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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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factories were destroyed, which were located in the european territory of russia, on the other hand, it is becoming more and more difficult for the enemy to pass through our demarcation line, through the forces of our slave, that is , they are modernized every time, but what is ours, what is theirs, it is becoming more and more difficult to carry out these reconnaissance uavs, that is, it is a good tool, but it is not a fanace, we use it only when we do not... but get to know a certain area, which, possibly, based on other data, interceptions, finds its own equipment, that is, conditionally , what radio-electronic intelligence or agent intelligence learns about the location of some equipment in some square, a reconnaissance uav is already calmly sent there, which already begins to search for it, invent and destroy it, that is , to adjust the artillery, well, but in principle, well , we saw that... the russian occupying forces
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still managed to establish such, you know, not bad, i would say, interaction, they did not succeed in this for a very long time, but they succeeded in the end, when the uavs came quickly enough, when they were somewhere even far from the front some kind of accumulation of equipment, even a little, it stopped somewhere and instantly it is transferred to where they have an iskander or something and it flies there, it is such a serious danger actually. this interaction between these two such components, because , well, it does not allow us to move equipment freely, even the same systems can be moved freely across the ppo, well, that is, the threat itself is very unpleasant, unfortunately, uh, yes, it will always be unpleasant, why, because, as i said, the enemy does not stand still and is always evolving, its development is constant, yes just like development, and conditionally they found a method to bypass our defense forces, our anti-aircraft defense, our...
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rep means, at the same moment we immediately begin to look for opportunities to bypass his maneuver, yes, that is, he found some loophole in our system, we try immediately close this loophole, and the same thing begins to change, and so playing cat-and-mouse already throughout the entire full-scale tuesday, well, we literally have 20 seconds, just your opinion about the fact that now there is a window of opportunity for the russians, what we need , so that this window is a window of opportunity for them closed at the front in their advancement. a continuous increase in the number of artillery, a continuous increase in the number of equipment from the air defense force in order to make their aviation and artillery impossible, that is, the main task is to suppress their fire means so that we can already maneuver more, without fear, let's say, of threats from the sky , if we can overcome that, everything else, i.e. destroying their enemy manpower, won't be much of a problem for us. thank you, thank you, this is maksym matviychuk, commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade, officer. nsu, ​​well, actually, i remind you,
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always join our meetings, now it's fpv, and our time is up, then we have news, so stay with espresso, and we'll see you in a week. see this week in the collaborators program. as a shoe salesman, he became the head of the occupation community. as a result of the coup on the maidan , the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown, and why are zaprodanka from luhansk region being taken care of by russian soldiers? since february 23, congratulations. greetings, i am olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator program, about traitors who are called hearts and wallets went to serve the russian occupiers. how much is the oryza of a collaborator worth, for what benefit from the occupiers are citizens of ukraine ready to sell themselves to... peasants and serve
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murderers, an idea, money, illusory fame or a dream position, everyone has their own price, but all sellers have one thing in common, for their insidious betrayal will have to pay our today's issue is about those who in the temporarily occupied territories are blindly guided by the orders of the kremlin and vainly think that punishment will be avoided. changed his mandate to ukrainian politics for the career of a traitor. how used to the fact that... that we do not have an escalation of such hostilities in the east, and the state really thought that the issue was already over, but this conflict did not go anywhere, this is bulyuk vitaly viktorovych, he is 55, a native of the village of gladkivka, kherson region . in this three-year-old video, he, as a deputy of the kherson regional council, says that it is necessary to increase the funding of ground defense? at first glance, a politician who cares about issues. national security,
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but as the question of national will turn out later he was not interested in defense, unity and ukraine in general. bulyuk's career began to develop rapidly in 2003, when he... was appointed deputy head of the kherson customs office, soon the man was promoted, and from 2007 to 2015, bulyuk was almost continuously the head of the kherson customs office, while simultaneously taking the first steps in politics, starting from 2010- in the 1990s, he was a deputy of the kherson regional council from various parties, the now-banned communist party and our region. a party appeared that united all the people of the cause itself. i made such a decision for myself to cooperate with her. but when putin started a full-scale war in february 22, bolyuk decided to keep his warm seat in the deputy seat at any cost. after seeing russian tanks in the kherson region, he put the credentials of a ukrainian politician far away in a drawer and happily ran
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to earn the reputation of a russian official. according to law enforcement agencies , on april 16, 2022, bulyuk helped rioters seize the building of one of the city councils. on the territory of the region, and also convinced local residents, not to prevent the occupiers from distributing so-called humanitarian aid from russia. i made a choice too, i am for peace, for friendship, i am for the fact that fascism will never happen again on the territory of the kherson region. for his pro-russian choice, he received dividends in the form of positions. initially, the hijackers appointed him as one of gauleiter's deputies in... and already on august 17, 2022, vitaly bulyuk became the temporary acting head of the fake head of the military-civilian administration of the kherson region. planting trees is part-time until the day of reunification with the great motherland russia, that is why we are starting,
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continuing and continuing such events. bulyuk has now been given a new position. now he is the first deputy head of the illegal government of the kherson region on issues. and economy, but the betrayal did not go unnoticed, ukrainian partisans arranged a big boom for him right next to his house in temporarily occupied skadovsk. bulyuk miraculously survived, but his driver died. an attempt was made on our associate, our friend who works in the government. he was specific an attempt on his life. as he was leaving his house, an explosion rang out, the device was hidden opposite. fortunately, he remained alive. but bulyuk did not have long to rejoice at the fact that he remained alive. i am sure that our law enforcement officers will arrest him soon. the question of choosing one's future destiny, life with
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a great powerful country. that's why i'm in a great mood. the case of this seller is already under consideration in the kherson city court. but who knows, maybe. before the verdict in bulyuk's yard, one more woman will happen, spring thunderstorms are so unpredictable. on in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, the russians completed the formation of a local so-called public chamber. what is this body and who manages it. the public chamber is a body without powers, which should create the illusion of public society in russia. in fact, the chamber issues a certificate of a public figure and gives an assessment to legislative initiatives. the leadership of the chamber. is appointed by the president of the russian federation putin, you might think that someone influential or well-known is appointed to the position of the head of this chamber, but no, he became a salesman footwear. i would very much like that on the other side , not only in ukraine, but preferably
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far away, where the puppeteers are sitting, controlling everything that is happening, felt the explosions of rockets, artillery strikes, and the smell of fires. this is igor vadymovych kachur from the kherson region. about his biography until february 24, ukrainian sources only know that he was a private entrepreneur and sold shoes. and here is what he tells the propagandist russian media about himself. kacher positions himself as a journalist, activist and defender of the russian language languages ​​in ukraine. apparently, since 1992, he began to publish regularly. these were articles on military and political topics, which were found in... in particular, in the central editions of russia. for a long time, the man was a member of the worldwide manhunt service in the kherson region, and in 2014 , kachur was charged with separatism and anti-state activity by the security service of ukraine for his articles in russian publications.
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as a result of the coup on the maidan , the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown, and from that moment a series of events started, which as a result... reduced to the beginning of the svo. an ideal biography to occupy a high chair in russian institutions. like, i'm for mother russia, i've been waiting for you for a long time, i speak. he defended usk, wrote laudatory articles about the kremlin. tired of selling shoes, give me at least some position. not surprisingly, when the full-scale invasion began, kachur ran to hug the killers. it was impossible to remain in that life, and in that state, in which the people of kherson lived for the last 30 years, and finally such an opportunity appeared. at first , he helped the occupiers in holding a pseudo-referendum, was a member of the territory. election commissions for counting votes and engaged in pro-russian campaigning among the residents of kherson region, well, then he went on to a significant
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promotion, he was made the head of the occupying public chamber of kherson region, this chamber has a telegram page with 300 subscribers, there are regularly posted photo reports of kachur's activities, for example, as he attends his master putin's conference, accuses ukraine of shelling civilians and tells children in schools who to vote for. kachur hopes, chairs under a red star, well, pure shizuha, that the botox-like scarecrow will sit for a long time with such disorders of thinking , it would not prevent him from taking a dig in a completely different chamber, and not leading the public chamber. the young voter school is designed as a way to involve young people in electoral processes. but of course, if rational processes are unattainable, it is necessary to engage in electoral ones. russian propaganda...
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we will emphasize the poverty of the lunatic channel with the symbolism of russian murderers, but the word zone is encouraging, i am sure that soon this sellout will learn about alternative interpretations of this noun. and finally, i will tell you about the head of the russian fund defenders of the fatherland, olga volodymyrivna simanova , born in 1983, originally from the luhansk region. one of the priority directions of our fund is the perpetuation of the memory of the participants of the special military operation. olga graduated from luhansk dali university with a degree in political science. until 2014, she worked in various projects and was even the head of the social partnership charity fund. when in the 14th year the russian army began the occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions, olga and her son went to the temporarily occupied crimea to return home to luhansk. i would like to express my gratitude to president vladimir vladimirovich putin. i
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have been doing volunteer work for many years, and all these years i feel the support of the government and the president. in this way, olga explained what she had been doing in recent years in the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region. it seems that her climbing was not appreciated there and no money was given. so with the beginning of a full-scale war, the woman decided to move to where russia opens new illegal ministries, creates state bodies. , throws millions of wooden rubles into the russification of the kherson region. having experience working with the occupiers, simanova got a position at the head of the branch of the russian state fund defenders of the fatherland in the kherson region, and later became putin's confidant as a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation in the kherson region. since february 23, congratulations, here's to you too. as the head of the fund of black garbage bags, or , as they say, defenders of the motherland, she. takes care that the chumps get holiday gifts, medical care, so that those
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who became fertilizer are not forgotten, and their families advance in line to receive a fur coat or zhigulis. the optimism of the residents of the kherson region is certainly visible, and i am very happy to see it too. it would be better to deal with the wholesale purchase of garbage bags, the benefit would be much greater. olga highlights her work in the telegram channel, where she has 770 subscribers. councils this traitor should conduct it more actively, so our law enforcement agencies will have more evidence to declare suspicion, the verdict in this case will not be taken away, i am sure of this. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two
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hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. glory to ukraine. dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about the historic decision of the united states to provide us with the necessary financial and military assistance. at the same time, we will analyze the medium-term prospects of a protracted war with the russian federation. our guests today: myroslav chech, a member of the polish diet of the second third term, as well as the iconic ukrainian
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politician and diplomat roman bezsmertyy. now a historian will be working on the air of the tv channel. cadence myroslav cheh. glory to ukraine, myroslava, congratulations. well, joseph biden made a decision, not just a decision, but a strategic decision, and here we understand that it is not only about money, an extremely large amount, it is about etaxems and that the united states was already on the alert, waiting for the decision of the last , last signature, last signature to start, restore normal supplies of ammunition. and further down the list, it is extremely important for attacks, it is not just about weapons, but about symbolic weapons and about the so-called red lines drawn on your forehead in the kremlin. well, first of all, the atakamps, as the media reports, the media report 100, with a range of up to 300 km, the decision was made already in february, and
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they arrived in ukraine in march and have already been used twice by the ukrainian armed forces. to the attacks among others on the airfield in dzhankoi, which is very revealing, that is, we understand that the attacks, they have to be used only on the territory of ukraine, including usually occupied territories, but this means that if their own, in the vast majority, will be used and in larger quantities, then this will mean that the russians in crimea will be very, very bad, from which we can only rejoice. yes, well, but on the other hand, this does not cancel a large-scale war, so we understand that may, june, july will be extremely fierce, and here is the key story, if we take the medium-term strategic prospects of support from the european union and of the united states, that is, how far brussels, in individual capitals, in particular berlin, paris and
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washington, are willing to go. well, when determining how far they will be ready for... it is now necessary to listen to jens stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, who stated that military targets on the territory of the russian federation, and not the occupied territories of ukraine, are legitimate targets for the armed forces of ukraine . in other words, everything that a soldier serving in the russian army on the territory of russia can be a target of attacks from ukraine. this is a very far-reaching taka a declaration that ... did not exist six months ago, as well as jens stoldeng's statement about and the decision of nato member countries about the nato military mission that should help ukraine. yes stoltenberg's statement, when america had not decided whether there would be aid or not , that nato could shoulder the entire burden of aid to ukraine, and not in
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the ramstein format, which the americans immediately denied, we are the leaders here, but let's not... but this only meant that the role of europe and the european members of nato, which in principle are the mouthpieces of macron and donald, is growing tusk, it must be said, and jens stoltenberg to a certain extent, they stated that there is, there may be a situation in the future where the european members of nato are responsible for all assistance to ukraine, which cannot but be happy in the context of this. what we have seen for six months in america, yes, but in any case we understand that ensuring our defense is not only about money, it is anti-missile defense systems, it is the patriot systems, and we also understand what is happening now, that is, the russians have shown his criminal tactics, that is , well, on the example of kharkiv, the same, that is to completely de-energize the city and then
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try to turn it into a wasteland, one patriot alone... a battery of patriots already, as i understand it, germany is handing over, next is greece and spain, which have patriots, uh, they wanted some enhanced guarantees financial compensation from other countries, nato members, and also one, one and one battery, it should be provided by the united states, so when it comes to building and providing patriots, it will be planes. i understand that the situation was complicated simply by preparation pilots, well, unfortunately, this process did not take place at the pace of ukrainians, conditional on the development of high-speed aircraft, which took place there for three weeks and the high-speed aircraft were already ready. with pilots, after all, from the f-16, it should continue for a long time, because the training of pilots in regular mode is 2.5
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years, and in fact 5 years, here in ukraine it will take place after a year and there 3-4 months, i.e. it started late, that’s right, on the other hand , it’s going at a rapid pace, it’s going at a rapid pace, but still slowly, so we understand that russia is training its troops, russia is preparing additional resources are not only living. forces, yes, and technical resources, and we understand that russia has set itself the goal of a long war, a protracted war, and at the moment they are proactive, that is, they will launch aggression as soon as we receive attacks, the situation can change, well, in any by the way, everyone was very worried when president macron started talking about the front line, which can run along the dnieper, and accordingly, how things have changed now... what needs to be done and what our various allies, friends and so on will be ready to do further. the fear that russia has armed itself to the teeth and
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is ready to reach the english channel, if there is no unification of nato and strengthened restoration of the capabilities of european nato countries and so on, it is already behind us. the situation at the front, as ukrainians, experts, and the military say, is not as tragic as it might seem to them... i understand that with all my support and all the feelings that can be expressed to the residents of kharkiv, which every day are a target for the attacks of those terrorist attacks from russia, but to take such a city as kharkiv, as i understand it, all military experts say that it would take several hundreds of thousands of thousands of russian hordes, avdiyivka was taken by a russian group, what the hell. there were more than 80,000 soldiers and it took them several months there , and even in the natsivka itself they say that if there had been an earlier supply of shells, artillery shells, then the avdiivka would never
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have been taken, even jack sullivan said so, and this is our leader the dove is of peace and everything else in america and so on, and he said if you had helped earlier, then avdiivka would not have fallen, well, but avdiivka fell and now it is about maintenance. the front lines, what i mean, is now a war of attrition, in fact the russians may think that they are winning, but this is far from the case, because the americans have the same understanding as the europeans of several factors: first, the war of attrition is not can win by definition, it is too weak, confrontations with nato, that is, the european union, the united states, canada, this is... clearly, moreover, the potential of the europe, both in the defense sphere and in the military, already in the narrower sense, that is, both aircraft and
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artillery, and the armed forces themselves, the military and so on, can protest in russia, and russia will not tolerate a conditional attack against nato, it has been fighting against ukraine for more than 10 years, let's not forget that this is a war, well, it's a question of the level of intensity of the battle. well, now we see that the level of intensity is not decreasing, it is only gradually, gradually, it is still being added, although it is simply hell there in some areas of the front, well, it is so, so it is, first of all, a potential it is impossible to compare, russia will not win a war of attrition, firstly, secondly, in the long term, and this process has already begun, the west has switched its attention not only to providing ukraine with weapons and money, but also to economic recovery. and defense potential of ukraine. now they are going, well, i understand, because some cases are secret, of course, but extensive work is underway to restore the work of ukrainian defense
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factories, the production of shells and everything else. from the speech of american officials it can be understood that now america and europe will do everything to ensure that ukraine stands very firmly on its feet. therefore, the transmission of atakam si. i take into account, of course, that this is the repulsion of russian planes with cabs and so on, but in fact it is about crimea, about novorossiysk, about the black sea fleet, that is, ensuring the safety of odessa and black sea ships, so that ukraine has an open window for exports, imports, exports of its products and imports products from the world, that is, to be an economically capable state. military the goals now, as i understand it, are for ukraine to level the front line and acquire the capabilities to inflict such losses on the russians that they will not have the opportunity to...
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compensate, that's what all the military experts are saying now, the russians are mobilizing somewhere around 30-40 thousands of soldiers every month, somewhere around 25-30 thousand are destroyed, and it is about their losses being greater than the possibilities of mobilization, and this is what we are talking about now, and the third factor, which we cannot completely ignore, is what the americans are already directly declaring and... secretary of state blincon went to pakin to talk to china and say this, friends, you have to decide whether you support russia, then you will have sanctions and you will have a problem with the full program, like those who support the aggressor, or you will curtail this aid, because it is necessary to say, i did not know this figure, but it is impressive that 90% of the machines before the production of barrels, and there are tanks, and shells, and so
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on are supplied. to russia by china, 70%, i don’t know if there is any separate equipment there, that is why joe biden spoke to sizimpin, warned him, that you are coming to a point where we will use all means against you, and that is why chancellor scholz was, sizimpinya, syzimpinya is going to come to paris to talk in may, all this will be the day before the peace forum in switzerland. this is exactly what we are approaching, what will the observers from beijing come to switzerland with, we understand that there will be no russians, they would rather be belarusians as observers, but at the moment i do not have this information, in any case a civilized western the world will outline its parameters, a vision not only of peace formulas, but also the willingness to support ukraine, i.e. the alignment of the geopolitical clocks, what will happen now in switzerland, the event will be
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determined in switzerland. the event is set, representatives of the so-called global south will come there. well, the only question is whether china will come or not. belarus is like that, with all due respect to belarus and the belarusian people, of course. will china come even as an observer, but not as a participant and so on. that is, negotiations are underway. and china is really at such a crossroads, whether it will be or not will not. instead, it is about the global south. the principles on which it can be. a new world order has been established and the formula for ending the war in ukraine has been decided, it is written. the formula is president zelenskyi's plan, where the first point is the observance of the sovereignty and inviolability of the territorial integrity of all states, this is the first point, the rest is secondary to this first point, and the first point will determine everything, so the russians
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are doing... they stand on their ears conditionally in order to torpedo this summit, because the summit, when you come and when you discuss the formula of president zelenskyi's peace plan, the first item is restoration, well, of course , restoration in the borders of 1991, by 2000 there in 22, where they also grabbed the zaporizhia and kherson regions, that is, the russians, so everything will be determined here, or you stand on this side. either these or on that side, and here it is impossible to stand between you and our formula, china's formula, that you can be a mediator and go to ukraine for some territorial compromises, it is ineffective and its it won't happen, fine, well, but we understand, it is possible to support ukraine, but germany strongly supports ukraine in the matter of supplying taurus, there is a certain line that the germans do not want to cross, when we talk about
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aviation, we... we also talk about f- 16, not about the f-35 and so on and so forth. we understand that the issue of delineating the framework is one story, and the readiness to adhere to and force russia to this or that peace formula is a little different, that is, on paper very often everything looks very smooth, but when we talk about forcing russia, anton, well, the takamsov have still arrived, the red lines have already been destroyed, those atakams are 300 km long, the nutaus, of course. it would be good if they came, but this, this is not an insult, it is just a demonstration that we can speak and call for one, but this must always be followed by very concrete, sometimes harsh actions, of course, everyone must help ukraine , that's a full stop, well, but there is the internal situation of individual states, well, in america, it took half a year with absolute persistence and full, but full returns of president biden for six months.
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took away from republicans to support this one


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