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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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christ is risen, ukraine will rise again. greetings espresso viewers, i'm a journalist and the news editor will tell you about the main events of this hour: ten people were injured by russians in kharkiv. on the day when the masterminds hit the central part of the city, its head ihor terekhov said, they hit the private sector. houses, apartment buildings were damaged, windows were broken, cars were also destroyed. all victims are provided with medical assistance. pyrotechnicians and rescuers work at the landing sites. and a 34-year-old man was injured
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as a result of the shelling of the kinrashiv community. there may be a woman under the rubble of the kupyan district of kharkiv region, writes the head of the region, oleg sinyohobov. another person was wounded by the russians in kivraschivka. all details are installed. they hit with five rockets. to fetter on the territory of slovyanska tes, deputy chief of mykolaiv military administration volodymyr proskurin informed the public about this. according to him, the enemy damaged a number of objects on the territory of the station. people were not injured. retribution to the traitor. while the occupied berdyansk was liquidated by members of the resistance movement a collaborator officially, the information was confirmed in the main intelligence office and clarified, the partisans blew it up. that which belonged to yevhen
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ananievsky. he was one of the officials and organizers of the kativa in berdyansk correctional colony number 77. according to the russians, someone planted an explosive device under the car. the collaborator died on the spot from his injuries. by 2050 , the population of ukraine may decrease from over 35 to 25 million. the trend. simple low birth rate, high mortality about the causes of the inevitable process and whether it is possible overcome in the plot of dmytro didora. my eldest son is going to kindergarten in september, yes, i imagined how we would collect some, you know, outfits for him there, you need pajamas, we need to collect some stationery set, well , an album, paints, brushes for them to paint, we were given a list, you have to put together an alarming backpack for the child. maria recently
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became a mother for the second time, she gave birth to her first child on the second day of the great war, then a boy was born to the sound of sirens and explosions, less than a month ago, a girl was born to the family, on the couple decided to take such a step with the thought: if not now, then when? of course, this is a heavy load, it is difficult, in general, yes, motherhood and parenthood, when there are two small children, in the conditions of war, well, it is a hundred times more difficult there, but none the less, well, so far we are coping. a young mother continues to work remotely, it allows you to combine care for a newborn and a career, besides, it is additional money. it is also important for me to stay active, to pay taxes that are not what, yes, to have some additional income of my own, because i understand, well, we have such a thing, who provides us, but today, tomorrow, any day he can be mobilized, it will be my responsibility to feed these children, put them on their feet and so on.
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last year, 187,000 babies were born in ukraine, a third less than before the start of the full-scale invasion, and this is a record low figure. however, demographers are wary of statistics: a quarter of ukraine's territory is under temporary occupation, and about 7 million citizens have been forced to leave the country. how many little ukrainians were born per border and in occupation, unknown. the most important factor for parents is the safety of their child. the war started by russia brought threats to life and. financial instability, that is why the majority of citizens nowadays are afraid to give birth, even the first child, danger, that is the first thing at the moment, this feeling of danger and this stress from danger, it is the first to affect, especially since in our society there is such a positive trend as responsibility , increased responsibility, and every family, it tries not just to give birth to a child, but create all the necessary ones. of this condition,
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increasing the birth rate is a challenge for the future, but already today we have great difficulties in providing for the older population. today we have 10.5 million paying people. the only social contribution is a contribution that is immediately translated, let's say, into a pension, and 11 million pensioners, therefore, in order to pay each pensioner at least uah 500 in pension, everyone who works, only the euv as part of the pension contribution, must pay not less than 5,000, you see, one to another, to increase social benefits for those who are already on labor rest, it is necessary to attract at least 6 million citizens to the labor market. the ministry of social policy plans to return those who left. today we defined tasks and goals. we still need to develop an action plan, because this is the first draft, the first discussion, and such an action plan is quite complex, and it is not
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necessary to wait for victory in order to understand that we need to improve services, that we need to do it very quickly to develop medicine. due to understandable circumstances, ukraine has the lowest birth rate in europe, alone demographers stress that a baby boom should not be expected after the end of the war. we have some hope that when the war is over, we will have a small increase in the birth rate, precisely because the delayed births will be implemented. but how powerful it will be, how big it will be. a lot depends on the extent to which they will be implemented. measures measures and perform the tasks that are currently prescribed in the demographic development strategy. for there to be more ukrainians, conditions for future parents, it is necessary to create now, to continue economic and social reforms, because if this is not done, then according to the forecasts of the ministry of social policy
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, in 25 years ukraine will have half the population than at the beginning of independence. dmytro didora and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. after his weekly prayer, pope francis congratulated orthodox christians and eastern catholic churches on easter. the pontiff asked the faithful to pray for peace in ukraine and the middle east, too honored the victims of povoni in brazil, where almost 60 people died. please continue to pray for martyr ukraine, which is suffering so much, and also for palestine. and israel. let there be peace. do not be silent, captivity kills once again a large-scale action was held in the capital in support of captured servicemen, organized by military families in support of the defenders of the mariupol garrison, other defenders and the missing persons. almost 200
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people demanded the release of our defenders, who have been detained by russia for a long time. such shares are held every week in different cities of ukraine to draw the world's attention to ukraine. which russia still does not return. the world should see that we remember, our, our fellow citizens should also see that we remember and support us as well, so it is very important, from adults to children, so i think so. to remind the press of foreign media, people, just passers-by, to... the prisoners themselves, who were in captivity before, this is like support for them, for support for the families of the prisoners of war themselves. and the collection continues espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot
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eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these courageous soldiers, we can live, work, study, and in order to thank you in some way, let's give as soon as possible for... the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000, less than 90,000 remain to be collected, there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you see all the details on the screen. more interesting videos look for the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because. there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be close. that's how things are at the moment, i tell
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you, before the meeting, the news editor is already working on the final issue, then the project of own titles from...
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mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let's make better roads, even better. we will have a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. orman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10 , sunday 18:15 at espresso. tai, good evening, i am myroslav barchuk, you are watching the program own names, it is a joint project of the ukrainian penclub and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk about ivan and maria mykolaichuk, and about the environment, their film environment, which made poetic cinema that lived in the 70s and 80s, what they
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lived, what they breathed, what they talked about, today we will ask my guest, it is... valentina kovalska, singer, researcher of ukrainian songs, ukrainian cultural heritage, of the song heritage, the soloist of the golden keys trio, and the main thing is a person who was a part of this environment, lived and breathed together with this environment, ms. valya, i congratulate you, good evening, good day, evening, so, so about the environment, about this is this world, which, which we are just beginning open. and to get to know in full, the world that made poetic cinema, let's talk about the mykolaichuk family, yes, we will start simply from the apartment. because now i remember the apartment of the mykolaichuks, already the one that was on serafimovicha, now mykolaichuk on bereznyaki, i did not find the main apartment, on
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zhilyanska street, on zhilyanska street, what kind of apartment it was, who was going there, what were you talking about there and what did you eat, drink, discuss there at all, well, it must be said that marichka and ivan... had sex in 1962 and they did not have where to live, and ivan was already, he was already a star, he already starred in the film shadows of forgotten ancestors, in the film a dream, but after their marriage they lived in a dormitory, there is such a passage in the center on khreschatyk, there was, there was an apartment huge, somewhere with three rooms, and there was a dormitory of the choir of the choir named after the rope, and marichka and ivan slept there on a folding bed in the corridor, and this is the choir.
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somehow it happened that ivan was given an apartment on zhilyanskyi, a huge 20-meter room alone, and there were 20 of them, it was just a holiday for marichka, for ivan, but ivan was there with marichka they didn't line up very much, because, because he lived there for his whole course, a lot of people immediately appeared at the door, while ivan was still studying in the second year of the theater institute, and boris brondukov was there, he was there... with his wife kateryna, there was ivan gavrylyuk with his wife myroslava, there were many more there, maybe i am not quite there, and osyka and his wife too, that is, there
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was good company there, who told marichka that sometimes he and ivan had to sleep in the bath, sleep in the bath yes, but that was really the environment i got into, it was a completely different world for me. because in the viryovka choir, nina matvienko and i studied in the studio with the choir, then we were accepted into the choir and there in the choir we met marichka, and we, we had an environment of ukrainian folk songs, we grew into that song, we they delved into it, because, well, avdievskyi is incredible, a brilliant manager, conductor, and she herself and our desire, you know, to know more and more, to sing more and more ukrainian songs. and nina and i finished the studio, and marichka was already working in the choir, well, she was working, but we knew that in marichka's husband, the incredible ivan mykolaichuk,
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and so we wanted to see him, so we, of course, we did not really insist on marichka, but one day she invited us to her place, yes, in zhelyansk, here you come, and who was there first , you remember, boris brandukov was there, ivan was there, well, with his wife. ivan gavrylyuk was. i remember aspen for sure, i was with my wife. well, maybe, and of course ivan mykolaichuk. as usual, marichka set an incredible table out of nothing, as ivan said, in my case, marichka can make something out of nothing, here we are sat there, you know, i have never seen such free, such people, how beautiful they were.
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with a raised collar, here of course that handkerchief is like that, it beautifies and necessarily, he walked, of course, but how so, they tied it around his neck, i remember that he even has photos of him in a handkerchief, on a neckerchief, he wears it around his neck, so he wears a shirt sometimes, some guys, yes, some guys started walking like that, ivan was simply incredible, handsome, and there we sat modestly at the table, looking at everyone and then ivan says: girls, sing like that, well, you know, i don't know if it's god's way or what, that nina sang in the sopranos singing in the rope choir, i in the first violas.
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and marichka in the second altos with her incredible, deep, timbrally beautiful voice, and we sang for the first time in this house, we sang for the first time, and we knew one song, from beginning to end, all our parts, oh, come on, green brala , little widow, how wonderful it is song, yes, and he heard it, i know that he, he is not up to, if someone in the company faked, then he would just that person...
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a part of that family, there was nothing there without us, we came to our place, if marishka was gathering guests there, we helped her, nina's husband, petro gonchar, had already started going there, and we always we were sitting at the table, ivan, ivan was, you know, the master of everything, he didn't eat, he just treated everyone at the table, yes, eat, eat, eat, eat, that's how he was, you know. there was so much in him, you know, to kindness and height, well, everyone asked me recently, well, ivan is a village boy, and what kind of person is he a village boy, he was a village intellectual, he was an aristocrat, everything he wore, everything somehow looked very aristocratic on him, such, you know, such a beautiful posture, his look, and his speech... and his
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special vision of the world , this all made ivan very happy, but on the other hand, so was maria mykolaichuk, for me it was, but i don’t remember a single time that my mother and i were there in their family and that either someone did not live with them, or there were people, or there were no children, nephews, grandchildren, brothers, cousins. and so on, i.e., but this, this should also be all, not every woman could stand it, yes, but marichka mykolychuk accepted it and everything, first of all, she accepted the entire family of ivan mykolychuk as her family, yes, and everyone she accepted his friends as her own, and this permanent one, this whole company, huge, that fit in the house, this, she was also very hospitable, yes, marichka, this, well, that’s separate, of course, it
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was that... such you know, the phenomenon of femininity and devotion, i already said that marichka had two wings, one wing is a song, and the other the wing is ivan mikolaich, his, her husband, ivan, she threw a chorus of ropes for him, yes, yes, it was like that, and tell me, is it true that she could fly from riga, she could fly from riga in order to , so that, yes, so that she could in the morning, when we had a free day on tour in reza, huh. in latvia, we, marichka gets up in the morning, runs, goes to the airport and flies to kyiv, flies to kyiv in order to cook borscht at home, wash everything, iron, kiss every shirt, it's true, she, she every shirt of ivan, when folded, kissed, and in the evening returned
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back, back to riga. by plane, only marichka could do that, and it was more than once, you know, she could meet him, for example, in chernivtsi, come to the railway station and meet him from the train, when he did not say anything to her and did not say when will come, marichka felt everything, marichka was his, well, i don't know, she was a part of ivan, because everything... with ivan, what ivan did in his life, without marichka , you know, i remember i hear how she told her dream about taras shevchenko, about that she dreamed that someone knocked on the house, in the house, she opens the door, taras grigoryovych is standing, and she, oh, taras grigoryovych, oh, it's good that you came to us, come in, come in, and here she comes , as if this is what she dreams of, and how...


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