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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] xi jinping, the leader of china, visited paris yesterday and the day before yesterday, general, and he held talks with french president emmanuel macron and convinced china to refrain from selling any weapons to the russian federation. macron, after the meeting with sidzin piny, thanked him for his commitment to get help from putin. let's listen to what emmanuel macron said. we respect the long-standing ties between china and russia, as well as the efforts made over decades to stabilize these relations. with given this difficult history, we welcome the commitment of the chinese authorities to refrain from selling any arms or aid to moscow and to strictly control the export of dual-use goods. mr. general,
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could the arguments of european leaders on china and on xi jinping be more... convincing, considering that they receive the lion's share of china's earnings from france, china, and germany, that is, could it be possible to press, roughly speaking, on sydzenpinya in order to explain to him that there is nothing for him to do in ukraine, that is, this is diplomacy, tough diplomacy, well, i wish... that their words corresponded to reality, but nothing and no one prevents the same china from selling components to the neighboring border countries of the former soviet union, and then these components will absolutely calmly end up on the territory of russia, because they promised not to to help russia, but they did not promise not to sell these components, so
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i will not name those countries there. not everyone understands which countries i'm talking about. well, obviously, we will soon see the reaction and actions of sidzenpinu, because of these negotiations, what were in europe during the last few days, will depend on the composition of the participants of the global peace summit, which is to be held on june 16-17 in switzerland. meanwhile, eu countries could purchase weapons for ukraine from ukrainian defense companies and quickly. transfer it for military support to kyiv, eu high representative josep borel said at the eu ukraine defense industry forum. let's listen to what borel said. we must be more creative and look for new ways to deliver military support to ukraine. denmark set an example by starting the path of direct
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investment in... the ukrainian defense industry, this is the path to follow, purchasing equipment from ukrainian companies or from joint european-ukrainian enterprises, this is an option that we will study together with the member countries. mr. general, we have repeatedly talked with you on our broadcasts about the ukrainian military-industrial complex, about its potential, about its capabilities, about what it could have done even before the great invasion, but did not do. how do you rate that what has happened in the military-industrial complex in the last five years and especially in the last two years, could we have done more than we have, could we have provided ourselves with the weapons that we are now begging from our western partners? we couldn't provide ourselves with 100 percent all types of weapons, but meanwhile, the lion's share of high-precision long-range radio ammunition,
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including the judges. we could do much more if there was a state defense order in the 20th and 21st years, and these things just depended on the authorities, but the authorities did not wanted to deal with these problems and in general at certain stages tried to freeze our missile program, which concerns the production of the same artillery shells, precisely under this government in the 20th year of the plant. transferred, who produced projectiles on a one-day work schedule, here are examples for you, the reluctance of the authorities to prepare for war, and in general it should be viewed not even as reluctance, but as open sabotage in favor of the russian federation, and over time , i think that these dots over and will be placed by certain structures under a different government, which concerns questions in general, would our
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defense-industrial complex be able to do something or not? what he could achieve, of course, but at certain moments these things had to be done covertly, without publicizing it, because we still remember the pir-actions of the leadership of ukroghor. therefore , when, later on, russian missiles arrived at enterprises against the background of which certain reports were made, i am not talking about the shameful case when the state audit service of ukraine presented the results of an audit with specific components for missiles of the design bureau luch and on december 26th they put up and on december 29th, on all the related enterprises that cooperated, by chance , russian missiles arrive, but if this had not happened, the results could have been much better, so, unfortunately, at certain moments , our defense-industrial complex, due to the incompetence of their leaders, is more engaged in pr than in the practical performance
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of their functional duties. mr. general, this year in february , the forces of unmanned systems were created in the armed forces, in the structure of the armed forces, it is clear that drones are now play back a very important role in this war and probably much greater than we imagined two years ago, but today there was a message that the government supported zelenskyi's decree on the creation of a separate type of troops in the structure of the armed forces, now the ministry of defense will prepare and submit it to the cabinet of ministers the relevant draft law, 3 months have passed, that is, in the conditions of war, are such terms justified when the forces of unmanned systems ee... are being formed for so long, that is, when they actually exist, but some incomprehensible legal agreements are taking place de jure, position, why so long? if the children
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of officials of the cabinet of ministers of the verkhovna rada and the ministry of defense were fighting at the front, i think that the issue would have been resolved in two or three days from the moment president zelensky signed this decree, and when their relatives are not fighting. and they absolutely sneeze, it drags into a long process. i will give you an example, three months ago, the number of russian drones used per day at the front was calculated at the level of 45-70 units. currently, the number of russian drones that are used per day is already more than 550 units, in certain moments even more. here is an example of how quickly the russians react to certain changes in this war. if we want to win this war. children , officials have to fight, we don't have that, and the officials themselves are not interested in this victory. you are talking about the fact that the russians now have much more drones than we do, and it is clear that they have transferred their economy to
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war rails, we have not, and obviously there are a lot of questions about this million drones, whether and whether these million drones are promised zelensky, whether something will change on the front during the year. but there is an absolutely logical question, how exactly are we to cope with the volumes that are necessary for the front, well, can’t the western partners still bring us drones and produce and do what, in principle, probably in the conditions of war, ukraine could repair the production itself. ukraine can do this, but for this, the enterprises that exist in our country must be taken care of clearly. a defense order with a perspective for one year, two, three, then the actual entrepreneurs, their leaders enterprises will be able to find both resources and new surpluses to increase the output and quality of these products, so everything again depends
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on us, and for sure, if the event can help us in any way, then by supplying certain components, nothing more, nothing less. well , the very end of our conversation, mr. general, what do you think, the west has already clearly decided what... it should do, well, our western partners, it means what they should do with russia, that is, whether they are ready for the defeat of russia , they are not ready for the defeat of ukraine, or are they ready are they before the defeat of russia? they are not ready for the defeat of russia, and they are absolutely not interested in the collapse of russia as a state, because the only thing that prevents them from this is not even the raw material markets, the markets for sale, which they have, first of all, the great fear of the fact that the huge nuclear... potential of the russian federation, uh, control over them will be lost, and then, a certain number of terrorist organizations will be able to get these nuclear weapons and blackmail, the western countries of these nuclear weapons, that's
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the very first such powerful uh, you know, fear, which european countries have, however, it can be solved quickly enough and simply by carrying out certain special capture operations. nuclear arsenals of the russian federation on the territory of russia, this can all be decided, but from our side, we must produce these things and deliver them to our partners or not? do the current leaders of our special operations understand these things, my number one question is: do they know about this, or do they understand about this? i'm not sure thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was major general of the reserve, the first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, former deputy secretary of the national security council, serhiy krivonos. so, friends, i remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms. and on facebook for those who are currently watching us there live. please subscribe to our
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to the youtube channel of roman tsymbolyak, a millionaire journalist who has more than a million, 200 subscribers, please become 200 thousand, please become subscribers to the youtube channel of roman tsymbolyak, well, roman, there was a so-called the inauguration of the so-called president, the so-called putin, and the holder of the warrant of the international criminal court is declared to be the president of russia, that is , the first, probably in the history of russia, so exactly, i i don't know if humanity, the owner of the warrant of the international criminal court becomes the president, the so-called president of russia, what does this mean for the world and for ukraine? in fact, nothing, nothing changes in this case, you can criticize as much as you want the conditional french ambassador, who received an order from paris to go... to
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the inauguration, or, on the contrary, praise him for his cunning there and diplomatic skill, and you can be happy with the position of the state of ukraine, which does not recognize putin as the president, there you can do whatever you want, someone likes it, right now on the screen, nice horses, maybe it will come to someone, the question is that this person, she controls the power in the russian federation, she is the center of... power in the russian federation, she has a nuclear button, well, this is one of the aspects, why will they continue to tolerate vladimir putin. what he said and what he does, well, it is clear that he is a man of war, as long as he walks around this hall like this and these plebeians, excuse me, applaud him as if he is not a fairy, and the war will continue, well, this you probably need to realize and build your own... life is from this, when the russians get tired
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of dying and killing, well, that’s a big question, for now, well, it’s clear what they have for, excuse me, for the constitution, it’s an old hand for him already, so a little more, he will still crack , but the nuance is that according to the norms that they have, they, they will now have a reshuffle of the government, how will he rearrange this henhouse a little now, well, it probably makes sense to pay attention to it, to analyze it, but again it is clear that all people, they will be imprisoned for war, to fulfill their will this not-so-healthy person, well, that’s all, but what other emotions, the fact that it rained and snowed there, well, part of russia is burning there, part is drowning, and no one is particularly interested in it, i think that neither are we there is no very much, well , putin asked his class teacher
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how she got to the kremlin in such bad weather, well, he could ask how she lives on the money he pays there, russia also pays this pensioner, she is probably in her 90s there, if he is 71, then she is probably well over 90, if she was a class leader putin, but this audience that was in the kremlin, that gathered for the so-called inauguration of the so -called... was also a fairly respectable age group, that is, there were not any young people there, well, except for the shaman there, this haunted kremlin singer, but there also the audience is like... they all came out, i looked at this inauguration today and i understood in principle that this is probably a er-erentocratic component of modern russia, it is probably so close to what happened under
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brezhnev, and we understand that this is all true the so-called elite of the kremlin, well, they are not able to generate anything anymore, that is, they are not able to lead the country there, or will it ever be obvious to the russians, or are they used to living in the fact that they are always ruled, this is not about age , we are not talking about ageism here, but about people who are not quite healthy and not quite adequate and do good only to the king, but today he has such an impression that he was crowned today. and gundyaev said that by the end of the century he should rule, well , probably already in the kingdom of god, there, well, somewhere some such associations, well, i don’t know, i have a mausoleum, er, the end of the century, putin, half-dead, walking half-alive, well , i had such associations, you had the same
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associations, what, what, what this public, she well, she is already not quite young, well, you see, for a politician... putin's age is about 70 years, in principle it is permissible, right away the question is what is going on in their heads, and really the question is not on the calendar, but in this biological one, and i didn't pay attention to his hand just like that, because it depends depending on what kind of camera, with what light putin is filmed, he is in... a lot of shots, some people perceive that there are twins, triplets, but i think that you will agree, serhiy, that you know, well , anyone who has worked in television knows that depending on how the light is set, a person can look plus 5 years, plus 15 years in
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the frame, but based on such signs as wrinkles on the hands, there, the neck especially gives it away, well, we see that he is a child. as it is clear that this vertical is his, it is also aging, and his entourage, here is the closest circle, they are all 70+, but how many more can they drink our blood and among other russians, this is a big question, but i would draw attention to the fact that there is ramzan akhmatovich, who seems to visually, one of them is the youngest, i'm talking about kadyrov. but he so wants to go to kharkiv and odesa, but sambidalaga barely climbed the stairs, that's why i'm a little worried for him, if only for this not to happen, we all want the maniac not to go to the kremlin wall, but
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others have such risks here, well, it is clear that the problem is not age, but the problem is that their main idea is wrong. they are declaring something to the whole world that their meaning of their further rule is military actions, and military actions, war, war, bombs, bombs, bombs, and this is what terrifies and frightens, because you go outside, you see blue sky and sun, it seems to you that there should be more pacifism in the world, but everyone... is no longer interested in anything other than this, and here is the problem, beyond any doubt, but here is putin, what he is today said there, we will allow ourselves one quote about the fact that he is ready for negotiations with the west, but only on equal terms, let's listen to
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what he said, we are not giving up dialogue with western countries, the choice is theirs, whether they... intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia, to continue the policy aggression, pressure on our country, which has not stopped for years, or to look for a way to cooperation and peace. dialogue, including on matters of strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, impudence, snobbery, a sense of one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting the interests of one one, a novel, and what... the whole world, who is the author of the wording, will not all die, and we will go to heaven, who is the author of the wording,
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and why do we need such a peace if there is no russia, in fact there are several of them, well, during the last years , he constantly emphasizes some russian exceptionalism, the story about the negotiations, well, it already sounds recent, i don’t know how many 10 years, yesterday, sitting with the cabinet of ministers, he said what... he said that we were led for us, we were forced to start a military special operation, that is, a war, because we save, well, this is me, to be honest, the most oborie, they, that is, manichela, that is, with such and such , and he has such and such hands, when he talks about ukraine, you noticed that his facial expressions become so very aggressive, it is clear that this really bothers him and turns him on, that is on the one hand, they destroy ukrainian to zero. cities and villages, on the other hand, he immediately talks about what we are protecting, and
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this, of course, is very somehow, as it seems to me, and he is talking about his sick imagination, well, i think, considering the fact that he for 24 years, he actually devoted his entire political career a career after the kgb, or the fsb service, because he tried to somehow humble himself. ukraine and he does not succeed, that is, he put everything in this life so that there would be no ukraine as an independent state, so that there would be no ukrainians, in order to make his own there, some president, there yanukovych, he tried once and it did not work, two received the maidan, well, that is, for him it is a painfully obvious question, or not, well, it is clear that the further fate of this regime and putin is personal. as a person or not a person, in many aspects it depends on what will happen next in the war, it is clear, if
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speaking conventionally, here they are somehow doing something like this, that they kind of defeated everyone and killed everyone, well, this is like one schedule, but everyone understands that this is impossible, in fact his inclination towards ukraine is even surprising, because over the years, how much time i have devoted to these ukrainian-russian issues, everything he does only worsens and worsens and worsens, and now he understands proved the situation when we will look at them through the scope, well, continuously generations, and this is his work, but today even in russia they were thinking about putin's fifth term, although again this is an illegal story, so that they don't talk about zeroing and so on. de facto, he remained the head of state under medvedev , including, that is, for 24 years, now let's remember,
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let's just remember those times, what happened 20 years ago, how we treated russia, well , i'll just remind you that there were times when only from boryspil there are 10-15, and sometimes 20 flights that fly to the russian capital every day, respectively, to their airports, that is, what does this mean, what is the level of singing. led to the fact that they occupied ukrainian territories, they are killing ukrainians, but historically the goal he set is... unattainable, they are not for nothing, they are reaching for a nuclear bomb again, they now do not like the ukrainian f16, that is, let's have another for
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once, let's just talk out loud about what you should be, excuse me for being an idiot and a moron, to put this political, geopolitical patient in such a way that he would kill, i don't know how many, well, probably tens of thousands of ukrainians, but in as a result, we are now switching to the f-16, and we are doing it for free with the money of western partners, so someone can imagine, well, what needs to be done to bring the situation to this level. well, actually, in my opinion, this speaks of his professional deformity, unsuitability, he does not like the maidan, any person who has at least a little understanding of the ukrainian space knows that the maidan is, of course, cool, but for later, how this is democracy. criticism, mistakes, stupidity, including winners, and then elections, and everyone knew very well that in the next
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elections the so-called pro-russians... about this political circle, which has unlimited loot, russian money, they had the opportunity to get a majority in the council, get their president, look at yanukovych and so on and so on, what he did, he first took everything about the russian population from the ukrainian political space, well, by occupying the territories, then he began to kill those who were ready to vote for the conditional ob'. medvedchuk, well, that is, we know our history, and we treat our country critical, it is what it is, but if we look at the fact that he wanted ukraine to join somehow, to be involved in some processes, then now he simply made it impossible, he made it impossible, and here they are, his goal will be to destroy the maximum the number of citizens of our
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state, and literally before the so-called inauguration. and the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation and the ministry of defense have begun to talk about conducting exercises with the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, and the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation says that this is connected with bellicose statements from the west and actions on incitement pressure on russia. i will read, quote, or rather, the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. the regime in kyiv and its western inspirers should finally realize that their reckless steps are getting closer and closer. lead the situation to the accumulation of an explosive critical mass, we expect that this measure will cool the hot heads in the western capitals, will help to realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks generated by them and will prevent them from assisting the kyiv regime in its terrorist actions, as well as from being drawn into the direct armed confrontation with russia, that is, russia went to war in
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ukraine, and now they are trying to... say that someone is trying to attack them there, and someone wants to use weapons against them, that is, they entered into this military campaign back in 2014, in 22 last year they went for escalation and for a large-scale invasion, and now it turns out that they want to show the whole west and ukraine that we suddenly what, we have tactical nuclear weapons that are in belarus, and today khrenin said that these, between others, the training will take place... on the territory of belarus the use of tactical nuclear weapons, whether putin can, is difficult to predict, but still, whether putin can go for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, or it will be the red line, crossing which, he will simply receive a sufficiently harsh response from the west. well,
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you see, the rhetoric of the west, after all, has changed a lot, and now in a big way. it is the west that outlines these red lines, but on the question of whether they can detonate the bomb, they can or cannot, well, in fact, it is 50 for 50, but i am not a supporter of these approaches, that they they won't do it, because it will lead to something there and so on, well, we see that they have made a lot of illogical, absolutely stupid decisions, even from the point of view of the russian state, what they are hiding here now is... it's all in the benefit of the poor and the sick will be responsible for it, because it is a russian nuclear weapon, and the russians and vladimir putin will be responsible for it, respectively, so sometimes it seems to me that they want, well, you know, the west, they are still so very slow, and
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so and so , this is constantly this wording so that there is no escalation so. on and on, they after all, for the event they will convince that it is necessary to act more decisively, and when they say tactical nuclear weapons, well, that is what tactical means, as if that is what i remember from the institute, tactical, operational and , accordingly, strategic, strategic - this is for joseph biden, big long missiles that fly across the poles, operationally it is just... medium and short range missiles, it seems that the military needs to be remelted here, but most likely i am right, it is that what the french are flying, and what kind of tactical nuclear weapons, well, these are probably the weapons that are flying to ukraine, or these weapons are falling in some local areas, and i am sergey, you will definitely ask the audience to understand, from military experts, but first of all
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, we are probably talking about artillery ammunition, there i am there again. i remember that we


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