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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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the countries of their divisions in terms of personnel, and we regularly see one or another fakap, to put it mildly, yes, when something can be overdone on the ground, carrying out one or another of their internal instructions, but in general, how do you evaluate the process, that is, not isolated things, and in general, the process of replenishing the armed forces of ukraine with fighters, now it is important that the personnel of the tsc, sp is changing, that is , those people who have combat experience, or who have been wounded and after treatment, come on rotation, they return to the tsc, this indicates that that these will be truly professional people who have gone through combat operations, and those who were here in the rear, they go to the territory where combat tasks are performed, from may 18 it is important that the ministry of defense promises, to the extreme.
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that the process of preparing the electronic account of the military conscript will be completed, which will be voluntary, but in my opinion it will relieve the activity of the tsc, that is, fewer people will come there to clarify the data, and every conscript who has a desire, because it is voluntary, and not an obligation, he will be able join, register and go through clarification. data remotely, regardless of where it is located, whether in the territory of ukraine or abroad, in addition, conscripts will be able to undergo data clarification through snappy, active preparation is currently underway, because they do not have a database and do not have, in principle, understanding , as it will happen, their regulatory documents are now being prepared so that the snaps will be ready from may 18 or.
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tell the person clearly which document needs to be filled out, which form it is, what should be there it is indicated, that is, active preparation is now underway, will the updated law work, that is , the main thing is the accounting, mobilization measures, there is a big question, because the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine, the general staff need to prepare, prepare internal documents, this also applies to... activities tsc, this concerns the activities of the vlk, this concerns the list of military professions that will be subject to, where recruiting can be carried out, by the way, the number of recruiting centers is increasing, well, they are already opening and justifying themselves similar initiatives, such as recruiting centers, are usually justified, because first of all, it is explanatory work, it is... people can
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come, understanding that they do not issue subpoenas there under any circumstances, that is, people go there, they see, professional people who explain to them what is the list of professions, what are the vacancies, where are they and how can a person, if necessary, register for service, sign a contract or go for mobilization and be in one or another. part, this is very important, and another important thing that is going on now preparation of regulatory documents, together with the ministry of health, which diseases, that is, persons with certain diseases, they will not be subject to mobilization, because there is no such list yet, there is a discussion, it is necessary that there be an order of the ministry of defense, but it... is agreed with
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the ministry of health, that is, there will not be temporarily unfit ones, but there will be fit or unfit ones, but among the fit ones there will also be a certain list suitable for which tasks, some for combat, and some for rear positions, etc., that is, it is also still in work and we have not seen the final version, mr. mykhailo, we understand that after the update yes... they need to pass a military medical board, conditionally, if a person will use the electronic office, then what will be some algorithm of actions, like this person must get to the vlk, that is, she must receive a summons so that she appears at this vlk, what should it look like, no, it is not necessary, first of all, the algorithm has not yet been worked out, and it is currently being studied, in what way , and whether everyone will need to pass the vlk is also a big question, if a person before that y... updated her data and the vlk that she
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goes through is valid, that is, it is still unclear, because if you run all of them, relatively speaking, it will be repeated. vlk, not a single military medical commission in the country, of which there are approximately a thousand, they will not have time to perform their quality work, why, they are already overloaded today, because the military medical commission is passed by persons who undergo treatment after receiving injuries, they pass vlk, persons subject to demobilization, i.e. free. from the service and there are such categories, these are persons with disabilities, for new legislation, they will all be dismissed from service, they will also pass, that is, it is unrealistic, and now the ministry of defense, the general staff, as they say, are in the planning or
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thinking, and there is no normative document, as it will be clear, this issue, it has not been finally resolved , so we agree with you. an extremely serious story, on the other hand, no less, let's go back to one or another tactical such, i don't know, mistakes, and the work on the ground, do you think, are the bodies of justice, maybe the military, and so on, working properly, investigating those or other rather scandalous stories, yes, when someone was legally stopped there, and then rather strange procedural actions began, and sometimes information came that people could even be thrown out under the border before... giving them de facto into the hands of border guards for that in order to somehow cover up one or another not very legal actions, but sometimes such signals appear. well, first of all, we all need to realize that we are living in a period of a special regime of martial law, where there are some,
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he emphasizes, some restrictions on human rights, according to the constitution, but this does not give the right to violate all rights, to violate the current legislation, this is separate. the facts, i am ready to speak objectively about each of them, why, because it is important that the law enforcement officers clearly investigate certain facts of gross violation of the rights of citizens, regulatory documents, sometimes they are subject to administrative, and sometimes even criminal proceedings, that is why such facts exist, sbi , if it is their responsibility, and when war crimes are committed, it is their responsibility together with the prosecutor's office, they are tough. react, and we see that they are criminal proceedings, they are in the works, there are suspensions of officials, tsk and other military units, but i emphasize once again, this is a single case, but unfortunately, such facts exist, there is also a human factor here,
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moreover, those servicemen who are currently returning from the front, and they work in the tsk, continue their service, they also... sometimes they do not understand civilian life, because some of them were, excuse me, at zero for two years, and when i talk to some of them, they say we were heroes at zero, we were donated, to us helped, and when we returned after being treated after being injured in the tcc, we faced a different life, when we are humiliated, when we are also treated rudely, and here it is very important to find that line where there is a violation of rights. on the part of the tsc, and where there is a gross violation of mobilization norms, martial law conditions by the citizens themselves, but i emphasize once again, here it is impossible to find either a normative document or a law that would satisfy everyone, because of this,
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law enforcement agencies simply have to react harshly to any - what violations, and then these violations will definitely become less, more about decision of the ministry of foreign affairs. now many people are saying that it will have no effect, but will have the opposite effect, that people will get rid of any ties with ukraine, and here it is important in general whether someone reported to the deputies about this, that they have such a decision to prepare , because many people say that this is a kind of self-indulgence on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs, and many deputies do not understand why the ministry of foreign affairs decided to take this measure, well, what do you think, will we benefit from this decision or... will we lose from this decision, well, look, the verkhovna rada has nothing to do with the decision of the cabinet of ministers is clear, moreover, we see that, realizing how illegal it was, it was ambiguously
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perceived both within the state and externally , certain clarifications were made, now also by the ministry of foreign affairs, that it is not for everyone, because many questions arise . what about those who are students and not of conscription age, but what about those who have the right to deferment and they cannot be deprived of them. of consular records in general, according to regulatory documents, even those persons who have committed a crime abroad and are in prisons, they are subject to consular records, every citizen of ukraine, according to the constitution, is under the protection of the state, no matter where he is, in which corner of our globe, because of that, this is one side of the problem, on the other hand, of course, we see how it hurts. .. our soldiers who serve, who protect our country, and they
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see that someone abroad is behaving inappropriately, or is evading at all, that is why it is worth dividing here into those who left before martial law, or those who left legally , who left illegally, if we talk about those who left our country, there is a military obligation during martial law , it is illegal, then here you have to... follow the chain, how they traveled, how they crossed the border, where are the border guards, where are the customs officers, where are all the other authorities, that is, it cannot be done here to be one person, a conditional evader who left our state through the air, that is , all those who abused and sent this person away on behalf of the state should be brought to justice, because of this, there is such a side of minaj that they all have to answer, including us or himself before state representatives, because if the conditions were strict, as they say, then
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the person would not have left our territory, but will this measure help people, citizens of ukraine, men, men who were of draft age to be registered, the more return to the state, there is also a big problem, the other day in the verkhovna rada we met with representatives, with deputies from... the sejm of the republic of poland, who clearly told us that the citizens of poland react very painfully when men of conscription age, ukrainians, in warsaw, in krakow, in other cities, behave not quite decently, in a car break two or three times the set speed limit, and this is not acceptable for poland, when they allow themselves to relax not quite normally in... restaurants, when they are rude,
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speak russian there in poland, then the citizens of poland who provide assistance to our refugees, they they are demanding from the polish authorities a reduction in aid to ukrainians and in general they are asking those citizens of our country why you are sitting here instead of going, but mr. mykhailo, i am now appealing to your invaluable unique... experience to do what possible mechanisms could be used, not to invent some special rover there, not to provide any of these services, we have the ministry of internal affairs, poland has the ministry of internal affairs, so to speak, friendly institutions that communicated with each other, despite , that from time to time there were some inappropriate gifts of a dangerous explosion, so to speak, in the polish ministry, yes, but the key story: to engage the appropriate mechanism in order to help with the help of, i don't know,
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the information bases of the ministry of internal affairs in poland, yes, and to communicate similar things and find out: yes, so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so actually crossed illegally, or crossed with such-and-such documents that did not really allow him to cross and so on, well, that is, there are two ministries, well, the intellectual brain of what is called the internal ministry. we can act only within the framework of bilateral agreements on deportation, that is , when a person has violated the current legislation, there is a criminal proceeding, and within this framework we can talk about extradition, about other things of a person who is suspected of a crime, it is not an easy thing, and it is ones or tens, compared to that. by the number that are there, due to the fact that those citizens who legally or illegally left
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the territory of ukraine, during the martial law, or before that, they use the convention on the protection of persons fleeing from war, which will be in force , by the way, there is this convention, not a convention, but an eu directive, which is valid until may 2020. in the 5th year, that is, until 2025, all citizens of ukraine who are in the european union, they enjoy protection, even those who passed through the tisza. er, yes, unequivocally, all citizens of ukraine, and they will receive help, shelter depending on the state where they are, if there is a violation of the current, and criminal, or rather, proceedings, then within the framework of bilateral agreements, which i said, it is necessary to conduct a professional conversation through correspondence, through material
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evidence, other evidence, this is not an easy thing, and it will be only a few. such criminal proceedings already exist, by the way, recently we received, or rather, law enforcement agencies bulgaria, returned the person who is the organizer, co-organizer of sending evaders abroad, that is, people who were illegally sent abroad, but i emphasize once again, this is a criminal proceeding, this is a person who is suspected of a criminal offense, the commission of a criminal offense, this is a completely different topic , it does not apply to all those citizens. who in good faith or even in bad faith today are outside the borders of our state, they are under the protection of our constitution, we add oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, to the ether. mr. oleg, we you are welcome, we are currently having a heated discussion in our studio regarding the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs to limit consular services, yes, and this is a broad topic in general, we are not only talking
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about a specific case, we are talking about certain political decisions in general, both of our state, of our the authorities, which... should, in theory , be those that will help to increase the mobilization reserve, but it turns out that, well, these decisions, they raise many questions both in society and in ukraine and abroad, so what do you think about your personal opinion whether it was correct decision and whether it will really benefit. congratulations to espresso tv viewers, you really have a very professional person in the judge, a person with a lot of life and professional experience, if we talk about people. which today are outside the country and due to the actions of the authorities, then we must ask ourselves the usual question: does this help to support and strengthen the ukrainian army, because all the actions that we direct today must be aimed at one thing: strengthening the ukrainian army. it seems to me that after the decisions made by
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the authorities in ukraine, it will definitely not increase the number of people, those from abroad, outside of ukraine, will return, take up arms and defend the country, if this is so, then those decisions that have been made are ineffective, that we can get side effects from such decisions, of course, that the conflict, the conflict between those whose relatives are defending the country today, even more so, between those who defend the country with weapons in their hands and between those whom ukraine as ... there is no need to divide society, we need to unite society around the army, we need to motivate people who are outside the country today to return, because we need to strengthen the army, we need to think about the ukrainian economy, and we need to make those
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decisions that will motivate people, in my opinion, today need... three extremely clear, simple and very important solutions, and the first solution is the term of release from military service. every person who will pick up the weapon that is on the front today, he should understand how much time, she must fulfill her duty to the country, according to the constitution of ukraine. and when that moment comes, this person should have the right to decide, and the state, society should... motivate him to continue military service. the second is, of course, training, and it is good that the parliamentarians partially resolved this issue in the previous bill, because today there is a clear rule that a person who has not completed training cannot go to the front of the struggle. the third is justice. here are the decisions made by the authorities about
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one hundred percent reservation of law enforcement officers, 100% reservation. state officials, about the non-mobilization of those who have served in law enforcement agencies and will not be mobilized today, these are decisions that cause a sense of injustice in society, i think, as well as mr. mykhailo, and i were categorically against the decision that introduced the draft law, when each people's deputy can reserve two of his assistants, what is this for, apart from embitterment towards the people's deputies, it will bring absolutely no benefit, and the third solution is the protection of military personnel, military personnel and those who protect the country today. the families of those who are at the front should feel socially protected, those who are returning today, being demobilized, should feel supported
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by the state. the families of our heroes are special families, and they should have a special relationship and support from the state. when these components are in place, i am convinced that then we can really count on the fact that citizens of ukraine who are outside the borders. states will return to the way it was in the 22nd year, take up arms and defend the country. well, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, in our studio we would like to ask you to respond briefly to the reflections of oleg mykhailovych, synyutka, yes, well, in particular , we are talking about the situation with our law enforcement officers, and their involvement or not in mobilization processes? well , unequivocally, all those people whom the state taught to hold weapons and protect it... law and order, in the broadest sense, to protect the state, they must serve and fight, by the way,
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most of them today protect our state, a large number of my former subordinates, colleagues, they are serving today, unfortunately, a certain part of them were injured, there are also dead, but it is necessary to be clear, and we talked about it in ours. committees, it is necessary to clearly account for them, who does not serve for which reasons, there is a certain category, which are either persons with disabilities, or persons who have armor, if they work in other structures, and the ministry of economy armors them, but a large part of the security forces, veterans, or people who are not up to age, they for some reason do not fight, do not work, and we chose it based on the results
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work with the pension fund, i.e. up to approximately 50,000, today it is not clear where they are and the task of the etc and law enforcement agencies is to establish where, if they are in the state, they must be registered immediately. i am sure that from may 18 it will be clear where these persons are, but i would not like to offend the total number of veterans of the armed forces of ukraine today, because they are included in this number, the security services, the national police, the national guard, these are the people which the majority continue to defend the state, i would like to react further, to reflect on those persons who are abroad. the state should not forget that only last year those people, ukrainians who work outside the state, they sent here 12 billion dollars, these are the investments, which
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are real investments, they sent here to their families, which they use today for ukraine, this not a loan, which the ministry of finance still borrows, and then must return, this should not be forgotten. thank you, thank you to all people's deputies who... work, who do not refuse to go to sessions, who work, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, oleg tsynyutka, people's deputies of ukraine were at eter spresso, we thank them, and before saying goodbye, i want to remind you about our collection, we are currently collecting uah 2 million for donations, this is important, so please join this important collection, who how with them we will help our defense forces, so i ask the editors to show our bank card numbers, you can see the qr code right now in the corner of the screen, so please scan it and make your contribution to help. to our armed forces, today antin and i are already saying goodbye to you, tomorrow we will see each other in this studio, at the same time, take care and good luck, see you,
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5:00 pm
time to find out about the main events for this hour, greetings to all viewers of espresso jaana javamelnik. seven people were injured, six of them are children. the occupiers attacked the city of dorgachi in the kharkiv region with aerial bombs, reported the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. according to him, two children were found. injuries, four more moderate. all the victims were treated. the occupiers attacked the dnipro district of kherson. the premises of the store were damaged, caps were knocked out in an educational institution and a residential building, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, announced. according to him, people were not injured. on specialists of the emergency and rescue service work at the places of hits. the first explosion was
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terrible in the apartment. everything shook, i ran to the windows to look.


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