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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment. and we were joined by volodymyr nazarenko, senior lieutenant, officer of the artillery of the third freedom battalion, fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard. greetings , mr. nazar. oh, volodymyr, gentlemen, forgive me, please. good afternoon, studio, good afternoon, audience, thank you for the opportunity. mr. volodymyr, well , look, well... the thing that is under the time ravine, well , it seems that on the one hand there are constant attempts to attack there and everything, but on the other hand it seems as if some forces are even accumulating, at least this is what various analysts who observe what is happening are saying, and the fact that yar is an important direction for the russians at the time says that there are concentrated
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airborne ... ivanova and the 11th separate amphibious assault brigade, i want to ask you exactly how you see, that is , troops are accumulating, you see this accumulation, are they preparing for something, is it going as it goes all the time, that is, there is some kind of dynamic in this everything? i agree with your first and second thesis, the situation really seems... it seems that things are going as they are going, but actually you expressed yourself quite appropriately, how can you characterize the principles of tactics, general tactics, the general tendency of the enemy's actions, in most cases we we clearly understand that the enemy's tactics depend on the unit, on the forces that receive this or that task, that have their own area, their own responsibility, to whom they received the task, in general, for days, weeks, and months, i will not be afraid of this. . and years the enemy received the task in the east,
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in particular, exert maximum pressure on the bakhmut direction. previously, they chose a specific population center and pressed, pressed, pressed, and all their actual meat assaults, technical assaults, all their metallobrukt simply chose a specific area and tried to advance there and simply left their forces. now for the last few months, actually since the beginning of winter, since the fall, since the end. including winter with the onset of more or less good weather conditions, favorable weather conditions, the enemy chose the tactic of pressing as wide a front as possible in many points, in many places, in many settlements, in general, these are hundreds of kilometers, generally northern, tens of kilometers north and south of bakhmut, these are other directions, such as kupyansky, such as lymansky, such as vdiivsky, such as again the southern sections of the front, and on
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all these fronts fronts, on all these sections, the enemy in one way or another uses his techniques, his equipment, his manpower to the maximum. storms are different, as generally infantry with the use of mercenaries, units there, meat units, such as similar assaults, as there were in 22-23 in the bakhmut direction, when the enemy simply tried to advance with infantry in small groups, small. groups are also trying to make conveyor attacks, unfortunately, the enemy is active and uses assaults using armored vehicles, on which the landing party tries to storm, tries to reach our zero positions and land, unfortunately, the enemy can again use several units or more than a few units of tanks on which the landing party uses the same, in general the enemy's tactic is to accumulate, to get to its zero line, because in most cases...
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thanks, i say as an artilleryman, our artillery units of our fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard clearly understand that when any attempts of the enemy to accumulate, concentrate, form some columns are detected, group, it happens in the rear of the enemy, and immediately we begin to work on these enemy accumulations, on these enemy forces, in principle, any target is a target that we have to destroy in the way, the way, i... which is expedient, which is rational, and the enemy pro in most cases can't even get to his zero line to accumulate, but unfortunately, again, those attempts to assault the enemy on which he accumulates, they are repulsed, and in general the tendency is that in a certain way it seems that the enemy has an unlimited number of reserves, replenishment, not even reserves, but replenishment. which they drained
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during one assault, waited for replenishment, it is sometimes a day, sometimes two, sometimes a week, sometimes two weeks, that is, it is quite difficult to say how long a particular brigade, a specific unit of the occupying forces. receives one or another replenishment, as soon as they receive one or another replenishment, whether in equipment or in manpower, they again try to run into a fairly strong, dynamic defense of the defense forces of ukraine. well, i see such expectations that we have to wait for a new wave of offensives, as if by the end of this week there is a little regrouping, as if there is some kind of paratroopers going on, and we can expect it. what they will try, well, first of all, probably in the ivanovo district, that's why the bridge is there was blown up, it is actually important for them, as i understand it, very ivanivskoe, because it prevents them from starting a wider offensive there at the time of the ivars, and the situation is difficult to confirm,
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because the enemy is trying to attack not only at times, in general, starting from belogorivka, finishing klishchiivka and even further south kurtyumivka and all the way to maiorsk vorog. is trying to press, i.e. dozens, dozens of sections of specific places, sometimes in one city, then in another city, sometimes one landing, then another landing, the enemy tries to storm, sometimes one village, then another village, sometimes several villages at the same time, several streets in villages where the demarcation line actually passes through villages, through populated areas, well, i'm abstracting, i'm not saying specific links there, but in general , the trend is such that the enemy is trying to press in one place or another and in general. .. depends, i.e. all units of the occupying forces, they were given the task of advancing, in particular, it is really, unfortunately, very difficult, a difficult situation under the time gap, the enemy is pressing, and we clearly understand that when the enemy tries to advance physically, that is, the use of armored vehicles or live strength, extremely
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it is dangerous, there are those bombings, that use of artillery that they use, they do not stop using artillery actually from... boarding the near, far rear, zero positions, unfortunately, they try to use, use also artillery, their fire means under hepter adjustment , not just to cover the squares, as they used to do, but to try to lead, i.e. to shoot aimed shots at the positions of the defense forces, there is a certain danger in this, so we , as the artillery units of our brigade , understand our responsibility in counter-battery fight, counter-battery duel. and this is such a gap between the capabilities of our artillery there and that of the russians, it still exists, or is the situation improving little by little, well, there they said a little less than 30 to one, even at one point it was, 30 to
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one was in the 22nd year, when the enemy was simply in echelons , batteries, divisions lined up and simply tried to plow through and, in principle, began to use this tactic of endless fire. vala, when they don't go for the usual assault battle there, first they plow everything, and then they try advance. recently, the trend is 1:10, 1:5, one to three, but here it is critically important to understand the various technical and tactical indicators of the enemy's artillery and the artillery provided to us by our western partners. soviet artillery is not designed for target shooting, in principle, all the equipment, all the military doctrine uh... everything that the soviet empire did, which was preparing for the third world war, it planned to overwhelm with quantity and again quantity, they believed that the key to their victory is the number, and we clearly understand even the thesis that by one
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tank of the nato countries, the soviet empire was preparing 10 of its tanks and understood that physically, no matter how technically equipped ... and prepared the tank of the nato countries is, it will still not be able to cope with ten enemy tanks at the same time, i emphasize, in fact, well, again, the tactics used by the enemy in artillery are the same, that is, they try to bomb simply by number. western artillery, which is provided to us by our allies, clearly shows that the maximum economy of ammunition and maximum efficiency are important, therefore, against... standing in a defensive dynamic fight, in defensive dynamic battles , of course, the parity of firepower, firepower, firepower is critically important, but another key indicator is the aiming, that is, the destructive power of this firepower, and here the western artillery models actually win,
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because they are much more accurate, easier to guide, faster, better quality and have better ammunition, longer range, larger caliber, respectively 155 there by 3 mm, but still larger, so one shot can hit the cannon even when the enemy cannon release 30 shells there or 10 shells or 20 shells, less than enough western artillery fire to suppress or destroy an enemy gun. mr. volodymyr, in general , assess to what extent we, well, we also partially use soviet-style artillery, but how is this process happening dynamically, because, well, is it really important for us to have a large supply of ammunition? do we have a gradual withdrawal of this artillery, well, because, well, there, the barrels
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simply wear out and are not restored, so how dynamic is the replacement process, so to speak, now there is such and such a proportion of nato -style artillery there, such and such a proportion is still soviet-style, we can somehow estimate it now, and i will give a certain analogy, when i am asked whether enough ammo, i say... enough ammo, it's only when it's sitting in storage and not being used all enemy targets are destroyed, or there are no targets to shoot those ammo at, then that's enough ammo, so is my model 37 - 37 years old i emphasize, just as effective 120- caliber mortars of 1938 are used by the defense forces, which, unfortunately, the occupiers use these systems, and already starting... from this , the weapon is used quite often, just as it was during world
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war ii is active, and newer, so everything that shoots, everything that can destroy the occupier, everything is used, of course, we clearly understand that for something there is more ammunition, for something less ammunition, but it is already so, so narrow details that should not be shared well, in reality there is no time, thank you very much, volodymyr nazarenko, senior lieutenant of tele. the third freedom battalion of the fourth national guard brigade rubizh joined us, well, our time is over, i remind you once again about the muster, please join, the qr code is in front of you, it is for the repair of armored vehicles, and stay with the espresso tv channel, in the end. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may for feny 15%
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cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. may 8, day the memory of the second world war, the memory of the millions of ukrainians who fought, the millions of ukrainians who survived and the millions who did not survive that war, never worked again. but we believe in our victory and remember all our heroes. may 8. day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war. taking the wounded from
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the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to contribute to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade. in the direction of yar times, congratulations. i have a unique opportunity to talk without exaggeration with a man-legend, one of the best goaltenders in the entire history of the national hockey league, as well as an olympic champion and a person who is definitely not outside of politics. domminik hasyk, next to me, is a world-
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famous personality and, in fact, the first hockey player who came to our country during a full-scale training session. russian federation, i am glad to welcome you to ukraine, thank you for your support and thanks for being on the right side of history. thank you, have a nice day too. the war criminal putin and many russian propagandists often claim that, as you can see, the russians are here in my home, in another neighboring independent country of ukraine, they are not at war with the civilian population. they are looking for nazis, fascists, people from bandera, they are terribly annoyed by the song batko nas bandera, ukraine is our mother, and can you imagine, they catch here in ukraine, even satanists, and i know that you have already visited such cities as kharkiv, irpin, bucha, kyiv, and you even visited vinnytsia, and you saw one hundred percent the
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atrocities committed by the russians in ukraine, and you probably saw them. bombed ice arenas, tell us more about the purpose of your visits to ukraine? i do not agree with the fact that russia calls ukrainians banderites and nazis, the real imperialists and war criminals are the russians, putin and the russian federation, which is committing ethnocide of the ukrainian people in ukraine, including ukrainian children. last june , i visited ukraine to pay my respects to... ukrainians for their ability to protect not only their country, but also european values, acting as a watchdog state for all of europe. also, one of the main tasks was to support ukrainian hockey and to support parents and their children, especially those who play hockey. i am very concerned about the development
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of ukrainian hockey, because i feel responsible as an olympic champion for the development of hockey not only in... what, for example, ukrainians feel and think here in ukraine, i understand, but i want to ask you, what do you think that europeans and czechs feel in particular, because for example, the distance from kyiv to prague is only 100, almost 400 km, and do they feel that this war in europe, which is ongoing in ukraine, is already close? is the war in ukraine and ukraine itself somewhere very far away? your honor is very aware of the fact that the majority of the people of the czech republic are on the side of ukraine, they sympathize with the ukrainian people in this war and actively support ukraine. the majority of czech citizens are in favor of ukraine restoring its 1991 borders.
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they also realize that the ukrainian people should not only stop. when i hear that russians are not interested in politics, i don't smile, i laugh, because the russian federation, the war criminal putin, his regime and the kremlin, they use not only culture, but also sports to promote their narratives in the world, we know that russians play in the national... hockey league and you are a sports legend, your voice in this world is important, do you think, should the athletes of the russian federation perform, for example, at the olympics, which will be held in france this summer, and at other sports competitions? i am very sorry
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that the western world allows russian athletes to participate in sports competitions, including the olympics. "i do not support this decision, although not all athletes participate in competitions, but allow participation in sports competitions for many of them. from the very beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, russian sports and russian athletes serve as propaganda for the russian war. it turns out that we, the western world, allow participation in'. world competitions for representatives from russia, this is actually a form of supporting their war and helping to spread the relevant narratives internationally. this war. leads to great loss of life, and i will remain steadfast in my determination and will continue my fight to completely ban russian athletes from
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all competitions. every time they take to the air during the competition, it contributes to the spread of russian narratives, supports full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, which in turn leads to the loss of human lives. not all athletes from russia support. and at the same time, i remember such, you know, pages of history, for example, the prague spring, this is the spirit of this revolution, and this resistance of the protesters, against the soviet influence, i
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also remember what happened before the second world war, even as civilized countries wanted, thought , that they will stop the dictator hitler by giving them territory, or, for example, by turning a blind eye to the fact that hitler is building up his military... machine. now i i hope that the world sees that the ukrainians are not going to back down and are not going to give anything away. europe helps ukraine a lot, but in your opinion, what else can be done to stop the dictator of our time, putin? first of all, it must be said that hitler and putin are very similar. and there is almost no difference between them. both were imperialists who wanted to take other people's lands in order to advance their interests
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and fulfill their desires. just like hitler and putin, indifferent to human life, people whose territories they capture, while they are indifferent to the lives of their citizens living in their countries, they send tens of thousands of people to war, death. the entire democratic world, including the czech republic, is helping, but much more help is needed, and i will do everything to make that help much more intensive, the goal of the western democratic world, including the united states, is to get russia back to its borders, so that ukraine once again reigns in crimea, and in this the democratic world will always be will be ukraine. nobody wants ukraine will always stand behind ukraine and dictate what it should do, it must be decided by the ukrainians themselves, and the democratic world
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should help in everything. what else can be done for what europe can do for ukraine to have more weapons in ukraine, more ammunition in ukraine, now in your opinion, what else can europe do? i feel that europe and the united states are together again, are again on the side of ukraine and will help. ukraine needs not only weapons that defend, but also weapons that can be used to attack the enemy, it is also not only help with weapons, but also economic help. macron's statement that france could send its troops to ukraine, it made a lot
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of noise, but do you even think that other countries of the european union could send their troops, for example, maybe the military of the czech republic could go into ukraine, do you think? situation, and it is impossible from a political point of view for european troops to be in ukraine. the czech republic is one of the leaders of countries that help ukraine not only economically, but also with weapons. the czech president initiated this aid in the amount of 800,000 shells for ukraine and will always help ukraine, with weapons and economically. we picked up on the czech initiative of the president of the czech republic petr pavel about one million art shells for ukraine. if you have heard or read about slovaks. despite
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their policies of their prime minister, people raised 2.5 million euros for us, but their government does not support ukraine, peter pavel has shown a great initiative, and tell us a little more about whether you support this at all initiative, i very much support our president and i think that he is a wonderful president for the czech republic, i also know about the situation with slovakia, with pro-russian... but at the same time, i am very grateful to the slovaks for the fact that, despite their power, they collected so much money for support of ukraine. i thank you for this conversation, i say with confidence, until the next meeting in ukraine and glory to ukraine, glory to the czech republic. glory to ukraine!
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glory to the heroes.
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ukraine is intensifying mobilization, meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men have settled abroad, some of them have already left illegally during a full-scale war, someone left the country 10 or even more years ago. now
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the requirements of the state for everyone... are the same, they must update their military registration documents. this step in itself does not mean immediate mobilization, but it is not in vain to hope that hundreds of thousands of men abroad will do so. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. lithuania may start denying residence permits to those ukrainians who evade military service. very carefully, assumed the prime minister of the country, ingrid. in an interview for the financial times, the prime minister of lithuania said that ukrainians may be denied permanent residence if kyiv proves that they evaded military service. at the same time, according to šimonite, lithuania will not arrange deportations and will not independently search for ukrainian men. that would be illegal, she said. šimonite denied reports that lithuania was helping.


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