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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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in addition to what kind of weapon is used, and from time to time we still do not know about the consequences, for the conversation, thank you and for the work, first of all, thank you very much, she and i, a journalist from sumy oblast, talked about the situation in this the border region, that there are evacuations going on today, and now let me remind you of the collection, by the way, after... taking my last announcement about the collection, we have already collected almost 800 uah. it's actually pretty cool. thank you. therefore, we are joining the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone actions in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that... will deliver
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mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, so we need uah 630.00, and we have already collected more than 182, uah. well, now the second hour of the great ether starts, and i have to say so magic word, literally in an instant. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, actually, during the next hour, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morshchevka, also sports news from yevhen pastokhov, it is already known, the name of the new champion of ukraine in football, professionally, and also naked from natalka didenko , and now i will tell you in detail about the most important news. police evacuated more than 1,700 people from the border of kharkiv region, law enforcement officers continue to evacuate civilians from tsyrkonivska, lypetska and... vovchanska
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communities, the national police of ukraine announced this. law enforcement officers urge people to leave, contact the police hotline 102, or the evacuation hotline, i also urge you to do the same, life should be preserved in this rather difficult situation, a critically difficult situation. held in a basement in the vovchan community in the kharkiv region , the russian army during its criminal ... offensive took local residents prisoner, in fact, what they did before and are doing again, unfortunately, nothing has changed, and it is quite obvious, the regional prosecutor's office reported about it, the occupiers forced people to provide medical aid to the soldiers and threatened to shoot them in case of refusal, where local residents managed to escape from the enemy, they did not let out the basement, and this was this morning. a soldier was walking and said: we are leaving the way
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we came, and they took the wounded, and we are running and running at this moment, there are still people left, there are still people there, and where is it, t, that is, they did not only take you , no, there is more, there is a family, a family, tape about, tape about of ukrainian writers of the era of the executed revival, on may 9 the new ukrainian film "budyn slovo", an endless novel, was released, and today in lviv from... there is a special screening with the director taras tomenko, who actually made this film, our correspondent kateryna oliynyk is there. katya, answer, please tell us about the atmosphere, how the team prepared for the premiere, and about the actual action that you are watching now?
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come out to vasya, vasya, read the news further, yes, well, we are somewhat delayed in our conversation with kateryna, although regarding this, regarding this movie, my friends, whom i trust, said that it is worth going, really, really cool work that you can't. miss. well, let's talk about evacuation. biryangols evacuate people from krasnohorivka in donetsk region. under the sounds of explosions , three people were rescued this time, including an 88-year-old woman who suffered a concussion. the day before, six enemy shells exploded near her house, the regional police reported. it was also possible to evacuate the couple. for now, people are safe. elections under wartime is not... important from the point of view
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of ensuring electoral rights and normal democratic procedures. experts note that millions of military personnel and refugees will not be able to exercise their right to vote because of because of this, it is currently impossible to organize free, fair, democratic, i would say, representative elections, well, it is obviously unrealistic, and most importantly, it is a security factor in the conditions of full-scale russian aggression, it is practically impossible to guarantee it at the polling stations, when the state cannot ensure the exercise of electoral rights with compliance with the specified international standards, in particular, during martial law in... in most democratic countries, elections are not held, i emphasize democratic countries, precisely the democratic nature, which is based on the key principles of electoral law, free, equal, secret expression of will, and
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allows to make so that the true will of the people is embodied in the formed authorities. volodymyr zelenskyi had a telephone conversation with the prime ministers of the kingdom of sweden and the prime minister of luxembourg, the president's office reported. discussed the defense support of ukraine, in particular the strengthening of air defense, it also became known that sweden and luxembourg will take part in the peace summit, which will be held in june in the swiss alps, not far from the city of lucerne. well, actually, it will be now. to hear about the film, the house of the word , an endless novel, a tape about ukrainian writers of the era of the shot revival. on may 9, a new film was released, about which i have already said, the house is a word, an endless novel, taras tomenko is its director, and here now he arrived in lviv with his team to present this film there.
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our correspondent kateryna oliynyk is at the event, katya, congratulations, please tell us about the event itself, about the atmosphere, and actually, what the creators of this movie came with, what they... tell, please, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations to all the viewers spresa tv channel, we are indeed at the premiere screening in one of the cinemas, and we will see a film about the poets of the renaissance who were shot, in general , the director worked on this film for more than 12 years, i want to note that 60 million hryvnias were spent on cinema, and 30 million were financed. cinema, this film will tell about poets and poetesses, in particular, in the film we will see such prototypes of mykola khvylovy, tychyna, as well as les kurbas, volodymyr sosyura and other outstanding creators, all of them, the film is about the fact that in
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the 20s of the 20th century, all the soviet authorities gathered these poets in one house, just in the movie, the feature film will tell about them. petitions, adventures, life, conflicts, also about the history of their acquaintance and friendship. i want to note that filmmakers, in order to create this film, they dug into various archives, went to museums, dug up a lot of information in order to really reproduce the images of the writers and even selected the actors according to the appearance of the writers themselves. in particular, what the director taras tomenko himself says about his film, i suggest you listen further. for 30 years, this topic was avoided, instead, the ukrainian audience was fed with russian papsa, russians, russian shit, and now ukrainians will be able to see a truly ukrainian
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picture, let it be a reaction to whether society is ready for a serious conversation about ukrainian art, about the ukrainian word, about ukrainian literature, about ukrainian history. as the creators of the film note, this film is more relevant than ever to see right now, because ukraine has faced a new wave, so to speak, of a shot revival, maksym kryvtsov died, russia killed viktoria amelin, volodymyr vokulenko, and i want to note that the screening of this film , the house, the word infinite novel, will continue for another week in cinemas of ukraine, so the creators invite you. everyone to see the film on their own eyes i give you my word, vasyl. thank you very much katya, katryna oliynyk for the presentation of this movie with the participation of the director taras tumenko himself. the house the word never ending novel really urge you i haven't gone myself yet but
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i will definitely check out what my friends who i trust again tell me it's a cool job and even one of my friends said that this is a brilliant film, so definitely, let's support and... learn more about ukrainian literature, ukrainian culture of difficult times, difficult times. now yuliy fizar is already in front of me, and it's time to talk about what is outside of ukraine. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast, we will learn more about what happened in the world during the weekend and what we are going to do in the new working week in the world section, in particular today about this, again about helping ukraine, troubled georgia and hot, in the literal sense of the word st. petersburg. my name is yuriy fizer, this is world about ukraine, and i'm starting in a moment. well, let me start with this:
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the united states of america is doing its best efforts to ensure that all aid promised to ukraine is delivered to us as soon as possible. united states secretary of state anthony blinken said this on the air of the american tv channel cbs. at the same time , he added that the arrival of these supplies to ukraine is necessary. to speed up, according to the head of the american foreign policy department, the new weapon will allow the ukrainian armed forces to hold the line of defense on the front line, in addition, it will help to continue creating a threat to the still temporarily occupied crimea, and most importantly, says antony blinken, it will help to reduce the negative consequences that arose as a result of the delay with the allocation of additional funding by the us congress in the amount of 61 million. well, i will remind you once again that this 61 billion
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dollars of american aid is included, it is 23, even a little more than billions, it to replenish the transfers of warehouses after washington transferred certain weapons to us and thus cleaned out its warehouses, that is, this money will go to the american economy, to the american defense industry in order for it to work, to produce new weapons so that people are paid salary 13.8 for military purchases for ukraine on the open market, 11, a little more, 11 billion 300 million to ensure current us military operations in the region, i.e. around ukraine. well, that's it. the activity of russian terrorist troops in the north of the kharkiv region is very dangerous. therefore allies must do. everything is possible to help ukraine repel these attacks and prevent the russians
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from breaking through the defense line, said the british foreign minister on the air of the british tv channel sky news david cameron, according to him, now the leaders of the western world need to step up the provision of this aid, and great britain is once again leading the way here. for example, quite recently , official london provided ukraine with aid in the amount. 3 billion 740 million. but, says the head of the british foreign office, aid from the united states of america continues to be very important. that is, summarizing what the minister of foreign affairs of great britain said, what helped, what europe or other countries of the civilized world are helping is good, but without the help of the united states of america will be to all of us. well, it is quite difficult and difficult, and by the way, david cameron also commented
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on the initiative that came from germany that it would be possible to create a no-fly zone over ukraine, that is , i would intercept nato member countries using their air defense equipment, for example , those located in poland or slovakia, in order to intercept russian missiles launched at critical targets. of critical infrastructure in ukraine, so david cameron said that it is unrealistic, because he said it could lead to further escalation, he said i'm against it, and david cameron's quote: we help ukraine in other ways. well, they also asked david cameron about why they still don't want to shoot down? he said, fundamentally different situation, difference of situation. israel, when britain helped shoot down hamas rockets, and
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further quote: we can do a lot to help the ukrainians, and this will not be a step towards escalation, well, although fundamentally, a different situation, because those who attacked israel is not a country that has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, a country that keeps billions in the banks of the countries of the european union and not only london as well, and therefore of course it is fundamentally different. position of principle pgidny in this in this sarcasm, completely. the next 5 years will be the most dangerous in the history of great britain. the prime minister of the country, rishi sunak, said this today. according to him, london faces and will face both internal and external challenges. in particular, he says, from the side of authoritarians of states at the same time , he called the changes that may take place in great britain itself and around it the biggest in the last 30 years. what's more, according to rishi sunak, these challenges
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can change a lot, because the axis of authoritarian states, including iran, china, north korea and russia, are challenging from the west. well, he summarizes, now we need this challenge of the west, which throws this axis of evil, we need to be ready to fight back. the member countries of the european union have partially transferred their defense industries to military rails to provide further support to ukraine, and plan to extend this principle to the entire army. industrial complex. this was stated by the european commissioner for the internal market, thierry britton, on the air of the bfm tv channel. according to him, the eu leadership managed to double the ammunition production capacity in less than a year, next year, says mr. briton, it is planned to even double this production. in addition, mr. european commissioner
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reported that the european union intends to increase the annual production of projectiles for ukraine to 2 million large caliber 155 mm and more quickly and supply them to ukraine as soon as possible, well, we need to supply them to us more quickly and more, because this is help with which we can more actively repel the attacks of the russians, who now, it seems from other places, but it does not seem to be from other holes, have climbed out and push to ukraine. hot: unfortunately, in georgia, mass protests have been ongoing since the very morning under the walls of the highest legislative body of this country, people took to the streets due to the fact that at 9 o'clock local time the legal committee of the georgian parliament literally in 67 seconds, and this is a minute-3 seconds, managed
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to consider and immediately support in the third reading the law on foreign agents, at the same time representatives of opposition parties. were not allowed to finally adopt this law in the hall, the georgian parliamentarians plan to adopt it tomorrow, however, today the dissenting citizens of the country are gathering under the parliament building, they promise to stay here until the scandalous draft law is withdrawn, however, the representatives of the ruling party have already made it clear on several occasions that they will not withdraw it, and therefore, today they actively dispersed the protesters for with the help of special means and forces. by the way, well , that is, two days today, tomorrow, and maybe more, it can be quite hot in georgia, and all because of this stupid law, what the georgian parliamentarians are thinking, i just don’t understand, taking a law that, well, if they haven’t copied it from the russian law on foreign agents, so they took a lot of similar
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things from there and for georgians, who are used to breathing with... freedom to promote this law, don't they understand what the citizens will do, they will understand, the citizens go out into the streets and we see what's going on there right now, at this moment, there are protests there, well, tomorrow, tomorrow there will be this vote in the parliament, in the third and last reading, and something seems to me that will be very hot in georgia, and this bill has been for several weeks, for several weeks criticized in the west. leaders of many western countries express their opposition to it on the eve of their dissatisfaction with the fact that this law can be passed in the third and final reading, expressed in the usa. president joe biden's national security adviser, jake sullivan wrote on his page on the x microblogging network, which is the former twitter, that this law is against democratic values,
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and what's more, mr. sullivan emphasized that protest actions in many cities of the country. hears that the rhetoric of the georgian dream party, which is the ruling party, contradicts the wishes of the people and is aimed at isolating georgia from the united states and europe. well, but the ruling party itself hears the eyes of dissatisfaction, and continues to do what it has been doing ever since. for example, the speaker of the georgian parliament shalva papuashvili reacted to this criticism from jake salvan and from. other leaders of western countries and expressed regret that western partners who criticize the bill instead of substantive discussion are conducting, as he said, a disinformation campaign. what a disinformation campaign they are running, they simply showed that this law contradicts the democratic values ​​that georgians stood for and continue to stand for, well
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, it is somehow strange, so we move from georgia, a little north of us to our brother lithuania, the day before lithuanian citizens did not succeeded in electing the country's president in the first round, so there will be a second round, according to the results. yesterday's vote, the current head of the country, gitanas nauseda, won the support of a little more than 44% of the country's citizens with the right to vote. almost 20% voted for prime minister ingrid shimonita. let me remind you that mr. naoseda and ms. shimonita have not met for the first time in a duel for the presidential seat. in the 19th, the current president of the country won. well , in total , eight candidates competed for the main seat in lithuania in these elections. and so thus, in two weeks, the polling stations will be opened again. and in two weeks we will find out the name of the new president
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of lithuania. supporters of catalonia's independence from spain did not get a majority in the parliament of this autonomous region. this is evidenced by the results of voting in the elections of the former party. the head of the generalitat of catalonia , carles puigdemont, who is now forced to stay abroad, will receive only 35 seats in the parliament, in which there are 135 seats, while supporters of the country's unity will have 41 seat, although neither managed to get a majority, so the supporters of the different parties will now have to negotiate in order to first form a majority and then use that majority to form a coalition government in catalonia. so you can sum it up, it's all similar to the fact that, after all, the supporters of the independence of catalonia are a little too lazy
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to be supporters of the independence of catalonia, and they already think, and we see, that nothing will come of it, so let it be as it will be, well about that the results of these elections testify, and the surprise from russia, shoyuga, everything, while everything as the minister of defense. of this country. this morning it became known that the head of the terrorist country, putin, dismissed him from his post as a minister, what was the reason for such a decision of the kremlin master, is not yet known, but experts believe that the appointment of the head of the russian defense department to the chair is still the first vice prime minister and economist andrii bilausov, can testify that putin intends to reorganize the army of the aggressor country, and unfortunately, he will do it. it is before a protracted war. it is also interesting that the shoyu himself, the kremlin elder made the head of the russian security council instead of mykola patrushev, but where
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patrushev himself, who was even wooed by suitors to become the next presidents after putin's death, will now remain a mystery. well , a lot of people are commenting on this news about what will happen next, but nothing new will happen, nothing can be done. with, at least in putin's policy, with this resignation, or not a resignation, but the reassignment of shuigu to another position and the appointment of a new minister of defense, and very it was well commented by the minister of defense of great britain, grand shaps, on his page on the x microblogging network, he wrote that he first accused shuigu that it was he who was responsible for the... deaths, as well as wounding hundreds of thousands of people in ukraine, and what's next, quote: russia needs a defense minister to reverse this
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disastrous legacy and put an end to the invasion, but all they'll get is another putin puppet. wonderful words, unfortunately, nothing will change in this russian kingdom. and finally, hot st. petersburg, hot stubbornness. meaning of this word. today there was a fire in one of the industrial enterprises of the city, the smoke was visible many kilometers from the epicenter of the ignition, the fire spread over an area of ​​500 m2, although it may be more, as you can see in the video. according to the local emergency services , wooden pallets were on fire, although it is interesting that the company itself is engaged in the production of various petroleum products and packaging materials. reasons for ignition at the moment. unknown, the eyewitnesses did not hear the hum of drones today, so it is probably not established
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i smoked in the city, so what... for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. problems with the frontal joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with debt'. joints are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitates motor functions. stretch your joints - move free. allergy, neche leo will overcome citrivu. cetrilev neo protects against the most common allergens. laughter, physical activity, sneezing,
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to do... there will be liver, allochol, but what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we return to the conversation, this is a big ether, i remind you, my name is vasyl zimai, now it's time to talk about money during war oleksandr morchevka, come with me, oleksandr, good evening, please, i hope there are good news today. good evening, vasyl, i greet the audience, well, i will talk about different things. well, i will tell you all about this in a moment, wait, there will be more. i am oleksandr morchaka, congratulations, this is a column.


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