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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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makes one strange interview after another, in particular with people who belong to russian culture and russian influence, but a couple of days ago tucker carlson recorded an interview with the fascist dugin. ukraine is acting absolutely correctly. her strategy for the biden administration, which will be the strategy for the trump administration, is to continue to emphasize both the moral and strategic imperative for the united states to continue helping ukraine. it is difficult to imagine a us president who would support ukraine more than joe biden. as we recall, he was the point person in the obama administration for us ukraine policy after the russian invasion of ukraine in 2014, and having had the honor of working directly with him, i have seen firsthand his unwavering commitment to the nato family and to containing russian aggression in the region. if trump is removed, although he generally shows less support for ukraine, and he has been announced. impeachment precisely because of
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the way he treated president zelensky, i mean the first impeachment of president trump. however, despite this, not barack obama provided military aid to ukraine after the previous russian invasion. it was donald trump who first authorized the transfer of javelin anti-tank missiles to ukraine. moreover, when speaker johnson announced his intention to vote on the aid package for ukraine, trump did not object to it and even expressed positive emotions towards speaker johnson. after the successful approval of the aid package, i think that even donald trump, as predictable and problematic as he is, because of his relationship with russia, will understand that the united states needs to continue to support ukraine as much as possible. as for tucker carlson, he is completely discredited in the united states. his interview with vladimir putin humiliated him , and now he is considered a puppet or a clown in putin's pocket. and
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his next interview with mr. dugin further strengthened this perception. the interview with vladimir putin was absolutely disgraceful. carlson acted like a schoolboy watching michael jordan or lionel messi. and people saw this and understood that he is just a fool on putin's leash. carlson's reputation as a journalist has been irreparably damaged, and while he still has a following among some far-right conspiracy theorists, his influence in the mainstream has greatly diminished. so there is no reason to worry about its continued relevance. thank you very much, dear mr. ambassador braza, for this brilliant analysis on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that matthew bryza, ex-adviser of the state secretary, was currently working for them of the united states, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club every saturday
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at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present the project with their own names myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. will not. look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does
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norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we invite everyone join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. and now oleksandr morozov, political expert, publicist, who is currently in prague, will work on the espresso tv channel. i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr. good day, congratulations. well, it seems like a small story when we talk about the arrest of the deputy minister of defense of russia ivanov, that is, small against the background
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of the general apocalypse, but in any case it is a very characteristic and possibly symptomatic moment, that is, a person who in in principle it was, well, its main function was to work as shoigu's wallet, which is how it got a black label from the fsb. and we understand that this means that the patrushev clan is more likely to be strengthened at the expense of the shoigu clan. first, it must be said that the arrest of a person with such a status is an extraordinary event for the entire russian political and military-political machine. and the consequences of this will naturally be very significant, i believe. those who now say that the blow to serhii shuigu is quite serious, and if he had not tried this to soften the blow, besides, many expect that after the inauguration, when putin announces the composition of the new government, there will be a new
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defense minister, it is quite possible. but this is one aspect of personnel, it can be quite important, because who will be next, it is important, and if it really hits the shoig. patrushev and his people, and they, first of all, are the initiators of this, then, of course, this will mean further mobilization. escalation of the war on their part. but there is another assumption, which is related to the fact that the kremlin is preparing to create a so-called council of defense, supra-agency body. such ideas were publicly put forward, to transfer to this body everything related to military construction, provision of the army, that is, the whole. system of public procurement, remove it from the ministry of defense. in this case, the beneficiary is chimezov, and probably then his person will possibly head the ministry of defense. for now, this is all speculation. regarding the corruption component, it must
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be said that deputy minister ivanov lived very richly, everyone saw it, he did not hide his fortune and the prosperity of his family. even by kremlin standards this is was too boldly, he felt reliably protected, but at the same time the whole system of kickbacks, a lot is written about it now in telegram channels, where some details of the investigation are reported, there are already some testimonies, those who managed subcontractors, there are really huge kickbacks and stretching of budget funds . in fact, there is also good news in this, because this whole environment is z-patriots, all those who, for ideological reasons, are engaged in the development of the occupied territories. all of them are now shouting out loud, looking at the arrest of ivanov and the details of what get into the public eye, they are all burnt out, because they see perfectly well that all this, the so-called restoration of mariupol, is all a huge financial scam and looting. in fact, this is
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not so bad, because it shows the terrible depravity of the entire putin system. of course, i would like citizens to draw some conclusions from this... well, unfortunately, the hope that someone will draw some or other conclusions is not too optimistic for me, but if we talk, for example, about role . games now in the kremlin and around putin, that is, you mentioned that the strengthening of patrushev - this will mean the strengthening of the war party. on the one hand , patrushev is primarily the fsb and the rest of the russian security forces, and in this sense of the word, he is a key figure of the war party. but at the same time , a completely unexpected turn of events cannot be ruled out. why? because, of course, patrushev is a supporter of everything. the concept of the destruction of ukraine and the conflict with the west, but at the same time it is quite likely that he
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can insist, or at least propose a scenario or, in any case, an operational game around a ceasefire scenario, this is quite maybe. what is the problem here? we do not see anyone from the side of the military directly, who should actually put putin on the table for some success on the battlefield. which of these militaries offers a long-term military strategy for this war? that is, what to do? we read, and everyone sees it, of course, that the kremlin is going to storm kharkiv or capture odesa, or maybe it is going to go to the banks of the dnieper, everywhere. all these are political fantasies, they become reality even in russian domestic politics, only if there is a military plan. so, big changes are possible here power structures, and depending on who will be there and how, we will then already focus on what... both the power structures and the army structures will offer putin a further scenario.
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accordingly, this will determine the scenario of the war. well, in any case, the kind of operational war plan that putin has on his table, it boils down to the old formula of even marshal shapushnikov, to advance before the end of the offensive impulse, that's how they classically formulated the whole thing. the offensive impulse, we understand, is one or another russian military... officials and equipment, but when this case is finished, they would like to go to one or another attempt to nullify the results, or vice versa, for example, try to go to one or another truce, i don't know if this is really so, i don't know with what blood putin will be ready to attack now, but in any case, are they now preparing for even more large-scale actions, or would they like, in your opinion, to maintain the current level of escalation and aggression? well, shelling peaceful cities with ballistic missiles with cluster munitions is a war crime, and so are we
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we understand that this fits into the strategy of intimidating very specific residents, very specific cities. in recent days, i have been observing, reading what is being written, following the news and military summaries and comments of military experts, i am inclined to the opinion, i have the feeling that after all, it is necessary to... focus on a possible major offensive by the kremlin, that is, an attempt to organize a breakthrough . why? because, on the one hand, it is clear that such a tangible tactical success, first of all, would look good for the kremlin against the background of the upcoming american elections, that's the first thing. second, it would look good against the background of european solidarity, which is now actively forming and has been forming all these six months. that is, the kremlin would show the usa in such a situation. europe, well, no matter what you do there, no matter how hard you try, we still achieve a tangible
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result, and in this sense of the word, the temptation is very great, i think, putin is preparing for a convincing offensive, but at the same time, we will emphasize that at this moment we we do not see the military capabilities with which the offensive can be carried out, because when they write that 20-40 thousand soldiers are ready for an assault kharkiv, this is again an unrealistic number for such an attempt, and it is obvious that the general staff... should insist on having 100,000, 200,000, just to try to take a large city. and among other things, i have no doubt that russian military leaders will weigh the consequences of the scale of civilian casualties and casualties of their own military in such an offensive operation. i think this issue will not be easily resolved. a story with a big, even bigger mobilization in russia. they are afraid of one thing. on the other hand, well, large-scale offensive actions, they involve an increase in the number
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of personnel, but there is also such a sociological issue as the level of absorption of corpses by this or that society, so we understand that at one time this threshold was lower, for example, during the afghan war, during russian-chechen war, it was also lower, here we see that this threshold has risen and already hundreds of thousands have been killed and not a single noticeable... i emphasize noticeable socially important reaction. yes, it's an important issue, it really shouldn't be treated like that. certainly, the kremlin is cynical and does not know the moral limits of dictatorship. victims, that is why shelling, rocket fire, but this very attempt of meat assaults last summer, around which a great conflict arose, which led to the prigozhyn rebellion, is a kind of wound on
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the body of this whole putin military concept, war machine. and it is obvious that putin and his closest entourage are afraid to mobilize and organize a major offensive, precisely because behind them there is already a rather ineffective attempt to break the ukrainian front with a massive raid. will do putin's bet on the offensive? the answer to this question is difficult, because, after all, apart from strengthening the party of war and patrushev now and apart from the possible creation of the defense council. we, of course, see, at the same time, a great, that is, a continuous rush. of this ultra-patriotic propaganda in russia, that is, if the kremlin wanted to move towards a truce or not to carry out a major offensive, not to seek a result, then most likely they would turn up this faucet, this gnotic, the presidential administration would turn up a little, but i don't see it, and all who observe it all see to the contrary degree of pressure on cultural figures who
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speak out from anti-war positions, the announcement of all famous people as wanted, that is, an attempt to silence everyone... well, a kind of collective dugin took over the discourse, so on the other hand, we saw that tucker carlson, a well-known media character, he interviews dugin. what do you think this means, because then durov, then dugin, and before that, of course , kremlin... i think that tucker is continuing some kind of line that is being constructed for the possible arrival of trump, and this line is like this. let's see who is in russia, not from the point of view of the liberal-democratic opposition, not from the point of view of supporters of the democratization of russia. let's look at the people who represent, let's feel the discourse of the ovum, relatively speaking. yes,
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quite precisely, that is, with whom to deal later, if for example. if we decide to move with the russians to a policy of containment, accordingly, it will be necessary to accept that they have some ideologues, politicians, that is, the point is that tucker is talking to dugin, the next step is to conditionally find some figure in the federation council or in the state duma of the russians , and also do an interview, having shown that it is clear that such a person will not be against war or a supporter of eternal peace according to immanuel kant, on the contrary, tucker is going to show the line with which we must continue to deal, if we recognize... that the russians in this form should sit within themselves and trade with iran forever, this is the logic of the meeting with dugin. and dugin played tucker, he played quite thoughtfully, and as many write, he portrayed an unorthodox crazy beard, he persistently portrayed something that should please the extreme right wing of the republicans, that is, he portrayed a principled
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criticism of liberal democracy, i would say not orthodox, but radical-individualist. position, that is , the position of texas isolationism, relatively speaking, so this is a rather important event. that is , in this way, dugin goes beyond the boundaries of what is called the russian fascist discourse, and tries to build certain bridges of understanding, well, conditionally speaking, well, in practice, i don’t know, for six months, a year, and so on, that is, demonstrating that in fact it is an attempt the formation of a new order based on the right. values, right-conservative values, yes, i completely agree, that’s how it is, this attempt, no wonder, because many automatically continue, knowing dugin, to believe that this is a demonstration of russian fascism, in fact, the idea is to demonstrate that there is such a group with a proven position, going forward, that would accommodate a republican administration, with
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recognizably anti-liberal, but perfectly acceptable rhetoric that does not devolve into insanity, eh? that is, fascism with a human face, relatively speaking, that is, which is possible sell or convert into some generally established and understandable forms. and if we talk, for example, about the real influence of dugin and this entire codla, which may somehow shape what is called, i don't know, the discourse of the ruling party in the kremlin. all the same, it is necessary to proceed from the opinion that the kremlin does not rely on the concept of sovereignty of karl schmidt, for example, not on a philosopher. they once wrote shchedrovytskyi's methodologists, who influenced the president's administration. all the same, we can clearly see putin's posttexts, which he pronounces and which he publishes on his behalf name, and therefore what patrushev says, that before us is simply without any deep philosophy, as before, the classic discourse is really from the soviet textbook of the kgb of the ussr. with regard to
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foreign policy, it is very rude and at a lower level. indeed, various proactive intellectual groups are coming up with something, some to justify the union state with belarus, others to justify eurasia in general. still others add different materials for something else. someone the slavic idea, someone on the contrary, in the milov idea of ​​commonality with the horde, central asia, but at the same time, in relation to the whole the parties of the war on the mountain, i doubt that they read ilyin at least carefully, they simply rely on a specific late-soviet party method, that we are in some state of struggle with the west, and how the west uses all the rest against us, as proxies, it is a fundamental discourse, and they adapt everything to it. dugin has a new campaign here, which never ended in the kremlin, an attempt to find partners in his philosophy. that's how it makes a clear move. now they constantly write
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about the fact that the kremlin has only iran left, north korea, and possibly china. some say that there is an axis of evil, but moderate people say that china will not enter that axis of evil, and the kremlin will remain with iran and north korea. in response to this, dugin appears on the screens with the help of tucker and... informs us: no, we see ourselves as part of the west and want to see partners in the west, but really, with an anti-liberal right-wing ideology, are we ready for a dialogue? characteristic moment, they have already moved to the doctrinal phase of what is called preparation for existential war, or is it just so-so for now rhetorical figure of aggression against ukraine. at the beginning of the february aggression of 2022, the very beginning, the entire blitzkrieg clearly demonstrated that this is exactly the format of the war, the purpose of which is the destruction of ukraine as a state,
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the overthrow of the government and the complete transformation of the government. after that, there was a period when the kremlin lost the initiative and could not achieve it, formulated the goals of the war in a different way, started throwing around different ideas that the goal could be this or that, but now we have been in the situation again for more than six months. when the kremlin clearly says: this war is existential, that is, a war or, or, that is, either us, or them, or us, or the west and ukraine, this is a matter of life and death, in fact, this is the main obstacle, even for those who would like to initiate some peace negotiations, if we take the vatican or india or china, they all insist on this, because the kremlin, to any attempt to ask what is the meaning of the war, answers, we will not discuss this, because this... war has an existential meaning for us. that is why this remark of the minister of foreign affairs of china seemed quite important to me at the meeting with lavrov. ago that when he commented on this meeting with
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lavrov, china, quoting the minister of foreign affairs, wrote that from our point of view, that is, from the chinese point of view, war for russia has no practical sense. what was meant by this is precisely what china does not see, an existential war - this is understandable. this war is metaphysical, it has no boundaries, it is different. but it is argued, and from the practical side it is a destructive war that destroys, if you look at it through the eyes of china, not only ukraine, it is of course colossal losses, but it destroys a lot of different kinds of space, communications, global communication, and from this point of view it has no practical meaning, but russia is conducting it, and that is why this existential war to destroy ukraine. well, you mentioned china, yes, the chancellor visited china... scholz visited china , president macron visited, xi jinping's visit to france, hungary and serbia is currently being prepared, we understand that antony blinken
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visited xi jinping and they also spoke very clearly about frame, i don't know what might be behind the brackets when we talk about closed negotiations, but in any in this case, they are trying to stabilize china, but the question is, to what extent will china be ready to stabilize the kremlin? yes, this is the most important question, now, in my opinion, there is such a rather crude, naive point of view that china has completely taken the side of russia in this conflict, behind russia it is the source of the conflict with the west, and putin is only a proxy for china, but i do not the way i look at it, i think that china is a very big, really independent player, as before, even though china has got a relatively large market now in russia, as a result self-isolation, but... at the same time , relations with the eu are extremely important for china, vitally important on the one hand. europe remains the most reliable, expensive and calm market for china, and not only the market.
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and the same situation with north america, usa, canada, etc. so i'd say we'll see now in literally six months. let's see the final self-determination of china. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that china is a very big problem that cannot be solved, chinese companies and businessmen, after all, will remain part of the global economic darknet, shadow trade. but here it must be said that this is not a state policy, but a policy of giants. entrepreneurs from different countries, different peoples, who are engaged in any shady business. it doesn't matter if it's about the withdrawal of russian money through cryptocurrency and the withdrawal of colombian mafia money through cryptocurrency, this is done by approximately the same people, just as they are engaged in any kind of smuggling, through any sanctions barriers. this is the darknet, it should be fought, but in any case it is not must be identified with the chinese state
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position. i would like to remind our viewers that oleksandr morozov, publicist, political expert, who is currently in prague, was working on espresso. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, i wish you a peaceful and blessed easter. legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program kyiv meet the dead rooster band accompanied by a string quartet. the best selected compositions. already on may 8 in belyatazh,
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