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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there live, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether you are satisfied with the work of the government of denys shmyhal, yes , no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own personal opinion, you can write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you are satisfied with the work of shmyhal's government (0800-211 -381), no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of our vote. next, we have roman tsimbalyuk, a journalist, former vlaskor unian in moscow, a person who worked in the russian federation for a very long time and saw what was happening in russia on the eve of the war and personally asked putin questions. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate sergey. i will immediately
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recommend your youtube channel to our viewers, subscribe to the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk, a millionaire journalist who has more than a million, 200 subscribers, please become 1.200 00. please become a subscriber to roman tsymbolyak's youtube channel. well, roman, the so-called inauguration of the so-called president, the so-called putin, and the owner of the warrant of the international criminal court took place. proclaimed the president of russia, that is, the first time, probably in the history of russia, for sure, i don't know if humanity, the holder of the warrant of the international criminal court becomes the president, the so- called president of russia, that's what it means for the world and for ukraine? in fact, nothing, nothing changes in this case, you can criticize as much as you want the conditional french ambassador, who received an order
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to go to the inauguration from... putin as president, you can do anything there, someone likes it, but now there are beautiful horses on the screen, maybe someone likes it, the question is that this person, she controls the power in russia. it is the center power in the russian federation, it has a nuclear button, well, this is one of the aspects why they will actually continue to tolerate vladimir putin. what he said and what he does, well , it is clear that he is a man of war, as long as he walks around this hall like this and these plebeians, excuse me, applaud him, as if he is not a god, the war will continue, well, this one must probably realize and... build one's life on
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this very basis, when the russians get tired of dying and killing, well, that's a big question, for now, well, it's clear what they have there for, excuse me, according to the constitution, so his hand is already old, yes a little more, he will still crack, but the nuance is that according to the norms that they have in place, they will now have a reshuffle of the government, how does he think this hen house now... will rearrange it a little, well, that's probably it it makes sense to pay attention, to analyze, but again, it is clear that all people, they will be imprisoned for war, to fulfill the will of this, not very healthy person, well, that's all, but what other emotions, the fact that it rained and snowed there , well, part of russia is burning, part is sinking, and no one is particularly interested in it. i think that we are not there much either, well
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putin inquired about his class teacher, asked how she got to the kremlin in such bad weather, well, he could have asked how she lives on the money he pays there, russia also pays these pensioners, she must be in her 90s there, if he is 71 , then she is probably well over 90 there, if she was a great leader for putin, but this audience that was in the kremlin, that gathered for the so-called na... radio of the so -called president was also a fairly respectable age category, that is there were no young people there, well, except for the shaman, that one an obsessive kremlin singer, but there , too, the audience is as if they had all come out of the mausoleum, i looked at this inauguration today and i understood in principle that this is probably the gerentocratic component of modern russia, it is probably... so
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close to what happened under brezhnev, and we understand that this whole so-called elite of the kremlin, well, they are not capable of anything else. to generate, that is, they are not able to lead the country there, or will it ever be obvious to the russians, or are they used to living in the fact that they are always ruled, it is not about age, this is not about ageism, but about people who are not quite healthy and not quite adequate and do good only to the tsar, well, today he has such an impression that today... they were also crowned and gundyaev said that by the end of the century he should rule, well, probably already in the kingdom of god there, well, somewhere there are some such associations, well, i don’t know, i have a mausoleum, the end of the century, putin, half-dead walk,
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half-alive, well, i had such associations, you had the same associations, what, what, what this public, it, well, it already exists, not quite young, well, you see... for a politician , putin's age is 70 years, in principle it is permissible, right away the question is what is going on in their heads, and really the question is not in the calendar, but in this biological one, and i am not just that's how i paid attention to his hand, because it depends on what color, with what light they shoot. putin, he is in a lot of frames, but some people perceive that these are doubles, triplets, but i think that serhii, you will agree that you know, well, anyone who has worked in television knows, that depending on how the exposed light will be displayed, a person can
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look plus 5 years, plus 15 years in the frame, but for such signs as wrinkles on the hands, the neck especially gives it away, well... we we see that he is a child, it is clear that this vertical is his, it is also getting old, and in his environment, that is , the closest circle, they are all 70 plus, but how much more can they drink our blood and among others the same russians, this here is a big question, here i would draw attention to the fact that there is ramzan akhmatovich, who seems to be visually alone the youngest of them, i'm talking about... kadyrov, but he so wants to go to kharkiv and odesa, but the poor guy himself barely climbed the stairs, so i'm a little worried for him, if only that didn't happen, we all want a maniac to go to the kremlin wall, but
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here there are such risks for others, well, it is clear that the problem is not in age, but the problem is that their main idea is... this one is wrong, they are declaring something to the whole world , that their meaning of their further rule is, it is hostilities, and hostilities, war, war, bombs, bombs, bombs, and this is both horrifying and scary, because when you go outside, see the blue sky and the sun, it seems to you that there should be more pacifism in the world. but all the grandfathers are no longer interested in anything other than this, and here is the problem, beyond all doubt, but here is putin, what he said there today, we will allow ourselves one quote that he
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seems to be ready for negotiations with the west , but only on equal footing, let's listen to what he said. we do not refuse dialogue with western countries. them, whether they intend to continue to try to restrain the development of russia, to continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or to look for a way to cooperation and peace. dialogue, including on issues of strategic stability , is possible, but not from a position of strength, without arrogance, snobbery, a sense of one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interests. what does a novel mean?
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he constantly emphasizes some russian exceptionalism, the story about the negotiations, well, it already sounds recent, i don't know how many 10 years, sitting yesterday. with cabinet ministers, he what he said, he said that we were taken for us, we were forced to start a military special operation, that is, a war, because we are saving, well, this is me, if i’m honest, the most shocking, they are, that is, manichella, with such and such, he has such and such movements, when he talks about ukraine, you noticed that his facial expressions become so aggressive, you can see that this really bothers and excites him, that is, on the one hand , they are destroying... to zero ukrainian cities and villages, with on the other hand, he immediately talks about
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what we are protecting, of course it is very important to him in a way, as he looks at me, and he is just talking about his - sick imagination, well , taking into account the fact that he actually devoted his entire political career for 24 years after the kgb, or service in the fsb, because he is on.. . tried somehow to subjugate ukraine, and it does not succeed, that is, he has already put everything in this life so that ukraine does not exist, as an independent state, so that there are no ukrainians, to make some president there, yanukovych, once tried. it didn't work out, he got two maidans, so for him it's a painfully obvious question, whether or not yes? well, it is clear that the further fate of this regime. putin personally is a person or not a person, but in many aspects it depends on
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what will happen next in the war, of course, relatively speaking, they are somehow doing something like this here, that they somehow defeated everyone and killed everyone, well that’s like one schedule, but everyone understands that this is impossible, in fact , his bias in ukraine is even surprising, because over the years, how much time have i devoted to these ukrainian-russian... questions, that's all he does, it just worsens and worsens and worsens, and now he has clearly proven the situation when we will look at them through the crosshairs, well, over the next generations, and this is all his work, but today even in russia they were considering putin's fifth term, although again after all, this is an illegal story, so they don't tell it there. about obnuli and so on, de facto he remained the head of state under
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medvedev including, that is, 24 years, and now let's remember, let's just remember those times, what was 20 years ago, how we treated russia, well, i just let me remind you that there were times when only from boryspil there were 10-15, and sometimes 20 flights that flew daily to the russian capital, respectively to their airports, that is, what are you talking about? such a level of cooperation, communication, business, whatever, when i worked in moscow in the eighth year, every week, some government delegations visited us, it was our largest embassy abroad, and it was all thanks to his schizophrenia, led to the fact that they were occupying ukrainian territories, killing ukrainians, but historically the goal... what he put it, it’s unattainable, they ’re reaching for a nuclear bomb again,
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they don’t like the ukrainian f16 now, that is, let’s just talk out loud once again about what we should be, excuse the idiot and cretin for putting this political geopolitical patience so that he killed, i don't know how many, probably tens of thousands of ukrainians, but as a result we are now switching to the f-16. moreover, we do it for free with the money of western partners, but someone can imagine, well, that is, what is needed to do to bring the situation to this level. well, actually, in my opinion, this speaks of his professional deformity, unfitness, he does not like the maidan, any person who has even a little understanding of the ukrainian space knows that the maidan is, of course, cool, but then... . as democracy, criticism, mistakes, stupidity, including the winners, and then the elections, and everyone
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knew very well that in the next elections , the so-called pro-russian political circle, which had unlimited loot, had the opportunity. get the majority in the council, to get their president, look at yanukovych and so on and so forth, what he did, he first took away all the beggars. population from the ukrainian political space, well, by occupying the territories, then began to kill those who were ready. to vote for a conditional wallpaper and medvedchuk, well, that is, we know our history, and we are critical of our country, it is what it is, but if we look at the fact that he wanted to somehow join ukraine, involve some processes, now it is simple made it impossible, made it impossible, and here they are, his goal will be to destroy the maximum
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number of citizens of our state, well , literally before... the so-called inauguration of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation and the ministry of defense began to talk about conducting exercises with the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, and the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation the federation says that this is connected with belligerent statements from the west and actions to put pressure on russia. i will read, quote, or rather, the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation of the regime in kyiv and its western inspirers should finally to realize that their reckless k'. while the situation is getting closer and closer to the accumulation of an explosion of a dangerous critical mass, we expect that this measure will cool the hot heads in the western capitals, will help to realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks generated by them and will prevent them from assisting the kyiv regime in its terrorist actions, as well as from involvement in a direct armed confrontation with
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russia, i.e. russia went to war with ukraine and now in... they are trying to say that someone is trying to attack them there and someone wants to use weapons against them, that is , they got involved in this military campaign back in 2014, in 2022 they went for escalation and a large-scale invasion, and now it turns out that they want to show the whole west and ukraine that we suddenly have a tactical nuclear weapons that are in belarus even today khrenin said that these... by the way, training will take place on the territory of belarus, regarding the use of tactical nuclear weapons, whether putin can, it is difficult to predict, but still, whether putin can go to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, or this will be the red line, crossing which he will simply receive a rather
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harsh response from the west, well, you see, the rhetoric of the west has changed a lot after all. and now , by and large, it is the west that draws these red lines, but to the question of whether they can detonate the bomb, they can or cannot, well, in fact, it is 50 to 50, but i am not a supporter of these approaches, that they will not do it, because this will lead to something and so on, well, we see that they made a lot of illogical, absolutely stupid decisions, even with from the point of view of the russian state, what they are now... hiding behind lukashenko, khrennin and the republic of belarus, this is all for the benefit of the poor and the sick, they will be responsible for it, because it is a russian nuclear weapon, and the russians and vladimir putin will be responsible for it, respectively, that's why sometimes it seems to me that they want it, well, you know, this is the west,
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they are still so very slow, and this way and that way, this wording is constantly in order not to... convince them that it is necessary to act more decisively , and when it says tactical nuclear weapons, well, that means it is the one that means tactical, as if so, i remember from the institute tactical, operational and accordingly strategic, strategic is for joseph biden, big long missiles that fly across the poles, these are just medium and short-range missiles, it seems that we need to ask the military here, but most likely, i am right, it is that what is flying to the french, and what kind of tactical nuclear weapons, well, these are probably the weapons that are flying to ukraine, or in some local areas, these weapons are falling and, i am serhiy , you will definitely ask questions so that the audience understands
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from military experts, but first of all we are probably talking about artillery munitions, there are... i remember again that we were taught that there is a 203-pion nuclear munition, there are also artillery rounds of smaller caliber with this nuclear implementation, i just wonder what this is all leading to, well , yesterday in the kharkiv region, they bombed one of our villages with a 1.5-ton bomb, demolished an entire street, and i am asking myself the question, if you count the tnt... and this is not a nuclear explosion of tactical tactical significance, well, just in case we measure by what is expendable, so it seems to me that we are no longer... you won't scare us if they go for it, well, i don't know, then let these americans, chinese, all the rest think about how
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to appease them, because by and large account, if they want to destroy us, i don't really care how they will do it, will it be nuclear weapons or will it be fab 500 or nine or so on and so on, so here we still have to look for some. military-technical answers to all this, a few days ago, roman, the ministry of foreign affairs of russia summoned lavrov, the ambassadors of great britain, to the carpet france and were told that british weapons would suddenly fly towards the territory of the russian federation, then of course, russia reserves the right to strike british objects on the territory of ukraine and outside ukraine, great britain did not comment on this in any way after that, in principle, david cameron clearly outlined the framework, which is that we
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give the ukrainians british weapons, and these british weapons will fly to the territory of the russian federation, the french ambassador did not comment either, instead the president france emmanuel macron considers nervous russia's reaction to the possibility of western troops being sent to ukraine and... that his idea of ​​strategic uncertainty works, he said in an interview with la tribune newspaper, strategic uncertainty means not to give too many details, on the contrary, we should remove all certainty , that is what creates the means of deterrence, russia's agitation shows that we are doing the right thing by leaving the door open to negotiations, otherwise we would be abandoning the international order based on law, as well as peace and security, so... i'm just wondering if putin will dare to respond to the british for the storm shadow that will fly over military facilities on the territory
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of russia, and this will probably happen soon, somehow it seems so to me , well , the following comes out of these statements: well, first of all, crimea is ukraine, and actually the russians themselves have confirmed this, because all these surface-to-air missiles have repeatedly flown into crimea, and ships have been sunk there , and a submarine has been burned, and the headquarters of the chfrf has been destroyed, so i will remind you that there is a very good smoke there rose above the city. in this case, the british deserve respect, because it was no longer the case that they were to strike on russian territory, he said that let the ukrainians decide for themselves, this is their weapon, they want to strike... don't worry about it, i think it's during the war, the only logical question, because it is strange when these planes from the krasnodar territory take off and bomb our cities with the same
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fabs that we have already mentioned, and if they are there, then they are in the house, no, they are not in the house, and this, well, this is military logic, with the french are also interesting, i think this rhetoric is cool, but at some stage, if it is not... confirmed by concrete actions, then the russians will simply, well , excuse me, start laughing, and that's it, some steps are still needed to do, and ours, you ask whether you are satisfied with shmyhal's government, you have a survey in the program today, well, i would honestly say that we don't have shmyhal's government, we have zelensky's government, well, that's how it turned out for us. but i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about the fact that our prime minister, he said that we are willingly waiting for ready to invite who is ready for us to help in any sphere, military, we
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are all happy, but it is still changing from rhetoric, let's just emphasize that as of two years ago, the things that we are hearing now, they were simply impossible, and now this uncertainty , well, i still hope that it will lead to ... some kind of practical solution, that in terms of nuclear weapons, they will cool down a little, and in terms of using all the means of damage that they have, and they use everything, what do they have besides nuclear weapons. well, macron uses all opportunities to convince sijin pinya that he should not give or export to russia any dual purpose goods. military assignment and siddienpin was in paris, there were talks with macron, and the head of the european commission took part in these talks.
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ursula fonden, she welcomed china's peace efforts. let's hear what she said. we call on the parties to resume interaction and dialogue, gradually build mutual trust, and support an international peace conference at an appropriate time, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peace plans. we support the development of a balanced, efficient and sustainable system. we agree that europe and china have a common interest in peace and security, we expect that china will use all its influence on russia to put an end to aggression against ukraine. the president played an important role in de-escalating the irresponsible nuclear threat from russia. i am sure that he will continue to do so against the background of constant nuclear threats from russia. roman, can
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china use all its influence on russia in order to put an end to russian aggression in ukraine? maybe, but the question is whether they will do so, you see, what our chinese friends and partners are saying, and maybe at some historical stage , the neighbors have such formulations that they seem to be in favor of everything good, but also against all evil. but i'm sorry, both ursula and macron, these are their words, what the chinese promised, but i haven't heard from our chinese comrades such a clear position in this case, that is, what he says, well as it stands now, it is not even clear whether china will be represented at the peace summit to be held in switzerland in the second part. in june,
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even this is not clear, and i do not think that there will be any sharp movements on the part of china, but it seems that if you measure the trade turnover of china with the united states, china with the european union, then this gives hope that after looking at this half-witted putin, he will think that it is better to trade than to fight, and there is... that may not be right away, but china's gradual position will be just in time on the isolation of russia, and we can already see certain steps, there are also bank payments, but you see, they have a common border, they can, well, find a way to supply it at all without any there, without fixation, of course, thank you, roman conversation, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, video blogger, a person
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who has... subscribers on youtube. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we are asking you about whether you are satisfied with the work of denis shmygal's government, we will look at the interim results of the survey, and we will have this survey in the second part of the program, 6% are satisfied, 94% are not. we will continue this survey. in the second part of the program, which will start 15 minutes after the news release from our colleagues at the bbc. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta poturaev, rostislav pavlenko and yulia klymenko. stay tuned to our channel, watch espresso. we will be back on the air very soon.
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putin took the oath of the president of russia on the fifth day. the pompous inauguration took place in the kremlin and in his speech he spoke about the dialogue with the rivne event. what dialogue what me? when putin is waging a war against ukraine, we are talking about it on the bbc live from london, i am yevgenia shedlovska. putin's fifth inauguration and six more years in power after what is widely believed to be russia's most controversial election in which he was declared the winner. the ceremony was not particularly different from the previous one. grand kremlin palace, putin.


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