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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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accents and look at the facts that elections in the russian federation, or pseudo-elections, took place in violation of all rules, in violation of the observance of legislation, some norms, world norms, well, including that these elections took place, or pseudo-elections took place in the occupied territories of a foreign state , and that is, there is more than enough evidence to call putin... a self-proclaimed president, a dictator, or to come up with some other definition for him in order not to say that he is the president , in order not to talk to him as a president, as a full-fledged president of russia? well, you know, the argument of political realism works here, that if we all didn’t like putin, if we didn’t consider him a criminal from the point of view of international law and a warrant was issued for him by the international criminal court, but this person
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heads a state, the largest nuclear state in the world, quite a large army and potential, and it is clear that such a person still has to be reckoned with, and with such a person they do not want to foster contacts or the potential, potential possibility of such contacts for in order to avoid a possible direct confrontation between the russian federation and nato, and, accordingly, a possible escalation . nuclear weapons, well, also, i think that both the united states and france do not rule out, do not rule out the possibility of resuming dialogue with putin under certain conditions, when it becomes clear that russia is ready to make certain compromises, or at least, as their will be considered, let's say, in paris and washington , from the point of view of how this war will end, you know, indicative.
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the example of france, which on the one hand sent its ambassador in order for him to take part in this action, in the masquerade, the so-called inauguration, from another point from another side, let’s say, the french ambassador was summoned to the carpet to the kremlin, more precisely to the ministry of foreign affairs with a démarche for mr. macron’s words about support of ukraine, about the possibility of placement in the territory. ukraine of the french military, and here, on the one hand, it looks like some kind of strange situation, but macron does not call, does not talk to him afterwards, supports ukraine, says that he can deploy troops on on the territory of ukraine and even potentially for them to fight against the russian federation, but on the other hand he is trying to keep these communication channels open, the french and de gaulle traditions also play a role here, which he balances between. the west, nato allies, and
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in europe, and in the united states, and at that time the soviet union, now the russian federation, and of course that macron wants to play a more leading european role in the future in the settlement of relations with the russian federation after the end of this war or peace negotiations. it is clear that now there is no reason for this and putin actually, let's say this, all his rhetoric during the inauguration. and now that he is not going to abandon this genocidal war against ukraine, but it is clear that our western partners still hold the view that certain successes in ukraine may convince putin that he cannot end this war on his own terms, and therefore he may return and sit down at the negotiating table, that's exactly why macron or someone else will appear, who will try to... favor ukraine
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conditions to end this conflict, that is, i understand that our western partners do not want to close, conditionally speaking, these diplomatic doors into which they can still enter, the only question here is whether putin will remain the person with whom they will shake hands, and macron, and scholz, and in the future, biden is there or the next president of the united states of america. well, after he drowned chechnya in blood in the second chechen war, after he carried out aggression against georgia in 2008, illegally annexed crimea, we saw that european and american politicians shook hands with him, tried to solve their economic issues and thought that this mess that putin started in europe would work out for them, i do not rule it out. there is such a possibility that
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they will suppress him again, under the guise of a diplomatic protocol, with some other things, if they see that it is possible to come to an agreement and stop this war, well, let's remember how trump said that i will solve this problem in 24 hours, of course, that there could be such a situation where we can stay, well almost alone with the russian federation, i hope that the vast majority of europeans will still support us in the long term, not only the position of the balkan countries of poland, romania, but also northern europe and most importantly the united kingdom is very good here, which they definitely will not. .. to push ukraine to so-called compromises, that's it, but, well, what will happen in the future, how can hostilities return in the next few months, given that, let's say, a pause in the provision of assistance from the united states, it led to rather sad results
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on the battlefield, and the continued destruction of ukrainian infrastructure and other things, so we don't know yet how it will be... victory by the end of the year, that's why i understand that our western partners, they are now do not have the moral right to say this, and thank god they are not saying it yet, but i think that they have some kind of ulterior motive that it will be possible to agree on something with putin, when there is an opportunity to check or make sure that putin will fulfill his, say yes, our obligations, we understand that it is useless business, but you know that not... the conflict, the expansion of the conflict beyond the territory of ukraine, the reluctance of a nuclear conflict, they will push our partners, look for certain compromises, and perhaps a handshake will not be the worst thing. well, for now, our western partners are looking for an understanding with sidzin
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piny, who is making his european tour for the first time in the last 5 years, he was in france, talked with macron. and today he is supposed to be in hungary and meet with prime minister viktor orbán, the honorable meeting is taking place in these minutes, or at least already took place within the framework of his very first european tour. of course, both ukraine and our western partners are interested in sidzin pinya's position at the upcoming global peace summit in switzerland, which will be held on june 15-16. this year, it is still unclear whether china will participate in this summit, although china is invited to this summit, how far are the expectations of our western partners and xijinping partners, respectively economic, because germany and france are
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quite important countries for china , which conduct trade with heaven, that's how many arguments from scholz and... macron and european leaders, how convincing these arguments will be for sidzeny pinn. well, first of all, it should be said that the global peace summit, it seems to me, is its main idea to attract, to win the support of those who, until now, prefer not to express a certain support for ukraine or the ukrainian peace plan, and that is understandable. that we need the support of the so-called global south and china, india, brazil and several other countries are key players. i don't know how sydzenpin will decide whether he himself or someone will come, he may not appear there, because his position, it completely coincides with
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the russian vision and the causes of this conflict, let's face it, it is the united states, nato, pushed the russian federation to defend itself, and now the western partners incite conflict. there, instead of looking for compromises and so on, that is, this is practically the worldview of sydzenpinnya, he determines how he acts, what he says, and if he takes part in this summit, he will definitely be an advocate of the russian federation, he will clearly oppose certain points, especially the security of ukraine, will pull the legitimate so -called interests of the russian federation, primarily security, because just as putin does not like nato, so too... xinping does not like it either, because he does not want , so that alliances against china are created or strengthened in the indo-pacific region, and i don't think that when he met with macron, macron had any killer arguments to change this position, to change and to
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convince tsienjenpin that it is in his interests, so that russia, well, if it did not lose, at least actually made concessions and retreated. because several things are very important for china: on the one hand, russia is important as a partner, a junior partner, because they have an economic profit from this, and also, in fact, russia is destroying the world order. which does not suit the chinese very much, of course they would like to do it in an evolutionary way, to gradually change it to the chinese world, but even so, in principle, they are somewhat satisfied, and of course they are satisfied with the fact that financial and industrial resources are defense-orthodox complex of europeans and americans, it is now aimed at supporting ukraine, and therefore there are fewer resources to strengthen taiwan and america's allies. vynatykan region, i do not think that macron, that, let's say, it is in china's interests
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to retreat, in china's interests to make some additional efforts, to change its position, from the core points we understand that they perceive ukraine as a country with limited sovereignty, and by the way, it was the chinese ambassador to france who said that the post-soviet countries do not have... full sovereignty and that in fact, he believed, or rather, conveyed the opinion that the spheres of influence of the russian federation are acting on the countries of the former soviet union, and i don’t think that macron has achieved any economic success, now there is an anti-dumping investigation against chinese electric cars, instead, the chinese actually blocked the export of brandy, more part of almost... 70%, this, french cognacs and other drinks, also, of course, that macron tried
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to play a somewhat separate role in, let's say, in relation to the rest of the european union and the united states, that is, he does not want reduce trade relations with china, he wants to increase, on the contrary, he tried to lobby agriculture, but in the same way he tried to balance his desire. to get something at the bilateral level by being present and raising the issue of human rights, democracy, etc. during the meetings, and that is precisely why ursula fonberlein was also part of the program of sidzempin’s stay in paris, and by the way, well, last year, when macron himself was in beijing, also ursula was with, shall we say, his companion, but surely this will not lead to a change positions and a vision of china's strategic goals and that china will be actively involved in
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stopping this war. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, and we are grateful to him for participating in this program. we remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us there now, please subscribe to our platforms and also take our survey. today we ask you about this, or? do you support the decision about mobilization of convicts into the armed forces of ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you support the decision to mobilize convicts into the armed forces of ukraine (0800-211-381, no) , 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. next, we have oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the paria committee on issues. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. welcome, thank you for the invitation. mr.
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oleksiy, let's start our conversation with personnel rotations that took place so unexpectedly today in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, when oleksandr kubrakov was removed from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine, minister of community development, territories and infrastructure, and mykola solsky from the post of minister of agrarian policy. everything is clear to solsky there, he has a criminal case, and he himself submitted his resignation, although he should have submitted immediately as soon as this criminal case appeared, nothing is clear at all with kubrakov, because on the eve of his dismissal, kubrakov refused to report to the relevant committee of the verkhovna rada, he himself wrote on social networks that the resignation came as a surprise to him, but he was ready to report, always ready for an open dialogue and a detailed report on the work. ministries in all areas of my responsibility, the leadership of the faction and the head of the government denys shmyhal
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did not discuss this decision with me, i was not invited to the meeting of the faction and the specialized committee. mr. oleksiy, what is going on with the government, with the ministers, and with the monomajority, probably so right in such sequence, well, a complete mess is happening, well, they can't figure it out, the minister, the vice-prime minister, even kubrakov. says that he was not invited to the committee, the committee says that he did not come to the committee, all this looks strange, the result is the same, there is no subjectivity either in the government or in the parliament. all decisions are made in the president's office, a command is issued, this command is quickly executed, there is no systematicity in this. kubrakov was a favorite of president zelenskyi for a long time, when he was a favorite, he also became the deputy prime minister, and under him , the huge ministry of infrastructure and ministry of regional policy, various ministries, a strange
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unification were united into two ministries, many people talked about this, including me, but that's all, because kubrakov said that... our new next prime minister minister, now they don't like kubrakov, what kind of black cat ran between them as president, we don't know for sure, but she definitely ran, and they don't like kubrakov for some time, they would have fired him earlier, but let me remind you that kubrakov was one of those who are the so-called whistleblowers of corruption, which wrote a statement and then recorded conversations with two deputies from the verkhovna rada, one of them from the servant of the people odarchenko, the others... a deputy from the will of the people, who offered him a bribe and were detained for it, after that it was somehow not good to immediately fire kubrakov, that's why they gave him a couple of months, they tolerated him, and then they still kicked him out, and now they say that they will separate the ministries, and this is some kind of kindergarten, they united the ministry, they separated the ministry, just
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so you understand, this not such a simple process these are millions of hryvnias, these are months of time, these are the fates of hundreds of thousands of people. and it is lost time for work, and all this during the war. i am afraid of such a personnel policy, its complete lack of systemic policy, such a government policy is frightening, because there is no actual government, we today saw the dismissal of the vice-prime minister and the minister of agrarian policy, there was not even a prime minister, he didn't come at all, i 'm not saying okay, the president, the prime minister could come to our parliament and somehow say something, we... kubrakov came today, by the way, we must give credit to mykola solsky, he came, he gave a report, whoever listened to his report, that’s the story, but he also had a report and some kind of presentation, kubrakov just, well, one day he left at dusk, it wasn’t kubrakov after all, there is no kubrakov, this is the vice-prime minister, it's all very sad, mr. oleksiy, but these reforms, about which there is already so
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much talk about the government reform, that there is some center... decision-making, or not i know what it will be called there, the control center, i understand that it will be the same the minister of the cabinet of ministers to lead, tsup, well, what is this, what is this, well, explain to me, i have been observing ukrainian politics for 30 years, i have seen, of course, this separation of ministries, then mergers, then independent secretaries of state, then something else, well, that is, i a million variations saw what was happening. there is not enough , look, the problem of the government is that it is not there to understand, but what will this center do? well, it sounds like a complete absurdity, does not make any decisions, all decisions are made at the bank, which can be called though its decision-making center, flight control center, decision control center, well, call it tsup, call it
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cia, call it whatever, they don't affect anything. this is not the government, this is a department of the president's office, and the verkhovna rada is not the verkhovna rada, it is some notary department of the president's office, this is the reality, what is our policy, we do not have a cabinet of ministers , there is no activity program for four years, we have four has been operating for years without a program of activities, by the way, what is our economic policy, does anyone in our country know, i do not know, even elementary managerial tasks that they should have completed, building fortifications, well... at least one thing our government could have done, but they did not cope with this either, who is responsible for them, or no one is responsible, i can tell it's difficult, so when i hear that they will create some more tsup or change three ministers to five or five to four, well, that's all, well, well, the arrangement of this furniture will not change absolutely anything in this organization. mr. oleksiy, on may 20, 2024, how is russia
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now trying to... pump into its information resources, including abroad, they want to start a campaign, as i understand it, of illegitimacy, or to question the legitimacy of president zelensky, what can ukraine oppose to this, considering the fact that there is no decision of the constitutional court on this matter, and why is there no decision, well, in order to, well, confirm and say that we have a decision of the cc, look, no problem. there is no, and at whom is russia directing this campaign regarding zelensky's loss of legitimacy and what russia is now does not know with whom to negotiate or agree. well, by the way, this is a very serious story, at whom it is directed, directed at the citizens of ukraine, directed at the world, the task of dividing the world with ukraine, dividing ukraine
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from the inside and saying that there is no, well, look, if there is no legitimate government in ukraine, that is, itself ukraine is a so-so, so-so state, so russia has the right to divide it and tear it into pieces, everything is very simple, that's why it's a very dangerous story, and i want to address it first. to our citizens, no do everything like this, we have the principle of continuity of power, because we cannot hold elections according to the martial law , and until the elections are held, the current president performs his duties, he is the president, we do not have another president, you know , great, well, those who follow me know that i am not a supporter of volodymyr zelensky at all, from the word at all, but at the same time i confidently say that he is a legitimate president today, he will be theirs on may 21 and may 25. and so on, because we don't have another president, that's when we can hold elections after the end of hostilities, i hope that the citizens of ukraine will elect another president, but while we have volodymyr
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zelenskyi, he is our president, and we don’t have another one, and here are all these russian stories, narratives, they, well, we it's just those who, now i see it all there and spread it on social networks, there are many people who are difficult for them to understand, and many people, like me, do not like volodymyr zelenskyi. but you think, dear friends, further, well, okay, if zelenskyi is not legitimate here, then who are we here, well, we are the junta, then what russia says all the time, that these are some illegitimate people, that it is a junta, that you don't need to talk to them about anything, you don't need to listen to them, you can bomb them, kill them and do whatever you want with them, that's why it a very dangerous story, and for the world it is a dangerous story, because there they will disperse it, and why, and where is the real democracy and so on, what now... the second part of the answer, i said this for the citizens of ukraine, who are watching us now, and now i have advice and a big request for president zelensky, yes, he a legitimate president, but
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you cannot simply disdain these challenges, and he must clearly explain to the world why he is a legitimate president, why there is no junta in ukraine, and the best answer of the zelensky world would be if zelenskyy came out and said: look, the government of the national unity i created it, all parliamentary political forces entered there, everyone, and those who are ready to work, here i invite everyone, so what can be a crisis of legitimacy at all, we are all united, between the 35th and 45th years in great britain there were no elections and no one had absolutely no doubts about the legitimacy of their government winston churchill, but one of the things that churchill did was he formed a coalition government of national unity, invited the leader of the opposition. to become a deputy and thus no one, well, what can be the opinion, well, there is no one to divide, everyone is united, even israel created a government of national unity after the terrorist
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attack of hamas, and our president comes out and says: i have four or five managers , that's enough, no one else is needed, that is, i urge the citizens of ukraine not to give in and not to listen to russian narratives, but i also call on the president of ukraine not to play along, not to... ignore russian narratives, on the contrary, to give an answer to this question by creating and uniting ukrainian politicians, ukrainian, and thus ukrainian society. by the way, this would also solve the issue of the government, in which after today's two resignations we have five, five holes, we have five empty seats, that's almost half of the government, so create a normal government of national salvation, unity, and that's all, and it will work more efficiently, and it... will respond to all measures russia, and why do you think zelensky doesn't want to share, i wouldn't say power during the war, but responsibility, because power
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is responsibility, because i see, as far as i'm concerned, this would be the best way for zelensky in general, one person cannot embrace everything, and divide the tasks, divide the responsibilities, do not solve these tasks, you are still the main one, you are the supreme commander, it makes no sense to argue with that. therefore, use the energy of these people, give them the opportunity to realize themselves for the benefit of the state. and why doesn't he do it? i think there is only one reason, his own psychology. he is in his psychology, well, he already answered at this press conference, yes, and four or five managers, he feels like some kind of, you know, such a king in the environment, there are some four or five guards around him, and everyone else, so he is them does not believe, that is , zelensky, or the problem of mistrust is not so colossal. to everyone, but this, well, this is a challenge, it is a huge problem and a huge mistake that he does not do this, and this mistake is already showing signs, because in two years it was possible to do
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much more to unite. efforts both in the defense industry, and in economic policy, and in the construction of fortifications, well , how many essential key tasks have simply failed in our country, and even in international politics, look, we don't have half of the embassies, half of the ambassadors don't exist, so how is it, how can you work like this, well, by the way, about the embassy and about its appointment today, president zelenskyi appointed a diligent ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary , one great ambassador appeared. in britain , by the way, by the way, there was no ambassador in london for almost a year, well, this is probably an unimportant country, great britain, a member of the un security council, a nuclear power, one of the largest donors to ukraine, there was no ambassador in london for almost a year, well, thank god, it is finally appointed, i understand that oleksandr wanted to go there, oleksiy reznikov, i'm sorry, former minister of defense, but after these corruption scandals, regarding abuses in the ministry of defense, i understand that
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great britain did not really want to see... whether you are reznikov there or not, there was definitely an idea to send reznikov to great britain, but it seems that it still stalled at the stage in ukraine, and then, well, there are really so many different issues, so i think that zelensky also decided that, well, this is an issue here, and then there is the embassy in london, you know how such a gratifying prize, for whom it was not prepared and for... the general prosecutor, he also walks on the edge there, he can be fired at any moment, and for the current minister of foreign affairs, things are not easy for him there either, well and here is zaluzhnyi, well, zaluzhnyi had to be found, if zelensky after i really wanted to knock him down, but he really wanted to show that zaluzhny stays with him, that's why in the end it became zaluzhny, and that's good, i congratulate valery zaluzhnyi on his appointment, we really need
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an ambassador. london is an honorable legendary general and that gives him serious bonuses there, when he comes there will be a lot of attention for him, but on the other hand there are challenges here, the honorable is a professional diplomat, it's a serious job and serious challenges, so i really want him managed to make everything work for him out of respect for it, and not just for the needs of the state, because this is a very important direction, which is... today, well, it is necessary, it is not just necessary to close it, but there it is necessary to work very, very seriously in london. thank you, mr. oleksii, for the conversation, it was oleksii goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: do you support
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the decision to mobilize convicts? you can see the results of our televised survey on the screen: 77% yes, 23% no. we will put an end to this, friends, tomorrow at 20:00 we will have ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary valery chalilei, we will talk with him about the foreign policy results of the week and about the so -called inauguration of the so-called president putin, well, in the second part of our program... the verdict will be given by journalists kateryna nekrecha and andrii yanitskyi. let's talk about journalism summaries of the week, about what my colleagues have noticed and what are their conclusions about the last seven days. so wait, i 'm saying goodbye to you, the program will be hosted by serhii rudenko, goodbye.
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without tanks, but with nuclear threats , a victory parade was held in moscow. how it shows the general state of the russian military machine during the war against ukraine. we are talking about this on the bbc live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. this is already the third victory parade in moscow after the full-scale invasion of ukraine, and this time it was smaller in scale. compared to previous years. one single tank was exhibited: the soviet t-34, a tank from the second world war. he led the column of equipment. there were a total of 60, one armored vehicle, half as many as last year, when there were 125 different vehicles. the russians did not demonstrate any new developments, except such heavy combat vehicles, infantry, and boomerangs.


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