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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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bandits were engaged in show business from the point of view of money, from the point of view of certain things the special services were engaged, of course, now i want to address those who, following the call of the heart, participate in the course of the immortal regiment, i was born a russian, what should i do now? it is a pity that we have a whole series of people, these managers and owners, who played along with all this, the same performers who switched to the russian language and understood that the russian market is very large and you can make more money there. in the life of every person, there are moments when he entered the wrong door.
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an evening of boxing that will go down in history. the battle for the title of the absolute champion in super heavyweight, middleweight and fury, and also a title fight in lightweight between berinchyk and navarete. turn on may 18 exclusively. there are discounts represented by may's coco discounts on estizifin 15% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attack on kyiv and
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other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's make up stories, they help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. a project for those who care and think, a political club, what a day. at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on
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and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. disciplinary cases are not timely, as vrp sabotages the cleaning systems. exempts judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. but who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges. the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. hello, this is a program. judicial control, and as always we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend. how is the new judiciary formed in ukraine? why does the supreme council of justice leave unscrupulous servants of themis in their positions? who sabotages system cleanup and reboot? about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. detectives of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine searched the house. at the judge
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of the northern commercial court of appeal, lyudmila kropyvna, who is suspected of illegal enrichment. at the end of 2021 , a house of 260 m2 in the elite kozyna in the kyiv region and 20 acres of valuable land under it appeared in the ownership of the minister themis. the market value of such an estate with a swimming pool, a gazebo and a sauna is from 1 million dollars, and according to the purchase and sale agreement, nettle real estate cost eight times cheaper everything points to... the fact that the judge hid the real amount of money she paid for the house, because she would never have been able to explain the purchase with official income. it should be noted that the acquisition of the estate coincides with the period when kropyvna began to consider the case regarding the alienation of shares of poltava gzk from the international company ferexpo in favor of kremlin businessmen babakov and ginner. in the end, the northern commercial court of appeal, and in particular lyudmila kropyvna, legalized the raider seizure of assets. this decision will be made later.
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overturned by the supreme court's grand chamber, then how about investigating where the judge got the funds for the house that was being sold for $1 million, and whether there was a bribe? kropivna believes that during the search of her... estate, the detectives made a violation and filed a corresponding complaint with the supreme council of justice. the third disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice finally dismissed the judge of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to her alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. by according to law enforcement officials, she called on the employees of the berdyansk district court, where she herself used to work, to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them, and those who refused were handed over to the fsb. b. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to mangusha district. the russians killed these servicemen. today i heard information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some trick. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go
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here so that you keep it in mind. larisa bogomolova was detained by law enforcement officers for another year in august. however, all this time she remained an active judge and continued to receive a considerable salary. full reward. the final decision on the dismissal of bogomolova must now be made by the entire composition of the supreme council of justice. the judicial system of ukraine is in the mode of a total reboot. there is a lot of work. the higher qualification commission works tirelessly to conduct competitions for positions and evaluate the suitability of the current servants of themis. it's so exhausting that lately interviews are taking 7 minutes with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origin remain in their seats. the supreme council of justice, which resumed its disciplinary function six months ago, still cannot process a significant volume of judges' complaints. therefore, those involved in criminal cases of corruption, treason and even murder are not
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released and for years receive millions from the state budget, which the supreme council of justice does not do, in fact sabotages the proceedings. disciplinary cases are important, and those he considers, he amnesties a lot, actually dismisses judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. thus, the supreme council of justice decided not to prosecute serhii kovganych, judge of the tolchyn district court of the vinnytsia region. last year in march , the man was stopped by the patrol police because he exceeded the permissible speed twice. the judge argued with the police, denied everything, lectured them and even threatened them. i didn't break anything, i'll tell you again, i'm a judge, you can pass anything you want today, you send me this ruling, i'll i will appeal to the court and collect moral damages from you, personally from you, you know that i work as a judge, it matters, i told you, i
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told you that i work as a judge, i showed you a judge's certificate, despite this you i was detained and special means were used, despite the request of the patrolmen to wait for... the execution of the protocol, the judge got into the car and drove away from the scene, and even more so, he ran over the policeman's leg. instead , the vrp disciplinary chamber decided that there were no grounds to hold judge kovganych accountable. as a result, the policeman is given three years on probation, for the fact that he put handcuffs on him not according to the procedure, the judge considers a disciplinary complaint and closes the case, they are not prosecuted at all, they do not even issue a warning. that is, the supreme council of justice. shout out to the whole society and all the judges, wave in front of the police ids, tell them how to live, drive 60 km an hour faster than the speed limit and you won't get anything for it, it's a wild absolute
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story, the supreme council of justice has been updated so far does not consider disciplinary cases against judges of the liquidated most corrupt and scandalous court of the district court administrator of kyiv. figures in criminal proceedings on grand corruption, the creation of a criminal group for the purpose of seizing power, and holders of russian passports are still considered acting judges. every month , the state spends millions on their maintenance. moreover, the supreme council of justice itself does not fulfill its own regulations, because they determined that priority matters for them and we wrote it down in the regulations, there are cases that have a high public resonance and cases that may end up being dismissed. judges, ah, there are, in relation to oask judges, for example, several dozen, 65 at least, those that we know of, very likely, many more. only now have they begun to open disciplinary cases against individual judges
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of the district administrative court of the city of kyiv, in fact not fulfilling their own regulation, which states that such cases should be considered as a priority, instead they prioritize closing complaints, allegedly the ones that are... well, trashy, as they call them. meanwhile, the term of prosecution for disciplinary cases is only three years. thus , hundreds of cases regarding maidan judges were closed after the expiration of the deadlines. the supreme council of justice did not have enough time to consider these complaints, now they themselves have determined that such complaints are a priority, so god forbid that this should not happen, because it has been going on for more than a year, for about six months the complaints of the supreme council of justice have been considered again, that again there will not be enough time to consider those complaints that are key for society, the same judges asku, the same knyazev, the same, well, absolutely obvious cases, but in addition to the super obvious, there are also very important ones... such as about the 130s, about drunk driving, such as about a lot of other things , on
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process violations, on human rights violations that should be considered by the supreme council of justice, this is a member of the supreme council of justice, a judge of the civil court of cassation, part of the supreme court , serhiy burlakov, and he plays one of the key roles in exonerating judges from responsibility, the record holder simply for , firstly, closure of cases, secondly, for failure to prosecute judges where ... they should be prosecuted. burlakov is closely associated with kharkiv millionaire and deputy of the ninth convocation oleksandr feldman, a former member of the already banned pro-russian party opzh. burlakov, most interestingly, traveled to the russian federation as a judge, had connections with the pro-russian deputy and businessman svyatash in kharkiv. and he has such a colorful biography. in 2018, burlakov managed a bulgarian company, and according to the declaration, there is nothing for it. received, this is a very strange story, because in fact he agreed to provide
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serious services, manage the company, but he did it for free, or he was only listed in the registers as a nominal manager, and this is also a question of his integrity, or he actually received some funds, but hid them . the fortunes of the burlakov family did not match the official income. for example, in 2018, the judge's mother was able to acquire her own. an apartment with an area of ​​almost 40 m2 in boryspil, kyiv region, having as of 2017 an income of uah 29 and another uah 217 in savings. serhii borlakov forgot to specify the cost of this mother's apartment, however, we are sure that the real estate was definitely more expensive, uah 29. similarly, burlako does not declare the value of a plot of land with an area of ​​more than 1,000 m2 in kharkiv oblast and more than 60,000 square meters in kirovohrad oblast, which his wife purchased earlier. huge
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questions about where the money came from to buy this property. burlakov was repeatedly spotted in alleged manipulations with the value of his property. in the declaration for 2017, as a candidate for the post of judge of the supreme court, he indicated ownership of corporate rights of three enterprises. the cost of just one of them reached over one hundred thousand hryvnias. at the request of the law after the appointment to the post of burlok. got rid of them, assures for 500, 1000 and 500 hryvnias, that is, he gave them practically for nothing, it looks like another attempt to hide real wealth. according to experts, burlakov is considered a creature of borys gulka, the head of the civil cassation court of the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the so-called judicial mafia, which has been destroying the judicial system of ukraine all these years. therefore, the only real way the cleansing of the judiciary now stop at... the rest of this circular bail. the ethics council and our international partners have drawn their own conclusions from this, but we need to draw our own
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conclusions from this. and if it continues like this, we will actually take away from judges the ability to determine and punish judges, because in our country this circular guarantee has already, excuse me, had enough, it has been going on for years, decades, and citizens are suffering, ukraine is suffering. the deyure foundation filed a complaint against the actions of serhii burlakov, a member of the vrp. however, taking into account. practice and consideration complaints, wait for a quick decision on it until it is necessary. we, together with a group of experts , continue to monitor everything that is happening in the judicial system today, and we hope that the work on errors will not be delayed. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. there are discounts representing coco
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may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl's big broadcast winter two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to find out about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who speak their own languages ​​to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they are guys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior,
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strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands iit, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. this spring, on the third year of russia's war against ukraine, a video appeared for the first time in open sources which can be considered the destroyed american rszzo hymers. in addition , other footage of strikes on military facilities of the armed forces in the rear became publicly available. russian reconnaissance drones can now detect targets and adjust fire on them dozens of kilometers from the front lines. why this became possible and how to resist it, let's talk today in donbas-reality. congratulations.
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of the osa anti-aircraft missile complex returns after a successfully completed combat mission in donetsk region, immediately several reconnaissance drones in the russian army are shot down. we are basically asking shoot down, it's arland 10th, orlan 30th and
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supercam, these are our fattest targets, because they cost there. i won't say how much our missile costs, but for example, an orlan is 100,000 dollars on average, an orlan 30, which has an artillery laser as a marker, like its asking price there is 120-130 thousand dollars, well, if you take it even after the economic war , even if we launch five rockets there, we are still in the game, we left and can take about 10 minutes, we can shoot down the first one at once, at least five in one zone only they can definitely fly. when anyway they launch one scout, if we can shoot it down, then they can intercept us flying behind it and already work on us, we don’t stop for a long time either, we still can’t see the target, well, there for a while, then we immediately move , because the sun can also work on us, we also light up while we work, there is no other way. switch, the winter is far away,
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the winter is 40. there was a massive artillery barrage, we needed to move and the very, very maximum that we could go off-road is 70 km, we have an operator after trips, roughly speaking, say, oleg, says, i will show you a bucket of crayfish, says, but we just finished this drift successfully. burnt antennas, pierce the body with fragments. this car is a vivid illustration of the conditions under which air defense fighters work. the wasp is looking for the drones, the drones are looking for the wasp. this is the biggest minus of them, that there is no armor at all. under the word. ugh. no just like an ordinary
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car, body. and that's all. my task is to deliver the boys to the place. practice and pick them up from there, react to everything in time, listen to commands, since the car is very noisy, it is very noisy, and you have to listen and be there and watch in front of you, since the enemy has the advantage of lancets, and all kinds of unmanned drones, but it flies towards us with one goal. these complexes are often hunted, because there used to be a situation where when the command was given to run away, to throw away everything, they simply fell, and half the village was razed. just by the ground, well, they interfere with them a lot, by our crew, i now
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find us in a slightly different place, we had 93 targets destroyed, well, when i left, there were 54 by me personally, the best job in the world, the best job in the world, the work of air defense systems on is today the most effective means of destroying reconnaissance drones, the crew of this wasp constantly cruises directly near the front lines. there are many tasks, the fighters say, but the result of the work is immediately felt. this is the basis of cover of the type of artillery in principle, the basis of cover of infantry, mortars, tanks, its very essence is mobility. we left, it happened that our position was burned there, we started voting, in the second point, in the third. we're
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like a pimple on the ass, we're small, but we're a lot of trouble to sit down, with a good job ace, oh we have seen a lot of statistics, when we drive in, they shoot and shoot the hell out of it, and when we come from... somewhere in the afternoon, even four villagers get lost, they are already afraid to simply enter the sector, well, this is a good number of bk in us, osa is capable recognize and detect targets in motion, and immediately after a short stop it can destroy them, in principle, you can prevent them even to the demarcation line, here everything depends on the combat task, and we can, as there is an echelon of some kind... there to the tip line it's not a problem, well, i'll say it honestly
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where will they say we are actually going there and there, if we were there, the command says there you can be closer or can't we have the head of the calculation there , yes he says to the question, maybe two more fields there, two more fields closer , well, they drove. they arranged a safari, like, well , the podlyuka ran away from us, we followed him, there was such a thing, it turned out, it was such that they arranged a safari after us, well, here the peculiarity of the osad air defense system is an all-round radar station with a high degree of protection against obstacles, it finds targets and calculates their coordinates, for example, a fighter can see at a distance of up to 40 km, depending on the height of the flight, vlad shot down one of the russian planes at the beginning of the full-scale aggression, for which he received the order for bravery of the second degree, on the second day of the war, the whole movement had already somehow started, we were brought at night on alert, and it turned out that we
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met the plane, which we discovered and worked on, but it was also unclear, at first, that we had shot it down, we were very happy, but it was also, in my opinion, the second or the third launch, which was done from the car. because to there were no launches this time, and it turned out that we hit the dry and were very happy, the next day, when we arrived, it was very difficult and it was very likely that he would just work on us, he flew very close to us then, we too we can't understand what he wants to do, we do, they say launch, we launch, shoot him down and leave there, attentive. look, the target is close, the target is close. at the moment, russian planes
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do not fly into the wasps' zone of action, but they are actively studying what ukrainian air defense and air defense systems are capable of. you're knocking the same bapalakhs, they become blind, why should they not be afraid, that's why they start, well, they are not just careful, they, like you, well, most likely saw. aviation, circles cut the front line, and these are the circles, they are just probing the air defense, whether it is there, whether they grab it, or they don’t grab it, at what range, the type at which it was grabbed, so, well, you can find out what it is, dude, well, the very essence, so everything, well, the book says, this is not the essence of beating, the very essence of the complex is that we don’t care whether it’s a cloud or not a cloud, that’s if she took an escort, well, a military one, that's all , until there or further. or some kind of rap interference will not knock it down, it leads that target type and the missile will go to that target, destroyed,
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distant. mazymo 40, covers osa, in particular , ukrainian artillery, which repels assaults of russian infantry and equipment around the clock with the help of american m-777 howitzers. the shot is broken, the number of russian reconnaissance drones exceeds the capabilities of ukrainian air defense, so the gunners are looking. a fine balance between the probability of lighting a position and doing combat work, that's all it is done as quickly as possible, a gun, a shot, from the dugout to the gun, we can do it in 3 minutes, ugh, it is even to throw a dirty one on yourself, and it is in such a condition that it is, it is given to the cannon and we are already like that. .. ugh, they got their hands a little tight,
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let’s say, orders are not discussed, yes, if there is a command to the cannon, well, we won’t be there, yes, of course, if we heard some extraneous sound, that something is in the carriage, yes, we are warned that yes, yes, and that's how we work, if necessary, of course, if they already paint with such a word, let's say, well, it's not good, because this is already a little chance. tea shot, i just arrived here and maybe a week has passed, the lancet arrived and our commander went to the hospital for some treatment and i had to lead instead of him, then in such an express mode, well, literally three days i learned to lead normally, i worked myself, but then practice, practice
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again... practice and shooting skills were improved, most often russian zal reconnaissance drones fly to the ukrainian gunners, they penetrate several tens of kilometers deep into the ukrainian defenses and adjust counter-battery fire or the route of kamikaze drones, scout, because they will burn the point, where? scout and burn the point from where they shoot, where the toy is located, along the landings, sometimes they hit the squares simply and everything is fine, somewhere their hall or eagle burned, they dropped them and hit the squares, there are a lot of them flying, they can be launched and 15 pieces, and 20 pieces, even more, once it happened that 25 pieces were hanging, and superkams, and eagles, and halls, it all flies, how many of them, when they fly, we do not work, we try not to burned
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when they fly, we don't... but one of the biggest problems at the front is russian lancets, precisely because of these ubiquitous barrage ammunition, every gun is carefully masked and covered by an anti-lancet net. a signalman sits with us, he tells us: he watches the sky, if it flies somewhere directly above us, then of course we disguise ourselves and go for cover, or if it is already flying somewhere nearby, then we also go for cover, and if he finds a target, then he would is. may strike more than one, one yu and a second one is expected to follow, and will finish until the cannon, lancet, when it appears, it is not detected, we do not see it, only the hall can fly in, hover and wait for it, then it already leads it, it flies quickly, it flies very quickly seconds, it flies quickly very seconds, here, from here somewhere before we flew in, in short, i made it...


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