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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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be careful, in some regions of ukraine there are additional security measures for the easter holidays, especially those regions that are closer to the front line, but wherever you are, we know that ballistics fly fast and can do terrible things, as we do again we saw the example of odesa, this week there was a tragedy there, so be careful, take care of yourself, do not turn off your cool head despite everything, i will meet again on monday, with the coming holidays, i congratulate you, and then literally in a moment serhiy rudenko will be on the air, the prodyk program for... good evening, we are from ukraine, today in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko, indiscriminate weapons on cities of millions, russia increases missile terror against the civilian population, when the western partners are ready to deploy anti-aircraft. salt over
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ukraine. from defense to culture. great britain has started negotiations with ukraine on a one-year partnership. how the kremlin reacted to cameron's statement about strikes by british weapons on the territory of the russian federation. paranoid fear. according to american intelligence, putin is panicking fears the weakening of russia's influence. what decisions of the kremlin dictator accelerated the events that... tried to avoid. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today we will talk about putin's paranoia, russia's missile terror, when the f-16 planes will finally fly to ukraine and...
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will be in the ukrainian sky and british weapons will fly to the russian federation, that's already exactly. we will talk about all this over the next hour with the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash, public figure oleg rybachuk , and yevgeny magda, executive director of the institute of educational policy. however, before we start our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the special operations forces destroyed the launcher . russian complex buk m1 in the sumy direction. the target was hit by strike drones. the occupants tried in vain to put out the fire and save the equipment. let's see the price video.
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throughout the broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications. yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, either the feature is yes or no, write your comment if you have a special opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you do you think artificial intelligence is needed in government communications 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​and we have our first guest on the line, ilya
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yevlash, major of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the air force command of the ukrainian armed forces. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, good evening, audience. first of all, mr. major, let's analyze what russia is currently using for the last, last, at least a month, carrying out terrorist airstrikes on the territory of ukraine, what is their special feature now, or? russian occupiers are shelling ukrainian territory, and most importantly, how do we counter this? well, among the main features, this is what we fix during the last days, for example, today there was such a rather rare event, the complete absence of any missile, yes or drone strikes, of course, the enemy continues to constantly attack with guided aerial bombs, in particular the frontline cities, but we see now there are none. shahedov mostly
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in the air space and more emphasis on ballistic weapons and guided air missiles of the kh-59 type, which the enemy is actively trying to... use their aircraft, it is also interesting that the enemy is very active now uses unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance, it is most likely that he adjusts his missile strikes, so quite often we manage to see a large number, in particular in the south, near kherson, in zaporozhye and near kharkiv, we almost all the time fix these unmanned aerial vehicles, the enemy also uses... well, not drlo a50 anymore, but su-24 mr, which he also uses for reconnaissance, ah, they appear quite often near the borders, in the airspace of the russian federation, but also their main the activity is aimed at identifying our
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air defense systems, and he also collects other information, including about our troops, and of course, from what we have seen, these are absolutely cynical strikes on odesa, with iskander ballistic weapons. em with a cluster warhead, as a result of which people were killed and injured, ordinary odessans who just went out for a walk in their native odesa in the evening, well , of course, this is a violation of all norms and conventions, and this should have consequences in the international court, in particular, in the gas for putin and the russian federation. mr. major, you said that now the russians use drones less and strike with missiles, well, in particular, ballistic ones. this means that the russians... are stockpiling these weapons, meaning unmanned attack drones and missiles, that is, what should the ukrainians prepare for, that is, the russians will obviously
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intensify with the start of a major offensive, another major offensive, which the president of ukraine zelenskyi announced today shelling, including cities of millions and objects of critical infrastructure, that is , the absence of these... drones shows about exactly that? well, unfortunately, we can't know for sure, because intelligence knows more, but of course, you can just think logically, yes, what it could be related to. it is most likely that this is the accumulation in a certain way of its shock means, of various types. we know how russia is attached to different dates and quite often it likes to spoil the holiday, that is, now we have easter, then another next holy day. the date is may 9, for the enemy, it is a holiday of victory, of course, what they will try to do on this day as their own internal audience a picture of how they are fighting mythical nazism in ukraine, how they denazify high-rise buildings,
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ordinary absolutely civilians with peaceful people, well, of course, he has such an unhealthy mania for bloodthirstiness, which the enemy has repeatedly used, well, including us. .. we cannot know, for sure, what exactly was the reason for the absence of such shahed strikes, maybe it is some kind of deterioration of relations together with our allies, yes, or maybe some problems in the production of these shaheds, since we remember that before, strikes were carried out where was the production of these unmanned aerial vehicles, of course, that russian propaganda constantly reports that all the drones were shot down, that nothing was damaged, but as we see, quite often they shoot down these drones and their stations, yes, oil conservation, or, well, well , some other military facilities, so we cannot know why there is such a lull in the use of drones right now, but we must not lose our vigilance and be ready at any moment to work on
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any aviation targets. mr. major, you already mentioned about the strike by iskanders with a cassette cassette iskander in odesa on may 1. the new york times writes that this may be a sign of new terror against civilians in ukraine, and the prosecutor general of ukraine , andriy kostin, commented on the russian strike on odesa as follows: it is an indiscriminate weapon, the use of which can lead to significant casualties among the civilian population. in a radius of 1.5 km from the site of the shelling, metal fragments and debris of the rocket were recovered. the investigation has reason to believe that the decision to use these weapons were deliberately adopted by the officers of the russian armed forces in order to kill as many peaceful ukrainians as possible, i.e. the purpose of these strikes by cluster iskanders is still to kill ukrainians, and not to hit
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the palace of the serhiy kivalov law academy in odessa, i.e. they they are deliberately just hitting civilians so that more people die in odessa and people are afraid or run away. from odesa, what goal are they pursuing, that is, for everyone to pack their bags and flee from odesa? that's right, the main task of the enemy is to make life in million-strong cities intolerable, to force... people to obey, of course, that this is a destabilization of the social situation inside our country, because they understand that they are powerless now directly on the front line, yes, they are trying to put pressure on the rear of our cities, on people, and in order to destabilize the socio-political situation, to force people to go to some kind of rallies, it is so natural that this scenario can be seen quite strongly in the informational and psychological... operations that the kremlin is currently launching, and it, of course, that wants to destabilize our
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situation inside, here in particular with such completely cynical strikes, well, of course, when the enemy strikes in the evening, absolutely also when the light is on the city of millionaire, also on the embankment, with cluster munitions, well, of course, what is the purpose of this the maximum damage to people, yes, if there are nazis inside these small cluster bombs... concentrated, well, literally thousands of these shock elements, shrapnel, yes, which flies away with insane speed and pierces everything in its path, in its path, if it is easily pierces rather serious metal sheets, yes, what can be said here for ordinary people who have no protection, of course, this is an act of terror, an act of genocide of the ukrainian people, and of course, this is absolutely a war crime, which, unfortunately , not the first time that russia demonstrates during this unjustified russian-ukrainian war. in social networks, president zelensky reported the statistics
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of how many drone missiles russia used over the past month, according to the supreme commander-in-chief the armed forces of ukraine, in this april alone, russian terrorists used more than 3,300 missiles of various types, almost 300 shaheds, more than 3,200 manned aircraft. against ukraine. thousands of lives of our people have been saved thanks to the help of leaders and countries that have already supported our air shield, that are already effectively putting pressure on the russian war machine with sanctions, but unfortunately many lives have been taken by these strikes, only force can stop this terror. well, here's the statistic, it's actually pretty impressive: 3,200 kabs, 300 missiles of various types, almost 300 shaheds, and it arises quite logically. the question is, when will they end it all, or when will there be a certain limit beyond which they will say that
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we are already running out of everything, we have already released all our combat ammunition, all our reserves, all over ukraine, as you do you estimate how much potential russia has to replenish these stocks, because it is clear that if they produced 3,200 barrels in one month, then obviously they must be produced immediately. a month there for may, that is how much do you see a trend between how much they shoot and how much they produce, how much goes to them? well, unfortunately, of course, the russian federation still has a fairly powerful reserve of these high-explosive aerial bombs, which they turn into cabins, and in mpb, unified interspecies planning bombs, in particular, which they use in kharkov and in the front-line territories in... they have quite a lot of this iron left, and the problem is
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that they can make them , including, yes, some of them are rockets, let's say, and other means of air attack, they borrow or supply from their partners, this is north korea, we know, this is also iran, from where they also take drones, directly shahet, yes, which they made allegedly their geraniums, and of course that in they are for... there is still that potential, how much is hard to say, because that's what our intelligence is dealing with, but what they're aiming for, and these numbers, which are only for april, well, these are very large figures that we have to deal with and not only, but also to ordinary ukrainians who are, unfortunately, under these bombs, so in order to effectively fight the threat from the air, well, the most necessary... it will be more effective to fight with carriers, because of course, with so many bombs,
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well, literally, if we all start shoot down, we will run out of missiles very, very quickly, which are already in short supply, so the best way out of the situation is to directly develop our air defense, we really hope for our partners, allies, who know about our need, they know exactly what we have in arms, as much as we need, and of course that in this regard, we fully rely on them. since in our country we do not independently manufacture either missiles or installations, and these air defense systems together with the f16, they would allow us to create a certain a system, yes, which would... allow us to deter and suppress the russian tactical aviation, which is the carrier of these means air attack and would somewhat reduce the burden on our frontline cities, but in addition, we must not forget that they still have a lot of missiles for the s300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which they literally are used simply as long-range
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artillery, and we know that these are quite powerful anti-aircraft complexes, modified, which they use as land... land is already land instead of air, so in reality there are a lot of problems, but it is necessary to fight with non-standard methods, it is necessary to fight with carriers, and for this we need creativity, a non-standard approach and the support of our partners. another short topic, mr. major, is the closing of the sky over the western regions of ukraine. former minister of defense of poland janusz onyszkiewicz said in comments to ukrinform that poland and nato countries may open a defense. rasolka over western ukraine, according to him, for this it is necessary to overcome the resistance of nato partners, but such decisions can be made in the summer. now it is possible and necessary to do so that missiles that can violate the airspace of poland can be shot down by the polish air defense system from the territory of our country. however, this will require the polish side to have full situational awareness of
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the airspace of ukraine, that is , information from ukrainian radars, other means today the polish side does not have it, mr. mayur, well, they see, the poles, in particular, see these missiles flying towards western ukraine and track them, because their planes in the sky are monitoring this situation, that is why janusz onyszkiewicz, according to you, is talking about the fact that they need more information, as i understand it, they are in complete control of the situation during the shelling of ukraine. of course, we exchange information with our countries and partners. allies who join the support of our state in the fight against russian aggression, of course we provide the necessary data for our colleagues, well, why did he answer that way, this is already a question directly to the polish high-ranking official, but of course this help, it would be able to make our breathing a little easier, we would be able
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to move more freely systems, which are now located in the west of our country, to cover the frontline cities. other critical energy facilities, yes, that need this protection, technically it could be done, as we have seen, and what the poles do, they have on their weapons of various systems, medium, long -range, yes, which could cover our airspace, well, but that's another question, we have certain problems with communication, it was... ilya yevlash, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine , unfortunately, we have lost contact now with our spokesman, well , i hope that we will restore it, there is time, let me remind you that just a few days ago, ilya yevlash announced that the f-16 could arrive in
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ukraine after easter, true he did not specify when exactly after easter, well, not the next day. in short, we are waiting for the inclusion of ilya yevlash, if there is an inclusion, we will certainly ask him about it. well, in the meantime, i want to remind you that we are conducting a survey and asking you, friends, about this today, whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you vote either with the yes or no button, or write your comment under this video, well, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you... believe that artificial intelligence is needed in the government's communications with ukrainians, then 0800 211 381, no 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, and we have not restored contact with ilya yevlash, so we thank him for participating in the program, we are in
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touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former prime minister deputy prime minister for european integration and former head of yushchenko's presidential office, mr. olezh, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, i am glad to be in this studio again. thank you, mr. oleg, let's start with david cameron, who visited kyiv yesterday and announced that his country gave ukraine permission to strike british weapons on the territory of russia, and yes... he also promised to continue annual military aid to ukraine. let's listen to what the head of the british foreign ministry, who is in the ukrainian capital, said. russia attacked ukraine, and ukraine has every right to retaliate. with russia striking ukraine, it's understandable why ukraine feels the need
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to make sure it can defend itself. we will provide £3 billion every year, as long as necessary. we just exhausted everything we could in terms of providing equipment. some of it is actually arriving in ukraine today while i'm here. so, mr. olezh, does this mean that there is already a consensus among the western partners that their weapons will fly in the direction of the russian federation? there are, but not with all western partners, but the number of such countries is growing, and these are not the last countries on the european continent, i just read today, watched the news several times that great britain generally proposes... to sign an agreement with ukraine for 100 years, for 100 on cooperation in all important types of state activities, and
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this means that putin is receiving a very clear signal, and this signal is repeated by the most influential countries, that what is wrong with you, putin, ukraine is not yours will not be yours, and therefore there is simply no chance for ukraine to win, because when the west rallies. there is simply not enough in russia, i saw in the news, you have a tape running there, that the russians cannot take it now without the fact that the entire west is connected to any major ukrainian cities, and they did not capture any large ukrainian city, so talking about the country is simply the dream of a bunker dwarf, and the world speaks very clearly about it, mr. oleg, but you are talking about this hundred-year agreement, this... the agreement will be called a hundred-year partnership, or about the century-old partnership, as david cameron said, but we know that great britain was also a participant in the budapest memorandum,
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there they were, well, they were guarantors, and here the question is that if after 30 years they could not, or because 20 from 2014 to bring remember russia, which was also the guarantor of this budapest memorandum. where is the guarantee that over the next 100 years great britain will be friends and help ukraine? of course, there is more symbolism here, but symbolism that is important for ukraine, as well as, among other things, in the position of macron and france, that is, these european countries are beginning to push back the horizon of the future, to plan the horizon of the future, in which ukraine is definitely present. well , it is obvious that you and i are planning something different for 100 years, we cannot think for a year, but when political initiatives that want to model the possibility of partnership for many, many years, then
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great britain, it has a certain tradition there, already a monarchical tradition, and they have a foreign office, the ministry of foreign economy, foreign relations, this is not our mykhailivska, there is theirs no one supervises from the royal palace, there they are very independent, very experienced. are based on a centuries-old history, and such initiatives are important for us, and it is especially important for us that there is no question of ukraine being overlooked. it is obvious that putin is trying as much as possible, to somehow separate this alliance, this union, he is trying to convince the world that why don't you waste your energy, why should you spend weapons on this ukraine, if it cannot win the war, but such initiatives are sent at all. another signal that ukraine will be armed and will have allies, but one more thing, that moment you talked about, after the second world
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war, the west, well, he really imagined that the worst times were behind the war more will not be, there will be no more war on the european continent, as they say figuratively, went on dividends after winning world war ii and then again after winning the cold war. but now a difficult realization has come, and macron speaks frankly about it, the realization that europe, which seemed to live and bathe in this peaceful world forever, can be destroyed, there is a real threat of military destruction such as in ukraine, and that's why they came to the conclusion that it is better to stop russia in ukraine, and not try to... give putin the opportunity to go further, and this is very felt, that's what said cameron, he is not the only one who says
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that some countries do not object to ukraine using their weapons on the territory of russia, because this was also stated by the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braja, in an interview with european truth, she said this such let's listen. but there are already countries that have already provided weapons to ukraine without such restrictions? indeed? absolutely. of course, not everything is announced publicly, and it is even better not to say it out loud until a certain time. the main thing is the influence on the battlefield, because it is here the choice whether to speak out about something or just do what needs to be done. putin's press secretary piskov said that the kremlin is concerned and considers the latest statement by the french president and the british foreign minister regarding the possible presence of western troops in ukraine and british weapons strikes on the territory of the russian federation to be dangerous and to inflame tensions. mr. oleg,
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what do you think, well... in the kremlin they are afraid that british missiles from stormshadow will fly or other countries will fly towards moscow, towards other russian cities or military facilities located near these cities, do they still hope that due to the fact that they have nuclear weapons, they can threaten and say that now the time of judgment has come, as they said. and now we will hit the western capitals. but macron responded very clearly to this threat. he said that he has a nuclear weapon and the most modern, much more effective than the russian one, and not only that, france took the initiative to make such a nuclear umbrella for the whole of europe. if we remember that poland turned to the united states with a proposal to place nuclear weapons on its
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territory. then we see that in response to this endless rattling of nuclear weapons, they are finally beginning to say in the west that nuclear weapons are a double-edged sword, that is , it is sharpened on both sides, and if it was not heard before, then now it is becoming a reality, because nuclear weapons were not invented at all to be threatened and attacked. it is made so that those countries that have nuclear weapons can defend themselves, that is it is a weapon that is not for attack, but for defense, and putin began to use it first as a threat of attack, and he receives an appropriate reaction, because in reality there is little to be achieved with tactical nuclear strikes, what russia, for example, is doing to ukrainian towns , such as bakhmut or avdiyivka or some
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other places, where they just... they are destroying the city, well, it is the same as what happened there in kherasim after nuclear weapons, that is, the destruction is the same, but when the west started talking about the fact, and this should have been done earlier, that nuclear weapons not only in russia, then to your question, are they afraid, i am sure they are afraid, they are most afraid that the west will stop fearing them, mr. oleg, it is clear that in the current situation, when macron is also talking about... nuclear weapons , putin is talking about nuclear weapons, everyone is waiting to see what xi jinping will say about nuclear weapons, because xi jinping is to come to paris to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between china and france, and it will happen in may, but we see that both macron and both scholz and blinken are trying to convince the chinese leader to support civilization, the civilized world and ukraine,
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and... and the same kirby, the adviser of the white house, says that so far they do not see that china is ready to support the ukrainian peace formula and take part in the peace summit in switzerland. kirbyk says, "we would welcome the participation of china" or any other country that would like to join, that takes into account and respects president zeleny's 10-point plan. but i would be wrong if i said that we really see the movement of china in this direction, we so ... who did not see, in your opinion, mr. oleg, here is the participation of china, even if china, conditionally speaking, will again promote its 12 points there, which they formulated back in february of the 23rd year, and they believed that these were some of their peace initiatives, if, if they will not even promote this is the position, as far as the very presence of the representative of china at this
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global... peace summit, which will be held on the 16th.


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