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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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i believe, if they could create these units so quickly, they would not have removed a full-fledged brigade of marines from the far east and sent it to ukraine, realizing that they would never be able to return it back, or in a strategic sense , they still have a margin of safety in terms of human resources, they have up to 3 million people, they have a mobilization resource, the previous empire produced more than 100 million kalashnikov assault rifles, of course 100... there are no warehouses, but kalashnikov assault rifles are still being produced , this production does not stop, there are still thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of tons of ammunition in warehouses, the cartridge and projectile factories are loaded to full capacity, that is, the infantry shafts are quite likely, and they will form them, but i do not share the point of view that the strongest and heaviest blows the coronations should take place in may or at the beginning of june, to bring such a wave of people into line is necessary, at least.
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at least 3-4 months, if they manage to reach the declared indicators for the month of september, then it will be a success for them, huh, that is, you do not think that in may-june it is possible to expect something like this, well massive, i very, very correctly placed the emphasis, i do not cancel that those 30, 15, 25 thousand can go on the attack, yes they can, why can't they, they can, but what result will they achieve, if they want to break through 40 km. the section of the march is huge, then much more force is needed, this is my position, i am not saying that it will not happen, i am saying that it is unlikely, but look, for example, can we expect, well, for example, an attack on vovchansk from with the aim of entering the rear of our kupyansky group, for this, these forces are in principle sufficient on the one hand, and on the other hand, we are now seeing an intensification of fighting in the kupyan direction. in kupyansk, lymansk,
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well, that is, precisely in that zone, it is quite logical, quite logical to fight there, why, because in their understanding they still have a chance to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region, they have such a chance, at least they so-called it imagine that they still need to fulfill this task, they need to bring an immeasurable variety of physical resources to the occupation zone, and in first of all, the lyman-kupyan direction, especially itself... kupyansk, kupyansk, kuzloviy, this is the railway, that's all that is happening there, active combat operations have been intensified there for several weeks, there is nothing fundamentally new. well, if we talk about an exit, an attempt to exit to the borders of the donetsk and luhansk regions, then, in principle, this is, now, relaxation along the entire front line, starting from kupyansk, then there is time, there is also time in principle, well, it seems as a preparation, well... an attempt to further
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advance in the patronage direction or rather, turkish, but by the way, how do you assess, will it still be turkish or pokrovsky? i don't know, i don't know what direction they will choose for the main assault because there is the third law of war, it sounds very very simple: covert maneuver and they will try to implement it, the general philosophies, i'm probably already the fourth i will say, nothing changes for them. donetsk region and luhansk region in full, donetsk region is currently 57% occupied, and 403 still needs to be completed, and no matter which location we choose, we will not discuss and did not analyze, in the very logic of fighting and tactics, the implementation of this task will not change anything. and tell me, mr. peter, from your point of view, here are these attempts to revive the hostilities and somehow, well, someone there can prepare a synchronous one. an attack at several points at once,
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in order to overstretch our forces, what could be the timing of all this, you have already said that you do not really think that they will have time to prepare, now, it is rather autumn, but in the autumn we can expect more arrivals weapons, that is, it also creates them additional, well, difficulties, well, that is, according to the idea, they have to somehow catch up before we... new weapons arrived, the same planes, for example, f16, this is how they can play, this is the window of opportunity so that it does not close, and on the other hand , to have time, in my opinion, they have a window of opportunity for a few weeks, there is no more, the first package worth a billion dollars has been declared, there are a lot of things we need, first of all , cluster ammunition, and it has been declared that i don’t know, still in in march there was information that in june the first f-16 was in operation. now the main thing
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thesis of the day of the agenda that they will work somewhere inside summer, it's hard for me to say when they will really work, but is there a large influx of weapons, primarily artillery ammunition? cluster munitions for the m142 hymers and m-270 and especially a large number of atakams missiles in combination with the work of the f-16 can change something , can and can change so fundamentally. if the f-16 solves the problem of preschool corrected aviation bombs pab-250-500 up 1500. and after a while they drop them along the entire battle line in the range of up to 120 units and it is possible to solve the problem with the f-16, because they should shoot down s... then this will allow us to refocus, and having a sufficient amount of artillery, even to go into counter-insurgency operations, but everything rests on the number of weapons and their speed to control, that's all i can say in that direction, how can the russians in general prepare for the arrival of the mf-16, well, we
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periodically hear these cries to bomb romania there, but it seems to me that this is not a very realistic prospect, but what is realistic? realistic perspective is the use of s500 complexes, it is true that there are not many of them , somewhere within 30 launchers, but this is really a breakthrough technology in their understanding, they can calculate the target even up to 800 km and, apparently, i emphasize, it seems that they can shoot down precisely such aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 600 km, that's the only answer they can give, well of course they'll try to hunt down their storage locations, but i'm sure the defense technology...has reached such a high level, especially the underground part basing aircraft, that they will not be able to hunt down even at least one unit, they do not have and cannot have more options for answers. and when they talk about underground storage, what is it capable of, well, the taurus,
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for example, is a missile that just works on underground bunkers, but the russians have something similar, like the taurus? well, x47 m2 kenjal just worked on... on such options, but considering the way they hit, they can't penetrate several tens of meters down to get to the gas tank, then i i doubt that, especially in the carpathian zone, where, where the very magnitude of the carpathians opposes them, and there to find any such point that would be confirmed, that it can be affected very hard, and this is a very delicate topic, i do not i advise you to develop it in a thorough analysis, the enemy will listen to our every word. well, yes, i will agree with you here, let it be more trouble for them than for us, and you know, i want something else, again, now russia has announced these exercises, the use of tactical nuclear weapons, well, obviously , what
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for them, this is a new round of intimidation of the west, a new round of trying to stop the supply of weapons to ukraine, but watching how they... conduct, try to conduct these trainings, what would you say, what does it look like and how realistic is it in general, that they will really conduct them, with the equipment of nuclear weapons, or will we just see, as always, some kind of, well , bigger thing like that, there is one point in the categories that very incorrectly interpret what tactical nuclear weapons are in the correct military sense, this shells for artillery 152 mm 200 200. 240 mm, this is a tactical nuclear weapon, you need to put the emphasis very correctly, because this is all that can be put on the iskander, it is already an operational weapon of the highest
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order, i can’t imagine how such a missile in combat exercises with a nuclear warhead 10-50 k-t can explode in belarus, i can’t imagine, the soviet union for this... in the deep rear, from there all the way to the urals in the orenburg oblast, i will build special, special training grounds in northern kazakhstan, or all the way to kamchatka for for testing strategic nuclear warheads, that's why it's actually more of a bluff here, although , again, you can expect anything from them , the most difficult problem is if one nuclear projectile explodes, and not even on the territory of russia and... not on the territory of unoccupied ukraine, but let's say somewhere in donetsk, in the donetsk region, it is precisely those from the zone that are occupied, how to respond to this will have no meaning for us, i emphasize no, tactical nuclear weapons are very much overrated, they were developed precisely
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in order to break the concrete company support points of nato countries, a company base is 1.2 km, well, if something like this happens, there will be losses, so what? in the end, what will it change, they, they are already falling asleep with kababs, if already in the energy equivalent to take tens and tens of thousands of tons of the explosion as such, but how to answer for the western world, i don’t know, and why this is happening right now, there is there is hope for a large number of new weapons, there is hope for the f-16, and europe is beginning to indulge in the rhetoric of the use of nato troops on the territory of ukraine, and what else remains to be answered, they are nothing new in the conventional sense they cannot offer, i emphasize all possible types of weapons, all possible types of weapons except nuclear weapons have been used against us, and that more than 100 missiles have been fired. it broke the battle line, no, it sowed panic and host among
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the ukrainians, no, they no longer have any other means of intimidation. thank you, thank you, petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, we have to go on a break now, i also remind you about our assembly for armored vehicles for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone, join this assembly, either please and for we have a break, then we will talk a little more about the direction of the time gap with another guest. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot, liberty life, frankly and unbiased.
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draw your own conclusions. so, back to the conversation, these are war chronicles. i am olga len. and so, i remind you once again about the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsky zaporozhye direction. here is our phone number. the account has a qr code and it is primarily on a minibus that delivers repair crews to the war zone, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. and we were joined by volodymyr nazarenko, senior lieutenant, artillery officer of the third svoboda battalion, fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, i congratulate you, mr. nazar, oh. lord, forgive me please, good afternoon, studio, good afternoon tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to come to you,
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mr. volodymyr, well, look, what about the temporary ravine, well, as if from one side, there are constant attempts of offensives and that's all, but on the other hand, it seems as if some forces are even accumulating, at least this is what various analysts who observe what... is happening, well, and that yar is an important direction for the russians, says that the russian airborne troops are concentrated there , which are leading an offensive there, in particular the 98th airborne division from ivanovo and the 11th separate airborne assault brigade, i want to ask you exactly how you see, that is, the troops are accumulating, you see this accumulation, are they preparing for something, or is it going as it goes all the time. that is, is there some dynamic in all this? i agree with
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your first and second thesis, the situation really seems to be going as it is going, but actually you expressed yourself quite appropriately, how can you characterize the tactics, the general tactics, the general tendency of the enemy's actions in this way, in most cases we clearly understand, what enemy tactics depend on the unit, on the forces. who receive this or that task, who have their own area, their own responsibility, for which they received a task, in general, during days, weeks, and months, i will not be afraid of this word, and years, the enemy received a task in the east, in particular in the direction of bakhmut, to carry out maximum pressure. previously, they chose a specific settlement and pressed, pressed, pressed there, and all their actual meat assaults, technical assaults, all their metallobrukt simply chose a specific area. and they were trying to advance there and simply sharpening their forces, now during the last
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few months, actually at the beginning of winter, from autumn, from the end, including winter, with the onset of more or less good weather conditions, favorable weather conditions, the enemy chose the tactic of pressing as wide as possible along the front in many points, in many places, in many settlements, in general, it is hundreds of kilometers, in general, northern... tens of kilometers north and south of bakhmut, these are other directions, such as kupyansky, such as lymansky, such as vdiivska, such , as again the southern sections of the front. and on all these fronts, on all these sections , the enemy uses his techniques, his equipment, his manpower to the maximum in one way or another. the storms are different, as in general infantry using mercenaries, units, there are meat units, such as similar assaults, as there were in 22-23, in the bakhmut direction,
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when the enemy simply tries to advance with infantry in small groups, small groups, tries to do and conveyor attacks so, unfortunately, the enemy actively and uses assaults from using armored vehicles, on which the landing party tries to storm, tries to get to our zero positions and land, unfortunately, the enemy can again use several units or more than a few units of tanks, on which the landing party also uses, in general, the enemy's tactics are to accumulate, get to of its zero line, because in most cases, thanks to the fact that i ... the gunner says, and our artillery units of our fourth brigade of the national guard of rubies clearly understand that when any attempts of the enemy to accumulate are detected, to concentrate, to form some columns, groups, this happens in the rear of the enemy and immediately we begin to work on these enemy accumulations, on these enemy forces, in principle, any target is a target that we must
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destroy in such a way that is expedient , which... is rational and the enemy in most cases cannot even reach its zero line to accumulate, but unfortunately, again - those attempts to attack the enemy, on which it accumulates, they are repelled, and in general the tendency is what in a certain way, it seems that the enemy has an unlimited number of reserves, replenishment, not even reserves, but the replenishment that they drained during one assault waited for replenishment, it is sometimes a day, sometimes two, sometimes a week , sometimes two weeks, that is, it is quite difficult to say in what time a specific brigade, a specific division of the occupying forces receives one or another replenishment, as soon as they receive one or another replenishment, whether in equipment or in manpower, they again try to run into a fairly strong, dynamic defense
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of the defense forces of ukraine. well, i see such the expectation that the new one is... the momentum of the offensive must be waited for, as if by the end of this week, there is some sort of regrouping of these paratroopers, and we can expect that they will try, well, first of all, probably in the ivanovo area, that's why the bridge was blown up there, actually for it is important for them, i understand, very ivanivka because it prevents them from a wider offensive there at the time of the start of the situation, it is difficult to state because the enemy is trying to attack not only at the time of the ivans, in general, starting from bilogorivka, ending in klishchiivkuya, even further south kurtyumivka, and all the way to mayorsk, the enemy is trying to press, that is, dozens, dozens of areas, specific places, sometimes in one place, then in another place, sometimes one landing, then another landing, the enemy is trying to storm one village, then another village, sometimes at the same time several villages, several
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streets, in villages where the line of demarcation actually passes through villages, according to the population. point, well, i'm abstracting, i'm not saying specific links there, but in general, the tendency is that in one place, then in another, the enemy tries to press and in general it depends, that is, all units of the occupying forces, they were given the task of advancing, in particular, it is really, unfortunately, very difficult, a difficult situation under the time gap, the enemy is pressing, and we clearly understand that when the enemy tries to advance physically, that is , the use of armored vehicles or... manpower, extremely what is dangerous is the bombing, the use of artillery that they use, they do not stop using artillery, in fact they bombard the near, far rear, zero positions, unfortunately, they try to use, use artillery as well, their firearms under heptomer adjustment, not just to cover the squares, as they used to do, but to try to bring them down, that is
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, to make aimed shots at the force defense positions. there is a certain danger in this, so we as artillery units of our brigade understand our responsibility in counter-battery fighting, counter-battery duel. and this is such a gap between the capabilities of our artillery there and that of russia, it still exists, is the situation improving little by little, well, they said a little less than 30 to one, even at some point it was 30 to there was one in 20. in the second year, when the enemy simply lined up in echelons, batteries, divisions and simply tried to plow through and in principle began to use this tactic of an endless barrage of fire, when they do not... go to the usual assault battle there, first they plow through everything, and then try to advance. recently, the trend is 1:10, 1:5, 1:3, but here it is critically important
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to understand the various technical and tactical indicators of the enemy's artillery and the artillery provided to us by our western partners. soviet artillery is not created for target shooting, in principle , all equipment, all military doctrine, everything that the soviet... empire, which was preparing for the third world war, planned to overwhelm with number, number, again number, they believed that the key to their victory - this is a number, and we clearly understand even the thesis that for one tank of the nato countries, the soviet empire was preparing 10 of its own tanks and understood that physically, simply, no matter how technically equipped and prepared. tank of the nato countries, it still won't be able to cope at the same time, at the same time, i emphasize with ten enemy tanks. actually, well, again, the tactics used by the enemy, in artillery,
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are the same, that is, they try to bomb simply by number. western artillery, which is provided to us by our allies, clearly shows that the maximum economy of ammunition and maximum efficiency, therefore, in the confrontation, in the defensive dynamic, are important. fighting in defensive dynamic battles is of course the parity of firepower to firepower, but another key indicator is aiming, i.e. the destructive power of this fire impact, and here the western artillery models actually win, because they are much more accurate, easier to aim, faster, better quality and have better ammunition, more destructive action, more circles. at respectively 155 tam on 3 mm, but still larger, so one shot can hit a gun, even when an enemy gun fires 30 tam shells or 10
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shells or 20 shells, enough less than a shot of western artillery to suppress or destroy enemy cannon. mr. volodymyr, in general, estimate how much we well, we also partly use soviet-style artillery. but how does this process take place dynamically, because, well, do we really still need a large supply of ammunition, or do we have a gradual withdrawal of this artillery, well , because, well, there, the barrels simply wear out and are not restored, that's how dynamically this happens replacement, so to speak , now there is such and such a proportion of nato-style artillery there, such a proportion is still being advised there. can we somehow evaluate it now? and i will give a certain analogy, when i am asked if there is enough ammunition, i say
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there is enough ammunition, it is only when it is lying in the warehouse and not being used , all the enemy targets are destroyed, or there are no targets to shoot at with this ammunition, that is when enough ammo, the same way i model for weapons, for weapons, ranging from a machine gun, from a ... pistol from a rifle, ending with artillery of the largest caliber. as long as there is the presence of the enemy, as long as there is the accumulation of the enemy, as long as there is the logistics of the enemy, as long as they are present at their positions, at their zero lines, and not knocked out of their zero lines, not knocked out of their reserves, not knocked out of their rears, everything that shoots, everything that can shoot with the ammunition that is actually available now, everything must be used, everything we must use for our victory, in order to... but repel that enemy pressure and put as much pressure on the enemy as possible, starting again with the maxim machine guns, which are still used and show a certain effectiveness and have certain technical
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characteristics, in fact they fire in battles before them and they can mow the occupier, in conclusion, well, i also model quite effective mortars of 82 caliber bm of 37-37, i emphasize, also... effective mortars of 120 caliber of 38 are used by the defense forces, which, unfortunately, the occupiers use these systems , and starting from that, weapons are quite often used, precisely those that were actively used during the second world war, and newer ones, so everything that shoots, everything that can destroy the occupier, everything is used, of course, we clearly we understand that there is more ammunition for something, for something less. ammunition, but these are already such, such narrow details that should not be disseminated, and in fact there is no time, thank you very much, volodymyr nazarenko, senior lieutenant, artillery officer of the freedom battalion.
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the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard joined us, well, our time is over, i remind you once again about the collection, please join, the qr code is in front of you, it is for the repair of armored vehicles, and stay with the espresso tv channel, in the end. congratulations, today i will tell about three children from the kherson region who went missing and who we are we are trying to find i will say right away that , unfortunately, not much is known about them, so we really hope for your concern and help. please watch this video carefully, and if you recognize any of the children in question, do not delay and immediately notify us on the hotline 1163. zero.
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so, oleksiy khrustalov, stela naydenova and bohdan kotenko. all of them disappeared during the occupation, and nothing is known about them until now. the connection with oleksiy was cut off at the very beginning of the war, and there was no more news from him. we only know that he is 17 years old, and before the start full-scale invasion, he lived in the village of nova zburivka in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. what happened to him and where ? where the boy is, unfortunately, we do not know, and i emphasize once again that there is really a great hope that one of you will recognize oleksiy, so look into his face, if you suddenly know something about the boy, let me know immediately child tracing service line 116/30, we will be grateful for any information, and this is 14-year-old stela naydenova,
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she, like oleksiy khrustalov from... disappeared at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. it happened this is in kherson, when the city was under russian occupation. since then, there has been no contact with her , and her whereabouts are unknown. unfortunately, it is possible that she could have been taken out or deported to russia. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you know about any crime against a child, in particular about ... abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website stopcrime, ua. you can even do it anonymously. also bohdan kotenko disappeared in the kherson region. he is 15 years old, and we know that when the full-scale invasion began, he lived in skadovsk, kherson region. the same as in the situation with oleksiy khrustalov and stela
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naydenova. due to the fact that bohdan disappeared during the occupation, there is actually no information about him, but it is very important that we have his photo, and accordingly there is a chance that one of you will recognize him, so once again, please look as carefully as possible in the face of oleksiy khrustalov, stela naydenova and bohdan kotenko. and first of all i turn to residents of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region who can see this video. on youtube, if you have information about these children, who may still be in the kherson region, immediately notify us on the hotline 11630. if you are under occupation and do not have the opportunity to call, you can contact by writing to us in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or on our website. let's not be indifferent, and let's try
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to find out together. stela and bohdan. and at the very end , i once again ask you to spare just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the children's search service. here in the "missing children of ukraine" section, you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted. look closely at their faces. i will be very grateful if you share information about missing children in your facebook or instagram, because of course... the more people see the ad about the wanted child, the more chances there will be to find him. if you suddenly recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 11630. calls from all mobile phones operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child.


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