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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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one of the interlocutors during this visit, so china is trying to establish economic relations with france and germany, they use these words of macron about strategic autonomy, but there is another thing, this is serbia-hungary, why? because there are countries that can and are lobbyists for chinese political interests in europe. hungary is generally a great example, because the president. pin, he can count on orbán as a person who represents chinese interests in nato and the european union. it is generally paradoxical that orban manages to do such maneuvers. and with serbia - this is a historical thing, it's just an emphasis on how it is possible. because serbia is a historical ally of the people's republic of china. when the soviet union and the people's republic of china were in a sharp conflict, they actually had no...
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no real relations, there were no meetings at the highest level, the embassies of the two countries were just like fortresses and there were border conflicts where soviet and chinese border guards were killed, then the socialist federal republic of yugoslavia is actually the only one with european countries, the so -called socialist ones, even romania, it seems to me, but more cautiously, did not sever ties either with beijing or with moscow, and the president of yugoslavia at the time, josif brostita, acted as a mediator between china, china was then not... recognized by the west, recognized as the legitimate government in taiwan by both the west and the president of serbia, oleksandr vučić, he tried to recreate the atmosphere of tito-era belgrade during his visit to sidzempin. everyone said, "look, this is very similar to how it was when the chinese leaders came to us. that's why this is also an actual signal in such a chinese style, it can be, in general, there can be such a europe that will be friends with us." serbia and hungary, this
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list does not end, there is belarus, alexander lukashenko goes to sidzimpin all the time, and in fact sydzimpin is the only leader in the world who can guarantee his sovereignty, if putin tells lukashenko that it is enough to unite, he is the only person to whom lukashenko can go and say: "i don't want to unite, i want to be the leader of belarus until end of life, empin, more there is no one, well, who else does he appeal to, no one will protect him and..." there are other countries, there is slovakia, it can already take this path, but now the parliamentary and presidential elections have been held in north macedonia, which by and large have ended the victory of the eurosceptics, the parties that have always been against compromise with the neighbors who declared it, who are now declaring it, and i will honestly tell you that these compromises that the european union is offering to north macedonia are an insulting compromise, it would be the same if we for... for
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accession to the european union, let's say, make the russian language the state language and write it into the constitution, leave this idea of ​​special rights for the russian language and everything and the status of donbass, that's why they said that without this there will be no european union, this is practically what the north is experiencing macedonia, first in its dialogue with greece, now in its dialogue with bulgaria, we don't like your name, we don't like yours. history, we don't like how you perceive your national origin, will change it, it is completely against the standards at all of the european union, but in north macedonia, even the large countries of the european union, saying that this is a compromise, impose it, well, as a result , those who say that we do not need all this won, so if the european integration of north macedonia, and it is a member of nato, will be blocked, north macedonia can easily be another country with large chinese investments, montenegro, which is also going to the european union, but...
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where is the essentially pro-serbian government, where there is a pro-russian speaker of the assembly, another such country, and we are now waiting parliamentary elections in bulgaria, which sets conditions for north macedonia, you know, like the house that jack built, but together with this, the authority of pro-russian forces is increasing every day, bulgaria has a pro-russian president, and it can be, we have already counted how many potential candidates for this chinese europe, hungary, serbia, macedonia, montenegro half. and belarus and bulgaria, by and large, a little more and shizen pin will create the balkan federation that iosif brostito so dreamed of at the beginning, at the end of the 40s of the 20th century and in connection with which he quarreled with stalin, only stalin is no longer there, stalin is putin, who will do whatever sizen finn tells him, that is, the situation is absolutely ideal, and it is very dangerous. what about other balkan countries? now they are not planning to join, this is,
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as you said, to unite in this balkan, balkan union, what will happen to them, the other balkan countries are still holding on, but again and... it's just that the political force that did not win in croatia was ready for such a course change, she simply did not win elections, but in croatia, the pro-russian president, he simply did not win the elections to become the prime minister and head of the new government. in slovenia, the influence of pro-chinese, pro-russian forces is quite serious, and this is a small country, and it is not geographically located where they can afford it, but in principle it is also possible if we look at the entire map of the past. yugoslavia, then we will see the fixation of chinese influences, by the way, the same, the same can apply to georgia as well, if russian influences increase, but they cannot be legalized, they can be legalized chinese plans, now let's look at ukraine,
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well, just imagine, the war ended sometime, let's not say when, complete economic ruin, the infrastructure has already been destroyed, the population is not the same. a lot, god forbid, 30 million, 25, well, the territory is all mined, we are negotiating to join the european union, and it turns out that no one wants our agricultural products, no one wants to reduce any restrictions, it is very difficult for us to develop the economy, wherever we go, viktor orban will explain everything. us, our to the president, who will be the president for the time being, and of course, we will normalize relations with moscow in exactly the same way as all countries that want chinese investments do, but i hear very often from our compatriots that there is such
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a gap between us and russia, which they won't fall asleep with this terrible war for many decades, it's an illusion, let's look at the experience of georgia, if you just want to somehow find some money to live on, then... the ukrainian government will explain that of course, russia is the aggressor, it is the enemy, there were murders, there were atrocities, but she is nearby border, no one has given us real security guarantees, we have to somehow survive, here china offers us a lot of money, they will not restore diplomatic relations with russia, simply russian businessmen under the chinese flag will buy up everything that is bad here, and then the political vector will change , this is a danger, i'm not saying that it will necessarily be like this, i'm talking about the possibility that... ukraine said, let's put it this way, a bombed-out, frustrated ukraine, which will wait its turn to the european union, who will say that in nato, it will not join until there is a political agreement with russia, it can get right there, but we are looking very carefully at the european union, and that is right, and that is where we should
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aim, but what sidzelfin is creating now is where we should not aim, but to , where we can get to, is more realistic than to the european union. that's just what, what is the problem, and everyone should remember this, i always say that now a simple thing is being decided, in this war, where will china's border pass, along our borders with russia, or along our borders with europe union, especially this political china, he is expanding, hungary already exists, we just have to see how much chinese money is there, and chinese money is always nepotism, it is always corruption, it is always political lobbying, it is always the government that does not change, but again, look at all these people, for viktor orbán for oleksandr vucic, they can generally be removed from office,
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well, of course, you can hold a large number of elections, you can win the elections of the mayor of budapest, the mayor of belgrade, but now there will be local elections in the serbian capital, i think that mr. vucic loses but they themselves sit there as a monument, and this is also a condition of chinese europe: china seeks stability, it does not need a constant change of governments, it needs that, if it has already started investing money, that the person who is the guarantor of its financial interests , is in the device forever, and here the interests of shizen ping coincide with the interests of those people with whom he is talking, and this creates such a special model of democracy, i would not say like in china, but i would say like in hungary. and again the fact that you and i cannot even seriously discuss the issue resignations in the ukrainian government, by and large, shows that we already live in such a country, and we may never get out of it. hungarians, too, when orbán came to power, thought that it was temporary, but it turned out that it was not temporary, that it was forever,
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it could be the same with us, i am not even talking about the current president, but about the very essence of the mandate. and as for china's peace plan, is this a way to freeze war or what? is the leader of the people's republic of china in the plan of war between ukraine and russia, he wants to get out of the chair zelenskyi, well, it's not bad under biden either, it's just that they fall and everyone laughs, that's simple. this is a desire, they will come to switzerland to the fashionable resort, make serious speeches, unite the world around justice, because what the president of ukraine says in his peace formula is the idea of ​​justice, international law, the responsibility of the aggressor, restoration borders, there is nothing to argue with, the only question is how to implement it, and china is telling the countries of the global south how to implement it, and no way, here he says it, these are beautiful speeches, and what, but how will you do it? but we have another plan, let's just stop the fire, then
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what, that's all, first stop the fire, then we will talk, women and children will not die, infrastructure will not be destroyed, ukrainians will not mobilize and die at the front, russians will not to mobilize and die at the front, what is wrong with you, why do you have to support an illusory formula that will never be implemented, well, in this way... instead of a beautiful speech by the president ukraine and, by the way, the beautiful speech of the president of the united states, a completely different discussion begins, the question begins, how do you implement it, how are you going to force russia to agree to this option, a great option, can you first cease fire, and then present this option , and when later, or someday, or maybe in 25 years, and what is the difference to you, the main thing is that they will not shoot, and by the way, this should also apply to ukrainians. ukrainians are simply told that rockets will stop flying at you from tomorrow
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drones, your children will not die at the front, your cities will not be destroyed, in winter you will be warm and not cold, what else, you can return abroad, and you can go abroad, you will start a normal life, what else it is necessary, and of course, oh, listen, it turns out that svidzenpin is such a wise person, as a result , you understand what is happening. this is what i reminded you about south vietnam. since 1973, there has been just such a peace agreement on south vietnam. there was more than xijianping wanted. it said that the parties respect the sovereignty of south vietnam, the right of its people to statehood and to free elections and to the whole world. and the vietnamese communists willingly subscribed to this. and how long did south vietnam exist? two years after that. well , of course, some people
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took advantage of this situation for two years, that is, if you want to escape and you can’t, then between this peace agreement and, let’s say, the death of kyiv, you will have a year and a half there, that you packed the manatkas, withdrew money from these accounts and calmly left here, but there are so many people, my god some people who want to live here, you know, that's right, we have to think about them too, here are these people who wanted to live in south vietnam, what happened to them with saigo. well, in the first years after its occupation by communist vietnam , 1.5 million people were expelled, let's extrapolate to kyiv, and 300-4000 were imprisoned there in camps for hopeless persons and most died there, well, you can simply calculate the proportions that those who they will finally, they will all live somewhere in the village, in kyiv they will live, as they say in lviv, the liberators. and you, who has at all other political views, just shoot them calmly, the russians will not create
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any camps like the vietnamese, they do not spend money, that's it, the whole history of ukraine will end there, that is, if we have a chance now somehow this country to stand up, then after this freeze, those who have the opportunity will simply have a chance to leave here, well , that's the whole political story, and by and large , china offers this one. er this deal, some can escape, he gives a chance, others can just accept the invaders, then, we will the appearance that it is peace, but if we are talking about ukraine, then there will be no peace here, because peace is when there is a priority of international law, i am not saying that we can physically liberate the territory, but at least we should record where the real the state recognized the border of ukraine in international agreements, and china does not offer any of this, it is... exclusively about the humanitarian component, and we have to demand security guarantees, and there is nothing there either,
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china does not even want to guarantee it, china could say, listen, we have such a wonderful one plan, but we guarantee security if ukraine agrees to this ceasefire, if ukraine agrees that this is the status quo, we ourselves will be there, on the ukrainian side, the people's liberation army of china, come on, they don't say that. because they know perfectly well what will happen next, they are not stupid, they just want to hand us over to russia under anesthesia, this plan? after all, anesthesia, you wake up, the anthem of the russian federation is already playing here, this whole chinese plan, you can put it to music, such a chinese plan is very scary, glorify our homeland, it is free, somehow i no longer remember these words, but i remember that they were written by serhiy mikhalkov, it's good, because serhii
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mikhalkov writes the text there all the time, even in a dead form, this is a peculiarity in russia, but i'm asking dmitry, i don't even want to. imagine this, unfortunately, i don’t know what the homeland is famous for, this, well, i don’t hope, but i want to return to ukraine, this week zelensky fired the head of his state security, because the security service reports that they discovered an agent, the agent network of the russian fsb, does not explain that, well, the security service explained that they caught the agent network of the fsb, which was planning. the assassination of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, why is it that we are in the third year of the war and now we have traitors from the fsb of russia surrounded by the state security? well, i don’t think that, given the infiltration of ukrainian state structures by russian agents, starting from the moment of the declaration of ukraine,
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when our special services were simply part of the special services of the soviet union, these people will be in the close environment of this the president the president of ukraine has been in office for 25 years, don't even doubt it, because not only was it all part of the kgb or the ministry of internal affairs, the soviet union, and we simply renamed it, so they had a free hand here for the next ten years after the declaration of ukrainian independence, they were at home here, no one touched them, not that no one touched them, they had offices in the security service of ukraine during the reign of about... russian presidents, well, first of all viktor yanukovych, of course. what you in general, what kind of agency did you want to see when our heads of the presidential administration openly worked for russia, that is dmytro tabachenko, we are currently being tried there, something is being confiscated from him, he was the head of the presidential administration of ukraine. viktor medvedchuk was exchanged with us as a traitor, he
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was the head of the administration of the president of ukraine. you can find out when these people were the heads of the administration, they were not yet... not recruited, they were usually recruited while still students, and we have thousands of such people in all structures, i think, well maybe i am exaggerating, and there are still sleeping agents who will be activated when the war ends, they will not manifest themselves now, but will manifest themselves when it is necessary to establish control over post-war ukraine, you will see everything, i would say in openwork, so this is me not surprising, i do not know the circumstances of this. however , it seems to me that i have been saying since the first day of the war that volodymyr zelenskyi will be tried to be discredited for one simple reason: because the legitimacy of the institutions of the ukrainian government must be undermined, because russia is considering ukraine is now a rebellious province, zelenskyi as the leader of a regime that must be eliminated, and the fact that he has
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been the head of the country for 2.5 years and is alive is a huge merit of our special services, it is not known how long they will manage to preserve his life. and this must be understood, i know that many people in our country are sarcastic about this, and, strangely enough, the essence of this attitude is their, their personal attitude towards volodymyr zelenskyi, as a person, they cannot find a simple the thing is that the question is not therefore, whether they like zelenskyi or not, whether zelenskyi is effective from their point of view or not. the question is that this person is the bearer of the powers of the president of ukraine, that is , from the point of view of the country that wants to eliminate this ukrainian. must be physically destroyed, and i, if each of you who likes or dislikes zelensky puts himself in the place of vladimir putin, simply sits in his chair, then he will give the first order to eliminate zelensky himself, he will not even think for 120 seconds, so what if zelensky is eliminated acting president becomes the chairman of the verkhovna rada, who can also be killed,
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then the merry-go-round begins, you know? the weight of power is no longer so obvious, the situation can be chaotic, the mistrust of the acting chairman of the verkhovna rada can be greater than that of the president, because no one elected him as president, that's clear, we've seen it, all in in the 14th year, viktor yanukovych, who definitely did not rule, did not enjoy the popularity of the patriotic part of the population, fled to russia. received unprecedented opportunities to destabilize our state up to the appointment of a russian agent as the head of the ministers of the autonomous republic of crimea at the request of: another russian agent yanukovych, who was no longer the legitimate president of ukraine, but from the point of view of the verkhovna rada of the autonomous republic of crimea was, because there was a legal contradiction, whether
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to recognize the decision of the ukrainian parliament to remove its powers or not. well, he was not on the territory of ukraine, he writes such a submission, and when did he write it at all before elimination or after, how to understand it at all by the registration number, well, that is , of course, it's all again absolutely a game of thimbles. but it all worked, and it was then, you understand, that’s when you put people in front of the dilemma of the oath, why they so easily managed to activate their agency in donbas and everything else, well, as if there is no legitimate government in kyiv, who are you protecting, it’s clear, that people are not fighting for zelensky, not for shmyhal or not for stefanchuk, but they are fighting for a state that has stable institutions, so i assure you that the coming months and years... we will constantly receive messages about attempts to destroy the president of ukraine, because from the point of view of russia, the surrender of ukraine, if it happens,
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is better to write off with an illegitimate one, so as not to have any obligations on your part, and with whom you signed, god knows, with who did you sign, who was it anyway, the khasamurt peace agreement with chechnya, the russians signed it only after they killed dzhokhar duday. the president of the chechen republic, they had been planning for a long time, they wanted to stop, but the first thing they wanted to do before that was to kill add, why? because they didn't like him personally, he was also, you know, not a sugar man, he dissolved the parliament, he was a rather tough, authoritarian leader, but he was legitimately elected by the chechen people, the head of the republic, he was governed by high public trust, he was a symbol of this of this movement for independence, and his successor , zilimkhandarbiev, had authority, he was respected in these circles nationally. patriotic, but he was not elected president, and therefore his decisions were in any case questioned here and there and that everything, let's say, makes it easier, makes the task easier
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for those who want to destroy the ukrainian state, the fact that the ultimate goal of the russian federation is the self-destruction of the state, it seems to me that now even the us secretary of state is saying, two years ago i was the only one talking about it, now everyone is talking about it say, so let's hope that common sense comes here in waves. it made me think that killing zelensky is like a plan b, failed to implement the company regarding illegitimacy, let's try to clean up, no, it can be at the same time if he is not legitimate, we are not even removing the president of ukraine, but some citizen of ukraine, zelenskyi, who usurped power, what are you telling us that we killed the president of ukraine, no, sorry, we did not kill the president of ukraine, there is a legitimate president of ukraine, yanukovych, viktor fedorovych, look, this is some person who was in a position there, do you understand? how did it get to her, but even from the point of view of those who elected him, his powers have disappeared, he sits there, continues, does not hold elections, a usurper, well, they killed the usurper and what, in general, we are not here
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why, these are honest ukrainian patriots, they will do this at the same time, a propaganda campaign that will explain to the citizens of ukraine that they no longer have legitimate power, that the powers of the president and the parliament have ended and at the same time try to kill zelensky, it is absolutely logical, they will intensify this effort, so... we have to be careful, because he really can now be one of the important targets of physical actions by the russian federation, i am sure that they will do everything possible to to implement this program, well, i want to add to this, after all, about this, and malyuska said very much to the ministry of justice that zelensky remains legitimate and confirmation of this is not needed by the constitutional court, but... russia continues to spread these narratives about the expiration of the term, well, it continues, because this is her propaganda campaign, i just think that the constitutional court could have a say, i don't understand why they didn't apply to
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the constitutional court in time, i think that the clarification of the constitutional court would be additional proof that the president is legitimate, because the constitution has all the articles that can be interpreted by the constitutional court, but there are certain things that russia and its followers can use as contradictions, and here... in order to clarify these are contradictions, the constitutional court exists, it is for clarifying contradictions in the constitution, so this is the position of the minister of justice, it is political, it is not legal, but i think that there could have been a legal position, because the minister of justice is a politician, not a lawyer, but lawyers are judges of the constitutional court of ukraine, and why they are they don't, i don't know, but you know this, it's a different story, it's the story with which we started our dialogue, it's a story about the effectiveness of the state. when you form an apparatus in which no one is responsible for anything and everyone depends on one person, a nickname that everyone knows, then it is not effective, it cannot be effective, well, it is just by definition that way.
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this is how power is generally organized in a country where people depend on their political forces, on their political prospects, on their own image, and there is political power, there is power that depends on one person, the second option ineffective, the first option is effective, there is nothing in between, well, we live in a situation of such a government that exists, i repeat once again that this was the choice of the ukrainian people, they wanted such a model, they have it, they live and will live, thank you for such an explanation. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on nozhpaforte 15% in psyllium, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts, representing may's coco discounts on voltaren forte 20% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl it's winter, and we're starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is about. and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. but the news sport review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine.
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events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively. meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests,
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foreign experts, inclusion abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the studio program is on the air of the tv channel. will traditionally be the most important events of this week. our guests today are glen grant and mark fagin. our first guest is retired british army colonel, military expert glen grant. glory to ukraine, dear mr. colonel, gat saave the king. well, first of all, i would like us to analyze the great russian offensive of may and june, right? many analysts have spoken about it, and we are certainly confused.
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skirmishes, we are talking not only about the donetsk region, but about the front line in general, if we analyze the enemy's preparations for large- scale actions, what will they be, in your opinion and in the opinion of military experts of various western countries. in fact, it is quite difficult to judge now and i will try to explain why. first, the situation has been in ukrainian for the last 2-3 months the front was not the best. there were failures in many places. but if you look at the map on a large scale, then the number of lost territories compared to the size of ukraine is actually quite small, but of course no one likes to lose villages. so, the russians managed to advance, but in the south , the ukrainian troops on the eastern bank seem to be holding on rather poorly...


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