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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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information incorrectly entered into the system, the judge's file includes nabu's information, and the departure airport is dnipro, the arrival airport is sharmershen, and the section of the russian border is indicated. have you crossed the border from the russian federation? no, they did not cross, did not cross. this explanation fully satisfied the vkk. in february 2022, serhii babii tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics board is perfect. studied his biography and recognized him as unscrupulous. the ethics council, which was engaged in the reform of the supreme council of justice, which with international experts, she admitted that, more precisely, she did not give a recommendation on the criterion of integrity, she actually recognized the judge as unscrupulous. the higher commission of judges at the qualification evaluation says: everything is great, great judge, you can continue to work until the end of your days, in the updated, reformed judicial system of ukraine. often the higher qualification commission su'. turns a blind eye to
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judges' reprimands of drunken drivers. themis employees use a common scheme of delaying the case, and then just they close it due to expiration of the terms. this is a well-known avoidance scheme to avoid responsibility for drunk driving, the result is accidents, fatal, including, literally not so long ago, there was a story about an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a drunken scumbag, sorry, driving, i ... who before that, six months before, the judge did not take away the law, in spite of all this, the higher commission of judges nova, recognizes them as virtuous. thus, the supreme court of justice retained ada pedenko, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, who, according to the calculations of the public council of virtue, actually amnestied 21 drunk drivers and alina goncharova, judge of the slovyansky district court of the donetsk region, who closed about 100 cases for drunken driving. judge goncharova, who
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has closed more than... 50% of the cases she had on drunk driving due to the statute of limitations, which means that most of the cases that you consider in this category, you consider so badly that they are closed and the deadline just pops up. last year, in november, the higher qualification commission of judges and the public council of integrity agreed a common list of markers that indicate non-compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics. as well as the principles of their application. however, vkks seems to have decided to ignore the agreements. drunk driving are indicators written in black and white in the criteria, which are jointly agreed by the highest circles commission of judges and the public integrity council, which are indicators of dishonesty. that is , both bodies agreed that if there are such cases, it is unethical, the decision is contrary decision of the same, the same body. if this trend continues. the entire qualification
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assessment, and therefore the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine, will be under threat. qualification assessment of courts is one of the priorities. the reset of the vcks was one, there was number two, the reset of the vcks of the avrp with seven points that we needed to fulfill in order to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on joining the eu, that is , in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then no way. .. european integration for us, well, that is, we will be in this limbo for an infinite number of years in the status of a candidate and we will surpass turkey in this parameter, which has been there for 25 years. so, currently, the quality of the work of the higher qualification commission of judges depends on whether the judicial reform will continue in ukraine, and thus the path to the european union. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges. or
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illegal solutions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you right after week. see this week in the collaborators program. as a shoe seller, he became the head of the occupying public chamber. as a result of the coup on the maidan, the legitimate government was overthrown. in ukraine, and why does zaprodenka from luhansk region take care of russian soldiers? since february 23, congratulations. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the behest of sece and the wallet. how much is the oryza of a collaborator worth, for what benefit from the occupiers are citizens of ukraine ready to sell themselves with stalks and serve murderers. idea, money, illusory fame or dream position.
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everyone has their own price, but all sellers have one thing in common, they will have to pay for their insidious betrayal. our today's issue is about those who sleep in the temporarily occupied territories. orders of the kremlin and vainly thinks that the punishment will be avoided. he exchanged his mandate as a ukrainian politician for the career of a traitor. how used to the fact that we do not have an escalation of such hostilities in the east, and the state really thought that the issue was already over, but this conflict did not go anywhere. this is bulyuk vitaliy viktorovych, he is 55, a native of the village of gladkivka, kherson region. in this three-year-old video, he, as a deputy of the kherson regional council
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, says that it is necessary to increase the funding of ground defense. bulyuk's career began to develop rapidly in 2003, when he was appointed deputy chief of kherson customs. soon the man was promoted from... to in 2015, bulyuk was the head of the kherson customs office almost continuously, at the same time he took the first steps in politics. since 2010, he has been a deputy of the kherson regional council from various parties, the now banned communist party and our region. a party appeared that united all the people of the cause in itself. i made such a decision for myself to cooperate with this party. but when putin launched a full-scale war in february 22, bolyuk made up his mind. to keep his warm place in the deputy chair at any cost. seeing russian tanks in khersonska oblast, he put the credentials of a ukrainian politician far away in a drawer and happily ran to earn himself the crust of a russian official. according to law enforcement agencies
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, on april 16, 2022, bulyuk helped rioters seize the building of one of the city councils in the region, and also convinced local residents not to prevent the occupiers from handing out the so-called. i made a choice too, i am for peace, for friendship, i am for the fact that fascism will never happen again on the territory of the kherson region. for his pro-russian choice, he received dividends in the form of positions. first the riddles appointed him as one of gauleiter volodymyr saldo's deputies. and already on august 17 , 2022, vitaliy bulyuk became temporary. acting as the fake head of the military-civilian administration of the kherson region. planting trees is timed to the day of reunification with the great motherland russia, so we are starting, continuing and continuing such events. bulyuk has now been given a new
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position. now he is the first deputy head of the illegal government of the kherson region for finance and economy. but the betrayal did not go unnoticed. ukrainian partisans arranged a big boom right next to his house in temporarily occupied skadovsk. bulyuk miraculously survived, but his driver died. an attempt was made on our associate, our friend who works in the government. there was a specific attempt on his life. as he was leaving his house, an explosion rang out, the device was hidden across the street. fortunately, he remained alive. but bulyuk did not have long to rejoice at the fact that he remained alive. i am sure that our law enforcement officers will arrest him soon. the question of choosing one's future destiny, life with a great powerful country. ago i'm in a great mood. the case of this
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seller is already under consideration in the kherson city court. but who knows, maybe before the verdict in bulyuk's yard , one more woman will happen, such spring storms were not foreseen. in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, the russians completed the formation of a local so-called public chamber. what is this body and who manages it? the public chamber is a body without powers, which should create the illusion of public society in russia. in fact, the chamber issues a certificate of a public figure and evaluates legislative initiatives. the leadership of the chamber is appointed by the president of the russian federation, putin. you might think that the chairman of this chamber is being appointed. someone influential or famous, but no, he became a shoe salesman. i would very much like for people on the other side to feel, not only in ukraine, but preferably far away, where the puppeteers are sitting, controlling everything that is happening, to feel
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the bursts of rockets, artillery strikes, the smell of fires and pain. this is ihor vadymovych kachur, originally from the kherson region, about his biography. until february 24 from ukrainian sources it is only known that he was a private entrepreneur and sold shoes, but this is what he tells about himself to propagandist russian media. kacher positioned... himself as a journalist, activist and defender of the russian language in ukraine. apparently, since 1992, he began to publish regularly. these were articles on military and political topics published, in particular, in the central publications of russia. for a long time, the man was a member of the worldwide search service for people in the kherson region. and in 2014, kachura is in favor his articles in russian publications. the security service of ukraine incriminated separatism and anti-state activities. as a result of the coup on the maidan, the legitimate government in
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ukraine was overthrown and from that moment a series of events started, which ultimately led to the beginning of the svo. an ideal biography to occupy a high chair in russian institutions. like, i'm for mother russia, i've been waiting for you for a long time, i've defended the russian language, i've written laudatory articles about the kremlin. tired of selling shoes, give me some. position, it is not surprising that when it started full-scale invasion, kachur ran to hug the killers. it was impossible to remain in the same life and state in which the people of kherson lived for the past 30 years, and finally such an opportunity appeared. at first, he helped the occupiers in holding a pseudo-referendum, was a member of the territorial election commissions for counting votes, and engaged in pro-russian agitation among the residents of the kherson region. then he got a significant promotion, he was made the head of the occupying public chamber of the kherson
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region, this chamber has a telegram page, where there are 300 subscribers, there are regular photo reports of kachur's activities, for example, how he attends a conference of his master putin, accuses ukraine of shelling civilians and tells children in schools who they should vote for when they grow up. kachur hopes that the botoxed scarecrow will sit for a long time in... under the red star, well, pure scumbag, with such disorders of thinking, it would not hurt him to dig in a completely different chamber, and not to lead the public chamber. young school. the school of the young voter is designed as a method involve young people in election processes. but of course, if mental processes are unattainable, it is necessary to engage in electoral ones. kachur also spreads russian propaganda and agitations on his personal telegram page. it has a name. personal attention , we will emphasize the poverty of the nedumok channel with the symbolism of russian
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murderers, but the word zone is encouraging, i am sure that soon this zadar will learn about alternative interpretations of this noun. and finally, i will tell you about the head of the russian defenders of the fatherland foundation, olga volodymyrivna simanova, born in 1983 originally from luhansk region. one of the priority directions of our fund is perpetuating the memory of the participants of the special. olga graduated from luhansk dali university with a degree in political science. until 2014 , she worked in various projects and was even the head of the social partnership charity fund. when the russian army began the occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions in the 14th year, olga and her son went to the temporarily occupied crimea, only to soon return home to luhansk region. i would like to i already have a lot to express my gratitude to president vladimir vladimirovich putin. i have been doing volunteer work for years, and all these years i feel the support of the government and
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the president. in this way, olga explained what she had been doing in recent years in the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region. it seems that her climbing was not appreciated there and no money was given. so, with the beginning of a full-scale war , the woman decided to move to a place where russia opens new illegal ministries, creates state organizations, throws millions of wooden rubles into russification kherson region. with a record of working with the occupiers , simanova received the position of head of the branch of the russian state fund defenders of the fatherland in the kherson region, and later became a confidant of putin as a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation in the kherson region. i congratulate you on february 23. here you go. as the head of the fund of black garbage bags, or as they say , defenders of the motherland, she takes care that the children receive holiday gifts, medical care, so that those who... don't forget fertilizer, and their families move forward in the queue to receive a fur coat or zhigulis . optimism
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residents of the kherson region can certainly see it, and i am very happy to see it too. it would be better to deal with the wholesale purchase of garbage bags, the benefit would be much greater. olga covers her work in the telegram channel, where she has 770 subscribers. i advise this traitor to conduct it more actively, so our law enforcement agencies will have more evidence. announcement of suspicion, the verdict in this case will not be taken away, i am sure of it. it was a program of collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at... e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zema, we are starting this
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information week and we will be happy to inform you about what is happening. well, today we will contact our guests from the regions with a lot of analytical and... information, discuss political, topical topics, of which, by the way, we have also accumulated a lot, well, let's start with the announcement of the collection, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers, day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield. damaged military equipment, in particular bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, i believe that with your help we will be able to close this collection as soon as possible. well, i also want to congratulate
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today on the day of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. sincere congratulations and thanks to the people who do the impossible, in this war they do twice the impossible, thanks to you, actually, we, not us, our army continues the war, we all support our army as much as we can, so congratulations to the ukrainian infantry, thanks, take care and drive the enemy from our land, i believe that one day we will have a meeting with you from red square, where you will end this war that is unfair to the enemy and fair to us, welcome. thank you, and serhii zgurets, who will join the ether in just a moment, today will talk about the situation on the front line, there is a rather serious escalation, the enemy's attempts to break through in certain areas, and why actually the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel general oleksandr silsky, was in hot areas the front russia threatens with tactical nuclear exercises about
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new weapons for the armed forces from the american ones and european companies. we will hear about this and not only about this in a moment serhii . with us, greetings, serhiy, please, you have a word. petko vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today is really the day of the infantry, these people are doing the impossible on the front line, we thank their courage and strength, then we will really talk about the situation on the front line, about the fact that russia is threatening with nuclear exercises and about the new weapons for the armed forces from american and european. companies, more on that in a moment. so, the situation at the front remains dire difficult, this was announced today by the commander of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi, who for two days worked in the units conducting defensive operations in the direction
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of the enemy's main attack. according to sirskyi, the main blow is now. enemy forces are just trying to break through our defenses and get to populated areas, these are kurakhove and pokrovsk. it is known that to the west of avdiivka the enemy occupied ocheretine and arkhangelsk, the armed forces must block the advance of the enemy to the west towards pokrovsk or to the north towards the pokrovsk kostyantynivka highway. in the kurakhiv direction, the heaviest battles are now in the krasnohory area. and in the city itself, in the area of ​​the brick factory, and also the enemy has been trying unsuccessfully for a long time, either to surround chasivyar from bohdanivka and ivanivskyi, or, despite the loss, to break through to chasivyar with frontal attacks from the east, the enemy is unable to do so. there were also reports that still need verification
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about a certain expansion of our ukryna bridgehead, although this bridgehead is now extremely difficult, as is the entire... front line, and even today the main intelligence department, ministry of defense reported another successful operation using magura b5 naval drones. there is a video from which it can be concluded that as a result of the attack , an enemy boat was destroyed, which was located in the vuska bay in the village of chornoborske in the occupied crimea, and here on the video it can be seen that... that a drone attacks and hits a target in the form of a boat, which was moored there. there was also another video today related to naval drones, but from the enemy side. this video showed that these ukrainian boats are already equipped missiles that can hunt russian
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helicopters, because one of the videos showed that these are air -to-air missiles of the r-73 class, which are indeed designed to hit those helicopters that are trying to hunt our drones, and there is even a video, where we can conclude that... that one of these drones is launching missiles, they haven't hit the k-52 yet, but i think this is just the beginning, so we can say that now these drones are absolutely on a new stage and begin to be used for functions that earlier they could not even carry out, but now they are suitable for destroying russian helicopters. and the enemy at this time is against the background of increasing aid to ukraine from the united states. and from the countries of europe, again started rattling nuclear weapons, this time with tactical nuclear weapons. vladimir putin gave instructions, and the russian general staff
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began preparations for exercises, during which, as stated, a set of measures will be carried out for practical training, the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, this is how they is asserted in response to seemingly provocative statements and threats by certain western... officials against the russian federation. it can be assumed that in fact this is a traditional targeted campaign by the russian side to put pressure on our western partners to stop or limit military aid, including opposing even those intentions that were declared about the possibility of sending nato armed contingents to ukraine, and i think that the logic of the enemy is like this now, they say, how many. you do not support ukraine there, no forget that we have nuclear weapons and we can use them. this well-known practice of intimidation of the russian federation has taken place before,
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i am sure that it, of course, does not work and will rather be counterproductive for the russian federation itself, because in particular the lowering of the nuclear threshold is unlikely to be supported by the same conditional partners of the russian federation, to which china belongs. let me remind you that tactical nuclear weapons... have never been used on the battlefield, and now russia has somewhere in the range of 19,900 different tactical munitions for use in winged aircraft missiles, nuclear bombs and ammunition for large-caliber artillery. at the same time, european countries are currently considering the expansion of cooperation primarily with ukraine in the defense-industrial sphere. in may , the forum of the defense industries of the eu countries and ukraine began work in brussels, where 140
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defense companies from 25 different countries, european countries gathered, there are representatives of ukraine, we we will talk with our representatives as soon as they return to ukraine in a day or two, but the main emphasis at this forum is primarily aimed at expanding cooperation between ukrainian and... european defense companies and, in particular, to use european money so that this money is directed to the purchase of weapons manufactured in ukraine, so this is already the third forum, the first was in kyiv, the second was in washington, it is precisely in brussels, so that both the european and american industrial defense components are now working to ensure, first of all, the needs of ukraine, and now, by the way, there are a number of european and american companies that are already creating new solutions for in order to to increase the capabilities of the armed forces on the battlefield, and we will now talk about this further in
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our program, now we are joined by oleg katkov, a military expert and editor-in-chief of defense express, mr. leger, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, thank you for the invitation, the great news, which was analyzed in detail by defense express, is about the decision of the pentagon, which was... it is known on may 3 that a contract was signed with the american company sara, this is the shortened name of this company, to significantly modernize these guided aerial bombs j dam and what about what kind of modernization is it about and why is it so important to strengthen our capabilities? well , for a long time, when we talk about the american high-precision weapons used by the armed forces of ukraine, there is information regarding the fact that... their effectiveness is greatly reduced due to russian electronic warfare systems that suppress satellite navigation. in particular, initially there was information
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regarding the fact that the high-precision... ammunition, artillery ammunition of 15 mm caliber scalibur shows not very high-quality characteristics in terms of accuracy precisely because of reb, after that there was information that just recently that the glsb, which is a hybrid of a small-sized aerial bomb, gbu-39 and a guided missile m-26 to hymers, it is also precisely because of the very low interference of protection . due to the power of the means of russian radio-electronic warfare, it showed inefficiency, because again, when it comes to high-precision weapons, it is effective only when it hits the target exactly, in particular the same jlsgb, then the size of the warhead is 60 kg, that is, very a small combat unit that is really enough, more than enough, if
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the fluidity is ensured at a level of one/three. and completely ineffective, if the error without satellite navigation increases to 3350 m, and only the inertial system works, therefore, of course , a quite logical, pragmatic, interesting solution appeared to make an aviation munition, or rather even just a miniature guidance system that can be integrated to the aerial bomb, which will already be aimed at the source of the same. interference, that is, on the very complexes of radio-electronic warfare, because they, when they interfere, they emit a very powerful signal, and to be honest, this kind of solution was quite expected by the creation of miniature homing warheads, in particular , for example, just for the kit, for the jdam kit, when an ordinary aerial bomb gets a kit that turns it into high-precision, and ukraine uses jadem er, which is still
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planning it. that is, it allows you to hit targets at significant ranges, and in this case, the integration of such a guidance system into it for the radar warfare system is objectively was very much requested, and here the question is, of course , that there should be a significant number of such bombs, that similar systems that prove their effectiveness could be installed on the same jlsdb, that is, if they suffer from the fact that the means of reb. they are rejected, then it would be better for them to fly on these rep means, well , again, at the same time, it is about increasing the efficiency of all other systems that use satellite guidance to hit ground targets, we are talking about, in particular, about ukrainian drones, which rely in their navigations on saturday navigation, including, that is, we now have such a new technological solution that will allow us to fight against russian means of electronic
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warfare, and what is next... about these jdams, so that our viewers understand, everything very much depends on , from which flight mode they are used, if we are talking about high-altitude, high-speed flight, then we will be talking about indicators of more than 70 km, but in current conditions, due to the fact that the enemy has anti-aircraft missile systems, the only method of their use, obviously, which is used and provides immediate safety in relation to... the crews, the crew of the aircraft, itself, the machine itself, is dropping from a low-altitude flight by cambering, that is, the aircraft makes a roll before dropping, at its peak or during acceleration, drops the ammunition itself, which on such a steep trajectory it is already flying to the target, and then its range is, according to oriented estimates according to public information, about 30-40 km, mr. oleg, but this was... not the only
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good news that became known on weekend: the red metal company, the head of the red metal company announced that ukraine will start receiving new experimental ammunition, chart projectiles with a range of up to 100 km, did you have a chance to find out what kind of projectiles they are, what they are about, how real they are such indicators. regarding such a statement, there are currently no such ammunitions in the catalog of red metal products, but the fact is that such developments are underway, and they are not only at rainmetal, in particular, for example, the ammunition called ramjet 155 from such is known of the boing and namo conglomerate, which has a range of 70 km.


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