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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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therefore, from the depths of the occupied territory, they quite often shell the occupied cities themselves, kakhovka suffers especially, just the residential quarters of kakhovka, the second goal is to force people to leave, to make a militarized zone right along the coast, so that only the military will be there , that is why they are intimidating. population and do everything so that it is not possible to simply lead one's way, because without electricity, without water, it is almost impossible, although people continue to be and find themselves living in a tile house, and in a new tile house, for a very long time alas, they remain there, but still , it is better to leave the occupied territories in general for security reasons, but in terms of the populated... there, this especially applies to
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the occupied territory and villages a little deep, then they say that people are there and close 50% of the people remained somewhere, perhaps those who moved to settlements along the dnieper coast, moved to relatives a little further away to avoid counter-battery work, to avoid precisely shelling and... and these terrorist shelling from the depths of the occupied territory, that is, in the depths of the occupied territory, it is still observed that there are people there and they continue to be there, mostly they are pensioners, elderly people, they stayed in the occupied territory and continue to stay, you know, yesterday, mr. sergiu was listening, driving, listening to the radio , in the evening, some evening show was some good raff.
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the great man remembered, and it was on the air, interestingly he said that it turns out that for all this time we have almost 9,000 churches of the russian, moscow patriarchate in ukraine, and by 2023 there will be another thousand churches passed over, but now the transition has slowed down dramatically this year, and so those who are already of the moscow patriarchate remain. well, i read that in kherson oblast, for example, on the eve of easter, we can say that four communities switched to the orthodox church of ukraine, how is this process happening in kherson oblast, how familiar are you with this, where will the people of kherson oblast, kherson oblast, go to celebrate easter, tomorrow or today, i don't know what the customs are in kherson here, because they celebrate here, for example, in western ukraine and celebrate on saturday, well, you know, really. there
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four communities moved, moved, moved, but thousands of communities remain the moscow patriarchate, and unfortunately, it is precisely the kherson region that was occupied, which was occupied, the fury of the occupiers, who saw firsthand the cooperation of the moscow priests, precisely with the occupiers, with the russian military, who blessed the russian occupiers, to kill ukrainians who... blessed saldo for holding a referendum and a trip to moscow, and when the moscow pope there, together with saldo, went to moscow for the annexation of kherson to the russian federation or the kherson region, it is not clear what they did there, but there was a big action there, and they did it without even hiding it, when moskovsky... the popes
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issued passes for movement in the occupation, and in fact, even where weapons were kept in some churches , and all this was exposed, and all this was, let's say, the subject of investigations, and there were searches, and all this was found, and there were criminal cases, and despite all this, russian churches continue to function. and only four churches out of several thousand have converted to the ukrainian church, so it's, well, it's, it's, it's shameful, i can't say another word, but unfortunately, it's true. eh, mr. serhiy, the russians have one more, they have such a parallel, another reality, theirs, their parallel easter, so to speak, which they invented in soviet times, i also mean march 9 as
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pobiedobesie in the occupied kherson oblast, which its manifestations? you know, it is very significant that it is ukraine after all. received long-range weapons, and this affected precisely the mood of the occupiers, because in the occupied territories, this especially applies to the geniche arbat shooters, there are those so-called government quarters, and the occupiers have announced remote work until may 6, from the first to may 6, that is, in view of the high missile danger, they have announced remote work, that is, they do not go to their jobs, and this it's nice, and you know, it's just the people who throw them off, they say, oh, you see,
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the occupiers are burning up a little bit, they're afraid, but it would be very good if they also, if ours also accurately made them at... the question exactly and it would be very nice until may 9 in these government quarters, because the number of occupiers has increased quite significantly, precisely in the arbat range, and on the training grounds of the arbat range, and in the ginichesk itself, that is, it would be very good to congratulate them on may 9, but they are preparing for may 9, although mass rallies have been canceled so far. maybe after may 6, after this high missile threat, they will still take some action, but as we can see , they
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canceled their move there, their move with portraits on sticks, not only in the occupied territories, but throughout russia, it's already a good sign, it's already a good sign that will play along with you russians and the occupiers have e. let them burn, let it be more peaceful for our people, mr. serhiy, thank you, we wish you a peaceful easter, if you are celebrating, deputy of the kherson regional council serhii khlan was with us, dear friends, we will now move to nikopol region, which is constantly under russian fire, in the meantime i want to say, i don’t know how it happened, did you call on the audience or not, why do we literally have such a parallel roll call under our youtube broadcast... we do our own roll call with our guests, people transfer greetings to us
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, our viewers from kharkiv, from dnipro, from kryvyi rih, from germany, from kyiv, from kherson, in a word, this is what i was able to do, i did not absolutely call for tacos, but friends, thank you for being with us, thank you , that you are watching the espresso tv channel, thank you for leaving your thumbs up, likes under our youtube broadcast, i remind you that it helps the espresso tv channel to be in... offered on youtube, and finally, you can subscribe to our youtube channel by finding its on youtube, subscribe and that way you will be able to watch everything that is on the espresso tv channel, exclusive materials, in addition there are shorts, if you did not have time to see something on the live air, you did not have light, because it happens, a viewer from kharkiv writes to me, for example, he says: he did not have time to see your ether, because the electricity was turned off, so... you can go to youtube later and watch the recordings of our broadcasts, they also send greetings from lutsk to us, listen, i like this roll call, it somehow adds something from haifa, adds some kind of festivity, because this easter is difficult to celebrate, it feels
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you can feel the community, you can feel the community, the cohesion, what the hell, so that all ukrainians from new zealand, oh my god, listen, well, not only all of ukraine to us. is watching, but so is the whole world, and it is very nice, dear friends, and now nikopolshchyna, the suffering ukrainian nikopolshchyna, what muscovites, which muscovites are constantly shelling, and we already have dmytro bychko, the acting representative of the nikopol district council, mr. dmytro , we welcome you, good morning, like another night, like another morning passed, pass, the morning passes, alas, they pass the same, every day, at night, in the evening, every day. the same thing is happening, this is the terror of the shelling of the nikopol district, a large number of drones, artillery, and hail arrive every day, the vast majority, of course, in the territory where there is a coastline, this is nikopol, marganets and some
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rural communities of the nikopol district yesterday during the shelling a man was moderately injured, the shelling that happened at night, fortunately no one was hurt, but... this terror that you show in the video is the terror of the private sector, the house, the central parts of the city's development, private property. business, big business, utility companies, infrastructure, hospitals, stadiums, that is, every day they just shoot, you know, wherever, wherever they think of, they shoot there, and in fact we will say, well , people suffer from that, children suffer from that, the economy, but we are always very grateful to all those who help our region in these difficult times, this is the vast majority, we thank all these people who continue to be our residents, continue to live, work, and... provide the economy and support armed forces of ukraine. mr. dmytro, how is
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your mood before easter? and in general, in nikopol, which will be celebrating passover under constant russian shelling, will there be this procedure, because it is a bit dangerous? well, there are certain recommendations from the military administration, from the law enforcement agencies, which they still did, well, understanding that today there are shelling and terrorists who... er, well, let's put it this way, they are holidays, easter, they shoot every day, that is, it was already the past big holidays, when they continued to shoot, there was no decrease there shelling does not happen these days, that is, terror continues, criminals who talk about some religious or other topics, in fact, in their lives continue to remain criminals and terrorists. they are what they always are, so of course there is, let's say, a remark for
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people to be more attentive these days, well yes, yes in principle, an ordinary day, how how how the past happens , well, but it doesn’t matter if there is at least some, i don’t know, festive mood, if tomorrow there will be some, some, of course there is in people are in a festive mood, so i think that the enemy is our most important goal. the enemy, yes, destroy ukraine, destroy our spirit, break our faith in victory, and i can say that when people come to church, when they help each other, help children, so that they go to competitions, so that children go on vacation, they do good, the armed forces of ukraine help, they meet, hug, see each other, it certainly energizes, energizes, that we are indomitable, that we will still win, that in this long struggle... the one who, in who will the spirit i believe that our cossack spirit,
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our faith, our history and our ancestors, let's say so, help us, let's say so, somewhere out there, for us to endure, you know, i want to remember vasyl stus, endure, endure, endure you are being polished, it is about nikopol, it is about our country, you know, i remember the soviet times, when the same muscovites. er, ukrainians were forbidden to celebrate easter, ukrainian traditions were forbidden, which little by little over these decades of bans were erased, and it was forgotten how there draw easter eggs, forgot how to put those baskets together, uh, and now they are telling how to praise the lord, how to celebrate easter, and now they are just kicking their heels in the chest that they are the best believers and their ... er, the orthodox, moscow faith, it is more correct, it is amazing, just
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to steal from someone, and then pass off what you steal as your own, because when they steal it, they are not just stealing a holiday, they are stealing a uniform celebration, that is, they steal our carols for christmas, because they didn't have theirs or didn't save them, now they steal some of ours, our traditions seduce our people, after all, there were no christmas carols in russia. well, there just wasn’t such a phenomenon, of course you can, you can read, for example, i don’t know some cannons for some fat man, because they are somewhere there, there are descriptions in the works of artists , for example, the christmas of the sharpener, and there, well , some traditions are described in principle there are no christmas carols like that, but easter eggs were painted , i can't say honestly, i think that it's such a complicated procedure that they are people who don't like very much. hard work sir dmitry, how many, how many churches of the moscow patriarchate still remain in
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the nikopol region, how do people react to the presence of these churches, is there any such choice that no, i will not go to celebrate easter now, even if i go to the temple and to the lord, but i i understand that i will leave a few hryvnias there, i will put a candle and for the candle i will give the money, and this money will go to the moscow priests, and... and then this money will be in those drones that eventually fly over dnieper and in those shells falling in dnieper. well, i can say that of course, the number of residents and... parishioners who went to the church of the moscow patriarchate decreased, more people are going to the ukrainian church gradually, but of course it takes time, because the large network of russian churches that were in the territory of the nikopol district and in ukraine in general, they are of course they remain, yes, that is why the number of people who come to them has decreased, and
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the general support has decreased, because there are a lot of politicians, and activists, and large enterprises that used to be, let's say, parishioners of the moscow church, of course they understand that today it is not possible to go there, and of course, they leave, they go to the ukrainian church, this process of the transition of parishioners is constantly happening, just as there is a gradual transition of certain churches precisely in the rural areas of the nikopol district, this trend is going on, and last week one church moved we will talk about the ukrainian... church, that is why there is such a tendency, that is why i think that it always takes time, of course the war, the war accelerated the transition to the ukrainian church, but of course it remains in the territory of the district and city of nikopol, of course, those people who continue to go to this church and divide that the church and the war, this
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and what happened, are separate stories and things, well, let's say such trends are going, such... the trend from the transition remains, but believers in they are decreasing, but there are. well, let's hope that god will give them reason, and they will understand these causes and consequences, and understand that the moscow church, which operates in ukraine, has nothing in common with god, but has something in common with putin. mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, have a peaceful easter, we wish, then... it is difficult to make a wish in nikopol, but nevertheless, friends, let's take a short break now, in the meantime, i want to, because it's just a flurry here, just congratulations, i'll be honest , i'm somehow not in the easter mood this year, but you added to this mood, i thank you very much, greetings from donetsk, greetings from
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palestine, from sumy, from hanover, the nice city of ternopil is with you, spain, vinnytsia. the netherlands, kyiv, i write easter cards to the dead and the living, greetings from athens, yes, khmelnytskyi congratulates, poland, spain, greece, in a word, here, odesa, greetings from rusanivka, wishes for a successful broadcast, dear friends, thank you, thank you for these warm kind words, they warm, and they, they add a little bit of such light, light. what we really need now is light and mood for the holidays, we are going on a short break, then we will continue, kharkiv will be in touch with us, stay, we will not die in paris, now i know it for sure, the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program kyiv meet,
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the dead rooster band accompanied by a string quartet. the best selected compositions, already 8 may in beletaj, starting at 7 p.m., enjoy the special sound of the real year, mertvyi piven, buy tickets for concert ua. fm, galicia. listen to your there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on feny style 15% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. didn't see the classics in the underpants or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field dir-dir, so why did we freeze? in the latest issue of the magazine.
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will it be possible to operate the zas after its release? says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery packer. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary
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to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can have your say on the badass of the day with a phone survey, plug and play, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, bc lift, boys suspension, quad bike - this is
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the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold ditch in the direction of chasiv. we have a roll call going on under our youtube broadcast, dear friends, listen, you know what else i want to say, it's holiday time, it's holiday time, it's time to see, i want to thank you for one miracle that we did with you, you and i did collect 2 million uah for fpv drones for two brigades 93-72, and already this amount will be handed over by him to them, and they will eventually use these drones to destroy the muscovites, moreover, i called you so... i called you to inform us, we did not have much money left to collect yesterday, and you collected even more than it was necessary, 2 million and 19,000, i think our female defenders from
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these two brigades will definitely find out what with those 19 thousands to do, and right at this time of the holidays, i am calling for another collection, it is huge, honestly, i was scared today when i heard the amount that we need to collect, but if we collect... 2 million with you, then we collect four, but i really hope, at least our military needs it very much, they need our support, and we want them to collect for atvs, please join , these atvs will help to quickly evacuate the wounded and bring ammunition, this is what will save life for those who are wounded on the front line, friends, now you see qr codes on your screens, share a little of this during the holidays, this is it... that festive spirit, to share it with our defenders, so that their lives are saved, well, we continue our roll call, and now kharkiv is in touch with us
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, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, joins us, we are waiting for his appearance, in the meantime, you scan the qr codes, write down the card numbers, and let's hope that with your help we will be able to collect these 4 million very quickly, yesterday... the enemy was hiding kharkiv with cabs, with huge high-explosive bombs, old, ancient, but which they wrap in such and such flaps and put gps navigation on them, and they become an updated such a terrible weapon, that's why they attacked just urban buildings, previously cabs, said oleg senigubov, from holodohorsk kharkiv district, was hit by a tram. damage, who was traveling with passengers, the mayor igor terikhov wrote about it, you know about this story, here, unfortunately, a woman died, alone yesterday from these
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attacks, what is the situation now in kharkiv, we will also to inquire, and from the news also about what the commander of the ground forces in our country said, said that what the russians really have... plans to attack kharkiv, whether they have the resources and capabilities for this, that is another story, or these their plans may also be some kind of simple misinformation, also a question, but they say that they managed to focus about 30,000 in this direction, not the 300-500 thousand that western experts write about, which are really necessary in order to get somewhere there to reach kharkiv and try to enter the city, but nevertheless the threat exists. is mr. serhiy with us yet, tell me there are still some technical problems there, dear friends, so we are waiting for the appearance of mr. serhiy, we have, however, 5 minutes left before... a minute
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of silence when we remember those ukrainians who, unfortunately, due to russian aggression did not, did not live to see how the muscovites lost the war in ukraine, to the day of victory, dear friends, but let us, so that there were fewer victims, donate to our collection, rather, it is very large, it is much larger than that the one we completed with you is twice as big, we will collect 2 million. hello i understand, so to speak, there is no information about the dead, thank god. and
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the night passed relatively relatively calmly, but again we, unfortunately, kharkiv residents are already accustomed to these things almost every day, especially the difference in cabs, compared to the same strista, to which the russians applied regularly, well, the previous two years, it consists in the fact that you can try in one part of the city and not hear that the hood flew to another part, as was the case yesterday on a cold mountain. and if the s-300 arrives, the whole city hears it, and in the city center, and outside the city , and so on, that is, regardless, the same, the same as with calibers, because we have also learned this well over the past two years, sir serhii, what are your moods, something again, we have some kind of communication problems, okay, well, i
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you know what i wanted to say literally. polynka remains, continuing another topic, by the way, the previous one, zerso- from khersonsk, in kherson they issued a decree that tomorrow there will be no curfew, ugh, well, of course, this was issued by the collaborator saldo, and i couldn’t resist the guilty pleasure , look at how this decree looked, and you know, i was not mistaken, this is how it sounds, with the purpose, i translate into ukrainian, with the purpose of observing religious traditions during the period of martial law... to allow all this to temporarily cancel the curfew in connection with the celebration of the resurrection of christ at the end of easter, at the end of easter, oh my god, what idiots, well, mr. serhiy is still with us, we can talk for a moment, mr. serhiy, what is the actual mood in kharkiv, the people of kharkiv in the kharkiv region in connection with the fact that the russians announce their plans to capture
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the city. well, look, the mood of kharkiv people is like this, subjectively it seems to me, at least with the people with whom i communicate, that in principle, well , if you can't talk on the air, then i won't, yes, what the hell, they don't get it charter that's what the mood is, and in principle, in relation to russians, e. kharkiv people hardly use censorious words, in principle , nothing will work for them, this is roughly the mood, although of course the level of anxiety, the level of all this, well, it has certainly risen a little given the fact that since the end of march we have been under constant shelling, and yesterday, in addition to kabivshchyna, there was a year of martyrs that our military shot down, one of which has not been seen for a long time, let's say, the use of this weapon against.
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the city of kharkiv, in particular. mr. serhiu. sir sergey, we understand your emotions, we understand this irritation from the plan of the muscovites. thank you, now there is a moment of silence, we remember those whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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