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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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this spring, on the third year of russia's war against ukraine, for the first time a video appeared in open sources, on which you can view the destroyed american rczo hymers. in addition , other footage of strikes on military facilities of the armed forces in the rear became publicly available. russian reconnaissance drones can now detect targets and adjust fire on them tens of kilometers from the front line. why did this become possible and how to resist it? let's talk about the realities of donbas today. attention, calculation, let it be on the first channel, let it be on the first channel. goals, goal. the crew
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of the osa ukrainian anti-aircraft missile complex returns after a successfully completed combat mission in donetsk region, immediately several reconnaissance drones of the russian army are shot down. what we are asking to shoot down is the orland 10th, orland 30th and supercam, these are our fattest targets, because they cost there, i will not say how much our rocket costs, but for example, arlan, on average , it is 100 00 dollars , arlan 30th, which has a marker, with an artillery laser, like its asking price there is 120-130 thousand dollars, well , if you take it there even after the economic war, even if we launch five missiles there, we still have the advantage, we left and... we can
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take about 10 minutes, we can shoot down the first one at once, at least five, they can only fly in one zone for sure, four, when they do, they launch one scout, if we can shoot it down, then they can intercept us from behind it and work on us, we don’t stop for a long time either, we still can’t see the target, well, there for a while, then we immediately we move, because horta can also work on us, we also shine while... we hear no other way. 40, range 400, there was a massive artillery fire, we needed to move and the maximum we could go off-road was 70 km. we have an operator after the trip, roughly speaking, he says: i will show you a bucket of years,
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he says, but we just finished this drift successfully, the antennas, which were burnt, pierced the body with fragments, this car is a vivid illustration of the conditions in which the fighters work air defense, osa is looking for drones, drones are looking for wasp, this is the biggest minus in it, that there is no armor at all, at all. under the word, ugh, no, just like an ordinary car, body and everything, my task is to deliver the guys to the place of practice and pick them up from there, react to everything in time, listen to commands, since the car is very noisy, very noisy, and you have to listen and be and watch in front of you, yes as an enemy, he has advantages.
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lancets, all kinds of drones, after all, it flies towards us, with one goal, these complexes are hunted quite a lot, because there was once a situation that when they gave the command to run away, they just dropped everything, and half the village was razed to the ground, just, well, they are very interfere ours crew, i am now in a slightly different place, we were destroyed 93 targets, i personally took 54 there, the best job in the world, the best job in the world, andryukha, the best job in the world, the work of air defense systems is currently the most effective means of destroying drones- scouts, the crew of this wasp is constantly on the move. directly near the front line,
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there are many tasks, the fighters say, but the result of the work is immediately felt, it is the basis of the cover of the artillery type in principle, the basis of the cover of infantry, mortars, tanks as well, the very essence of it is mobility, we left, it happened that our position was burned down there, they began to vote, in the second point they were knocked down in the third, there we were now sitting, like they left again, like, good evening, stupid and fistulas, like in order for them to find, they need time, we are like such a pimple on assholes, we are small, but we are very disturbing to sit, destroyed, alone. with the good work of the ace, we have seen a lot of statistics, when we drive in, they drive and they drive the hell out of it, and when we work out, for about four days, they even get lost, they are already afraid to just enter the sector, that’s a good number b c us. the wasp is able to recognize and detect targets
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in motion, and immediately after a short stop, it can destroy them. in principle, you can not let them even to the demarcation line, here everything depends on the combat task, and we can, like there , cover an echelon of some kind that is advancing there, we can there, we said, here we have to close the line, we arrived there, they said there, there, we have to there artuhu, there are guys who come in, wherever they say, we are actually going there, and there, if there is a tipa line there, it is not a problem, well, i will say it honestly we were there
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, the peculiarity of the osad air defense system is an all-round radar station with a high degree of protection against interference, it finds targets and calculates their coordinates, for example, a fighter jet... or at a distance of up to 40 km, depending on the flight height, one of the russian planes vlad shot down at the beginning of a full-scale aggression, for which he received the order for courage of the second degree. on the second day of the war , the whole movement somehow started, we were put on alert at night, and it turned out that we met a plane, well, by which we discovered and worked on it, but it was also unclear. that we knocked it down, we were very happy, but i think it was the second or third launch, which was done from the car, because before that there were no launches , and so it turned out that we knocked down the dryer and were very happy, the following the day we arrived, it was very difficult and there was a high probability
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that he would just work on us, he flew close to us then, we also can't understand what he wants to do, we do it, they say launch, we launch, shoot down. and we leave there. look, the goal is closer, the goal is closer. now russian planes do not fly into the wasps' zone of action, but they are actively studying what ukrainian air defense systems and air defense systems are capable of. you shoot the same bepalakhs, they become blind. why aren't they afraid, that's why they start, well, they're not just being careful, they, like you, well, most likely saw the aviation, they cut circles in front of the line, and these are these circles, they are just probing for anti-aircraft, whether they are there, or they will grab , whether they don’t catch it, at what ranges, like at which ranges they caught it, so, well, you can
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find out what it is, like, well, the very essence, therefore air defense, everyone, well, the book says, it’s not the essence of beating, the very essence - is to stir to perform. a combat target, a combat task, that's the very essence of beer, and if you hit it, then you're a handsome man. the data from the radar antenna is then transmitted by the operator of the target tracking station, which captures and guides it. the moment when the rocket needs to be launched is calculated by a special device, a small drone, the system itself sees it, but an inexperienced operator may not recognize it. if in that... we see the target namely the silhouette itself, then on the radar we just have a dot and that's all, the species is like this little one, you see, here he is walking, you can see that you can see point by point that this is just a big goal or just a small goal,
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well, on my screen you can see what exactly it gives its interference, the priority of this complex, what.. it doesn't matter if it's a cloud, if it's not a cloud, if she took an escort, well, a combat one, then everything is like that , until the range or some kind of rap will knock it down, she's leading. covers osa, in particular ukrainian artillery, which repels assaults of russian infantry and equipment around the clock with the help of american howitzer m-777. the number of russian reconnaissance drones exceeds the capabilities
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of ukrainian air defense, so gunners are looking for a delicate balance between the probability of illuminating the position and the execution of combat work, everything is done as quickly as possible. a cannon, a shot, from the dugout to the cannon in our country takes 3 minutes. ugh, it’s even to throw armor on yourself and... in the state it is in, it’s given to us in the heap and we, it’s already like that, ugh, we’ve got our hands a little, let’s say, orders are not discussed, yes, if there is a team to the cannon, well, we won't there, yes, of course, if they heard some extraneous sound, that something is in the ground, yes , they are warned that yes, yes, and this is how we work, if necessary, then of course, if already... well, because the chances are already a little, shot, i
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just arrived here and somewhere, a week may have passed, a lancet arrived and our commander went to the hospital for a little treatment and i had to take care of him instead, then in such an express mode. well, in literally three days i already learned to behave normally, i worked myself, but then practice, practice, again practice and improved skills, a shot, most often russian reconnaissance drones fly to the ukrainian gunners, they penetrate several tens of kilometers deep into the ukrainian defense and adjust the counter. scout, burn the point from where
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they are shooting, where the toy is located on the landings, sometimes they hit the squares simply and everything is fine, somewhere their hall or eagle burned, they dropped them and hit the squares, there are a lot of them flying, they can be launched by 15 and 20 each, even more, once there were 25 there were also superkams and eagles. and halls, it all flies, how many of them, when they fly, we do not work, we try not to burn them. we try not to burn. but one of the biggest problems at the front is russian lancets. it is because of these ubiquitous barrage munitions that every gun is carefully camouflaged and covered with anti-lance netting by the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. we have a communications operator, he tells us, watches the sky, if something flies somewhere directly above us, then of course we...
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it is not detected, we do not see it, it is only a hall that can fly in, hover and to wait for him, then she already leads him, flies quickly, seconds fly very quickly, fly very quickly. here he flew somewhere in front of us, in short, i managed to jump back 4 meters, if they burn the positions, then not one, there will be two of them, and they will finish until they destroy their target, and that’s it, and then it will be, he flew two times, hit the lancet, and then their orta already works, well, you saw, they even have geocinths working, they hit from anywhere, but even under such conditions'.
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russian reconnaissance drones orlan, zala and superkam are activated not only near the line front, but also fly deep into the positions of the armed forces by 30-50. as russian military telegram channels write, uavs work in conjunction with means of impression. orlans adjust the artillery, which fires long-range krasnopil projectiles. zala targets kamikaze, lancet, supercam drones, iskander missiles and long-range smerch-type msds or its tornado s upgrade. if
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we are talking about the same zala, it is essentially used as an additional repeater for lancet. that's exactly zala. they can allow the barrage ammunition of vants to give a lot longer distances, well, on the condition that there is a light combat unit and so on, well , according to it, if he has enough power there, then the hall is used for this, and look, here you have to understand that it is both in the hall and in the superkam , these are unmanned literal devices that use electric traction, that is, there is an electric motor, they are not gasoline engines, and so on. that is, taking into account that they do not have combat parts, lightweight construction and so on, the range of their web will depend not only on the available resource, there is a battery there and so on, but from where it is, where, let's say, the operator's point is located, where the receiving tower is placed there and so on, depending on the height. the results of the penetration of russian
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reconnaissance drones into the deep rear of the armed forces are actively replicated not only in russia. as well as on foreign resources, for example, such as this first, since the beginning of the full-scale war, recorded on video from a drone, the case of the destruction of the american khymers mlrs at a distance of about 40 km from the front line. according to forrs and according to the statement of the ministry of defense of russia, this is footage of the consequences of the attack iskander hypersonic missile on two american launchers. in the pokrovsk region. the fighters of the armed forces do not hide the number of ukrainian air defense systems, air defense systems and ammunition, they are not enough to fight hundreds of russian drones. in addition, enemy uavs were able to overcome the rep system, which was not so easy to do 7-8 months ago. the whole concept was based on something: a drone flies, yes, well, there is an arland. yes, he takes off
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somewhere from the enemy's rear and flies to the line of battle. flies, flies, flies, our, our means of electronic intelligence, they see the radiation of these frequencies from this side, that is, they understand from these frequencies that it is flying arlan, and they triangulate it there and understand plus or minus where it is, that is, they in this way, well , because it sounds, yes, its , let's say this, the antenna screams, the radio-electronic intelligence means hear this scream and can understand where... where this eagle is, after which they start to suppress these frequencies, and while he flies there to the lbz, yes, that is, they are already suppressing the video channel of our guys there , control, satellite navigation, and after that the board becomes uncontrollable, i.e. it no longer communicates with the ground station, it cannot send there data about its location, it
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cannot do anything, i.e. it jams all the channels, and there it is... its there they start to somehow spoof, put coordinates there, everything, i.e. it starts to be blown away by the wind, and thus they lose bepla, i.e. the entire tactics of using rreb and uavs were built in this way: they are not autonomous, you launch them, you don’t know about them forget, you are constantly reading information, the task of the unmanned reconnaissance vehicle is to collect information and transmit it to the ground station, to the ground point. control, i.e. control, where the fathers of the operators of unmanned aerial vehicles sit, read this information, then pass it on to analysts who analyze accordingly and so on, that is, there is an input and output channel of information, because commands are given and so on, there are already enough means of radio electronic fight, you can plant such a netless leptaral apparatus. russian know-how to overcome the system
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rap turned out to be a completely grandfatherly method. in the russian federation , they simply abandoned uav satellite navigation, which makes them sensitive to the electronic warfare system. we installed two radio beacons. we put two radio beacons, and those two radio beacons essentially form a triangle with the board, so the board knows where it is. and for a more accurate understanding of its position, the camera simply takes a photo below itself, well, a drone camera, and simply compares the reference points with the same picture, which is simply downloaded from google maps, finds reference points and... this allows them to build long-distance routes complete'. that is, they said it directly in the advertisement, that's what the problem is, and no one in us, well, did not
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react to it. there is practically no satellite navigation, so some modernization of the ground part made it possible to determine the position point of our device according to the usual scheme, as before. they just have a drone take off somewhere in the rear, right? turns off, that is, it does not communicate with its ground station at all, it flies to the point where it needs to go, for example, he has to fly there 40 km to our rear, and he just flies, that is, he is on the drum that there are no satellites, that something is choking here, he just flies along the route, flies into the square that is needed, turns on and that... already our rear, this is the far rear, ah, and, and there are no means there, they are all on the front line, that is, they are built according to that concept. in this way, russian reconnaissance drones
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actually perform their work in calm, test-range conditions. yes, due to the long distance, the signal with the base is weak, but it is there is simply nothing to suppress. the uav has time to scout the area, find targets, transmit coordinates and even record hits on detected objects. what i say about the rap, about the staggered rap, even if you make it staggered, it won't help either, it will help to crush the side, not to let him see, but, let's say, they don't lose the sides already, that is, if you even he crushed everything in this board, that’s all there is telemetry, satellite navigation, video channel, well, he just says, well, i ’ve lost everything here, there’s nothing for me to do here, and that’s it this advice system. beacons simply return to the place of take-off, that is , crush it so that it gets lost somewhere and somewhere the wind takes it to the neighboring area, well , it was already impossible, that is, it is guaranteed
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to return to its operator, that is , the maximum that can be done is not to give he cannot see, he can no longer destroy this board, that is, they made such an upgrade and this upgrade unfortunately works, but radars, air defense. they are very poorly seen, because the objects are small, and they have an effective scattering area, well , small, it's a drone, you know, it's there it is poorly identified by rolesks, and so it caught fire one time in our rear somewhere near pokrovsk and flew to itself, flew there for half an hour, then turned off once there and appeared near donetsk. the recent attack on the zasu airfield in the dnipro area, this video was published by ukrainian military analysts, shows that russian... uavs are flying deep into the defenses of ukraine at a distance of even more than 100 km. and in this case, the radius of their action covers
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large ukrainian cities that are at such a distance from the front line. kharkiv, sumy, zaporizhzhia, odesa. russian intelligence officers have repeatedly recorded drones above them. in this video, a russian reconnaissance drone over odessa is shot down from a soviet two-seater yak-52 training aircraft with a machine gun fired by a second crew member sitting in the back. it is an effective method, but obviously the problem with uavs flying so far to the rear must be solved comprehensively. it can be anti-aircraft defense, the same inexpensive missiles, some star-strikes or something that is set up specifically against drones. i heard there that now the stingers have already appeared can target even small drones, this is very good news, i.e. that
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they have upgraded the gos, but for the most part, well, it is only the complete destruction of the drone by the means we like, because now it is just the next way, what will happen, it is the russians, well, it is absolutely logical , that is, this solution, it lies on the surface. they will upgrade the communication channels, that is, and in principle, after that their boards will become unkillable, that is, the rap will lose its effectiveness very much, and this is our future, that is, we must prepare for it, that the rap will be little effective, that against a military drone , protected, with a wide range of bands, with pprf, there with the ability to jump to channels there in the range there 1000 mhz, a thousand. at 500 mhz, it will become impossible to do anything with the drone, that is, you need to have a large number of means to destroy it. military
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technologies of russia and ukraine are developing in parallel with the needs on the battlefield, long-range reconnaissance drones, especially working in communication, for example, shark haimers in ukraine, superkam tornado s in russia are now playing a big role in the war, detecting and destroying the most, as they say military, fat goals, and this task remains one of the priorities for both sides today, it was the donbass. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with dolgit joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints.
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and has a positive effect on bone health. longitudinal joints facilitate motor functions, with longitudinal joints you can move freely. there are discounts, they represent coco discounts of 20% for tizin in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. big broadcast by vasyl zima. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are getting started. hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and what the world is doing, now about what something happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy dobrecher, please give me the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, please welcome and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov for two hours in
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the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much. of the chechen line for information about cultural news, presenters, who have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. congratulations, this is the beraber program together with the crimean-tatar language, it is hosted by gulsum khalilova, my colleague from the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and i, andriy yanitsky from the espresso tv channel, we are here together today, because this is a joint project about the main news from crimea. yes, this is a joint project of the first
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crimean. of the tatar tv channel and tv channel, we are happy to welcome all the viewers of our tv channels, hello once again, and while we are currently connecting our guest to our broadcast, with whom we will talk about what happened this week in the temporarily occupied crimea and not only, i want to say that for the sake of the deoccupation of the crimean peninsula for... our guys are in the south and are doing everything to defeat the russian occupier, to defeat the enemy, this is the crimean tatar battalion named after noman chilibyhan , 48th oshb, so support our guys, you can by the qr code that you will see on your screens now, they are in need of drones for the fpf now and have announced this fundraiser,
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so everyone... who can support, please support our boys, on, which are on the southern front according to the qr code that you see now, well, during this hour we will talk with military experts and other experts who will connect to our broadcast about crimea and talk about the latest events that happened during this week in the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and even now we are ready to introduce... military-political columnist of the information resistance group, mr. alexander, congratulations, congratulations, good day, mr. alexander, how did you remember this week, what the occupiers remembered this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operational news we already have, well...


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