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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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e special exams that will be held in the form of external examinations, and then the state will really exercise control over this admission, so far there was no such situation, they entered according to - internal exams, and this was completely in fact at universities, and the term of study in graduate school is four years, and at the end of four years, a graduate student must finish his studies with a completed dissertation work and defend it, and this work can be written earlier, that is, if a graduate student wrote the work, for example, in two years, it is also possible, and then go on to defend, and now one of the main topics that is discussed the most is that we still have a certain number of graduate students who entered, for example, there in the 22nd year, they are already at the final stage, they are already completing their work, and now , instead of preparing for the defense, they actually need to take... the single state
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qualifying exam, that is, there are such nuances that we are talking about, well, in general, we are talking about the fact that when you enter, when a person enrolls in education, he signs contract, she knows the grounds for deduction, she understands her educational plan, individual plan, and when changes occur like this during training, these are of course questions that need to be discussed, ugh, ugh. ugh, thank you, ms. yuliya, an extremely interesting conversation, well, unfortunately, we have to go further, because, well, taking into account the air alert, thank you for your work in your position, yuliya hryshina, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the subcommittee on issues of higher education, the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on issues of education, science and innovation. well, there are still a lot of questions, in a couple of days, we hope, dear ms. grishina, will join us again. well, we are adding petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, to the ether, sir. petra, we congratulate you, glory
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to ukraine. yes, we can't hear mr. petr now, we hope our directors will fix this technical problem. we hope mr. petro hears us and hears the question we would like to ask him. so, we would like to clarify with you, actually, mr. peter, about the current situation in mariupol there are certain signals that the russians have become so bent that they are essentially selling air in mariupol, there are certain categories. russians who are now willing to buy property there, or simply come to some vacant apartments for themselves, draw up documents and everything is supposedly their apartment, but how in general, what signals do you know, how widespread this practice is now, and how far they have already gone in in this plan, that they are just brazenly stealing the homes of ukrainians, well, in fact , they have gone far enough, and this is absolutely system history. first of all, let's not
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forget that they started the process of the so -called recognition of real estate without an owner, this applies to virtually all residents of mariupol who are under evacuation, and they accelerated significantly during april, and if you take it as a matter of fact, the commissions only partially approved the recognition from january. to date , the absolute majority of our apartments have already been accounted for and already recognized as derelict, and we already know the facts, for example, the issuance of the first warrants primarily to the so-called heroes of the svo or participants of the svo, that is, the russian occupier and russian officials are simply issued warrants for our apartments, which are in more or less normal condition. regarding the purchase of property, regarding the purchase of apartments, regarding the purchase of real estate, as well as land plots, this is also starting to be used in this market, this is due to the fact that people are tangential, again , it is not broad there. in general, the story is not
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something that is available to everyone today, on the one hand, but those who understood that the mortgage program for the secondary market started directly in the territory of mariupol, on the one hand, on the other hand, you who are concerned to the available information about the plans of the russians, in principle, to the development of mariupol, and now they are starting to try to buy documents for apartments, for real estate, for pennies, in order to, well, just resell, taking into account, again, the plans that are being built russians regarding mariupol, look, mr. peter, i would like to ask you about the situation in the southeastern direction of the novomykhaivka front line and, accordingly, above marinka, georgiivka, so we understand that the enemy is concentrating or has already concentrated a sufficient amount of his military resources there, and accordingly, yes, not in time... the only way
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the situation will develop now, well, judging by this , yes, and in principle we warned about this a long time ago, the fact that the enemy is really concentrating, has a sufficiently high concentration. along the line from uglodar and ending to marinka kurakhov's line in that direction, and again let's not forget that there is another line of danger, not so active today, but this is if you look from the intelligence to the birth of the iconoclasm in the area of ​​gulyai field and so further, because the key point on the one hand there is kurakhovo, we all understand for the russians, on the other hand, i repeat, let's not forget about uglodar, uglodar is an extremely important point, considering... at least the state of railway construction today, and the concentration is really high, we observe that this is the main direction of the transfer of military forces and personnel , and some of the equipment moving from the direction of berdyansk and further
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north in the direction of volnovahid, this is all in this bush, and we have been watching this for three weeks now, and we see that there has been activity, we can see it directly in the north... north in the western part of the mariupol district, this is the so-called nikol district, the former, there we see a large concentration in the villages, again the russian occupiers were brought in and partly they are used for rotation, and partly they are kept as a reserve, but the railway is early, mr. peter, as far as the enemy is actively using this newly launched railway, so in the direction of volnovakha, it is fresh there, it is launched, behind it somehow very... a lot of misunderstandings arose due to the russian interpretation, it was already working, but it was the first test train, which left the sport, i understand what it is about, left the sport and reached directly to volnovakha in theses in the test mode of freight transportation, i repeat, this is the first train for
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the entire time, before that, we also watched one train leave from volnovakha, drove to port, well, this is actually preparation for a full-fledged launch of military-logistics. and cargo-logistics direction, if they can eventually crash into this branch, the state of construction is such that the granite bridge has been completed, while the railway rails lie nearby, a little to the north, they are already laying them, the bridge itself has not yet been laid, when the bridge itself will be laid, it will be a couple of weeks at most before the full launch, and then, taking into account the military situation, how it will develop. thank you, mr. peter, petro andryushenko, adviser to the mayor. mariupol was on our airwaves, now in most regions of ukraine there is an air strike, so we are going to our studio now, there will be a short break in between, actually, so stay with us, we will continue with the studio, we are tired of
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond its borders, what the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, that's all it's in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to... about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. he knows the names of their books. many ukrainians, but there will be no new editions. during the full-scale war, the russians were killed
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at least fifty ukrainian writers, poets and translators, people who created a new ukrainian culture and were to write hundreds more works. friends, come in march together with migratory birds, streams of melting snow and young primroses, with the first sunny bunny, the sound of drops on the roof. or a nightingale's song conveys greetings, they leave us with the breath of autumn and return in spring, friends go with the fog and become migratory birds, in december 2021 yuriy dadak, better known as yuriy ruv, presents the vanilcha stal collection in kramatursk, as his last life book will turn out to be later, because already two months after the publication of this video, on april 1, he will die during a mortar shelling in the luhansk region. during
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his lifetime, yuri ru managed to publish four collections of poems and found the literary and educational project spirit of the nation. there is no way out for you, because you have already been left alone, although they still give a command and say: "serve, little animal, serve." it will end in the disgrace of returning on the dirty. in a shield, or in a quiet ditch by the road, run if you have time, run gleb babij in full gear reads one of his poems. in 2014, he joined the ato as a volunteer, and in 2022 he returned to the army. on july 28 of the same year , a man with three brothers blew himself up on an anti-tank mine nearby. raisin during his lifetime , gli babich managed to become the author of the anthem of the kolomyia ten, write more than
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half a thousand poems and songs, and publish only one book. welcome to the most terrible talk show "war" on the oblivion tv channel. clap your hands while you've got them, stomp your feet while you've got them. meet the guests in the studio. they returned from the fire. their eyes are earth. later, in 2014, he also volunteered in the ato, and with the beginning of the great war he returned to the ranks of the armed forces. on january 7, 2024, maksym died as a result of artillery shelling in the kharkiv region. the day before, he published his last poem on the social network, which turned out to be prophetic. during his lifetime , maksym published the author... a collection of poems, poems from the war story, and also worked on a novel with the previous title radio oblivion, which he
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did not have time to complete. heart without feelings, eyes without a look, so if i'm dead, bury me humanely so i don't have to wander around like me anymore. olena rybka quotes a poem by volodymyr vakulenko at the evening of his memory. the man, even during the occupation of the raisin from... was told to leave the city. on march 24, 2022 , the russians kidnapped the writer directly from his home. later, his body was found shot through by two bullets. at the place of mass burial. volodymyr vakulenko became the author of 13 books during his lifetime. already after the author's death , his diary of the occupation, which volodymyr managed, was published to bury at home under a cherry tree, before being kidnapped by the occupiers. it was found by the writer and poet, victoria amelina. air alert throughout the country. yes, as if
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everyone is being shot every time. and they aim at only one person, mainly someone from the region, today it is not you, the repulse is a performance by victoria herself, in june 2023 on the stage of the art arsenal, the writer read her poems to the public for the last time, immediately after that victoria left for kramatorsk with the colombian delegation, during their dinner the russians attacked. impact on the building pizzerias amelina was seriously injured and died on july 1, 2023 in a hospital in dnipro. victoria managed to become a winner of the joseph conrad award and the author of two novels and a children's book. but she never had time to finish her first non-fiction work in english about ukrainian women during the war.
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due to russia's war against ukraine, they died or at least died. ukrainian writers, poets and translators, but there are more dead artists than is generally known, hundreds more books could have been published by ukrainian authors, hundreds of lives could have continued if not for the russian attack. information day of the tv channel in rozpala, well, there are a lot of events today, extremely concentrated statements from our officials, and quite exotic news that we would like to introduce you to. so, they tried to take the stradivari violin of 1713 out of ukraine, the press service of the state border guard service of ukraine announced. i am quoting the border guards now. therefore, the border guards together with the customs officials prevented the antonius stradivarius violin manufactured in 1713 from being exported abroad. the inspection team found a musical instrument in
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the luggage compartment of a car that was headed to poland. the item was removed and sent for export. well, good news if such things remain in ukraine. and about valuables , the lombards were forbidden to accept drones and thermal imagers. the nbu has decided that starting tomorrow, banks and non-banking institutions are prohibited from accepting drones, thermal imagers and other similar dual-use goods as collateral for personal loans. they banned the implementation of the decision of the national security council of april 20 regarding combating gambling addiction among military personnel is prohibited from may 4 of this year. and now we will talk about the situation in georgia, the protests are not abating there, what is happening, we will find out, together with an independent media expert and a representative of a civil society organization in georgia, whether natia kuprashvili is already in contact with us, is she with us natia is already on the phone, mrs. natia, we welcome you, i congratulate you, good afternoon,
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excuse me, i will speak in russian. well, nothing, we will translate your, your words, well, we hope that this algorithm has already been worked out, the key story is what is happening in tbilisi right now, yes, because ivanishvili is not known for what reasons he decided to implement the status of foreign agents, which is symmetrical to the russian draft law, so in georgia, of course, this caused mass protests, but we realize that this could surely just be the last straw, right? ivanishvili and his people, well, they cooperate quite actively with moscow, and accordingly, as far as we understand, the patience of georgians can simply break, that now in georgia, that now in tbilisi and how massive are the public protests now? thank you for giving me the opportunity
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to speak to the audience in ukraine, because a lot... even the ruling party itself compares the situation with the situation in ukraine, they mention the maidan, and ivanishvili himself, which is very interesting, compared himself with yanukovych in quotes, he said , that he is not yanukovych, but what he meant is interesting, he meant that he... will not shoot at peaceful demonstrators or will, we will see, because we hope that they will not.
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the protesters are trying to self-organize demonstrations on the streets, and every day they remind the authorities that there is still an opportunity not to adopt this law, which simply does not give us the possibility of european integration, and when ivannishvili himself collected administrative resources from the regions for support. the west, its impact
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on georgian society. he said that the west used to make decisions. regarding the leadership of georgia. and if the situation regarding this project, how he fights for the independence of georgia, but that's it. in a different way, and he and propaganda, power, are compared, compared to orwell, they say that everything is happening one by one, but actually by another, but the majority of people go to the streets, not only in tbilisi, but also in the regions of georgia, and protest against such a decision in order for this path to the european union. i didn't cover it, they are fighting for it, in short, this is what is happening, ms. nati, i would like to ask you, because it is interesting
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to watch the events in georgia now, where the political wind is blowing and where the country will move in general, because you know , now i personally have a certain feeling that georgia can go either according to the scenario of ukraine, which we have now, or according to the scenario of belarus, this is how we remember how in the 14th year... the ukrainians made their choice, and actually we now have a brutal aggression of russia against our state, but at the same time, we do not deviate from our values, on the other hand, we see how the protests were brutally suppressed in belarus after lukashenko was illegally re-elected for the next term, as your spy tells you, what scenario can georgia go, will it be about this more a similar scenario to the belarusian one, or could it still be the case a scenario that will be more similar to the ukrainian one? it is a good question, and we hope that it will be so, that georgia will follow the georgian scenario, it will not be
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the ukrainian scenario, nor the belarusian one, it will not work out with belarus in georgia, because the majority of the population here is pro-western, 80% of the population according to all surveys, about european and through. it is the ruling party that claims that they are pro-european, that they will join the eu, that they are doing everything to bring georgia closer to the european union, precisely because the population is pro-european, here, in society, we adhere to the opinion that we have little corruption, more... democracy, compared to those countries that were mentioned, that is why georgia and belarus will not succeed, as for ukraine, the maidan and what
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was happening, i hope that this will not happen either it will be, only in the sense that georgia does not retreat from its values, our history shows this, we have already gone through a war with russia, a civil war, and i hope it will not happen again, it cannot happen... the war with russia will not happen again, therefore that you are also now fighting for us, we are also trying to support you in this, and we expect that russia will lose sooner or later, we would like more, but now. there's pretty good help coming from the west to keep you going, so we don't expect an offensive from the russian side right now, but there's another very important issue, which is that in the... these are elections,
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russia may want to we had tension in society, so that we would start a war inside the country, sorry to interrupt you, well, but i would not be so, you know, unequivocal, talking about the fact that russia may not be preparing a force scenario regarding georgia, so i had the opportunity to communicate with people who can be connected, well, not... specifically with ivanishvili, well, but with the ruling circles of georgia, yes, well, they received certain signals from the kremlin, taking into account the fact that the kremlin started an extremely bloody, huge war on the continent against ukraine, perhaps the kremlin would also count and want to implement the scenario of capturing georgia, so the key story is not hoping that russia will be able to or not, so the key story is
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about the government's readiness to consolidate. society and to prepare the armed forces of georgia for a corresponding rebuff. currently, we see that ivanishvili and his people have taken an absolutely moronic step, which can only generate and generate internal confrontation in georgia, and if the situation gets out of control, then russia can tighten up or deploy its military units. yes, of course, i don't... not only does russia not bother, it still happens, every day children are stolen from us, every day, if you walk along the occupation line, you will see that in we are at war, but i meant that because we already had such a civil war, because we have elections soon, people and protesters. trying
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to keep the peaceful nature of the demonstration so that it doesn't happen again, so that there is no provocation, so that russia can't just stand up and walk in, of course russia wants it, they have several plans for georgia, and if you don't stop them in 2022, then in 2024 they would have entered the whites and... everyone was waiting for that, if ukraine did not hold out, and of course, now this plan is also exists, and the fact that this law divides society, that's why it exists, this russian law, including us, that's why we call it russian legislation, because it was invented in order to divide.
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society, but still the fact that the elections are coming soon, and despite the fact that we see that now the authorities are trying to keep the election commission in their hands, and can influence the elections, after all, the elections are the tool and mechanism when georgian. society can influence who will sit at the top, it has already happened before and by the way elections changed the government, changed it very radically, that is why even now society is waiting for these elections in order to influence decisions inside the country, and because of this. and
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it is very difficult for russia. we see what is happening in the last days, and taking into account this issue and the fact that we have an election soon. we believe that we will not have a maidan scenario. we will reach the elections peacefully, and it is through the elections that we will change and influence the decisions within. thank you, thank you, thank you natia kuprashvili, independent media expert and representative of the organization of civil society of georgia was in touch with us, meanwhile news time has already passed on espresso, so we will pass the floor to our colleague ani eva melnyk. anya, we want to give you the floor and ask what you managed to find out. greetings colleagues, we news editors will tell you about the most important thing for this hour, and i will start this issue with the consequences of enemy
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strikes on our cities and villages.


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