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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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provokes a wave of unemployment and high prices, i do not agree with this, it is a blow to polish families and the least protected citizens. well, there are certain things that change lives, but in ukraine today there is a war that can change and take lives in an instant, destroy families, take away part of the family, destroy the home, take away the future, kill children, so obviously there... we live in a world , where the changes are simply irreversible, and you have to resist it, learn new things, be mobile, it’s just protests, they won’t affect anything now, the world is becoming different, and i i think that in ukraine at least we already understand this, we are trying to adapt to it. the exhibition for the sake of life opened in the lviv center of mariupol, reborna, and it will be open until may 20. it is a unique artistic project of rethinking the vocation of arms. the exhibition includes military paraphernalia, including
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tubes and cartridges, which artists have transformed into works of art. visitors to the exhibition can also donate funds for the 25th battalion of the 47th brigade, which is fighting the enemy in the avdiiv direction. my first works were from my comrade from the 24th brigade, it is now near kramatorsk, if, i will not say more precisely, these were boxes. to er browning second to bullets, after we managed to sell it for 12,000 on june 28 of last year, i had the idea that maybe if i had more attributes, i would be able to make more money, basically my task find paraphernalia, wash and sell, if the most expensive to find, like where, where they can be placed and sold, i have two works, this is a reflection of the spirit of the nation, because i depict only dragons in my work, because it is... these dragons that
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live all of us ukrainians in the soul, who do not let us give up, who help us to wake up every day through all the tragedies and misfortunes, to wake up through all this horror and fight, and go further to our goal, to our victory. life as a feat in the walls of the lviv polytechnic, a solemn academy was held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the translator of the ostrozka bible. father rafail turkonyak. he made three different translations of the bible into ukrainian from church slavonic, greek, and ancient hebrew languages. above his most famous rafail turkoniak worked on the translation of the ostroz bible for more than 30 years, and in order to type the text in old slavonic, the father created a special computer font with his own hands.
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once in ukraine, the director says that he tried to create a ukrainian odyssey, the retrospective journey takes an evacuation route to germany, then to lviv, and from there to a basement in mariupol, all mentioned in a stand-up format. our performance, too, it does not, does not aim to burden the audience with the fact that, war, how terrible it is, we all know that war is terrible, but the point is how we deal with
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our moments of crisis, our mental traumas, experiences, where we find an outlet for our emotions, our feelings, and so on. in the center of the plot are four heroines, these are collective images of ukrainian women, created on the basis of real stories of people, tragedy and difficult life circumstances from the stage are shown with jokes. the audience is in the capital. ukrainians who are trying to improve their english and foreign guests who sometimes did not even expect to see a comedy is diverse. this is about recent history, so there's a lot of tragedy, a lot of trauma, and i want to see that. i mean , being here in the theater also adds such an artistic aspect to this trauma, so i'm really excited to see the play. do you know that this is a comedy? i didn't know it was a comedy, really,
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it's such an extra twist. this performance has already been seen in germany, where it was played on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion. the actors admit... sometimes it is difficult to tell foreigners about our grief with humor, but the audience understands everything, wants to accept it differently. they look at such people, as we say, at a serious borscht, they come with such faces, we watch a play from ukraine about refugees, it is a comedy, well, in short, it is very, very difficult to get them to some kind of real live reaction, because they are used to it , that ukraine should be supported with a petrified expression. our viewers. i do, well, i see from experience that he focuses more on funny moments, on funny stories, and well , first of all, because we already have too much negativity in our lives. pro english theater was founded in 2018. during this time, they staged 15
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english-language plays, five of which are still shown around the world. the founder says that since the beginning of the great war , the audience has been formed anew, because domestic viewers... started watching everything ukrainian, besides, the main task now is to convey ukrainian voices to foreign viewers. we now work much more abroad than in ukraine, because now it is very important to speak with foreign partners in a language they understand, and now you can't surprise with news, you can still do it with art surprise and break through, there is no protection from art. the play will be shown once in ukraine in kyiv. in june , the performance will be taken around the world, in particular to spain and the canary islands. a spoiler in the sad story of ukrainian refugees is the happy ending, which you will find out after watching. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. well,
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we continue our big talk and now we will talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuri fizer is next to me. the world about ukraine. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl. good evening to everyone who joined us this time, so about this, xi jinping is not interested in putting pressure on russia, ukraine will start receiving new shipments of american weapons in the coming weeks, and donald trump challenged joe biden, about that and more in a moment in the world about ukraine column, well, i'll start with this, russia is and in the near future will be the biggest threat to our common security. about this during a speech at the american university of johns hopkins, said german defense minister boris pistorius. but the head of the german defense ministry
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called the russian war in ukraine the most decisive challenge for europe. that is why mr. pistorius called on allies and partners to do their best to help. well, thank you to germany for this help, if only we, vasyl and i repeatedly emphasize this, if only we had tauruses, of course we understand that there are not many of them in germany itself, but at least a few, but today i read that france gives its scalps again to ukraine, they give very cunningly there, they
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write off old scalps, and you will talk about it, you will talk about it, i won’t, you just mentioned it, but how interesting, they will write off these scalps again, well that is they are not... they are combat-ready , you know, there is a sofa in the apartment, it seems to be still good, he wants to buy a new one, well, the french want to buy, maybe make new scalps, but we dispose of these with benefit for ourselves and with losses for the enemy , i think, and quite a lot, so we thank the french, we thank the germans, and that's it they would also give us, well, at least the tauruses that are already suitable for disposal, these are also suitable for us, i hope that they will give them in the near future, let’s move on, in the coming weeks, the armed forces of ukraine will begin to receive weapons and military equipment from the united states of america, we are talking about new parties, that is, in addition to what is already about it during the briefing, said the official representative of the us state department, matthew miller, while he added that the government
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of his country will continue to provide ukraine with everything it needs , that is, support for us. and further short quote from mr. miller from the briefing: what we can do as a partner of ukraine is... continue to support them militarily, continue to support their economy and most importantly do everything we can to help them get back on their feet, that's the end quotes, and at the same time... the spokesperson of the state department did not answer the journalist's question about whether there is already a decision regarding the use of russian frozen assets. when a journalist asked him about it, he simply said: i have no comment on this matter, i don't know, preparations are underway, i have read about it many times, but when will it be decided, because as we know, europe is now one step, two, three, maybe ahead of the united states of america in the matter of confiscation or rather in the use of russian frozen assets, now we need this
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solutions from the usa. any disputes between countries should be resolved exclusively at the table of peaceful negotiations. this was stated in a joint statement by the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, and the leader of the people's republic of china, xijin ping. at the same time do this it is required in accordance with international law and on the basis of the united nations organization, - the leaders of both emphasize. countries, and at the same time viktor orban stated at a press conference with the leader of the celestial empire that now the world has changed a lot and has become multipolar, but the pillar of this multipolar world is, well , china should be a drumbeat here. it is he, says the head of the hungarian government, who plays a decisive role in world politics and economics. well, maybe he could decide if everyone wanted to. we are talking about ukraine, of course, for example, if we take this tour of these dzienpins in three european countries,
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he came to france, met with emmanuel macron, and all ukrainians hoped that emmanuel macron would be able to convince sydzenpiny, but sydzenpiny continues to play his cunning game. yes, he made good deals with france, but these are purely economic deals. even some of the french media wrote after this meeting that... siedenpin even got angry when president emmanuel macron together with the president of the european commission ursula fonderlein tried somehow to sway him to it didn't work out that he put as much pressure on russia as possible, next, then serbia and then hungary, that's exactly what he wanted the most, he wanted to go in order to probably quarrel first of all between the european union and the united states of america, showing that no, look, there are people like victor in europe. orban, or as aleksandr vucic, who also want the table of peace negotiations. you know,
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one of the world's largest buyers of luxury products, chic from french brands, it's from food, drinks, clothes, jewelry, diamonds, it's in china, by the way, you can it's just that some certain things are not, well, again , and europe is profitable money, which china is ready to pay for many things, technologies, again , these luxury items and many other things to invest money. everything is in real estate there, but what sisipin is winning now, here he buys wood in russia cheaper than the cost price, oil, gas, all these things, here he buys what he wants, well, in any case, playing this kind of game sooner or later you can lose too, i understand that this is obviously a wise man, xijin pin, but, well, whatever you was playing with fire, yes, absolutely, and what i said about the fact that sydzenpin is not determined to put pressure on russia, does not want to, even, i would say so, was confirmed by the leader. eu diplomat josep borel in an interview with the spanish rtve radio station, he
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said that china is not interested in influencing russia on the issue of the war in ukraine, according to the top european diplomat, it would be easier to end all support for ukraine, leaving ukraine without the ability to resist russian aggression. but then, says mr. borel, other problems and risks arise, and namely: a puppet government may appear in kyiv, russian troops will approach... the border with poland, besides, russia will fully control the grain corridor, so, says the main european diplomat, ukraine must continue to be supported until the conditions for peace are met agreement, and until ukrainians can defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity. does xidianping know about this? definitely knows why he doesn't do what he needed to do in this situation, given that he has repeatedly. emphasized how he is for world peace, because he continues to play his only-he-only-known
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-sidzenpin game, unfortunately. the chances of peace negotiations between ukraine and russia, and this is a completely different opinion, are slim, but one can always hope. such a statement was made by the president of finland , alexander stup, in an interview with the german publication frankfurter allgemeig. he also expressed hope that next week of the 25th year it will be possible to get closer to negotiations, but for now, the finnish leader is convinced, the only way to peace is through the battlefield and support ukraine, precisely for this... allies should make maximum efforts to jointly help ukraine repel the russian onslaught. at the same time, alexander stup also emphasized that the path to peace must start somewhere, and a good start could be the peace summit in switzerland, scheduled for june 15-16 this year, but let's listen to the president of finland directly
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. in order for peace to become possible, you are needed. fulfill a number of conditions, one of which is the return of the territory. i understand that for this is the central question for zelenskyi. strict security guarantees are also needed, for example, within the framework of membership in the eu or nato. we also need justice, i.e. prosecution of war criminals, and finally reconstruction. ukraine's path to nato membership is irreversible. putin must realize that his attack on ukraine has failed. and what exactly is he under. led ukraine to membership in the european union and the north atlantic alliance? well, putin must understand it, putin will understand it, but for now there is such a position from the side sit down, this understanding is postponed for some time, perhaps not even determined for us, unfortunately. russia currently has neither the intention nor the ability to attack one of
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the nato member states. the deputy general said this the day before in romania. but at the same time he advised not to be complacent, since the kremlin leadership is waging against the bloc, further quote, mr. deputy: a total hybrid war, and at the same time, the danger from it can be very serious, since russia is waging it in various spheres. at the same time, the deputy secretary general of nato also assured that his organization is preparing for this. mr. mircea juvane says that for... the north atlantic alliance is in the process of adaptation and transformation, in particular due to the increase in military production. you know, by the way, here i thought about china, the one who now thinks that he will beat everyone, well, at least the leadership of china, in any case, well, you think that you are now accumulating resources, some technologies, you will win geopolitically something, but
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why in any case he should understand, i i think xijin pin too, well, putin is absolutely not a predictable monster, well... it is clearly understood, this is a monster that has been fighting for the third year in a full-scale war, before that syria, before that georgia, well, putin is withdrawing troops from ukraine, collects all these things that have learned to fight and attacks, for example , china, well, that is, in this world you can't think that you are the most cunning, you beat everyone, because you are sitting there on a golden throne in the sky and you think that i am the smartest , well, i think that i think, no no, i'm just saying that sooner or later fate can play a bad joke with anyone, and when you think you've outsmarted everyone, well... it doesn't happen in this story, it doesn't happen, so it's probably necessary to make a decision now in the interests of the truth and, in the interests of peace, because in a peaceful situation there is always it is possible to decide something when there is a war, well, it is very difficult, yes, well, we are moving on, in poland they plan to create a constitutional commission to investigate the possible russian and belarusian influence in the country, that is, in poland.
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the prime minister of the country, donald tusk, said this today during the appointment ceremony of the new minister internal affairs, while the head of the polish government clarified that the draft law on the creation of such a commission is already ready, now it must first be passed through the collegium on special services, and then approved in the diet and senate. i wonder how long this approval will take, considering that in poland, unfortunately, there are people who can block it, i mean in the highest legislative body. donald trump challenges joe biden 40. the president of the united states of america offered the current leader states to hold pre-election debates and not anywhere, but in the white house itself. he said this during a video message that he posted on his page in his own social network truth social. according to him, during the debate, he intends to discuss with biden the influx of millions of migrants, the decline of the economy, inflation and energy prices.
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joe biden has already responded to this offer from his likely rival in the election, but with... he did it with only two words, organize it, or was it an order to his subordinates until is not clear, so it is unclear whether this debate will take place. and finally, in russia, hot celebrations continue on the occasion of the so -called sabbath of pabedabesiya, which they celebrated there the day before. tonight , unknown drones friendly to ukraine hit fuel tanks at an oil refinery in the kaluga region. local media reported a fire in four tanks. eyewitnesses also reported that the explosions rang out around 1 a.m. local time, which, unfortunately,... runs with kyiv, how much was burned and why it caught fire, the local authorities do not say, but as we can see, it burned well and will continue
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to burn, since our drones can now fly far. well, that's all for me, for today, after all, this week in the column world about ukraine, i will meet with you already on monday, but don't switch, because there is still a lot of interesting things on our air. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. tells the main thing is on weekdays at 9:00.
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verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion. on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. well, we're moving on, and now it's time for the economic of the results of the week oleksandr morchivka has prepared the most important things for you, and of course, he will tell you in detail, not only tell, but also show. good evening, oleksandra, please, good evening, vasyl, i greet the audience, of course, on the agenda is energy, about her. i will tell in detail about her and not only, wait, everything in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is
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a column about money during the war. and today , power outage schedules have been introduced in kyiv for industry and business. well, it's due to a difficult situation, she took place in the energy system of the entire country, reported the capital city military administration. restrictions have already started to apply from 6 p.m., will last until 7-0 a.m., residents of the capital do not turn off the lights, they do not turn them off, but the authorities still ask to save electricity, especially in peak evening hours and not to turn on complex devices unnecessarily, for example, such as a kettle, a toaster, a mixer, well , this is of course a difficult load on the network, and despite this, the government is trying to... financially support the restoration of our system, of course, thanks to international funds, so here is the cabinet of ministers today allocated more than 7 billion hryvnias for
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the restoration of the energy system, which was damaged as a result of russian attacks. these funds will be used to purchase equipment to restore high-voltage networks, as well as to better synchronize our system with the european energy system, prime minister denys shmehal said. he added that the situation is difficult now in the industry, and network and generation repairs are ongoing around the clock, and the headquarters for preparing for the next heating season is already working almost around the clock. the energy efficiency fund launched the program "green diam". condominiums can receive compensation of up to uah 1 million for the installation of solar power plants and up to uah 2 million for installation. heat pumps for heating. accordingly, the nkrkp decided that new generating units will be connected to electric grids according to a simplified procedure.
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and without paying the rate for joining, well, here is an interesting initiative announced by the head of the government, in particular, the energy efficiency fund will somehow support condominiums by compensating part of the funds to the association of citizens of multi-apartment houses that will install, for example, solar panels or heat pumps will purchase really expensive equipment, but it will help save electricity, and if we talk further... about energy, despite network restoration, network financing through grant funds, the cabinet of ministers is discussing also increasing electricity tariffs, this is one of the options to get resources to restore the industry after enemy attacks, deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk informed about this. currently, there is a significant shortage of electricity, well, it really already leads to blackouts
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. in particular, among industry, among business, well, this situation is currently being analyzed by the government, but in fact, from time to time such information leaks appear from the cabinet of ministers, they say, get ready, the electricity tariffs will increase, well, with this information, we ordinary consumers are already being led to increase the price of kilowatts . i think that next week we, perhaps we will involve experts, will talk about what debts are currently due to pay for electricity, because it is possible to increase, but the question is... so how is it will be covered by the population, how will these debts be paid, because they can only become bigger because of that, nothing will change significantly, that is, a very difficult question, indeed, the increase in the price of electricity or water will not change much, if people do not simply grow, and our economy well, it’s growing there, we talk about it, but people have more money, i understand that many people don’t have it, and that’s why it’s really a difficult topic, it needs to be analyzed, maybe we’ll invite
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representatives of the national government that regulates the electricity market, maybe they’ll try u.s to explain the formation of this tariff and what discussions in the commission are currently ongoing, but naftogaz plans to accumulate at least 13 billion cubic meters of its own fuel, the head of the company, oleksiy chernyshov, said. currently , more than 8 billion cubic meters are stored in underground gas storages, taking into account that ukrainian mining is increasing production and consumer needs. they hope to ensure in the next heating season precisely at the expense of our energy resource. let me remind you that at the beginning of the year, ukrgazvydobuvannya increased production by 12%, this is a large indicator, if compare with the beginning of last year. gas production is traditionally highest in the east of the country, but the west and central regions are also seeing rising numbers. well, i will not
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dwell on... information about the green house program, which the prime minister has already mentioned, regarding osb compensation, the amount of money for the installation of heat pumps, pumps, but i will move on to the growth of the economy, in particular international trade, ukraine will cancel tariffs on more than 90% of industrial goods with turkey, this is provided for by the draft law on the ratification of the free trade agreement between states, this week tax. this document was submitted to the verkhovna rada, prime minister denys shmyhal said that turkey is now among the five main trade partners of our country, therefore this agreement creates new opportunities for business, of course, these are new markets, new gains, new revenues to the state budget and investments, well, it is clear that, in general, all this will be combined with the growth of our gross domestic product, and the verkhovna
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rada. this week supported the second reading of the anti-black bill grain and the non-return of foreign exchange revenue, the deputies decided to introduce a new mechanism, which provides for the registration of tax invoices for operations on the export of agricultural products, well, this should be done exclusively by vat payers. that is, if you explain what the essence of this initiative is, that company, that exporter that is not, is not registered as a vat payer, well, simply not... can take its grain for sale abroad of our country, and this week also another one amendment, which provided for the establishment of a 14% value added tax rate for agricultural export was not supported by the deputies, at one time it was criticized by industry associations, well, let's...


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