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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

10:30 am
i want to ask about something else: the downed su-25 in donetsk region, we all saw our defenders of the 110th brigade, accordingly shot down, this one probably got a little carried away with these flight experiments with flights in the gray zone, and then, when we did not have the codes there was no means to shoot there, let's say, from our small systems. medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems, there was no manpads to shoot him down there from the shoulder, he flew in so brazenly and did not understand the moment when we got something and were able to shoot him down like that, so let's say there was a dry drop that was earlier, these were su-34 and su-35, they were bombers and those that flew, they were covered by su-35 and su-25. this is a very old machine,
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they started developing it there somewhere in the 70s, in 70 and 81 it was adopted, sorry, it showed itself very well in afghanistan and was called a player for that, it can pull depending on the types of weapons, there is from a ton to 4 tons of combat loading. about a thousand or so pieces were produced there, and they are still there there was a report that there are about 1,193 machines in russia, well, this is a bit of an exaggeration, because this is according to accounting, in general, when russia was transforming and reorganizing its air force, they were mixing them with space forces and... . and
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they had 10 squadrons left after that, after this reform, a squadron is still 12 aircraft by the standards of the soviet times, a maximum of 18, yes, that is , the number that could have been, but in fact this, let’s say the maximum number there is 180 planes that were there in the beginning. hot phases, but this is with the training and training ones, there with all the others, and in fact these planes were at the level of about 130-140 machines that could stand there on the wing, could perform their functions, but during this time on february 24, 22 somewhere around 35-40 of these machines were destroyed there, and from... accordingly, there are no
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more than 100 of them there, but it is quite a pseudo-many, the russians tried there, why do i think that it is still closer to 100, because that last year there was a report that the russians were trying, they analyzed all the results, they checked the effectiveness modifications, su-25 sm-3 and came to the conclusion that they need to... upgrade about 100 such attack aircraft to this state, this is a machine that is better protected against anti-aircraft missiles, and during all this time a lot there was just sud25s shot down, some old modifications there, and this sm3 modification was shot down by one or two cars and that's all, that is, it is quite protected from countermeasures. huh, and that's why it's very interesting, which
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one was shot down now in the 25th, i think we 'll know about it there, it's very interesting, well, how, how does it seem to me, mr. konstantin, so a military task, for example, you are in the forest not far from a large burluk in the kharkiv region, and what are you doing on the new airfield from the summer strip in oleksiivka, which is actually not far from. border, what is the best way to beat and why the russian-fascist occupiers are setting up airfields within the combat radius of the armed forces of ukraine, i can’t understand, it’s in the belgorod region near oleksiivka, well, we can beat anything there, when i saw this message, i like you, i also didn't understand, i started to understand, well, the situation is very simple: there v
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this oleksiiivka once had an oil and fat plant there, it was privatized, then brought in somewhere in 2000. the american company bangga and made such a large group into the company efka, this group of companies number, it is the three largest russian companies that deal with various types of margarine, oils, mayonnaise, controls more than 50% of the palm oil market, exports and so on, and in mainly... the base is oleksiyivka, although the head office is in voronezh, and they started major construction there a couple of years ago of my neighborhood, how did i find out, i got into google maps, i started to look there, what could be there, where is it, what is
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it located, i look at such a clearing, there is such a flower bed, well, such a secluded, secluded neighborhood, and in this district there are almost two district roads. large plots, well, it’s clearly some kind of elite, some kind of elite development, well , then i started to look there one by one , and i realized that there must be some big company there, i found it, i’m sure that this is the airfield that they decided to build, because the business of this company is scattered all over russia, even in kazakhstan, and they need it, and it is not... let's say, the founders of the company, there are five or six of them, and the largest package there is 30%, well, there are 28 percent for some reason, that is, a blocking package, but not a voting one, so i am sure that it
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has nothing to do with military operations, and it will just be, if it happens, it will just be a civilian airfield, and it cannot be our goal. yes, i understood, this will be a kind of continuation of lesya's play poderiansky about oil, when there is too much oil, well, yes. 75 km, it's just a provocation, it's a tease, it's just, so, well, so i think it is. probably, during our recent conversation, you mentioned that the kharkiv air force university continues to train ukrainian pilots, that we will not run out of pilots, and this university has been here for 20 years. is celebrating, and mykola olyschuk congratulated the university on its 20th anniversary, which is important in the congratulation that it was such a two-minute video, and in the footage we noticed an f-16 and not just an f16, but with recognizable ukrainian signs, it's
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just a beautiful picture with a perspective, can it already testify to something, do you mean photoshop or reality, no, it's about our plans and ambitions, about what... we want or what there already is, maybe it’s artificial intelligence, i know, how do i feel about it, when they will be, i had a couple of days ago my daughter turned on a movie, and it started with the fact that there are some planes flying, and i thought, what is it in heaven, i say yes, turn off the sound, it must be in heaven, well, that is why everyone is already ready, ivlash said that after easter. so after easter there, either before christmas, or after easter, well, somewhere in this interval we will receive, we received, we will talk about it, because it should be a surprise not only for us, but to a greater extent for the russians, ugh, in this case, we
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already had a very interesting conversation with our drone operators today, but the fighters on the front line also showed theirs. works with thermal imagers and various gadgets and said that we are actually ahead of even silicon valley and all these private initiative american firms, which also want to be, but we have better developments. i remember that some of the drones, even those that were served to us, are different, they did not justify themselves on the battlefield, because they are vulnerable to the russian oreb, and now we are reading a message from sky. news, it turns out that one of the best military powers in europe, and britain, well, is considering its vulnerability, that they have the threat of drones and missile attacks and see that their air defense will not be able to cope, that is, this is
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mobilization, this is how they screw themselves up , scare, or these are the realities, well the realities are actually, because after they are there went to fuklands and put things in order there, they... came back and decided that they would always be able to solve all the issues there, and at that time they were going, all this time they were going to decrease, decrease their means. themselves in the air defense, they decided that with the help of the fighters there, they would be able to make their shifts there, which these fighters can carry, that they would be able to solve all the issues, and there were no threats for them, they did not estimate that some country would want there to fight with britain, they have somewhere around 150-160 planes, and it's like typhoons, yes... this is also the f35, and the f35 may be a little more than half there, and they
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believe that they will be able to solve it with these systems, when all the events in israel were there, when they sent their air contingent there with asminets, then they took down planes from romania, which at that time was engaged in patrolling there, that is, they do not have enough even for such and such, well, let's say they do not have enough regular missions. planes, it's true, now the british will be zealously engaged in the protection of their skies. ugh. but you have already mentioned this operation, an attack on iran in a complex of three directions in israel, there is a multi-echelon air defense system, plus planes were working in the air. did you manage to analyze the effectiveness from the point of view of aviation, as anti-missile and anti-drone defense, that is, how many they shot down. how many did all the echelons shoot down against israel's anti-aircraft defense? well, almost
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nothing flew to israel from the drones. ugh. they shot down everything with airplanes, shot down with missiles, short-range, cheap, simple, effective, not so much there, wondering what should be done there, what special maneuvers or something. simply a large number of. effective, everything worked there, there were no, there were no issues with it at all, uh, well, and in conclusion, simply in our case, we understand that we will not get even there, well, i don’t know, there a third of what we wanted in in the form of f-16, or is it more effective for us to use them precisely as protection? to intercept cruise and other missiles, or should we use them more effectively as attack aircraft?
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no, well, you want everything at once, and the question is what, if so, what is the main problem we have now, the main problem we have now the problem is coffee, and it is necessary to drive away the russian su-34, su-35 planes from the border line, from the line of combat. this can be done by f-16 aircraft, which, if they are equipped with powerful radars, long-range, and if they have amram missiles that fly there 120, 160, 180 km, 120 is not enough, we need a longer range now, for that these missiles could be launched from our territory without entering the detection zone of russian air defense. er, i think the russians claim
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their 135 have radars and missiles that hit further than amram missiles, so i think that there will be some kind of parity principle, there will be a struggle of all means of air defense on one side and the other, as well as these tactical maneuvers. on airplanes in order to create threats, and then i have this hope that we can solve the problem along these lines, maybe not all, not all along the battle line at once, but in some places where, well, the most we have big problems, there i think it will be possible to solve, well, depending on the number of planes, if we... in the first period, i think there will be six, then another six, i think, so by the 24th we will get some kind of clear term,
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well, that is, each country that promised us there, the netherlands, belgium, norway, denmark will have six planes each, i think, something i kind of came up with it, that's why, well, i hope that this issue will be resolved, that... as for the cruise missiles and the shaheds there, we are pretty good at shooting down with the means we have. shaheds must be shot down by mobile groups, and there our... well, both object air defense and mobile groups are now being strengthened by means there mobile, well, let's say, there is a very interesting swiss gun, wow, it's called german, because the germans bought out these companies, skynex from the germans and less, well , an older modification, there are cheaper solutions
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than you bet on the f16, that's understandable, mr. kostyantyn, thank you for the professional analysis, kostyantyn kryvolab, the aviation expert was with us, and we are already our next guest, yes, this is you, the chaplain with the call sign padre, huh, serhiy dmitriev is with us, mr. serhiy, christ is risen, truly risen , congratulations, we will now start our conversation and demonstrate photo to the audience, we understand that the photo was taken on the occasion of the celebrations, we understand that, but still in the rear, that it is not the front line. why are we focusing on that, because this is already the third year when all of us, and in particular military personnel and chaplains, largely celebrate easter at the front, not in such joyful conditions, and it is not possible to take such photos often and not for everyone, or is it it's already getting used to, yes, when
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we treat ourselves to pasochki and krashinka under shots, or what? there is a feeling of celebration in the military, mr. serhiy, we can't hear you, yes, this photo was taken with the cadets of the military institute not at the front in the city of kyiv, but there are many other photos, yes, life goes on, we live and celebrate holidays not only easter, other holidays of the people. no matter where we are, because it psychologically supports a person, we cannot be constantly under stress, constantly in tension, and any events in the world, and even more so, the resurrection of christ, like that great holiday with the cultural tradition of our people, it is a holiday that simply also supports people, and brings them
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home, brings them back to home comfort. the family is mentioned, well, probably the most popular video of this easter is when our military man eats a pasture right in the trench on the front line, at a stronghold, i actually watched it yesterday, how the parishioners came to the service of god, and there are mountains, pasture and eggs, that is, this everything reaches our defenders, uh, well, we even refused, yesterday we went to... the north of the kyiv region, there to the border with belarus, and the priests wanted to give us paskas from the mikhailovsky monastery, we refused, because in our there was a full bus to pass to the boys who now she is at the posts near the border with belarus there in the chornobyl district, and
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it really all comes and goes, and my personal opinion is that it is better... more now to pay her attention to donating charitable funds that are engaged in the assistance of weapons, medical aid, now it will be more useful, because the holiday is a holiday, the war continues and help is needed, and also, mr. sergey, what is the moscow order of lenin, the patriarchate, it is not for me to tell you, we always listened carefully when you shared your thoughts and conclusions, i want us to... together with you now watch the video that we promised our viewers, it is from odessa, and your brother is also there, the chaplain is already serving in the church there, odessans have come to consecrate easter, let's watch it , and then there will be another question, amen, christ is risen, glory
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to ukraine, glory to the nation, death to enemies, death to enemies, god bless. death to the enemies, god willing, he urged, and here i have two questions, first, there are a lot of people, this is odessa, this is our church, this is our chaplain, and accordingly, looking at the statistics, only two churches in... odesa region over the past two years have moved from the moscow order of lenin of the patriarchate to the orthodox church of ukraine, and somehow there is such a contrast here, or there are three odessas or two. odesa are different in the same territory, or the statistics do not reflect the transformation, or maybe the transformation is impossible, because until , i don't know, some kind of nuclear bomb arrives, then
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the horbatov grave will not do it. what conclusions would you draw from this? well, first of all, you need to know odessa itself and the priests of the moscow patriarchate in odessa, because metropolitan agafangel is in charge there, he is alone with uh. he was born in the west of the country, and there is already so much tradition of the authoritarian system there, only the priests who were personally appointed by this metropolitan magafalgel, who have incriminating documents on them, or who took part in some kind of corruption schemes, they simply cannot leave, because they they are also scared...
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abroad of the same serhiy kivalov and other businessmen there of such an average average quality who are in odesa, who are now financing and continue to finance the moscow patriarchate, well , the rhetoric is changing, they now say that they are a ukrainian church, and once i was in odesa a few weeks ago, i specifically went to the transfiguration cathedral, which was, well, half-destroyed by shelling, rocket fire in odesa, and the priests are sitting, speaking in ukrainian, uh,
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they are trying to be open and just changed their colors, but still, this is a moscow church, and of course, they behave like that now, the churches are gradually moving and moving more... in odesa region, therefore that the population of odesa is more of a ukrainian-speaking region, and the place was more russian-speaking and more corrupt, you talked about this transformation and repainted, but look, these are very different things when repainted, when transformation, in this case kivalov, who is there somewhere he, his little palace was destroyed, he was even injured by a splinter, what do you think, in one word , did he repaint? i think so. clear. we thank you. serhii dmytrievtami, chaplain of the military institute of taras shevchenko national university. now
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call and order a reliable and convenient tool from uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. details of a successful special operation in crimea: a ukrainian naval drone hit a high-speed russian squad in the occupied peninsula. this was confirmed in the main intelligence office and a video was published. at night, a marine drone of our scouts targeted a russian ship in the area of ​​the narrow.


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