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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. of course, i want to reach the kremlin, like all soldiers. my call sign is vitaminka, i serve in the 47th brigade of magor, in general, it all started from the maidan, it’s impossible otherwise, historically important events are taking place, how can i in it is surprising that they did not participate. it was all
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gradually, as the intensity of everything increased, increased, that is, first the maidan, then everything went like a crescendo, that is, everything increased, the tension increased, who took what job, that and... and as much as they wanted, i didn't have any responsibilities there, so i took on medical care, because i at least understood a little bit about it, at first i lived in tents, then i moved to the kmda, because there was a shower there, i heard sokil separately, then the battles were maidan. it was interesting, it was
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dangerous, at that time i didn't want to kill, that is, i had an education and that's all, i wanted exclusively to do some essentially humanitarian things, in the army it changed a little, on the maidan i understood one of my peculiarities in some critical situation when... .some have a stupor, some have hysterics, some have other reactions, i am very calm, i will have a headache afterwards, but right at the critical moment, i am calm, i am not afraid of explosions, i can be useful, why vaidar, because at that time it was the only good thing at...
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the ministry of defense, that is, i did not want to go to the ministry of internal affairs, well, i think, after the maidan, it is very logical. aidar is an aidar of the 14th model, this is a typical cossack army, there was no army, this is what still triggers me, because what i call army is what we have together with the russian army, it really confuses me. well, in aydar, i was 22, 23, 24 years old at the time, and these were precisely the years in which i lived without my parents, the first, that is, accordingly , my worldview was formed, formed, broke certain attitudes are vital, i understand that it is necessary to kill the enemy, but on the other hand, this is murder, how so, well... i had
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an argument, but today i believe that it is even, well, as preventive medicine, in fact, in the 15th year, i returned physically to civilian life, and morally this path was much more difficult and longer, i am a very sensitive dose. like my mother, and for some time i worked with perfumes, i liked it very much, i can distinguish these notes and so on, i would really like to open in perfumed mode, after that i went to bed and i did not sleep so well for several years, then, when there was an opportunity, i left for kyiv, i waited until there was training for drones, i received a certificate. and
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good day special infusion. then the woman was mobilized in the first brigade of special forces, was a shooter, participated in combat missions in the east of ukraine. i'm after after returning to civilian life, many years of psychotherapy, i sculpted myself already without the influence of the war, that is, to become a more gentle, more feminine, person who loves this world, and in donetsk under the shepherd, i just sat down, said goodbye to the hands of psychotherapy, we are coming back. i am comfortable if the very bitch that is being talked about on all the tv channels, on all the media, i am there, what was different, the intensity, ah, well, such intensity as we had there, it was just that day
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in front of debaltsev, when the truce was announced, that is, until the moment of the start of action. in that minsk-2, i heard statistics that at that time we had at our positions, somewhere around 1,500 e-e shells flew a day, i had that i was lying in the house, not far away, something heavy fell in, well, that is, i slept, i woke up from the fact that my bed jumped together with the house and with me, what struck me was a phrase that in... which was born in my head, but was voiced by my comrade, the commander , something is not fun this time. in may 2022 , she was wounded, after treatment and rehabilitation, she returned to the war again. at first it was in sumy oblast, then transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade. it's not the 14th
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year, it's not basically a classic intelligence job, because basically we're doing a job of, ah, ... anything we can, well that is, why i feel comfortable now, because you are similar to aidar in that no matter what unit you were in, you are basically a universal soldier, you have to do what you are told, it doesn't matter what position you hold, it doesn't matter which unit are you in, in the summer we lived in a boarding house, it’s like in the song that while the dog is holding the cartridge... the boys and i are holding the boarding house, then it got very cold and uncomfortable, because the boarding house was at a height, it was this is the zaporizhzhia region, huh,
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and there is water nearby, very, very, very, very much mice, mice gnawed everything, mice even gnawed bandages, hemostatic, er, well... i was surprised when the bandage was almost half chewed somewhere, how it affected me, i have a lot of diseases, both physical and mental, eh -er, i hate our neighbors as much as possible, er, and this is not the kind of hatred that is anger, which is emotional, no, er, it is maximum disgust, they were not responsible for er... actions in the last century, nor in this one , not in the previous one, that is, well, it’s not the first time that the 30s, 20s, it’s not it was the first time when its neighbors committed genocide on our territory, for me victory
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is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state and the isolation of what will remain of it, well, they must bear responsibility for their actions, for their inaction. activity, this, biological persons who must be isolated, i do not know how civilian life will come for me, well, we do not rule out the moment that i will lie at the level of -2 m, or it will be some kind of mutilation, or that. .. directly experiencing the victory recently, the vitamin woman was injured, now in donetsk region, currently being treated in hospital in dnipro. this is a story
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worthy of a whole movie. thank you christina for telling such stories. because in fact we should know all our heroes because there are a lot of them and the story of each one is special and deserves attention, by the way, if you missed it or want to ... watch again recommend these stories to someone, then it's all on our page on youtube, join, please subscribe, there are not only such stories, there are all our broadcasts, all special projects, all shorts, join, subscribe, comment, ask questions, your opinion is important to us, we want you to be close to us, but for now oksana actually urged you to do the right thing. attachment, i rewatched a recent video like this one, the 58th separate, for example,
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the brigade just in fpv with drones stops one by one, burns tanks, and there are many kopzone fans, if you want us to do the same, then you just have to to donate, you will tell us about our donations, we need to donate, we, we encourage you to donate to all meetings, as much as you can, it is so important to report, but you know that the espressu tv channel we always have a few more meetings. which we also announce together with various organizations and right now it's a fundraiser for atvs, we're raising 4 million, it's a ground to life project for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold ravine, they need these atvs to quickly evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, to deliver ammunition there, so that our defenders could move very quickly on the line. and not be so dependent on heavy equipment at times, because
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we understand that a quad bike can catch up with a drone, it is much heavier than the same armored personnel carrier, so sometimes atvs are a way out. oksana and i have been scratching our hands since the morning, we want to show you everything, tell you everything, but we waited, because we wanted it to be a professional analysis, so with us is the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine, strategic expert of sonato company andriy ryzhenko. mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, and glory to the heroes, good morning. well, we have been scratching our heads, because we want to be able to watch forever and we will ask you to analyze, because we we see our drone on the one hand, we see a russian helicopter in the sky, because they are already trying to use its helicopters to work on naval drones, but our naval drones here are constantly developing, as we are often told on the air, they grow, mature, have all kinds of new skills, they beat him, he leaves. this bay is called uskaya uskaya bay for narrow for here and there a boat, mr. andriy,
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please analyze, comment, tell, but really this is the chornomorske base, it is the western part of crimea, once upon a time in this base point , the naval forces of ukraine had a brigade of missile boats, and this was in the early 2000s . , and in the southern direction, this bay is very important for the russians, and this is not the first time we have attacked it with drones, i think that they want to use it to project power on the buk-dnieper estuary channel. in the area of ​​kinburska kosa. this area is very, very important to them. we know that
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recently, shoigo personally announced the creation of the dnipro flotilla. i think that these boats that we saw in the pictures are the mamangust class, they can become the basis of the combat power of this dnipro flotilla, although the russians, they were gathering such information that these will be such boats as. there are also squid - they are very old, they can be almost 70 years old, and i think that most likely these eyes are mongooses, they keep them just small, at a small distance, and in order to use the moment, just right go to bdok and then work along the dnipro, i understand that our military received this information, this situation... which means they received and planned another attack by drones
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on this bay, it actually does not have such bonosettiv barriers, therefore the entry of drones there is not problematic there, really they, our adversary, have significantly strengthened the protection of the security, the defense of the base points, including by helicopters, and now we see that the helicopters, the helicopter actually opened fire on this drone, but it did not manage to intercept this drone, and it actually got close and uh... hit this boat near the wharf, i think the wharf there was also damaged because this drone must have about 300 kg of explosives on it, that's a lot for a boat like this, it's only like 20m long, i think that there is nothing left of it, there is nothing left, and
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there is no practical sense or possibility to restore it, many people say, is there any point in... using magura against such a boat, i would say yes, well, to the extreme magura costs more than 10 times less than that a boat, and a boat must be built, and by the way, well, such boats before the beginning of large-scale aggression, they were mainly located in the sea of ​​azov and carried out, let's say, the restraint of our naval forces, which were based on the coast of the azov... sea, now they transferred them from here to the black sea, they have quite a lot of them in the black sea, and here they have such a very serious, well, in general, for such a classic robliffe weaponry, weapons that allow them, in principle, to participate in such subversive tasks, amphibious and so on, well
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you see, this specific boat will not participate anywhere else, here it is shown, on the left... its location near that pier in the bay is narrow, well, you can see that it was stuck there, i understand, well, it was completely destroyed, well there is such information that there were several drones there, one hit, well, i think that our other drones are looking for their next targets, and they will find them in the near future, mr. andriy. can i ask you a task from shoigu? given in the problem: 10 atakams, plus 10 storm shadow and one crimean bridge, how many magura is needed for it to disappear, or at least one branch of this bridge? well, well
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magur, magura, magura, it is not the task of magura to work on the crimean bridge, i mean specifically this. why can't they hit the pillars of the crimean bridge with them? you see, there i am, as far as i know, for example, you're a baby, he has a ton of explosives, it's more like that, well , let's say, realistically, the baby is better, right? well, he's just every, every weapon, it's made for a certain purpose, that's why baby, he just carries more explosives, he... can work, and the magura is a drone that, well, that 's designed to take out surface ship targets, and it's doing very well right now, and well , takams, so the storm shadova, again, depending on where they hit, but i think that for sure they can ensure its
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removal from defects, that is, damage. serious, to destroy it completely, it takes a lot, a lot, but i think to destroy it , this bridge needs tens, maybe hundreds of tons of explosives, because it is such a powerful structure, and when such structures, well they even blow it up, let's say, well, it's planned, then they plant it, as a rule, the amount of explosives is... it's tons, here's the explosion that was the first time on this bridge, which is shown, it was october 22, then, well according to various estimates, there were 10 tons of pure explosives, but here this is the second time, the second time when all the bambis worked, well
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, there was a ton of explosives on it, that is, 10 babies will be normal, so i now from your words you say 10 tons explosives 10 kids to rockets, ok. and the question is, is it needed now, or does this crimean bridge have one to be a target, because when we said a year ago that it was very important to eliminate the illegal crimean kerch bridge, we understood that a huge part of military equipment from russia goes to the occupied ukrainian territories. and now satellite images show that in fact for several months, for at least three months, there has not been a single cargo military train. did not pass through this bridge, that is, they found an alternative, they are now driving through mariupol, they built a track for themselves there, is it appropriate to spend resources, efforts to go there to work on... well, first of all, the kerch bridge is an unambiguous logistical artery. and this is simply by definition a weakness of the enemy, and
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this bridge must be exactly on the list of priority targets, that's one hundred percent. secondly, the information you mentioned was published by one western publication based on the findings of one reporter who actually looked at these lucky satellites. but here you have to understand that there are data from our military, they are of course closed, but i, well , personally, i do not believe that this bridge was completely, that is, not used for military equipment and supplies, especially since the russians can disguise all this very well, but then i can, i can tell you for sure that this will be the only way for them to deliver equipment. reserves, if, for example, we somehow cover the northern, northern transition to the crimean peninsula, and i want to remind you of
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2014, when the first heavy armored vehicles were brought to the crimean peninsula in february 2014, it was precisely through the kerch strait on this ferry , on which there are railway tracks, i will just load there. that's heavy equipment, eh it was, let’s say, a floating bridge, now, that is, well, it’s temporarily like that , they brush it off a little, but one hundred percent, it’s a logistical artery that will be used by the adversaries to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the operational situations, all the details of the operational situations known only to our military. i think they are analyzing them, and, well, when the time comes, the most favorable for us, then a strike will be made,
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but it is clear that this logistics facility, it is on the priority list of targets of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. andriy, we would like to thank you, until the next meeting, next time we will gather a little information, you will help us, or maybe we will see battles between musketeers. also an interesting story, but we will save it for the next meeting. thank you, andriy ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with our studio. i want to thank our viewers, because while we were talking, and i was watching, the donats were flying and flying, so you did, you saw what our defenders could do and decided that it was necessary to help, because it's always nice to be involved in... how we move forward, how we win our victory. don't miss the news on the air of the tv channel, just a few minutes after a short pause. gasoline trimmers are so
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of free delivery. strong saws, what you need, call 11 on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and... at this time , khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. one person died and four were injured as a result of russian shelling in sumy oblast. this was reported to the police. damaged objects of critical and civil infrastructure. in addition, the enemy destroyed the hangar of a local enterprise , a tank with fuel and lubricants caught fire. in total, during the past day, the russians struck the population centers of the region 224 times.


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