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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions. the project is both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate it.
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unbiased view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, the situation on the battlefield is extremely serious. oleksandr, a soldier of the seventh separate mechanized brigade, who is currently in the avdiiv region, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksandr, glory to the hero. well, i would like to share now in the mode of operational information. in real time, what is happening now in the avdiiv direction, i don't know, just where your brigade is stationed specifically, and i would not like to ask you about it, yes, because it may be information with a limited availability vulture, but in any case now we understand that it is extremely difficult, i promise you , the fighting is still going on here, the occupiers continue to advance, continue to use both equipment and a huge number of infantry, but they will use everything possible. resources in order to
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to continue our offensive, to develop success, yes, but we continue to fight back as much as possible, is the enemy actively using his armored vehicles and in general, what is the enemy using most intensively now, yes, if we talk about our area, they entered our area, mostly these were bmps, these were metallurgical betras, but tanks were partly used, not in such a... quantity, but a few units went in, here, then they use buggies, but buggies mainly for transporting ammunition there, evacuation, that is, some such small things, ago as i understand it, well, it's dangerous, they understand, more precisely, that it's dangerous for them, and they don't drive very close to our site, there were some cadres who tried to fly to us on motorcycles, that they were also destroyed, i understand in general
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why this was done, but there were also such attempts. mr. oleksandr, if i understand correctly, now the enemy is trying to somehow advance in small groups, so as not to attract too much attention, so that as much as possible, they were not noticed by our air reconnaissance, whether we understand correctly, it depends a lot, that is, such a method of action is present in them, but , for example, recently, on the contrary, they pump a very large amount. people, and here , for example, there yesterday, the day before yesterday, we can see that they entered again in columns, small, but columns of several units of equipment in several directions, so not only small groups use, they also try to break through with the help of geese or there wheeled . mr. oleksandr, we would like to ask you about the reeds in his vicinity, we understand that the fighting there is extremely heavy, the enemy is trying to advance in the direction of novoaleksandrivka. angelsky
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novobakhmutivsk novobakhmutivka and so on and so on, and at the same time we understand that, well, the enemy is receiving, information is coming through the teeth about the burned enemy equipment, but if we take, for example, this is the direction of what is now there, this is not our lane of responsibility, that is, there are other brigades there, i know that it is quite, quite difficult for them now, but they are trying, holding on, inflicting damage, there were some moments, well, everyone saw that they suffered losses there due to mistakes that were made, and accordingly now they are trying to stabilize the situation, on some part of the front it is already stabilized, more or less, on some, battles and stabilization actions continue, so i cannot comment much on what is happening there, but i know that our fighters continue to fight, that in the direction of berda or semenivka, this is the direction of berdychi semenivka. it is close to our
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strip, but the situation there is stabilized, also taking into account recent events, at the moment the enemy is the same, he has made many attempts to advance. there were many attempts in ours the lane for conducting assault operations, but it was almost completely destroyed in principle, almost every group that entered, if they left, there were three of them and in small numbers, that 's why we hold our area quite firmly. mr. oleksandr, there is information that the enemy deployed four brigades, specifically in this direction, if we are talking about numbers, about the enemy's superiority in numbers. there are forces, so can you now estimate how much more they have, yes, maybe you can also estimate how much more they have now of artillery ammunition, do we somehow manage to reduce this difference? i
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don't really like to comment on such things, because in any case it will be in public space and the enemy can take advantage of it, that is, he has a certain advantage, of course, and... the fact that we were delayed in supporting the supply of ammunition, it is making itself known and we can see it by the losses of the personnel of the equipment, such by the losses of the territory, here, but even despite the fact that they have an advantage today, we are doing our job, we are doing enough effectively, and we don't let them advance, and the motivation for you is that now the united states has unblocked this aid, because we have been waiting for it for a long time, and it is interesting: to understand how the military treated this during this time and how they perceived this very news about the fact that help from the united states will still come to us, for me the motivation is a little different, that is, i am not fighting here for the sake of some help from a neighboring country, partners or
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friends, so i cannot say that this is the reason why i here, that we have something now provided, it is good, but it is important... that our partners do this not only for us, but also for themselves, because the loss of ukraine on the battlefield is a future threat for them, for the civilized world, for their people, and every such delay, every such mistake, apart from the fact that it costs our lives, our territories, it strengthens the enemy and implicates precisely those countries that should help us. mr. oleksandr, well , the information and the corresponding... video were received as well as your fighters, fighters of the 47th separate mechanized brigades, in just one day they destroyed about seven units of enemy equipment, yes, this information was provided by the telegram channel butusov plus, maybe you have some details that can be disclosed, well, depending on which day
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we are talking about, if we talk about yesterday, it was somewhere, yes, about six or seven units of equipment, it needs. i have to look again, here, that is, five units, i can confirm 100% that they were destroyed, the sixth is more likely than anything that they caught up with, and we need to clarify after the seventh, this was just on our strip of responsibility, some were destroyed by the fire of the bradley bmp, some were destroyed by fp drones and one unit was blown up on our mine. mr. oleksandr, how did the bradley infantry fighting vehicle perform on the battlefield, well, in particular, if we are talking about the fight against heavy warfare. defense equipment, this is a fairly powerful, useful machine, a safe machine, which probably inflicted the greatest damage on the enemy, both equipment and personnel, in the avdiiv direction, i
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think everyone saw how bradby dismantled two t-90s, this not the only tank that was destroyed by due to the main gun, there was a t-72 tank, it was also... destroyed due to this gun, equipment was destroyed due to the anti-tank complex installed on the bmpred, and if we are talking about cans such as bmp . mr. oleksandr, what is the situation with the enemy st-90my, we understand that it is quite a powerful machine, but the issue of quantity and... they are now throwing t-90s at you, the last t-90 i saw in the steppe, a few of them entered, part was destroyed, i think you also saw the video, i haven’t observed one in this area yet, but the brigades that are fighting in our direction, they have this
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equipment, uh, and the use of fpv drones, so we understand that well very often , our artillery, fpv and so on work in a complex manner. next, but the enemy also uses fpv drones, and here i would like to hear your vision of this situation, how much drones affect the situation on the battlefield, in particular. how they work on armored vehicles, and drones are, if we talk about fp, it is a fairly accurate weapon that almost always hits the target and almost always carries some damage there, either destroys the equipment or damages it, just as we talk about the personnel there, for example, and they have enough fpv drones, i think somewhat commensurate with what we have, they use both day variants and night variants. anti, but we try to overlap, we try to find ways out in order to ensure
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the safety of personnel, equipment, and so on. thank you, oleksandr, serviceman the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the zadiyiv direction was in touch with us, and the very last question concerned drones, and we remind you once again that we are now at the final stage of our collection for the fp drones for the two brigades that have already know how to properly manage them, who have their own production, and testing, and everything that is needed, so now i once again urge you to join this collection, we have less than uah 500 left, up to 2 million, so remember that there are no small contributions, you can now see qr codes and bank card numbers on on your screens, well, we're going on a short break, we'll continue our information day in just a few minutes, so stay tuned... the press, we 'll continue in a few minutes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy,
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is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the quad bike'. this is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasivyat. important a signal from the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, lieutenant general oleksandr pavlyuk. this is how i quote a fragment of his interview in the times. direct speech of lieutenant general pavlyuk. our special services say that... that the russians really have a plan to capture kharkiv or sumy, but we do not know how serious these plans are and whether they are capable of implementing them with the forces they have at their disposal. lieutenant general pavlyuk emphasized that the main goal of russia remains the destruction of ukrainians as a nation. according to him, the russians plan to seize not only donetsk and luhansk regions, but also zaporizhzhia. but
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the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk noted that the long-awaited package of military aid from states in combination with the invigoration of european support can not only blunt the enemy's offensive, but also give ukraine a strategic initiative, so an important signal from the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine pavlyuk. well, there was also a statement by vadym skibitskyi, he is the deputy head of the main intelligence department at the ministry of defense, he says about the fact that the loss of the time gap is only a matter of time, he said in an interview with the economy. and he says that when this city falls in the same way as avdiyivka, which the russians bombed before eschent in february, it will open up opportunities for the enemy to advance further, and in order to help our defense forces prevent this from happening, we are ready today you to announce a new collection, because in these 45 minutes you and i were able to close the collection for
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uah 2 million, which i spoke about at the beginning of evter. so martha, see what the classics said. in you some boring face, you thank the people, well , historically, well, they closed, they closed the next collection, well, it’s cool, very cool, i’m generally in shock, i honestly didn’t expect that we would close this collection by the end of this hour, so our viewers, everyone , who watches us on youtube, who watches us on tv, who watches us on social networks, in a word everyone, everyone, all viewers of espresso, we are infinitely grateful to you, we have the best audience, that's for sure, and only you, you really made it to do, without you we wouldn't be able to do it, so... sincere thanks to each and everyone who helped to close this collection. we raised 2 million for drones, and now i am ready to announce that we are raising funds for a large amount, yes, for 4 million, but this amount is needed in order to raise funds for atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. we
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are currently collecting money for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. our defenders choose victory every day without... leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so for evacuation atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. soldiers who have already passed more than one test at ground zero are always ready to repulse the enemy, for the sake of our peace, they continue to rotate positions on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly increases the chances of not only successfully completing the task, but also coming back... from it alive, so please join now you see the details on the screen, yes, we are now joining our broadcast alyona sobolenko, tv journalist capri, pokrovsk, donetsk region, glory to ukraine, ms. sobolenko, congratulations to you, glory, congratulations to colleagues, well, what, uh, a little about the situation, so in our direction, it is sometimes very hard
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for both the novogrodov community and the grodov community, which includes ocheten. yes, the connection is not very stable, let's hope that now, that now it is somehow evened out, but, but, but, perhaps, we will ask our editors to communicate with ms. sobulenko, well, or monitor this moment stabilization of communication, we understand that... it is extremely difficult, the enemy is regularly shelling this direction, but yes, it is important, it is important to hear what is happening, because the situation there is very, very difficult and complicated. sobolenko, are you in touch with us now, mrs. alyona, continue, please, what is the operational situation? operational situation in donetsk region, how can you hear me? hear well,
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normal, stabilized normally. yes, well, it is not a secret for anyone that the enemy is shelling donetsk region every day and the populated areas are suffering a lot now yesterday, the occupiers of novogorodivsk rodivsk community, kakhivsk literally ransacked the village of memy. the novogorod community, where two people died, a grandmother and her 12-year-old granddaughter, two more people, including the child's mother, were injured, they were hospitalized in medical facilities, this morning the kurakhiv community was shelled, two people were also killed there, and two more were injured, of course, people's moods are becoming more and more anxious, because the front line is getting closer and closer, and it can't help but scare what... say about the pokrovsk community, since the beginning of the year it has already been subjected to about 20 enemy shellings, and we also have the destruction of infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, now
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you see the footage, it was an emergency situation, on the evening of may 1 , houses were also damaged, the last such mass destruction of pokrovsk happened on april 24, when the administrative building was damaged and luckily it was spared. without victims, as far as the humanitarian situation is concerned, in pokrovsk and the cities close to it, these are myrnograd, dobropillia, silidove, which also very often it is not under fire from the occupiers, but despite this, shops, pharmacies, government institutions, hospitals are working, there is certainly no such commotion at gas stations, near atms or in shops, as there was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and very ... charities help organizations that bring food and clothing to local residents and respond very quickly
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to shelling and after the shelling promptly issue building kits to residents, with which they can primarily eliminate the consequences of shelling, and after that to this can be done by the local authorities there, another problem for the residents of our... region is, ugh, ugh, yes, there is something about the lack of stable water supply, yes, because at the beginning of april, the dam of the karlov reservoir, which supplied water to populated areas, was destroyed, such such as pokrovsk, myrnograd, selydovo, dobropillia and many others, and now water, for example, in... myrnograd is supplied only from an alternative source, it was installed at one of the mines, and it is supplied only there a few days a
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week, and if you say about evacuation residents, of course, in recent days there has been a significant increase in those wishing to leave, because, i will repeat again, it is not a secret for anyone what the current situation is in our direction, an evacuation train runs from pokrovsk every day to... also once every 8 days during all this time at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, trains ran to other regions, that is, it was first ternopil region, then rivne region, and since yesterday people can leave for free to the volyn region, and only yesterday 53 residents of donetsk region took advantage of this opportunity, not only pokrovsk, but also of the entire donetsk region, because pokrovsk already. year is a kind of hub, where people are brought from different settlements of the region and from here they go to a safer life,
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let's say this, dear colleague, i would like to clarify, we understand that fierce, hellishly difficult battles are going on in the ochereteny region, yes we do not have real-time operational situation there, but taking into account the fact that your city of pokrovsk, mirnograd is nearby... from the front line, perhaps you can generate some plus or minus verified rumors from the front line, regarding the nature of the battles, and the number of the enemy who is trying to deploy there in the direction of pokrovsk. well, judging by what i heard, yes, of course we can't go there anymore, although i was personally in ochereteny last year, it was so noisy, but now we all understand that for... it is already forbidden to enter there, and well, they say that there are a lot of them, there are three times as many, they almost exceed their strength,
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but our boys and girls are holding on. in the direction of the village of novooleksandrivka, just a few days ago my colleagues were talking to one of them white angels, this is an evacuation group that takes residents from the hottest spots of donetsk region, and here we were told that there are already about 20 people left in the village, and all these elderly people, 60 plus, who no longer want to leave, all the others were . the civilian residents who remain there were evacuated. ms. alyona, i also wanted to clarify with you about the story of the 98-year-old grandmother who walked 10 km, she and her family, as you know, began their evacuation, then they separated and the grandmother walked alone, and that's how it is, you know , a very touching story, do you know anything at all about this family, about this family, i don't know, i know that
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after that she... met the family, they had already left and she also saw a message that the grandmother they promised to buy a house for her such courage and bravery, and well, she walked many kilometers, she fell twice there, but she walked, and i can say that this story is not the only one, it became known about this grandmother, there is a story grandfather, who also at 90... 7 years old did not want this russian citizenship, this russian passport and also walked out of the reeds to our boys, who then passed the military, who then handed her over to the white angel, to the doctors and he was taken to a medical facility, that is, this story of this grandmother, she is not the only one, yes, well, and accordingly, turning to the situation on the front line,
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additional directions have been reeded. enemy activity in the direction of the reed is conditional, yes, dear colleague, we would like to ask you where else the situation is extremely difficult and in which direction the enemy would like to deploy there? well, judging by the fact, again from the information we have, that one of the enemy's plans is to go to the pokrovsk kostiantynka highway, and it has already been reported, people are saying that... carriers, carriers are no longer allowed on this route , which connects pokrovsk to kostyantynivka, and they are asked to go to kostyantynivka already through the town of dobropillia, druzhkivka, in that direction, so i think that they will probably still go to this route, er, so that, and some fortifications, well, for what purpose will the enemy try to get to the highway, it is clear that with
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fortifications, maybe minefields? of course, we are not going to detail anything, because it is a military secret, well, but we have a minute of time, look, well, i probably won’t even be able to tell you about the fortifications, because we, as local journalists, may not be allowed there, and it is all kept under such a small one, but the main thing is that excavators go there or tractors or whatever, again, eyewitnesses say that work in this direction is being carried out, to what extent? good, i can't say how effective it is, but they say it works are conducted thank you, alyona sobulenko, a journalist of capri tv from pokrovsk was in touch with us. we thank her for her work and thank all those journalists who are currently working in the frontline cities, it is difficult. and we thank our colleagues, and by the way, our colleagues from the news editorial office are already preparing to inform you about all the most relevant and fresh news of the state at this moment. so we will pass the floor
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to our colleague. anya, we congratulate you and give you the floor, please tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you colleagues the most important newsroom will tell you, i'll start with the fact that the russians kissed kharkov with kababs, and about the consequences in a moment, stay with us. at least one person died and two were injured due to an attack in the kholodnohirskyi district of kharkiv, the mayor of kharkiv , ihor terikhov, said. the russians targeted the private se sector, several private houses were destroyed, a search operation is underway. there may be people under the rubble - he adds.


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