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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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after the news, we will meet with you again and talk about the situation in the united states of america, ihor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, will be in touch with us, i hope, and we will question him, and what we will ask about, you will find out after the news. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and just now to the most important events. the united states will urgently sell three hymars installations to ukraine. the relevant decision was adopted by the state parliament of the country. finance the acquisition missile complexes are planned by the german government. the country will spend about 30 million dollars on this. according to us secretary of state anthony blinken , exactly. now ukraine needs hymars. and
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good news. the ukrainian military shot down a russian su-25 attack aircraft in the avdiyiv direction. this is the 350th plane of the occupiers, which our defenders sent into eternal flight. a 61-year-old woman was wounded by an enemy attack on nikopol. private houses were damaged in the city. economic buildings and power lines, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military said administration serhiy lysak. also, our defenders of the sky shot down a russian rocket in the kryvyi rih district. and the enemy attacked the gas distribution station in the stanislavsk community of the kherson region. more than 200 consumers were left without gas in stanislav, shiroka balka, oleksandrivka and sofiivka, he said.
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oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration. specialists will soon start restoration work. and in the kherson region , an 11-year-old boy blew himself up on a russian mine. it happened in the village of muzikyvka. the child was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds to the legs, chest and abdomen - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the victim is currently in the operating room. the armed forces of ukraine stopped the russians about 5 km from the border in the kharkiv region. currently, the ukrainian defense works effectively against the enemy - informed journalist yuriy butusov. fighting continues in the area of ​​settlements that were in the gray zone. we are talking about pylna, streleche, borysivka and oliynykovo district. the ukrainian military command also plans to strengthen our brigades in the kharkiv region with reserves, the spokesman said. populated
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the point of pilne, the settlement of streleche, respectively, borisivka - these are the settlements on the territory of which active hostilities are currently taking place, the enemy is there, the enemy there is destroyed in these populated areas, that is , points, that is, there are active tough hostilities, such as senkivka, yes respectively, in the kupyan direction, that is, it is actually a gray area. cotton in occupied donetsk. local publications write that flew into the paradis restaurant. the participants of the rally to the 10th anniversary of the dpr-lpr referendum gathered there. died five people, six were injured. the auto run was cancelled. in the russian city of belgorod, two cars collided with an ambulance. in the last transportation...
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wounded occupiers from shibyen, local telegram channels reported. according to propaganda media, eight people died as a result of the accident, including a minor. three policemen died as a result of a car wreck in vinnytsia region. three cars collided on the bypass road. law enforcement officers were in one of them, they died on the spot. another was hospitalized, reported in the national police. the driver of the other car, as well as his wife and child , were taken to a medical facility. the reasons and circumstances of the accident are being investigated. illegally stored ammunition and weapons. the police kidnapped a resident of the city of snovsk in chernihiv oblast. during the search of the house of a 47-year-old man, law enforcement officers found an ak-47. k-47, 329
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cartridges, more than 20 kg of artillery powder, grenades and mortar mines. investigators opened criminal proceedings, the suspect faces up to... years of imprisonment. searched for a new escape route. border guards detained six evaders in transcarpathia. five of them tried to conquer the mountain tops of the ukrainian-romanian border. another man was detained halfway to romania. according to the organization of their trips, each fugitive had to pay from 4 to 8 thousand dollars. law enforcement officers filed administrative reports on the detainees. mutual protection of information. the president authorized the first deputy head of the security service of ukraine to sign such an agreement with canada. the corresponding order was published on the website of the head of state. i remind you ukraine has already signed agreements on
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cooperation in the field of information security with great britain, germany, france and denmark. belarus is near the ukrainian border. is building a base where nuclear weapons can be stored, the new york times reported. construction began in the village of osypovychy, 190 km from ukraine. the work started in march last year. the created structures are similar to other former nuclear storage facilities, the publication writes. according to satellite images, there is an air defense system on the territory of the facility, security checkpoint, as well as triple security. such non-backing measures may indicate the construction of warehouses for the storage of nuclear warheads. strengthening the defense. poland began to build fortifications on the border with belarus. prime minister donald tusk said that
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fortifications will be built along the entire polish border from the east, and the european union may join the financing. the head of the polish government also suggested that defense structures can be built. and throughout europe. heroes of the golden fund book were celebrated in lviv nation, everything will be ukraine. these are the stories of soldiers, doctors, politicians and public figures, who create the future of our country every day with their actions. social leaders were presented with awards and orders. military serviceman mykola kobylnyk was awarded the highest honor, the order of the people's hero of ukraine. first, you're overweight. in 2022 , he was seriously injured, as a result of which he lost his leg. in just four months after prosthetics and rehabilitation, mykola returned to the front and continues to fight against russian enemies. national
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the hero of ukraine is a mark of all our comrades-in-arms who died, who now continue to fight. to the love of life and to independence, continues to fight against that russian hydra, which came to destroy not only the ukrainian people and destroy, burn the ukrainian land, but came to destroy all of europe, as a deputy of the lviv city council, i am very pleased that i am noted and i am in this book, but first of all we pay respect and honor to those of our indomitable heroes who died during this war of ours with muscovites, and i want all of us to take an example from them. until the siren sounds,
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11th-graders gathered at dawn in kharkiv to hold a rehearsal for the school graduation. the touching video was posted on the photo network. schoolchildren prepared a waltz on one of the central streets of the city, gathered at 5 in the morning, while there were no cars or russian shelling. yesterday , an air alert lasted more than 13 hours in the kharkiv region, and it was the longest during the entire time of the full-scale war. another scandal at this year's eurovision. the organizers disqualified the representative. swedish the police are investigating a complaint by a woman who is a member of the competition crew. the incident between her and klijen happened after the performance of the netherlands in the semi-finals. it seems that yost threatened the woman. so, while the legal process continues, the organizers suspended the participant.
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jost klein also became famous for his commitment to russia and cooperation with the russians. and yes... we were news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. i'm from i'm not saying goodbye to you, we'll see each other soon. at the end of the week at 9 p.m., well, literally in a moment, my colleague mykola veresen continues the broadcast. lakalut fix fixes reliably, my dentist recommended it to me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price. money economical laka fixs
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fm galochina listen to your allergy neche lev will overcome tsy3 lev tsy3 lev neo. protects against the most common allergens. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. bill 5655, reform or corruption trap. country investigation. when and how will crimea return to ukraine. interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat chubarov. how did the defense of kyiv actually take place? colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu, memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator
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mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of main. ask for country magazine at points of sale. moscow spared no expense to promote its culture. russian culture was imposed on us. the culture of the highest nation, the name of tchaikovsky in the name of the kyiv conservatory ominously looms over the symbolic cemetery on the maidan, mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place. in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give
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their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso.
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so, once again good health to everyone who is currently watching the best tv channel in the world spreso tv, you and i are called mykola veresen, we will talk with mr. igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university. now he will appear before our eyes, and the first question: good health, mr. igor, thank you for finding time for us, so i, i can confuse everything here, but whether it was last night, or at night, or this morning, somewhere on my mind, it seems to be such, such, such a site, russian-american or
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american-russian, i read it, as if i read it, i don’t remember, probably from referring to myself... to you that there are few or no pro-palestinian and anti-israeli speeches at your university, then my question is, well, i can confuse here, maybe you did not say that and you were referred to incorrectly, but does this affect all universities, that all universities suddenly became anti-israeli and anti-jewish, anti-semitic and pro-palestinian, pro-arab, pro-muslim, say what on... about this, there really is nothing in our university, i wrote about it on facebook, that is, if you quoted, then in principle it is correct, we do not have anything like that, and these actions, well, some call them pro-palestinian, some call them anti-semitism, some call them anti-israel, i think that this is something in between the two, because there
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there is less pro-palestinian than anti-semitism and pro-israel. but they happen only in about 10% of american universities in america, well , a little more than 4 thousand universities and colleges, these demonstrations took place in 48 out of more than 4 thousand, that is, it is somewhere about 10% ah, well, that's why it's not, although on television, when it shows, it's, well, it looks like it's ... some kind of mass movement, it's not really, although it has to be said that it happened in large universities, in particular in new york at columbia university, there it just kind of turned into vandalism, because there was a big building taken over, and there were windows, doors and so on, and the same kind of things happened
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in several other large universities, well, but this cannot be called... some kind of mass movement, but why, sir, why such and such a wave of antisemitism, well , there was none before, if you say 10%, maybe there is 1%, but when there was 0% there or fifty, and then 5%, then it is quite serious, what happened to the world, that i i read a lot of discussions about this anti-semitism and i don't... like them, because they say it's some kind of surge. in fact , up until the 19th century, anti-semitism was the norm of life, rather than the exception, and this can be seen in historical literature very, very easily, it's just that the 20th century changed something, especially after the holocaust, obviously, and the emergence of the state of israel.
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now it's recovering again, i'd say why it's recovering, well it's... it was a really sad standard of living in both europe and north america, why is it recovering, you know, i think first of all because it's very a lot of time has already passed since the second world war after the holocaust, in fact, if you and i think about how many witnesses of those events, for which such a living memory is still interrupted among... us, and we will understand that such people are very few, mostly these are people who were little children during the second world war world war, and it's just, just a memory, it goes away with the generation of people who experienced it, and i want to draw attention to the fact that, for example, even anti-israel
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demonstrations, i fully understand that, that there can be many people , who are absolutely, let's say, not... the policies of the israeli government, well that may be, not everyone should like these policies, even in israel there are at least half of the israeli voters who oppose the current israeli government because they do not like the policies prime minister netanyahu, it's normal, but imagine what there were not even anti-semitic, anti-israeli demonstrations in the world, it was simply impossible for the civilized world in the west, let's say there in the 60s and 70s. because it was considered, well, what, what, that it was a manifestation of anti-semitism, that's why there were simply no such demonstrations, but now, since it's a memory, it's a memory. is mostly found in history textbooks, and i think that history is very poorly studied in certain universities,
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even if they are big and well-known universities, then there are simply many people among the same youth who do not know what it is such that it was for there are many people, mr. igor, please forgive me for interrupting, but i have this impression, i thought about it back in the 22nd year, that just... by the 22nd year, she died a huge number of people who simply fought in the second world war, well, my father was an academician, and in science, there were such russians and ukrainians, and some exchange with kyiv, moscow, there lviv, novosibirsk, the novosibirsk branch of the academy of sciences of the ussr and so on and so on and and and and they're all dead and everything and there's no one to refer to and then it begins war, i even had... what do you say to my thoughts that 80 years will pass after this russian-ukrainian war, and i hope not in ukraine, but somewhere in the world
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they will forget about this war and start some new war, there will be a new one putin, the whole world will be offended and the war will start again, because those who remember this war will cease to exist, those europeans, those americans, those ukrainians who see with their own eyes what is happening, what do you say about it. i agree with you, unfortunately, this is how it happens in the world, because when when no, when there are fewer people who remember such terrible things as war, then new people simply appear for whom war becomes the norm, well, you and i remember, say, when we were children in the soviet union, in the soviet union the 65th year was celebrated, victory day, so on may 9 under and and on... the most popular slogan was never again, we remember it well with you, and now in russia they celebrate victory frenzy under the slogan "we can repeat, that is, the attitude changes, the attitude
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changes, when it was, it was in the same there are many people in the soviet union who went through the war, for whom they understood what a horror it was, the attitude was different, even if you and i take the leaders of the soviet union, that is, the politburo of the central committee of the cpsu, there were many people who..." knew, what is the front, because they were on it, that khrushchev was already in the army, the same brezhnev, even, well, let them be there in the political departments and so on, but they saw what it was, and they, i think that they sincerely did not want something like this to happen in their country, but now there are just such and such people already, who survived the second world war, well, well, except for the people who are still alive who were small children at the time, veterans of the second world war, well, very, very, very few. we have finished this, why are we talking about antisemitism here, because here my colleagues are watching
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what is happening at eurovision, there is a huge anti-israel rally, we will definitely come back to this, i hope you will not switch where the rallies are shown , and continue to listen to me with mr. igor eisenberg, a professor at the maritime university, we're going to change the subject a little now, it's how ridiculous it looks. is it serious that mr. biden may withdraw from the election in favor of michelle bama? it is technological, perhaps there is such an algorithm that i was elected as a nominee of the democratic party, and i tell the democratic party that i am withdrawing my candidacy in favor of michelle obama or mykola veresnya or igor eisenberg, and the whole, that is, the whole hall huge, says hooray. we welcome this transfer of powers and are ready to support michel bama, mykola veresny or igor eisenberg, i
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by the way, i don't know where dorspiegel got this information from, and here it is all over the world, in fact it is not even discussed in america, well, because i think so, that it is very, very frivolous, technologically, probably everything is possible, in real american politics, this is impossible, and you just need to know that michelle obam. as recently as four years ago, when there were rumors that she might, might run for president, she said that she wanted to live her private life, that eight years in the white house as first lady was enough for her, that she didn't have no, no political ambitions, in reality, well, joe biden won the primaries in the democratic party, he has more than enough delegates to the party convention that will be held in... no, that will choose a presidential candidate, and of course, that nowhere in america there is no question that he can withdraw from the election, just as in the republican party there is no question that trump
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can withdraw from... the election, that is, if both candidates are the main ones, will be healthy for the moment elections, then they will bog down, there have been various occasions in american history, look, president johnson in march of '68 , when he was the most likely candidate for the democratic party for the presidency, he was the president at the time, he withdrew from the election, simply because he was losing popularity very much, because of the war in vietnam, which was very unpopular. in the united states, particularly among liberal voters who vote demo for the democratic party, and he decided that he could not win this election, and he at the end of march it happened then, he he withdrew from the race, although he, he did not say that he supports, that he withdraws in favor of someone, that is, the primaries took place, and the democrats lost the election, then nixon
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won, yes. and mr. professor, here now some conversations have started again more intensively about trump, that somehow there is some testimony of all these girls, women, again some stories about his lawyer, who just brought this money to these women and so on, and the judge somehow thinly or thickly hinted to trump that he can be impeached, as far as it is now... this whole trump story can affect the fate of mr. trump, please, it must be said so that ukrainian viewers understand how american television works, if we turn on the tv with you on american news channels , we will see you and i during the last three weeks, that 90% of the time, if not more, is devoted to the trial itself, trump is on the dock, in new york in court, and so...
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90% of the time is discussed, what the witnesses said there, because the hearing is not broadcast on television and not broadcast on the radio, but the transcripts of the sessions are literally published online, there the witness said something while answering the prosecutor's question, it appears, and after 10 minutes the television repeats, so and so and so was said, that is , this cannot help but influence people, of course, if people watch , let's say... televisions, television is the main source of information for them, because television 90% of the time only talks about this, and how it affects, you will have to see, you know, when, when the trial is over, it will probably continue for another two weeks , maybe at least two, and if there is a conviction, then we will have to look at the polls, how it affected a certain number of voters, i think
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donald supporters. adore him, but independent voters, because according to this it may affect a certain number of polls that have been conducted before, there is a category of independent voters who say that it would be unacceptable for them to vote for a person who has been found guilty by a court of a criminal offense, and as for the fact that the judge said that he can imprison trump, the case is because the judge... issued a ruling, he simply made such a decision, even before the court, he forbade trump to say anything about the witnesses in this case, about the judge, about the court employees, about the prosecutors, that is, because trump constantly, constantly wrote something about them in his social networks, constantly, constantly some dirt on
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them. poured out everything and the judge forbade him to do it, since he continued to do it, then the judge found him guilty of contempt of court, so he was fined in the amount of 10 thousand dollars, there is a thousand for each violation, the judge warned him that it would not be unpleasant as a judge, since he is a former president, and maybe a future president, but he can imprison him, play for 30 days for retrials. violation of this court order, that is, whether it will happen or not, i think that it will not happen, but trump has become more careful, i must say, the last question, the last question, look, it is very important, but it looks like it is not trump, but biden , although trump is not a young man, but he is somehow more cheerful, and biden is so a little weak, i would even say
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and... i now ask you how much.


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