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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance in our. society drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on accession to the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project. for those who care
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and think, politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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where did you get the strength, mom, tell me, to do everything, to hide in it, to stay awake, to teach, to sympathize with me, as young as you were, every day, despite work, business, school, to find time for our friendship, i i'll never forget it now i know it's love, you don't call, and i'm already scared, you... the closest mother in the world, and i'm terribly grateful for everything. large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working from shelter. we ask you to stay in
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a safe city in the ether of the news, khrystyna probiy works in the studio. three successful attacks on strategic russian enterprises overnight. the drones hit the volgograd oil refinery, the kalug naftoprodukt plant and the novolypytskyi metallurgical plant. as reported by a number of media with reference to their own sources, it was a successful operation of the main intelligence management. information about the fire at the volgograd refinery was also confirmed by the local governorate. after the impact, a fire broke out, however, the occupiers claim that they allegedly repelled the attack with rocket launchers, and the ignition was caused by falling debris, they traditionally reported that there were no consequences. the authorities of the belgorod region also complained about the drone attack. according to the local governor , in the morning in the city of shebekino, drones damaged two industrial enterprises. also, drones used to disturb the lines.
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electricity transmission, so the residents are now without electricity shebekino itself and several nearby villages. as a result of yesterday's shelling of belgorod itself, about three dozen russians were allegedly injured, 17 of them are in the hospital. and before the operational events in ukraine, the russian occupiers of the kharkiv region are attacking almost continuously. two dead and four injured in the region only in the last hours. in the morning, the russians dropped the aircraft. a woman and two other men died in vovchansk, rescuers got under the rubble of a house. dozens of private and multi-story buildings were destroyed and partially destroyed. under the rubble a whole family, four people, who were helped to get out by emergency personnel, were in one of the residential buildings, desen from kharkiv region reported. and at night, during the shelling , a wounded 38-year-old man was found in vovchansk. he died in the village of hlyboke during an artillery fire. a 63-year-old man was injured, and
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a 37-year-old man was injured in vesely due to the detonation of ammunition, - said the head of the region oleg synyugubov. in the north of kharkiv oblast , heavy fighting continues for the border villages, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his evening address. yesterday, the occupiers went to the attack on the village of hlyboke, which is of strategic importance, informed the unit of sharp cartouches from a separate detachment of the national guard. the military added that the defense forces were forced to leave some positions. the russians are suffering heavy losses, but they are still attacking our defenders and in some places up to... our defensive operations continue in the kharkiv region in the area of ​​the villages of strelecha, krasne, morukhovets, oliinikova, lukyantsi, matishche, pledenivka - these are border
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villages, our troops are already for the second day , counterattacks are being conducted there, protecting ukrainian territory in the meantime, up to 400. residents still remain in vovchansk - reports the public. the russians are trying to capture the city and have intensified their attacks on it. according to the head of the city police department maksym stetsyna. most often, locals refuse to leave because they don't want to leave their livestock behind. however, when the military administration offers to evacuate with the animals, not everyone agrees. according to the law enforcement officer, the children were taken out of the city last year. and one dead and five wounded, among them a child, in the kherson region. occupiers shelled 10 settlements in the region during the day, - informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the russians targeted residential quarters, damaged a private
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house and a communal infrastructure facility. also, due to enemy attacks, there was a gas leak, it was quickly stopped. a woman was injured in the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. during the day, the russians attacked the area with nine drones and shelled three times with artillery. nikopol, myrivska, marganetska and pokrovsk communities came under fire. seven private houses, several farm buildings and greenhouses, a garage, cars and power lines were damaged. infrastructural object is also renovated. two people... were killed by an explosion of grenades in a brewery in the kyiv region, a law enforcement officer was among the wounded, the regional police reported, the explosion thundered in the city center yesterday at around 9 p.m. the police patrol received a call regarding the hooligan actions of an unknown man. when they arrived at the place, the violator ran
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away, and when he saw that a law enforcement officer was chasing him, he threw a grenade at him. both wounded and to operational information. from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 155 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the situation worsened along the entire front line. the occupiers attacked mostly in donetsk region, in the kramatorsk, pokrovsky, kurakhiv and vremiv directions. there , ukrainian defenders repelled 84 enemy assaults. in the north of kharkiv oblast, the enemy , supported by aviation, carried out 12 attacks near 10 settlements on the border, in the kupyan district. 19 to move forward. 26 assaults were restrained by our defenders on the siversky and limansky directions in the serebryansky forest, bilogorivka, and rozdolivka areas. five times the russians tried to knock out our units on the left bank of the kherson region and twice near the work station in
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zaporizhzhia. unsuccessfully. during the day, our aviation and missile forces struck nine enemy personnel concentration areas, three anti-aircraft missile systems, and two artillery systems. means and two radar means of the occupiers. minus 1260 occupants per day, and from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has already lost 400-482 thousand invaders. also, yesterday, the defense forces managed to burn down one enemy plane, more than two dozen armored combat vehicles, five tanks, 30 artillery systems, two rocket salvo systems and an air defense installation. the data added by the general staff are indicative. ukrainian defense forces also destroyed five enemy reconnaissance drones last night, the southern air command reported. four uavs were shot down in the kherson region and one
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orlan-10 in the mykolaiv region. exceeded forecasts. ukraine took third place at the eurovision song contest 2024. the duet of alyona alyona and jerry hale with the song maria theresa scored a total of 453 points, and the winner of the contest, which was held yesterday in malmö, sweden, was the representative of switzerland, nemo. at radoshchi, the singer even accidentally crushed his award - a crystal microphone, but the organizers gave him a new one. second place in croatia. the next issue is on the 11th, read more news on our website, also in our social networks, join, put your preferences, then my colleagues will continue the ater, stay with us.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i am taras berizovets with you. today in our program. the situation around the time gap worries ukrainian intelligence. xijin ping's european tour. peace summit. ukraine plans to discuss three issues. and also the latest weapons for the armed forces. what surprises await the russian invaders on the battlefield. on monday
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, may 6, the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic summoned the ambassador of the russian federation oleksandr zmievskyi through cyberattacks on czech institutions and critical infrastructure facilities. before that, germany reported on russian cyberattacks. this same week, the british edition of the financial times published an extensive article in which it is claimed that... russia is allegedly preparing sabotage in europe, as it has set a course for permanent conflict with the west. according to intelligence officials cited by journalists, moscow is actively preparing explosions, arson, and damage to infrastructure, both independently and through intermediaries. more for details about russian sabotage in europe, see our story. european special services warn that russia is planning sabotage throughout europe. kremlin agents
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prepare hidden explosions, arson and attacks on infrastructure. this is reported by the financial times. russia has already begun to more actively prepare hidden explosions, arson and damage to infrastructure on european territory. directly and through intermediaries, with no apparent concern for civilian casualties, according to intelligence officials. british newspaper also reports that one senior european government official has said that clear and convincing russian piracy is being coordinated and scaled through nato's security services. ukrainian expert and former deputy head of the sbu viktor yagun says that in fact the russian federation has been using such methods of fighting the civilized world for a long time in order to divide europe. in fact, the russian federation already does. what is called the hot phase of the war, and not the hybrid, is recently
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confirmed by the investigation of the czech republic, the involvement of russian saboteurs in explosions, explosions in bulgaria, this, the detention of saboteurs in poland who tried to blow up the railway, these are the cases of the attack on the skripali family. in great britain, this is the murder of a chechen-povska commander in berlin, this is an attempt to triple the owner of an arms company in bulgaria, i am not talking about cyberterrorism, which is actually universally present in europe, and the involvement of the russian federation in it is also proven. possibilities for sabotage in europe in the russian federation'. there are also quite powerful ones, says viktor yagon, perhaps it will not be the direct direct participation
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of representatives of the special services of the russian federation there, as in the czech republic or bulgaria, for example, like the arson of the garden house in germany, the manager of refined metal, which was carried out by some left-wing structure there, and accusing them of being there they help ukraine's armored vehicles. in all seriousness, it can be stated that russia may be involved in this, through its special services, using proxies, which... may not even understand who is ripping them off and who is ordering them music, to carry out such and such actions, such opportunities are very powerful in russia, they use both left-wing and extreme right-wing structures, they turn each other against themselves, they discredit
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the current government, they try through the leader of public opinion, who bribed through third parties. e change the opinion on the subject of strengthening isolationism, they are already confirmed information about an attempt to influence the elections to the european parliament, which will be held in june, that is, these are all elements of the same chain, which is called a hybrid war, but it has actually turned into a hot phase. viktor yagun says that the main task of the russian federation is to divide europe, to question unity and security. issues in nato structures, but european special services are informed and are preparing for possible sabotage in order to prevent them, and the russian federation in this way once again demonstrates its true intentions for peace, because a divided europe is much more easily influenced, perhaps by some attacks, than about united structures, so they will do everything, they will look for an opportunity
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to pay money to someone there, they will directly carry out something there using some... their technologies, they are now actively working on the possibility of discrediting the olympics in paris, they want to disrupt the summit in switzerland, because how will they do it, what will they do , well, it is clear that it is difficult to predict now, but the fact that the european special services are already informed and are preparing for... this is already a plus, because whoever is informed is practically armed, no matter how much russia presses, it only thus confirming our narratives that they, they don't want peace, they don't want to live in peace, they don't want to reach any consensus, and they have a very simple idea that everyone
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should be, chaos should reign, and in this chaos russia should ... well, if not to dominate, then at the very least to be one of those concentrated, concentrated centers, which influences all this, and catches its fish in that muddy water there. on may 7, vladimir putin was sworn in as the president of russia for the fifth time. most western countries boycotted this ceremony because of the war in ukraine. experts warn that after the so-called inauguration , the hands of the head of the kremlin will be finally untied. vladimir putin will now be able to conduct a new wave of mobilization without hindrance and redirect money from social programs to the manufacture and purchase of weapons. according to
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vadym skibitskyi, deputy head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the russian occupying forces are preparing for a new offensive. operations in kharkiv and sumy regions. he said this in an interview with a british newspaper the economist. according to a ukrainian intelligence officer, the biggest concern at the moment is the timing, which is the key to the further advancement of russian troops. according to skibitskyi, it is only a matter of time before chasivyar falls like avdiivka. more details on this in our next story. russian troops are preparing offensive operations in the kharkiv and sumy regions, according to the deputy head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibitsky , in an interview with theeconomist at the beginning of may. skibitsky predicts that first the russian federation will try to continue to implement its plan from 2022, the complete liberation of donetsk and luhansk regions. he says that for
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the splendor of the victory day celebration in moscow on may 9, the occupiers were ordered to take something. and if it doesn't work out, then at least until the visit of dictator putin to beijing, which should take place in may. according to the intelligence officer, the speed and success of the advance will determine when and where the russians strike next, but ukraine remains a problem with the lack of weapons. our problem is very simple: we have no weapons, they always knew that april and may would be a difficult time for us. the biggest concern is the timing of sivyar, which is the key to what's to come. of russian troops to the last major cities of the donetsk region, the publication says. it is probably only a matter of time before this city falls like avdiivka. bombed before being killed by the russians in february, says the general. of course, not today or tomorrow, but still depends on our reserves. around the temporal ravine, intense fighting
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continues day and night, but the armed forces of ukraine control the situation in this direction and there are no occupiers in the city. the spokesperson of the khortytsia operational-strategic grouping of the troops, nazar voloshyn, said this on the air of the telethon, glavkom writes. over the past week and today, the situation around the city has not changed. active fighting continues day and night, the enemy has not made any territorial gains there in recent days, and the russian army is not in the city. serhiy chaus, the head of the chasoyavorsk city military administration , said on may 6 that civilians still have the opportunity to leave the city, but due to the activity of drones, it is difficult to evacuate people. there are also not many people willing to leave the city - reports the correspondent. the situation in the community for the last three weeks. on the pizza of danger and shelling. currently, 680 residents remain in chasovoy yaer. in may, aid was not given yet, but there are plans to do so. russia has tactical success in
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the village of ocheretyn, in donetsk region, where the rotation of ukrainian troops was disrupted. the law of cities states that the russian troops managed to break through the first line of defense and created a 25- km-long salient. ukraine is far from stabilizing the situation, russia is throwing everything it has to achieve a greater one benefits hungarians say that the russian army is not as coherent as it was at the start of the full-scale invasion in 2022, and now operates as a single body with a clear plan and under a single command. russia's main push will begin in late may or early june. according to information from the kibiian russian federation , more than half a million ground troops were used to start a war with ukraine. at the same time , the aggressor country gathered 35,000 troops for the attack on kharkiv oblast. servicemen and intends to expand their number to 50-70 thousands in addition, russia is forming a reserve division of 15,000 to 20,000 people, which it can
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add to the main forces. according to deputy chief gur, this is not enough for operations to capture the great city. that judgment is shared by western military officials, but may be sufficient for a smaller task. the fifth inauguration of the russian dictator putin was not much different from the previous ones. western journalists scrutinized the video of putin's last fourth inauguration and found literally some detailed differences. for the first time last time, before the inauguration, putin sat in his office without a jacket and pretended that he was checking some documents. this time, the exact same thing happened with the only difference. putin was wearing a jacket. in addition, usually putin, when he moves to the kremlin throne room, where anxious guests are already waiting for him, always just
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moves along the corridor without stopping. and this time , aging putin decided to stop for some reason and even look at some paintings that are located in the corridors leading to the kremlin hall. what was it for? done, no one explained. this is another novelty. the fact that putin arrived in a specially made for him aurus senat car model, which is presented as an exclusively russian development. however, journalists of the british bbc even earlier unearthed the comic fact that in fact this so-called russian car consists exclusively of chinese or western spare parts, so there is nothing russian in it, even the name aurus senat, let's face it, is clearly not about russian. another funny fact of this inauguration was the presence of the so -called celebrities of old soviet stars movies, such as the actress talyzyna,
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who is already said to have gone through the roof, and the former hollywood action hero steven seagal, you remember, the same movie hero from famous films was spotted with death in assad and patriot. what is interesting is the list of these films, here... actually, the filmography of this actor steven seagal resembles certain stages of the biography of vladimir putin. one of them was called above the law, which, you must agree, very well illustrates the period of his presidency from the very beginning. well, the militants in assad and asadi-2 best illustrates the state of russia today, exactly as the russian dictator perceives it. in addition, another funny detail of this inauguration, which also drew attention, including russian observers, was the use of cannons, the so-called celebratory cannonade, a salute of 30 cannons was supposed to testify, first of all, that. ..
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is going to rule at least until 2030, but i have a completely different analogy with the number 30. 30 silversmiths, judas iscariot, a former disciple of jesus of nazareth, who betrayed him. agree, this analogy suits putin even more. well, and most importantly, these cannons fired a festive salute not at the moscow sky, but directly at the trees that were located nearby. so, what was... the purpose of organizing this event, no one finally understood, well, the list of guests of the so-called inauguration is a separate story of putin's propaganda trash. instead of world leaders, let's remember the same ciz xinping, who had the opportunity to actually attend putin's inauguration, but instead preferred to go to france, and such insignificant countries from putin's point of view as serbia and hungary. so sizenpin
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was not there, but who was there, there were the leaders of cuba, the leaders of burkina-faso, as well as a number of other third-rate countries. well, the european union was represented, however, by six countries, which also for obvious reasons sent their representatives, it was france, hungary, serbia, malta, cyprus and greece, each of which has its own historical or economic issues, to keep a certain connection with by the current criminal kremlin regime. however, putin never got real satisfaction, because exactly that day, the security service of ukraine announced the arrest of two agents of the russian special services who were preparing an assassination attempt on ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky, as well as the heads of the ukrainian special services, vasyl malyuk and kyril budanov. whether this attempt was planned on the day of putin's inauguration, we currently do not know, but we know about another sinister tradition
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of the russian dictator. on his birthday, he usually tries to kill someone from the russian opposition, this was already the case with the famous russian journalist politkovska, who was shot on the very day the birth of the dictator putin. on may 5, for the first time in 5 years, the leader of communist china , xi jinping, went on a european tour, visiting france, serbia and hungary. according to the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs of china. this visit should give a new impetus to the peaceful development of the world. however, according to the experts of the financial times, the stops chosen by the chinese leader are quite understandable from beijing's point of view. the publication is convinced that, for strategic and economic reasons, china wants very much to disrupt the unity of both nato and of the european union. each of the three countries visited by xi is seen by him as a potential
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wedge. to destabilize the situation in the west. more details about this european tour of the chinese leader in our next story. xijin ping went on a tour of europe. the chinese leader planned to visit france, serbia and hungary. the head of the people's republic of china started his tour from france on may 5. he visited there for two days. the day before, in a column for la figaro, xijing ping said that the prc intends to work with and the entire international community to find ways to solve the ukrainian crisis, as the new york times writes, he resolutely opposed criticism of his country for close relations with russia during the war in ukraine. we are against the fact that the crisis is used to shift responsibility to a third country, blacken its image and ignite a new cold war. in turn
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, french president emmanuel macron said that without... security for ukraine, there can be no security for europe, but he noted that france was not at war with russia and did not seek to overthrow putin's regime. as for the war, macron added that france and china should maintain a close dialogue. at a separate french-chinese business summit, the chinese leader said there was neither geopolitical tension nor fundamental conflict between the two countries. the presidents jointly called for an olympic truce, the suspension of all hostilities around the world for the duration of the olympics. in paris from july 26 to august 11. a number of deals between french and chinese companies were also announced, including several deals related to battery manufacturing, transport and ecological energy. after france , on the evening of may 7, the chinese leader went to serbia. the date of his arrival fell on the 25th anniversary of the bomb.


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