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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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if an aerial bomb falls at a distance of 100-200 m there, then this is at least a concussion, if the person was in shelter, if, of course , there was no direct hit, that is why it is very, very serious. a serious weapon
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of the enemy, which is seriously bothering us, i think, if it were not for the mass use of kabs by the enemy on avdiivka, then avdiivka would not have been lost, because the effort there, when it was about the capture of avdiivka by the enemy, was very strong, there was the number of aerial bombs at that time it just went off the scale, that is, they must have been hoarding somewhere, it's me... both and then how did they start to use it very, very, very strongly, we once stood on the avda coxsakhy, then there they were constantly on these concrete fortifications, dozens of aerial bombs fell every day, that is, only because it was a fairly strong structure, it was there it was still possible to carry it somehow, there were bunkers there and the like, due to massive aerial bombardment it is very difficult to hold a defensive position in the fields, everything... to find shelter,
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but to hide from it in some basement is still impossible, for molecules on atoms it will dislodge and everything, well, the blast wave can destroy, contusion can be, but so that he carries fragments, he has more destructive power in himself, you can hear a swish, he is there to the sub-ice there, you can hear him fall, then you already hear him fall. so if somewhere in the countryside you can hide somewhere to make yourself a normal eye, a dugout, but in the open you can, but it’s a little bit difficult, also some kind of shelter is almost ready, here you have to start from scratch, and plus you have to think for life so that you don’t dress up and taken
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to danger. the sky above the front is saturated aviation unmanned aerial vehicles that detect our firing positions. therefore, the enemy is aware of the state of affairs, where and which troops are located, and therefore effectively uses these aerial bombs. the only thing saving us at the moment is that they are not accurate enough. it is impossible to predict exactly where the cabs will fly, it is possible to calculate only an approximate direction, so after receiving a warning that there will be an air strike, we go. at the moment, intelligence has reported that there are kabiv launches in the area where we are, so we need to leave this area immediately settlement. in general, if we talk about the areas of responsibility of 47 separate mechanized brigades, it can be up to 120 aerial bombs in just one day. at the beginning
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of the full-scale war, the russian aviation actively used bombs, mainly striking large cities, kharkiv, chernihiv, kherson, however, the successful work of ukrainian air defense and manpads calculations quickly forced the aggressor to abandon the mass use of bombers, but this year the situation has changed dramatically. according to the bbc, in four months only at the front russia dropped more than 3.5 thousand aerial bombs, this is 16 times more than in the whole of 2009. or the third year, mainly the armed forces of the russian federation - this is what we discovered there in the course of its work there with trophy samples, from the search from the trophy connections, these are the high-explosive aerial bombs, the fabs are called, it's 250 and 500, this index is 250 and 500, it means the weight of this bomb, there is 1,500 used corrected aerial bomb, it's not a curve or anything like that. precisely
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the corrected aviation bomb, basically with an index of 500, that is, the mass of this bomb in general about 500 kg, rbk-500 gas bomb cartridges are used. there they have different stuffing, it is mainly used with shoab stuffing, it is from the russian шариковая авиационная сколочная бомба 05, 05 is also the weight index of this single-cocked schlock bomb. fab stocks in russia are significant, they were manufactured in the ussr almost at the end of the second world war, in fact it is a free-fall bomb, but already during the full-scale war , the occupiers began to massively equip them in the ipc with a unified planning and correction module. in fact, this is a small fuselage in which there are a control antenna, a gps module, an inertial laser heading system and an altimeter. the module that allows this bomb to carry out planning processes, and in
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this module itself, gps guidance systems, guidance systems can be there, er... something else can be attached there, everything you attach will work there, but the main thing is that she started to plan, she can be thrown from quite a long distance, and she can fly up to, well , on average somewhere, say 70 km, well , that is, her use is now known to everyone, and they are launched from a distance from the line fighter from... there are 30, 40, 50 km, well , accordingly there from different heights and accordingly they then hit at a distance that, let's say, can be calculated quite mathematically, because it is more than capable of flying, it does not fly.
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the fap-1500 heavy high-explosive air bomb with a unified module is especially dangerous, which, however, is not used on a large scale yet, in terms of the power of the warhead, it can be compared to the kh20 cruise missile. when 1500 kg explodes, yes, that is, what is 1500 kg, it is almost 700 kg of explosives, then at a distance of 150, 100-150, 200 m, various barotraumas, barotraumas are the incapacitation of a fighter , so there, even if there are no major physical destructions, the flow will collapse there. something is falling there, something is flying, there are fragments, and so on, but simply due to this big air wave, you can inflict quite serious damage, and if it is both day and night, and day and night, then it is possible, i can't even
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imagine the condition of our soldiers who were there under this pressure, well, it is very, very , very serious problem, it is for... life in the trenches it is in the 22nd year or maybe even in the 23rd year it is very strong differs from the way ukrainian soldiers live now in the trenches, but as of the present moment, due to the fact that fpvs have really appeared en masse, which can be possible, have the ability to hit very accurately, and
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the second is the kabiv factor, even with the fact that the cabs there can have very approximate accuracy, well, a person who watches the arrival of bombs every day... weighing several hundred kilograms, he understands that sooner or later this position will at least have to be left, preferably alive, in any case will have to to leave, if it continues, that is why it is such an important factor of moral and psychological influence, you understand that, in principle, from such an effort, well, it is difficult to come up with a shelter, even more so to build a shelter that will save, it is a cab. this is already direct for us, in addition to the fabs from the umpk, the russian army also uses cabs, air bombs that are adjusted, which initially act as planning shells. the main line is upap, a guided
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aerial bomb that plans and umpb d-30-sn, a universal interspecies munition, which was first used in march of this year. they much more expensive in production, so they are used. rather, what we now call kab is, in fact, what is called upap in the russian modification, and it is... the further development of the kap system, the kap itself, i emphasize once again, it is 10, 5-10 kilometers further than there it cannot fly, because it does not have a planning system, it only has a system of some minor correction, which is why it was called a corrective air bomb. in this direction, they have two main bombs, which are called upab 500. and upab 1500 b, respectively. these are exactly the kind of bombs that fly
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with these correction modules, in fact this maneuvering and planning module is a module that, if you attach it to it, will not fly, that's it. it's like, let's say, when we were children, we made such paper airplanes, this is exactly what he is like, but he has some other system there that allows him to adjust according to the guidance system, and the third thing is that here they have bombs that were launched and they were already with rocket engines, small ones, which allowed to increase the flight range of these bombs, well, they are there... it increases as much as i know that there are 20 kilometers, that is , it is no longer 70 km, but 90, i remind you that
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fabs, in principle, and cabs are carried, they are mainly used from the su-345, and from the ump we assume that there is still something possible, because it is, why is it called interspecies, most likely it is launched from a missile system of a zalupa fire, a tornado is the most likely. accordingly, why i mentioned from 700 km, because some rockets of this multiple rocket system can reach a distance, well, the distance of their flight, somewhere 100 km approximately. also, military experts talk about cases of launching rbcs, one-time bomb cartridges, or, as they are also called, cluster bombs, their feature is slow action. basically, it is the rbc in the configuration or in... filled with these shoabs, which are used, which i mentioned, the side effect of these shoabs is essentially the demining
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of many territories, because the shoabs do not explode, they are erected in the air by themselves to the bomb itself, if the bomb did not work, did not explode there, then accordingly these there can be shaab there in a certain way to investigate, although again i do not recommend going there to take them if you even saw an unexploded single bomb cartridge, because you do not know if this shaar, experienced fighters and officers ... 93rd separate mechanized brigade works on training grounds with infantry recruits, in particular , explain what they will have to face in the temporal ravine area, which is also regularly under airstrikes. a little while, and what, a little while there in the time ravine, currently the minimum distance from the position of the katsaps, the plane took off, dropped the cap and flew in the opposite direction, no one will catch him, they are still jamming there, that's all. there , he leaves behind such pits. a cap is a two-story house, which can then be folded into...
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slang, the positions are completely disassembled and then they begin to carry out some stormy offensive actions. this is a problem, and at the moment , unfortunately , we do not have any countermeasures against the kabs, because they do not fly at a distance where the same infantryman can take a singer or an igloo and hit this plane. this is a very big problem right now. i said probably, the artillery does not work as often as the cabs, well, if you take
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the new yartse, which is across the channel, it is practically gone, the cabs dismantled everything there, well, the destruction in them is serious, i’m telling you, let’s see where hits, houses, compares, falls asleep, which then takes a long time to dig out, restore, well... side to the center of the building, there is the first floor of the fifth. well, it’s not such a destruction anymore, the fighter with the call sign black knows firsthand what this cab is like , he experienced it personally under an airstrike , he got hit under izyum, we ran over from the landing there was a very dense shelling of the enemy
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by artillery, we were told by the air force, we ran over the building to hide, that is, so that... at least he could not see our location, the plane turned around and still whether it was transmitted to him, i don’t know on the radio station, but it still hit in the building we ran into, the gap was actually two meters in front of the building, it was a one-story building, there was a kitchen, well, two or three to five meters in front of the building, well, there were only three walls left of the building, and luckily we exposed all survived the contusions were very severe, there were lacerations wounds, someone's legs were cut, my face was cut, well, in general, everyone went to the hospital then, it was mostly the company management, but everyone survived, well, as for the ammunition, i'll tell you, it's a very powerful
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ammunition and considering how much time has passed since then... denchik is now recovering from another injury, without a military education he went from an infantry soldier to an officer, he is philosophical about fear in war, he says he is waiting for his splinter, you can stand. will pass nearby, may be 100 m away to catch a splinter, well here i can say according to my practice that the splinter is yours, if you are still walking, say hello, then your splinter is not there yet, the undertaker has, well, i say, trauma , well, what can i say, according to my practice, i don't understand what it is, even though i blew myself up
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and endured many explosions and it's normal, i don't think i have it... comparing the battles for bahmud, for which the 93rd brigade
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fought for more than a year, and the battles during the time of yar fighters they say that the situation in the latter is more difficult due to the fact that... this city is much smaller, that is the russian army spends less time and shells to destroy specific targets. bakhmut was difficult for me, because it was the first time in my practice that there were close combats in city conditions, because in city conditions - in city conditions, in fields - in fields. in the fields , you have the opportunity to detect the enemy in advance, but in bakhmut it happened that they sat under the windows, and no one could honor them. well , and then we worked and were resisting, this is when the enemy approached at a maximum close distance, and it was just to drive them away, well, it was very difficult, because there can roughly speaking, it is a delicate matter, because
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i understand that there are your fighters in the building, and the enemy is already near the window... it is very difficult in such conditions to help in any way, so that they all get out normally, the position is held, if brothers, for example, there is klishivka, andriyivka, there are these regions, there the enemy’s stormy actions were constantly being carried out there, now it seems to have calmed down a little, and all the pressure has gone for the time of the vidians, now the situation is very difficult, yes... well, it is mainly more difficult now they are foot soldiers because they are the whole load, they take everything on themselves now, but i wouldn't say that she is very critical. well, that is, in principle, i think that it is normalizing, that is, the maximum that the enemy can reach is probably the channel and that's all,
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because it is a very big obstacle for the enemy and for us it is a very powerful powerful place where you can build a powerful defense, that is, there is a place to get a foothold, there is a place to restrain the enemy, so i think he will not go further. well, then again, it depends on the same cabs, if they don't completely cut through everything there, then everything will be fine stay on the channel as much as possible. russian su-34 and su-35 bombers launch air bombs on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine and near-front ukrainian cities and towns from a distance of 40 to 70 km from a low altitude of up to 7 km, without entering the zone of action of ukrainian air defense, that is, soviet s300 bayonet installations . .. they do not see, but western analogues, for example, patriot with a range of more than 100 km, are fixed. most likely, it was with the help of the patriot that, in the spring of this year, according to the information of the general staff of the armed forces, it was possible to shoot down 15 russian
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planes. we can oppose this with two already ways available to us. the first available way is to make more active use of long-range air defense systems. well, we understand that, well, it's only in theory. this possibility, due to the fact that we do not have enough of them everywhere, there are not enough of them everywhere, this is missile terror, this is shahed terror, and this is kabo terror, that is , we do not have enough western systems and modernized soviet defense systems for all these types of terror, obviously , and the second option, which in my opinion is still, well, maybe not used enough, i would really like it to be so purpose-built the industrial policy of the state in this area, it is an opportunity to expel russian aviation from those airfields where they are loaded with these cabs, where they fill up with fuel and fly to drop them on ukraine, these are airfields within
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a radius of several hundred kilometers, such airfields can be constantly terrorized by our relatively cheap drones, which , due to their number and cheapness, will be a suitable means to overcome those air defense systems that protect these airfields and are constantly creating them. a danger to enemy aviation, which tries to base itself there and constantly they should be driven away from there, so all these visits by russian aviation drones will be more rare on ukrainian positions, and this will reduce the number of drones that are currently flying over our heads. the main russian military airfields, on which the su-34 and su-35 bombers are based, are morozovsk primorskyi. during the years of the full-scale war , ukrainian drones regularly visited here, and it is obvious that these attacks will continue. hit what can
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fail them, that is, warehouses with ammunition. second, this, refueling with rocket fuel, this the destruction of russian refineries means the destruction of all pipelines and other logistical routes by which something goes there. well, first of all , this is inflicting damage with cluster munitions on airfields, and in order to make them fly away, so that it is possible to increase the time they need to get to the lbz, their request is that they are saving the russian-speaking population, but they they are ravaging here, here i myself am from donetsk region, alone... from these regions a little south of the occupation, well , my house is now in the occupation, but what are they brought, here we can see that there was
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a school here, the school was newly renovated, children studied here, probably more than one hundred children, but now we see that everything is destroyed, and this, this, this is what they bring to us, has the ipc become more accurate, it cannot be said that it has become more accurate, because, first of all, its ancient times have increased. works, and look, these are not high-precision weapons, and if they were high-precision weapons, the russian federation used them for a completely different purpose. for now, we should not forget that these are the same fabs, they are used, in fact there for the purpose of massive bombardments and on the positions of the defense forces of ukraine, and actually on, unfortunately, we see also on the residential infrastructure, this and the border territorial communities of ukraine and so on. further, that is, in fact, for intimidation, to achieve such, let's say, the effect of pushing. the main problem is even, even, you know, not in these fabs, no,
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not in the fabs themselves, how. such, in the access of the russian federation to technologies that allow the manufacture of umpk and the launch of these fabs at much greater distances, which i have already mentioned noted that there is no purely military technology there, because obviously military technology is not transferred to the russian federation, it is a matter of dual -purpose goods, that is, it is obvious that export control is carried out on them or established over them, but the russian federation can, in a certain way, use them. .. to find a way around sanctions there. currently, ukraine has not found an effective defense against massive bombing of its territory by modernized russian aerial bombs. alternatives to drone attacks on military airfields so far there is no the problem can be solved by increasing the supply of western air defense systems, as well as with the help of f-16s, which are armed with air-to-air missiles with a range of 120 km. airplanes for hit
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partners promise to hand over to ukraine in the summer, but air defense in the near future. it was the donbas rally, my name is yehor loginov. see you what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, but courage. it is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether,
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my name is vasyl zima. we start two hours. of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us, and what the world lives on, and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuliy, good evening, please, a word or two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters , thank you very much. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening.
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taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we call on everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd cold river brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. greetings, i am andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, today with me in the beraber program, which in ukrainian means together, we together we tell the main news.


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