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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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the obligation to provide military assistance to nato members in accordance with article five, although it was not yet a member of the alliance. they were ready, both militarily, to join nato and to participate in the alliance's defense efforts. however, the situation in ukraine is significantly different. in the context of the ongoing conflict, ukraine needs support from the nato community to protect its sovereignty and restore territorial integrity. it is unlikely that the alliance will accelerate. accession of ukraine to nato in the conditions of the current war. however, at the 75th anniversary summit, nato has to unequivocally confirm that ukraine's membership in the alliance remains an unwavering commitment and that the alliance is ready to assist ukraine in this. but after ukraine wins this war. it is also important that nato does not play along with putin's false narrative that it was nato that caused the war in ukraine, when in fact we all know it was a war of choice or a war of aggression. unleashed
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by putin and aimed at the subjugation of ukraine. i would like to ask you about the correct strategy on the part of official kyiv in relations with the administration of president joseph biden and a possible, possible administration of donald trump. we understand that the key story is to preserve our, protect our interests , national ukrainian interests, but on the other hand, we are grateful to the biden administration and understand that donald trump, in any case, his team can have serious. influences and in six months in america, it is not known what, to put it delicately, at the same time, but we understand that tucker carlson is doing one strange interview after another, in particular with people who belong to russian culture and russian influence, a couple of days ago tucker carlson recorded an interview with the fascist dugin. ukraine is doing absolutely the right thing, its strategy for the biden administration, which will be the strategy for the trump administration, is
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to continue to emphasize both the moral and strategic imperative for the united states to continue to help ukraine. it is difficult to imagine a us president who would support ukraine more than joe biden. as we remember, he was the responsible person in the obama administration for ukrainian policy usa after the russian invasion of ukraine in 2014, and having the honor of working directly with him, i saw firsthand his unwavering devotion to his families. nato and deterring russian aggression in the region. if trump is removed, even though he generally shows less support for ukraine, and he is impeached precisely because of the way he treated president zelensky, i mean the first impeachment of president trump. however, despite this, it was not barack obama who provided military aid to ukraine after the previous one invasion of russia. it was donald trump who first authorized the transfer of javelin anti-tank missiles to ukraine. moreover, when speaker johnson. announced his intention to
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vote on the aid package for ukraine, trump did not object to it and even expressed positive emotions towards speaker johnson after the successful approval of the aid package. i think that even donald trump, as predictable and problematic as he is, because of his relationship with russia, will understand that the united states needs to continue to support ukraine as much as possible more. as for tucker carlson, he is completely discredited. of the united states. his interview with vladimir putin humiliated him. and now he is considered a puppet or a clown who sits in putin's pocket. and his next interview with mr. dugin strengthened this perception even more. the interview with lodymir putin was absolutely disgraceful. carlson acted like a schoolboy watching michael jordan or lionel messi. and people saw this and understood that he was just a fool on putin's leash. journalistic reputation carlson has been irreparably damaged,
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although he still has a following among some far-right conspiracy theorists, his influence in the mainstream has greatly diminished. so there is no reason to worry about its continued relevance. thank you very much, dear mr. ambassador braza, for this brilliant analysis on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that matthew bryza, ex-adviser of the united states secretary of state, former director of european and eurasian affairs, worked for them now. in the us national security council. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. have you never seen a classic in underwear, or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field dir-dir-dir. that's why we froze. there are discounts.
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they are offering 20% ​​discounts on tizin in may in the pharmacies of plantain bam and oshchad. and now oleksandr morozov, political expert, publicist, who is currently in prague, will work on the espresso tv channel. i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr. good day, congratulations. well, it's like a small story when we talk about the arrest of the deputy minister of defense of russia ivanov, that is, a small one in the background general apocalypse, but in any case, this is a very characteristic and possibly symptomatic moment, that is, a person who, in principle, was, well, his main function is to work. mantsem shoigu, that's how she received a black label from the fsb, and we understand that this means that the patrushev clan is more likely to be strengthened at the expense of the shoigu clan. first, it must be said that the arrest of a person with such a status is
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an extraordinary event for the entire russian political and military-political machine. and the consequences of this will naturally be very significant, i think those who... now are right says that the blow to sergei shuigu is quite serious, and if he did not try to soften this blow now, besides , many expect that after the inauguration, when putin announces the composition of the new government, there will be a new minister of defense, it is quite possible. but this is one aspect of personnel, it can be quite important, because who will be next, it is important, and if indeed a blow is struck on the shoig. and his people, and they, first of all, are the initiators of this, then, of course, this will mean further mobilization, escalation of the war on their part, and there is another an assumption that is related to the fact that the kremlin is preparing to create a so-called defense council,
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a supra-agency body. such ideas were publicly put forward, to transfer to this body everything related to military construction, provision of the army, that is, the entire system. chemezov, and perhaps then his man, may head the ministry of defense. for now, this is all speculation. regarding the corruption component, it must be said that deputy minister ivanov lived very richly, everyone saw it, he did not hide his fortune and the prosperity of his family. even by kremlin standards, this it was too bold. he felt reliably protected, but at the same time, the whole system of kickbacks, there is a lot of talk about it now in telegram channels, where some details of the investigation are reported, there are already some testimonies, those who managed subcontractors, there are really huge kickbacks and stretching of budget funds. in fact, there is also
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good news in this, because this whole environment is z-patriots, all those who, for ideological reasons, are engaged in the development of the occupied territories. all of them... are now shouting out loud, looking at the arrest of ivanov and the details of what get into the public, they are all burned, because he can see perfectly that all this so-called restoration of mariupol, it is all a huge financial scam and looting. in fact, this is not so bad, because it shows the terrible depravity of the entire putin system. of course, i would like citizens who look at it to draw some conclusions from this. in russia, well, unfortunately, the hope that someone will draw some or other conclusions is not too optimistic for me, but if we talk, for example, about role-playing games now in the kremlin and around putin, that is, you mentioned that the strengthening of patrushev will mean
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the strengthening of the war party. on the one hand, patrushev is primarily the fsb and the rest of the russian security forces, and in this sense of the word, he is so key. but at the same time , a completely unexpected turn of events cannot be ruled out. why? because, of course, patoshev is a supporter of the entire concept of the destruction of ukraine and the conflict with the west, but at the same time , it is quite likely that he can insist, or at least propose a scenario or, in any case, an operational game around armistice scenario. this is quite possible. here's the problem: we don't see any from the military. directly, who should put putin on the table some successes on the battlefield? which of these militaries offers a long-term military strategy for this war. that is, what to do? we read, and everyone sees it, of course, that the kremlin is going to storm kharkiv or capture odesa, or
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maybe it is going to go to the banks of the dnipro everywhere. all these are political fantasies, they become reality even in russian domestic politics, only in that case. if there is a military one plan, so big changes in the force structures are possible here, and depending on who is there and how they will end up, we will then already be oriented on what scenario is possible. what the power structures and the army structures will offer to putin, respectively, this will determine the scenario of the war. well, in any case, the kind of operational war plan that putin has on his desk boils down to the old formula of even marshal shapushnikov, to advance before the end of the offensive impulse, that's how they classically formulated the whole thing. offensive momentum, we we understand that these are some or other russian servicemen. and technique, but when this thing is finished, they would like to go to
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one or another attempt to reset the results, or vice versa, for example, to try to go to one or another truce, i don't know if this is really the case, i don't know how with what blood will putin be ready to attack now, but in any case, are they now preparing for even more large-scale actions, or would they like, in your opinion, to maintain the current level of escalation and aggression, well... shelling of civilians bridge ballistic missiles with cluster missiles ammunition is a war crime, and we understand that this fits into the strategy of intimidation of very specific residents, very specific cities. in recent days, i have been observing, reading what is being written, following the news and military summaries and comments of military experts, i am inclined to the opinion, i have a feeling that, after all, it is necessary to orientate. on a possible major offensive by the kremlin, that is, on an attempt to organize a breakthrough. why? because, on
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the one hand, it is clear that such a tangible tactical success is, first of all, good for the kremlin would look against the background of the upcoming american elections, this is the first. secondly, it would look good against the background of european solidarity, which is now actively forming and has been forming all these six months. that is , in such a situation, the kremlin would show the usa and europe. well, no matter what you do there, no matter how hard you try, we still achieve a tangible result, and in this sense of the word yes, the temptation is very great, i think putin is preparing for a convincing offensive, but at the same time , we emphasize that at the moment we do not see those military capabilities with the help of which the offensive can be carried out, because when they write that 20-40 thousand soldiers are ready to storm kharkiv, this is again an unrealistic number for such an attempt, and it is obvious that the general staff must insist... on having 100 thousand, 200 thousand , just to try to take a big city. and among other things, i have no
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doubt that russian military leaders will weigh the consequences of the scale of civilian casualties and casualties of their own military in such an offensive operation. i think this issue will not be easily resolved. history of a big, even bigger mobilization in russia. they are afraid of her on the one hand, on the other. on the one hand, large-scale offensive actions, they involve an increase in the number of personnel, but there is also such a sociological issue as the level of absorption of corpses by one or another society, so we understand that at one time this threshold was lower, for example, during the afghan war, under during the russo-chechen war, it was also lower, here we see that this threshold has risen and already hundreds of thousands have been killed, and not a single noticeable one, i emphasize... yes, this is an important problem,
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in fact, you can't treat her like that, of course, the kremlin is cynical and knows no moral boundaries, a dictatorship, but besides that , you can't look at it too lightly, why? because it is clear that putin says to himself that he seems to be waging a war with minimal casualties, that is why the missile attacks were launched, but this is the same attempt at the meat assaults of last summer, around which ... a big conflict arose, which led to to the prigozhyn rebellion, is a kind of wound on the body of this entire putin military concept of the war machine. and it is obvious that putin and his the closest entourage are afraid of mobilizing and organizing a large offensive, precisely because behind them there is already a rather ineffective attempt to break the ukrainian front through a mass raid. will putin bet on the offensive? a difficult answer to this question, because, after all, in addition to the strengthening of the war party and patrushev, now and
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in addition to the possible creation of a defense council, we, of course, see at the same time a large, that is, a continuous inflamation of this ultra-patriotic propaganda in russia, that is, if the kremlin wanted move to a truce or not to carry out a major offensive, not to achieve a result, then most likely they would turn up this faucet, this gnotic, the presidential administration would turn up a little, but i do not see it and... everyone who observes this, everyone sees that on the contrary, the degree of pressure on cultural figures who speak from anti-war positions, the announcement of all famous people as wanted, i.e. an attempt to shut everyone's throats and... on the contrary , letting as many supporters of a long war with the west, i.e. not only with ukraine, to the top is clearly increasing very noticeably. well, kind of collective dugin has mastered the discourse, so on the other side we saw that tucker carlson, a well-known media personality, is interviewing dugin. what do you think this
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means, yes, because it is durov, then dugin, and before that, of course, the kremlin führer. i think that tucker is continuing some kind of line that is being constructed for the possible arrival of trump, and that line is this. let's see who is in russia, not from the point of view of the liberal-democratic opposition, not from the point of view of supporters of the democratization of russia. let's look at the people who represent, feel the discourse by the udder, relatively speaking, it is quite accurate, that is, with whom to deal later, if, for example, we decide to move. with the russians to the policy of containment, accordingly, it will be necessary to accept that they have some ideologues, politicians, that is, the point is that tucker is talking to dugin, the next move is to conditionally find some figure in the federation council or in the state duma of the russians and also to do an interview, showing that it is clear that such a person will not be against war or a supporter of eternal peace with immanuel kant, on the contrary, tucker
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is going to show the line with which he continues it is necessary to deal with it, if it is recognized that the russians... in this form should sit back and trade with iran forever, this is the logic of the meeting with dugin. idugin played tucker, he played quite thoughtfully, and as many write, he portrayed a non-orthodox crazy beard, persistently portrayed something that should please the extreme right wing of the republicans, that is, he portrayed a principled critic of liberal democracy, i would say not orthodox, but radical individualist positions, positions of texas isolationism, conditionally saying, so this is a pretty important event. that is , in this way, dugin goes beyond the boundaries of what is called the russian fascist discourse, and tries to build certain bridges of understanding, well, conditionally speaking, yes, in practice, for i don’t know, six months, a year, and so on, that is, demonstrating that it is actually
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an attempt formation of a new order based on the right values. so i completely agree, that’s how it is, this attempt, no wonder, because many automatically continue to believe that, knowing dugin, this is a demonstration of russian fascism, in fact, the idea is in demonstrating that there is a group with a proven track record, going forward, that would accommodate a republican administration, with recognizably anti-liberal but perfectly acceptable rhetoric that does not devolve into insanity. yes, that is... fascism with a human face, relatively speaking, that is, which can be sold or converted into some generally established and understandable forms, and if we talk, for example, about the real influence of dugin and all this coddling, which perhaps somehow shape that, what is called, i don't know, discourse of the ruling party in the kremlin, nevertheless, one must
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proceed from the opinion that the kremlin does not rely on the concept of sovereignty of karl schmidt, for example , not on the philosopher ilya. and not, as they once wrote , methodologists who influenced the president's administration in a generous manner, after all, we can clearly see from putin's texts, which he pronounces and which he publishes in his own name, and from what patrushev says, that we are simply without any deep philosophy, as before , the classic discourse is indeed from the soviet textbook of the kgb of the ussr. regarding the external politics, she is very rude to the level below. really different initiative intellectuals. groups come up with something, some to justify a union state with belarus, others to justify eurasia, in general, others add various materials for something else, some a slavic idea, some on the contrary, to the milovian ideas of commonality with the horde, central asia, but at the same time, as for the whole party of the war on the mountain, i doubt that they read ilyin
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at least carefully, they simply rely on a specific late-soviet party method, about the fact that... we are in some state of struggle with the west, and how the west uses everyone else against us as a proxy, this is a fundamental discourse, and they adjust everything to it, dugin has a new campaign here, which never ended in the kremlin, trying to grope for partners in its philosophy, is doing this in an understandable way. now they constantly write about the fact that the kremlin has only iran, north korea and possibly china left. some say that there is... evil, but moderate people say that china will not enter that axis of evil and the kremlin will remain with iran and north korea. in response to this, dugin appears on the screens with tucker's help and reports. no, we also see ourselves as a part of the west and want to see partners in the west, but with an anti-liberal right-wing ideology, ready for
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dialogue. it is a characteristic moment that they have already moved to the doctrinal phase of what is called preparation for an existential war, or is it currently only a so-so rhetorical figure of aggression against ukraine. at the beginning of the february aggression of 2022 , the very beginning, the entire blitzkrieg is clear demonstrated that this is exactly the format of the war, the purpose of which is the destruction of ukraine as a state, the overthrow of the government and the complete transformation of the government. after that, there was a period when the kremlin lost the initiative and could not achieve it, formulated otherwise the goals of the war, began to throw in different ideas that the goal could be this or that. but now, for more than six months, we have again been in a situation where... the kremlin clearly says: this war is existential, that is, a war of either, or, that is, either us, or them, or us, or the west and ukraine, it is a matter of life and death,
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in fact, this is the main obstacle, even for those who would like to initiate some kind of peace negotiations. if you take the vatican or india or china, they all insist on this, because the kremlin, to any attempt to ask what is the meaning of the war, answers: we will not discuss this, because this war is for us. has an existential meaning, which is why this remark of the chinese foreign minister seemed quite important to me at the meeting with lavrov, because when he commented on this meeting with lavrov, china, quoting the foreign minister , wrote that from our, that is, the chinese from the point of view, war for russia has no practical meaning, what was meant by this is precisely what china does not see, existential war is understandable, it is a metaphysical war, it has no limits, it is rational in a different way. and from the practical side, it is a destructive war that destroys, if you look at it through the eyes of china, not only ukraine, this in itself is a colossal loss, but it destroys a lot of different kinds of space,
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communications, global communications, and from this point of view it has no practical sense, however russia is conducting it, and that is why this existential war to destroy ukraine. well, you mentioned china, yes, chancellor scholz visited china. president macron visited china, xi jinping's visit to france, hungary and serbia is currently being prepared, we understand that antony blinken visited xi jinping and they also spoke very clearly about a certain framework, i don't know what can be behind the brackets when we talk about closed negotiations, but in any case, they are trying to stabilize china, but the question of how willing china will be to stabilize the kremlin is the most important. yes, this is the most important question, now in my opinion such a rather crude, point of view, naive that china has completely sided with russia in this conflict, behind russia it is the source
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of the conflict with the west, and putin is only a proxy for china, but i don't see it that way, i think that china is very big , a really independent player, as before, despite the fact that china got a relatively large market now in russia, as a result of self-isolation, but at the same time for... china is extremely important, vitally important on the one hand, relations with the eu. europe remains the most reliable, expensive and a calm market for china, and not only a market, and the same situation with north america, usa, canada, etc. so i would say, let's see now literally in six months, let's see the final self-determination of china. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that china is a very big problem that cannot be solved. chinese companies and... businessmen will remain part of the global economic darknet, shadow trade, but here it must be said that this is not a state policy, but a policy of giant layers
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of entrepreneurs from different countries, different peoples, who are engaged in any shady business, it doesn't matter if it's about the withdrawal of russian money through cryptocurrency and the withdrawal of money of the colombian mafia through cryptocurrency, this is done by approximately the same people, exactly the way they do it. by any contraband, through any sanctions barriers. this is such a darknet, it should be fought, but in any case it should not be equated with the chinese state position in relation to russia. thank you very much, dear oleksandr, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, to our viewers i would like to remind you that oleksandr morozov, publicist, political expert, who is currently in prague, was working on espresso. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. i wish you a peaceful and blessed
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easter. we are looking for 14-year-old victoria pushkar. i know that the girl lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the village of abrikosivka, which has remained under occupation since the beginning of the full-scale war. and imagine, since then there is no one . it is likely that the girl could have been taken to russia, or maybe she still remains somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine. i really hope that with your help victoria pushkar will be found. if anyone has seen her or knows where the child may be now, call us immediately on the magnolia child tracing service hotline at the short number 1163. calls from any
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ukrainian operator are free, and information can also be transmitted using the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for almost a year. karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and lived separately, the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion , she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with my daughter on social networks, but in april of last year with...
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the connection with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts and where she is now, no one knows, i already wrote everywhere, even here on this territory to search for the child, because i don't know where they are shouting already, how to find the child, i can't, i am an adequate mother, for me a child is my life, the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, recently we met her again "yazuvalis, the woman assumes that her daughter... could have been taken to russia, but exactly where is unknown, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who saw or who knows something about my child, who went missing and stopped coming out since april 2023, this is karina igorevna konevets, born on august 9, 2007. if
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anyone has seen karina. does he know anything about her possible whereabouts? do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. she will see and hear me so that she will respond, i am really waiting for this. thanks to everyone who can. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave, and there is communication problems,
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anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report. we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.


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