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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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an acceptable situation for the economy, for cooperation, for the interaction between beijing and paris and brussels, is absolutely unacceptable. the war must be stopped completely if we want neither beijing nor europe to suffer from the policies of the coming four-term trump administration. and i think beijing heard this signal. see for yourself, beijing after blinkin's visit, despite the fact that the visit was cool in general, and the state department publicly stated that... it is necessary to adhere to the sanctions against moscow, to join the sanctions against beijing, both legally and in fact, in fact, something has already begun to materialize. for example, russian companies, which felt free to make transactions through financial institutions of china, are now deprived of these opportunities, or very seriously limited, and these are gray schemes for the supply of military and dual purpose products, that is, beijing is slowly, perhaps reluctantly, losing financially, but agrees to that to limit... was in its
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use, economic and otherwise, by beijing to wage war, and we see that beijing all the time seeks to be an observer, as in the swiss conference on the peace formula, on the initiative, including zelensky , is going to come as an observer, and in the war he wants to be an observer, not a representative of moscow in this case, these are different qualities, we represent moscow, well, we conduct negotiations through us with moscow, no, we are observers and are not responsible. we will try to influence some issues, we will convince, but please do not make us representatives of moscow, and suddenly moscow will really resort to steps for which it will have to be responsible, for example, apply tactical nuclear weapons, why does beijing need it, so that it can then rake up the consequences for moscow? and in this sense, beijing is clearly increasing its distance in relation to moscow's plans for ukraine and europe and the western world, because of economic interest. because the threat of the arrival of trump,
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who will curtail the investment and technological interaction that is already happening between beijing and washington, what then, where to get technological and other resources? beijing is diversifying the situation and focusing on europe, and in particular, at the time of macron's visit to beijing, agreements were made it happened that airbus will be built in china, in particular, beijing is forced to choose priorities, or europe and to some extent america, or moscow. but the trade is not comparable, the trade with russia is 200-210 billion dollars a year, and with europe it is almost 800, 750, 770, what is most important, and with america it is somewhere like 750, 780, that is, it shows that the potential is incomparable, and moscow will continue to lose, and beijing will increase its distance from moscow and at the same time move closer to europe in these issues. i completely agree with you, mark . just to give such, maybe something
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an undemanding allegory, that is, well, you understand, a mad, angry bull terrier that starts jumping, biting passers-by, and everyone understands who its plus-minus owner is, yes, well, the key story here is who will give this mad bull terrier the first you see, and the owner, so to speak, tries to pretend that this is not his bull terrier, but when he is told, listen, we are to you, we are to you, specifically, dear peking comrades, he will write out... a specific fine for your bull terrier if you don't pick him up, and putin also feels this matter, and what is he doing, he is now trying to go to beijing, check his clocks, and here is the key story, what comrade everyone will tell him, and what putin will tell him, he did not believe, but beijing has a strong argument in talking with putin, who will soon pay a visit to beijing, the war has been going on for more than two years, and you planned much less, counting on a blitz. cry for
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an accelerated end to the war, settlement of the conflict. it doesn't matter, on capitulation terms, on negotiations, this does not happen. now the war is becoming a burden for everyone, and for beijing as well, which definitely does not want to be a representative of moscow in any way, as i said, because what dividend will you get? on the contrary, beijing is interested in moscow coming out of the war as weakened as possible, so that it does not disappear, let putin stay, but so that it is destroyed as much as possible. will be closed, given the consequences of the war, no matter what the negotiations take place and no matter how they end, and beijing does not benefit from moscow's victory. moscow is already too proud when it begins to improve its situation, whether front-line or international. in particular, until these five, almost six months, no help was allocated by congress. in ukraine it was
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seen how moscow was inspired by the possibility of a future victory, plans were not being made for an offensive against kharkiv, but when this is not the case, a new situation arises with aid with... a different balance in terms of ammunition, in terms of the means that ukraine is restoring with aid, which has already left the usa, the political situation immediately changes, they noticed how easily it changes, european politicians are immediately inspired and emboldened, and china should not lag behind, it should put forward conditions. moscow must decide how long it is going to fight, to wage a full-scale war. i think such a question will be raised in beijing. how long are you going to fight? 10? years , this is unacceptable for us, it is definitely unacceptable for beijing, moreover, beijing is very afraid of nuclear rhetoric and all exercises and deployment of nuclear missiles on the territory of belarus. why? because i totally assume so. a variant of the development of the situation is also being discussed with beijing, under which, in addition to china
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and north korea, other players in southeast asia will have nuclear weapons, japan, it is very can easily get nuclear weapons, they have their own nuclear materials, laboratory tests. there is no need to talk about technology, taiwan can have nuclear weapons, why not, north korea can have them, taiwan can't, south korea can have nuclear weapons, why is it for beijing, how will it help in his plans for the integration of taiwan into mainland china will be very damaging, therefore this issue causes a terrible heartburn in beijing in relation to moscow, most likely these two issues will be discussed, the first is to stop nuclear rhetoric, moscow must... be a responsible partner, a member of the un security council with the right of veto cannot behave in this way, because he is the guarantor of international security, not using nuclear weapons, not violating conventions that oblige, for example, not to conduct nuclear tests, not to transfer weapons to third countries, the convention
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about the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which, however , is happening in relation to belarus, etc., and the second question - the terms of the end of the war. we will decide on a deadline, how long you still want to fight. "if you cannot conquer ukraine and advance beyond 20% of the occupied territories, increase them to 30, 40, 50, 100%, then it is necessary to end the war and accept conditions on which the west is ready to somehow influence kyiv, and come to some kind of peace plan acceptable to all parties, not to moscow alone. if beijing's scales tip to the west, then moscow may have virtually no significant allies left on this issue." may move something. thank you very much, mark, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation. i would like to remind our viewers that now on the air mark fegin, a member of the russian opposition, worked for spress of emigration, former member of the state duma, well -known video blogger. thanks mark. thank you,
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anton, thank you to all viewers. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. this spring, on the third year of russia's war against ukraine, for the first time a video appeared in open sources, on which you can view the destroyed american rczo hymers. in addition, other footage of strikes on military facilities of the armed forces of ukraine became publicly available the rear russian reconnaissance drones can now detect a target. and adjust fire on them dozens of kilometers from the front line. why this became possible and how to resist it, let's talk about the realities of donbas today. congratulations.
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i will be on the first channel. here is the first channel. the crew of the ukrainian osa anti-aircraft missile complex returns after a successfully completed combat mission in donetsk region, immediately several reconnaissance drones of the russian army are shot down. we are basically what we are getting confused about, it is arland 10th, orland 30th and supercam, this is our most fat targets, because they cost there, i will not say how much our rocket costs, well, for example, the orlan
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is on average 100 00 dollars, the arlan 30th, which is a signifier, zlazertileryi, like its asking price there is 120-130 thousand dollars, well, if you take even a... in an economic war, we will even launch five missiles there, we are still in the game, we left and we can take about 10 minutes, we can shoot down the first one right away, at least... it's only in one zone that four can definitely fly when anyway they launch one scout if we we can shoot him down, then those who were flying behind him can spot us and work on us already, we don’t stand still for a long time either, if we don’t see the target, well, there for a while, then we immediately move, because the orta can also work on us, we are also shining while we are working, nothing else. to move
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and the maximum that we could go off-road is 70 km, we have an operator after the trip, roughly speaking, say, oleg, he says, i will show you a bucket of years, he says, but we are only this drift for.. . finished successfully. pierce the burned antennas with shrapnel corps. this machine is a clear illustration of the conditions under which air defense fighters work. the wasp is looking for the drones, the drones are looking for the wasp. and this is the biggest minus in it, that there is no armor at all. in general, under the word. ugh. no just like an ordinary car, body. and that's all. my task is to deliver the boys to the training place and
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pick them up from there, react to everything in time, listen to commands, since the car is very noisy, very noisy, and you have to listen and be and watch in front of you, since the enemy has the advantage of lancets, and all kinds of drones, fiwi drones, yet it flies towards us. well, with one goal, these complexes are hunted quite a lot, because there was once a situation there that when they gave the command to flee, just drop everything, and even half a village was razed to the ground, it's just that they interfere with them a lot, our crew, i now... i find in a little different place, 93 targets were destroyed, well, when i moved, there were 54 for me personally, the best job in the world,
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the best job in the world, andryukha, the best job in the world, the work of air defense systems is currently the most effective means of destroying reconnaissance drones, the crew of this wasp constantly operates directly near the front line, there are many tasks, the fighters say, but the result of the work... is immediately felt, it is the basis of the type of cover in the principle of artillery, the basis of the cover of infantry, mortars, tanks, the very essence of it is mobility, we left, it was like this, that they burned our position there, they started knocking down, in the second point, in the third they knocked down a bunch there, now we were sitting, we left again, we left again, we are stupid, good evening, dumb and candles, they need time to find, we are like a pimple on the ass, we are small we don't really bother to sit, alone with the good
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the work of wasps, we have seen a lot of statistics, when we come in, they shoot and they shoot well, and when we work for about four days, even the hunters get lost, they are already afraid to just enter the sector, that’s a good number of bk in us, asa is able to recognize and detect targets in motion, and immediately after a short stop, it can ... in principle, you can prevent them even to the demarcation line, here everything depends on the combat task, and we can, as there is an echelon , cover some sort of advancing there, we we can there they said that the line should be closed there, we got there like there they said there we need an artuha there or there the boys who come in, where they say we are actually going, and there if there is to the line. it's not a problem, well, i'll say it, to be honest, we had it there, as
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the command says, you can get closer there or you can't, we have a calculation chief , yes, he says, to the question, there can be two fields more, on two fields closer to the tip, well, we chased each other, arranged a safari, like, well, the bastard was running away from us, we followed him, and so on and so forth a safari was arranged for us, well here the peculiarity of the osad air defense system is an all-round radar station with a high degree of protection against obstacles, it finds targets and calculates their coordinates, for example, a fighter can see at a distance of up to 40 km, depending on the flight height, one from russian planes... vlad shot down at the beginning of a full-scale aggression, for which he received the order for courage of the second degree. on the second day of the war, the whole movement had somehow started, we were put on alert at night and it turned out that we met the plane, well which was discovered and worked on, but it was also unclear, at first, that we
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had shot it down, we were very happy, but i think it was the second or third. which was done from the car, because before that there were no starts, and it turned out that we knocked down the dryer, we were very happy, the next day, when we arrived, it was very difficult and we were very faithful that he would simply work for us, he flew close to us then, we also can't understand what he wants to do, we do, they say launch, we launch, shoot him down and leave there. at the moment, russian planes do not fly into the wasps' zone of action, but they are actively studying what ukrainian air defense and air defense systems are capable of. you knock down the same fools, they become blind, why should they
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not be afraid, so they start, well, they are not just careful. they, as you, well, most likely saw the aviation, they cut circles in front of the line, and these are the circles, they are just probing, whether they are there, or they will catch, or they will not catch, at what range, at what range grabbed, so, well, you can find out what it stands for, like, well, that’s the point, so air defense is all, well, the book says, that’s not the point shooting down, the very essence is to interfere with the execution of a combat goal, a combat task, that is the very essence of beer, and precisely, if... launch a missile, a special device calculates, a small one is captured and guided, the moment when the drone is exactly needed, the system itself sees, and here is the operator of the tracking station of the targets that its inexperienced operator may not recognize,
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if we see the target in particular the silhouette itself, then on our radar it is as simple as that. the point goes and that’s it, the growth is so small, you see, here he goes, you see that you can do it like a point , look, what is this just a big goal or just a small goal, well, i can see on my screen what kind of interference the priority of this complex gives, that we don't care whether it's a cloud or not, but if she took a car escort. well, combat, then everything is like that, as long as there is either a range or some kind of rap interference does not knock it down, it leads that target and the missile will go to that target. covers the wasp, in particular ukrainian artillery, which repels
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assaults of russian infantry and equipment around the clock with the help of american m7 howitzers. tea, shot! the number of russian intelligence of drones exceeds the capabilities of ukrainian air defense, so gunners are looking for a delicate balance between the probability of illuminating the position and the performance of combat work. everything is done as quickly as possible. gun! shot! from the dugout to the gun. we can do it in 3 minutes, ugh, it’s even throwing a dirty thing on yourself and it’s in the state it is in, it ’s given to us at the cannon and we’re already like that, ugh, we’ve got our hands full, let’s say, orders are not discussed, yes, if there is a command to the cannon, well, we won't be there, yes, of course, if
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they heard some kind of extraneous sound, that something is in the leash, yes... it is charging, yes, yes, and this is how we work, if necessary, of course, if they already paint with such a word, let's say, well, it's not good, because it's already a little bit of a chance , a shot, i just arrived here and maybe a week passed, the lancet arrived and our commander... went to the hospital for some treatment and i had to lead instead of him, then in such an express mode, well, literally three days i learned to lead normally, self work but then practice, practice, one more time practice and improved shooting skills,
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most often russian reconnaissance drones fly to the ukrainian gunners, they penetrate several tens of kilometers deep into the ukrainian defense and adjust the counter-battery fire or the route of kamikaze drones. because well... to scout and burn the point from where they are shooting, where the toy is on the landings, sometimes they just hit the squares and that's all shit, somewhere their hall or eagle burned, they dropped it and hit the squares, there are a lot of them flying, they can be launched by 15 and 20 pieces, even more, once there was such a thing that 25 pieces hung and superkams and eagles and halls, it all flies, how many of them, when they fly, we do not work, we try ...
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if he finds a target , then he hits, he may hit more than one, one is expected to be followed by another, and he will finish it until he dies, you know, when the lancet appears, it is not detected, we do not see it, it is only the hall that can fly, hover and wait for him, then she already leads him, flies quickly, seconds fly very quickly, but here somewhere before we flew in, in short. i managed to jump back four meters, if they burn the positions, then not one, there will be two of them, and they will finish until they destroy their target, and that's it, and
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then it will be, he flew two times, hit the lancet, and then already orta they work, well, you saw, they even have geocinths working, hitting from where, but even under such conditions , ukrainian artillerymen effectively restrain the meat assaults of the russian army, they say, everything that... the hall and supercam are activated not only near front lines, but also fly deep into the positions according to the russian military telegram channels, uavs work in
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conjunction with means of impression at a distance of 30-50 km. orlans adjust the artillery that fires, including long-range krasnopil shells, zala guides kamikaze drones, lancet, supercam, iskander missile and long-range smerch type msds or its tornado s upgrade . if we are talking about the same zala, it is essentially used as an additional repeater for the lancet, but the hall can allow the onece barrage ammunition to give significantly greater distances, well, on the condition that if there a light combat part and so on, well , according to it, if he has enough power there, then the hall is used for this, and look, here you have to understand that it is both in the hall and in the superkam, it is unmanned. military vehicles that use electric traction, that is, there is an electric motor, these are not gasoline engines, and so on, that is , taking into account that they do not have combat parts,
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a lightweight design, and so on, the range of their web will depend not only on the available resource of the battery there and so on, and from where he is, where, let's say so, the operators point is located where the receiving tower is placed there and so on depending on the height. the results of the penetration of russian reconnaissance drones into the deep rear of the armed forces are actively replicated not only on russian, but also on foreign resources, for example, this is the first since the beginning of a full-scale war, captured on video from a drone, the case of the destruction of the american khymers anti-aircraft missile at a distance of about 40 km from the front line. and this is according to the opinion of the publication force and according to the statement of mines. defense of russia, footage of the consequences of the iskander hypersonic missile attack on two launchers of the american patriot air defense system in the pokrovsk wound. the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine do not hide
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the number of ukrainian ppu. air defense systems and ammunition for them are not enough to fight hundreds of russian drones. in addition , enemy uavs were able to overcome the ref system, which was not so easy to do 7-8 months ago. the whole concept was based on something: a drone is flying, yes, there is an arland, yes, it takes off somewhere from the enemy rear and flies to the line of battle. flying, flying, flying. our, our means of radio-electronic intelligence. they see the radiation of these frequencies from this side, that is, they understand from these frequencies that it is arlan flying, and they triangulate him there and understand plus or minus where he is, that is, they in this way, well, because he is phoning, yes, let's say, the antenna is screaming , the means of radio-electronic intelligence hear this cry and can understand where this eagle is, after which they begin to suppress these frequencies and... while
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he flies there to the lbz, yes, that is, they are already suppressing the video channel, control, satellite navigation with our rebo there, and after which the board becomes uncontrollable, i.e. it he no longer communicates with the ground station, he cannot send there data about his location, he cannot do anything, that is, he has suppression of all all channels, and there they start to somehow spoof him there, they put coordinates there, everything, that is, he starts again ... by the wind and in this way they lose uavs, that is, the entire tactics of using rreb and uavs were built in this way: they are not autonomous, when you launch them, you do not forget about them, you are constantly reading information, the task of the reconnaissance apparatus, unmanned -literal device to collect information and transmit it to the ground station, to the ground control point, i.e. control, where these operators of unmanned aerial vehicles sit,
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read this... that is, there is an input and output channel of information, because commands are given and so on, there are already enough means radio-electronic warfare, you can plant such unwarrantedly literal devices. russian know-how for overcoming the rep system turned out to be a completely grandfatherly method. in the russian federation, they simply abandoned uav satellite navigation, which makes them sensitive to the radio electronic system struggle we put two radio beacons and these two radio beacons essentially form a triangle with the board and thus the board understands where it is, and for a more accurate understanding of its position, the camera simply takes a photo below itself, well, the drone camera simply compares it with the same picture by reference points , which is downloaded simply from google maps, finds reference points and thus understands where the drone is located, that is...
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what do we allow? this allows them to build long-distance routes in complete radio silence, that is, they said it directly in the advertisement, that's why problem, and no one among us, well, did not react to it, that is , there is practically no satellite navigation, so some modernization of the ground part made it possible to determine the point of the position of our device in the usual way. turns off, that is, it does not communicate with its ground station at all, it flies to the point where it needs to go, for example, it needs to fly there 40 km to our rear, and it just flies, that is, it is on the drum that there are no satellites, that something
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is suffocating here, it just flies. along the route flies into the required square, turns on, and this is already our rear, this is the far rear, ah-ah, and there are no means there, they are all on the front line, that is, they are built according to the same concept, in this way russian drones the scouts actually perform their work in the training grounds, in calm conditions, yes, due to the long distance, the signal with the base is weak, but there is simply no one and nothing to suppress it, pela manages to scout the area, find targets, transmit coordinates and even record hits on detected objects . what i say about rap, about echelon rap, even if it is made echeloned, it will not help either, it will help to crush the side, not to let him see, but, let's say, they don't lose the sides, that is...


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