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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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the fourth army corps of karelia and , most likely, the 138th brigade of the sixth general military army will be transferred to them, it is interesting that all areas of the 44th corps are being redeployed. echelons arrive in the kursk region, unload at very small, almost unknown stations, where there are a minimum of people, a minimum of personnel, and in their course they move to the belgorod region to their concentration areas. uh what can all this mean? i think that the aim of the enemy is, firstly, to distract the command of the defense forces from more important areas, to make it impossible the use, first of all, of strategic reserves that may be needed in other operational directions, and accordingly , the constant threat of conducting raids in the direction of kharkiv in the direction of sumy will encourage our command to keep
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slobozhansk operational areas, a certain grouping of troops to deter this enemy activity. it seems to me that it is not worth talking about a large-scale offensive, there is not a sufficient amount of means. well , now that we have made a general review on all fronts, we can say that the dynamics of combat clashes is high enough, and against this background, the question arises whether it can be assumed that in the summer... there will be another, relatively speaking, additional offensive by the russian federation, or rather there will be a gnawing of our defenses in the directions that we are now talking about you have spoken. i think the big summer russian offensive is primarily a big informational offensive. in order to start something in the summer, the enemy will need at least 60 units for the operational deployment of the respective groups. this is not happening today. if the enemy it will be possible to achieve some
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operational successes, strategic reserves will be needed in order to develop these successes, there are also no reserves, cosmetic repairs of the facade of the russian government are currently underway, the inauguration of the self-proclaimed, i don’t know who, and accordingly, after the completion of these processes, if a partial mobilization, that's when, i think, in 90-180 days it can start... a big offensive, but so far i don't see whether such large-scale events can be carried out this summer, the enemy has neither groups nor material resources, nor the corresponding capabilities. mr. viktor, about two months ago, when you and i assessed the situation on the front line, we said then that we lacked two things, ammunition, and trained fighters. in sufficient numbers in the brigades,
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after that there was a quote from lloyd austin, who said that the way forward in ukraine will depend on the effectiveness of using the received weapons, which have already arrived, and the second - on the ability to mobilize a sufficient number of troops, so the question regarding our mobilization, what are we doing that is critically important do not we do in view of our most urgent needs. first of all, a note about ammunition, out of the 60 billion allocated for aid to ukraine, only seven, it seems there is something there, this is operational aid at the expense of the pentagon, at the expense of what they have in stockpiles today, this is our first priority need, which must be transferred immediately , everything else still needs to be manufactured and delivered to the front edge, it wo n't happen tomorrow and it's not a fact that even by the end of this year, huh. as for
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mobilization, our politicians have been successful have failed in everything related to this, that has not been done, first of all, there is a lack of healthy communication between the state and the population regarding the mobilization and defense of the state in general, the passage of military service is not orderly, the decision on the deployment of reserve components for the defense forces has not been made in time, not only the armed forces are meant, reserves are also needed for the state special services of communications, transport, security services, the state border service, and other components of the defense forces. in the activity of the territorial centers, procurement dominates the disorder, which has a tendency to worsen, in some military commissariats , the leading officials responsible for the organization of mobilization have been changed four or five times in the last two years, it is not possible to work like this. the problem with the training
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of personnel who, due to the limitation of some of their functional capabilities, state of health, from combat military units are assigned: to the recruitment system, they must acquire specific knowledge, this issue cannot be solved at the expense of independent work at all, it is necessary some systematic training, in the 14th and 15th years it was carried out on the basis of the ground forces academy, and it took a certain amount of time. people from the street, not knowing the national legislation on mobilization, are not able to competently and qualitatively carry out these processes, therefore... i think , that the problems are here, mr. viktor, well, as always, thank you very much for such, as always, harsh, but correct assessments of our current situation, our miscalculations, which i hope our government will correct after all, and we will really have
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in the near future combat-ready reserves, although this extremely not easy in our conditions, and thank you for your time, let me remind you that it was viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies. these were the main highlights of the military results of the day, more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i am very grateful to serhiy zgurts, i thank his guests for the conversation, and, by the way, i will quote the people's deputy of ukraine, federaveni, on the subject of the work of territorial picking centers. what a lawyer, by the way, he is this is about the case that happened in kryvyi rih, if i'm not mistaken, where a man died of an epileptic attack, who was taken to the territorial assembly center, obviously he was not provided with timely medical assistance, and the person himself was
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sick, well, it's unlikely that he definitely replenished the defense forces effectively and efficiently, but he died, and fedor venislavskyi says so, tsk workers will be punished if they are. to violate human rights, noted that such cases had already occurred and such workers were sent to combat units, he said on the air of one of the tv channels, well, actually it says a lot , mobilization is needed, people are needed to be sent to the front, this is definitely not a punishment, it is, well, that is, if a person died and rights were violated, certain laws and norms, rules were violated, well, then there is a punishment provided by the law, and because if a person, let's say, wants to engage in mobilization , tries to go abroad on his own or bribe border guards, or cross the state border in an illegal way, then he is not sent to the front, he has certain, certain punishment according to the current legislation, in our country, let me remind you, effective legislation that regulates certain
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legal relations and again provides for punishment for certain actions or inaction, so i think that here it is better not to wave constantly, you know how pitiful this is... well, that is, there is a violation, there must be responsibility, because such violations will be repeated, and we need people who will effectively strengthen the defense forces and strengthen our troops at the front, on the other hand, we definitely do not need people to bring, not to give them help, a person died, and it seems that we sent to the front, and we either live in the state or in the makhnov republic, that is, we must clearly understand and clearly see the line between artem revchuk and us, the deputy of the kharkiv city council, mr. artem. greetings to you, greetings from the studio, greetings from ukraine, glad to see and hear, i understand that the enemy is constantly, i don’t understand, i know that the enemy constantly continues to hit kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, there were enemy airstrikes in the city and in the region on easter, i would like to ask you about
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the effects of enemy attacks, from what i've read, fortunately, there were no casualties, but there were injuries, again as a result of an enemy attack, as of now, let's take stock. these demonic attacks are a holy christian holiday, and indeed the enemy, despite the holidays, on such a great holiday as easter, he continued to beat kharkiv, he does not care whether it is a holiday or an ordinary weekday, as we know, according to shevchenkivskyi the district just on easter was... hit, as far as i know, it was cabal strikes, more than 30 houses were damaged there, part of the private sector there, part of it is apartment buildings, there
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were no troops or anything nearby, this is a peaceful part of the city, where ordinary people live who drive and... go to work, and here, even on this day, such a bright day, on unfortunately, the enemy still strikes the civilian population. before that, as you know, there was also a hit at the enterprise, a meat processing plant, there was a big one, there was a big fire, it happened on may 4, well, almost every day, something else, well, thank god, today was not from a terrorist state, none attacks, i think it's probably due to the fact that just yesterday, as far as i know, just... they were shot down by a su-34, as i
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recall, that was just carrying out these air-to-air bombing strikes, and i know that, well , in addition to the topic of enemy shelling, i know that in borova a teenage girl was injured by fragments of a guided aerial bomb and five people were injured in total, but the demining of territories continues, to what extent... is it effective and is it still cases when people, for example, can blow themselves up either on mines that the enemy left there, or on some projectiles that did not explode somewhere, but still remain in the ground, and people carrying out this or that work, or just walking somewhere from village to village or across a field, or wherever people go, and people can detonate , or somehow more carefully, because of those stories when not only employees were undermined. well, given their profession , they have to leave somewhere one way or another, but local residents also very often entered
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territories that had not been inspected, had not been demined, and there was a risk that people could blow up very often there were cases when people lost limbs, there were also deaths, and this is a huge risk, how effectively and on a large scale the work is again, and whether there are enough technical and human resources, first of all, i mean specialists who would were effectively engaged in this demining. well, with regard to caution, i want to say, i want to point out that in fact, if you take it there, even a year ago, and take it now, people have become more cautious, having already learned from bitter experience that you should not go where it was occupied the territory is quite dangerous, it is the landings, basically everything is covered with anti-personnel mines, and as... they already said that in the agricultural fields, agricultural lands, there are mainly these
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anti-tank mines, and the enemy very actively mined all this, and of course that there, agricultural machinery falls on these mines and is periodically blown up there, as far as we can see there and in the mass media, uh, agricultural producers are no longer waiting for someone somewhere to demine something, they come up with some new methods. demining, even, watching the plot, there are cases where the military is somewhere already they borrow directly from the agrarians the experience of this or that machine that clears the fields there, just recently i was just watching the plot, but as for the speed there, everything is very slow, i know several districts there, not so yes... from kharkiv, who were released back in may of 2022, but
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still, all the agricultural land there is mined, work is going on, but as far as i know, there is clearly not enough specialists, is there even a queue for those specialists to demine this or that area there , uh, i want to ask one more thing... just a second now before i we're going to go to the underground schools, because there's a really important event that happened related to that, i'm now, yeah, well, the enemy continues to spread disinformation, maybe it's not disinformation, maybe it's just propaganda, spread, spread information that should cause certain panicky moods in society regarding a possible attack by russian troops is information, it is voiced: by military experts about how many forces and means the enemy has accumulated in one or another area, forces and means that may in
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the future be used in an attack on precisely the city of kharkiv, well, the local government also gives an explanation about this and explains the mood of kharkiv residents, of course we can only determine, as they say, the average temperature in the ward, because each person has his own opinion, his own understanding, his own fear or your courage or your stable psyche. in this situation, but in general, how does the city live and whether these disinformation, propaganda , hostile narratives about the fact that you will soon be attacked, run, hide, do something, or this, or it does not subside, will subside is only increasing, well, as for this ipso from the side of our terrorist state, as well as the impact on the people of kharkiv, well, i want to note that there is definitely no panic, there is a very heightened concern, because we know that terrorist forces like to attack
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civilians to the population it is just a holiday, for them it is sacred. the holiday is the victory day holiday on may 9, well, you all saw it there and know what they do on these holidays, the whole civilized world honors the dead and says that this tragedy should never happen again, but they say that we can repeat it, we can will repeat, you know that there were multi-million losses of the soviet union, including that the ukrainian nation lost a lot, so how can you say that he wanted to repeat this, i want to point out once again that the people of kharkiv. they are worried, a little tense, but there is definitely no panic, no one is leaving en masse, of course, business activity has decreased, well, it has decreased significantly, this is precisely what is connected, i think with these upcoming holidays and expectations, well, it is unknown that it
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will happen, but definitely there is no panic, the city lives and works, i am a little wary, but people all believe in our armed forces, the more so, i think, i have information that our armed forces are also preparing for anything, i think that the enemy will definitely not pass, no matter how much we gather there, because the situation not the same as in the 22nd year, when my brothers and i dug the first pit on the ring road of the city. there is no such thing anymore, it’s already a building-fixing breed, ugh, thank you very much, mr. artem, for joining in, thank you for your comments, i wish you success in your work first of all, and strength and effort to the people of kharkiv and residents of the kharkiv region, which really suffers from enemy shelling constantly, and from other troubles, again related to this. artem artem revchuk
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was with us, the kharkiv city council, and now we are moving on to another issue, we will start talking first about the fifth column in... the one that is sometimes disguised, sometimes not even disguised, now for a second, and we let's add oksano savchuk to the conversation, she is a people's deputy, mrs. oksano, i congratulate you, christ is risen, truly risen, and we let's start right away with such a survey, which was conducted by the kyiv international institute of sociology, a fairly respectable, respectable institution that inspires trust. and their many years of work in the field of sociology, that is why they can be trusted, so more than 800 church orthodox churches are still active on the territory of ukraine and 63% of the surveyed ukrainians, i.e. well , significantly more than half believe that the moscow church should be completely banned in ukraine, on the other hand, 20% advocate for the establishment of state
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control and supervision, such and such information, we will talk about the fact that after easter... people continued to go to the churches of the moscow patriarchate, where they openly pray for the man who blesses, as he says, the holy war of russia against ukraine, patriarch kirill, better known as kirill gundyaev, or patriarch peril, as he is not yet called, and this, and this continues, again in the third year of full-scale war and in the 13th year of russia's war against ukraine. what kind of gunpowder is there now, what is the current situation in the verkhovna rada with consideration of that very important draft law. yes and is it possible resorting to other actions regarding the prohibition of organizations that openly work in the interests of the enemy, we see this in those cases that are initiated against church leaders of this church and even in other preventive measures that are chosen for the higher hierarchs of the moscow patriarchate in
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ukraine. well, look, the draft law that passed the first reading and should have... it was introduced even earlier to the second reading, we still believed that we would be able to vote on it by easter, but unfortunately this issue was not on the agenda, and you already know that inflames the situation so much that there is a group of people's deputies who want to raise the question of the rub and demand that it be included in the agenda, and by the same token, realizing that we should mobilize all those elected officials as much as possible. who are ready to vote for it, so that they are in the session hall, fulfill their proper parliamentary duty and vote. we understand that the adoption of the draft law in the second reading... after all the redactions of the committee and the government, this is not, you know, such a magic pill that will change on the second day
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the situation in ukraine, and all parishes belonging to the russian orthodox church will be closed, banned, but this is somewhere in the state's recognition that this problem at the religious level officially exists, and there is a bill that will try to bring order to it even a little. i will tell you honestly, we do have communities that, for example, moved voluntarily, and there are those people who, uh, well, for example, don't want to go to the ocu, so they gather somewhere there, uh, but these people every time and every time it becomes less, but if we do not create, on the contrary - we see that the state does nothing, they have huge temples, then they will continue to go there, they will be zombified there, and they will live. in the illusions imposed on them by these russian popes, there must definitely be state intervention, unfortunately, in the verkhovna rada, you know, and there are still a lot of people's deputies who do not want to vote for it, that's
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a lot of people who among them are the eastern-southern regions, which do not want to cast their votes, although russia is shelling their homes and districts every day, but i i hope, i believe that if we ask the question a little harder, then still... there will be votes in the parliament, the main thing is to put this issue on the agenda and for the speaker to finally do it, well here it is really difficult to say whether it is possible for individual deputies have some common businesses, you know, when they talk about certain people who work for russia about spirituality, about some beliefs, i don’t really believe in it, i believe more in either recruitment or some business interests, and or i let's say on easter it was in mykhailivsko mykhailivskogo zolotoverkhom there were a lot of russian-speaking people. well, according to certain signs, it can be seen that these are people who went to the moscow patriarchate, but they calmly came to the orthodox church of ukraine, a huge number of people, stood in lines, prayed, blessed in russian,
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ukrainian, it doesn’t matter, and that’s normal, yes, when you come, well, everything is the same, isn’t it just a ukrainian church, and here no one mentions cyril and all his words, his actions and russia in general as a phenomenon, so for people there is actually no difference, but but for certain individuals, those who have a joint business or have some other interests? there is great, great interest in this, because it is, well, let's be frank, it is both big money and great opportunities, so maybe some deputies, i don't know, i won't name them, maybe certain bodies should take care of it, take an interest in it, is it possible that there are common business interests, common partners, some kind of connection, and then it is clear why people are, say, opposed to it, because you talked about the eastern regions, but i want to say that let's say chernivtsi region, vinnytsia region, there are simply a lot of churches of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, a lot of the smallest villages, there are three parishioners in that village and still there is a priest who is from the moscow patriarchate, and and and it is in western ukraine, it is not only, it is rivne region in particular, and in other regions, zhytomyr region, there are also many such
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churches, so it is not only a sign of the east or south of ukraine, but it is now all over ukraine, and by the way, in kyiv also you are right too it is true, we have a lot of colleagues who are from transcarpathian regions, from chernihiv region, chernivtsi region, vinnytsia region. and is it true, they still support the clergymen of this church somewhere, that is why they are everywhere, it is clear, i will even tell you, now it is very difficult even to straighten their shoulders, including in the chernivtsi and zakarpattia regions, the orthodox church, for example, because these connections are still very strong, and in the end, let's not forget about the pochaiv lavra and all the things that were allowed to be done there, when, let me remind you, the russians took away from the greek-catholic church at one time , it was generally a robbery, well, but it remains as it is, i know, mrs.
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oksana, i'm sorry for upsetting you, i i just have 5 minutes, but two short questions, one question, this is as simple as a wish from people who were very outraged by this number performed by quarter 95, it exists, continues concert activity, and there was disgraced first of all uniform of the armed forces of ukraine. form covered with blood, form in in which our heroes died, are dying and, unfortunately, will die, are captured, are subjected to torture, this is a sacred uniform, and it is a sign of patriotism, strength, and spirit of the ukrainian people, and in this uniform there were shameful acts committed by the people depicted there certain scenes that took place somewhere in one of the tsc, well, different things have a place in life, but this does not mean that you should disgrace the uniform, and in my opinion, ihor lapin, if i am not mistaken, is your ex-colleague, if i am not mistaken , again. but there was such a good initiative that we should give it to the verkhovna rada let's adopt at the level of the highest legislative body in the country, a law, a resolution, it doesn't matter, well, it's better a law about what already...
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there should be punishment, severe punishment for, humiliation, humiliation, forms of decorations, chevrons, awards, names of the very activity of the armed forces of ukraine , simply implement it at the legislative level, then there will be no desire, in this way, for these people or other people, somehow to use in their comedic, in their comedic actions, the armed forces of ukraine, who today buy us our freedom with blood. let's be frankly, please, in short, i will tell you honestly, in general, this war should teach us at the state level to be strict with everything that is called paraphernalia and military affairs, that is, we should be very strict with what is happening with the ukrainian flag, and the ukrainian trident, and regarding the uniform of a military serviceman, and including that there
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should be a ban on people who... are not military servicemen, regardless of whether they, what positions they hold, to wear this uniform, you you know, there is such a trend now, when even, excuse me, representatives of the government or some people's deputies wear something similar to this uniform, they just don't wear chevrons, well , aren't they the same thing, one employee of the president's office, excuse me, i'll see you, one employee of the president's office, even i don't remember wearing the chevron of the ground forces of the chitan troops, i wore it and sat in the uniform of the armed forces of ukraine, well, that is... this is wild for me and for many people who believe that that person really has no right to wear it. maybe he wants to be thought of as having greatness relation, but these are only military and people who, sorry, give their lives both for the flag and for the uniform, do you want, please, to the territorial recruitment centers, do you choose a part, or are you assigned a part according to your military accounting specialty , you go and walk in uniform, you will
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feel great, and also... protect ukraine. and okstanok, very briefly, now, you know, there are may holidays, many people will continue to celebrate may 8, may 9, who in our country also continue to celebrate victory day, let's be honest, especially people who go to the uoc mp, well, what will they celebrate. but here are these monuments, unknown to the soldier, i am again referring to the monuments themselves, they can be renamed in different ways, the liberator of ukraine from the nazi plague, you can call it something, but these are stars, they are everywhere in the villages, it is the responsibility of local authorities. well , after all, the law on decommunization was passed a long time ago, and actually, well, it could be done, because honestly, the monuments themselves, again , there are no questions, they can be renamed as the liberators of ukraine from the nazi evil, yes, just remove the stars from the soviet symbols, it could be done, but again, is this the responsibility of the local authorities only, who do not want to hide everything, they painted it with that silver or bronze paint, washed everything and it stands in the middle
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of the village. you know, even before the war, i worked very hard to ensure that we introduced the law on decommunization, that it was difficult to work with some communities, so we accordingly appealed to law enforcement agencies and the security service, which influenced the non-implementation of the decision according to the law, and in principle, after such appeals there were results, but today many people simply remove some plates or paint over them, leaving a memory. are afraid to do such very radical things, especially where there are mega-tall monuments, and i don't see the need to dismantle them . our appeals then, if you have fears and dismantle, i believe that local government should be more active, well, we have to control, in general
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public control works very well. well, in this situation, when we show, well, it’s in a different way, and then the heads, by the way, sometimes they still rely on the various regional commissions that they create for themselves there, as if the regional commissions should give them permission, because this monuments of national importance, the law clearly states that local self-government bodies have the right and opportunity to do so, so they should and we should force them to comply with the law on decommunization, thank you very much, ms. oksano savchuk was with us. confusion of ukraine, well, really, the name could be erased in relation to these monuments, many of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers went to liberate ukraine from the nazis and beyond, they went to liberate, then stalin wanted something to take over europe there, they paid with blood for freedom , and of course, many of them lie somewhere outside the borders of our state, maybe someone's graves have not been found, so this is an honor that should be the one, my grandfathers, great-grandfathers fought, so there is no question here, but these stars and everything else, well, we we must still understand what...


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