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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and just now to the most important ones. events so, let's start with the news. the youngest defender of azovstal, nazarii grentsevich, died at the front. with the call sign grinka. in march, he turned only 21 years old. the deputy commander of the azov brigade, major mykyta natochii, reported the death of the azov citizen. nazarius and his comrades defended azovstal for three months, after which he was captured. in september 2022, the fighter. zeros from russian
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captivity. nazarii returned to the military service and founded the contact 12 unit with his comrades. nazarii was the commander of a platoon of optical observers. eternal memory to the ukrainian soldier. i'm kind of afraid to die, since i have my family, my brother, sister, to whom i leave them and so on. but here there is such a moment that my life is worth nothing compared to the nation. i just... when i'm out there at war, when i'm on combat missions, i just treat myself like i'm just a combat unit that has to complete the combat mission and bring the maximum benefit to our common goal, these are victories for ukraine, so that you don't have them, love your mother, eat porridge and love ukraine. our defenders of the sky destroyed two guided air missiles, kh-59 and kh-69 in odesa region, it was reported. in the air force. at noon, the russians
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tried to attack the southern regions from the black sea. the de-occupied kharkiv region is demined. near the dam in the izyum district , explosives experts discovered a minefield. this was reported to the national police. law enforcement officers from zhytomyr region managed to successfully recover and neutralize the ammunition. now farmers will be able to safely cultivate the land on this area. and in order to facilitate the work of sappers, a special machine for demining began to be used there in the kharkiv region. the veteran of the interregional humanitarian demining center is testing the machine in the territory where active hostilities were taking place. equipment clears a field littered with unexploded cluster munitions. and threaten
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the lives of civilians. the government approved the procedure for obtaining fortifications. it is also about their maintenance and accounting - said prime minister denys shmyhal during the meeting. for him in other words, it is important that the defensive lines are always in good condition. this is done by the local government. continuation. condition and mobilization for another 90 days. the committee on national security of the verkhovna rada supported two bills of the president. tomorrow they must be approved by the parliament during the meeting. let me remind you, this will already be the 11th decision regarding the continuation of the mobilization and martial law of the first full-scale invasion. it will be valid until august 11 this year. they tried to remove zelensky before putin's inauguration. security service. detained two colonels
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state security management on treason. the attackers were part of the russian intelligence network, which was overseen directly from moscow. the colonels were looking for bodyguards close to the president who were supposed to take zelensky hostage in order to later kill him. they also planned to liquidate the head of the security service, vasyl malyuk, and the head of the main intelligence department, kyryll budanov. he set me a task. the mood of the employees who were guarding the president's office, the task was to find people who would be able to in time to block any transition, or the exit to the office for the evening address, or to the square in front of the president's office, the curator had to hand over... the task to the person
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who, in my opinion, would be ready to perform this operation, namely of the management. the police of operational information of the fifth service oversaw the organization of the terrorist attack. these are maxim mishusstin, dmytro perlin, and oleksiy kornev. in particular, perlin in january 2022 became the curator of the moles, which were recruited even before the full-scale invasion of russia. belarus conducts tactical nuclear training. this is happening in parallel with the inspection of nuclear carriers in russia, reuters reports. for words. representative of the council of ministers of belarus, the training is allegedly of a defensive nature and does not project threats to other countries. the decision to conduct an unscheduled inspection of nuclear weapons carriers was made by the self-proclaimed president of belarus, alexander lukashenko. french president emmanuel macron
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went with chinese leader xi jinping to the south of the country to the pyrenees mountains. advisers to the president of france. called this one trip in violation of protocol, but the leaders were able to communicate alone, without advisers and assistants. macron gave everyone a woolen blanket, a tour de france t-shirt made in the pyrenees and armagnac brandy, which is threatened by chinese trade sanctions. this is the second day of the chinese president's visit to france. during the trip, xi showed no sign of a willingness to offer serious trade concessions. or foreign policy, the tzahal military entered rafah, according to the bloomberg agency. in the defense army israel stated that their main goal of the offensive is
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to put pressure on hamas regarding the peace agreement. it is noted that the israeli army completely stopped the movement of humanitarian aid people at the checkpoint. troops. the tzahala was replaced there by palestinian flags with israeli ones. i will remind you that the tzahal entered rafah the day after israel ordered the residents of the eastern part of the city to leave immediately, due to a possible offensive. the military cabinet voted unanimously that israel would continue its operation in rafah to apply military pressure on hamas to free the hostages and achieve all the war objectives. hamas proposal. far from the main demands of israel, nevertheless, we will send a high-level delegation to egypt in order to obtain the maximum chance of an agreement acceptable to israel. officially extends his reign. the long-time leader of the kremlin, vladimir putin, was sworn in for a new six-year term. this is the fifth time that
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he has assumed the post of the head of the russian federation. the united states and a number of other western countries boycotted the inauguration of the russian chapter because of the war of aggression. which leads russia against ukraine. earlier, the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs urged not to recognize putin as the legitimate president, in particular due to numerous violations during the elections and voting in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. a prison, not the kremlin. a protest action took place in the hague during the so-called inauguration of the dictator putin. opposite the un international court of justice, the figure of the illegitimate president was installed in... shackles and prison labor. protesters believe that the next re-election of putin to the post of the head of russia federation violates international electoral law. soychine wing. for the first time in 67
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years, the lviv national opera presented a ballet by anatoly kosanatolsky. the collective of the kyiv opera presented. an updated play based on ivan franko's novel of the same name. this is a story about lovers who went through trials and eventually returned to their home. artistic director petro kachanov prepared a combination of dance, singing and a symphony orchestra for the audience. another performance of the soychine krilo ballet will take place on may 8. then the theater team will go to uzhhorod. this return, it is very important, especially in our time, when there is a war, we renounce tchaikovsky, we renounce russian composers and russian culture, and in this way we demonstrate and show our own, absolutely full-fledged, talented and
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competitive. i think the highlight of this play is the very idea, because in search of love, true love. wait triumphantly, this is the highlight, and because we also have children participating in this performance, it is also very interesting, because children, beginning artists, for them it is a great incentive, and i want to remind you about our... collection with your help we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders, two suvs for an air reconnaissance group, a band and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as refrigerators for the transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they need to be prepared for combat service. so, our goal is uah 120,000. with your help, we have already collected more than... uah 60,000, i.e. more than half. you can see all the details on
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screen, and i urge you to join the collection, because it is an absolutely overwhelming amount for us. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the highlights, and of course, watch our unique content on youtube. i am iryna. koval, i say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you already until tomorrow, i wish you a quiet evening, well, next on the tv, on the air of the espresso tv channel, meet vasyl winter, problems with the forehead. restrict movement, this unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of
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kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the rubric exposure. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club, every saturday for espresso. verdict with serhiy
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rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included. the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. what does he do? when there will be a liver, alohol, but what about the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder, good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, this is a big broadcast on the espress tv channel, my name is vasyl zima, as
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always, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things, we will provide a lot of analytics, and also... we will report on what will happen during our broadcast, and we start with the announcement of the collection, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhia directions , the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air, in any weather during the day and at night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, battleships. we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. and i believe that we will be able to close this need for our military in the near future. well , we will talk more about what is happening at the front and around the front the director of the defense express agency, and
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serhiy zgurts, the host of the daily military summaries section, who is already in touch with us. greetings, please, good evening, greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk with our military about what is happening near bakhmut, and about the general assessment of the situation on the front line with our experts, i'll talk about that in a moment, i'll start with the past day. across the front line, there were slightly fewer combat engagements than usual (90). of course you can to conclude that the russian units are being exhausted, but for now it is still about certain regroupings with the enemy after significant losses in manpower and equipment, and each part of the front has its own special situation. and now we are joined by the artillery officer
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of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh volodymyr nazarenko. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good afternoon, mr. sergey, good afternoon, studio, good afternoon viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. your brigade is now operating in the bahamud direction, according to the report of the general staff, yesterday there were a little less enemy attacks than before and usually, but the statistics of the general staff are one thing, and the reality is another, so here is what is happening in your area now for two days and whether there may finally be more ammunition that can we use on the enemy? well, we must first of all understand what is meant by combat clashes in this sense, because even a counter-battery duel, a counter-battery, artillery shelling, mortar shelling - this is a collision when the enemy strikes fire impression and aimed, unaimed on the near, on the far rears, it is still
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the use of weapons that the enemy uses, obviously for some purpose, whether it conducts artillery training, or it... conducts some preparatory actions or simply bombards, but it is not changes the essence of the essence, it is in any case combat engagements and it is very difficult to count and somehow characterize and really say how many combat engagements there are and what exactly to put into the meaning of this statement, what are combat engagements, combat engagements when orcs become good orcs and when... they are destroyed, that is also a combat encounter, but when used, when used, any weapon that destroys an orc, and this is firstly good news, and secondly, it is also a battle, and in fact the losses of the enemy are much greater, if you count every actual firefight, every machine-gun round
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, every fight, then in fact there were even more and more combat casualties. than is indicated, if one thinks that, if one does count combat engagement as battles, when the enemy tries to advance and when he uses some small groups or accumulations of infantry deploying and trying to advance using different tactics, either with light armor or with heavy armor trying to advance and being repulsed when the defense force in most cases simply smashes these groups. at the stage where they are approaching even their zero lines, it is obvious that the enemy is really, i can't say out loud that is exhausting, because the actions of the enemy are relatively ... tic, but with the improvement of the weather that has happened, significant yes, an improvement weather that happened a week or two ago, obviously the enemy has become more active, because the
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better the weather, the more visible, the warmer, the more opportunities there are to carry out logistics, to carry out movement, accumulation and somehow use those connections, in general, the trend is such that occupying troops, their units, their brigades or formations, as they call themselves... corps, divisions, regiments, battalions, groups, brigades, each, each of these units, each of their brigades, was given the task of exerting maximum pressure and try to advance, but in the majority cases, i say again, their units are exhausted and suffer huge losses, we really have to clearly understand that for the enemy , human resources are an unlimited resource, they can supply themselves and... put reserves of these vannik orcs, mobilize them, and more moreover, unfortunately, we hear about some statements that they are also trying to mobilize ukrainians from the temporarily occupied territories, who
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are actually held as slaves, and in principle there is a danger in this, but the key thing is that the enemy can afford relentless attempts advancement and everything rests only on those reserves that they, how they quickly replenish them after suffering huge losses both in equipment, in manpower, and in artillery, in ammunition, perhaps the defense forces are ready for various developments of situations , various developments, and in any case, all the assaults that the enemy tries during the build-up phase will be hit against the enemy. mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for these explanations, for what you do for our state, for ours. defense, i will remind our viewers that it is was volodymyr nazarenko, an artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, then we will assess the changes that are taking place in all areas
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of the front on a larger scale, and viktor kyvlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies, will join us. now we are establishing communication, and i will say that in fact now in many areas the enemy is trying to put pressure on... our line of defense, commander-in-chief syrsky yesterday, when commenting on the situation on the front line, singled out first of all, two directions, these are along pokrovsky and kurakhivskyi, on these directions, as he said, the enemy is trying to push through our defenses, and the task of the armed forces in these conditions remains unchanged, it is primarily to ensure the retention of those positions that are held. our troops to inflict maximum losses on the enemy and at this time create the prerequisites for the formation of our reserves, and now we are joined by viktor kevlyuk,
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a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. i have already made a certain preface regarding general syrskyi's statements yesterday about the two directions there, which he identified as in... more important, as critical, these are pokrovsky and kurakhivsky, and i would like you to appreciate how different the situation is in in these two directions, and how can the further actions of the enemy be predicted here? as for the pokrovsky direction, this is the same direction where the enemy has wedged itself into our defense as much as possible, in the direction of ocheredyne novooleksandrivka , the enemy's 30th and 35th brigades are advancing in the direction novobakhmutivka sokil. the 433rd , which was re-formed against the 27th division and the 55th brigade, advanced, but the pace of the offensive there dropped sharply and
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the commander of the 41st army of the enemy was forced to enter the battle of the 74th brigade, which was restoring combat capability and has not finished this process today. in the direction of arkhangelsk, the 132nd brigade of donetsk separatists is advancing, in general, this direction is the only one today where the enemy has a real chance to turn his tactical success into an operational one. the purpose of the enemy's action here is to form the southern flank the future operation to encircle turkey. in the kurakhovsky direction, the situation is as follows: from saromykhaivka, which is under the control of the enemy , the fifth and 110th brigades of the enemy are advancing in the direction of krasnohorovka. along the highway to kurakhova. the 103rd regiment of the 150th division fights through georgievka, and after the victory, two regiments - the 242nd, 255th, and 20th divisions, behind them are ready
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to advance. the potential success of the 163rd regiment of the 150th division and the 96th regiment of the mobilization reserve, this is a kind of transshipment base of human resources, that of the regiments of the first echelon, which has more losses, immediately receives reinforcements at the expense of this regiment, the goal is to form the northern flank for the further encirclement of our troops in ugledar, this is the situation, and if... we will now assess the situation in the bakhmut area and around the chasivyar, because the officer gave gave you such a general picture related to the tactics of the enemy's actions, about what is happening in this area, and what can be expected in the actions of the enemy in terms of advancing to the time of the ravine, what risks, opportunities does the enemy have, how do we take this into account? how to think that time is very important for the enemy, for
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this... says the fact that the most combat-capable part of the armed forces of the russian federation, its airborne troops, is fighting here. so, the groups attacking chasiv are zvanov's 98th airborne division and 11th separate airborne assault brigade. as a change of coin, there is a seventh, so- called volunteer assault brigade, saint george. and no less strange 58th. a separate special purpose battalion of the first army corps, on the northern flank between 217-29 regiments of the 98th division bogged down in bohdanivka and kalinovka, in the defense of the troops of the khortets group, on the southern flank in the ivanovo district, the 11th assault brigade committed suicide and the 102nd regiment of the 150th division helped in this. and in the north and in
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the south, during seven days of the month of may , the enemy’s advance of 0 m. transforms into a somewhat gray area where the 331st regiment, the same 98th division, is fighting, they regularly attack the eastern edge of the chasofog ravine, someone runs to the novy quarter or the kanal microdistrict photographed with the russian banner, right there dies, in moscow they begin to talk about the capture of the temporal. this scheme works in two weeks with plant irregularity. as for the exit of the enemy on the pokrovsk kostiantynka highway. now the enemy is about 16 km from this intersection, that is, formally , it is fire control of artillery and unmanned systems. but it does not interfere today, especially the logistics of our group in the time abyss, and if the enemy achieves something there, it
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will not mean anything. some fatal consequences for the defense of the time ravine, because there are backup logistics routes. in general, all activity in the area of ​​chasovoy yaru is the formation of the northern flank for the further encirclement of our tactical group, which is defending itself in the area of ​​toretsk. mr. viktor, i cannot but ask about the dynamics of the enemy's actions regarding the accumulation of forces and resources there in the direction of kharkiv and sumy, because a number of our... officials have already commented on this, how do you assess the possibilities of the enemy's actions in these directions? quite strange things are happening there from a military point of view, first of all , the formation of the sever operational group of troops, which was headed by the commander of the new leningrad military district, general lapin, the group included the 11th army corps from kaliningrad, the 44th army corps
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from karelia. and most likely, the 138th brigade of the sixth general military army will be transferred to them. it is interesting that the 44th corps is being redeployed to all districts. echelons arrive in the kursk region, unload at very small stations, almost unknown to anyone, where there are a minimum of people, a minimum of personnel, and move marching to the bilhorod region to their concentration areas. what can all this do mean? i think that the enemy's goal is, first of all, to distract the command of the defense forces from more important areas, to make it impossible to use, first of all, strategic reserves that may be needed in other operational directions, and accordingly, the constant threat of conducting raids in the direction of kharkiv, in the direction of sumy will encourage our command to keep to the north'.


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