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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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the dead rooster band accompanied by a string quartet. the best selected compositions. already on may 8 in beliatazh, starting at 7 p.m. enjoy the special sound of real rock. dead rooster. buy tickets for concert ua. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. discounts represent coco may discounts on fenstyl 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into transforming ukrainians in little russia. ukraine will become russia.
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countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick-up bc, pick-up. guys, atv is
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the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd cold yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. an important international signal from the ministry of foreign affairs of switzerland. at this stage russia was not invited to the global summit. of peace in june in bürgenstock, i am quoting the swiss mfa now, russia is not invited at this stage, switzerland has always shown openness to inviting russia to this summit, but russia has repeatedly and also publicly stated that it is not interested in participating in this first summit. well, in the meantime, we will talk about the situation near chasovoy yar. serhii chas, the head of the chasoyariv city military administration, is in touch with us. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations
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glory to heroes. let's start with the extreme statement of the spokesman of the operational-strategic command of khortets, nazar voloshyn. he said that the enemy had managed to gain a foothold in the reeds. the armed forces of ukraine are trying to drive out the occupiers from there. it's a bit of a different direction, yes. but we understand that the situation near the time gap is also very, very difficult. and according to certain data from foreign media , it is already said that the russians were able to get to... the city, well, we will not trust foreign media, we have the opportunity directly to ask you, so you have a word. well, at the moment, the information that the russians, the enemies, have established themselves directly on the territory of the community, does not correspond to reality, and let's hope that it will continue to be so. dear mr. chief, what is the general situation with the civilian population in temporary yar. so, is it possible
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to evacuate people and how actively is the enemy firing at the same evacuation vehicles? well, look , evacuation is still possible at the moment, thank god, the basis lies with us and our volunteer friends, because it is impossible to go into the city it's really dangerous, you have to understand which road to drive on and which road it's better not to drive on, because there are certain statistics, where there are more frequent flights, so... well, let's just say, it's not easy to do all this, and every time you go to the city, you plan it and see what course you will take, at the moment it is still possible to pass, but very quickly, i would say so, regarding the residents who remained, we continue to work with them, because evacuation at the moment really saves lives, that is why we are working , we continue to work, how many residents are left, well and in... them, how they manage to ensure
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their livelihood, well, we understand, we are talking about food, water, i am not talking about electricity, at the moment there are 682 people in the city. how to provide, well, i often use this phrase already, in manual mode, all of this is delivered, well, in fact , we also transport humanitarian aid with our own cars, we still have a utility company working for a while, we deliver water to neighborhoods, because there is actually only one well in the community, and it is difficult for people to reach her, but we understand what kind of person this is is engaged in transporting water, well, let's say, constantly where the field is. because it is really dangerous, we see the drones in action and understand that for the russians there is no difference whether it is a military technique or an ordinary civilian one? mr. serhiy, look, when we watched the situation that was happening in avdiivka, yes, when there were people who
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stayed there until the end, unfortunately, among them there were some kind of greedy people, and these are the people who now continue to stay in temporary yaru, are there among them those that i actually leave... unfortunately, yes, i think that in every city there are such, well, but you understand, with us they definitely don’t express their opinion, because, well , it’s very simple at this moment, well, if you ’re waiting, in general, what are you doing in a ukrainian city and why eat ukrainian bread, let’s be honest, we agree, and if we are talking about what the enemy is using most intensively now, i mean attacking. city, have the cabs intensified now, or is it mostly drones, as with air attacks at all? a full complex is currently working, aviation and artillery are also working, and mlrs, and drones, so to say that something is more or
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less, well, honestly, it is simply impossible, everything works, unfortunately, everything works in the city and everything works in the community. mr. chief, we understand that this is a story... a military strategy, well , maybe some classified data there, but a couple of days ago there was information that the enemy tried to bypass and take yar in the vice of times, then information came from our command , that the enemy launched frontal attacks, yes, because they failed to implement the first above strategy of covering the temporal chasm, how big is the city and what is the situation, for example, with the fortifications, and where did the enemy get as close as possible, yes, we understand...
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there are only hills, ravines, so it simply won’t work, as for defensive buildings, let’s leave it to the military, they, if if they want, they will comment on it, and yes, well, let's say, it's difficult, and it's also difficult for our defenders and attacking enemies, so to talk about something that will be easy, it won't be, but the territory? sorry for such a naive question , how big is the territory of the time ravine, that is, the time of the ravine, despite the small number residents, the city and the community itself occupy a fairly large territory, because we had a lot of private sector, accordingly, you
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understand, 13 with a penny thousand population, most of them are the private sector, so we have enough land and enough territory. mr. serhiy, what i wanted to ask you with such a question, if we are talking about chasivyar, is there really not a single intact building in the city now, and it is actually already a ruina city, well, how difficult it is not to say it, but if we take a multi-story, well here you're just showing, you're showing the eastern neighborhood, we call it the canal, everything is 100% affected there, and the private sector and... many floors, everything is affected, and most of them have received critical damage, throughout the rest of the city, especially the high-rise fund, no not a single surviving house, house, everything is damaged, private sector, well, more or less,
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but we understand that no one has windows, if you saw glass there somewhere, well, to be honest , this is already a rarity for the times of spring, and well it's downright bully. to see and to comment, it is painful to comment, the situation with water, how people get out, what is the situation with wells, unfortunately, there are practically no wells in our city, we have. a very deep water well, a well that was reconciled last year, chasiv yar, serhii chaus, the head of the chasovoyariv city military administration, is in touch with us, the connection was suddenly interrupted, well, we understand how difficult it is, well, but still very, very honest conversation and a very good growth to understand what is happening now in the temporal yar. yeah, i think that... we probably are now we will go on a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast, i hope that
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the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the information day of the tv channel continues. we are in touch with lyudmila filipovych, religious scholar, doctor of philosophy, professor at the skovoroda institute of philosophy. of the academy of sciences of ukraine, glory to ukraine, madam professor, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, thank you very much, ugh, well, we are standing on the eve of the great christian holiday, easter, and accordingly, yes, of course, the topic of our conversation will be devoted to the activities of malicious churches on our territory, and i would like to ask you, i think it is possible,
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it's time for us to switch a little from the transitional new julian calendar to... the world calendar, at the moment i'm just sometimes asked by ordinary people, well, how come, we've made a step, let's maybe put the second leg, if we've already dared to make a big civilizational gap with old woman, so to speak, well, i won't fall into unnecessary pathos now, madam professor, i tell you, are there prospects for us, so to speak, to honor our great holidays together with the whole world, i think there is such a prospect. but you see that the church is generally a fairly conservative institution, and look how many years it took for our orthodox church of ukraine, for the greek catholics, 30, even more, to realize the need to break away from moscow traditions and to separate themselves, or so to say, to separate themselves
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from what today is on either side ... of our front is located, but here it is necessary not only to look at it from the point of view of the confrontation between ukraine and russia, but also to look at the general christian tradition. the fact is that until now, the entire christian world calculates the date of easter according to two easters. so, one easter is tied to the gregorian calendar, and the vast majority of churches there. exactly celebrates easter according to that calendar, this year it fell on march 31, but there is still such a powerful part of christians who adhere to the so -called alexandrian easter, and here we have disagreements when we lag behind the so-called, as we say catholic
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easter, sometimes for several weeks, sometimes for... a whole month, as it happened this year, however, there are years when easter according to the gregorian calendar coincides and according to the julian calendar, according to which this paschal of alexandria operates, i remember very recently, it was, i think, in the 17th year, in the 14th year, but 2025 will again be the year when april 20 we will... celebrate easter together with catholics or those who follow the gregorian calendar. i am a little expert in calculating the date of easter, because it is probably all such matters, exclusively church, but i remember that easter is celebrated on the first sunday after the full
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moon, which is the first full moon after on the day of the equinox, the equinox of the 21st of march, well, there is another requirement, you know, that easter cannot be earlier than the jewish passover, this year, pesach was celebrated from april 22 to 207. right here, you know that it is important not to celebrate the date so much as to celebrate the event, and i would very much like ukrainians, christians, ukrainians, to pay attention. rather, to what happened many years ago, and what this particular holiday is connected with, you said, you see, easter is really the greatest day for christians, and this the resurrection of christ, so that we return to the awareness of the meaning of this holiday, i remember
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that the eyes of the church said that if there had been no resurrection of jesus christ, it would certainly not have existed. christianity, because you know, from the fact that jesus christ was born, in fact, well , there were many prophets, there were many teachers who were born, and only jesus christ was resurrected, and this is really a holiday that is a holiday for us of the future, a holiday of future promises , a holiday of freedom, liberation from the possible burdens of this material life, this is the perspective which feeds our hope, this earthly hope, but for many here is this call, when we, you know, greet each other, christ is risen, and, we hear on... the reverse is truly risen, this is the perspective that is important today not only at the level of our individual sense of self, and at the national level, and
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perhaps even at the world level, so we expect this holiday in a couple of days, but again, we are not celebrating may 5, we are celebrating the event of the resurrection of jesus christ. mrs. ludmila, please tell me a lot. he is interested in ukrainians and wants them for himself to understand why greek catholics in ukraine celebrate may 5, and greek catholics abroad celebrate march 31 this year, that is, in us, even in the greek catholic church, there are certain differences in ukraine and abroad? and this applies not only to greek catholics, it also applies to many protestants, i think that it is influenced by the environment, the religious environment in which you are. so it happened that today for ukrainians who celebrate according to the gregorian calendar it is important to identify themselves as
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europeans and not to disconnect from pan-european tradition, i hope that there will be some kind of decision, as, for example, it was with regard to the christmas of christ, and it seems to me that the church will still come, to such a council decision, as they say, in order to celebrate the easter holiday together with the whole world , although we were, for example, visiting the apostolic armenian church and asked about their perspective of transitioning to some new calendar, to which archbishop marko told us, we have been celebrating for 1600 years the way we celebrate, and to give up this tradition. let's not that is, there will definitely remain such churches, such traditions, which will live according to the old prescriptions, according to the old rules, well
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, there is nothing so terrible in this, if you correctly perceive what the holiday is, again, do not get so attached to the external gastronomic sign of this holiday, not so much to the dates, but to the essence of what is happening, well, we would clearly like unity, that's true. yes , we agree with you, professor, and i would also like to move on to certain aspects of disunity, so we understand that there were actors who instead of building unity, an inner sense of unity within the ukrainian people, they tried to simply moor or tear off a piece of ukrainian territory and a piece of the ukrainian people and tie it as tightly as possible to moscow, where everyone was killed. but he is quite a showy character, we understand that the security service of ukraine has now initiated a criminal case against him, there is such a metropolitan
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luka, the head of the zaporizhia diocese of the uoc mp. well, sometimes he is accused, so to speak, of not the greatest sins in terms of criminal ones the code of ukraine, well, but still, quite, quite, quite specific things, the equality of citizens, depending on them. racial, national, regional affiliation, religious background and other characteristics, what is this metropolitan luka, the head of the zaporizhia diocese of the uocp. well, such an odious figure is enough, even for the ukrainian orthodox church, who has always demonstrated his er, that is, consistency and loyalty to the russian orthodox church, while leading. zaporizhian orthodox, you understand that the closer you are to the border with russia, therefore, one should be more careful in accusing him of
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ukrainophilism, and as they say now, of nazism, fascism and so on, and he withstood, let's be honest, the line that was expected of him, a person who was brought up in moscow traditions, in the traditions of moscow clergy schools and on... still could not behave, that is, he is such, you know, the right-wing radical wing in the ukrainian orthodox church, he never demonstrated his attachment to ukraine itself, and he probably did not perceive the ukrainian orthodox church as national, according to its content and form, but simply by name, well , geographically it is located on the territory of ukraine, that is why it is called the ukrainian church, and yes... in general, it is a part, subsidiary, part, subsidiary of this russian church, well, they call it the russian orthodox a church that
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has spread its influence over the entire territory of the post-soviet union, well, let's be honest and say that they have thrown their hats or kashtetics even to western europe, expect something else from it, and actually, just like from the entire hierarchy of this church , we, religious scholars and we did not hope, because we know where, as they say, these people... came from, where they were brought up, what narratives they were fed and nourished all these years, well , being first the exarchate of the russian orthodox church, and then already as stable as so they say that the branches are a branch or a stable part of this church, it had to practice that general tradition, these general orthodox russian ones. epics, which,
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therefore, appeared there in russia, starting from the 15th-16th centuries, when the church was aware of itself and identified itself exclusively as the imperial church, which is intended to fulfill its saving mission not only to ethnic russians, although this is also a question, what are ethnic russians? and to all peoples who are free or unfree, that is, we understand that the orthodoxization of various parts of the current russian federation took place in different ways, well, only belarusians and ukrainians can be considered , look, madam professor, and here, for example, the same criminal things, there are benefits and with him, so how much they can positively influence in general on... yes
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so to speak, on the level of perception of the ukrainian state, ukrainian statehood in specifically taken environments related to the russian world, the so-called, well, specifically we are talking about the ukrainian orthodox church, the higher clergy, huh, and you know, i see two such processes here, well, with on the one hand , they scared without a doubt, that is, the supporters of ruskomirov, because it is not a thing to sit in handcuffs, even under house arrest for a long time, the bracelet, well , they took it off, that's right, that is, our courts, the fairest courts in the world, decided, for sure, you remember you know, and the most humane, by the way, yes, very much fair courts decided that an educational moment is enough for the former governor of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, maybe he will come to his senses and start working exclusively for the benefit of the ukrainian world, let's see, but you see, a spear from him, as from such... you know,
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the tsar within the boundaries of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, because he perceived it as his homeland, a state within a state, well, they were shot down, that is, now he clearly looks a little sick, he underwent an operation, that is, we no longer hear appeals from his lips, means against orthodoxy church of ukraine, he doesn't say anything negative about the president, well, this is one of those directions, yes, we say, which is probably so positive for ukraine, but on the other hand, you understand that any persecution also forms another, on the contrary, grouping, yes, ms. lyudmila, unfortunately, we have to end our conversation, time is running out, lyudmila filipovych, religious scholar, doctor of philosophy, professor at the skovorode institute of philosophy, academy of sciences of ukraine. thanks to her
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for this brilliant conversation. on the espresso tv channel it's past news time, so we'll pass the floor to our colleagues, anna eva melnyk, ready to share with us the most important information as of now. anya, congratulations, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you, colleagues, the newsroom is working, we will talk about the main thing for this hour, and i will start this issue with the situation in the city of chasiv yar, all the details, then stay with us. heavy fighting is taking place near the temporary ravine in donetsk region, a little more than 700 people still remain in the city, on espresso the chief city


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