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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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first of all , russia is not ready for these negotiations, which, i am sure, will be after the inauguration of putin after may 7 and after the inauguration itself, it will, well, before this summit until mid-june, it will try to improve its position at the front, it will to try to occupy new ukrainian territories is, in my opinion, well... an absolutely obvious and understandable scenario at the moment. we have to counteract this through not only diplomatic maneuvers. we have to counteract this through the consolidation of ukrainian society. we there are noticeable problems with demonstrating the consolidation and stability of ukrainian society. and that's why we have to do everything to show the world that ukraine...
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even after 800 days of a large-scale invasion, even after suffering gigantic losses, infrastructure, energy, very significant human losses, it continues to preserve itself as a state, it continues to function normally and will continue to function normally, this is our main goal at the moment, it is not possible to carry out negotiations exclusively by means of... obviously we have create the prerequisites so that, if we want volodymyr zelenskyi's peace formula to be actually effective, we must do everything to make it work and be understandable to our citizens, i'm not sure, i'm not sure who knows these 10 points though b half of our citizens, well, the question here is not that our...
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citizens know, the main thing is that our partners probably also know and understand, i do not agree with you, because we either say nothing about ukraine without ukraine, and then we have, you know, i think you're with me on this one agree, after the revolution of dignity , the citizens of ukraine have the right to understand and know what is happening to them and in what way, well, you see that they... generate avatars and try to communicate with society thanks to artificial intelligence, well , that is, if the authorities , sorry, there are not enough urban people, so they are already trying to use artificial intelligence, and it seems to me that without urban people, artificial intelligence is also poorly used in principle, well, how do you feel about the fact that in the government, you understand communications very well, as the government communicates with society, that is. what the mfa
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did, recently launched this shi avatar, well that is, how appropriate is it at all in the current environment. on this topic, i joked that there is an artificial chief of staff of the verkhovna rada, who has already been accused by the european parliament of managing the work of the parliament, and this is probably the only effective, artificial intelligence without an application that exists in the ukrainian government, effective from the point of view . i don't quite understand, well i do, as far as i can understand, the idea with artificial intelligence, it was related to by the fact that it was necessary to end the scandal surrounding the restriction of consular services for male citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60, but if i were asked about spin doctoring, i would still give other advice, for example, the idea of ​​10 ambassadors. which should be
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in africa, where they are, this is the first, it can be played for a very long time. the next thing is to talk about the opening of new consulates in europe, because millions of our citizens are in europe, and they have problems with consular service, including women who are not on military registration. further, search for new partners and new forms, building, construction. checkpoints on the border, well, there are actually a lot of problems on which you can informationally play, you just need to have political will and have political opportunities, and not close all opportunities to one well-known address in kyiv, the question is that when you play in sandbox and you are going to scoop up all the sand, then forgive me, there is a very high probability that along with the sand you will
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also scoop up dog poop, i'm sorry, it's okay, i hope that our viewers, tv viewers calmly accept such. also mr. yevhen, one piece of information that mr. skibitsky voiced in an interview for zaikonis, which in the end did not turn out to be not an interview, but a solid text that russia has a plan to destabilize ukraine, which includes three factors: military , disinformation and international isolation, when, well, we are talking about the fact that russia will destabilize or try to create international isolation for ukraine. what can ukraine oppose to this? ukraine should counter this with joint actions with our partners. i will guide you a simple example: our crisis only recently ended in relations with poland, because
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polish farmers eventually unblocked the border. i watched it carefully, after a few months anything happened, but there was nothing in common. the polish-ukrainian action in poland in order to explain what is happening to our polish partners, similarly, we had to hold an action in romania, because we are excited, ah, romania is building an autobahn to ukraine, this autobahn was built only in the time of ceausescu, just in ukraine, no one knows about this, that's the point, this is generally our problem, we do not know much about our neighbors, i will say more, we know practically nothing about... our neighbors, and accordingly, we have a lot of loopholes in which russia skilfully plays, because russia has the ability to do this, i today i happened to read on one of the telegram channels of the russian mardadel that there is an institute,
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private, as it were, but with such, you know, intelligence background, dense intelligence, which is engaged in the study of culture and sports in... in the soviet space, what do you think, for what they do it, just like that, they lack their athletes or what? no, these are all elements of soft power that work effectively, that can help deliver results, and accordingly, it creates serious problems for us today if we do not offer our own ideas to dismantle russia, if we do not talk about , that... we need to create the actual narrative of the baltic-black sea region by the countries of this region, if we do not say that we are waging a war for independence, and this is an anti-colonial war, we will not reach a very
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many, and then, the meeting planned for june, it will simply be a pleasant time spent. in switzerland, but will not achieve the necessary result there. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, i remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, we continue the survey there and ask you whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube, v we also conduct this opi on telecasts. if you think artificial intelligence is needed in government communications 0800 211 381, no 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, please vote, now we will see the interim results of the survey, in the first
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part of our program 13% say yes and 87% in no glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about the strengthening of american support and the situation in the russian federation, where it is most likely preparing for the so-called existential war. ours today. bryza and oleksandr morozov. bryza, ex-adviser of the united states secretary of state, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council, will be working on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear mr. ambassador. i congratulate you. well, the key story: the united
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states gave the go-ahead. congress, the senate, and president joseph biden signed an extremely important package. it's about money and... finances, but etechems will also be supplied, we understand that most likely it is etecoms, they were a certain red line, i do not know how the communication took place, but as far as we understand, the kremlin tried in every way to prohibit the transfer of long-range missile systems to us, and here in washington made a historic decision. yes, of course, this is a historic decision, and you and i have been waiting for it for more than one month. you may recall that back in october of last year, when speaker johnson first became speaker, i expressed concern by the fact that he consistently voted against military aid to ukraine. however, it happened like this. that the weight of his responsibility helped him to look at the need
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to help ukraine in a different way. under considerable pressure from president biden, as well as under the influence of president zelensky and evangelicals, including baptists from ukraine, speaker johnson eventually found a way to navigate the complexities of the us political system and negotiate a deal. his success demonstrates remarkable skill and strategic foresight. it is good to see that congress. the united states now has a strategic interest in supporting ukraine. regarding the c attacks, we learned last week that the united states has already provided them, albeit separately from the latest aid package, and at the request of the government of ukraine, they did so secretly. obviously, this is a very important step, as it will force russia to move its supply depots further from the front lines. this will also allow ukrainian troops to hit the command centers of russian troops, as well. probably along the crimean bridge. this is undoubtedly another offense for the reds
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russia's lines, however, given the many red lines that have already been crossed, the gradualist approach of the biden administration appears to be deterring russia from further escalation. now the focus is shifting to whether ukraine can mobilize enough soldiers on the battlefield and stop russia from breaking through, despite the lack of ammunition. in ukraine during the last six months. yes, we are extremely grateful to the united states for all that it does for us. on the other hand , we are also aware that russia is preparing to another escalation level. they fired at odessa with a ballistic iskander with cluster ammunition. that is, russia demonstrates that they are ready to raise and raise the level of escalation and commission of barbaric crimes against civilians. population, and accordingly we would like to hear that in washington they understand
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that it is possible that ukraine will have to be further strengthened when we talk, in particular, about very specific systems, both missile and anti-missile, about the air defense system, we not enough patriot systems for to close our peaceful cities. yes, i mean, the supply of additional patriot batteries is something that is... being discussed now, and of course the biden administration understands how barbaric, as you rightly described, these attacks on civilians as well as energy infrastructure are. . the whole world is seeing this, and every time russia does this, it loses more and more credibility on the international stage, so i think that additional patriot systems, as well as f-16s, will be delivered to ukraine soon, which will make it difficult the use of russian-guided... bombs that are having such a devastating effect on the civilian population in ukraine, and we have to reflect on
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the situation that existed about a year ago, when before the united states provided hymars, russia was free to shell eastern ukrainian cities with artillery, because the ukrainian artillery did not have a sufficient range to respond effectively to the shelling. however, things have changed now, and not only thanks to hymers, but also thanks to the attacks, although russia ... already wants to escalate, now it can only achieve this by shelling civilians people. as i already mentioned, the ukrainian military was without significant additional assistance from the us for about six months. russia managed to advance only a few kilometers behind bakhmut, that is, its successes were not significant. ukraine successfully resisted this advance and, given the inevitable strengthening of its capabilities, russia's attempts to escalate the conflict by harming civilians. the population is unlikely to succeed on the battlefield. dear mr. ambassador bryzen,
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i would like to ask you about the prospects of forming a new agenda, in particular it is about the swiss peace summit. most likely, the russians and their allies will not be represented there in switzerland at the peace summit, the question is whether the chinese will be there as observers. how do you think the agenda of what will happen in switzerland will be different now? and in general, if we are talking about the prospects of the european union, how seriously will the europeans be prepared to defend their independence and theirs in the event of a threat. sovereignty, yes, because the russians are extremely powerful in threatening and the baltic states and central europe. firstly, based on the experience of mediating conflicts in eastern europe, such as abkhazia, ossetia and nagorno-karabakh, i have noticed that the swiss constantly seek to play a role in such situations, they perceive themselves as highly effective
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mediators, which often turns out not to be true, so i don't think there's any reason to worry about the fact that... the czars are summoning european and american officials. this does not necessarily mean a softening of europe's position on the invasion russia to ukraine. i believe that key european leaders such as emmanuel macron, olaf scholz and others such as george maloney are fully committed to supporting ukraine in its fight against russia. evaluating the level of aid provided to ukraine, it is worth noting that great britain and germany are in second and third place, respectively. and their commitments remain unwavering, there is a common understanding among the european leadership of the potential threat to the baltic states from russia if the nato deterrent is considered weak, about what we have already said. president macron said that it is possible that european or french soldiers could end up on
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the territory of ukraine, right? it was wrapped in very powerful diplomatic papers, but, but, but. no one says: well, we understand that there is a certain perspective, and we may have to help us on land as well. macron went through a rather amazing transformation, he tried to be the only european interlocutor who could dissuade putin from invading. i will never forget the longest table in the world, when putin was so afraid that macron would infect him with covid in the kremlin. and now, as we can all see, macron has become one of the staunchest supporters. confrontation with russia, however, looking at macron's statement to which you refer, i would not take it as france being ready to send its troops to ukraine, nor do i see such a readiness on the part of any of the nato member states. rather, i see it as an acknowledgment of that possibility under certain circumstances, particularly if russia continues its
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current behavior. as you and i have already said, mr. borkovsky, a possible scenario when k these nato member countries will act outside the framework of nato, but exercising its sovereign prerogatives, it can intervene at the request of ukraine, if prompted by russia. in this context, macron's statement looks like a confirmation of the possibility of such actions. conversely, a categorical refusal to deploy any forces of nato member states in ukraine will weaken the deterrent signal that ukraine's western allies are trying to convey to russia. the visit of united states secretary of state anthony blinken to the people's republic of china is extremely important. we are not we know all the details that blinken discussed with xi jinping, well, but there are certain, a certain part of powerful public signals, and antony blinkin de facto warned xi jinping that it is impossible to pretend that china does not help
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russia, because he de- in fact provides it with everything necessary for waging war against ukraine. well. in addition to weapons and personnel, this is how they help the russians, and blinkin warned the chinese, asked them not to do this. yes, in response, xi jinping began to talk about how he believes that the united states and china, they are all great states must be responsible and respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty of other states, and so on and so forth. what did xijin ping really mean and how far would the united states be willing to go to... to discourage the people's republic of china from supporting russia, but china did not give everything to russia at once, however, in its peace plan, especially in the first point with regard to ukraine, the main emphasis on maintaining territorial integrity reflects china's own interests in taiwan, so the invasion russia in ukraine has put china in a difficult
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diplomatic position. china together with russia or xi jinping together with putin want to cooperate in order to undermine. the so-called rules-based international order established and supported by the united states, but xinjin pin does not want to condone the undermining of ukraine's territorial integrity in any way. by the way, in order to maneuver in this difficult situation, china was careful to avoid open violation of g7 sanctions. minister blinkin was forced to go public to warn china against giving russia any military assistance it may need. unlike iran and north korea, china has not become an open supplier of ballistic missiles or drones. i haven't seen any reports of china supplying as many munitions as north korea does. so china is walking a... diplomatic tightrope, and blinkin shares this opinion. his visit to beijing is aimed at continuing efforts to reduce previously heightened tensions in
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us-china relations. this one the strategy is consistent with a series of visits by us ministers or government officials to china even before blinkin and sinzimpian met near san francisco last november. the current us approach is aimed at easing pressure on china. at the same time, giving understand that excessive support for russia may cause diplomatic consequences and possibly other sanctions. dear mr. ambassador bryza, well, i would ask you to react accordingly to what is happening in russia now, taking into account the very different signals coming from the kremlin, but the fact that they are currently producing on the battlefield, we understand that it indicates their readiness to continue the war, regardless of these or other signals, that is, we have no illusions, but it is possible... there are a number of factors that could demonstrate that the kremlin is hesitating, or the kremlin would not be ready to enter into a very long war, but
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at the moment we see that the kremlin demonstrates its readiness to fight for ukrainian lands, yes, sparing neither its soldiers nor its resources. putin feels that he cannot stop now or it could be the end of him, even physically. however, as already mentioned, the russian offensive lacks success. in fact, their progress is minimal, although they are advancing, but at a very slow pace, it took them almost a year to advance only 16 km behind bahmud. their inability to launch a successful offensive without additional mobilization poses a significant problem. hundreds of thousands of men fled russia during the latest mobilization, a sign of putin's internal problems. right now, his powers are essentially in a state of stagnation, regardless. on some progress. we can only hope that the ukrainian troops will persistently resisting the current offensive, with the arrival of additional military aid
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, the dynamic will change, giving ukraine some respite before the next push. but think about it, even if putin can mobilize, say 100,000 soldiers for an offensive, where they have to recruit experienced commanders, there is a specific lack of them, because so many have been killed and wounded, so even if they bring more... people into the army, they will need more commanders, that , if you are on the russian side, they need to produce a lot more artillery shells and art ammunition, as far as i understand they are currently producing only half of the 155mm and 122mm artillery shells they need for offensive operations, so they are currently producing five times more artillery shells than ukraine, but you see, a significant escalation would require much more production. therefore, i think that during the next year we will see that russia cannot achieve significant territorial gains, and the ukrainian military will become stronger and stronger, and then maybe 2025 will be
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the year of the ukrainian offensive. after all, if if ukraine succeeds in attacking the crimean bridge and cutting off russia's communications with crimea, this will completely change putin's approach. in particular, his commitment to continuous attacks on the civilian population and war crimes against the ukrainian population. mr. ambassador, how should we deal with the publication in the american press, in which it was said that some american officials recommended our official kyiv not to strike at russian oil refining facilities. i believe that the recent request or warning of white. to it was ill-considered and unreasonable for ukraine not to strike deep into russian territory, in particular at oil refineries, it is a rather selfish, arrogant and strategically
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unreasonable step. of course, i understand that president biden wants very much to win the election in the fall. i think that it will be better for all of us, for all friends of ukraine, if he wins. however, in my opinion, the importance of undermining russian fuel supplies far outweighs any. a potential slight increase in the prices of petroleum products, i.e. gasoline in the united states before the election in in november there are many factors that affect the prices of oil and petroleum products such as gasoline. and removing relatively small supplies of russian refined oil, gasoline or diesel from global markets is unlikely to have a significant impact on the us election. from a strategic perspective, it appears that president biden's political team may have acted hastily. succumbing to panic, there may have been an internal debate, the arguments of which boiled down to the fact that you, who are in favor of allowing ukraine to strike russian refineries, warned
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of potential... job losses and a lack of a second term for president biden, leading to less support for ukraine if oil prices rise excessively, although there is some truth to these fears. any significant rise in oil prices will be a global phenomenon, not just the result of losses at russian refineries . well, accordingly, i cannot ignore the topic of the washington summit, so we understand that a historic summit will take place, a summit in time. russian aggression against ukraine, and we would hoped that this summit would finally define our status and prospects, possibly for the earliest possible entry into the euro-atlantic community. we understand that sweden and finland managed to join nato in record time. we understand, at the same time, what kind of responsibility this could entail for the rest of the euro-atlantic community, because during the war, well, it would have to be applied at the same time. and the fifth
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article of the euro-atlantic union. as i understand it, nato intends to use the 75th anniversary summit in washington to emphasize its the status of the most successful military-political alliance in history, thanks to which it was possible to prevent major conflicts between its member countries and russia and the soviet union. in addition, the summit is expected to emphasize the need for greater political and military assistance to ukraine, and is therefore ready. to such support, however, as far as membership is concerned, since ukraine is not a member of nato, support from the alliance is limited. there were no signs of plans for ukraine's accelerated accession to nato, and such discussions are unlikely to take place during the summit as for sweden and finland, it is important to recognize their long-standing readiness for nato membership. both countries have been diligently developing their military potential for ten years.
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finland can boast. the most experienced armies of europe with a significant presence of artillery units along the russian border and a powerful air force equipped with american fi-17 fighters. similarly, sweden has a highly capable military and over the past decade and a half has essentially committed itself to providing military assistance to nato members, according to the article fifth, although she herself was not yet a member of the alliance. they were also ready to join nato militarily. and to participate in the alliance's defense efforts. however, the situation in ukraine is significantly different. in the context of the ongoing conflict, ukraine needs support from the nato community to protect its sovereignty and restore territorial integrity. it is unlikely that the alliance will speed up the process of ukraine's accession to nato in the conditions of the current war. however, at the 75th anniversary summit, nato must unequivocally confirm that membership ukraine in the alliance remains steadfast in
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its commitment. and that the alliance is ready to help ukraine in this, but only after ukraine wins this war. it is also important that nato does not play along with putin's false narrative that it was nato that caused the war in ukraine, when in reality we all know that it was a war of choice, or a war of aggression, unleashed by putin and aimed at subjugating ukraine. i would like to ask you about the correct strategy on the part of official kyiv in relations with the administration of president joseph biden. and the possible, possible administration of donald trump. we understand that the key story is to preserve our, protect our interests, national, ukrainian interests. but on the other hand, we are grateful to the biden administration, and we understand that donald trump, in any case, his team can have a serious influence, and in six months , it is not known what will happen in america in this delicate way . at the same time, we understand that tucker carlson does one thing for the other. strange interviews,
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in particular with people who belong to russian culture and russian influence, a couple of days ago tucker carlson recorded an interview with the fascist dugin. ukraine is doing absolutely the right thing, its strategy for the biden administration, which will be the strategy for the trump administration, is to continue to emphasize both the moral and strategic imperative for the united states to continue to help ukraine. it is difficult to imagine a us president who would support ukraine more than joe biden. as we remember, he was the responsible person in the obama administration for ukrainian policy usa after the russian invasion of ukraine in 2014, and having had the honor of working with him directly, i have seen firsthand his unwavering commitment to the nato family and to deterring russian aggression in the region. if trump is removed, although he generally shows less support for ukraine, and he has been announced.


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