of the ministry of defense, it is about 6 billion dollars for purchases for
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the purchase of equipment for various purposes, despite the fact that the entire budget of the ministry of defense this year is 40 billion, and 30 billion of them are actually salaries for the military, and 10 billion are just... the purchase of fuel, clothing, and in these 10 billion there are also 6 eyes billions for the purchase of weapons, despite the fact that the entire potential of our defense industry is now much greater than this indicator of 6 billion, and now in fact our enterprises can produce three times more products, the problem is that there is a lack of money, and right now the minister of technology and the ministry of defense are just trying to find. when even our foreign partners will transfer money so that we can use foreign money to purchase weapons manufactured by our defense
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enterprises. and now about ours we will talk about defense-technological mobilization with our guest, pavlo kishkar joins us, he is an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also currently a deputy. the battalion commander, the chief of the battalion headquarters, and for a long time and now takes care of the problems related to the supply of technological samples for various purposes to the weapons and the armed forces. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. congratulations, mr. serhiy, congratulations to ukraine. i would like you to emphasize something, well, the situation is related to what is happening right now in the relationship between armed forces and the defense industry, because at one time the president of ukraine said that it is important for our military to know what our defense industry is doing, but
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the impression is that far from all areas there is such an unequivocal understanding between the military and industrialists. well, if we talk about technical interaction, yes, developments, modern platforms, robotic, automated systems. control of troops and fire, then our cooperation is constant, i even had an example today it's hard to remember how many meetings, but three big ones, which talked about the fact that the armed forces are in constant contact with our ukrainian manufacturers, and we tell them, as we would see it from the experience of the combat, coming out, the developers are offering... and every day are updating their developments, in particular with regard to mobile platforms, today there were several engineers who have experience, who are advancing on...
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we are ahead of the enemy, many, many months ahead, these are machines that can both drive up, and mine and detonate remotely, therefore, for example, this is only my activity, and in others, in other directions, people are also in constant contact with manufacturers, ukrainian manufacturers of weapons, armaments and military equipment, and what are the manufacturers asking for from the military? what do they want from the point of view of: technical requirements, forecasted orders, constant contact, what worries manufacturers the most in their contacts with you? well, you need to understand the procedure, which not everyone understands, including within the military structure, it is quite complex, it is not formalized in terms of the documents that developers must submit for codification, and the most important problem
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is... the speed of concluding contracts, their terms, the manufacturer is also concerned about the lack of opportunities to export military and dual purpose goods, because it is often dense makes his rend impossible, that is, the search and development of his invention, because profitability is limited by the capabilities of our ministry of defense for procurement of one or another type. to weapons, and this is wrong, we have a powerful locomotive and the opportunity to break through foreign markets, i think that we should use this right now, during the war, our manufacturers have the opportunity to enter other markets, the arms markets of the leading countries of the world, and from that the economy will only benefit, and people will get jobs, veterans of the armed forces will get jobs , i think this is the right
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direction to go. states, mr. pavle, i can't help but ask you about the history that concerns automated control systems, we know about nettles, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the use of artillery there, shortens the decision-making cycle there for the use of certain means of impression, we know that there are systems at the operational level, at the strategic level, which significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of brigades and even other groups of a higher level, i have on... the bell system, and now we have a history when in fact this system is a fairly limited order, although in fact the officers who have worked on this system say that it really significantly improves efficiency on the battlefield, what do you think about this, where are we going with our automation? somehow difficult to comment, the general comment is as follows: we
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have a contract. it must be carried out, because the military needs a control system, automated control of the troops, this is my short reply, then it is difficult, because it has to be operated with numbers, with values, and that, if someone has other developments based on specific tools, whether it is air defense, or in management of artillery, please propose them, we are ready to consider them, regarding the management of... what is the existing system, it needs to be filled with people, technologies, further improvement, most importantly, it needs more and more sets, in order to ensure a proper troop management system, unfortunately, this is not happening due to the internal conflicts of the ministry of defense and the general staff, i think that these conflicts will be resolved in the near future, and
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we will proceed to filling. the concept of an automated troop management system, and finally i'd like to ask about the progress of staffing your unit with qualified engineers, because that's kind of a litmus test for me, is it really after all, there are some positive changes between the desire of the military to serve in a specific part and the mechanisms, do such mechanisms really exist for escorting a person to the part where he wants to serve, well, my evidence is negative, but, well, probably that in some units have contacts with direct contacts at the horizontal level and they can use them. currently , there is no such legally established procedure regarding the possibility of direct involvement of people, certain professionals, professional training in civilian life. unfortunately, it is practiced today
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mobilization, which... the first stage directs a person to


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