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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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eye of the may discount on edem 20% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. hello hall, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, bringing to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. president of the european parliament roberta metsola came to kyiv on europe day. the visit was not announced in advance, so its details are still unknown. he notes that mytsola's trip to ukraine is probably the last. roles
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presidents of the european parliament, because in less than a month europeans will elect a new composition of the legislative body. and the minister of development of germany, sveniya schulze, also arrived in kyiv. the minister's visit is taking place as part of preparations for the conference on the restoration of ukraine. it is expected that the summit will gather about 1,500 participants in berlin, including heads of state and government. the conference is scheduled for one. and june 12. at once, two oil depots were attacked by unknown drones in the krasnodar region of the russian federation at night. the enterprises are located in the village of yuryvka at a distance of 2 km, one from the other - write the local public. previously, one tank was damaged due to the fall of a drone on the territory of the luk oil depot. however, they passed without ignition, but the tempe oil depot, where fuel oil is stored, was attacked.
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as many as seven drones, a powerful fire broke out there, which, according to the local authorities, was extinguished by more than 100 vehicles of special equipment, three tanks burned to the ground there. according to the ukrainian media, this was a successful operation of the attack drones of the security service of ukraine. the oil depots that were attacked are transshipment points for supply of fuel to russian troops in crimea. and it was loud in russian bashkiria, where famous drones attacked oil. processing plant in the city of salavat, which is almost 1,500 km from the front line. the local authorities acknowledged the fact of the attack, but at first assured that only smoke had occurred in the vicinity of one of the installations. however, later there was information about a fire in one of the workshops and the evacuation of workers. at the same time, the russian public writes that the drone hit the catalytic cracking installation. in... in kupyansk
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, kharkiv oblast, he died due to enemy shelling local resident the enemy covered the city with artillery fire at 10 a.m., the regional prosecutor reported. a 51-year-old man died of his injuries in the hospital. a 48-year-old woman was also injured. she was hospitalized. in sumy oblast , residents of border settlements are being evacuated due to constant enemy shelling. in the sumy district to the rescue. citizens were also joined by employees of the state service for emergency situations, the state emergency service said. a convoy of cars in which families with children were traveling was taken to a safer place. they were already waiting on the spot rescuers and psychologists. the evacuees were provided with temporary housing, and free counseling services are available for them. electricity supply will be limited in the evening in ukraine. as reported by the ukrenergo company, significant outages are recorded in the network during the day. shortage
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of electricity, shutdown schedules are planned to be applied from 6 p.m. to midnight for industry, but if consumption continues to grow, it is possible that emergency shutdowns will affect household consumers as well, energy experts add. two hydroelectric power stations were decommissioned. hess suffered serious injuries after of yesterday's enemy attacks, the ukrhydroenergo company said. they add, due to the destructive blows of the russians, the entire hydrogeneration was affected, and the destroyed equipment requires significant funds, as well as considerable efforts to repair and restore the facilities. russian hackers tried to hack the espresso satellite channel, but the specialists of our channel managed to repel the attack, and the russians managed to hack access to the channels of the star lite media group and inter and za'. the broadcast of the parade in
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moscow on red square - confirmed the chief editor of detectormedia natalya ligachova the same information was confirmed by the national council for television and radio broadcasting. ukrainian providers switched to iptv signal. law enforcement officers exposed a fraudulent call center whose employees defrauded farmers of over uah 2.5 million, the national police said. having a database of farms, scammers pretended to be potential customers. however, after receiving the products or payments for the promised goods, the fraudsters did not fulfill their obligations, but asked to... wait a little while, in the meantime, they sold the stolen grain to others entrepreneurs and transferred the received funds into cash. in general, the police conducted almost two dozen searches in the capital and the region, as well as in vinnytsia region, within the framework of this case. according to
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the results of the searches , mobile phones, laptops, draft documentation with evidence of involvement in fraudulent actions were seized. investigator of the national the police announced that five participants, including the organizer, are suspected of fraud as part of an organized group, and face up to 12 years in prison. leaders of hungary warmly welcomed chinese president xi jinping in budapest. the chinese leader and his wife flew to the hungarian capital after france and serbia. he is visiting the countries as part of his first tour of europe in the last five. sijin ping is scheduled to discuss infrastructure projects and the war in ukraine with prime minister viktor orbán. all-ukrainian literary event. the sixth all-ukrainian forum of military writers started in lviv. the participants of the forum
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will traditionally meet with readers and fellow colleagues and present their work art. our correspondent natalya stareprava is currently at the event and... she is with us live. natalia, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what is currently happening at the event. i congratulate iryna, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. yes, the sixth forum of military writers has already started in lviv. now the events are taking place in the lviv regional youth library named after roman ivanechuk. the presentation of the books is just now taking place. a military family, some of them are already in the military. unfortunately, the deceased, as well as their relatives , presented unpublished works, i.e in general, more than 20 military personnel take part in the event, but we can see that not only military correspondents, journalists, and relatives of military personnel also participate, the events
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generally take place not only in the city of lviv, the military personnel will also travel through the towns of lviv region, they will communicate with readers, t their selections, their debut publications, will also communicate with their colleagues, fellow citizens, some of the creations are not only about the war, these are also memories from 2014, of participants who took part in hostilities in the russian-ukrainian war, but also as the military writers themselves mentioned that during the war they write not only about war, but also about love, about family, about... everyday things, i will add that lviv residents and guests of the city can join the events for free, can follow the program on the page of the forum of military writers, but it will also be possible to join natama, because there will be fundraisers for military units and
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military units, and unfortunately, as the organizers themselves mentioned, some of the military writers or just writers cannot join this year unfortunately, to forum, because they died, including viktoriya melina, yurii ruf, volodymyr vakulenko and others, but we can see behind the walls, their photos, their collections, this is what remains of their memory, and these memories of them will remain forever . that's the news for the moment and i'll pass the floor to the studio. i thank you, natalya, this was our correspondent natalya stareprava from the all-ukrainian military forum. of writers, which started in lviv. and it remains for me to remind you about our important collection with your help. we managed to raise funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. these are two suvs for the air reconnaissance group and air defense forces, a pickup truck
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for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for transporting fallen heroes. they have already arrived in ukraine, but they need preparation for combat. service, our goal was uah 120,000, and thanks to you, our viewers, we were able to collect more than uah 100. so there is very little left to close. this collection and transfer the cars to the front, you have all the details now you see on the screen, let's do it together, just today we can close this collection. i thank everyone who joins in helping the armed forces of ukraine. that was all the news for this time, our team is working so that you will see the updated issue already at 3 p.m. you can read more right now on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media. networks and watch unique content on youtube, then meet my colleagues marta oliyarnyk
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and antin borkovsky on the air. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers. information day of the tv channel in the next few hours we will inform you about all the most important events of the day. marta ulyarnyk and antin borkovskyi in the espresso studio. well, there are a lot of events today. oleksiy hetman will be in touch with us now. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. we will talk about the situation at the front. an important signal was given by the spokesman of the khortyts operational strategic group of troops , nazar voloshyn. so, the russian occupier. broke through to krasnohorivka, donetsk region and sat down on the territory of the plant, but
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the defense forces blocked them. thanks to the efforts of our units, in particular the 59th brigade, the enemy was blocked and is still there. khortytsi's spokesman emphasized that the enemy is now cut off from the supply of ammunition. krasnohorivka and its surroundings are under fire control of the defense forces. well, the situation there is very, very complicated, but not only there, about this and about that, about... for the next few hours. additional information from hortetsi's spokesman, he also noted that the number of combat clashes along the entire line increased sharply during the day of the front, so he says that the number of combat clashes increased during the day, there were 146 of them, and before the battle 84, and of these 146 combat clashes, the majority fell precisely on the operational-strategic grouping of hortetsi troops, compared to the previous day , there were more clashes no. one and a half times. in this connection, the enemy intensified assault operations along the entire front line. we will
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talk in more detail about the situation in krasnohorivka, near ocheretiny in the pokrovsky direction, and not only about this with oleksiy hetman, major reserve of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, who should join us in a few minutes, while we are waiting for mr. oleksiy, i want to remind you of what is going on. our collection, we are currently collecting funds for a quad bike, in order to buy quad bikes for the evacuation of the wounded for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, so please join this collection, and in the meantime, we are bringing oleksiy hetman, major of the reserve of the national guard, to ether , a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. mr. oleksiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. to the heroes glory, i congratulate you. well, mr. major, the maryan direction, the situation in the krasnohorivka area, so just now we voiced a message from e. the spokesman of the oss in hortitsa voloshyn, and he says that the enemy broke through,
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but was blocked, if you did not hear us, then i will repeat: russian occupiers broke into krasnogohorivka of the donetsk region and occupied the territory of the plant, but the defense forces blocked them. thanks to the efforts of our units, in particular the 59th brigade, the enemy was blocked and is still there. marian direction, mr. major, as you see the deployment now situation? and what does this mean, well, in principle, self-reliant assaults by russian interventionists in the krasnohorivka area, well, you know, we constantly say that the situation is escalating in some areas of the front, well, it is escalating by and large along the entire, entire thousand- kilometer line front, the russians are trying to advance as much as possible, using, as they consider, the window of opportunity, although this window of opportunity was opened for them and... since the beginning of the year, that is, the window of opportunity, until we receive the necessary amount and
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aid, which is at least the first tranche of 1 billion dollars, weapons, well, it's not money, it's weapons, and that includes artillery, well, everything that is necessary, mortar systems, artillery shells, spare parts for equipment, everything that is needed for to restrain the enemy, so while this help is coming to us, well, it is not coming slowly, because well, how slowly, how much. perhaps the carrying capacity of the logistic routes, that’s how suitable it is, that’s why in some areas of the front, well, our military leadership also said about it, including that... perhaps there will be enemy advances, well, we have already talked about this with you, that during wars it does not happen that the advancing side, which is all the more carefully prepared for war, so that it does not advance anywhere even by one meter, well, it did not happen during of any wars over the last several thousand years there, because we
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have to withdraw from certain positions, and in relation to directly... and the fact that the enemy of the enemy managed to block, well, blocking is such a question a little bit, well, the question under question, how they say blocked in the sense that surrounded or blocked in order to prevent further progress, well, in any case, there is no further progress, but it is not worth saying that there will be no further progress. we all remember that they even said about the end of may, the beginning of june. but, well, maybe tentatively already in the middle of may, we can see how the enemy attacks intensify, what, what will happen at the end, when they, at the end of the month, when they will add even more manpower and equipment, well, there is a feeling, mr. major, that they can add more manpower and techniques, well, this is not a feeling, this is statistical
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data, at least 120 thousand of them were trained, somewhere in siberia they trained about... combat coordination, well, it was not even a course for a young fighter, but combat coordination, and that is why these these people will be added, they are already trained fighters, and how will they be added, well, there shaigu said that they want to form altogether two newest armies, maybe these people will partially supplement the staff of those units that suffered russian losses, maybe they will be formed newest subdivisions, where exactly will they intensify their offensive actions, well, look... well, if you look at the map of the deepstate itself, different areas are under pressure from the russians, now we are talking about marenka, before that we were talking about other directions, there about the avdiiv, bakhmut, and even the roosters of the zaporizhia direction, so it can
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be tentatively argued as an attempt to feel our defenses, to find where... weak points are strong somewhere, well, this is so very, very far fetched, because they, we know very well what russian units are conduct assault operations, they also know what units we have, they even know approximately the level of these units, because brigades differ from brigades in terms of combat coordination, in general, in many parameters, well, in any army, this is obvious, therefore i don't think it's a probing, it's an attempt to press, where where they focused today. the largest number, we already know that the advantage in artillery there is 10 times, the advantage in manpower is from 5-7, 10 times to 30 times, so it is extremely difficult to hold the defense, it will be necessary here and there leave, we hope that we will leave for the already completed fortifications, about which there was a lot of talk a month or two ago, now
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for some reason it has taken a back seat, and not all of us have understood how i communicate with people who are not ee , well, not in the armed forces, and they ask, what about the fortifications, there was a conversation about the first line, the second line, there was a lot of pathos and now they are these lines or not, or what is happening, where are they built, because if we leave , then we go somewhere in the field or to pre-prepared positions, well, if there is such silence about it, then it causes well... personally, i am not very pleasant, well, on the other hand, mr. oleksiy, why is it being hushed up, because it is most likely information that is not for general publicity, and it you also need to understand, let's talk about time, wait, wait, what exactly is not not for general development, whether the fort is built or not, i mean information about our fortifications, and what is secret here, we, when we tried
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to attack the year therefore, the russian units, we are... very clear deepste map, on the dvs map the so-called surovykin lines were drawn, and where they are, an analysis of their quality was even carried out, and a simple question, do you think that the russians do not have them, how to look at these fortifications from space or from other places, it is a secret from whom, the russians are great know and where they are and in what condition, or what the secret is from us or what, then it makes me even more excited. let's put it this way, suspicions, look, the russians wanted to seize time until victory day, until today, may 9, but luckily they didn't manage to do it. you, but we understand that it is a matter of time when they will reach this city, ukrainian intelligence even talks about it and they realize that, unfortunately, with the available resources that
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the enemy has, he can reach this settlement, and it will happen soon is it too late, if we are talking about the situation near this settlement, how do you assess it, to what extent the enemy there is still trying to enter the city itself? well, you know, there... there are already two microdistricts, but the new one is tazhivnev, as far as i remember their names, they are not far from these neighborhoods, and there they are, well, as they say, ours, well, let's still trust our official sources, and not what they miss, well, someone from bloggers or journalists, or even from people who are there, we are worth everything still stick to the official information so that you, well, yes, it seems to me that it will be correct. uh, the main intelligence agency says that sooner or later we will have to leave this city , why so, because obviously we can see
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what our forces and means can hold back the defense there, how much it outnumbers us numerous both in people, and in equipment, and in artillery, so whether we will be able to hold it, well, we want to believe that we will be able to hold it, but when the main administration dis... such people who have, well, much more than you and i, thank god, information about what is happening there, what forces and means are used by both sides, then it can be assumed that we will still have to move away from this populated city, which russians, we see now what you are showing on the monitors, well, we see that the city is already, well, the houses are standing, but they dilapidated, mr. major, would like to ask you about the situation in? kharkiv region, in particular, when we talk about a potential risk for kharkiv and not only for kharkiv, of course, this is how the enemy will prepare, and most likely the enemy is preparing for certain
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scenarios, which scenarios do you consider the most likely and in your opinion, what is being done and what is not enough should be done, well, i am sure, and we are here, accurate information can be done carefully, how exactly the city of kharkiv is preparing to defend itself in the event of a land attack, this information is not in... barricades or fortifications you can't hide it on the streets, but the actions we plan to do, the way we will do it, this is secret information, you don't need to, you know, make a secret out of what everyone knows, just what we said, let's let's not tell our story, well, we have traveled, now the group that is near kharkiv, it is not capable of taking any serious assault actions, because you can count how many people there were. russians were involved in the storming of bakhmut or avdiivka there, and there were 50, well plus or minus 50 00, now the group is approximately
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the same thing near kharkiv, but kharkiv is obviously much larger in terms of size and capabilities than these cities, and it will be practically impossible, not extremely difficult, practically impossible to capture it with such a grouping, the russians understand this perfectly, they are not as stupid as we would like most likely there will be certain provocations, certain tactical offensive actions, well, for now, if they do not strengthen this group, well, and most importantly, it seems to me that they are trying to force us to keep a certain contingent there in order to be in some, well at in a bad scenario, that they will strengthen and advance so that we repulse, i immediately want to say about those statements that 70 thousand russians will not storm kharkiv with such a grouping, this is true, but to think that they simply moved 70,000 people with their questions
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about the quantitative composition, and they have certain problems in this, if there were no problems, they would not announce additional mobilization, that is, they, well, what is the logic, they announce additional mobilization because there are not enough people, and at the same time nothing, 70 that's about a third of what they...wanted to mobilize, they'll just transfer it to kharkiv oblast, they'll stand there and rebuke, of course they won't do that, mr. major, look, they would open another front line, for example, along the state border, or they would try to use the same kupinsky direction, if we are talking about a possible, i emphasize, a possible kharkiv operation of the enemy, well , they still have to get there from kupinsky to kharkov, it is entirely possible it is possible that there will be an attempt to reach the coast. of the oskil river on the kupinsky, this is in the kupinsky direction, it could be an attempt to get to kupinsky, the evil one, this is the railway, which we
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use as a logistical route. our fighters are concentrated there, there are prepared positions, yes, on the right, there the right right bank is a russian mountain range and there, well, those people who are there, military personnel, well, they almost unanimously say that there is a chance by any force work this river, even a small one, there is no chance for the russians to be cut off, where they are... again, we are trying to guess where they will take more powerful actions, although for that, you don't have to guess, you have to see what they are doing, there are certain signs for the preparation of certain actions there in the defense, in the offensive, in the movement, and when these signs add up all together, then it can be said with great probability that it will be some kind of action, well, for example, an attack, if not all the signs are added, then most likely it will not be there,
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sometimes in one, well, in... out of 10, when signs appear, it continues, certain actions begin, well, for example, offensive actions, sometimes it is distracting, one case out of ten, well , so conditionally, approximately, it can be simply so that we keep our troops there, although again after all, given how many russians have, well, let's say, problems with mobilizing people, well, otherwise they would not mobilize, then keep a large number, such a large number of armed forces, in some direction and not use them, but simply keep them so that they were there, well, i think it's very similar a sad assumption. thank you, mr. oleksiy, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was eteri espresso. thank you to mr. oleksiy for the analysis, and now we are going to take a short break, we will continue our broadcast, before that i want to quote the information that
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is now on... the president's website, so valery zaluzhny officially became the ambassador of ukraine to great britain , well, before that , a decree appeared on the presidential website on the release of a meritorious person from military service for health condition, but with the right to wear a military uniform. we will not only talk about this in the next few hours. stay tuned, we 'll be back in a few minutes. respect traditions and be proud of your culture with. unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price. only from uah 299. men's and women's options - current trend colors with double sizes from 44 to 62. embroidered shirts are always fashionable and always presentable every day, in any situation, you will look amazing and feel
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