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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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on events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. orban, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. a shiny russian anti-aircraft missile destroyed the entire entrance of a high-rise building in belgorod. this is reported by local media. there was a huge hole in the house. at least three residents died, 10 were injured and another 15 may be under the rubble. earlier, an air alert was announced in the city. and overnight three successful attacks on strategic russian.
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enterprises. drones hit the volgograd oil refinery, the kaluga naftoprodukt plant and the novolypetsk metallurgical plant. as reported by a number of media with reference to their own sources, it was a successful operation of the main directorate of intelligence. information about the fire at the volgograd oil refinery was also confirmed by the local governor. after the impact, a fire broke out, which is true, the occupiers claim that they allegedly repelled the attack with the means of reb, and the ignition occurred due to. from falling debris, it was traditionally reported that there were no consequences. and to the events in ukraine. a 37-year-old policeman in brovary received shrapnel wounds to both legs and an arm. let me remind you that the night before , an attacker who was trying to escape from persecution threw a grenade at him. there is no threat to the law enforcement officer's life, the police of the kyiv region said. a 37-year-old detainee is in the hospital. he has an injury. left leg and both hands. suspicion
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was announced to the violator. one person died and five were injured, including a child in the kherson region. the occupiers shelled 10 settlements in the region during the day. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. russians destroyed neighborhoods, damaged a private house and a communal infrastructure facility. also, due to enemy attacks , there was a gas leak, it was quickly stopped. one wounded in novoselivka , the first in donetsk region, during the day, the russians shelled the towns and villages of the region more than 10 times, - reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. four high-rise buildings in kurakhivka and six private ones in kurakhivka were damaged. there are also two high-rise buildings and nine private houses in ponivycheny in the chasovoyarsk community. almost immediately. but
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attacking the occupiers of the kharkiv region, two dead and four injured in the region only in the last hours. in the morning, the russians dropped aerial bombs on vovchanchansk, a 73-year-old woman was killed. rescuers pulled two more men from under the rubble of the house. dozens of private and multi-story buildings were destroyed and partially destroyed. a whole family, four people, who were helped to get out of the emergency, found themselves under the rubble of one of the residential buildings. - reported the state emergency service of kharkiv region. and at night, during the shelling, vovchansk was wounded 38-year-old man. a 63-year-old man was killed in the village of hlyboke during artillery fire, and a 37-year-old man was injured in vesely due to the detonation of ammunition. in addition, in the village of vilcha, at night, a controlled aerial bomb damaged the building of a geriatric boarding house, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. pass, pass, carefully. in the north
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of kharkiv oblast, heavy fighting continues for the border villages, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his evening address. yesterday , the occupiers launched an attack on the strategically important village of hlyboke, he informed a unit of sharp cartouches from a separate unit of the national guard. the military added that the defense forces were forced to leave some positions. the russians suffer heavy losses, but still attack our defenders. and are succeeding in some places, our defense operations continue in the kharkiv region in the area of ​​the villages: strelecha, krasne, morukhovets, oliynikova, lukyantsi, gatishche, pletenivka - these are border villages, our troops have been conducting counterattacks there for the second day, protecting ukrainian territory. they use you as muscle. fighters
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the siberian battalion recorded an appeal to the russian soldiers, they noted that they are now repelling the russian army's offensive in the direction of kharkiv and urged them to join...them and not be occupiers. surrender, surrender, join the lava siberian battalion of the russian volunteer corps and the legion of freedom of russia to fight together for the freedom and free future of russia, without putin and his gang. many of those who serve with you have already made the right choice and surrendered, collecting their lives and dignity. and while the russians are ravaging our land, theirs is being flooded by great water. this. a dam broke in the omsk region, hundreds of houses have already gone under water, reports the ministry of emergency situations there. the locals were initially moved to the school, but it was later flooded. rescuers had to evacuate more than 400 people. according to local authorities,
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the water level in the ishim and irtysh rivers continues to rise. 20 settlements have already been cut off from the roads. and we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the zone military operations in the soledar and zaporozhye directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, in the open air in all weathers, day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular , tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobiles to the combat zone. repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help we have already collected more than uah 140,000, so don't delay. your help is very important. you can see all the details
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on the screen. war is not an obstacle to sowing. in the poltava region, farmers have sown more than hectare of fields, this is 250,000 hectares more than in the same period last year, - said the head of the region philip ronin. currently, they are finishing sowing sunflower and corn, continuing soybean, millet and buckwheat. farmers cultivated 80% of the planned areas. in warsaw, evschent, a large shopping center burned down, it caught fire in the middle of the night. fire alarm in the building did not... work, so when the fire brigades arrived on the scene, the flames had already engulfed almost 80% of the premises. in total, about 1,500 shops were burned. so far, the fire has been contained. the city authorities urged residents not to open the windows in their apartments. they explained
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that there could be harmful substances in the air, because household chemicals, furniture and rubber were burning. lithuania. elects the president, polling stations opened at 7 a.m. local time, eight candidates are competing for the post of head of state, including the incumbent gitanas nauseda. he is running for the second term, the prime minister of the country and the former head of the constitutional court are also on the electoral list. opinion polls predict that the incumbent president will win the house of commons. the winner will be the one who gets more than 50% of the votes. if none of the candidates manages to achieve a majority, a second round of voting will be organized in... shana is the most expensive. ukraine and the world celebrate mother's day. special thanks today to the women whose sons and daughters defend our land. prayers of mothers protect soldiers at the front,
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every family and child. his native mothers our soldiers also greeted from the front. i want to thank you for your patience, for your courage, for the fact that... you always wait and believe, my dear and dear mother, i want to congratulate you on your day, thank you for giving me life, love, care and education, because of you and for you, i am here now, defending our family, thank you mom, for being who i am, for raising me like this, thank you for growing up in the most necessary period was the most, and then you were alone. but still managed to raise and it was very cool, happy childhood, all women, all who we have both in the army and in our body, all who help us so that you are happy, happy holiday to you, we congratulate today all women with
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a holiday, wait for your sons to come home, and i conclude with this. issue, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, set your favorites, my colleagues will continue, stay with us. greetings friends, on the air saturday polyctum on the television channel espressa dmytro dzhidorov and vitaly portnikov, today we analyze the most important events of this past week, of course, we talk with our guests, and our first guest today is vasyl bodan. veteran of the foreign intelligence service, lieutenant general. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. congratulations,
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mr. vasyl. so, let's start with this offensive in the kharkiv direction. in general, this is an offensive, a diversionary operation, an attempt to seize some area in the immediate border vicinity of russia. how do you assess what is happening? well, first of all, you should note the following in your book the art of war, the famous strategist... of ancient china sunzi said that the conduct of war is based on tricks and on the rational calculation of commanders, on the basis of reliable and objective intelligence data. and you and i have been watching over the past few months the reports of the intelligence agencies, the command of the ground forces, and the commander-in-chief. about the fact that it is not excluded that the enemy may
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attack kharkiv as well, and try again, a second time, to step towards the capital of our country, the hero city of kyiv, and what happened yesterday, it demonstrated, in my opinion, first of all, that the ukrainian intelligence and... services are working, they have relevant information, both tactical and strategic, and this is what the supreme high command uses in its activities, something that the enemy failed to do that breakthrough of the defense, of the ukrainian armed forces on this part of the front, just proves that the ukrainian side took appropriate measures to prevent such a tragic, strategic
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breakthrough of the russian armed forces, and appropriate measures and defensive buildings and everything else. well, of course, now the situation, as we observe, has improved, we managed to stabilize the situation there and localize it directly in the gray zone, although the fighting continues. the appropriate reserves drawn up there and the course of events and according to the data of the general staff and the data of the regional military-civilian administration indicate that there is no direct or indirect threat to the occupation of the city of kharkiv, i.e. the contingent of ukrainian troops that is there, it is skillful. corresponding combat operations, strikes the enemy and his
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armored vehicles and personnel and creates conditions for the temporary occupation contingent of the russian federation on this part of the front to not have the opportunity to advance deep into the territory controlled by ukraine, of course there are still problems and... the enemy clearly aimed to stretch the forces along the entire large front of the ukrainian armed forces, first of all try to pull them away from the eastern direction, these are the donetsk and luhansk regions, but also there, because the enemy will also lose there, it will not succeed and obviously will not succeed capture the same chasiv yar, so strategically populated. which leads to the agglomeration of sloviansk and kramatorsk, and these attempts to act
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in different areas and with different forces testify that, despite the fact that the enemy is trying to change tactics, a certain strategy, he is unable to implement it. there are reasons, in my opinion, and not only that there are problems in russia with armored vehicles. there are certain problems with the corresponding weapons, first of all with its quality, it is outdated since the soviet era, well, despite the... weight in quantity personnel, this personnel is not sufficiently motivated, not sufficiently combat-ready, and we know the facts and desertions and various other orders of military discipline, directly at the front and on the front lines. mr. vasyl, what is the current intensity of fighting in kharkiv oblast, and we, as you have already
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mentioned, president zelenskyi said that they have sent reserve defense forces there. what can we expect from the fact that the russians have made this offensive, will they succeed in capturing the territories? i have already said this briefly, but i will emphasize once again that this is a counteroffensive or an attempt a breakthrough in a large area of ​​the defense of ukraine, it failed, and the plans to capture a significant... zone, around those four or five settlements where the enemy seems to have partially or
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completely taken over them, and there are reasons to say... that these settlements will also be liberated from the enemy later, and that the enemy is suffering very serious losses there and life force, and armored vehicles, and proves that the plans and intentions in this regard, of putin and his military commanders, will not be implemented, and what you emphasized in the president's statement also gives us certain grounds for optimism, and in view of the fact that ammunition, armored vehicles, other military equipment, including air defense equipment and missiles, and another tranche of 400 million us dollars, 500 million pounds sterling in great britain, a whole number of countries, the same
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france, germany, countries of northern europe, attach. actively to provide ukraine the appropriate armament of military equipment and ammunition, although of course we have questions and problems regarding the speed and quantity of this armament, but the fact that the flow has already gone and part of this armament and ammunition is already in ukraine, this gives good grounds for optimism and for , so that we look into the future more clearly. transparently and with confidence that our armed forces will withstand all these blows in different directions of the front, and will subsequently stabilize the front and proceed to counteroffensive actions. and the fact that 10 additional brigades are being formed, as reported the commander of the ground forces, general
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pavlyuk, this is also powerful support, and he also pays attention to his words about... the fact that we do not have a problem with people now, there are problems with weapons, with military equipment and ammunition, and if we are all that receive, the nation must be sure that the armed forces of ukraine will fulfill their duty to the country. and tell me, mr. vasyl, can we outline the tactical goals of the russian army for the coming months, what does putin really want? putin, given that. how is the situation in ukraine, v in the geopolitical dimension, and with the aim of inclining ukraine to some kind of peace negotiations by freezing the conflict, in which shiji ping, the chinese leader, is trying to help him, he now wants
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to secure for himself those occupied territories that are already under... in a temporary occupation the russian contingent, and finally free luhansk and donetsk regions to the administrative borders, as well as create conditions to prevent ukraine from moving towards crimea, freeing all temporarily occupied territories and crimea. this strategy understood, i understand that our military commanders see her, and... of course, of course, appropriate measures are taken. putin is very, very frightened, in my opinion, by the diplomatic steps that ukraine is taking now in the international space and. the peace forum, the global peace forum, which will be held soon in switzerland, and where
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the leaders of the leading countries of the world intend to come, and despite the fact that no final decisions will be made there yet, but the very fact that the world accepts the peace formula. of president zelensky, that all these positions, they correspond to both the un charter and international law, and this is the step that, in the end, it seems to me, will force our partners to act decisively and , most importantly, to act in the direction of forcing putin to make peace by liberating all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. mr. vasyl, i would like to... move to other areas of the front, from the kherson region, the head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces , dmytro pletenchuk, says that there is such a threat,
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there are ongoing hostilities around the island of nestryga in the kherson region, what can the russians there cause what they want by seizing this island, doesn't it pose a threat to kherson now? well, you know that the bridgehead that... the armed forces of ukraine created on the left bank of the dnieper, and the fact that they recently brought back under their control this nesting island, is a rolling pin in one place of mr. putin, because the command of the russian armed forces is excellent realizes that what ukraine manages to do on this part of the front, it creates prerequisites for building up ukrainian. ngentu, moreover, we already know that on the left bank, it was possible to cross and deliver
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the appropriate armored vehicles and small artillery, and this strengthens the position of our contingent, of course, that putin would like to cross the dnipro river again and occupy kherson again and thus increase it. in future negotiations and in future peace negotiations, which he hopes will take place in his favor, so of course there are certain risks there, but what we have been observing for literally somewhere for three or four months is that the armed forces of ukraine manage not only to hold on there near the edges, wells and nearby, but also to increase its presence there, to expand the bridgehead. to win back a part of strategic, strategic territory, such as ostryi nestryga, in order to reduce the capabilities of the armed forces of the russian federation
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for maneuver, and most importantly - to do everything to stop terrorist attacks by russian troops on the city of kherson. in principle, how much do you think about the situation now? this military, are you optimistic about the coming months, or are there certain concerns? well, considering what the general was talking about pavlyuk, and the president of ukraine spoke and syrskyi reported that the situation, the activity of the russian federation has actually worsened along the entire front line, and in view of the understanding of our partners and, above all, the global partner of the united states of america, about the fact that in the event, god forbid, of the defeat of ukraine, or the active
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advance of russian troops on the territory of ukraine towards the western borders, this will cause serious problems, first of all for europe, for nato, for the european union, and even for the entire global world. that's why all of them are now and statements, and assessments, they boil down to one thing, which i said above, that it is necessary to provide ukraine with the necessary means as soon as possible, impressions so that the ukrainian armed forces can withstand these counteroffensive operations, stabilize the front and soon switch to an active one. offensive, the goal of which is the gradual or rapid liberation of all temporarily occupied territories. of course, it is not easy, of course it is difficult. it is necessary
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to carry out many measures in the direction of strengthening combat readiness, and strengthening personnel, and the corresponding rotations on in some areas of the most difficult, to give people an answer, but the main thing is, of course, weapons and military equipment. ukraine, which is three or four times smaller in terms of population than... the russian federation, there are 140 million, in our country i don't know how many 30, 35, 30, 30, there, yes, somewhere yes, then we understand , we cannot restrain this insolent enemy with human, only human resources, thank you, with the help, with the help of modern technological weapons, this is a very important clarification, vasyl bohdan, veteran of the foreign intelligence service, lieutenant general in our country
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topics that cause resonance in our. society drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and forecast future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project. for those who care and think, politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.


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