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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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they fired the minister of agrarian policy solsky, well, at least that is understandable, and also vice prime minister kubrakov, although he was not an obvious figure for me to be fired, and why was kubrakov fired in your opinion, maybe what, or who is behind this? you know, i don't even think about it for 30 seconds for one simple reason: the personality of the prime minister, vice prime minister, minister, head of the power bloc is important. when they have their own political, i would say figure, when there is, say, a coalition, when the ministers are by representatives of various coalition forces, when they enter the government in order to perform not just their official duties, but in order to represent certain positions of the parties they are nominated for. and then we will be
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able to talk a lot about it, yes, one party nominated such a group of ministers, and the other another, remember, in the coalition after 2014, we were surprised that the people's front proposed its own representatives for the positions of ministers , the bloc of petro poroshenko offered specialists in technocracy, they went the other way, and we did it long and hard discussed what different approaches to government formation are, here deputies learn about the names of ministers when they... approve the government, they just bring a list to them, and we learn about the names of ministers when these ministers are dismissed or charged with , and we begin to talk, why were they accused of nabu, and who are they? if we do this, we will be just like our conditional colleagues, whether from russian official publications, these are conditional colleagues, there are people from russian liberal publications, they they are discussing mishustin's government, but there such
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ministers left, and there such ministers left, well , even in russia it can be more interesting to talk, because there are some clans there, there is the patrushev clan, patrushev has a son, he promoted him to vice - prime minister, and chemmizov has his nominee there, manturov, who became the first vice prime minister, it's all a class, clan struggle, we don't even have such a thing, fortunately, there is no clan struggle, in our country all power is practically concentrated in in the same hands, in the hands of the president of ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi, there are several managers who support him by his own admission from the office of the president, which help him to fulfill his powers, but in no way affects the decision of the president himself. we never know what the president is guided by, personnel decisions, any emotions, any motives related to his relations with allies, or the fact that someone was the first or last to reach his office, i don't even want to deal with this, i don't want to live in the head of volodymyr zelenskyi, because it is his... absolute prerogative to live in his own
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head, he did not create such a configuration himself the president, he was created by the ukrainian people in the 19th year, and i am absolutely unable to discuss the resignations or appointments of people whose names i learn exactly when i know that the parliament learned about the existence of mr. kubrakov by some resignation, even before this moment, i honestly didn't know, now i'm reading there, you know, he could be the heir. in our country, 90% of people do not know the name of the prime minister, well, if he were the heir of the prime minister, who is also anonymous according to his capabilities, he might be remembered the fact that he was the first of the ukrainian officials to take off this jacket, maotzadunovka conditionally and now walks in a suit like a classic official, well, it’s interesting, again for a secular chronicle, if i was the editor of the magazine there, i would of course have one page he made a portrait there. whether he wears embroidered clothes, there are holidays there,
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i would make a portrait of the prime minister in a classic suit on another page, well , since we don't have a vouch, we are deprived of such an opportunity, only in this way, only in this way, yes, and if talk about names are known, for example, about the former chief of staff zaluzhnyi, appointed ambassador of britain, and i am personally interested in what we can expect from valery zaluzhnyi in this position, diplomats in this position. or not, i think that nothing, because again, now classical diplomacy does not look like it was before, well, again, the president and the prime minister of great britain communicate directly, they say, at valery zaluzhny such authority as that of a man, he can convince the british parliamentarians in something like this, in which they are needed to convince, there is a complete consensus on supporting ukraine, there are certain professional things in diplomacy. connected not with some
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beliefs there, not with speeches in parliaments, but with some such daily painstaking work, which is connected with thousands of details, absolutely. technical ones, i don’t even want to talk about them for a long time now, because any embassy is by and large an enterprise, you understand, an ambassador deals with everything, from money for the elevator that should go to the embassies, to protocol meetings there with other ambassadors , i always thought, with in soviet times, when members of the politburo of the cpsu were appointed as ambassadors, he believed that... an ambassador must be a professional diplomat, this is the same military service, an ambassador has the rank of ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary, not everyone, as you know, even an ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary has such a rank, there is the rank of ambassador of the first class, ambassador of the second class, when, when,
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people who are not professional diplomats are appointed to these positions, it is , as a rule, either a cover or a sinicur, in the case of, say, some former associates of volodymyr zelensky , this exile, and in the case of volodymyr zelensky and valery zaluzhny, this is essentially political exile. someone received a cynicura, we know some people there who, unexpectedly, also never engaged in this, received ambassadorial positions, this once again speaks of the attitude towards the diplomatic service. you see, if we, as an ambassador to some country, great britain or germany, were to appoint the deputy commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine or the chief of the general staff, everyone would think that this is complete madness. well, as a person who did not make a career in armed forces, no, no, no, there are no military ranks, the last military rank is lieutenant, suddenly turns into a person who receives a position, in which there may be colonel generals, the people who
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hold these positions, they do not just hold them , they serve for years, they go through the barracks, you know, in order to become the wife of a general, so to speak, you have to marry a lieutenant, a well-known story... and then suddenly a person becomes a patron in command, well, when a person who is not engaged in professional diplomatic work becomes an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, any person, it looks exactly like this, so that we do not have any doubts, so of course i want to wish mr. valery a good stay in this position, i understand that he is a military man, he is not one of those people who can choose where they work, it was obviously an offer he couldn't refuse in the face of this. the situation we observed in the last months of his stay, and wish him a happy return to ukraine after graduation military operations, and maybe it will be needed during the continuation of military operations, we do not know how the situation will change, maybe it will be renewed again in the armed forces, we are only at the first stage of the war, i
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always remind our dear viewers that nothing happened, the main events are still ahead, the 20th and 30th years of the war are still ahead, and there will be a lot more. of various changes and perhaps in these changes the president and citizens of ukraine will also need valery zaluzhny, let's see, it's hard to predict now. yes, you just said about the beginning of the war, 20-30 years, and i understand that we cannot 20-30 years, i said 20-30s , sorry, 20-30s, and i understand that we cannot do without the support of our allies, of course we cannot, we are already, as general bohdan absolutely said at the beginning of our conversation, we are... a state of 30 million after against 140 million and this will always be the rule of this war and therefore modern weapons and with and and an effective defensive war - these are the two trump cards that give us the opportunity to hold on in these decades. the wall street journal reported that trump changed his
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rhetoric regarding aid to ukraine and it is unlikely that he will refuse it. why, can we think, predict. in the event that trump becomes a candidate for the presidency, the president, will he help us, or will he still not refuse to supply weapons, provide financial aid to ukraine? i can tell you a simple thing, not a single journalist from the wall street journal knows what donald trump will do as the president of ukraine, and neither do you, because by and large, what he will do donald trump as president of the united states knows only one donald trump, and he knows one thing today. tomorrow knows otherwise, this is a person with a chaotic political thinking, which is dictated by circumstances and sociology, and it is absolutely obvious to me, too, that trump will not go to congress and say: you know, today we have to
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refuse aid to ukraine, from one for a simple reason: if he wants to have some dialogue with vladimir putin regarding the end of the war. he is definitely not the kind of person who wants to lead dialogue with a weak position. if we don't help ukraine, let it go to hell. why do you need to talk to him, do you know? what is his dialogue partner? well, that means i'm calmly occupying ukraine, i'm reaching uzhgorod, why should i talk to you, about what? well, these are absolutely obvious things, so of course, if he has the idea of ​​a dialogue with putin and agreements on some moments of even an unspoken dialogue, he will continue this process, think be, will want to continue this process, it is not known how much. it will be successful, but we must remember a simple thing again: the president of the united states alone does not
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decide anything, there is a congress, and everyone forgets about it for some reason, there will be congressional elections, there will be a republican or democratic majority in the various houses of the parliament, let's imagine a democratic administration and the republicans who have the majority in the house of representatives and the senate, this is one america, imagine a republican administration with a democratic majority or with a republican... no one knows that, at one time, i want to remind you, in the 70s of the 20th century, when the republic of vietnam, south vietnam, practically disappeared from the political map of the world, the united states absolutely did not want this, and the president of the united states, gerald gerald ford, and the secretary of state of the united states at that time, henry kissinger, they really wanted to help vietnam, they prepared all the documents once again, but the senate did not vote. cenato did not meet their requests, and that, and the troops of the vietnamese communists entered saigon,
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the americans had to in one day to organize an evacuation, something on 80 helicopters, they were not even going to, because they were sure that the senate would vote, and the president told them, listen, where are you in a hurry, everything is under consideration by the senate, well, no consideration took place, that is the review took place when there was nothing to review, so again, when we talk about all these... processes, we have to remember that they are complex, that it is not worth it for us to just sit and wait exclusively for the help of the united states, that we how are we different from south vietnam? firstly, the fact that we did not have foreign troops that could be withdrawn from us, we are fighting alone and will be fighting alone for the next few years, and secondly, this is the fact that we are helped not only by america, which is the position of the european countries, we just talked about the fact that... the military-industrial complex of the european countries is strengthening there, which means that it will be produced more, there will be more weapons,
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there will be more strikes on russian territory, there will be more russian strikes on ukraine, this is an escalation, only you can see it is building up, there will be more strikes, there will be more opportunities to help us, because we understand that if there is more destruction there, european public opinion will be different, if the war subsides, it ceases to be interested in it, if... the fire burns, it will burn, then, then there will be more help from the allies, when i heard this thesis from the wall street journal, for some reason i immediately thought about the voters, that trump wants to flirt with the voters in this way, because there is a lot of support for ukraine in american society, and the recall aid or blocking it, maybe he can lose trust, i think in that vector, after all... republicans, this is not as obvious as among democrats, among republicans such obvious support
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for ukraine, which was in the first period of the war , is not observed sociologically, but support for israel is observed, it is absolutely, and trump is playing different games here, he is not absolutely, let’s say, concrete here, so he is not really afraid of the voters, he basically says what he thinks that the american people will choose the republicans. who supports israel, this is a voter who is oriented towards the right-wing parties of israel, these parties that are currently in the government coalition, but trump is absolutely calm about his difficult relationship with the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu, absolutely calmly criticizes him, and it doesn't appear that he pays much attention to sociology there, he just understands the obvious thing that those people who will vote for him, they will vote for him so that he does not speak, trump is a person who once said that he can stab someone on manga and his voter will not notice it, it is true, how important it is for him
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to get an additional voter, it is important, he will not win the election without it, but this is definitely not the voter who thinks about ukraine or israel, this is the voter who can be so or otherwise , he is seriously concerned about economic problems, it is also important to him, this is also an important thing, not so much to find his voter, but to scare voters away from joseph biden so that these people... do not go to vote, so let's say that biden is interested in in the middle east, the war has now stopped, trump, in order for it to continue, because the continuation of the war, it is natural, and these republican voters turn away from trump, and part of the democratic voters from biden, and it is very difficult for biden, he is actually on a tightrope, so that he has to be his on the one hand to this audience that says help israel, and on the other hand his to this audience that says palestinian civilians are suffering, and i don't think that can cost him the presidency, but that's the probability exist,
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it's a serious bummer and he's in a worse situation than trump because he's elected. trump is unambiguous, he does not go to pro-palestinian demonstrations. regarding the elections, there was information that biden may withdraw his candidacy in favor of michelle obama. i immediately thought that, well, in my opinion, this is not a very good move, because since i can't, if there are voters who are ready to vote for biden now, then, for example, for michelle obama, they will not vote . what can you say about this, nothing, this is fake information, it is not even necessary discuss. they once said something like that at the beginning of the campaign, but they immediately realized that in principle there are no electoral advantages, so i don't understand where it came from, i.e. why spiegel started talking about it at all, but it seems to me that it's just that our german colleagues wanted there were more clicks on their page, so that the sales of the magazine were more, it has nothing, it has nothing to do with politics, it means how the pin sold out in the newsstands
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of the federal republic of germany, you see and i bought it, although i love it... you usually have information, but still, is it possible to replace biden, or will biden still be no, not yet possible, until the end, there will be biden and there will be trump, everything is clear , we don't know who will win, but they will be candidates for the position of president of the united states, today we already talked about the visit of the head of china to various countries, he was in serbia and france, and he stopped by orban, what does he want china with this, these visits and... how here, what ukraine was like here in conversations with orban, with macron and with buchich? i think that ukraine was not of great importance to shizen pin in these visits, because ukraine was dealt with by li hoei, who, at the very time when orban and vučić and macron greeted xizen pin, visited the capitals of the countries of the global south and talked
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with the diplomats of these countries about... this new chinese peace plan, which may destabilize the summit in switzerland, i generally think that they have acted in the best traditions of communist diplomacy. sidzempin simply covered likhoei's visit, no one followed him did not follow, especially, he was kept a deep secret, we learned about all the details of this visit when he returned to beijing in lihui, at this time everyone was watching the hands of xizenfin, such an ordinary... political trickery is very well thought out, and they did not send us him there, when i will be here and all the soffits will be directed at me, but imagine that sidzimpin was not in europe, and lihue suddenly begins a visit to arab countries, in turkish, everyone would only talk about this, but no one even noticed, noticed already when it became clear that happened, and what about dodzenpin, sidzenpin has
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two tracks in europe. the first track is related to economic relations with france and germany, with the main countries of the european union. it must be understood that china, like russia, does not take the european project very seriously. and we saw that even when emmanuel macron and ursula fondelein were in beijing, the attitude towards them was different, even on protocol. and now, when ursula fondelein arrived in paris to meet with ... after all, the main character there was macron for sidzempin orzulo fondelain is one of the interlocutors during this visit, so china is trying to establish economic relations with france and germany, uses these words of macron about strategic autonomy, but there is another thing, this is serbia hungary, why? because there are countries that
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can and are lobbyists for chinese political interests in europe. hungary is generally a great example, because... the president, he can count on orbán as a person who represents chinese interests in nato and the european union, it is generally paradoxical that orbán manages to maneuvers to do, and with serbia, this is a historical thing, this is just an emphasis on how it is possible, because serbia is a historical ally of the people's republic of china, when the soviet union and the people's republic of china. were in sharp conflict, they actually did not have any real relations between them, there was no meeting at the highest level, the embassies of the two countries were just like fortresses and there were border conflicts where soviet... chinese border guards were killed, then the socialist federal republic of yugoslavia was actually the only one from europe countries, socialist, so-called, romania, it seems to me, but more cautiously,
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did not break ties with either beijing or moscow, and the president of yugoslavia at the time, josif brostita, was a mediator between china, china was not recognized as a west then, it was recognized as legitimate the government in taiwan, and the measures, and the president of serbia, oleksandr... everyone said: listen, this is very similar to how it was when the chinese leaders came to us, so this is also an actual signal in such a chinese style, so it can be, in general, it can be like this europe, which will be friends with us, with serbia and hungary, this list does not end, is belarus, oleksandr lukashenko goes to sidzimpin all the time. and in fact, xijin ping is the only leader in the world who can guarantee his sovereignty. if putin says to lukashenko , let's unite enough, then the only person to whom lukashenko can go and say: i don't want
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to unite, i want to be the leader of belarus for the rest of my life, is sitzenpin, there is no one else, he, well, who he still appeals, no one will defend him. there are other countries, there are slovakia, it can already start on this path. parliamentary and presidential elections have now been held in the northern mekadems. which by and large ended with the victory of eurosceptics, parties that were always against compromise with neighbors who declared it, who are now declaring it, and i will tell you honestly that these compromises that the european union offers to north macedonia are insulting compromises, that's all one thing, if we were offered to join the european union, let's say, make russian the state language, and write it into the constitution for... to leave this idea of ​​the special rights of the russian language and the status of donbass, that is why they said that without this
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there would be no european union, this is what north macedonia is experiencing, first in its relationship with greece, now in its relationship with bulgaria, our we don't like the name, we don't like your interpretation of history, we don't like how you perceive your national origin, will change it, it's completely against the standards of the european union in general, but... north macedonia, even the big countries of the european union, saying that it a compromise, it is being imposed, well, as a result , those who say we don't need all this won, which means that if the european integration of north macedonia, and it is a member of nato, will be blocked, north macedonia can easily be another country with large chinese investments , montenegro, which is also going to join the european union, but where the essentially pro-serbian government, where there is a pro-russian speaker of the parliament, is another such country, and we are now waiting for parliamentary elections in bulgaria. which sets the conditions for north macedonia, you know, the house that he built jack, but at the same time , the authority of pro-russian forces is increasing every day, bulgaria has a pro-russian president, and it can
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be, we have already counted how many potential candidates for this chinese europe, hungary, serbia, macedonia, montenegro, half of the former yugoslavia, and belarus and bulgaria, by and large a little more and shizen pin'. will create the balkan federation, which iosif brostito so dreamed of at the beginning and end of the 40s of the 20th century and in connection with which he quarreled with stalin, only stalin is gone now, stalin is putin, who will do whatever sydney finn tells him, that is, the situation is absolutely ideal, and it is very dangerous. and what about the other balkan countries, now they are not planning to join this, as you said, to unite in this balkan, balkan association, what will happen to them? the balkan countries are still holding on, but again, that political force that is completely ready for such a change of course did not win in croatia, it
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simply did not win the elections, but in croatia the pro-russian president, he simply did not win the elections to become prime minister - minister and the head of the new order. in slovenia, the influence of pro-chinese pro-russian forces is quite serious, and this is a small country and it is geographically not where it can afford, but in principle it is also possible. if we look at the entire map of the former yugoslavia, then we will see the fixation of chinese influences, by the way, the same can also apply to georgia, if russian influences increase, but they cannot be legalized, chinese plans can be legalized, and now let's look at ukraine , well, imagine, the war is over, someday, let's not say when, complete economic ruin, the infrastructure is already all destroyed. there is not much population left, well, god forbid 30 million, 25, well, well, the territory is all mined, we
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are conducting... negotiations on joining the european union, and it turns out that no one wants our agricultural products, no one wants to reduce any restrictions, it is very difficult for us to develop the economy, where do we go, well, viktor orban will explain everything to us, our president, who will be the president for the time being, and of course, we will normalize relations with... moscow, how is it does all the countries that want chinese investments, but i hear very often from our compatriots that there is such a chasm between us and russia, which will not be covered by this terrible war for many decades, this is an illusion, let's look at the experience of georgia, if we just want to somehow find some money for existence, then the ukrainian government will explain that, of course , russia is the aggressor, it is the enemy, there have been murders, there have been atrocities, but it is a close friend.
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border, no one gave us real security guarantees, we have to somehow survive, china is here offers us a lot of money, they will not restore diplomatic relations with russia, simply russian businessmen under the chinese flag will buy up everything that is bad here, and then a change in the political vector will begin, this is a danger, i am not saying that this will necessarily happen, i am talking about the possibility of what ukraine said, let's put it this way, bombed and frustrated ukraine, which will wait for the turn to the european union, which will say that it will not join nato... until there is a political agreement with russia, it can go exactly there, but we are very we look carefully at the european union, and this that's right, and that's where we should aim, but what citizenfin is currently creating is where we shouldn't aim, but where we can get to, more realistically than the european union, that's just what, in why the problem, and everyone should remember this, i always say that now a simple thing is being solved, and ... this
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war, where the border of china will pass, along our borders with russia or along our borders with the european union, even more so this political china, it is expanding, but there is already hungary, and we just have to see how much chinese money is there, and chinese money is always nepotism, it is always corruption, it is always political lobbying, it is always power. which does not change, but again, look at all these people, at viktor orbán, at oleksandr vucčić, they can generally be removed from office, well , of course, you can hold a large number of elections, you can choose to win the elections of the mayor of budapest, the mayor of belgrade, but now there will be local ones the elections in the serbian capital, i think that mr. vučić will lose them, but they themselves are sitting there as a monument, and this is also a condition of chinese europe,
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china wants stability and... it doesn't need a constant change of governments, it needs , if it has already started investing, that the person who is the guarantor of its financial interests is in power forever, and here xizen ping's interests coincide with those people's interests , with whom he is having a conversation, and such a special model of democracy is being created, i would not say like in china, but i would say like in hungary, and again , something that you and i cannot even seriously discuss, the issue of resignations in to the ukrainian government, by and large, confirms that we we already live in such a... country and we may never get out of it, the hungarians too, when orban came to power, thought that it was temporary, well , it turned out that it was not temporary, you, but forever, it can be like that with us too, i'm not even talking about the current president, but about the very essence of the mandate. and as for china's peace plan, this is a way to freeze the war, or what the leader of the people's republic of china wants in terms of the war between ukraine and russia, he wants to knock the chair out from under
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zelenskyi, well... from under biden, it's not bad either, it's just that they fall and all they grumbled, this is a simple wish, they will come to switzerland to a fashionable resort, make serious speeches, unite the world around justice, because what the president of ukraine says in his peace formula is the idea of ​​justice, international law, responsibility the aggressor, the restoration of borders, there is nothing to argue with, the only thing is the question of how to implement it, and china is speaking, a global rooster, how to implement it, but no way, here he is saying it, then these are beautiful speeches, and what, what as you will do it, but we have another plan, let's just stop the fire, then what, that's all, first stop the fire, then we will talk, women and children will not die, infrastructure will not be destroyed, ukrainians will not mobilize and die at the front , the russians will not mobilize those who die on the front, what's wrong with you?


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