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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well , norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with we are september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, news the tape informs about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at
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espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. as promised, in our studio is a very special and important guest for us, zoya kazanzhyr, journalist and writer, mrs. i congratulate you, good morning, welcome to lviv, i'm glad you came, but i'll start by asking about odesa, because actually every day we ask how odesa spent the night, how odesa lives, and according to your observations, how odesa has changed over the past two years and also , if possible in those 10 years, because in fact 10 years ago all these events also took place there, on may 2 in odesa, it will surely be a sad day for a long, long time to come. you know, we would not speak in
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the context of a sad day, and this is very fundamental, because in odessa we stopped using the word tragedy in relation to until may 2, yes, there were a lot of personal tragedies, but if we talk in the context of historical events, then this is definitely not a tragedy, and this is exactly how we stopped using another phrase ukrainian odesa, which sounded all the time, we never say ukrainian lviv or ukrainian poltava, it's so clear, in relation to... odesa, it would sound like it, and in fact, when these word formations change, when other words appear, it speaks of certain changes, because it cannot be imposed. how odesa has changed in 10 years when we return, we will make such an excursion in 2014, the choice of odessans was more pragmatic than patriotic, because odessa had an enclave of transnistria nearby, because we all already had and understood the year 2008 in georgia, and odessa, which zaza on a very
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serious maritime topic, that is , practically every family has either a sailor of some kind or an employee who works on ships in all over the world, and people understood that, for example, some odessa people's republic in quotation marks, so conventional, it just deprives turns odessa into a gray area and takes away the possibility, well, very pragmatically, to work there on other ships and generally have all the privileges that ukraine has, and don't forget that... that odessa had very close connections there with moscow directly , we had five daily flights, for example, and people just went there to watch some kind of premieres, very russians worked very hard and powerfully in odessa, this is a festival of the russian-language press, there are endless books, but already in 2022 there was a complete foundation for these eight years, so with 14 to 22, and odessa made a serious patriotic choice, despite everything, despite who we have there, what do we have? is happening, but this
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is such a change at the language level, it is very noticeable, no matter what they say, they say, very often it annoys us very much when someone comes and writes my bubble, at least, writes about the fact that oh, well, here in odessa the russian language is endless, it is not like that, young people are very actively switching to the ukrainian language, and we have, for example, such a paradox, when parents speak ukrainian, very correct ukrainian, and children speak in russian, remember, the main thing, isn't it important? how your parents talked, how your children will talk, and there is a problem with this, because there is the influence of russian, russian mass culture, all these cartoons, all these masha and the bear, actually, well, they watch it, but the situation is changing, for example, in to my entourage, who back in the 20s said that, well, what about us, well, the language is not to blame, the language really is not to blame, but it so happened that it is a suitable marker, well, we are used to it, this is the language of my childhood, we let's write, at least it's hard to write ukrainian, then practically everyone switched, well , that is... no one writes in russian, you
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know that, it is obscene, it is obscene to write in russian there on facebook, and 99% speak to each other in ukrainian, you know, so correct, carefully choosing the words, but here it is really patriotic? the choice, the ideological choice was in the 22nd, and not too pragmatic, yes, absolutely, yes, i, i have one girlfriend, she is gagauz, the other is bulgarian, this is the south, they are from the south of odesa, they have never studied the ukrainian language, when they were in school, she was not there, and i remember in the 22nd year, i i remember how they painfully switched to the ukrainian language, you know, the conversation about patriotism, i don't want to reduce it to just language, it's like that, i said that it's a marker, it's a certain marker, you know, like whose crimea, and in fact, this is a certain marker and... these girls switched in their professional environment, one dentistry, the other an officer of the armed forces, everything is clear from the armed forces, but this one switched completely consciously, here is another friend of mine from ukrainian to the ukrainian language, because this is again a marker of their own, but about patriotism, how
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you say, well, look, when we say patriots there, everything is a bit too pumped up in society, you know, they are starting to fuss so much... face to face, you know, across the table, that you decide whether you are a patriot or not, that is love for ukraine, love for one's country, it has become so very painful, very painful, very sensitive, and actually the people i'm talking about, because my environment is pro-ukrainian, it 's always been like that, and we don't have to prove anything, but i'm just seeing other people join in who, you know, were like, what the hell i did not even suspect that i was a ukrainian patriot, but it is so, it is so, but in this environment. there are still a huge number of people, and it's not just some observations or my bubble, it's reports, reports of the prosecutor's office, reports of local administrations, now i'm talking about correctors, about gunners, about collaborators, about those who ordinary people
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who give positions near their home, she or he knows what will fly here, but they still cooperate equally, and often it is for some very small money or... oh, ideally, where does it come from now in the third year of a full-scale war after all that odessa has already been through, you know, a lot of people really don't help, even when rockets fly to the head in the literal sense, and i wonder if it helps, not always, you know, not always after society, at the beginning of the 22nd, well, the war, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the 22nd year, somewhere in march, i ’ll just give you an illustration, i read a post on facebook by a woman who wrote: well, i hate the russian language, of course, i hate it, i live business near the aircraft factory, i don't care what will happen with my apartment, but i want you to destroy them, and the woman is signed last name, middle name, such an unusual format for facebook, i say to my acquaintance, who is related to the security forces, i say, well
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, look, here she is he writes, well, what, what kind of bullshit, well, do you remember the general mood and our state, yes, it was somewhere in march of the 22nd year, and he tells me, you know, well, it's definitely some kind of pseudonym, but about... a few days and he writes to me: you know, we detained her, this is not a pseudonym, this is a real person who is absolutely ideological, she wants russia, they are all here, whom we call collaborators, traitors, they almost all want to live here and i want russia to be here, that is, for everything to be as it was, for the russian language to remain, why is a marker for odessa important, and for salaries there to be $200 each, they dreamed of such a thing, and there, so that it is not clear what the kiev... press, as they call it, they need some kind of strong hand, but actually no one is ready to go to prison, as it happens in, well, there in russia. if we say, where did it come from, why is it so big the number of collaborators, you need to understand a little about the history of odessa, it is the shore of the black sea,
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all retired soviet officers went there, and it was there for 40 years with a tail, they gave birth to their own kind and raised them, that's right, by the way, crimea was also under such influence, crimea and odessa, actually half an hour... literally , george tuka told us about crimea, about this example, that the same story happened in crimea, when they retired there and for themselves, they drove correctly, where it was warm, where it was possible to live a curly life these consulates of russia in crimea and odesa, they were such powerful intelligence centers that it was a closed territory, that sponsored russian tv channels, we had such a pro-russian atv that simply carried cash as diplomats, well, diplomats gave suitcases and valises like that. we had such a scandal, which was hushed up very quickly, this is a so-called employee of the embassy named tsvitkov, he was found hanged in the russian consulate, and there were such rumors, no one was allowed in, because this is the territory of the russian federation, but were there are rumors that he lost
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a suitcase with receipts somewhere, no one knows about this suitcase, but i was interested and studied the history of the second world war at such an amateur level, everyone had collaborators and traitors. countries of the world, in almost all of them, you know, it was very strange for me, the only country that gave the least number of collaborators, you will be very surprised, is the philippines, for some reason the philippines, this phenomenon, it has not been studied, i don't ... i don't know why it would be interesting if you dig around, there are those who for money, i think there are fewer of them now, they are afraid, but it is impossible to fight with ideological convictions, they were in such a desperate situation, and they really surrender, they really sincerely want the death of ukraine as a state, and actually this is our problem again, well, our problem is that we did not work with them, in the head, because if a person wants to live in this territory, then in the city of odessa, to receive. pay and work, to get quality at the european level, that is, it
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strives for everything that ukraine strives for, those quality things, i can’t say, they, you know, are so diligent, there is a part, again yes, there are very ardent people who really hate, hatred is a very strong strong feeling, it is stronger than love, you understand, that is, it is always easier to hate, and do not forget that any action causes a reaction, yesterday there was literally such a correspondence, commenting under my post was one of artur hryhoryan, one of the leaders of the anti-maidan in odesa in the 14th year, but one of those people with whom you can talk, but when everyone fled, he remained in the 14th year, and we had some discussion, and then he left with ukraine, from odesa, but he was born in odesa, and he writes that you have no idea how many people, how many people hate you, you, because you don't give anything there, because you don't understand, you don't hear and other things like that, he monitors the situation, he her... on the other hand, as i say, odessa has changed a lot, because it is a certain bubble and we are in bubbles,
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you see, actually, well, i can only suspect, suspect that there are a certain number of people , and it is not small, precisely in odessa, who really want the death of ukraine, there in odessa, who want this strong hand, but look at the parallel with mariupol, when what is happening there started to happen, well, like what they are doing there now , we are restoring it all, that's how we live there. the people who remained there, and some of them, and i suspect that most of them, were waiting for russia, and were very happy to meet them, they are now going to some rallies there, they are writing vazvania to vladimir vladimirovich there, because they were brought up in other political traditions, you see, they are used to protest, they are used to calling the government there with such words as what the government deserves, and everything will not just happen there, that is, odessa is exactly like that, they do not understand what can await them, they think that everyone... you know, this is how this song is known kakupaitetelnyi in russia in the evening, one of my acquaintances says, all the balls there, there, you know,
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about this song, yes, no one thinks that he can be a black man to serve these balls, that is , those who are sitting in odessa think exactly like that, that russia will come and they will be in chocolate there, well, it won't be as they want, of course, after the previous day in kharkiv oblast, was there any reaction in odesa itself, why i ask, because very often when we talk about ukraine, kharkiv and... odessa are in the same sentence, through whom do they go, when russia says that they have a goal, they always say kharkiv and odessa, we understand that the geographical location is very different, but to odesa across the sea, well, you yourself know, as if reconnaissance planes fly in, they fly calmly, i live near the sea, i know, we hear it almost every evening, so there was a reaction that something similar could await odesa, god forbid, look, there are no such thoughts now, at least among the people with... who i am with i communicate with who i am friends with there, kharkiv and odesa through whom, because these are the most
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dispersed cities, it is true, and according to the number of population, the percentage is yes, and this is firstly, secondly, do not forget that odesa was the only the city that was mentioned in that famous, famous speech of putin, yes, because there is revenge for may 2, he talks about it all the time, because on may 2 it was such a loud slap to russian peace in odessa, and they do not forgive it, it's clear, i think... i don't just think, all the facts testify to the fact that flowers were most expected from residents in in kharkiv and in odesa, as well as in kharkiv and odesa , such resistance was organized, quite serious, how do odessans feel now, well, look, you can’t feel safe even in lviv, you are also actively flying in, lviv oblast is also destroying the infrastructure, you can’t feeling very protected but really fighters. and specialists, yes, artillerymen of our ppo, who have learned, well , practically there from the shoulder to knock down these
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shaheds on the rampage, including, there are mobile various groups, the only thing is that we do not have protection against ballistics, this is understandable, because there are no patriots in odesa, there were, they were, but they were taken away, there are more unprotected ones, and this is a question, and this is a problem, and there is a question for our allies, who promised , of course, that the port the port is important, russia wants access to the black sea, it is connected to the bosphorus, it is connected absolutely with geopolitical issues. things, because for them the fact that the transshipment of loads of goods is now even more than before the war is also such a serious reputational slap, you understand, well, erdogan is there, there are certain agreements, but... please, when the ballistics arrived on april 29, that's harry potter's house, so kivalov, when she flew in and killed, she is one of many people, by the way, the day before yesterday, the seventh, seventh student, did kivalov realize that these are boomerangs that fly like that, but you know, i don't know what i understood kivalov, he was also injured, and at first they laughed at this injury, yesterday i read in the odesa media that he had a serious
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injury to an artery, his thigh, the day before yesterday he was at the funeral of his student, who died at the age of 23, that is, he died in ... animation he was not pulled out, he was seriously wounded, but when the ballistics were flying, there are video frames, the ship was going, the ship was going there to turkey, in the sea, there it was, and they don’t touch it until they touch this ship, so it is clear that odessa cannot feel protected, we understand that it's such a roulette, it will fly, it won't fly, because ballistic protection, you know, you can be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and our parking lots are there or shelters are there, they save, but very, well very here... there is no guarantee, that's why odessa feels the same as the whole of ukraine, sometimes better protected, sometimes worse, but this is war, we all understand that. ms. zoya, let's move on to completely different topics, although we will always return to the war, in fact everywhere. the purpose of your visit to lviv. i know you came to this big festival of coffee,
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books and vintage things, you literally have a meeting there in a few hours today. can i actually come to listen to you too, ask my questions, please tell me more, it’s the fourth year i’ve been attending the festival and i ’ve always looked at it like that, well, it’s an interesting name, a combination of such things that actually go together very well, a good collaboration in a good sense of the word, and the starogolev publishing house invited me to have just such a conversation together with maryana savka, i love maryana, she is such a very unique woman who combines a lot of things in herself in one person, that's how she paints, she sings. she writes, she edits, she has a prose book out there, people are having coffee, very interesting, in fact, and we decided to talk together, it will be such a conversation for two, precisely love and war, about what keeps us going, me you you know, conversations are very devalued in our society, do you remember all our proverbs, there 's not what's there, well, it's not good to talk, these
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are all things, but it was always believed that you don't need any intelligence at all to just talk there tongue it was such a devaluation, in fact, from the year 22 i felt it, i remember such a failure in odesa, when everyone was very disoriented, when you already know, expired, when those who were supposed to go, those who were supposed to stay went, those remained, or those who evacuated their families and could if i could breathe out and start doing something, the odessa theater, the ukrainian theater, started its first productions in march, at the end of march, i think, and i went there to see my own, and you understand... and we later, i then realized that we were going there to talk, hug and cry, and then i too, when the publishing house, well , they republished it with my book, offered to travel through ukraine again, i thought again, well, who needs these conversations, and people started coming, and we started talking a lot , because it is very important to be among your own, it is very important to be on the same wavelength, it is very important to understand that
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you are understood by others, and this is actually such a conversation, we decided to talk about this very topic, because love and... are such, you know, opposite, opposite sides of one and the same being together, yes, and they are together, and that, what we are now, we have a lot of parallel things now, it's death, it's love, it's divorce, it's meetings, it's birth of children, it's supporting each other , and in a very adrenaline-pumped society, we're all on adrenaline, look at all the shit on facebook, any word, be it something careless, we stopped protecting each other, you know, it's like that, you know, out of the blue. and you said that hate is a much more powerful feeling than love, or in this case love can be something that will stop, as you say, these facebook killings, oh, you know, no, no, i don't think so , that it even has to be stopped, you know, i uh, i guess, i can't say that i learned not
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to hate, but i remember when, for example, i write that i hate, and they write to me, it's very ... a feeling that will destroy you, it must be said that you are raging there, that you have rage, no, you know, in me, i cannot now say with such infamy, even such a good and beautiful one, that i am raging, i am angry, i hate russians with all the fibers of my soul , i may say such terrible things, but from babies to old people, and why, because those who were babies in the 14th year, in the 22nd year, well , babies, and small children in the 22nd year came to rape our children, as well as killing our women, this is nonsense. this is mariupol, this is izyum, and kherson, these are still occupied cities, what are they they do, so can love save, you know, i decided for myself in this way that in order to survive , one must... you need yours, mercy,
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now look at the world, look at how the world is behaving strangely, they all also say that children are innocent in nothing, that there is no need, well, when ukraine bombs, yes, it takes infrastructure objects, that may need to be careful, innocent may suffer, good should be. kami and you have to protect your and my own, and here i am absolutely categorical and radical, the enemies must be destroyed, we agree, this is probably the whole of ukraine agrees with you, mrs. zoya, we talked about hatred for them, for the enemies, but we have enough hatred here and sometimes inside the country, now i'm talking about a specific case, a story when the director of the kyiv institute of gender studies and candidate of philosophical sciences, marfa skoryk, commented. journalist yulia tymoshenko's conversation with taras chmut, where she used, well , such vocabulary, yes, calling a journalist, beautiful, with a gentle
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voice, in general, how normal is she in general, such comments of a person in this position are normal, and in general in our society today, that is, there is hatred, and misogyny, and in general a lot of slander. yes, and so on, yes, well, you yourself understand that this is normal, abnormal, it is unacceptable, especially in some public things, and this is a person who really has a background that is a little different than the average person who can to allow such things, but look, in society, women are not forgiven for everything, no they forgive her for being young, beautiful and smart, they don’t forgive her for being old and looking extra kilos, all the time, you know, women are always inappropriate, now the role of a woman is generally leveled and so, you know, it has been brought to the plinth, because war is always masculinity, look, i'll tell you about it, i'm thinking whether to say it or not, but i
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'll say it, look, for example, some such an ordinary person who had a little drink, a man, he was mobilized, or he left on his own a volunteer, he put on a uniform and that's it our cat, we are all simple, because he really is, he is a protector, he does important things, he went to war, and a woman, what women, what, women, service staff. time confirms what you are saying, i am a good phrase, i always say that women now, like jews in the soviet union, need to be 10 times smarter, at 14:00 meet zoya kazanzhi in lviv, holy books, coffee and vintage, we will be back with roman chaika at 2:10 p.m. to our air, and now meet the news in a few minutes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and that's how you want them
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social one of the six producers of the national marathon the only news this week found itself between two lights. colleagues announced their intention to take away the prime evening slots, which are watched the most, from him number of viewers, people's deputy from servant of the people maryana bezugla published several posts on social networks accusing the broadcaster. experts immediately connected these two events and recalled the story of the dismissal of the head. the coma of valery zaluzhny of the zsu, which resembled a special information operation and was started by maryana bezugla as well. this time , the deputy blamed the public for the seemingly small reach of the audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of schemes for the employment of men with the aim of their reservation but the main message was a call to reduce state funding of the broadcaster.


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