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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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and unlike standard overall forks. strong forks are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999. with the possibility of free delivery. strong saws. whatever you need, call. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. one person was killed and four were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region. said
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the head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin. damaged critical and civil infrastructure. in total, the russians shelled the region 11 times. the police evacuated 506 people, including 51 children. a resident of nikopol was injured by russian shelling. in the morning, the occupiers attacked the city with a kamikaze drone, - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhii lysak. there were occupiers in nikopol and everywhere. during the night , the city was shelled four times, three private houses, an outbuilding, a shop and a gas pipeline were damaged. one person died and four were injured as a result of russian shelling in sumy oblast. this was reported to the police. damaged objects of critical and civil infrastructure. in addition, the enemy destroyed the hangar of a local enterprise, a tank with fuel and lubricants caught fire. in total, during the day, the russians struck the population
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centers of the region 224 times. in the morning, a passenger minibus came under fire in bilozerka, kherson region. a 55-year-old woman who was in the salon was injured, the regional authorities reported. more than 10 private houses were damaged by enemy fire, the blast wave shattered windows and doors, and demolished roofs. three wounded in villages borov in the kharkiv region, the russians hit the residential quarters with an aerial bomb the night before. a 16-year-old girl, a 55-year-old man and a 54-year-old woman were injured, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, said. in total, the occupiers shelled 14 towns and villages in the region during the day. the bodies of three drowned men were recovered from the tisza river near the border with romania. a fisherman found one of them and gave it to him.
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border guards, they found out that the deceased was a 28-year-old resident of ivano-frankivsk region, and later , downstream, border guards discovered the bodies of two men, a 20-year-old resident of sumy oblast, the identity of the third deceased is being established. representatives of six countries will take part in the inauguration of dictator putin, one more country has changed its mind, radio svoboda reports. journalists published the list. therefore , france, hungary, slovakia, greece, malta and cyprus will take part in the event. as of the evening , belgium was also on the list, but the country later announced that it would not send its representative to the kremlin. let me remind you that earlier 20 member states of the european union announced that they would boycott the so-called inauguration. ukraine also did not recognize putin as a democratically elected and legitimate president. our brilliant work.
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our defenders eliminated another 1,160 occupiers during the day, and in general , since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the russian army lost almost 476 of its terrorists, and their armor burned with them, only yesterday the defense forces burned 25 tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 37 art systems, 32 cars, one anti-aircraft vehicle and nine units of special equipment. forever shot down 34... enemy drones and one cruise missile, the general staff reminds, the data indicative and i will remind you about our collection: with your help, we collected funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two off-road vehicles for the mountain aerial reconnaissance group and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they need preparation. to
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military service. our goal is uah 120,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 55,000. do not be indifferent. even the smallest donation is huge. value. you can see all the details on the screen. president of turkey announced anti-terrorist operations in northern iraq and syria. he announced this after the government meeting. according to recep tayyip erdogan, as long as the kurdistan workers' party exists in the neighborhood, his country cannot feel safe. let me remind you that earlier the turkish authorities repeatedly announced plans to create a 40-kilometer security corridor. along the turkish border. 90% of revenues from banned russian assets in europe will be used to purchase weapons for ukraine, german chancellor olaf scholz said - reports the agency routers. it is about the sum of 4 billion euros.
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however, it will not be possible to get these funds in the near future, as russia will sue. the ukrainian army recruiting center was opened at kyiv central station, where you can get advice on available vacancies in the armed forces. as of today, 20 recruiting centers have been opened in different parts of ukraine. the first point appeared on february 12 this year. since then , more than 3,000 ukrainians have applied for consultations, 10 of them are already serving in the ranks of the armed forces or are in the process of signing contracts. no summons will be served here, you can come here and ask what vacancies are available, how much they pay, who will be my commander, go and talk to that commander, find out if you are suitable for each other, more than 20 thousand people pass by the kyiv station every day, the task is
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to interest, to tell about the possibility of recruiting, about what you can choose today yourself, choose a specialty, choose a direction of service, choose a brigade, this is absolutely good. we supported the modern process initiated by the ministry of defense. take the assets to the office russian group tatneft wants ukrnafta and the agency for search and management of assets has already turned to the antimonopoly committee. ukrnafta said that it is about 110 facilities in kharkiv region and poltava region. these are oil depots, gas stations and utility rooms. they are currently in poor condition due to combat, and because... they haven't been used in a long time. according to the company, out of 70 gas stations, only 15 are working. ivano-frankivsk is celebrating 362 years since receiving the magdeburg right. my colleague ivan haruk will tell you what events are taking place in the city. he
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live with us ivan, i congratulate you. you have a word. christ is risen, ivano-frankivsk is starting to celebrate the city day today. true, some events took place already and yesterday in the central squares, orchestras played classical and ukrainian music, it was called the so-called tones of the native city, well, now i am in particular in the part of the pototsky palace, where there are also various locations, various events are taking place, in particular , a conference on the use of square in the central part of the city, next to the potocki palace, in another tent, so to speak. an exhibition called colors of freedom has just opened behind me, during these days they plan to honor the fallen heroes, to present various awards that testify that certain citizens are actually honorary citizens
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of ivano-frankivsk, well, also during the weekend and during the week , the theater on podolla from kyiv will visit ivano-frankivsk with the participation of bohdan. will put on a play based on ivan karpenko's play 100 00. at the same time, they will present various plays, various historical events, exhibitions i will say that a new interactive weapons museum will be opened here in the pototsk palace tomorrow, that's why many, many residents of frankivsk will actually participate in these events, so i invite you to ivano-frankivsk there will be interesting locations, interesting events, interesting. people who will also celebrate together the 362nd anniversary of the founding of the city, various international delegations, it was, let's say, earlier, on such a more public mass level, events will especially take place, will not take place,
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given the state of war, these are the points local events will take place and are dedicated to this anniversary of ivano-frankivsk. christina, thank you, ivan! our carpathian correspondent ivan haruk told how ivano-frankivsk is celebrating 362 years since the magdeburg right was obtained. meanwhile, in the carpathians. american dan engel helps immigrants plant gardens of victory. my carpathian colleagues will tell you why i decided to do it. dan engle, a former military man, came to the village of voyniliv in prykarpattia recently. he is an active volunteer of an american charity organization. thanks to her projects in ukraine, in particular in prykarpattia, hundreds of displaced people were able to get a roof over their heads. an american resettled near one of these shelters. and planted a garden of victory. we are in
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one of our victory gardens. the idea to create them came about two years ago, on march 20, 2022. and i and the shmorguns from our foundation, who are currently working in ukraine, said that it would be a good idea to plant victory gardens, because it allows people in shelters to socialize, just by working in the garden. the gardens of victory will grow here from now on on this. immigrants from donbas plant flowers and water trees here, they say they worked on the land at home, and now they are not sitting idly by. potatoes were planted in the neighboring village, and 18 trees and 108 flower bushes were planted near the shelter with dan's help. the flowers will be marigolds, roses, there are also petunias, there was a chef, tseden american, our drugden, who helped us in this purchase. i will take care of these flowers, trees, and i myself will take part in this, we will constantly water them, we will know that he has bloomed here, he
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is going to come in two months, and we should show him the results of this work, by the way, in addition to flowers, volodymyr and his family also planted vegetables in the new place, we planted everything, including potatoes and onions, we planted all kinds of carrots there, we just arrived yesterday, yes everything has been planted, we are busy, mrs. lyudmila. isn't it the oldest housewife who lives in the shelter, plants flowers, says that the enemy has taken away her native land so far, so i have to work here, i can't do it without land, i grew up on the land, i worked all the time, there was a garden, everything was, and now everything nothing left, let's hope for victory, in the meantime, dan and the settlers have worked well and become friends, he calls his new friends a loyal team, check it out in person...
12:13 pm, also on our social networks, join, like, and i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell more, stay with us. watch the verdict with serhiy rudenko in the program. a successful mission in a narrow bay. a naval drone of a special unit of the ministry of defense destroyed a russian speed boat near
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the coast of crimea. experts say that the successful strike could have been a combined one. european-chinese dialogue on ukraine. xi jinping flew to france to talk about trade and the so-called ukrainian crisis. will macron and fondelaien manage to convince him to restrain putin's aggression. investigative actions of chekists from lubyanka. the kremlin added a number of current and former officials to the list of wanted presidents of ukraine. why is putin burning bridges to the negotiations he supposedly dreamed of? glory. this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. we talk for the next hour
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about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. zelensky is wanted, xi has flown to france, and putin is threatening great britain and france. we will talk about this and other things with the guests of our studio today. today , people's deputy of ukraine dmytro razumkov and people's deputy maria ionova will be visiting us. but before we start our big talk. i suggest watching a video of how a unit of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine uses the magura v5 attack marine drone destroyed a speedboat of the russian invaders... according to defense express experts, the nature of the bursts around the drone indicates that air defense could work on it for some air targets, that is, the strike was probably combined, let's see how it all turned out.
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friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us
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live on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages on these resources and take part in our survey. we you we ask the following: are peace negotiations with russia possible? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers. if you think that peace negotiations with russia are possible 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize. of this vote, i want to introduce our guest today, this is dmytro razumkov, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in 2019-21, dmytro oleksandrovych, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, thank you for the invitation, well, since we are asking our tv viewers whether negotiations are possible of ukraine about peace with russia, i will ask you also what you think about this, well, actually, this is
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a very difficult conversation, because we understand that russia does not... understand the negotiation process, but based on what we see today, including statements from the office, statements from international partners, including statements related to the upcoming conference in switzerland, the so-called peace formula, which zelensky talks about, this suggests that, one way or another, the negotiations are still ongoing today, they may not be direct between ukraine and by russia but they continue with the mediation of other states, it was turkey, it was other countries that are trying to build negotiation lines or lines of communication between ukraine and russia, plus there are specific cases in which such negotiations continue, not much about them they like to tell in the office to recognize them, but
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in fact they exist, this is an exchange of prisoners and hostages taken by... hostages taken by russia, these were negotiations along the grain corridor, they continued one way or another, and others, about which are said today, we have no confirmation or denial, but in theory they exist, you know, when i am asked about negotiations and any decisions there, i say that the war will always end with the signing of some document, even germany, which was completely destroyed , destroyed and capitulated, she also signed the document, that is, it will be one way or another, but it is important that these negotiations and the achievement and signing of the capitulation there by the enemy were really in the interests of ukraine, in the interests of our state, and not in the interests of individual
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politicians, or political goals, which very often play important roles instead of... those positions that should stand first. well, in this situation, i cannot help but recall the last decision of the so-called ministry of internal affairs of russia regarding the announcement of a wanted criminal case against zelensky, that is, russia, judging by this step, is not going to sign any documents with zelensky and does not see zelensky as a person who will accept the capitulation of the russian federation. er, i think that these are public steps that are taking place in our country, and the purpose, what is the purpose of these steps, including, they lay a field of possibilities for themselves. and in this direction that you 're talking about, that they're going to be pumping, sorry for the lazy, pumping history in europe and in the united states after the 20th, well, yeah,
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here it's going to be about the completion of powers of the president, you saw the statement of the so -called president lukashenka, who said that russia will not sign anything with zelensky after the 20th, what is the problem, and it is not even russia's problem. our representatives, they, for some reason , believe that this can lead to some kind of internal political upheaval, this will not happen, no one in ukraine will withdraw from the maidans, no one will say that zelensky is legitimate or illegitimate there, because it will lead to the weakening of the country , the key problem will not be here, the key it will be a problem in european countries and the country. the world, where russia today invests enormous amounts of money in leaders of public opinion, in politicians, opposition politicians, because the pro-government
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in almost all countries have taken a pro-ukrainian position, and the opposition will choose some other, otherwise they will not be opposition, most likely they will take or neutral or pro-russian policy, and russia also finances them, they finance journalists, they finance so- called think tanks. and these are huge funds that they invest in their propaganda, in propaganda and establishing its position, ukraine in this regard, financially we definitely cannot stop it, but also from a political point of view, i am sure that we are not finished, not you and i, but the ukrainian authorities, which should go ahead with this at least for one or two steps, and we, unfortunately, will lose in this regard, that is, internally. the domestic political case played a very bad bad joke with the representatives of the current government, and unfortunately i think that russia will take advantage of this, this is a big problem for us,
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because once again, this will not lead to some global changes within the state, but will lead to the fact that the issue of the termination of the powers of the president of ukraine will be used by the enemies of... our state on the borders of our country. dmitry piskov, the press secretary of the so-called president of russia, stated that the wanted announcement of president zelensky and his predecessor poroshenko is allegedly the result of the work of russian investigators and other relevant agencies. our relevant departments are doing what they have to do, - says piskov. there is a large amount of information that our investigators collect about the crimes of the authorities of ukraine, about what. it is said, that is why work is being carried out as part of this, and today it became known that the ministry of internal affairs of russia has declared a number of ukrainian politicians wanted, the list includes the former secretary of the national security and defense council
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oleksiy danilo, ex-prime minister volodymyr groysman, ex-minister of internal affairs arsen avakov, former commander-in-chief of the armed forces ruslan hamchak, ex-head of the anti-terrorist center at the sbu vasyl krutov, former minister of foreign affairs pavlo kilinkin and former minister of information policy yuriy stets, there is not a single last name of a person who is included in the hundred most respected politicians, the most influential politicians in the world according to the versions of the time this year, there is no yermak, why? i don’t know, this is probably a question for yermak, he is not under sanctions either, well, that is, some of them received a search today, yes, starting with president zelensky, poroshenko and all the others, he is under sanctions from the russian federation, for example, i have been there since 20 of the year, if... i am not mistaken, i am under the sanctions of russia, and yermak is not there, i do not think that they are not cannot underestimate the influence that
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the head of the office of the president of the state has today, i don’t know why, i think you can invite him, he will give a comprehensive answer to this, well, maybe they can’t rely on zelensky, but they can rely on yermak, well, that's the only way i can consider it, or at least i, you know, i try not to... in the head of the russians, let them live in their regime, but there is a question, really, it is logical, i think that it would be better to get from them this answer, maybe tomorrow they will enter, let's see, or to get an answer from the management of the office, what could be the reason for this, perhaps because they were in constant communication with representatives of the so-called russia until full-scale. an invasion, maybe something else, i don't know, it's difficult for me to comment on it, because i, unfortunately or fortunately, am not involved in the processes that take place, or
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the lack of these processes that take place. in the president's office and before the decision-making by the so-called team of five or six very effective or too effective managers, by the way, they are also not on the list of those 5-6, because he never named, i mean the president, i don't know, i don't know, and i'm sure that the state can't run five or six managers, even super efficient ones, because that will lead to the fact that everything will fall apart and... everything will move in the wrong direction that the state needs, it doesn't happen like that, there aren't such unique people, it just doesn't happen with the hands of five or six people who can fight, deal with the economy, fight corruption, build an independent judicial system and lead the state to a happy future. we have a small fragment that said zelensky at the final
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press conference in... in 2023 about these five to six managers, let's hear what about my team, if i get rid of my team, i have a small one, five to six managers, then we are becoming weak with you, as regards, well, in principle, one, one thing is key here, these are five or six managers, you have known zelensky since october 2018, you came to the headquarters in october 2018 and... in principle, well i characterized your role in this team as zelensky's backup, no, i was never someone's backup, including and zelenskyi, well, you were on tv channels, went on tv channels and spoke on behalf of zelenskyi’s team, when volodymyr oleksandrovich did not go there and was afraid to go there, yes, but i’m sorry to interrupt you, i was not a backup, okay, that’s it perhaps too much has been said about you, but you were the chief speaker of the headquarters. you
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know zelenskyi and this team very well, how has zelenskyi changed, how has this team changed in these 5 years, the five-year anniversary of zelenskyi, on may 20, as the president who was sworn in which promised to bring new faces, and well, you were also part of these new faces, i how it changed, all hundred of those new faces were never left there, no one, no one, absolutely some remained. five or six managers who were not there during the election campaign, ah, allow for the understudy, i wasn't the understudy, because that's the role, i don't play the role, just like i wasn't the speaker, ah, i went out and said on the air what i personally believe, we did not have a program written by zelensky, you were the face of zelensky's team, yes, i think so, but not only face, because, because what i said on
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the air. it was not written by writers, it was not prepared based on sociology, it was not developed by technologists, i said what i believe in and what i go with, it was a situation when it was necessary to go on the air, i went on the air, the next day i talked with serhii shefir in vasiletsko and we had an office there, i asked a question and said that seryuzh, look, i’m gone, see if it suits you, say okay, if it doesn’t, i’m just more . i won't go, what will i do later i blushed, when it will change, i was one of the ideologues, i think so, libertarianism is not mine, it is stefanchuk’s, everything else, i think so, on the other hand, i am often accused of bringing a rumor there, you know, i did not listen to zelenskyi, i wanted the people's voice to be in the parliament, to have political power, but not in name, but in essence, did everything work out for me, no, that's why today i
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remain in politics and will continue to work on it , but what you are asking as a question, i was asked how zelensky changed, it is difficult for me to say, because zelenskyi was largely absent during the election campaign, he was engaged in other issues, the boards were their property, but meaningful burdens, the president was not globally involved in them, so we did not communicate much, we started to communicate more when... he already became the president, and i became the chairman of the verkhovna rada, i have changed, i think that yes, i think that i have changed, is it not better, based on my personal opinion, no, uh, in our country, in general, i guess different approaches with him, i would always believe that it is necessary to attract people who can be smarter for me, and because this is a reinforcement of me , a reinforcement of the team, not of five or six managers, but simply a reinforcement.


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