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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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f-35 and so on and so on, we understand that the issue of delineating the framework is one story, and the readiness to adhere to and force russia to this or that peace formula is a little different, well, that is, on paper very often everything looks very smooth, but when we talk about coercing russia, anton, well, they have already arrived, the red lines have already been destroyed, those attacks are 300 km long, well, it would certainly be good for the taurus to come, but... this is not a trick, it is just a demonstration of the fact that that we can speak and appeal to one, but for that very specific, sometimes harsh actions must always be taken. of course, everyone should help ukraine, that's the point, well, but there is the internal situation of individual states, it took half a year for america with the absolute persistence and full, but full commitment of president biden, it took half a year for the republicans to support this one. year and then, well half and half
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it was that in fact, how critically important it was that whatever badge president biden had when he signed the agreement, when he signed this law, a badge with the flags of the united states and ukraine, no israel, not taiwan, or with everyone, only with ukraine, because it was a fundamental question, what played, well, played differently, trump, johnson, so what, what is it? trump and johnson played vladimir vladimirovich putin, because he gave an interview to carson at the beginning of february, this is what he calls carson tucker, so tucker carlson gave an interview where he showed that he is handing out cards in the american elections and this is the american deep steate prus reagan republicans, because there are still such, at the same time holding the heads of the intelligence committee there defense and foreign affairs of the house
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of representatives, they are such reagan hawks, so they were very much like that, not camillo, because vladimir vladimirovych came here says who the americans should elect as president, and also says no, well, actually, we would be better off if he was biden, well, these are not games like this with the americans, well, that’s why they were broken very much, and this breakdown happened like this, well... boring, because once these trumpists succeeded in overthrowing mccarthy, the speaker of the house of representatives, for the first time in 240 years, so that there was simply unheard of phenomenon, the democrats made a mistake here, of course, that they supported this proposal, not without foreseeing the consequences, and then their game with johnson began, that they would also dislodge him from the speaker's chair, well, it didn't work, and well, they say there are various factors and... and they played their role, they say that
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the court hearings of trump himself showed him that this is not the case, maybe, maybe it is the case that he will not be a candidate, because when he will be, i heard this version, that donald trump understood, yes, that he played his isolationist card and has exhausted certain resources, so to speak, from his electoral sympathies, he needs to enter another field, that is, he must be a big player, so to speak, and not a sprout... one or another actor, because the question of russian aggression against ukraine is serious, even for american politics, then you think well of donald trump, i'm a little worse no, i just see the behavior of johnson, yes, that is, johnson, johnson, i think, played, he really wanted the republicans preserved party unity, well it did not succeed, and he stood in front of it, it is the same as if stefanchuk would have gone against the decision of, for example, president zelenskyi, so...
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well, johnson is not by himself johnson the speaker of the congress, well, he secured the support of trump even after that vote trump said that he is our good guy, that is, trump supported johnson, and it must be said that he supported, why, why, why, why, i think that there was a very clear situation and it is based on such a very serious matter, that is you get access to all of them. from the data as the speaker of the house of representatives at the briefings , almost presidential information, and there it was written in black and white, as i understand it, johnson himself simply said, this is a secret, he was told that if he did not support ukraine, then our soldiers and our to send boys to europe, to protect nato, and then the responsibility of such a person who knew that they would send american boys to die and did not provide help to ukraine, even though ukraine. heroically resist russian
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aggression, then the responsibility is punishment, ugh, in front of the american court, well, john trump is being reprimanded for many cases, among other things. we are on january 6, 2020, yes, nothing is forgotten, there the citizen goes to court and let's go, and then the parents of those boys who, for example, would have died in europe, because they had to be sent to some front in conditional lithuania or in conditional poland or in estonia, and then johnson would be told: you are a man, you had the opportunity to prevent my son from dying, and you did it, so what? so good. well, you yourself mentioned the story about the return guys, and accordingly we understand that ukrainian citizens are currently in the european union and in poland, in particular, hundreds of thousands of millions of people, and accordingly , our ministry of foreign affairs has put forward such an initiative, in particular, when it comes
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to not providing temporary consular services before joining the the effect of the law on mobilization, well , accordingly, perhaps it would be worthwhile to come from the other side, to start one or another negotiations, in particular with the capital. of the european union in order to help ukraine return their sons home, somehow, well, but in any case, the story caused a very heated discussion, that is, i don't know what to do with the non-provision of consular services, well, but if possible there are mechanisms for return, maybe it should be used? well, of course there are mechanisms, i'm generally, well, i'm not a citizen of ukraine, but i'm generally surprised by the discussion about mobilization, but i 've been in ukraine a little and feel the mood of the society. in the half or the second half of last year, there was no such mood that people, let's say, did not understand what would be needed to mobilize, you understand, there is a state, its needs, some have been at the front for two years, and reserves are needed, well, everything is clear, instead,
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a political game began around the problem of mobilization, and it was a parallel game, you like conspiracies, it should be to follow, everyone loves conspiracy, why was the issue of mobilization which... was not on the agenda of discussion by ukrainians, because there was trust in the armed forces of ukraine, and there is still in the future. why neither the village nor fell in parallel with all the problems with the supply of military weapons to ukraine aid, financial aid, internal problems of confrontation, or conflict between the military leadership and the political leadership, where there were no grounds for it, began. none, i was told that those are unknown, but give me the plans, because you, why, why do you want to call up 400,000, and not 500, and maybe they need less, who are you to discuss this, there are places for and it went into the political plane, into the public plane, well, it was
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irresponsibility, i apologize, and among others, irresponsibility that spills out in today's situation, i know a little those people who are in poland, in other countries, and there are different contingents there. people, someone left earlier, someone already settled down, got a job, no, the ukrainian embassy does not hand in ukrainian citizenship, yes, a person who already works there, but wants to return to ukraine, different situations, millions of different situations and in each one, instead you you hit hard with an ax, without sorting anything out, and in fact, in fact, i cause a lot of people to doubt whether i should keep in touch. such a country there is there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of students there , even by the age of 25, who are not subject to mobilization at all, the law itself has not entered into force, why, for example, the polish state could help, for example, the ukrainian state, if our state applied would officially
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go to warsaw, for example, there with a request to help put it on the record, for example, i don't know how to return it there, and of course, even the deputy prime minister, the minister of defense koshinyak kamesh stated. the day before yesterday, it seems that he, that poland is ready to contribute on some normal basis, yes, in the registry of these citizens in ukraine, they are in polish, likewise, they are employed somewhere, study somewhere, and so on, they are given some rights, benefits, and so on, and so on, yes, ukraine is asking, do you have such citizens, how many there are more of them, and the polish services say, aunt, aunt, aunt, yes, so many, so many, for such, such, such categories, well, you and i will work on what... let's see how many of them voluntarily wants to return to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, well, they say, they want so many, tens of thousands, yes, well, then in the order in which we establish that they will move to us, we provide them with this and that, well, these are civilized ways, and not in an emergency order, it is not known what, now
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the photos that people rushed, do not want to serve, or something, instead of his father, ukraine gained absolute recognition in the world for its courage, unity, and what it wants to defend itself for... this image is destroyed by attention to the strange actions, i will say so, very gently, strange actions of the ukrainian authorities, which are not the actions of a normal bureaucratic system, bureaucratic. the system works according to its own rules, laws and so on further, and here it is necessary to prepare people for this, and other countries would be calm, they would say, well, you think that you need to do this, we want to help you in this process, to do it according to such and such rules, and that's all, and people know what awaits them, but this is not the image, my mother is my own, they will throw me there in avdiivka or near avdiivka, and there i will die, well, this is not true, now the information has gone to the team. of the ground forces of ukraine says that queues lined up in front of the procurement centers,
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so people are normal about it, the state said, well, a bunch of sociological polls, in the end, very interestingly show that among men of draft age, half are either ready to join voluntarily, or they will say, when the hangman comes, then we are going, half of the men are ready today, well, approach them in a normal, civilized way, and not in a way that scares you, why is that, i don't understand this approach, well, as they say, let's wait, we'll see, but at one time, aldous huxley wrote such an eloquent work called "brave new world" for a reason. in any by the way, thank you very much for the conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that myroslav cheh, a historian, publicist, member of the polish diet of the second and third terms of office, was currently working on spresso. thank you thank you. greetings, this is svoboda live on the radio. freedom. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene.
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live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially you draw conclusions. sammy and now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny will work on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to heroes. i congratulate you, mr. antin. well, the key story: the united states determined, the united states signed everything that had to be signed, and president joseph biden even wore a badge, not just an american presidential badge, but an american-ukrainian one. it is symbolic, but the key story is the medium-term perspective of the introduction of war with the state
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aggressor the russian federation, here we come to an extremely big dilemma, mr. ambassador, would i ask you to outline it? the question is very interesting and correct, because now in ukraine, in the souls and in the eyes of ukrainians , there are several questions, the first of which is that the last one helped. next, will there be further help, what will be the help, for how long. in this situation, according to the course of events, emotions, i will not turn everyone, few paid attention to the fact that both during the discussion and in the text of the document itself, there is a direct reference to the need developing a strategy, i.e. from setting a goal to the corresponding steps, which would provide for... filling with appropriate weapons, technical and tactical parameters, armored vehicles,
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ammunition and so on, because in fact the most depressing place in this half-yearly discussion was the topic that was attacked and the white house, and ukraine, show the strategy, or at least, well, let's say the outlines are certain, well, actually, it has begun to be developed. and formed as a statement of the problem and the answers to them as early as last fall, when the so-called article appeared, or was it called interview of the chief of the general staff, general zalozhnyi. actually, do you remember how much violence was committed then. this scientific work, it was only an addition to what was heard from washington, because at that time... the chairman of the chiefs of staff committee, who was leaving and announced that
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he would leave last fall, actually said the same thing about the need to develop a strategy, about new approaches, new tools of warfare, and there, if you look at these two materials, they are synchronized and in a strange way for some, but they are connected still with a known article of the previous year. 1022 general zabrodskyi and general zaluzhnyi, these are such backbone things on which you can further string tactical tools. under them already talk about provision, and this is a very important thing, because without answers to these questions it is very difficult to move on after making such a difficult decision, along with the fact that the first thing i can do is reassure people who ask the questions i listed above , it is, for example, will it or won't it, will it, why will it, because bicameral
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support remained, bipartisan support left and everyone understood very well that if this draft law, no matter how it was drafted, had been put to a vote in october, november, december, january, it would have been voted for by a larger, slightly smaller number, but it would have been adopted. in other words , what you and i said, that the situation came down to the state of affairs in the republican party itself, or rather, its top, was only confirmed. at the same time, i really like it, it impresses. that the things that the republicans were talking about ended up being the thing that is related with the supply of long-range atakams complexes, and the second is those under-sanctioned, seized resources of russian, and legal entities and the state of russia in the accounts of
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american banks, this is a very important thing, it means that... and among republicans there is not only the principle of yes or no , and there is a meaningful analysis of the situation, these are two positions that clearly indicate that support will be maintained. you outlined a very important point, forgive me for interfering with the attacks, at one time we understand, yes, on the communication channel on the burns naryshkin line, it sounded like this, aviation, no, long-range missile systems - no, and now the biden administration, not even the pentagon, gave biden the go-ahead, and president joseph biden, according to my information, who tried in every way to delay the delivery of long-range missiles, the system has now agreed. certainly, these days, the democrats, led by joseph byrne, have taken two steps that are completely uncharacteristic of democrats. well,
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actually, the democrats used to do it under truman, a weird way they used republican tactics, what do i mean? the first is actions to help israel, which looks like a strange wonder, in fact, they found out in 10 days through intelligence that the instruction was given to prepare an attack on the 13th-14th, and during the 10 days a titanic work was carried out, because one thing, when we just say, do not understand. or what is it, but another matter, what is it like when there are 300 objects in the air and disperse them between the israeli anti -missile air defense system, aircraft of france, great britain and the united states of america, we understand what we are talking about, what a colossal object work, involvement
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appropriate equipment, monitoring systems, guidance, i'm not talking introduction there. of fire, and this is the first thing that struck me from the point of view of how the democrats acted, and the second thing is that they accepted this position of the republicans on providing ukraine with long-range atakams, well, we can ask questions with you, how it will be done in the future, but the fact that they accepted, agreed, further, it can simply expose them to the fact that they will be whipped with whips, and for the fact that they will ... not do, let's put it this way, because in this case, everyone understand very well that during the election campaign, both one and the other side will use this argument, some will talk about one thing, and others about another, however, i can say that both among the democrats and among the republicans,
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republicans it is much larger, the military wing is much more serious and deeper, and... they have repeatedly, already from the mouths of various retired and currently active military generals , especially insisted that the relevant parameters of the strategy be prepared and on the basis of these parameters , the answer to the question was actually developed: what is needed, urgent, temporary, fixed-term supplies, is it necessary to lend-lease, because well, we understand very well that we are talking about the question of... the term of the strategy, what are the terms of its implementation and under what conditions to supply, under what to take from warehouses, further, to repair what is... in disposal warehouses, to repair what is simply temporarily not in use, or to produce new equipment, because 10 years
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of war, mr. antin, already and it is clear to the blind what russia is fighting for, so it is clear what to attack it with, well, if it is clear, then this is the kind of equipment that is needed, now one more thing, well... i can't understand this uproar about mobilization or non-mobilization, due to the circumstances i had to already read into everything that is in this plan, so manpower is the first thing that is analyzed when a strategy is being built, that is, human potential, actually mobresurs, yes, actually, if you understand your human potential, then you furnish it.. . not only with appropriate ammunition, armored vehicles, tactics, appropriate strategy and so on, that is, there are 12 parameters by which these
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things are determined, it is very difficult to talk to the americans on this topic, because they understand it all, they understand it at the level of aerobatics, that is, if you formulate answers to these are the questions, so you are all right, if you even stage them... you don’t put them, because starting from manpower, ending with infrastructure, all these are components of conditional, there basic indicators of development and strategy, including tactics, so it is obvious that the task of the current moment is to come into contact, both with one and with the other, and preferably with those who actually form the position, and the military... of the political lobby of one and the other political force and to give answers to these questions, because the numbers that relate to the need for what to supply depending on
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the strategy are formulaic things, they will say it very quickly, stocks, including , allow you to develop in three directions or start a lendlease, but everyone understands very well that the enterprise is a yoke, they are disassembled, part dismantled for scrap metal. that is, it is necessary to talk about completely different things, it is possible to technologically raise the level much higher and thereby compensate for many of the components that we have just talked about. thirdly, you can use what is standing in the desert, and what was talked about so much, but it never moved, because the quantitative parameters there will amaze many, if we talk about the possibility of bringing them there to... possibilities , so for today, if we can recommend to the military and political leadership of ukraine, those who, and this has been known for a long time, in
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washington is in contact with both those who develop these approaches, it is necessary to enter into a dialogue and do serious, serious work, because this is not only an answer to the question of how the that decisions have already been made, because this is also important, and... including, actually, and what will happen in a year, because let's understand, including the americans, what we will give you when we don't know for what it is given, and here is the question, mr. roman, you know, the readiness of russia to arrange an exchange, let it be one up to 5 or one to 10 military personnel, i think that the russian interventionists calculated their mob resources very well, as well as the possibility and prospects of attracting some... additional formations, i don't know, mercenaries from the countries there, i don't know, in the middle east of africa and not only from there, and the second point is the question of the strategic depth of the enemy, and we also
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understand that the missile complexes are very good at 300 km, but the strategic depth gives the enemy certain advantages. of course, this is a super important thing, and it is clear that the topic of development strategy, it gives to a greater extent. the answer to the question that you have now formulated, if there is an understanding of the relevant threats, then it will be clearly understood, and how these potential threats can be eliminated, or compensated, or prevented, or struck at the stage still there, for example, the conditions of conditional preparation for application and so on, all this depends on an understanding, an objective understanding of the situation, what we are dealing with, i want to let you know... one thing, we have heard, well, in my opinion, since the month of december, that initially in there will be a counteroffensive in march russian, then in april, now they say that
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he... will be in june, it is also important to understand whether this is just an informational balancing thing, or is it, let's say, a serious assessment of the decisions of the military and political leadership of the enemy, or is this speculation? after all, in ukrainian society there is a part of people who do not suffer from multiple sclerosis, and they record all this, and if they are also americans, then they scan it... 10 times, and they: aha, so, so, so, well well, if the answer is that it is to withstand, relatively speaking, the psychological state of society, to level it from the point of view of the disinformation that comes in, i accept that, but you have to understand that our partners are great masters at monitoring such things, and they pay attention to everything, because things like what we
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discussed with you just now, plus ... there is no information field, they are interested in the first place, because they understand that everything else is a derivative of how society feels, what are its settings, when every day they talk about some other treaty initiatives, then some existing ones erdoğan's contracts, projects, and some others in europe conversations and so on, which in addition to a certain kind of information. attacks are not perceived by normal people, then it is obvious that these are all attacks to which ukrainian society is subjected, and they are also recorded, including those that are recorded by partners and monitored, but what is the actual reaction of ukrainians, the ukrainian authorities, and the political leadership to all eyes senseless racist steps, i'm not saying anymore, but pay attention, it's another nuclear blackmail, oh... and
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an interesting thing, this time, except for the ukrainian side, london, washington, paris, they didn't say a word, that is , two conclusions can be drawn from this, the first is that the fool says that he is rolling down the mountain, so no one pays attention to it anymore, this option is possible, it is permissible in this situation, and the second, when they declare that you can there... anything, just try to do it, we see you all the same, although in the last six months in the united states of america, in great britain, several large monographs have been published, people who are directly related to the topic of nuclear balance, nuclear shield, and there it is clearly indicated that any gunpowder, any even a small charge is fixed, this means that they have a very
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good command of the formation and actually understand what is happening, so to kyiv, if kyiv understands it, its political leadership, it must be said that that once again moscow starts the topic of nuclear blackmail, only now through the mouth of this sick old cognac. the swiss format, mr. ambassador, do you believe that it will be possible to formulate some consolidated position that would allow to move the place. from a diplomatic point of view, right? i do not have the information will china join as a mediator and an observer, yes, but in any case , secretary of state anthony blinken made his, i won't say kissinger, well, but without a doubt, an important visit, and they showed the chinese and drew certain lines, said: make up your mind , dear inhabitants of the celestial empire. these two visits, a telephone conversation, or in
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turn a telephone conversation, then... the visit of minister ellen, the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america, now blinken, which took place according to the arrangements of the telephone the conversations between joseph biden and xijin ping, what they showed, ah, the united states of america, ah, focused on security issues, because these two, these two trips to beijing were about the first group of issues that concern ukraine, that's.. . the fact that chinese banks, including the state bank, finance defense and industrial enterprises of the russian federation. the second is that china supplies dual-purpose equipment, goods and technologies, which means that there are also components and spare parts for individual ones.


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