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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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sturo - urination under control. the new law on mobilization. who, where and how will serve summonses from may 18. where to apply, what documents to carry, and what awaits the evaders. the most important thing today at 9:15 p.m. in... the project is spoken by velikiy lviv, a platform where everyone gets a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the spresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion. at the end of the day with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. pick up the wounded. on time from the battlefield, it means saving his life, gave a lift to bc, gave a lift to the boys, a quad bike is a way from zero to our life. on this at the stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, this is
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a big topic, i will remind you on the espresso tv channel, oleksandr mochka will talk about money today, very important and interesting topics, oleksandr, congratulations, please have the floor. thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes, dear viewers, i will tell you about what changes await on ukrainian pensioners, and how to return ukrainians from abroad, raise the ukrainian economy and work for the homeland, i will tell you everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, so it is interesting that the payment of pensions will be extended after passing physical identification, it is about pensioners who became displaced until 2022, until february 24, that is, before the start of a full-scale invasion, it was reported today in the ministry of social policy, you have money. will be heard for all the months when a person is not
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received them due to the fact that, for certain reasons, she could not come to the bank, confirm her identity, bring documents, therefore , everything that has accumulated will be paid out, during april , oschadbank already handed over to the pension fund, additional lists of citizens who verified all their data, they already resumed transfers to bank cards. well, despite the war, the economy will probably grow this year. by about 4.6%, however, missile attacks, in particular on energy infrastructure , can worsen this indicator. well, this is the forecast voiced by deputy prime minister yulia svyridenko the gross domestic product will grow thanks, first of all, to the development of the military-industrial complex of our country. also, the expansion of exports and the improvement of logistics routes will continue, for example, the extension of the sea corridor to not only agricultural products. as well as
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other types of processing industry, i think that the share of metal exports via this sea route will also increase, and foreign exchange revenues to the state will only increase, well, if we talk, well, around this indicator of the growth of the ukrainian economy, indeed 4.6 after a record drop in the first year of the great war -30%, then such an optimistic figure, this optimistic figure, is enough. vasyl's number is also supported by ukrainian business. traditionally , the national bank from time to time conducts such a survey of ukrainian companies. and indeed, for several months in a row , ukrainian business has been predicting the growth of its production in the future, and is also planning to increase wages, although it is not enough, so to speak, vasyl, i am sure, because the growth is realistic, but the national bank also says so. that ukrainian entrepreneurs now
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began to complain more often about the shortage of labor force, well, first of all, business, well, even more so , quality, ukrainian business, good, well, there are always some exceptional ones. exceptions, but it is more mobile, it always hires people who are there, maybe somewhere due to a crisis of a manager who changes, they offer something, and it begins to grow even in some difficult moments, this is the responsibility of this business if it wants to live, otherwise, when it comes to small and medium-sized businesses, which depend on many things, but large businesses, i think, still invest in to emerge in this situation, and here vasyl is interested that really large companies can essentially still stay afloat. if we talk about the shortage of personnel, the shortage of people who can recruit employees, then finding a qualified employee in a small business, small or medium, well, in the same micro-business, is quite difficult now, we talked about it with you and the expert of
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the borsh recruitment agency, really it's a big problem now, because a lot of people are going abroad, and the male population continues to mobilize on... well, then, just as we are moving on to the topic of our conversation today, it is how to bring ukrainians back home, how to motivate ukrainians to raise the ukrainian economy. well, here i will first read that payments to ukrainian refugees may be cut even more in ireland. the irish times writes about it. it is known that now our citizens receive 220 € per adult there every week , and also have the right to live in the state. accommodation for an unlimited time, but different rules apply to those who arrived in ireland from 1 march, such refugees are entitled to a weekly allowance of only 38.80 cents per adult and 29.80 cents per child, free housing is provided to them for only 3 months, then
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preferences are promised to be reduced, well, i can only tell you about ireland, because i have communication and experience of understanding people in ireland, well. .. 38 € is 5 € bus, that is , there, relatively speaking, it is about nothing at all, but on the other hand, ireland, what it does, it motivates people to work, offers you courses, programs, english courses, if only there is a desire , and you are given time to be able to learn something and apply yourself, if you don't want to study, you can do some simple work, which will be more than the payments you will receive, then you will not receive payments, but you really have housing, these are the ones i have on i mean, who came there until march 1 and before... in ireland they have a certain, but ireland is interested in ukrainians staying. now the question is how to interest ukrainians and then return home, possibly having acquired some skills, knowledge , some financial certainty, some kind of wealth, but return. well, we will talk about this with oleg hetman, economist, coordinator
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of the economic expert platform, he joins the conversation on the phone. good evening, i greet you. mr. oleg, well, the main motivation, in my opinion, is money, and where it is paid. ukrainians will stay until the last despite some reduction in preferences, it will be possible to go for advanced training, get a new specialty, learn a language, but if there is money there, they will live there, and despite the fact that the nostalgia factor is indeed present, but here the question is economic motivation, how can ukraine now attract ukrainians to raise our economy, is there any mechanism? uh yes, definitely the economic motivation is one of the factors that our military migrants, the temporary ones, say among the factors why they would return, so according to the infosapience survey, it's literally five factors, one of the most
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important is security , and people say that they are ready to live in cities, if there will be no significant destruction there, so at least the western one. ukraine is already suitable for them, a plus they call it normal work, housing, if it is destroyed in them, then it must somehow be provided to them, well, there are smaller factors, but these are the main ones, and in accordance with this, we reviewed international international practices with experts, as we returned migrants after the great wars. 50 years, and these factors and recommendations are actually quite universal, so people need to be given, mr. oleg, well, the top three such factors that can be applied in ukraine, well, yes, first of all, if people have
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destroyed housing, they need to be provided with housing, the recovery program is working, but it needs to be expanded, housing must also be provided to those who have lost it. in the temporarily occupied territories, and not only those who have been destroyed, and it is necessary to provide it, well, these certificates for its restoration to small entrepreneurs, let's start at least with small ones. in which it is also destroyed, because now the program is extended only to individuals, ah, then people are very interested in it, well, security in terms of relations with the state, therefore the supremacy law, reform of law enforcement agencies, police, police, judges, we also identified this as one of the most important reforms that can be attracted now. and the third economic factors, there are a number of proposals, starting from the expansion
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of the grant program there is work, and ending with the reduction of a certain burden on the payroll fund of taxes, so that salaries will increase significantly and become more competitive compared to neighboring countries, this is also realistic to do, so here are three blocks of questions, and we have proposed solutions for them, well, here you are they just mentioned the economic factor, i will add information. from the infosapiens study that you also mentioned, over 60% of ukrainian refugees abroad have higher incomes than they did before the full-scale invasion, and that's an important factor, you just know the point i'd like to make, to that, what i understand , let's say in ireland, and it all works, and these salaries make it possible for people to feel good while you have free housing, the one that they don't give you, it's a completely different story if you start living an independent life, because in the same ireland has enough... high wages and utilities and everything else and everything else and everything else, so here the question is that as long as they give you housing and you can work and have this money
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for yourself, it's very cool, it's just in general great, but here the question is whether people will want to stay when utilities come to them, when they have to buy or rent housing, and they understand that they do not earn so much, it turns out, 100%, and some countries are already beginning to abandon such social package, and in principle this is a pan-european trend, this is switzerland, when she added all the benefits and monthly payments into one big payment, about 4-5 thousand for those who will go home, and in principle, this is another very stimulating package, when the countries are european, and they, i see, who plan to do so, will gradually waive such monthly payments. and turn it into a one-time package, our state can do the same, help those who are ready
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to move home from europe, but there is no housing, no work for the first time, so it can be provided to them at the expense of a certain for a certain time, there for the first year of public housing and help with employment, this is quite a significant factor, well, here it is very important, if european countries start to essentially reduce... pay some preferences for ukrainian refugees, it is important that at the same time ukraine shows that it is ready to receive its citizens in the motherland and really give certificates for those who need housing, really give some even more grant programs for entrepreneurs who had businesses before the great war and want to work for themselves, synergy is needed here, as in me, i thank oleg hetman, the coordinator of the economic expert platform, for the conversation. i will also finish my column, but the big broadcast will continue, there will be more,
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watch us, and really, you know this, the struggle for a resource, i don’t like to call people a resource, but for those who give work and who want results, people are for them - this is a resource, and that's why there will be such a struggle, but in any case for any country. they will understand who wants to work, who is useful, who is promising for them, especially young people, they will provide certain opportunities, well, but there is competition, this is the jungle, this is the law of survival, here whoever can, will survive and win, whoever can’t, well, but ukraine also needs to fight, and ukraine also needs people, we need to think about this, and we, i will now pass the floor to serhiy rudenko, the verdict program starts at 8 p.m., what will we talk about today, i am really interested to know. greetings vasyl, we start at 20:00, today
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we only have an hour of broadcast, during which we will have two guests, the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr orysko and major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer ihor lapin. let's talk about the situation on the eastern and southern fronts, and of course we'll discuss the topic of how the russians are trying to go to... the so-called president putin, which will take place on may 7, to dedicate all their combat, so-called victories in the donbas, to what they will succeed do? to do and whether it will be possible to do it is a big question, i hope that mr. lapin, as a military man, will sort out the situation that is currently developing on the front of ukraine, and of course, the plans of the russian federation regarding the strengthening of the offensive at the end of may and in june,
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we will discuss a number of international issues with volodymyr ogrysk, including the global peace summit in switzerland. and whether this forum will be able to affect the russian-ukrainian war, or simply put, whether this forum will become the key that will bring peace to ukraine, or simply put, the victory of ukraine over the russian federation, and of course, there are many issues of international politics that need commenting, in particular the position of... china regarding the war in ukraine, as they are trying to do now blinken, and scholz and macron to convince sydzenpin to influence vladimir putin and do everything to convince moscow to withdraw from ukraine and stop the war in ukraine, whether macron, who will meet with sydzenpin in
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paris in just a few days, will succeed. a big question for now, and of course for us. it is important to know how the anniversary summit of nato will end, it is clear that zelenskyi was made to understand that the invitation of ukraine to join the north atlantic alliance will not be in july this year, what will on the other hand, if ukraine goes by the way of concluding security agreements with the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance, perhaps ukraine will receive a special status. partnership outside of nato, as israel has with the united states of america and great britain, in short , there are actually many questions that need to be answered. i hope that mr. ogrysko will answer all our questions. so we start literally in 13 minutes, stay with the big broadcast and vasyl zimna, don't
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switch, we'll meet at 20:00. vasyl, you have a word. thank you, sergey, we are waiting on. program verdict serhii rudenko and his guests, well, as serhii said, i am leaving you with vasyl zema, not only with vasyl zimna, in the winter, because ryena chevchenina, our art viewer, has joined me, i am very glad to see her, finally live, hello vasyl, class, i am very glad that you have finally moved, it was very boring without you, well, without you too, well, at least for us, but it will be more fun now, please, yes, in a moment we will talk about eurobak . and how the third assault brigade continues to agitate very coolly, to join their ranks in a second. so here we go, let's start with a movie that's out today that's already out, i
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encourage you to watch it, especially if you're sitting around worrying. for mobilization, you are thinking of mobilizing, but how, and what, and how will it be, if you go and watch the tape called, we were recruits, or recruits, recruits, vasyl, how is it correct, recruits, and yes, then you will see what a third separate assault brigade has prepared for you, which is famous for its extremely popular youtube, where they constantly talk about what are they about, how do they fight and so on, here... here we see the main character, this is a pseudo-documentary with an outside journalist, he is 19 years old, he still decides to join the loves of the third stormova and makes a film for us, the main characters of which are seven fighters, boys and one female fighter with the call sign helga, and here he is, they
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are all going from kyiv to some hot spot for the war, and he tells us in parallel about these heroes and what they do. let's look and listen to an excerpt: my call journalist, and now i am a recruit in the third separate assault brigade. these soldiers are fighting for ukraine and for the honor of their subordinate, on the way to the decisive battle, i will tell you who these people are. wanted to add, just as we were talking, at one time there was a fairly famous hollywood film, we were soldiers with mel gibson, but what is the truth then, it is a film about the war that took place in vietnam, well , at that time, it is not quite the same the war that is happening now, because now it is you... the war of the ukrainian people against the aggressor, but i am leading to the point that it is cool, it is always dramatic stories that, if done well, attract attention and generate interest,
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yes, i think this film will also generate interest, i don't think that it can be analyzed from an artistic point of view, i don't think that this film was made so that film critics would write their reviews, it was made in order to explain to people what a third separate helm is. the new brigade is a time of who serves there, what they do, and there the heroes speak out, perhaps the main fears or insecurities of people who are thinking about mobilization, for example, one of the heroes who now runs a training camp, he has two concussions, he is now training other people, and he says that it is not necessary to have some powerful physical training, the main thing is to have the spirit, and he says that this is how many people came to them, the guy came, which one at all. did not give any hope, but as he says, now he is running there on the front line and shows himself from the best side, and lubomyr levytsky shot this tape, you know him,
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for example, behind the tunnel, behind the selfie-pati, behind the shadows of the forgotten ancestors behind the third crazy wedding, he also made a documentary, but during the full-scale invasion, well, now we can watch his tape of the third about the third separate assault brigade called... we were recruits, and i think my program will come out on saturday, where we let's talk with the creators and ask them in more detail. also, friends, a teaser of roman bondarchuk's film called redaktsia has been released, it is one of the few films about journalists so far, and it will be very interesting to watch, the film has already been shown at various film festivals, at the berlinale, such a big trailer, which is international, and it tells about the main character, about... a photographer who gets a job in an editorial office in the kherson region, and there he encounters quite funny
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situations, as i understand it, according to both the trailer and the teaser, our journalistic brothers are not very complimentary, i am not against such criticism, let's look at our poster and you will see everything for yourself, i can't print it, the editors or the artists... a sensation, a free artist is not an insult, it's just that he is barefoot and naked to pay utility worker, i ate one potato with my hands. if you touch the reader emotionally, no one will check anything. yes, we saw some ambiguous characters in this film, but what if we will wait for it, i will say that, let me remind you, roman bondarchuk once made the film vulcan, it is also about a. kherson oblast and many people said after the release of this film that if roman bondarchuk had starred, taken on the film adaptation of zhadan's book, set out to act,
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he would have made it cool, although for me the film is an adaptation that we have, which was directed by yaroslav i also really like ladygin, we need more ukrainian films, i’ll tell you one more thing, once upon a time there was a film about a football player who from mexico reached the stars of world football and all the football players said yes, no , there is no such thing in life, and the same when you shoot films editorial about work. i am 26 years old in journalism, and i will say that it is obvious that this is not the case in life, but it is always a movie, a movie is for people who are not in this process to understand what is happening there, well, roughly , and cinema, i do i understand it's a little grotesque, but we'll wait, in any case, i think it will be cool, and also the first video from the eurovision rehearsals of our alyona alyona and jeri gale, we can watch a snippet already, well now you can watch on how it all looks, absolutely. impressive and if the girls, especially on twitter, well twitter in general is absolutely toxic, there they were rinsed after they won
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our semi-finals, but now, judging by the reactions i saw on social networks, almost everyone liked this passage, this number was performed by tanjo moinho, who i will remind you of in just a moment, and now let's watch and listen to jerry hale sing. i think you know, it's tanya, not tanya, she's our music video director, who started out very successful here, shooting for top stars with her character... style, such colorful cheerful videos, and then she gave abroad to the states, and now she shoots music videos for top already world stars, the last, last video she shot.
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for dualipa, there are already a lot of views, and this, of course, is probably the most famous ukrainian director in the world, so far, thank you very much lazy, who just told us in detail about the culture, and i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, and now i will talk about the weather natalka didenko, don't miss the verdict program at 8 p.m., stay tuned to express and i wish you a good evening. synoptical, hello to all, our dear viewers, we will, of course, talk about the weather, which is expected in the coming days, before easter, which is very special. weight to weather, to
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synoptic situation, but since may has begun, and we do not forget that at the beginning of each month, we review a short climatic characteristic of what the month is usually like in ukraine, based on many years of research and information, therefore, according to forecasters, the average monthly air temperature in may it is 13-17°, in mountainous areas it is clear that it is below +7 +12. the absolute minimum air temperature is 0.6 degrees of frost, and in some places in the sumy region and again in mountainous areas -7-10. the absolute maximum air temperature in may was recorded in the range of 30-37° above zero, in odesa, luhansk and crimea up to 38-39. the average monthly amount of precipitation in travnev is 22.60 mm, in the western regions
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and in vinnytsia it is 2.91, well, in the carpathians it is the most up to 148 mm, this is how it is a wonderful, interesting and sometimes capricious may. we move on with you to our next sub-topic, this is geomagnetic activity, and it is clear that tomorrow there will be fluctuations, uh, so please pay attention to yourself, to your health, to your well-being and calm down. we go to the weather forecast, what it will be like in all of ukraine and in each region, in particular. so, on may 3, the air temperature in the western regions of ukraine will practically not change and will occupy high, so to speak, positions. everywhere will be dry, mostly sunny, white clouds, in short, very comfortable weather. well, in the north of ukraine tomorrow the air temperature will drop a little and it will fluctuate
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somewhere around 16.19° after today's, well, super warm day, i think you will feel it. precipitation is not expected in the north. in the eastern part of ukraine also, the degrees, so to speak, will settle down a little, +16 +19, somewhere with more intense solar heating up to +20, but nevertheless the air temperature will be like this. precipitation is also not expected in the east. in the central part of ukraine, a dry air mass will prevail, an anti-cyclonic character will prevail... almost everywhere, the air temperature will fluctuate in the center from 20 to 24, but for example in poltava oblast, vinnytsia oblast, cherkasy oblast, it may be lower in some places. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow 2025, 20-26° above zero, no precipitation is expected. well, and in kyiv, in the capital, the air temperature will drop a little tomorrow, the maximum is expected to be somewhere between +18-p19°, but... precipitation is not
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expected. in the future, on may 4 , this kind of fresh weather is expected tomorrow in the north there, for example, as i said, or in the central regions, it will cover a large part of the territory of ukraine, but without precipitation. but on may 5 for easter, the night will be dry, fresh, dress a little warmer, on easter day, in the west, in the north, short-term rains will pass in places, in some places they will program. cargo, but everywhere in ukraine the weather will be warm. good evening, we are from ukraine. watch verdict with serhii rudenko in the program. frontal assaults and bombardment by cabs. the enemy is pressing chasiv yar and is trying to launch an attack on pokrovsk
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from avdiivka. how long will the russians have the upper hand?


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