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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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the main principles and norms of the coexistence of independent states, which determine the rights of peoples and indicate the various forms of realization of their right to self-determination, you are right here, during the events that we conducted within of the permanent forum, the 23rd session of the permanent forum of the united nations, on issues of rights, on issues of indigenous peoples, er, we, we paid attention to the importance of the crimean tatar people realizing their right to self-determination er in an independent ukrainian state and er... at the same time, we
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talked about the need for transformation the current autonomous status of crimea, national-territorial autonomy based on the right of the indigenous crimean tatar people to self-determination. we held several meetings, in particular we held a briefing with the national delegations of the countries of the european union organized by the united nations, the delegations of the united states of america and the republic of turkey were also invited there, and we talked in detail about how the crimean tatars see their place in independent ukrainian state, we said it is very important that we talk about status today crimea, which will definitely be freed from the russian occupiers. that the future of crimea is
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inseparable and inseparable from the development of its indigenous people, that the subject of this autonomy must be determined, and it seems to me that the conditions under which crimean autonomy can be transformed, which we named, and i will repeat them now, crimean autonomy must ensure... the following: first, this is not a violation of the territorial integrity of the ukrainian state, so that there will never be a repetition of what happened in 2014, this is the most important principle: the ukrainian state is not separate, and all its territories are integral parts, this is the first condition, the second, to which the autonomy of crimea, the status of crimea must respond, is its implementation by the crimean tatar people. of their
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right to self-determination, this is not the goal, but it is a mechanism, a condition for the crimean tatars, being in a significant numerical minority on their land, to have legal mechanisms to ensure their preservation and development, and these conditions are there are many such special legal mechanisms in the world. different forms of autonomy, and the ukrainian state, well, it is able to provide the form that will absolutely correspond to the interests of the entire state as a whole, and will ensure the rights of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and one more condition that must be met by the crimean autonomy, which we are talking about and on the implementation of which we are working on , that on the territory of the crimean... peninsula, of course,
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the equal rights of a citizen and a person of all residents who will live on the territory of the peninsula must be ensured to the same extent, these are the concepts and the approaches that we discussed at various events within the framework of the permanent un forum on indigenous peoples, mr. refate, i hope that it will be so, but now... crimea is occupied and the russian occupiers treat the crimean tatar people well, not in the best way, we even see such attempts to create some special units within the framework of the so -called rosgvardiya are specifically from the crimeans, well, first of all, i understand from the crimean tatars, who are forcibly taken into the russian occupation army. why is this being done, what do the occupiers want to show in this way and how to act to crimeans, to avoid this. fate, thank you for this
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question, this is a very important and sensitive situation, you know, it's like when the russian troops took over. crimea in 2014, and in order to convince the world that, as they say, everyone in crimea just wants, well, they want, that is, the separation of crimea from ukraine and annexation to russia, moscow was very short-sighted for the same position to be taken by the crimean tatars, the crimean tatar the people, in that mosaic that they then intended to demonstrate to the world an artificial mosaic, as if the people there want to separate from ukraine, they really lacked the crimean tatar puzzle, and that is why they tried to bribe, then blackmail, and then with these repressions, persecutions, they wanted
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to drive us into such a position, they did not succeed, now in order to, you know, under. . . . deception and money attract people specifically. unit, the so -called crimean unit, and here they really pay a lot of attention to the involvement of crimean tatars there, they do not succeed and will not succeed in the unit of those who broke and somehow got into that unit, but
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the crimean gauleiters have such a task, and they will achieve it by all means possible for them. and measures, and how to avoid the crimeans, crimean tatars, citizens of ukraine on the territory of the occupied peninsula, this is what they are doing now the occupiers, because they plan to do it forcibly? well, there are two options to avoid, or to openly take a position of refusal and immediately leave, the place, that is, to remain free, because they will definitely bring it to the so-called court and... deprive them of freedom, or leave crimea, and on it's a great pity, well, it's this mechanism that people choose, well, i would say it's a great pity, but it's wrong, i've just spoken, people choose the least acceptable option for them,
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because the crimean tatars are trying, well, just by all means to stay in the occupied crimea, they just cling physically like that. but, one might say, for their land, but in order to avoid such forced mobilization into the russian army, they are forced to leave crimea, and, well, we cannot establish exact statistics, but sometime from september 2022, when it was announced there was a mobilization on the occupied ukrainian lands in the crimea, and in a few months, at least 6-7 thousand crimean tatars, and some experts say 10,000 left the crimea, they took their families, parents, just in case
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avoid mobilization, part of these people, they reached mainland ukraine, and we are grateful to those who... enrolled in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. thank you very much for taking the time to join our broadcast. the head of mychlis of the crimean tatar people, ryfad chubarov, was in direct contact with us. well, we have a short break. first on the commercial, watch it without fail, because it is money that allows television to be honest, neutral and operative. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who
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have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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verdict by isergy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 on espresso. salam alaikum, greetings, andriy yanitskyi in gulsum khalilov studio, you are watching the program razum or beraber, and this is the main crimean
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news for the week, and of course, we cannot but urge you to subscribe to the youtube channels of the atp tv channel and the espresso tv channel, since this is a joint project two tv channels, and of course, support our fighters, our military, we have a muster, a muster for the 48th. cheb named noman chilibihan, right now our guys down south need fpf drones so you can support them with the qr code you see on your screens now, well we're going to be talking military and some of what 's going on in this block on the territory of the occupied crimean peninsula and mr. oleksandr kovalenko is in direct contact with us now, and this is the group's military and political observer. opposition mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. sit baby.
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good day. well, very much this week many military experts and military expert mr. vladyslav seliznyov said that the russians lost their composure in crimea, and thus he announced the presence of atacoms in the armed forces. and recently, many other experts said that on april 17 , the attack of the armed forces of ukraine on... the airfield in dzhankoi took place with the use of these weapons, these attacks, according to your estimates, is this really true, well, yes, rather than not , because according to satellite images that were published in open sources, already after the strike, six landing locations could be seen in the area of ​​the airfield and... these landing locations were typical for strikes by cluster
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warheads. that is, to say that it was possible to use some other means of impressment with a combat unit so powerful with so many cluster sub -munitions, well, we do not have such means, except for one, precisely for operational-tactical attacks. missile with a warhead of the cassette type, according to the modification, most likely block one, and through for some time, the russians also published booster blocks from a weapon found in the dzhankou area , which were very similar to exactly those booster blocks used by attack missiles, and therefore we draw the appropriate conclusion from this, yes indeed. these were attacks, besides, the language of ukraine published videos of launches that took place precisely on
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dzhanka, and in principle it is possible to verify, to draw a conclusion, although it happened at night, although no one can see what kind of launcher it is and it is impossible to install it there even what a rocket looks like, but in general, by characteristic moments, you can recognize that it is exactly... well, not the only missiles, another military expert svitan roman, colonel of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, analyzed the british military aid package for ukraine and saw boats there, which, in his opinion, can be be used not only for forcing the dnieper, but also for landing landings in the crimea, that is, that these boats can reach the coast of crimea, is such an amphibious operation really possible with this
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military aid, and to reach the crimea, they they really can, that's all. maybe, but no amphibious operation, although what exactly is an amphibious operation, if we are talking about some large-scale amphibious operation with the occupation of a bridgehead and so on and so on, then no, because it will actually be suicide, without logistics the appropriate amphibious assault will not be able to hold on there quite a long time, especially taking into account what will be used against him... almost the entire complex of the so-called defense group of troops of the crimea, and this will be its own remote mission, but there are other landings, there are landings of the same type sabotage and reconnaissance activities of the drg, and
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a small number, a small number of units are landed, and accordingly... perform one or another combat task, these boats can also be used for such missions. mr. oleksandr, what about this question, you said about the drg, but lately we see such partisan movements in various telegram channels, and for example, like aytesh, who has his own telegram channel and they always publish there the advancement of the russian military and their equipment . and so on, do you think we can fully trust lo such partisan movements on the territory of the occupied peninsula, for example, could this not be some project of the fsb, or is it possible, on the contrary, that it then supports the armed forces of ukraine, which can, for example, carry out some kind of operation there or a ground operation on
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the temporarily occupied crimea, i will say this , on the territory of those temporarily occupied territories. not only in crimea, but also in kherson oblast, zaporizhzhia, even donetsk and luhansk oblasts, there are still patriotic ukrainians who are waiting for the return of these territories to ukraine and they help as much as they can. and, first of all, of course, they provide relevant information. this does not mean that the administration and moderators of this channel are located on the crimean peninsula itself, they can also be located in the free part of ukraine. but to receive relevant photo or video information from their sources on the peninsula, and it is quite possible that this is exactly how they work according to such a scheme, but the analysis, most importantly , the analysis can be done according to the information that is published, how reliable it is, if it really is reliable and it is confirmed, and therefore there are such
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publications that speak about the usefulness of these materials for them. use, respectively , by the power structures of ukraine, but in any case, everything needs analysis and verification of this or that information, why exactly, there may indeed be cases when the russian special services create some fictitious pro-ukrainian platforms for one or another purpose, there may be completely different tasks, but even if we... are talking about the informational component, materials of this nature can be presented accordingly informing about the movements of certain units, both russian, and they will inspire confidence, at some point material will be presented that is not true at all, but the reaction to this material, respectively, or the defense forces of ukraine
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or some other resources, sources of people, and. .. and will be the main task of this material, i.e. detection or provocation, or manipulation, anything, and therefore one should be careful with any information, but there is another nuance here, even pro-ukrainian patriotic channels, when they publish information, they can sometimes be wrong in some, let's say, narrowly specialized issues, and make or make a mistake in something. or because of the fact that there is a misunderstanding of some situation or some object or some other, let's say, even technical component, or they can. to provide incorrect information, incorrect information directly on the site, therefore all this must be analyzed in any case, what i am talking about,
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even the media, the pro-ukrainian media, which writes exclusively pro-ukrainian, takes such a position, and it's true, it's not some kind of manipulation, but even this information should cause every reader to think critically, check. because everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even if you only have one mistake out of 100 messages in those 100 messages, it's still worth checking. these days, we remember how more than 100 years ago, colonel petro bolobchan entered the crimea with the army of the ukrainian people's council and liberated it from the bolsheviks, and were met by the crimeans. the ukrainian army with flowers, portraits of taras hryhorovych shevchenko and took to the streets, so there is no doubt that there are pro-ukrainian crimeans who
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are waiting for the ukrainian army, we have already seen it in history, we will see it again, i hope, and if we talk about the fact that crimea is not like that after all an impregnable fortress, that the ukrainian army has already liberated crimea in its history, then we can be... convinced that it will happen again, but then there was no crimean bridge, so the importance of the kerch bridge for the supply of weapons and manpower from russia cannot be underestimated, what will happen to the bridge, we we expect that it will still be destroyed by these missile attacks, but for some reason this is not happening, what moment are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for? maximum. yatlovo, i think that's right, the formation of conditions, and we started the conversation with you precisely from the aredrom in dzhankoya, where the division of the 18th
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grain-rocket regiment, the same 18th zrp, which in 2014 switched sides, was destroyed russian occupiers, that is, the first division of traitors was destroyed, retaliation began, but another nuance, the case. in the fact that such objects, namely, which are in service s-400 missiles, launchers, and where are they, this is feodosia, this is yevpatoria, this is sevastopol, this is mister khankut, again, these are all the same divisions of the 18th zrp, two divisions of the 12th zrp, to things, also traitors, and, the third radio engineering regiment, and... also where its components are deployed on cape trakhankut, so all this, what are all these means that represent
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a threat to the air component of striking the kershchyna bridge, as soon as these the components will cease to be combat-capable, the airspace of crimea will be gone covered by s-400 s-300 complexes. with a large radius of action, it opens the appropriate ways to the kerch bridge with one or another impression nomenclature. we saw that it was the airfield in dzhankoy where the attack was carried out using at least six missiles. well, because the video that was shown, we saw six missiles being launched, and from the satellite images we saw six arrivals, and from the air... so, six in six, we draw the appropriate conclusions that in order to finish off all other locations where russian anti-aircraft systems are located
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defense of the s-400, we need about 30 more missiles, at least, atakams, and then we can talk about the fact that such an illegal construction as the kerch bridge deserves, well, legal destruction. sir do you remember, some time ago the american military and ex-officer of the american army ben hodges wrote about the fact that after the supply of long-range weapons to ukraine and the destruction of this logistical artery of the russian federation and the city of kerch and the destruction of russian military facilities on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula can happen very quickly and even the de-occupation of the peninsula can happen... earlier than the de-occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions. how do you assess such a statement, is it really so, is it really the de-occupation
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of half. the island with the supply and availability of these long-range weapons, the cutting of the russian military artery, and so on, may well happen much earlier than donbas, for example, so earlier than the donetsk-luhansk region, but not earlier than the zaporizhia or left bank-kherson regions, ugh, that is, crimea , it will be somewhere in between liberation of these territories, and in principle yes, because the bridge is in fact the main logistical artery, which provides all the necessary volume of material and technical support for three groups of troops in the south of ukraine at once: this is the group of troops for the defense of crimea, this is the group of troops of the dnipro, the left bank kherson region, partly the zaporizhia region, and this is the group of troops in the east , partial donetsk region, southern donetsk region, as
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well as the zaporizhia region, and this... almost 2,000 personnel, this is thousands of pieces of equipment, tanks, anti-aircraft guns, artillery, and so on and so forth other all this huge mass needs every day 24/7, non-stop, to have mtz, logistical support with everything necessary, starting with ammunition, ending with fuel and bridging materials, of course, rotation, compensation. loss of human resource, compensation for loss of mechanized resource and so on and so forth, removal of damaged equipment and much more, so let's imagine the same moment when the kervchen bridge loses its functionality, immediately a huge mass will gradually start day by day step by step to feel the lack of mtz, but it will
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arise where. the volumes delivered through the kherschen bridge cannot be compensated by land routes, because such volumes cannot be compensated by sea routes through the sea of ​​azov, from taganrog there to berdyansk, to mariupol, it will not allow providing such a large concentration of groups of troops, such a number of all necessary, and therefore somewhere in about a month, in a month and a half, this whole group. troops, it will feel an acute shortage, which will not allow them to advance, will not allow them to effectively conduct defensive actions, and so on and so forth something else, so this will destroy the support system of this large group of troops, that 's all, huh, and after that the process of
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counteroffensive actions will begin. already in the south of ukraine, first zaporizhzhya or left bank kherson oblast, depending on the situation, but with access to the administrative borders of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, we can talk about creating a complete isolation of the peninsula and a kind of step-by-step destruction of all the objects of the russian occupation forces on the peninsula, in conditions of isolation, a large group troops will not be able to exist there for a long time, so yes. will be liberated earlier than donetsk and luhansk regions, that is, you think that there will be no storming of the dugout . it will be isolation and attrition to minimize losses. in
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any case, counterinsurgency actions on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula will have to take place, but when we will be near the administrative border, we may be able to significantly expand, for example, our sabotage activities on the peninsula, we will not have to swim half the black sea to reach the coast of crimea in order to land there somewhere near mysutorkhankut in more or less areas that are suitable for this and so on. we will have more opportunities to conduct location operations, and i do not even exclude the fact that after some time it is on the peninsula that in such conditions, under such a scenario, such bridgeheads as now may appear appear on the left bank of the kherson region in the crimea region. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for taking the time to join our broadcast, mr. oleksandr kovalenko was in direct contact with us,
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the group's military and political observer. information resistance.


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