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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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kremlin sellers. these people became much less. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, may 7 at 5:45 p.m. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can have your say on the badass of the day with a phone survey, plug and play, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. we
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are coming back and won't be long, because we already have our next guest in touch, oleksandr, samara diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, expert of the russian research center, mr. oleksandr, we welcome you, mutually, and it is quite obvious that we will talk today about a great misunderstanding, in their understanding a holiday, the alleged inauguration of the alleged president in russia, their self-proclaimed dictator. let's start with the status, that is, both in europe and in america they are well aware that the so -called elections, which were not elections, took place including in the occupied territories, that is, they are illegitimate, illegitimate with these and with this parameter there is also putin himself, i am not talking about the fact that on the eve of all this, putin also illegitimately rewrote the constitution of russia for himself. in this case, when i is
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illegitimate, multiplied by illegitimate, illegitimate again, and then the usa suddenly announced that we will not come, but we know that this is the president, we will not come to france, but we know that this is the president, and ukraine does not recognize him as the president, why such a discrepancy? first of all, i don't remember something about the decision of the verkhovna rada regarding the fact that we, er, do not recognize putin as the president. official document, maybe i just missed it, that's the first thing, that is, ukraine's position on this issue is probably not completely clear to me. second, pragmatism rules the world. in this case, president biden, representatives states, apparently will not take part in the inauguration, but... according to the statement of the white house,
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they recognize putin as the president, the reason is pragmatic, you have to negotiate with someone, biden must agree on peace with someone in ukraine, possibly dividing ukraine, because the previous the plans were just like that, accordingly , it is necessary to have a conversation with... a person of a certain level with the country's leader, which means that putin should be recognized as the president. the position of france in this case is also obvious. in addition, france is interested in the fact that holding the olympic games in it, everything was calm inside the country, so that the russians did not make any provocations there, and so on and so forth. therefore, the representative of france will most likely be there. at the inauguration, here is a purely pragmatic
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approach that in terms of security, mr. oleksandr, we think that the french delegation is for security issues, as our colleagues in various media write about it, and you asked at what level ukraine does not recognize the legitimacy of putin , then it was a separate statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine? i don't think it's much important dock. the moment i know about this statement, something more solid was expected from the victim of aggression, at least i expected it, at the level of the verkhovna rada or at the level of the president, because there are relevant decisions of the european parliament, there are relevant decisions of the osce parliamentary assembly, there are relevant statements of a number of european parliaments, well, in this... case, we kept a little
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silent, perhaps due to the fact that to a certain extent from may 20 we ourselves find ourselves in a somewhat difficult legal situation, which... will have to be further derailed on the international e-e front as well, so to speak, including. mr. oleksandr, how should ukraine react? you just said that you were waiting for the president's statement, maybe the verkhovna rada should announce something and sign it, why it is not there, why it has already passed, what should have happened, because you have already partially it was told, and why there is no reaction already has. it's been two months since this scandal that happened there, what's wrong, that i don't have answers to this question, there are many things wrong in our country, and why we can't answer, many factors, the issue should have been considered in the verkhovna rada,
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as far as i remember, it was not considered, or the decision was never made, from my point of view there should have been a resolution, a resolution that substantiated. on the fact that you mentioned that elections were held in the territories occupied by ukraine, in violation of international law, a resolution based on the fact that the elections were held in the so-called russia, let's not call russia directly russia after all, muscovy or the so-called russia , the elections did not meet the requirements of democracy, they were not neither free nor transparent, these are grounds for not recognizing putin as a legitimate president, which, among other things, would, i think, strengthen the decree of president zelenskyi about not holding negotiations with the moscow side with putin's participation. and i wanted
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to ask you, mr. oleksandr, whether there could be informal, but some real changes in connection with the fact that putin is entering a lifetime reign? in fact, according to the algorithm, the entire government resigns, but we can see very clearly who has access to the body of one person, probably the main of the putins, which towers have become stronger, which ones are weaker, as they say, we are least interested in patrushev shoigu's covert, we are interested in whether there may be any qualitative changes due to the fact that vladimir putin enters for life... . split your question into two parts with your permission. the first thing that i remembered for a long time, a long time ago, was a brilliant play written in 1940, i think, and the movie
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"to kill the dragon" was based on it. there is a character there, a free city official who was elected 17 years in a row. for life, i.e. 17 years, 17 times consecutively, he was elected for life, the meaning of these elections is exactly the situation we have today in moscow, respectively, whoever putin appoints and does not rearrange any qualitative changes in politics, uh, in relation to ukraine, especially in the foreign in politics, in domestic politics, i would not expect it, maybe it is... well, because no matter where you throw it, in many cases , putin's policy, whether it is internal or external, it is unsuccessful, as a rule, according to tradition, he achieves the opposite results , those who were expected from him and which he declared, so it would be better if there were none
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he didn't change it, everything would roll the way it rolls confidently, ugh, let's put it this way, it's clear, mr. oleksandr, by the way, we can see... that there was a may snowball in the snowball, well, we really wanted there to be a may tsunami as well , an earthquake, a volcano, a meteorite, but not with our happiness, so in this case i will ask you, directly, after all, russian officials, because we are now showing the picture from these events, they are a little different from the ancient egyptians, the ancient egyptians were always were ready... to lie down alive in the tomb with the pharaoh, at least that is what the historical chronicles tell us, these are all russian kigibists, officials and others who are around putin, they won’t want to lie down together with the bunker grandfather, accordingly , all these collective
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boyars must have some kind of plan b, even though the russians themselves are average and those who allegedly used to be were against, they say that now it's blumber. researched that they have come to terms with the war, are not going to put any pressure on the road, they are okay. i think unlike the ancient egyptians. although we also do not know exactly what happened there, modern moscow chenushes, they do not believe in god, they only believe in money, and they believe in hapo, and they live for today, they don't think about the eternal, the future, and so on and so forth, that is, they adapt and survive, i am absolutely sure that none of them have any strategic or far-reaching detailed there are no plans, if only because... that in modern muscovy it is difficult enough to build them, it
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is predictable in its certain unpredictability, the state did not happen, the state can collapse at any moment, prigozhin's rebellion showed us all this wonderfully, you understand , so it's perfectly normal that no one digs too far, putin will exist for a few more years and, accordingly , the so-called elite wants to exist normally under him, so these boyars, what kind of game will they play, let's say, in time c, well, let 's imagine, the führer disappears, that is, putin died, there are two options, there is no putin, accordingly, everything is falling apart and something is happening there according to one scenario, or the second scenario, which shapilin wrote about, says. minus one putin, so what, we have 20 of them, we can drag putin to the year 3500, which scenario, i think,
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i think that each of them will play their own scenario, as always, which corresponds to the disappearance of a leader in an authoritarian, totalitarian society, let's remember the death of stalin and all those disturbances in the struggle for power that unfolded after that, just about the same. it will be here too, the spiders in the jar will destroy each other, someone will get more powers, someone will take putin's place, or they will really throw in some double and these doubles will reproduce ad infinitum, being in power, transferring power to their children, the options here can be various, at the same time... let's not forget that centrifugal trends in russia,
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socio-economic, some trends, they are quite threatening to the existence of the moscow state, and we should not wait for snow to fall there if it doesn't fall, but to help so that in may and june the snow falls there, so that the state falls a little bit, as we can and help, so far we are doing it mainly militarily. means, well, there are probably some others, we need to work on this and work more. mr. oleksandr, just a little more the last question, we understand that we cannot have any kind of communication with them now, but if it comes to this moment, yes, there will be negotiations and we will communicate with them, then with whom should this communication be between ukraine, with whom from ukraine and with whom in russia? please, briefly, we have a literal moment, arahamiya. i am not sure if there is no communication. the second, of course, is
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to choose a more or less adequate interlocutor, and first of all, someone who has, or whose family has certain interests in the west. i'm not here i have a large enough amount of information to say who this is, maybe i don't need to say that. wait and see. ugh. of course. thank you, mr. oleksandr. on our part, to punish the russian-fascist invader, to have the negotiating team headed by mariana bezugla, well, just so you know, at this very moment, we were showing these circus shots, that's how the theatrical action began, this is what is happening, in the middle of nowhere, this is their awareness byzantism of our pseudo-state, we will talk from the other side in the meantime, because who are we? most? we will find out what went
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wrong there, whether it did and why, we have andrii shkil, journalist, political commentator, deputy of the verkhovna rada of the fourth and sixth convocations, mr. andrii, we congratulate you, we congratulate each other, and immediately to the questions, actually, what happened to the french, why did they decide that their delegation, led by the ambassador, would be present at this event, let's call it that, you? have, well , the presence of the ambassador, it means that at this level they decided to be at the inauguration of representatives of france, i do not see, here in principle, because... big problems, by the way, because the french always try to keep the opportunity for maneuver until the last, because it is a little strange opportunity for maneuver, in the person of the ambassador who will be present at the inauguration, well, in principle, it could have been done better by sending
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the second secretary there or the first, but nevertheless, well the state debt office supported it. the states recognized the legitimacy of president putin-elect, so why should the french take a different position, it was not clear here, but mr. andrii, look at what is surprising, that is, in fact, it is now only the last day that they switched their nuclear threatening and paying attention, as again to the anglo-saxons and the british, and before that macron was the main motivator for them, how dare macron talk about... a contingent of troops in ukraine during the russian-ukrainian war, so it was expected that after such rhetoric, that at least there should be some kind of statement from the elaseian fields, so about the legitimacy of the illegitimacy, maybe there would be a lowering of the status, because other states that
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do not recognize and do not go to this so-called inauguration also have embassies in moscow, and no ambassador is sent. look, no the absence of an ambassador does not mean recognition of the illegitimacy of the president, all those who did not send an ambassador were not officially recognized, there is no official decision of one or another state not to recognize president putin as the president, which is legitimate for the event, why, because under the given circumstances there is no alternatives to putin, that is, if there was... before this inauguration in russia, an uprising, as it was in belarus, which determined the leader who led this uprising, accordingly, the leader was due to the circumstances, from the united russian opposition, left russia, took it there
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part of his headquarters or staff outside of russia, accordingly created something like there... i know, an imaginary cabinet, as it happened in belarus, well then, of course, the position of the european states and the world would be the same, but given the fact that, well the leader, so far, at least for today, the leader of the western world, the united states recognized the legitimacy of putin, the state debt office recognized it, therefore the behavior of all the other countries, they enforced rather, well, such a demonstrative character, they did not have the presence or absence behind them. ambassadors to the inauguration had a purely ritual nature, well, the ambassador did not pass, but nevertheless the state still recognized putin as such a president who was legitimate, who received legitimacy, whether he was elected legitimately or not, but in the eyes of the west he has, he has all
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grounds for conducting negotiations with him in the future about, for example, the future of ukraine in the event that before that. mr. andriy, i know that you monitor everything, you know for sure, you have read all the french press, watched all the french television, us interested in the communist dictator xi jinping, we were taught to call him correctly, xi jinping, the statements that were made, the request that china use all possible means of influence on russia, so i understand that this is high diplomacy. but to block, block and stop the war, and give instructions to your raw material vassal, it is a matter of 5 minutes for the communist dictator of china, why such a long game, with those intrigues, will be the chinese formula for peace, will they come to geneva to drink a glass or not, will they play in
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own, why is it all being played for so long and so murky, what is it based on? diplomacy, when there is an opportunity to use such a resource, a resource with a visit, he came, and for france demonstrated the position that russia is the main structural unit that threatens the security of europe with war, with the continuation of the war, not even a question, here not there is a question of russia's victory or ukraine's defeat in this war, and... the continuation of the war is the continuation of creating danger for the european continent, the european continent in the person of president macron, because before that, macron had a meeting with... scholz at the meeting with comrade xi, ursula funderlein was present, they made it clear that this is the position of europe, that in
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the event that china does not choose a side in the conflict, it will be unequivocally on the side of russia, will not create at least the illusion of ambiguity, not neutrality, but the ambiguity of china would consist in the position that it... promises to use china i can't say: i will call moscow, tell putin to stop the war, we don't like it, our western friends tell me about it please, no, just was an informed china, if it does not choose a side in russia's war against europe, in a war that threatens to destroy the security of europe, if china does not choose that side, then it will have consequences, consequences. and those that are now emerging in the confrontation between, for example, france and china, regarding electric cars, electric cars,
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electric battery production, high-tech production, high-tech space exploration and civil aviation, all these memoranda, that is , previous agreements, were concluded with china, but they will be implemented only when china will demonstrate its desire to... resolve the conflict, i.e. stop the conflict in europe, this is how it was considered, macron began his briefing with this, macron began with this before preparing for the visit to comrades in france, a whole series of interviews were given, where it was explained how important it is for france and europe to neutralize the danger. that russia is creating in europe, and it remains, of course comrade xia heard it, i do not see practically even two-3% that china will change
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its position, that china will influence, will want to influence russia, but then china already is offended by the fact that europe will change its attitude towards china, and this is a huge market for china, a gigantic market, mr. andrii, we have a minute and i want to... briefly ask you, here is macron saying that china must vowed not to sell weapons to russia and control the sale of these dual-use goods, can we believe that or not, will this continue to happen through some shadowy schemes? well, look, he was caught by his words, he promised, he will not fulfill it, then accordingly all those wonderful prospects for cooperation that were comrade, they are all painted in paris, and before that in beijing, when here...where macron came , they will be closed, they will simply fall apart, like a soap bubble, because then he will be the initiator of the rupture and
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deterioration of relations with the european union. the tension is growing because there is a whole huge scandal with china's protectionism regarding the production of electric cars, solar batteries and everything that the european union needs and produces itself, and it's not for nothing... there will be a trip and if it's a family trip part, that is, to the homeland, macron’s little homeland, high transfers, but on the way he will also look at the production of french chips, which factories are already being built , mr. andriy, next time we will talk, because unfortunately we have to say goodbye to the production of chips, which neutralizes the needs of china in european schools, we thank you for your reply. but hey, we also have to say the same thing in ukrainian, goodbye to all our viewers, have a peaceful, safe day, take care and stay with us, because in a few minutes there will be news about the most important thing,
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places, call and order. give a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery powerful saws strong what you need call. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. one person was killed and four were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region, the head of the regional military administration reported vadim filashkin. damaged critical.


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