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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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[000:00:23;00] kateryna shirokopoyas works on espresso tv channel in the studio for news time, president volodymyr zelenskyi met with by the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron, this was reported in the office of the president. the meeting took place in kyiv. the leader discussed the situation at the front, as well as the new aid package from great britain, which was announced last week. i will remind you that ammunition, armored vehicles and missiles of various types will be brought to it. two people died, two more were injured. in the morning, the russians
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hit kurakhovo na in the donetsk region, the village of memryk was also shelled, a 12-year-old child and another adult were killed there , and two more people were hospitalized with serious injuries, the head of the region, vadym filashkin, said. as a result of the attack , 14 residential buildings and an enterprise were destroyed in the region, as well as railway tracks and power lines in nivychyna. one person was injured due to enemy shelling of khersu'. skins the occupiers attacked the residential quarters of the settlements. two high-rise buildings and 10 private houses were damaged. this was stated by the leader oleksandr prokudin of the regional military administration. also in ponivachyna are educational institutions, farm buildings, port infrastructure, warehouses and a gas pipeline. the enemy attacked the village of novoosynove in the kharkiv region, an elderly
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man was killed in the shelling, the regional office reported . private homes and farm buildings were also damaged. the police have started a pre-trial investigation. walked with the dog and spied on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. in kharkiv, the security service detained a russian adjuster who was preparing missile strikes on the city the attacker tried to identify the locations of ukrainian air defense and radar stations. after setting the coordinates , he tried to transfer the data to the occupier. there , the law enforcement officers promptly exposed the informant and arrested him red-handed when he tried to photograph potential targets for the attack, the perpetrator faces up to eight years in prison. the former commander of the berkut special unit in sevastopol will appear before the court for encroachment on territorial integrity. under his leadership, from february 18 to 20, 2014, subordinates shot at activists on
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maidan later, together with their subordinates , they returned to sevastopol with appropriated weapons, this was reported to the state security bureau. after the russian occupation of part of the territory of ukraine, the suspect switched to the side of the enemy and became a senator. he faces life imprisonment. another 1,270 invaders did not live to see easter and went to hell for eternal torment. and in general, at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, already... 372,140 occupiers are washing away their sins in the devil's vat, and their scrap metal is being boiled there with them. just yesterday, the defense forces burned 22 tanks, 33 armored combat vehicles, 58 artists, 42 cars, two air defense vehicles and five units of special equipment. forever landed 19 enemy drones. the general staff reminds that all data
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are approximate. meanwhile, i remind you to join our congregation. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give you and i the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already contributed prepayment and we have less than uah 200,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us. is paramount. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the details on your screens. russia is capable of capturing the baltic states faster than nato can react. this was stated by the deputy head of the main directorate of intelligence , vadym skibitsky. according to him, the invaders are capable of occupying the baltic states in seven days. while the alliance
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needs 10 days to take measures under the fifth article. also skibitskyi emphasized that with its bravery , ukraine has already given europe a significant advantage by weakening the air and sea forces of russia, but without further help, other countries will eventually... also find themselves under the crosshairs. the embassy of ukraine is investigating the circumstances of the murder of a ukrainian in hungary. this was reported in the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs. let me remind you that two days ago, a 48-year-old ukrainian died of stab wounds. a 44-year-old man of kazakh nationality is initially suspected of the murder. the criminal was detained. hungarian law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings. aidar volunteer battalion turns 10 years old today, the fighters of this unit defended independence on the maidan in the 14th year, and now they are fighting with weapons in their hands at the front. about
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the founding of aidar and the 10- year struggle, see our story. guns, on this day the 24th separate assault battalion aidar celebrates. the tenth anniversary of the foundation. during the full-scale invasion, the battalion fought for donbas, fought for volnuvakh and ughledar, and for almost a year carried out a successful assault and repulsed the positions of the russians in the bakhmut direction. aidar's story began back in 2014. in may, the centurions of maidan self-defense took up real weapons and stood up for the defense of ukraine in the luhansk region. however, now it is not from the berkuts, but from the russian invasion. the initiator of the creation and the first combat aidaro, lieutenant colonel serhiy melnychuk. it was under his leadership that the volunteers liberated luhansk region. first from mercenaries and separatists, and later from regular russian troops. aidar fought fiercely for the city of happiness the civilian population instead of the local militia, which either did not act or went over to the side of the enemy. the people of aidariv did not receive any money or awards for this, they trained and ate in tents, and they provided
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medical assistance. we are in field conditions, where we don't have any ill-equipped operating room, the medics of our battalion, who were also medics on the maidan, just wrapped a kliyonkai. a flashlight was hung from the top of the room, white linen was used for cloth, and an operating table was made, in such conditions, she was treated for the wounded help journalist bianka zalevska of the espresso tv channel lived with the battalion for several weeks in sex conditions. she created documentaries and reports about the battalion, when the name aidar was not yet known, it was simply called battalion 24. after completing one task, the journalist was returning home, but a russian sniper hit a military vehicle in which a woman was. the car overturned, abyanka was seriously injured, she was taken to a hospital in kharkiv, and later
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transferred to warsaw for treatment. and they were shooting at us. the builders of the so-called novorossia declared that the polish journalist was a sniper. battalion, everyone knows who was the sniper and actually shot. lies about the heroic battalion were not only on the propaganda tv channels of the occupying country. in september 2014, the amnesty international organization published a report in which the citizens of aida were accused of war crimes. in their reports, international experts, who positioned themselves as objective, referred to policemen who switched to side of the enemy and russian terrorists. however, the people of aidariv demonstrated the opposite to the whole world. i saw the conditions in which they
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are kept. life. the aidar battalion met a full-scale invasion of its positions in february 2022 near the town of volnovakha. already during the great war, aidar became part of the fifth separate assault brigade under the command of the ground forces. i want ukraine to be whole, so that it does not split, so that there is not such a small piece left, which is what it is trying to do now. i want people to live freely, happily, pray for us. we will be here as long as it takes.
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this is history. search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of all of you. programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment to us, your opinions are important, be there every day. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, subscribe to our website and our social networks. in a moment , meet my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy
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saichuk we will see you at 12 o'clock. the operator maneuvers the drone in the sky, this is how soldiers of the first special brigade named after ivan bohun test new birds from volunteers. every part of our front is hell, the real and epv drones are very good at helping the infantry at various points along the entire front, since we don’t have enough artillery shells right now, then epidrones, they really replace the artillery shell, which costs ten times more than this little bird. servicemen of the haidamaki battalion received 27 kamikaze drones, they were purchased by volunteers of the umbrella-ua charitable fund and the zhivago all-ukrainian charitable fund. we constantly adapt to the means. rap the enemy and try to reach such a level
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that every first and even second drone flies to the target. these drones are of domestic production, but in terms of technical characteristics, they are not inferior to foreign ones, explosives are attached to the impact uavs, which destroy the invaders and their enemy equipment. it carries up to 1.5 kg, depending on the task, if it is a bomber, then this radius of action we have. up to 5 km, this is to return the drone, if it is a kamikaze, then you can take off up to 10 depending on the weight of the ammunition, they are very nimble, very maneuverable and very difficult to hit them, if it, well, of course, does not hang on one stay in place for a long time, this is the special thing, they are very difficult to shoot down, in the near future fpv drones will go to the war zone together with defenders, thanks for
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the help of the charity... we return to our studio and you know , we will talk a little now about everything . the day that is approaching, today we have terrible friday, such a day when according to the bible, according to the holy writing, according to the new testament, according to the texts, jesus was actually crucified, suffered and died and was buried, as we know, that's why this day is also usually celebrated by believers, faithful of the christian churches, and but now before... you know, i wanted to say a little more about sinful,
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uh, about about about various things that are so pointless, continuing the topic that we raised a little with mrs. yevgenia kravchuk, which is probably not super nice, that is they have such, you know, such a lousy sheep, in principle, in general not a bad faction, well, it already happened, well, what can we do about it, mrs. mariana, in relation to this particular one of hers, who announced, as we know, that christ's campaign is public, public. should be destroyed and there should only be the tv channel dom everywhere, that’s probably what mariana thinks, well, something in the holding, of course 1+1 and renat akhmetova, not without that, so maryana bezugla called two respected journalists yevgenia matarevska, liza kuzmenko, who were invited to the meeting of this committee by members of affiliated grant mediaarchs, it also caused a really big reaction. we see what is happening now in georgia, where
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the whole of georgia has literally revolted against labeling people, citizens who receive funding from grants, as foreign agents. i will remind you, sir, that i was also a foreign agent in 2013, because such a law was adopted then by the majority of the party of mr. yanukovych's regions, yes, and then they also voted for such. the changes themselves moving in the fairway of russian changes, where before that the law on foreign agents was passed in order to label all independent independent media all non-independent only journalists, but people in general. which are - are agents in fact, but agents of changes, changes, reforming, modernization of ukraine, and this is what happened historically over the 35 years that where the states themselves organize grants to support their own public institutions, public movements, scientists,
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for example, independent media and so on and so on, because grant funding, it exists, it is now very widespread, ukraine now lives on the brink. we receive grants as a state, grants, exactly grants, we say that this is financial assistance, but it is shared for grant aid, which does not have to be repaid, and loans, which we later return with interest, we want with the minimum anyway, that is, now the european union, the united states, other countries provide ukrainian grants to the state, we, for example, now pay pensions for these grants to our pensioners every month, so and so in our time to use this rhetoric about these grants. which are affiliated, with whom she did not name, it would be possible to continue, probably , yes, of course, i do not know, well, but this, but this, relatively speaking, this, i think, and sama, yanukovych’s offspring, you know, only
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the youngest and two zeros are called, well , in the end, we see it, even sometimes in the president’s office, where various, if not active, oaks have found shelter, at least their children and grandchildren there, and somehow it looks like this, about mariana bezula, this is what i wanted to you, dear friends, not about maryana bezula, but about something pleasant, more precisely about our collection, we have already collected 45 00 for this morning, a good amount and more i am more pleased that the second amount that we have to collect to close the collection, it... sounds yes: 52 thousand, that's all we need to close the collection and have already 2 million, the full amount of 2 million was in our account, and if our military finally received fpv drones, then they will have such a gift for easter from you and i,
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in fact, i hope that maybe today or even by tomorrow morning we will complete this collection, so to speak, we collected 49 hryvnias for... and that means we 're moving a little bit faster, join our gathering, on screens now you see what we are collecting these funds for, on the screens you can also see the details through which you can make a donation, on the left is the qr code of privatbank, you need to scan it, and you can scan it only if you have the privat-24 application, in this application open . it, find the scanner function, it is located in the bottom row, click on this function and such a square appears and here it is on the black and white picture that you point to on the left, or write down the card number, the qr code that was on the right , this is monobank's qr code, it's easier with it, and it's besides all that appears during our broadcast in
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the lower left corner, and the monobank card number indicated in the title, you still have maybe an hour, less than hours. university, we will talk about easter. listen, let's start right away with the eschatological question, that is, what, in principle, somehow explains the end of the world and when it will come. so, if a person did not wash the windows, is it in principle a mortal sin, and is it possible, in principle, not to celebrate easter after that? why do they wash all those windows on easter, mr. olezh, somewhere in i don't know, in in the holy scriptures, in the ten commandments of god, somewhere there it is mentioned about the windows, whether you can hear me, because the connection is bad, i can hear so, so hear, so have a good day, i greet
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everyone, i did not expect that you would hear me you will be invited to this topic as an expert, because i am not a great specialist in folk traditions, but sometimes. first helped my grandmother, then my mother, now sometimes my wife to wash these windows, so it is so to speak holy, you are practicing us in disguise, but it is obvious that this has nothing to do with the holiday itself, rather with a certain atmosphere of the holiday, you see, and it can be various things, uh, starting from baking pascha, coloring eggs, washing the same windows, that is, it means bringing a certain order. and preparing for something important, so in that sense i don't think you need to get too worked up about it, it's up to each as they see fit, but i think that some of these good things that... involve a certain procedure, yes, including even in household management , we need them in our
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lives, that is, this is actually a sign that we in principle, we treat that holiday with respect and reverence, the fact that we make some effort, emphasize the preparation for it with this ritual, absolutely, that's how i interpret it, at least that's how i interpret it, in relation to easter itself, what should a person do. beat, if we reject these external manifestations of baking, stripes, drawing, eggs or easter eggs, if we put them aside to the side of the window, what is easter about? well, in general, if we delve into it a little bit, we have a break in the connection right now, a bad connection, and in the meantime, i you know what you mean. this year in social networks, somehow it went so far, and maybe, maybe there is some explanation, maybe psychologists have this
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explanation, there are all kinds of memes on the internet, they appeared in social networks, at the expense of the windows, in fact, at the expense of the washing of windows, and people in all sorts of ways they joke, and somewhere maybe a little, reduce the importance of that, and... somehow the focus here seems to me to be definitely some healthy, you know, we can show those pictures, let's show these pictures, first of all, first of all, there is a picture of jesus christ seems to wipe the window with his finger, in fact it is the un building, and this is a drawing by an artist who said, who signed it, how jesus came to the un, to the un office, but the ukrainians changed it to such a ... what they say, jesus came to check , did they wash the windows, and in the end this check ended by saying, no, they didn't wash, what
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are we, do we show these pictures or not, please tell me, dear friends, oh, here it is, here it is , he runs his finger there like that, yes, there is also another, another meme, where jesus also tries to check the windows before at easter, he looks at the ground, and besides, another thing also happened to me. memchik about the fact that those who did not wash the windows go to hell, well, listen, i really like the balanced position of mr. oleg turia about the fact that, on the one hand, if the ritual itself replaces, replaces the very meaning of the holiday, the very meaning to give that, and the very thing of what we understand by this resurrection, and if we are christians, and... then for christians this is a minus of course and, but on the other hand, if we treat this as well as ourselves these rituals are disdainful, then in this case do
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we really feel the holiday or do we really take it seriously, but of course now there are processes so to speak, well not secularization, how to say it, we we these holidays they are commercialized and easter is certainly not an exception here, that is, if you go to a large ... supermarket now, you will already see this holiday with some rabbits there, with various hiding of these painted eggs. mr. oleg turii is already coming back to us, sir, mr. oleg, that's how we'll talk on the phone, i'm sorry, the connection is bad, i'm currently on a business trip abroad, so as you can see, in ukraine, despite other circumstances, at least the connection is good, and please tell me, actually, if you say so. about the meaning of easter, does it have, it obviously has a different meaning for christians and
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non-christians, yes, but in our country , of course, there are christians, and orthodox, and greek catholics, catholics, protestants, or there are some, there are there are, there are atheists, there are people who, i don’t know, there are quite a lot of muslims, of course, because they are also indigenous ukrainian people, in particular crimean tatars, how, is there any common denominator of this holiday for... everyone, obviously, yes, i would start to say, i would like to finish this thought, that from the point of view not only of tradition, yes, it would be possible now a lot talk about how this holiday was established, we will probably talk about it later, but it seems to me that the meaning of easter, first of all, if we want to understand it in the context of the christian religion itself, should be seen in, for example, i see it in the famous phrase of the apostle paul, who says that... if christ is not risen, then our faith is useless. that is, precisely the resurrection of christ is, so to
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speak, a testimony of his divinity, yes, and of that mission which. through the son, the lord accomplishes on earth, that is, the salvation of people, and the belief that we all have hope for this salvation, and christ, who survived this earthly journey, endured death, thereby, as if redeeming the sins of humanity, he gives us a guarantee, if the fact that those who believe will have this salvation in eternity, then this is, so to speak, the theological meaning of the holiday of christ's resurrection, and you mentioned it here. that there are different traditions, i just want to emphasize that precisely in the eastern christian tradition, that is , to which both orthodox and various jurisdictions and greek catholics belong, the easter holiday is, so to speak, some kind of, you know, liturgical content, celebration, it is even greater than the christmas holiday, and this , by the way, it's very interesting, so that the western tradition, which is so much more rationalistic, so much more, you know, orderly, it
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somehow fixates on an event that you can so ... so to speak, grope, feel, check, if you can to speak, yes, but precisely oriental the tradition emphasizes more on this, this, and internal perspective. mr. olezh, the ukrainian easter, he experienced all kinds of different things in his history, and it is amazing, now i look, i am actually happy for those people, children, who go to some master classes and... draw easter eggs, i remember how in school, then it was the 90s, we were taught to draw these easter eggs, then it seemed that this tradition would not be completely revived, but no, now it has spread throughout the country, why did the soviet union depend so much on the fact that there was no easter, so that there were no celebrations to
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people did not go to church to celebrate easter, so that people would not draw these easter eggs. you see, the whole essence of the soviet regime, which we call totalitarian, is precisely that this government, this regime, this planning system, it claims not only to possess, so to speak, the souls of the serfs, yes, what people were like in the soviet system, i'm sorry, with their bodies, as if they were labor force, others, but it is just encroaching on the fact that it also completely owns them. souls, and therefore instead of religion, yes, which from the point of view of communist ideology considered if it was hostile, opium, dope, something like that, so to speak, unnecessary, superfluous and so on, they tried to replace it with their ideology, which to a large extent also imitated somewhere, you know,
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certain forms, certain rituals, even, and even in the names of some, you remember from... from baptisms, from there, some such others, well, it sounds very funny now, but such efforts were up to a certain time, but then when the same stalinist regime saw the failure of these steps, well then they went a little different way, trying to tame those churches that will be loyal, so that they only imitate, so to speak, some kind of religious life, keeping it under complete control, ukraine, especially western ukraine, in that sense... it is different that these things did not happen here, you know , godless five-year-olds and such a total atheism, it already acquired, you know, in the 60s, well , mainly in the 60s, 70s, under khrushchev and later, such a rather showy, you know, form of such external, many people who even the same teachers who made sure that the children did not go to church, i myself still remember how
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in a rover, he met his grandmother near the church in order to help... he had spent the morning carrying the basket home, but he could not enter the church in order not to run into, so to speak, some kind of sanctions from the school administration, so everyone these things, what can be said briefly, they, they, they aimed to replace religious ideology, religious spirituality, some kind of pseudo, so to speak, communist one, this, that did not succeed, and that is why in ukraine... we observe you know, this is a revival, this is the desire to reach the root, it is, i say again, it has never died out here, moreover, it arouses, if such interest is already in all of ukraine, it is interpreted as something that is later ours, that distinguishes us as a people, that is a part of our culture, it seems to me that now in the conditions of this war, which started by russia against ukraine, this desire, it is getting even stronger, it is becoming like this,


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