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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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i congratulate you, my friend, i congratulate you, well, well, look , so i am now we will demonstrate an artificial intelligence that performs a song by our father bandera, which was organized by oleg skrybka and is preparing for my question after we watch this clip, so i i'm asking you, does this mean that if artificial intelligence can fake anything for anything, then tomorrow i will... travel around ukraine under the guise of oleg skrypka and sing his songs, artificial intelligence will turn september into a violin and it will be great, i will earn money, and you you will be able to host programs on television here, and artificial intelligence can help everyone, isn't it, but first let's watch the clip.
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our father, bandera, ukraine, mother, we are for ukraine, we will fight, our father, bandira, ukraine, mother, we are for ukraine, we will fight, poyulozi-lozi, red fabric of the boy. a girl called for war, oh, meadows, meadows, red viburnum, a girl booed the boy with news , hey, and we are with the muscovites, the sky. we will live,
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we will buy them all the way to siberia, but we will not live with the muscovites, and we will love a cat from siberia, muscovites were waiting, vashlavti were killed, our shots fired after them, they ran along the rock, until the lavti were killed, our shots fired after them, hey!
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to fight, woke up the boy, embroidered the bush, glory to ukraine, to all the heroes, glory, kept silent to the boys, embroidered the desert, glory to ukraine, to all the heroes, wonderful, wonderful, i really liked it, fighting mosquitoes, i really liked it, fighting geese, i really liked it, all our fighting brothers from the world, if... i really liked it, so tell me where this world is going, when, when artificial intelligence does everything, is it like this semi-artificial intelligence, tell us briefly about the history of creation, what, what, what have we seen now, well, it’s a folk song, we know, and it was recorded by live musicians, live people, sung, and what about the fact that today we are in a virtual spacious and we know that
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our information space is already filled with fakes and various informational fantasies, just like mosquitoes and geese, that's why we have been living in this world of artificial intelligence for a long time, and we already know how to youtube there are other, other informational spaces for us pull all kinds of information, they eavesdrop on us. and they help us , or vice versa, we are manipulated, that is, we are already living in this, that is, it is not too late to panic, let's say so, but we have to keep up with the times, and here we have this made, made clip in such a style as steampunk , and you just need to communicate with him, give him tasks, and now you see that the artificial intelligence normally understands history. ukraine is already
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better off than the majority of ukrainians, so we just need to open our eyes and use such a tool so that we will be fine smarter than ours. oleg, well , it’s your birthday soon, i know, and you’re not a young person, you’re definitely not 20, and even , i’m sorry, not 30 years old, like me, by the way, but my question to you is so historical, the following, you yourself in 1995 or even in 2005, i could have imagined the appearance of such a song and that the whole of ukraine would sing it, so that it would not happen, because it is bandera, it is such a ... so dubious, so controversial, it is fashionable to say now, such a figure, who for, who, and now just those who are against, i'm just like that, it's hard for me to even imagine what those who against this song and against mr. stepan andriyovych bandera himself, well
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, a controversial figure, as you say, it didn't come about just like that, because muscovites worked on this figure. actively, and i thought not so long ago that if we take our political and military leaders, and ah , starting with mazepa, and even khmelnytskyi, and petliur, and makhno, and bandera, the same, still many, many really beautiful people, on whom muscovite propaganda worked, and at the state level. we have been in need for a long, long time rehabilitation of the pantheon of our heroes, and this work is a small contribution, a contribution, as it were , to this process, but this process must be done totally and very powerfully, and for it to change
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in our heads, really in the 90s it was impossible to imagine , and today... day, it became a reality, i tell you that even music channels, which had a great opposition in general against ukrainian songs in the ukrainian language, but now, and now bandera sounds even on music entertainment channels, it's great, well, if it's like that, well, i don't know, to say, this is the bright side of the war, which is happening now, very terrible things are happening. but it happens in our heads, in our heads of enlightenment. yes, i agree, you know, freedom has a currency, it is called blood, i have been saying this since the 14th, even before the 14th, freedom does not take any other currency, so if you want to be a free person, a free
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person, a proud person, so someone, either you, or your friends, or someone from your nation must pay with blood, otherwise, as they say... on the floor, freedom no no no no falls on on hand, i know, even when i give , i prefer, i prefer that we go to the hospital and give blood to those who are in need in the hospitals, so that in this way we buy freedom, well, it will be, look, and once we met with you at the train station, you were going somewhere to europe, you travel a lot, you inspire europeans, you show them ukrainian art. ukrainian culture and so on. earlier in the same 90s, you and i were like, at least i will say about myself, how starpor is like, that means, earlier, earlier, we used to say, well, what is ukraine, this chernobyl, klitschko, andriy shevchenko,
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a football player, well, there is something else. now we are definitely different, myka, ska for intellectuals, this, well, we know that there is average, average... a european did not even know such things, but now you feel that we are gradually, gradually drifting away from russia, get away from moscow, they said back in the 20s of the last century, i.e. 100 years ago, this slogan, get away from moscow, we are from you feel when you leave, when you work somewhere abroad, that they already understand that ukraine is not russia, that it is different country, well, there is not one country when russia... attacks ukraine, and it is one people, somehow one people is not attacked by one, not by another, the same people are not attacked, i would say so, what do you say about europeans , what do they think about us, in the minds of europeans we are drifting away from russia with the whistling of a bullet, very
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quickly, and today, well, they are not even europeans, and even... and egyptians and moroccans and thais, they know that ukraine is not russia, they support us. i recently, literally yesterday, i communicated, communicated. with the french, and the french say what about them in the ukraine-russia conflict, they stand clearly on the side of ukraine, clearly, unequivocally, the whole country, and the europeans, the americans, of course, in the israel-palestine conflict, they, well, distance themselves, let’s say so, i tried to find out what, what is the difference, to be honest, i didn't understand, they explained something for a long time, i... didn't understand, but nevertheless the europeans are now clearly on the side of ukraine,
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the quilters definitely there are, but their minorities are margines. well, probably, probably, first of all, victory begins in the head, and in ours, and in the heads, well, well, partners, in songs, as it is shown in this song, and then it is already realized in everyday life, look, in this, in this year, your... festival ethno-festival country of dreams 20 years he will have anniversary events, what are you planning, as always in such cases, i hate this question, but i am forced to put it before you, creative, your creative plans, i myself would kill that september, who would ask me such a question, listen, to date, this is a question, well , it is a war, we are in the stage of war, and we are creative with our plans. to survive, to live, to continue to live, and when communicating with
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the military, we all do this often, we musicians have, we have this duty, to play for the military, to help, they say, of course, you play and you must, well, we protect the country , and the country does not exist without a song, it does not exist without culture, and our children must smile and know. uh, about our past and if we were to rebuild a country of creative singing even in such conditions, well, that is, the plan is at least to make this festival, and this is what happened last year, the 19th year, we too celebrated with a festival and we will invite artists, we will have other venues, it will be charitable as in the past. this year, this festival, like all events to date, is charitable, and there
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will be such novelties at the festival as a poetry workshop, including modern military poetry, which, by the way, is currently such a boom in modern poetry, and i like that young people are interested in poetry. how did this happen, oleg, what i wanted to ask at the end, you said the youth are interested, and i this afternoon in the morning i found out that it is impossible to buy tickets for the franko theater until august, it is impossible to find tickets for the lesi ukrainka theater there, that is, the war has started and thousands of people just want to... touch art, i can’t explain it rationally, can you, a person
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of art, can you somehow explain to the citizens why i only take one branch, the theater branch and only one city, the city of kyiv, and there it is simply impossible to get into the theater, what is going on, i am a person from the city, so i will not give you rational explanations, irrationally, irrationally, people want to live, they want to survive, and they... they also wake up in stress, in stress people have a resource, a very, very serious creative resource, a craving for creativity, a craving for everything ukrainian and the like. but on the other hand, the urban space also became very free, because it was occupied by muscovy, now this space has become free, and there is competition, let's say no... rova, she was present, and you can't do anything here, but now, now, well, if only,
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more, more we hear ukrainian music and ukrainian theater and the like, well , god help, god help us to win and preserve this property. thank you very much, as you understood, it was oleg skrybka, the musician of letters of the rock group vv, the organizer of ethno, and i am told that i finished too early, i will say something more myself, can i... i will say something myself, i say goodbye with mr. oleg, and in 4 minutes i just have time to say something, thank you oleg, i'm just talking about culture, i always talk about it. history, this story is not ukrainian, but turkish, this is a story about the father of the turks, and that turk, and this it happened in the 20s, i.e. 100 years ago, when when they decided to end their empire and start a normal country, turkey, and accordingly atatürk began
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to develop exactly turkish narratives, as it is now fashionable to say. and he came, he always poked his nose into everything that was happening, well , he was such a dictator, yes, into culture, into architecture, what the greeks built there, what the ancient romans built, what they built, he took care of it all, ordered to support it and so on then, once he came to the bazaar and said, listen, there are so many, so many arabic music, but turkish music is not... there is no, well, you understand, he is a dictator, i emphasize this, yes, well, they explain to him that ataturk, you, we love you, but you understand, people do not know, there is no turkish music , there are no turkish musical poems, there are no turkish arrangements, we don't have anything, we don't have anything,
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but it was in the bazaar, then they sold such homemade records. he walked 50 m, turns his head to his subordinates, says: why is there no turkish music, it begins to dawn on them that he must be talking about something something else, and they repeat to him again, well, you know, well, yes, we don’t have this and we don’t have that, there are no instruments, there is nothing, there are no poems, there is no music, there is no arrangement, we can’t, he walks another 100 m, turns around, says , something , i only hear arabic music, but turkish... i don’t hear it, from the third time it reached everyone, and arabic music simply disappeared, which is an interesting phenomenon, there is no such phenomenon in ukraine, maybe it is fortunately there is no, an interesting phenomenon was the following : literally there were two or three songs of turkish, turkish, and more
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for six months, all of turkey knew these songs by heart, because there were no others, and at all... all weddings, at all events, they sang these two songs, everyone just learned them, then it began to develop, then there were four songs, then six, then 12 and so on and so on, and we know, today's turkish pop is not bad, to put it mildly, i'm a little specialist, definitely worse than oleg skrybka, whom we just saw, so what conclusion can be drawn from this, quite simple and interestingly, this moment is co-existent. culture is impossible when someone says that why should we be here? there will be ukrainian culture here, there will be russian, russian culture will be absorbed by ukrainian, we will not get anywhere if this is the case, that is why there is a place for a large amount of ukraine on this land, somewhere, for sure, i am not against
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sunday schools, some museums there, something there, please, there are no questions, it's up to the local authorities, let them decide. but on the whole, it is necessary to clearly understand that if we leave russian culture here, tomorrow there will be no ukrainian culture here. when you go to alsace-lateringia, the river is the border on this side, even though this land passed from from place to place, from france to germany, from germany to france, on today's french territory, you will not hear a single word of german. you will not hear a word of french in today's german territory. keep in mind that this is how life unfolds, and this is what my program for today boils down to. i am saying goodbye to you because it is my wife's birthday, i will go and drink a glass of wine with your permission. i congratulate you, dear lesya. all right,
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ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of my program for today, see you next time necessarily. on the espresso tv channel. the full-scale invasion of ukraine has been going on for the third year. our soldiers are giving their all, doing the impossible, but unfortunately, the position of the ukrainian army at the front has not improved. the enemy has a numerical advantage in ... everything from manpower to shells and equipment, they just destroy us there and everything, they just destroy us there and everything, they pour a lot of shells, for one of our shells they release 10. one of the main reasons , aid to ukraine from allies was often late, so the development of its own military of the complex became almost the main task of the entire rear of our state. the ukrainian
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defense-industrial complex meets only part of the needs of the ukrainian army. some say that it meets their needs by a maximum of 8%, others say that in certain categories, when we talk about such new directions as the creation of fpv drones, the need is met by 50%. in order to speed up defense production and protect it from the occupiers, the government of ukraine launched two programs in 2022: business relocation to safe regions and withdrawal of strategic enterprises for the benefit of the state. the decision on alienation into state ownership of assets of strategically important state enterprises. 6.11 assets of strategically important objects were alienated, including motorsich, zaporizhia transformer, autokras, ukrnafta, ukrtatnafta. to date, neither we, nor lawyers, no one has seen any official document on this account, i have not seen officially whether it is seizure or
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nationalization, this is roman chernyak, before the seizure of autocracy in favor of the state he was a general director of the enterprise, has the honorary title of honored machine builder of ukraine. our products were fully competitive on the world market. we competed. competed directly in the same thailand, there were more than 10 companies entering the tender at the same time. at the last stage, we were left with man together, in which we won man, and for the first time in history, cars of kras went to the royal thai army. roman chernyak from sumy mentions the samples that the plant produced for the defense needs of ukraine, in particular the chassis for the famous coastal missile complex. neptune, which sank the flagship of the enemy black sea fleet, cruiser moskva, as well as the power plant for the sau bohdan, which played a key role in the expulsion of russian troops from the snake island. more than
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50 types of titles, various weapons were mastered by krazos in various degrees. the latest developments that we have made are combat vehicles, this, on the base. bm21 of the grad installation, a car we made with a two-row cabin, where the entire crew is under the roof. and despite numerous developments and exports, the plant was in a difficult situation. the company received meager state orders for defense products and those at underpriced prices, which complicated the situation with terms of execution, was given notices and owed to creditors. in 2020. the deposit guarantee fund put the plant's property up for sale, at that time autocrash debts reached 10.5 billion hryvnias. certain years, when long-distance exports were weak, supplies to russia
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amounted to 95%, we had to give up both suppliers and consumers of our cars, not only in russia. russia, belarus, kazakhstan. auto paint domo abandoned the russian market with the beginning of the war in 2014, and instead of supporting the company in difficult conditions, continues roman chernyak, the state, in the form of the ministry of defense and ukroboronprom, on the contrary , minimized the finances directed to the plant. regimental earthmoving machine, we made it together with the klyukiv factory, the military made it, ordered this machine for us, we made it, invested in it... yes, tens of thousands of dollars, because it is armored the machine was tested, everything was put into service, then the military spread their hands, we don’t have money, and this is not the first
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need, it’s true, it turns out, there were supposedly orders, but later they were simply refused, as reported by the internet resource in 2021, the military autokras delivered only three trucks to the defense forces, in the 14th year i... i will say, we had a lot of patriotism and worked for patriotism, when the svynarchuks came to power, everyone immediately became businessmen, everything would be enough change with the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion, the company, which developed dozens of samples of power plants for the armed forces, was waiting for a high-quality resumption of work with the participation of the state, but at the end of 2022, the state simply withdrew 100% of the shares of autocraz and... transferred the company to the ministry of defense, a year and a half passed and it is not known for certain whether the forced alienation of the autocrash facilities benefited the armed forces, now due to
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the war the ministry of defense... does not disclose data on the restoration of the enterprise, but in response to our information request reported that the management of the joint-stock company has undergone significant changes. since the alienation of the aforementioned corporate rights in favor of the state, the ministry of defense, as a representative of the shareholder, the state, ensured the introduction of the necessary changes to the founding documents of the company, the election of a new composition of their management bodies, and the supervisory board. of the executive body and operational control over the company, which created conditions for effective management of corporate rights and prompt response to the needs of the state under martial law. and how effective it is production in conditions of war? we visited kremenchuk and found out that the plant continues to work. we learned from our own sources that the team receives a salary, but loading the autocrash is far from its production
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capacity. the company fulfills orders for defense needs, in particular in cooperation with other domestic companies, for example, with ukrainian armored vehicles, its director vladyslav belbas said in an interview with apostrophe tv. we have now started, for example, work with the kras state plant. and we, as the initiator of this work, are also, let's say, the implementer, that is, it is somehow controlled and it is stimulated. this and this uh, let's say, there is a certain common realization. a certain implementation is the order of hundreds of pieces of equipment, while most of the contracts for the manufacture and supply of power plants for the ukrainian army since 2014 were performed by czech and even belarusian manufacturers, tatra and mas. it turns out that instead of loading the domestic enterprise with work, the state purchased
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equipment, in particular from one of the countries. became aggressor, and the european manufacturer was significantly overpaid for it, now tatra continues to receive most orders for the chassis, how can you buy such beauty 8:8 for 100 00 dollars, and here literally a small period of time passes and the following car is already delivered to tatra for 350 or 450 thousand dollars, the so-called nationalization did not affect the modernization of autocrap. the equipment, as in the last 10 years, is almost not updated, moreover, the plant in kremenchuk is constantly exposed to enemy fire. the government did not include it enterprise in the business relocation program, safer regions. some of the enterprises are still located in places that are dangerous for shocks. the relocation of these enterprises remains a significant problem, and neither the minstratekhprom, nor the ukroboronprom, nor
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the ministry of defense, actually. this did not contribute to the fact that these enterprises were pre-based in safe places, meanwhile, the need for the products of the plant at the front did not disappear anywhere, volunteers are looking for military vehicles abroad in order to convert them and transfer them to the front-line fighters, and therefore the plant’s capacity for today it is not used enough, and the domestic military industry has room to grow. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you. for these two hours, we will talk about the most important events of this week, this day, about what happened, about what the trends of the following days and weeks should be, and our first interlocutor for...
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the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, deputy head general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010, lieutenant general ihor romanenko. congratulations, mr. igor i congratulate you. well, let's start with what is happening in the kharkiv region, what are the enemy's tactical goals, what he might succeed in, how to stop him from doing so on this part of the front. please explain to us. judging by the introduction of hostilities, it is tactical. actions there are taking place on the part of the parties, as you know, the enemy struck in the area north of kharkov, this is in four villages, shooting and three more, and in the north-eastern direction, this is vavchanchank and the strength of gatishe west of vovchansk.


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