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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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in the face of death and in the face of the sowers of that death. every tyrant whom the enslaved cease to fear loses his power. today, we want the hearts of our church, from our patriarchal council to say to them: boys, girls, christ is risen, we believe in you. we believe in the victory of ukraine, because it will be the victory of the risen christ over the sowers of fear and death of the third millennium. today, that word christ is risen. i want to address our brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, where our priests cannot reach today. to sing along with them
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this powerful victorious easter cry to those of our brothers and sisters, to whom easter baskets are not to be consecrated, we will say to them today: do not be afraid of the occupiers, because christ is risen. today we especially want to bring in our hearts in prayer all those who are punished. in russian captivity, in russian prisons, we ask this today, lord, grant that the easter cry of the most holy father francis, the liberation of the exchange of all for all , become a permanent reality, to them we say, brothers and sisters, do not allow yourself to be intimidated or tortured, nor death threats. christ is risen.
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today i want to congratulate all those who are crying today with the great holiday. they cry because of losses, because of wounds, spiritual, mental and physical. sometimes we cannot change the circumstances, but we can change our attitude towards those circumstances to go with the moment of change. turning sorrow into joy, weeping into strength to conquer, is the all-conquering cry that conveys the risen power of christ, christ is risen. allow me to congratulate you all on that great holiday. today we must realize that this is a holiday from which we draw strength to win. we draw strength to heal
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our wounds, we draw strength for our optimism, the one in whom christ rose from the dead is overflowing with optimism for life, so let us all smile today, may our sadness be overcome by that joy of ours that does not come from the earth, but comes from from... heaven flows from that empty tomb of christ, to our fears about the future, today the angel says: they are not here, because christ has risen. i wish you all happy holidays, easter, joy, all the best, fulfillment all your dreams and prayers. meet
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the resurrected savior, may he knock on your hearts, on your families, on your homes. i wish you all a delicious easter breakfast, a delicious consecrated egg. let the victorious cry of christ's resurrection resound throughout ukraine and the world. because christ is risen, let's speak to everyone, with all our soul, with all our thoughts, let's speak. lord, have mercy. lord, almighty, god of our fathers, we pray.
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listen to yourself and have mercy, have mercy on us, god, out of your great mercy, we pray to you, listen and have mercy. lord have mercy, lord have mercy we also pray for the most holy ecumenical archbishop franciscop of rome, and for our most blessed patriarch sviatoslav, and for the most reverend archbishop of kirpisvaldes, and for our god-loving bishops, cyrus vitaly, cyrus joseph. kir stepan, kir andriy, for those who serve and have served this church, for our spiritual fathers and all our brothers and sisters in christ. lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. we still pray for
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our god-protected people, for the government and for the entire army. lord have mercy, lord have mercy lord have mercy. we also pray that the lord god in his mercy will look at all our ukrainian people, in this time of war, protect our cities and villages with the shield of his seven-day care, heal the wounds of the patient, give his all- loving help to all those in need, and grant us his blessed peace. lord, listen and mercifully have mercy. lord have mercy. lord have mercy, lord have mercy. we also pray that the all-merciful lord will strengthen the ukrainian soldiers who are defending the homeland from the russian aggressor. we beg that they would be spared from the enemy's
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attacks and any deadly wound, and would gain victory in the struggle for the freedom and dignity of our people. lord, listen , mercifully, have mercy, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, we still pray that the triune god glorify, glorify the holy faithful of his servants, the righteous metropolitan andrew, patriarch joseph, and all ascetics and confessors of the faith of our church and people. we pray to you, lord, listen and have mercy. lord, have mercy, lord.
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glory be to the father and the son and the holy spirit and now and forever and ever. amen. the faithful of the proclaimed ones, let us pray that the lord will have mercy on them. lord, enlighten them with the word of truth. of your holy cathedral apostolic church, save, have mercy, intercede, and protect them, o god, with your grace, so that none of
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them is offended, and they glorify with us, so that... they glorify and magnify your word of the father and the son and the holy spirit with us , and now and forever and ever. amen. only the faithful, again and again, in the peace of the lord, let's pray. intercede, save, have mercy and protect us, god, with your grace. wisdom, because it belongs to you all glory, honor and worship to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. again and again in peace
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let us pray to the lord. lord, have mercy. god, by your grace, lord, the wisdom that is always protected under your power, glory was sent to you by the father and the son. and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever. amen. begin to sit.
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spirits, apparitions, and life-giving trinity.
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may the lord god remember all of you, orthodox christians, in his kingdom, always, now and always and forever and ever. our blessed patriarch sviatoslav. may the lord god remember in his kingdom, always, now and always and forever and ever. the most holy ecumenical hierarch francis, the pope of rome, our reverend archbishops and metropolitans, the reverend archbishop kirvisvaldas, our god-loving bishops, cyrus vitaly, cyrus joseph, cyrus stepan, cyrus andriy, the whole... shchynych and deacon monastic order, god-protected our people, reign and the entire army,
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the noble and always remembered founders and benefactors of this holy temple, our suffering brothers and sisters and all of you, orthodox christians, may the lord god remember in his kingdom, always, now and always and forever and ever. amen.
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let's pray to the lord for the offered honest gifts. lord, have mercy. for the holy temple, this is for those who go to it with faith and good news and the fear of god. let's pray to god. to free us from all sorrow, anger and need. let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. intercede, save, have mercy, and protect us, god, with your grace. the day of everything, perfect,
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holy, peaceful and sinless, from the lord, we ask. angel of peace, faithful mentor, protector of our souls and bodies, we ask the lord, lord, forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins and transgressions, we ask the lord, lord, good and profitable for our souls and peace for the world, we ask the lord. we ask the lord to end the rest of our lives in peace and repentance. lord, for the christian end of our life, painless, bottomless, peaceful, and justification at the terrible judgment of christ, we ask, lord, the most holy, pure, blessed, glorious mistress of our mother of god and the most holy virgin mary,
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remembering ourselves and each other with all the saints , and our whole life, to christ god from. ami, lord, generously and with your people's son, with whom you are blessed, with your most holy, good, life-giving spirit, now and always and forever and ever, amen, peace to all, to your spirits. let's love each other to confess with one mind, the father and keep and the holy spirit, the trinity is one dry, and will not dissolve. the door is the door
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in wisdom, let us be attentive, christ is risen, we thank you, measure, the only omnipotent, the father of heaven and earth, of all visible and invisible, the only one, lord, jesus christ, the son of god, the only begotten. ahead of everyone through the ages, light and light, the true god and the true god, created, uncreated, one and only, through whom all things came into being, he came down from heaven for me, the seed of salvation, and became incarnate from the holy spirit, he became
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a man, and was crucified for we got foggy. through the prophets, the one, holy, cathedral and apostolic church, and confesses one baptism for the remission of sins, awaits the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future age, amen,
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let us stand worthy, let us stand with fear, let us be attentive, to bring the holy ascension in peace, peace peace, oh my god the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god the father and the communion of the holy spirit, may it be with you all. and with your spirit at the same time, let's lift up our hearts. we thank the lord,
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worthy and righteous, to praise you, to thank you and to worship you in every place of your presence, because you are unspeakable, unfathomable, invisible, immeasurable, always existing, just as existing, you are the only begotten, your son and spirit, holy, from non-existence to existence brought us, and when we fell, you raised us up again, and did not stop creating everything until you brought us to heaven, your future kingdom granted, for all this we thank you, and the people of your son and your holy spirit, for all your good deeds, which we know, which we do not know, obvious and hidden. we thank you for this service, which you accepted from our hands, thousands of archangels and tens of thousands of angels stand before you, cherubim and seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed,
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winged ones who are high, singing a victorious song, calling, calling and saying, holy ,
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this is my body that breaks for you. forgiveness of sins, as well as the supper cup saying, drink of it all of you, this is my blood of the new covenant. which is poured out for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins, amen,
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remembering, the commandments, all that happened, the cross, sin, the three-day resurrection, the heavenly ascension, the lead seat, the second and glorious coming again. your. from yours, we offer you, for everyone and for everything that we offer that verbal real sacrifice, and we ask, and we pray, and beg, send the spirit on us, on these gifts that are before us, god, be merciful to me, a sinner, god . be merciful to me a sinner. god, be merciful to me sinful this bread is the narrow body of your christ.
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and what is in that cup, the honest blood of your christ. transformed by your holy spirit. these were the communion of the soul, of the untouchables, and the communion of your holy spirit, for the fullness of the heavenly kingdom before you. especially for the most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious ruler of our mother of god, and the most holy virgin mary. blasty to thank pure manifestation rejoice, and again i say,
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rejoice. trisin rose from the grave on the third day, and raised the dead people, rejoice, shine, shine, new jerusalem, glory for lord, on the day of ashes, shine. and be glad , zion, and thou, o virgin, rejoice in the resurrection of thy son. first of all, remember the lord, the most holy universal hierarch,
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pope francis. his eminence archbishop visvaldas, our god-loving bishops kir yosif, kir andrii, kir vitaly and kir stepan, and grant them here to your churches, so that they may correctly teach the word of your truth in peace, safety, honor, health and longevity. and remember, lord, our most blessed patriarch sviatoslav. and grant it to your holy church, so that it may be in peace, safety, honor, health and longevity correctly taught the word of your truth. and give us the opportunity to glorify and praise your honorable and majestic name, father
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and son, with a fixed heart. of the holy spirit, now and forever and forever. amen. and may the mercies of the great god and the salvation of our jesus christ be with you all. and with your spirit. remembering all the saints again and again, peace to the lord, let's pray. lord, brought, sanctified, honest gifts to the lord, let us pray, lord, that our god, who loves people, accepting his holy and heavenly and thoughtful altar, as a pleasant spiritual fragrance, send us divine grace and the gift of the holy spirit,
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let's pray. have mercy to free us from all sorrow, anger and need. let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. intercede, save, have mercy, protect us, god, with your grace. lord, have mercy. on the day of everything perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, lord, we ask. lord, angel of peace, religious teacher, guardian of our souls and bodies, lord, ask, lord, forgiveness, forgiveness of our sins and transgressions, from the lord, we ask, lord, good and beneficial for our souls, peace, for the world, lord, lord, the end
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of our life. complete repentance from the lord , we ask the lord, the christian end of our life, a painless, blameless, peaceful justification at the terrible judgment of christ. greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. today, may 5, christians in ukraine celebrate easter. president volodymyr zelenskyy has already congratulated ukrainians on easter. he recorded the video under the walls of st. sophia cathedral, where an exhibition of ukrainian artists is currently taking place. dedicated to the war. the icons exhibited there
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are written on... boxes from shells, on them also in


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