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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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congratulations chas news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. cheers today. an explosion rang out in kharkiv, mayor igor terekhov reported. the air force warned about the threat of attack by enemy tactical aircraft. we will wait for more information about the consequences of the explosion in kharkiv later. three people died, seven more were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was actually reported to the regional police. the russians hit kurakhovo and turkey with hail and hurricanes. dropped
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four aerial bombs on liman and ridko dub. by the attack destroyed more than fifty residential buildings, vandalized administrative buildings, gas pipelines and power lines. and in transcarpathia, there was a conflict between tsc employees and local roma. shooting in dnipro. the law enforcement officers detained the intruder who injured two people. the victims were hospitalized with gunshot wounds. this was reported in the regional office. to the police, a 31-year-old man attacked the victims in the garage, fired an unidentified weapon, and then fled. the police searched for the attacker in the center of dnipro, he is suspected of attempted murder. the motive of the crime is currently being established. the patriot air defense system, which germany plans to hand over to ukraine, will arrive at the defense forces no earlier than the end of june, writes the new york times. teaching.
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of the ukrainian military under the accelerated program will last six weeks in germany, after which the german military will transport installations, radar and other parts to poland and hand them over to ukraine. russia is suffering colossal losses in the war in ukraine. the russian army has already lost about 500 thousands of soldiers. this was stated by french foreign minister stephane cejournay in an interview with novaya gazeta europa. he noted that russia's military failure is obvious, according to him, russia's losses amount to half a million people, of which 150,000 were killed. sajournay also commented on macron's words about sending troops to ukraine. he emphasized that when peace in europe is threatened, there can be no restrictions and exceptions under such conditions. and the united states of america is negotiating with the g7 countries to allocate 50 billion to ukraine dollars about this... bloomberg, according to the american
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plan, most of the funds will be allocated at the expense of profits from frozen russian assets. the us treasury confirmed that negotiations on this issue are indeed ongoing, and the funds are expected to be sent by a coalition of countries. the united states wants to make a deal in june at the g7 summit in italy. medical mission, plastic surgeons from the united states of america came to lviv again to... consult and operate on our defenders and children from maxillofacial injuries. our correspondents will tell you how the international team worked. the injury reminded him of the war. viktor gandzilevskyi, a military man originally from rivne region, was wounded by a mine explosion in august 2023 in the zaporozhye region. the man was operated on jointly by american and ukrainian plastic surgeons. doctors cut out a scar on the leg and... improved the aesthetics
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of the face with special stitches. viktor is currently feeling well and recovering after surgery in the lviv regional hospital war veterans and the repressed. a mine 120 from a mortar exploded not far from me, it hit my leg, this one was wounded, my face, there were so many scars here, the doctors said, all the girls, orderlies, nurses here, they say, scars decorate a person, i say, why do i have so much beauty alone, i want to be like everyone else. as part of the mission. an interdisciplinary team of seven american narrow-profile specialists came to lviv. we have already seen many wonderful people with facial deformities. we came here not just to operate on children and everything. we work in collaboration with dr. roman, ms. khrystyna, and ms. natalia, and we came here to teach them and learn something from them ourselves. to go back to my country, besides
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being really an american, and help somehow. plastic surgeons from the usa helped patients in two medical facilities. so in the lviv regional hospital. specialists consulted and treated defenders with maxillofacial injuries. such a mission, it was carried out for the first time in our hospital, it was carried out thanks to the foundation of the christian medical association with razom for ukraine and the american organization global leap missions. we performed five operations in one day. and they were quite difficult, because they touched the plastic of the face in different areas. other surgeons from the american-ukrainian team worked with young patients at the children's medicine center of okhmadyt hospital. after consultations, surgeons from the usa operated on more than fifty children with
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congenital facial defects and those who suffered as a result of military operations. these are children from the eastern regions, directly, it is donetsk, kharkiv, mariupol. dream, who did not have the opportunity to receive qualified highly specialized care at their place of residence, who lost relatives, parents, this mission is special because the doctors came to train our doctors, this is already the sixth visit, that is, many operations are performed by our doctors, and our american doctors advise colleagues and nuances are indicated during the operation. american surgeons have planned the next visit to ukraine for the fall, then the doctors for the second time... military viktor gandzilevskyi is also operated on, he is planned to undergo reconstruction of the wing. kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha, espressu tv channel. karma in action. russia covered the sverdlovsk region with a powerful snowdrift, serious damage was recorded at energy facilities. this
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was reported in the russian media. the region is out of power, problems with mobile communication are also recorded. as we have already noted. in transcarpathia, there was a conflict between tsc employees and local roma. we have updated information. in the vynohradiv district, men and women blocked the exit from the premises of the territorial center completing. the police reported that at dinner a group of at least 10 people violated public order and also committed hooliganism due to the mobilization of two of their friends. when the roma tried to invade the territory of the tcc by force, the military carried out. warning shots were fired into the air, no one was injured, the police launched an investigation, the culprits face up to seven years in prison for hooliganism. meanwhile, treasures from the time of the crimean khanate were found near the village of flora in odesa region,
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local historians of odesa region reported this in the public organization. 140 coins that were minted in the crimea during the reign of the khan in the 1480s, the treasure lay in hungary. at a depth of 40 cm, and on top it was covered with a limestone slab. the find is currently being studied, after which it is planned to transfer it to the podilsk museum of local lore in odesa. in the meantime, i remind you and ask you to join the collection for our defenders, means of communication and security. intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and... study. in general, our goal is uah 72,000. thanks to you, we have already been able to make an advance payment and we have a little more than uah 100,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is crucial. you can now see all the necessary card links and qr codes on your screens. so
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scan and donate. to learn more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website also look for our youtube and our social networks, we will see you less than before an hour, wait, stay with espress, congratulations, i'm andriy yanitskyi, gulsum khalilova, today. with me in the beraber program, which in ukrainian means together, we tell the main news of crimea together, this is a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. by the power of oil, congratulations on the air of the atp tv channel, on
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the air of the tv channel in a joint project, as my colleague andriy told me, this is indeed a name, it was chosen for a reason, because we know and history knows and... it shows that only together, only beraber can defeat and overcome the enemy, and today the whole of ukraine is doing it, today. all citizens of ukraine and indeed, first of all, our military, the armed forces of ukraine, in particular the 48th oshb named after noman chilibidzhikhan, are currently overcoming and defeating the russian occupiers in the southern direction, so you can always support them by using the qr code that you will see on your screens, and our directors will show, right now our guys need drones for fpf, so you can... support really now with the qr code you see on your screens, well
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within the framework of this program, we continue to talk about crimea, we continue to tell about the most relevant events that happened this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula and indeed about the actions of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of crimea and against russian military strategic objects, because this week. .. we know that the ukrainian armed forces attacked russian military facilities at the dzhankoya airfield, explosions were also heard in the sak region, in the yevpatoria region, that is, in kezlev, and in the terkhankut region. yes, gulsom khanum said on the air that she is not ready to talk a lot, but immediately seized the initiative. we are still not the main characters in this program, we invite... experts who know more than us, and traditionally the first block is devoted to military operations, oleksiy
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hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, with us on communication, mr. oleksiy, congratulations, greetings aleyka, i congratulate you with one and especially you gulsun, i haven't seen you for a long time, i already saw you once on the crimean channel, it's very good that you are now with us on the express channel. thank you very much, mr. oleksii. i'm with you on the express channel. all together, and mr. oleksiy, the occupiers have intensified the construction of defense structures in crimea, does this mean that they are waiting for something, or is this just money laundering, corruption, as is customary in russia? well, first of all, they steal in russia, yes, we know in one word, if we characterize what is happening there, some of the buildings they build there, they cause, well, what less surprise, when they come to... the coast they started building some fortifications a year ago
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right somewhere near the beach, well, i think it was money laundering and in order to somehow maintain the tension inside the crimea in the sense that their readiness to repel our offensive was at the maximum level, to hope that these fortifications will somehow be able to influence the actions that we... are going to do there, well, it’s not worth it, i think we all understand this perfectly, and if we still decide to liberate crimea, well, i would like to this year the beginning of the release, then in order to crimea could be liberated, excuse me for being a little toftological, we need to destroy the kerch bridge, one of the logistical routes of the russians, and of course that scab. in which the road goes, well, through donjinkuya, through
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melitopol, through volnovakha, through well from the russian federation, and that plazderm that we have near krynyk, it is not actively expanding yet, but we have been holding it for more than six months, and i am sure that the fact that we have acquired the knowledge that we have acquired, or rather experience, how it should be done, as our... special units of the main administration intelligence, which, well, they are called teams that know how to conduct combat operations from the water, they trained from great britain for at least six months, they were already experienced people, they are not those who are newly mobilized, but nevertheless they underwent additional training , therefore we expect that further after krynyk we will be able to move towards skidovsky, towards armyansky, well, the main thing is to cut it off. crimea from external supply, turn it into a conditional island, destroy the anti-aircraft defenses located there,
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the means of communication, which we are actively doing, destroy the airfields, which is chenko isak, about this too, you just said, then any fortifications that will be built there, they will not matter, then the military group that will be left without anything and any supply from the bateryuk part the russian federation will be largely doomed. the patients understand this perfectly, they were preparing for it, but to do something substantial, they even wanted to turn a large landing ship into a transport to bring something under, realizing that the logistics arteries could be... cut off, but i think that our and the main directorate of intelligence and the security service of ukraine, especially the general staff, and the ranks of the supreme commander-in-chief, perfectly understand what needs to be done, and we are gradually already taking these actions. you know, mr. oleksiy, i really like reading the russian occupying, crimean telegram channels, well, i like them, because they are panicking there, especially after the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine
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with weapons attacks on crimea and on russian military facilities, and you know? they write to us that ukraine's tactics are now like this, it destroys russia and weakens russia air defense in order to hit the kerch bridge during the inauguration of the russian leader putin, how do you like this story, can we really expect such a gift for vatashka from the russians, well, there was not much for... scheduled for may 7, not really already legitimate, as the president of the european union believes, well , it would be very good, you know, for the russians, the russians like to adjust some actions to certain dates, this is characteristic of them, well, it is not quite correct from a military point of view, but sometimes for that, well, war is a continuation of politics
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by other means, and it necessarily has a political component, if at all. to hit the kerch bridge just in time for the inauguration, i think the effect will be very, very serious, you can imagine, it is a holiday, when it is a holiday for us, when on the day of putin's inauguration, a message will come in all russian publications that the kerch bridge has already been destroyed , although i think that if we do it on this particular day, then the russian mass media will report about it, well no... somewhere after 10-11 may, because for them it is a sacred date, the seventh is also almost a sacred date, and to tell such news these days, well, it will be almost impossible for them, well, as far as i remember, the first attack on the kerch bridge was also connected with the date , it seems that putin's birthday was plus or minus one day, and
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the birthday is on the sixth of october, if you wait on the seventh, the seventh is regularly regular. transmitted by our armed forces, and there are many such interesting dates, you are right that if not may 7, it is possible may 9, not may 9, so in the summer, but there are already signals that the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge will be destroyed, not only the armed forces of ukraine are sent, we saw, for example, how the lithuanian ambassador to sweden published a post on the internet with the hint that it is better to take pictures near... the bridge now, because in the future such an opportunity may not present itself, that is, ukraine's western partners support such a development and know about such plans, and will no longer object. lithuania lithuania is a reliable partner, they are our friends, and when they make such statements, well, you know it, well, let's repeat that war is
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also politics, by other means, but pressure and... pressure, political pressure on the enemy must be, especially if it is done by our partners, by those countries that are members of the alliance, then this is very good, and this is what we see on the image screen now in another publication, the ukrainian diplomat already hinted that the kerch bridge may disappear and depicted various forms of bridges that exist in the world, and where kerch is written, there is no bridge, hence the signals. more than transparent, but the question of how this will be done, the russian newspaper kommersant published details about how the kerch bridge was blown up for the first time, that it was a solid-fuel projectile, a solid explosive made of solid rocket fuel, which was transported by truck, wrapped in polythene, and the second
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attack was already by sea drones, which now... more peculiarly, there will be some kind of sabotage technique with trucks , with transport or drones or missiles? well, you know, there are only three options, how it can be done, it is an air attack, a sea attack and a diversionary attack, obviously one of them, if we say that it will be one of these three, then we will guess at 100%, because there cannot be others, it will most likely be used, well, let's see. that after all, the attack will be combined and all three components must work at the same time, then there will be very little chance for the russians to defend themselves. and mr. oleksiu, and what are these consequences? which will have for the russian occupiers, well, of course, from a political point of view, this is both for the fsb and for putin, a very powerful image blow, yes,
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when they say that crimea is an unsinkable aircraft carrier, and now such a blow as this was, for example, last time, it was really very powerful, but if we talk about the military point of view, what will be the consequences for the russian invaders and how it can radically change the situation on the battlefield. and both from the point of view of crimea and the southern direction, well, you know, we don’t sink aircraft carriers, it can even be agreed, because it is really impossible to sink the peninsula directly, but if such an aircraft carrier is left without everything necessary for its life support, then then this aircraft carrier, as the russians say, will turn into a flying dutchman, that is, it will, as it were, not sunk, but no, well, it will not be able to function, as it is... in the course of hostilities, well, i am sure that, well, any hostilities in the east are unlikely to be able to, even an almost sunken
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aircraft carrier is unlikely to be able to do so with the russian troops concentrated there and the logistics that exist there, they will still remain, but there is more here, well, what will be the significance of the military, we will liberate a very large part of our territory. and then we will be able to build some of our strategic objects, tactical objects there, maybe there will be, we can use our aviation, we hope that it will be in the 16th, it will affect, but not like that, not directly, indirectly, on the entire front line, well, this means such questions, they are so, well , not obvious, but they are so voluminous that what exactly, well, everything will be affected, everything will be affected at once, this is a hybrid war, it... consists of political, economic, ideological, informational, and so on, components, and all these components are components, they, they will work, and besides, this is our
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territory and here is yours, mr. ulsun, i think so you, your brothers, our friends, the crimeans, the crimean tatars whom you represent, they will attack it, god forbid, and by the way, the ukrainian political leadership. sent a signal that the crimeans mobilized by the occupiers will not be brought to justice in ukraine under certain conditions, it is said that if they were forcibly mobilized, and this is a sign that ukraine clearly understands who its enemies are, that the enemies are not the crimeans, but the residents themselves crimea, and there are occupiers who seized crimea, and if that has already happened, what the crimeans could not avoid mobilization, then they can... count on the fact that they will not be tried for this, if they did not take part in any radical actions against the ukrainian armed forces, is this an important
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signal, well, purely psychologically, or not it's time to talk about important things at all, this is a very important signal, the fact is that when the preparations for the so-called elections of president putin began on tuesday in the temporarily occupied territories, including in crimea, they were preparing, as it were, lists of voters. they once again checked where everyone is, where the people are of conscription age, and after these elections were held on march 15-17, they began to mobilize people as a whole, according to those supposedly electoral lists, lists, to avoid mobilization, well, it was extremely difficult, because there could be very strict responsibility up to the point of not prisons, up to execution, were already used there by the russians. in such a way of punishment both inside their troops and around, we heard about it, so i don't think it makes sense to blame these people in any way, there are
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traitors, well there are traitors in any country during any war, so those people , which they went with weapons in their hands to fight against ukraine voluntarily, or very actively, being mobilized, they performed their supposedly official duties, well, these are their official duties, but they are criminal. to carry out a criminal order, this is also a crime, so with these people there will be certain certain actions from our law enforcement agencies, all other people, they should not be convicted for this, on the contrary, i am sure that they will form the basis of those people, around whom the government in crimea will be formed, around whom the ukrainian government will be in crimea, the ukrainian and tatar authorities in crimea will be formed, they will argue about these people, we already remember... how many cases when people disappeared in crimea, especially of tatar nationality, how many fabricated accusations were made against them, so i think
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that the idea ... let's remember that there are our underground workers, our partisans, who help us a lot in certain data, in certain actions related to intelligence, those missiles that arrive at airfields, other things, they are not only we use when we plan these, prepare these battles orders and planning these combat measures, that we rely only on intelligence data, or intelligence, space intelligence, well , intelligence data, including intelligence data of people who, in various ways, are very risky, but help ours. forces to free this peninsula of occupation as soon as possible, that is why there is internal support from the side, we heard many times from our headquarters about developments, you know, well, when they flew in the same s400, then they said that the underground helped us a lot, well, it was just yours we know yours, maybe even yours, that's why maybe saka could be, but not sure.
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at the same time, the occupiers spread information that they can shoot down attack missiles, that the russian military should not be afraid of them, and the united states of america says that this is not true, so can they shoot them down or not? no, knocking down there is a big problem, but they, you know, the russians are improving, they also see what kind of weapons we use during the war are improving very quickly. each and every type of equipment, taking into account, well, their capabilities and capabilities, as they should defend themselves, there is, yes, there is information that using electronic warfare, they degrade the gps signals that are guided by the missiles, and the accuracy of such missiles, all the missiles, well, that we use, that use external guidance, guidance, their accuracy deteriorates and the efficiency drops, well, we also
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expected it, we... we perfectly understand that the russians will improve, and we also have to improve our means of attack with which we attack russian military facilities, well, it does not happen that some weapon he uses any of the parties becomes, becomes impossible to impress the other party, the other party draws conclusions and prepares very quickly, and the russians do this too, so to say that these missiles will so... so do the same damage as at the beginning of how we started to receive them, it is not worth it, of course, they are effective, well, that’s what the pentagon says, their effectiveness decreases, that is, fewer missiles hit the target precisely due to some possibilities of interception in the anti-aircraft missile complex and means radio-electronic warfare, but this does not mean that they have become unnecessary and they cannot cause significant damage to the enemy, they can, the only thing
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that will have to be, well, unfortunately, used. several percent more missiles to achieve the same goal as six months ago. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy chokhsaglana, for taking the time to join our broadcast. oleksiy getsman was in direct contact with us. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. and we have a short break, right andrii? yes, 5 minutes for advertising, and we meet you again in the beraber together program, this is the main news of crimea, shared. the project of the crimean-tatar atr channel and the espresso tv channel. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with toper matryk, you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price.


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