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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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what to do when there will be a liver, alohol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, let's get back to the conversation, this is a big topic, i remind you, my name is vasyl zimay, now it's time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchivka is with me , oleksandr. evening, please, i hope the news today is also good, good evening, vasyl, i greet the viewers, well, i will talk about various things, as i traditionally follow the situation in the ukrainian energy sector, as well as what will happen with of the polish gross domestic product, if ukrainians, ukrainian men, leave from there , well, i will tell you all about it in a moment, wait, there will be more, i am oleksandr morchaka, congratulations, this is the column: about money during
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the war. a difficult winter awaits ukrainians, although there may be difficulties with electricity already in the summer. this was announced today by the minister of energy herman galushchenko. so, due to enemy attacks, we have already lost about 8 gw of power in the system. that's a big number. i would like to add that our power system has suffered the most damage in recent months from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. currently, the shortage of kilowatts is felt everywhere. for example, a record amount of electricity imports from five european countries was planned, power outages for industry are also ongoing, so far these outages have not affected household consumers, ordinary ukrainians, but they urge us and you to save electricity and without unnecessary need, especially in the evening peaks hours, do not use electrical appliances, well, if we talk about energy in... after all, it is not
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overflowing in russia, and gazprom may face with a long period of bad results, analysts of the reuters agency write. currently , russia's most profitable company is trying to compensate for lost fuel sales in the european union. muscovy is currently increasing exports with chinese partners, and is also increasing domestic sales. the company recently reported an annual net loss of up to 7 billion. dollars, such a negative indicator was recorded for the first time since 1999. experts say that even if gazprom can establish the supply of blue fuel to the sky through the power of siberia pipeline, revenues from sales will be much smaller than they had from trade with europe. well, yes, there is money in europe, which they pay according to the contracts, china now has its preferences, because... russia needs something from china, and of course,
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china will receive discounts, vasyl, how is it happening with russian oil and india , as well as the special conditions of turkey, for example, too, let's not forget, well, actually, whoever wants to, is now trying to milk russia cheaper, but the trouble is that all these the money goes to the war against ukraine, unfortunately, but they refuse to go on flights, the association of international carriers of ukraine notes that from may 18 the situation with transportation may... become more complicated, since even now drivers are afraid to cross the border, and a number of krman residents already did not return to their homeland. carriers emphasize the difficulties in booking their employees, they say that it is difficult for the company to get the status of critical, employees are mobilized at the stage before receiving reservations. let's listen to the direct language: electronic the queue that was on friday, the electronic queue that is today, it has more than halved . that is, today cars do not load,
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do not clear customs and do not stand in an electronic queue, that is, the situation is really difficult and there are really many influencers here, including officials, including emotional ones. the driver, having confirmed that he will be sent to booking, he is simply not given time to book him, and only after updating the vlk, he is immediately issued a combat summons, and this is the problem, in order to train the driver an international you need 95 adrs each, you need to tell the driver all the rules for paying for roads, crossing borders, confirming documentary transportation, it takes somewhere around six months. well, poland is ready to help ukraine in the repatriation of men of conscription age who are subject to mobilization, however, as forbes writes, this decision can have a significant impact on... the polish
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economy, because of over a million of our citizens who came to poland with the beginning full-scale invasion, have a job there. 371,000 are conscript men age well, according to the delote company, refugees contributed more than 1% to poland's gross domestic product, and this indicator will only grow. we will discuss the situation in detail with oleg penzen, executive director of the economic discussion club, he is in touch. good evening. good evening, glad to see you. by the way, mr. oleg, here is an example in poland, in particular the figure from the delote company, ukrainians work on the polish gdp, but... i am sure that ukrainians work in many economies, not only in europe of the union, but also of other states. to what extent are the authorities of these countries ready to assist ukraine in returning and carrying out the repatriation of men who are currently working in, well, in
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essentially all sectors of the world economy? in words, yes. in practice, no. by the way, there are no words either, if we are talking about germany. the baltic countries have already expressed that any actions will be extremely difficult. the germans, they directly said that all those who have temporary protection cannot in any way be transferred from that temporary protection. well, when you and i talk about poles, let's be formal please, we will certainly hear the poles' rhetoric, any, but let's be honest with you. heard a lot from the poles, but in fact, in reality, it happened in a completely different direction, so that the poles realize that, first of all, they have a catastrophic lack of labor force, and actually, of the people you talked about, there are quite a lot of people working there not in the field, or significantly below
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the level of qualification they have, it is beneficial for the poles. second point, you are absolutely right that 1% of polish gdp today creates. ukrainians, so that we understand, we are talking about billions of dollars, the contribution of ukrainians to polish gdp is estimated at the level of three to five billion dollars, i want to remind you that the polish budget spent 1.5 billion on all ukrainian refugees, that is, the presence of poles, the presence of ukrainians in poland is extremely economically beneficial for poles, i repeat once again, especially from the point of view that poles... personally, looking for higher earnings, quite often come to those countries that offer higher wages, ukrainian refugees come in their place, who they even work for a salary cheaper than what the polish owner paid the pole.
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one more point, 10% of polish businesses, at the moment, are businesses created by ukrainians, who pay taxes, who properly create jobs... places, that is , the following is clear to me personally: no country today will facilitate the transfer or in some other way to the return of ukrainian men of mobilization age to ukraine simply because they are interested in their working hands and are interested in those people being as much as possible more quickly integrated into the society where they moved, by the way, the germans absolutely do not give a damn about... they say with a direct test that those people who work, germany is always glad to have them, so in this situation i think that it is unlikely we will see any actions related to her stopping poles from returning ukrainian men to ukraine.
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by the way, i just want, this will no longer be a question, but just a remark to confirm your words, you said about the germans, actually the chancellor of the federal republic of germany, olaf scholze stated that, first of all, ukrainians who have... residence and work permits will remain in germany, he guaranteed this, and stated that ukrainian refugees who want to stay in germany must find work, and the issuance of writes that the share of ukrainian refugees in germany who found a job is critically low, only 25%, while in denmark, for example, 77% found a job, that is , germany for a long time gave the opportunity to live a little in the lounge mode, now they say looking for a job, and here is the question because they will obviously still be looking for a job, and not so that it will be so. in order to get the protection systems you just asked about, i think that the fate of ukrainians who will find a job in germany will be extremely high, but the following must be understood: a ukrainian who has found a job in a country of the european union, and who
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adopted a child who found a normal place of residence, he will not return to ukraine under any circumstances, and this is an extremely big problem, because... according to the estimates of the ministry of economy for reconstruction of ukraine after the end of the war will require at least 5 to 8 million additional workers. where will ukraine take them from, how to ensure the return of ukrainian citizens to ukraine? this is an extremely difficult issue, especially in the conditions where we have seen with you how the provision of consular services is currently complicated by the mobilization law. well , really, a lot of statements from our authorities simply led, so to speak, to say in such a word, a stir among ukrainian men who work abroad, and i will only add, mr. oleg, maybe you will... support me, if the international community is really holding the hands of ukrainian workers,
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maybe then it is necessary to increase material aid to ukraine, military aid to ukraine, if our workers really bring billions of dollars to the gdp there. i want to tell you that an employee who pays taxes in one or another country becomes a taxpayer of that country. and all the money coming into the budget is already the property of the country where... those taxes are paid, so it is necessary to clearly distinguish in this situation interests of each country. let us remember well the famous saying of winston churchill, who said that great britain has no eternal friends and eternal enemies, there are eternal interests. so, for each country, ensuring normal employment of people on its territory, paying them taxes and improving their conditions is the main interest. for which their politicians work, and this must be remembered, so waiting for the same poles
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to be kicked out of jobs and sent to ukraine for conscripts, i think, is in vain. thank you for the conversation, and it is really a pity that such a situation diverges from actions and words, there is no common opinion, there is no common decision between ukraine and our international partners, international partners with... ukraine. i would like to thank oleh penzyn, executive director of the economic discussion club. i will thank vasyl and finish my column, but his big broadcast is still going on. see us. yes, this is a time when you have to make a choice, and sometimes that choice can cost you your life. i am talking now about... people abroad and about the needs of ukraine, you know, just one such moment
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it's important when there is ukraine, wherever you are abroad, temporarily there, that's one thing, but imagine for a second, i'm talking about men first of all, although not moralizing, because i myself am not at the front right now, i'm on the air now , but imagine for a second that ukraine is gone and there is nowhere to return to, as when there is no home, will this home be somewhere else? we need to think about it, because in this life everything is possible, let's not forget about it. we do not live according to a written script, we write this script every day. and even now, i don't know what script serhiy wrote rudenko, but i think that it will definitely be interesting in the verdict program, which starts at 20:00. serhii, please have a word, good evening. vasyl, at 20:00 we will have the former prosecutor general of ukraine yury lutsenko in the verdict, we will talk with him about everything, everything, that is, in the future. from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., we will have yury lutsenko. among the topics, the tactical successes
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of the russians in the kharkiv direction, there is a rather difficult situation around the city of vovchansk. why did it actually happen that the russians managed to penetrate our defenses and whether there is a threat of a major breakthrough, a lot of people have been writing about it in the last few days, in particular on social networks. about the fact that the positions of the armed forces of ukraine were not sufficiently fortified there, whether it is or not, whether it is related to fortifications, the construction of fortifications or the absence of fortifications, the resignation of oleksandr kubrakov, what zelensky is going to do with cabinet minister denys shmyhal , and actually what reforms should be expected in the government. in ukrainian, in addition, fairly large personnel rotations take place
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to the russian occupiers, serhii shoigu resigned from the post of minister of defense, he became the secretary of the security council of the russian federation, patrushev resigned from the position of secretary of the russian national security council, what does this mean and what will the new personnel changes in the power bloc in the russian federation lead to, whether to strengthening or to ambassadors. is putin trying in this way to remove those people around him who helped him carry out the great invasion of ukraine on february 24. in the 22nd year, well, to put it simply, he is trying to remove the dividers away from himself, perhaps this indicates that he wants to start negotiations with the west, as he believes, and not with ukraine, regarding the future of ukraine. in a word, we have enough topics for conversation with yuriy lutsenko, come at 8:00 p.m.,
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or rather, stay on our channel, watch... vasyl zima's big broadcast, the verdict will be in two parts, let me remind you, today will be yuriy lutsenko and there will be an hour comments from me, that is, a separate program will start from 21:15, we will talk about all relevant topics, about personnel rotations in ukraine and personnel rotations in russia, about how quarter 95 got into yet another fight with the military. this topic and what to do with it now , about how lukashenko is preparing for nuclear war, in a word, in the second part of our program, which will begin at 9:15 p.m., there will also be many topics, and i urge you to stay with the espresso tv channel this evening, there will be more it's interesting, vasyl, you have a word, serhiy, the verdyk program will start at 8 p.m., well, i'm already
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ready to talk about the happenings in the world of sports, which are thundering. and believed this weekend evgeny pastokhov, evgeny, good evening, please good evening, vasyl, congratulations to the viewers of espresso, well, in a moment we will sum up the first results of the ukrainian premier league this season, and of course, we will not only talk about football today. the 15th title, donetsk shakhtar, last weekend, prematurely won the gold medals of the championship of ukraine. the fate of the championship was decided in the face-to-face confrontation between hirnyky and kyiv dynamo in the 28th round of the national championship. shakhtar won in lviv with a score of 1:0. georgy sudakov scored the only goal from the penalty spot in the first half. dynamo had its own opportunities to take the goal, but fortune was on the side of the donetsk people. in general, the game was quite
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equal, both teams had the initiative in stages, and by the end of the meeting there was much more attacking. dynamo, the miner's margin increased to seven points two rounds before the end of the championship, so immediately after the final whistle, the people of donetsk began to celebrate winning the trophy, well, i congratulate kyiv dynamo, because today is 97 years since the foundation of the club, it is also worth remembering that today, unfortunately, a sad date, precisely may 13, 2002, he left the life of the legendary valery lobonovsky, and now i suggest you listen to what the head coaches of dynamo and shakhtar said after the game on saturday. this championship is truly dedicated to you, our fans. i would also like to dedicate this championship to all the people of ukraine, this country. these are difficult times for us, if we can give you such joy, then i am very satisfied with at least that. it's a shame to lose
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matches that are decided by a penalty, in my opinion, it's... doubtful, unfortunately, we didn't score too many points in the first part of the championship, that's why it is so. the 28th round of the ukrainian premier league ends today, monday. kryvbas lost 0:1 to polissia on their own field. this match was postponed from yesterday to today due to an air alert. actually, this game was also interrupted today by an air raid. colossus at home. entered lnz 1:3. on saturday, minai won a strong-willed victory over vorskla 3:2, and obolon and rukh did not score goals. on sunday , oleksandria beat dnipro-1. 1:0, and chornomorets dealt with metalist 1925 - 3:0. and today at 18:00 the match started zorya veres. i think that at this moment it has either already ended, or is ending, and there was
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a draw. despite the defeat in the match against polissia kryvbas. won the bronze medals of the championship of ukraine, yury vernadub's team will no longer fall below the third step, because it is ahead of dnipro-1 with additional indicators, even if dnipro-1 catches up with kryvbas. now kryvorizhtsi have 54 points, dnipro - 48. dynamo, which won silver ahead of schedule - 63 points. in the next round , we will see the confrontation between dynamo and kryvbas, however, this match will not have tournament significance. for dynamo, this is the 14th silver in the championships of ukraine and it is unlikely that it can please the fans of the capital team. in the next season, kayans will play in the qualifying round of the champions league. took third place in its history. and then about tennis: elina svitolina reached the 1/8 finals
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of the wta tournament in rome, the capital of italy. the first racket of ukraine beat neutral russian anna kalinskaya in two sets. 6:363. the match lasted an hour and 14 minutes, it was the first face-to-face meeting of tennis players since february 24 in 2022, elina svitolina beat all the russian women she met on the courts. the tournament in italy is the last before roland garros 2024, the main part of which starts on may 20. and in the match of the 1/8 finals of the tournament in rome, already today, at 21:30 kyiv time, elina svitolina will meet with the second racket of the planet, belarusian, neutral belarusian arina. sabalenka knocked out another ukrainian, dayana yastremska, from the competition in the previous round. the woman from odesa lost in two games, 4:6, 2:6, and this match lasted almost
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an hour and a half. also performances in singles angelina kalinin stopped the first round of the roman tournament. she lost to the representative of greece, maria sakari. the greek was stronger in two games 7-4-6:0. this was kalina's first meeting with sekari on clay courts, and before the match in rome, the tennis players had met twice, winning each. so svitolina is the only ukrainian woman who continues to perform in rome, lesya tsurenko and marto kostiuk left the tournament even earlier. and then let's talk about boxing, it's almost a week until the fight, actually quite a lot, and the first blood has already been spilled, it's about the future megafight with the participation of ukrainian oleksandr usyk and today there was a fight between representatives of both teams, representatives of the british interrupted usyk's interview
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with the british tv channel sky sports and tyson fury's father john fury hit one of the representatives of usyk's team with his head. how it was, we can see further without comments. it is worth adding that tyson fury's father later apologized for the incident, but emphasized that in this way he was defending the honor of his son,
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who was said about something, and i will add also that the fight for the title of the absolute heavyweight boxing world champion will take place on may 18 in saudi arabia. both boxers in their professional careers, oleksandr usyk and tyson fury, have never lost, although fury has one draw. we will conclude with this. column, i wish you a quiet, peaceful evening, stay with espresso, my colleague vasyl zama will continue his great broadcast. thanks to yevhen pastokhov, and i think that it is possible that usyk will bring the last, as they say, diamond to his crown with this fight, but of course, we understand that the main battle today is taking place on... on the long front line, which stretched across many regions of our country, and that is where our soldiers need real help now, we ask you to join the collection for
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the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, in the open in all weathers, day and night, the enemy does not ask what your mood is, whether it is raining or not, whether it is day or night, so we understand that the army must respond constantly, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for operational repair of foreign equipment, our ambitious goal is uah 630,000, and... you have collected significantly larger amounts, both smaller and larger, now i will tell you how much we managed to collect as of now, well, we have 185,403, and we have... more
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we collected 10 00 hryvnias with you for this evening, i thank you very much, this is actually a good result, we will continue and we will make this collection as soon as possible, we waited for natalka didenko, the weather, mrs. natalya, first of all, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, and about what the weather will be like for the whole week and tomorrow directly, please tell me, thank you, and of course we will talk about the weather and the next day and look a little further into... ahead, but that's all literally in a moment. hello everyone, and before we talk about the weather, i'd like to mention about a very beautiful, unusual, such a powerful, large-scale phenomenon as the aurora borealis, we did not often mention it before, but now we observe it in ukraine as well, and on the night
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of may 11, the northern siyaevo was observed in donetsk region, dnipropetrovsk region, kirovohrad region, odesa, in ternopil, in ternopil region, zakarpattia, in cherkasy and kharkiv regions, well, a series of flares came from the sun, which were accompanied by the emission of large clouds of plasma and which were directed in our direction, in the direction of the earth, that is why there was a great magnetic storm, the power what was very high, and if usually the aurora borealis is of such a... greenish color, this time it was bright pink, cherry-red, in order to observe the aurora borealis, several factors need to coincide: a useless sky and a geomagnetic storm, er, then you will observe this, and the northern aurora itself is an optical phenomenon of the glow of certain areas of the night sky and occurs in the upper layers of the atmosphere under the influence of flows of charged particles, which the magnetic field itself
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directs to the field. sat down, and now we moving on to geomagnetic behavior, to the forecast of magnetic storms, now you will have a forecast chart from which we will see that fluctuations will be observed tomorrow, there is geomagnetic activity, there are magnetic storms, that is, they are predicted, but i would like to say that today they are even more active , tomorrow the decline is already starting, but still this geomagnetic activity will continue, please, who noticed what is reacting, in what way the well-being is negatively deteriorating, take this forecast into account, and actually the weather, we are talking about the weather, which is expected tomorrow the next day, and traditionally we start from the western regions, so far everyone complains that the weather is cold, and tomorrow it will be the warmest, actually here in the west of ukraine, plus 16 + 21 + 16 + 22 degrees of precipitation. it will be sunny, so
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it will be very warm in the west tomorrow, compared to other regions of ukraine. in the north of ukraine, the next night will be very cold, somewhere +2 -6° on the surface of the soil and frost, during the day, as you can see, the maximum air temperature is, well, +11 +14°, that is, moderately warm. in the east of ukraine tomorrow it is assumed that the air temperature is also slightly higher, as in... the north, for example, +13, +16, and in donetsk region there is a possibility of periodic rains, in kharkiv region and luhansk region without precipitation. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, the anticyclonic nature of the weather will prevail, the atmospheric pressure will be high, there will be no precipitation, there will be a lot of sun, white clouds, and the air temperature will be +13-+15°. in the southern part of ukraine, the weather will be very, so to speak, extraordinary tomorrow, because the south tomorrow is not the coldest in ukraine in general, which...
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contradicts our classical climate knowledge, tomorrow the maximum there is only +10-+12°, well, it is traditionally a bit higher in the crimea, and rain will join this cold, and i would like to casually say that in kherson oblast and priozova there may even be tomorrow moderate or heavy showers. in kyiv, the capital, the weather is expected to be dry tomorrow, there will be a lot of sun, the air temperature will hover around +12°, but the coming night will still be cold, somewhere around +3-+5°. and on the outskirts of kyiv, in the kyiv region, there is even a fairly high probability of frost, this is the closest one synoptic perspective, to all those who are cold, i want to tell you, to reassure you, that we start to warm up somewhere from the middle of the week, that is, the second half of this current week will already be clearly warmer, how many degrees and whether there will be rain, of course, as always in our next specified...


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